HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.eDate: 2 April 2012 Item No. APPROVE COST -SHARE CONTRACT WITH DAKOTA COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT TO INSTALL NORTH PARK RAINGARDEN RETROFIT Proposed Action Move to approve Cost -Share Contract, and Operations and Maintenance Plan with Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District (DCSWCD) for the retrofit of a raingarden in North Park. Overview Under current conditions, stormwater runoff from the 2.96 acre parking lot at North Park is collected in the storm sewer system and discharged without any treatment to the headwaters of North Creek, a tributary to the Vermillion River. The project includes the installation of a 2,000 square foot raingarden. Through the modification of a catch basin, the project will capture stormwater runoff from approximately 90% of the parking lot and direct runoff to the raingarden. The installation of a raingarden is estimated to reduce stormwater runoff volume and pollutants by approximately 60 %. The project is located in a high visibility area of the park and will serve as a water quality demonstration project. Installation of the project will be done primarily by a contractor, but components of the project will involve community members. The Lakeville Rotary Club will be contributing some funding for the project and Rotary members will assist in the planting of the raingarden. The total estimated cost of the project is $37,347.35. The grant is a 35/65 percent cost share grant where the City's contribution will consist of in -kind services for design assistance, construction administration, hauling of mulch and approximately $1,185. The land value is also included as part of the city's match. The Lakeville Rotary Club has also committed $1,000 for the purchase of the plants in the raingarden. The remaining cost of the project ($24,275.78) will be paid by the DCSWCD. Primary Issues to Consider • Who is responsible for maintaining the raingarden? The grant requires the City to maintain the raingarden for a minimum of ten years. The raingarden has been designed so that maintenance costs are minimized in the future with the used of sumps and pretreatment areas as well as plantings that are designed to reduce the amount of weeding that is required. Supporting Information • North Park Stormwater Retrofit Factsheet. • Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District Urban Cost Share Program Contract. McKenzie ' afferty Environmental Resources Manager Financial Impact: $1,185 Budgeted: Yes Source: 2012 Utility Fund Env. Res. Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: Project Factsheet North Park Stormwater Retrofit Project: A retrofit bioretention cell totaling 2,000 square feet to provide water L quality treatment for the first 1/2 inch of runoff from approximately 2.14 acres of existing parking lot and streets _ J Ir 1.1001) 1k glee cIho, and standp,JP UP rs 004/ 1,01,11 e1 hee ,let,,o1) Eal tins pipe 50 storm Sump for sedil0 uI elolago and teller Pm Marl I 1 1 t -lol ((P 111) Sda.V.`• 10 INC Plpe Funding: Landowner is requesting Community Conservation Partnership cost share not to exceed $24,275.78 (65 %) IL J North Park Project Site 17100 Ipava Avenue, Lakeville MN 55044 !, Pretreatment Area - teefslone pavers, 150 sq. ft (see (Cataib Meer A Wait C' liar Knit Filter ',rid. it 1!ierY (. P hen Costs: The total project cost is estimated at $37,347.35 Scarify Fibs anA Ow Englneel Ed soil- undc_>, 9wog sells Plant With Nnuve Slbrubs, P2 (onlailler PO be vr,1:ted ,an p100mt 1;1. „11.1_ I Bioretention Cell 2,000 square feet Connect 4' PVC I5oikl) le hxist CP V' Wore Gate Val d Valve Pan Per Lselail. Cut Valve bon Fkr;h Wllh 011,11 Grade. Senn winitcluni eie f or. 1071 5 i - :.hrerldec. Otrdwied mulch Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District 4100 220th St. W., Suite 102, Farmington, MN 55024 651- 480 -7777 www.dakotaswcd.org 1074 10773 10- 1: 1111,0 LAW r Location: Lakeville Minnesota Practice: Stormwater Retrofit ( Bioretention) Project Benefits; Runoff volume reduction Reduction in TSS and Phosphorus Reduction in Bacteria Improved water quality Opportunity for public outreach and education Partner: Dakota County Watershed: Vermillion River Construction: 2012 Revised 3/2212012 Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District Urban Cost Share Program Contract File No: 12 -CCP -003 Date: 3/22/12 Project Name: North Park Stormwater Retrofit Address / City: 17100 'pave Avenue, Lakeville, MN Township: 114N_ Range: _20W Section: _8 1/4 Section: . Applicant / Contact: _City of Lakeville, Mac Cafferty Address: 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044 Phone No: L952 )_985 -4520 Fax: ( I (we), the undersigned Applicant, do hereby request cost -share assistance to help defray the cost of installing the Project as listed below subject to the following terms and conditions. It is agreed that: 1. The Applicant is solely responsible to obtain all permits and perform the work in compliance with local, state and federal regulations. 