HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.oApril 2, 2012 Item No.
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve agreement with
WSB & Associates Inc. for final engineering services identified as Phase 2, Items 6 -9,
and Phase 3, Item 10 associated with the Kenrick Trail Project.
City Council reviewed advancing the Kenrick Trail Project at the March 26, 2012 City
Council work session. As stated at the work session, approving the attached WSB
agreement would authorize completion of the final trail design, plans, construction,
complete the bidding process and authorize the necessary construction administration
by WSB through the construction process.
Attached is an agreement with WSB authorizing them to proceed with Phase 2 and 3 as
outlined in the original proposal. Funding has been programmed in the approved 2012
Park Dedication Fund for this project. Also, as suggested by Council, two alternate bid
scenarios will be offered. Both options are described on page 4. By providing this
option, it presents an opportunity for contractors to accelerate the project providing
incentives to both the City and the contractor.
Staff is therefore recommending City Council consider approving the attached
agreement with WSB to complete the final engineering services for construction of the
Kenrick Trail Project. If City Council has any questions prior to the meeting, please do
not hesitate to contact me.
Primary Issues to Consider
• Timely receipt of the federal grant funding
Supporting Information
• Lake Marion Area Trail Extension / Right -of Way Agreement, Phase 2 and 3
v C---? _tom
Gerald S. Michaud
Parks & Recreation Director
Financial Impact: $111,042.00 Budgeted: Source: Park Dedication Fund
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
cti Associal(w. hle. Infrastructure ■ Engineering ■ Planning ■ Construction
March 28, 2012
Mr. Steve Michaud
Parks and Recreation Director
City of Lakeville
20195 Holyoke Avenue
Lakeville, MN 55044
Re: Proposal for Final Design and Construction Services
Lake Marion Area Trail Extension
City of Lakeville, MN
Dear Mr. Michaud:
701 Xenia Avenue South
Suite #300
Minneapolis, MN 55416
Tel: 763541 -4800
Fax: 763 541 -1700
We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal for professional engineering services
relating to the final design and construction of the Lake Marion Area Trail Extension. The
proposed scope of work, estimated cost and schedule presented in the attached proposal is based
on the current work being completed on the project and our knowledge of the State and Federal
funding requirements for these types of projects.
As indicated in our proposal we are currently completing work on Phase 1 — Project
Development for the project in anticipation of beginning construction during the fall of 2012.
If this proposal is acceptable, please execute the signature block below and return as our
authorization to proceed. We are excited to continue our partnership with the City of Lakeville.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our proposal.
WSB & Associates, Inc
Lake Marion Area Trail Extension
Charles Rickart, PE
Principal / Project Engineer
City of Lakeville, MN
S.P. 188 - 118 -004
The City of Lakeville was successful in 2009 in securing Federal Transportation Enhancement
funding for the Lake Marion Area Trail Extension and Bury Bluff Right of way Acquisition.
On August 1, 2011 the City Council authorized Phase 1— Project Development (preliminary
design, environmental documents, right -of -way plan and descriptions) for the project.
Over the past year the City of Lakeville and Dakota County have been in active communication
with the property owners of the Bury Bluff area. Through these discussions it has become very
apparent that until such time as this property is developed and the current mining operations are
completed, there will not be any potential for acquisition of even part of the property. As a part
of Phase 1, Project Development, the City has reviewed possible alternative trail alignments that
would provide the same benefit to the local and regional recreational trail and park system. It
should be noted that the City is NOT abandoning the Bury Bluffs trail, only providing a viable
option that can be planned and constructed within the funding time frame and that the Cities Park
and Open Space system plan still identifies the Burry Bluff as a priority acquisition. The result of
the alternative review determined that the 195 Street trail alignment was a viable option to the
Bury Bluff alignment.
Based on the new alignment the City initiated and has received approval for a "Scope Change"
for the project through the Metropolitan Council. The attached exhibit shows the revised project
location. The project will include the following components: The primary changes are shown as
a) Construct a 8 -foot multi - purpose trail adjacent to Kenrick Avenue between 185 °i
Street and 205 Street;
b) Purchase 14 acres (six additional acres to be secured through park dedication) for a
park and trail area in a scenic bluff location overlooking the northwest portion of
Lake Marion; (this element will be completed as development occurs on the Burry
Bluff property with possible funding from the State Heritage Conservation Grant,
Dakota County and Park Dedication fees)
c) Construct a 10 -foot multi -use trail through the purchased bluff area to be part of a
Dakota County regional greenway. (this element will be completed as development
occurs on the Burry Bluffproperty with possible funding from Dakota County and
Park Dedication fees)
d) Construction of an 8-foot multi -use trail along 195 Street, connecting the regional
and local trail systems between Casperson Park, Ritter Farm Park and Murphy
Hanrehan Regional Park.
Scope of Services Page 1
The original estimated total cost for construction and right of way was $2,577,000.