2. The Project must be completed in compliance with the approved plans, specifications and the District's technical standards. Any requests to change the approved plans, specifications or costs estimates must be submitted in writing to the District for review and approval. 3. The District reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine Project compliance to its technical standards and may withhold or deny payment for Projects that are non - compliant, improperly installed and/or improperly maintained or payment requests for expenses the District determines to be non - essential to the Project. The Applicant is responsible to confirm project compliance with the District for critical project components, including but not limited to, final design, layout staking, sub -grade excavations, soil preparation, piping and appurtenance installations, site grading, planting and final site stabilization. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Applicant is responsible to correct all non - compliance issues to the satisfaction of the District at its sole expense. At its option, the District may determine the non - compliance of a single project component to be non - compliance for the project as a whole. 4. The Applicant is solely responsible for the cost of constructing the Project per the approved plans and specifications. Upon Project completion and acceptance by the District Board of Supervisors, the reimbursement payment to the Applicant is limited to a maximum of sixty -five (65) percent of the actual project expenses, not to exceed the maximum cost share amount. All requests for cost share payment must be supported by itemized project receipts and invoices determined by the District to be practical and reasonable for the completion of the Project. Partial payments prior to Project completion shall not be made unless otherwise agreed in writing. 5. The Applicant is responsible to comply with the Project Operation & Maintenance Plan and shall provide at his sole expense, all labor and materials to properly maintain the Project during its minimum effective life (10 Years). If the Project is removed or modified without consent of the Distinct, the Applicant shall be liable for monetary damages, not to exceed the amount of cost share received from the District for that Project. If land ownership is transferred to another party, it shall be the responsibility of the property owner /applicant who signed this contract to advise the new landowner that this contract shall remain in force. 6. This contract, when approved by the District Board of Supervisors, will remain in effect unless canceled by mutual agreement, except when installation of the Project covered by this contract has not been started by July 1, 2012, in which case this contract will automatically terminate on that date. 7. The Project will be installed by November 15, 2012, unless this contract is amended by mutual consent to reschedule the work and funding. 8. The Applicant is solely liable for his/her own acts and agrees to hold harmless and defend the District against claims, actions, demands or damages arising out of the performance of this Agreement. 9. The Applicant authorizes the Dakota County SWCD to take and disclose photographs of the conservation practice for use in publications or promotional materials or on their website for the purpose of highlighting the Dakota County SWCD's programs. I also authorize the Dakota County SWCD to disclose my name and applicable conservation practice information with any conservation practice photograph. Project Name : North Park Stormwater Retrofit Est. Project Cost: $ 37,347.35_ Requested Cost Share Amount $ 24,275.78 Applicant Signature * : (if different from property owner) Property Owner Signature * Address: Date: * If this is a group contract, this must be filed and signed by the group spokesperson as designated in the group agreement. * * *** *** *** * *** **** frt******************** *** * ** *** *** * *!r**k * * *Mr * **-k ** iii** * * ** ******** * * * * ** * *frfr * * **** This section to be completed by the Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District I have viewed the site where the above listed Project is to be installed and find that the estimated quantities and costs are practical and reasonable. Cost Estimate: $ 37,347.35 (other comments may be included on attached sheets) Certifier's Signature: Certifier's Title: Date: Cost Share Limits Project Approval Payment Approval ***** * * * * * * *** * *** * * * **** * * **** * **** Cost share is approved at percent ( %) of the total estimated project cost. The final cost share reimbursement amount shall be determined by applying the approved percentage to the total actual project costs as reviewed and approved and is limited to not exceed $ Project Approved By: Date: (Chair, Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors) Payment Approved By: (Chair, Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors) Date: Revised 2/04/10