Transportation Enhancement (TE) funding of $1,000,000 was approved with the City of
Lakeville and Dakota County funding the remaining $1,577,000 using a variety of sources. The
$1,000,000 was allocated $677,000 for the trail construction and $323,000 for right of way
Based on the proposed change in scope and the preliminary Phase 1 (30 %) plan the following
estimated cost has been developed:
Kenrick Avenue Trail $923,000
195 Street Trail $110,000
Total Construction Cost $1,033,000
Based on the revised estimate the City will be receiving $826,400 in Federal funding and will be
required to provide the $206,600 matching funds using a combination of City and County
sources. It should be noted that this project was originally programed for FY 2014. With the City
advancing the project to FY 2012 they will be required to advance the federal portion of the
funding for payback in FY 2014. The earliest the City can request these funds is July 1, 2013.
The next steps in proceeding with the project, anticipating a fall 2012 beginning to the
construction, would be completion of the final detail design, bidding and construction. The
following Scope of Work outlines the required tasks to complete these phases:
Phase 2 — Detail Design / Bidding (final design, cost estimates, permits, approvals, contract
documents and bidding), Tasks 6 — 9
Phase 3 — Construction Administration (observation, documentation, administration, survey
staking), Task 10
Following the Scope of Work a summary of the Estimated Fee and an anticipated Project
Schedule is included.
Scope of Services Page 2
Phase 1 — Project Development — Authorized by City Council August 11, 2011
Task 1— Project Management
Task 2 — Data Collection / Survey / Base Mapping
Task 3 — Preliminary Design (30% Plans)
Task 4 — Project Environmental Documentation (Project Memorandum)
Task 5 — Right of Way Plan / Descriptions
Phase 2 — Detail Design / Bidding
Task 6 — Final Design
WSB will perform design computations, calculate quantities and prepare final design plans. The
final construction plan set will be in conformance with all Mn/DOT State Aid and Federal Aid
requirements and include:
1. Title Sheet
2. General Layout
3. Removals
4. Statement of Estimated Quantities
5. Soils and Construction Notes
6. Utility Tabulations
7. Quantity Tabulations
8. Typical Sections
9. Details
10, Alignment Plans and Tabulations
11. Construction Plans and Profiles
12. Bridge Plans and Details
13. Grading, Erosion Control, and Turf Establishment Plans
14. Signing and Striping Plans
15. Cross Sections
16. Landscaping Plans
Final plans will be submitted to the City for review and requested changes incorporated. The
revised plans will then be submitted to Mn/DOT State Aid for review. Once Mn/DOT comments
have been incorporated, a final copy of the plans will be submitted for signature. A copy of the
plan in electronic format will be provided to the City.
Project Principal 20
Project Manager 54
Project Engineer 80
Technician 110
Total Hours 264
Scope of Services Page 3
Task 7 — Construction Cost Estimate
WSB will prepare a construction cost estimate at the Preliminary Plan and Final Plan points in
the project to establish and refine the estimated construction cost. Additionally, we will tabulate
the construction cost splits based on Federal and local cost participation based on funding levels.
Total Hours 30
Task 8 — Permits / Approvals
WSB will coordinate and submit the project for review and / or approval from the following
agencies. For any pei7nits required WSB will prepare the permit for City signature and submit the
permit on the City's behalf.
• City of Lakeville
• Mn/DOT Federal Aid (Metro District and Central Office)
• Dakota County
• Vermillion JPO
• US Corps of Engineers
• Mn/DNR
Project Principal 8
Project Manager 28
Project Engineer 20
Technician 12
Total Hours 68
Task 9 — Bidding / Contract Documents
WSB will prepare Special Provisions for all items, details, designs and procedures for the project
which are not covered in the project's governing specifications (Mn /DOT's Standard
Specifications for Construction) or the current Supplemental Specifications. The provision for
each item will contain a description, materials, construction requirements, method of
measurement and basis of payment.
Alternate bid forms and documents will be included for two schedule scenarios: the first bid
alternate would be completing the project with no schedule restrictions other than normal end of
the year weather and temperature requirements. The contractor would be able to set their own
schedule including paving all or portions of the project in the fall of 2012; the second bid
alternate would be restricting the amount and nature of the work in the fall of 2012 and spring of
2013 prior to the City receiving the Federal funds in July of 2013.
Scope of Services Page 4
Project Principal
Project Manager
Project Engineer
Total Hours 30
Task 8 — Permits / Approvals
WSB will coordinate and submit the project for review and / or approval from the following
agencies. For any pei7nits required WSB will prepare the permit for City signature and submit the
permit on the City's behalf.
• City of Lakeville
• Mn/DOT Federal Aid (Metro District and Central Office)
• Dakota County
• Vermillion JPO
• US Corps of Engineers
• Mn/DNR
Project Principal 8
Project Manager 28
Project Engineer 20
Technician 12
Total Hours 68
Task 9 — Bidding / Contract Documents
WSB will prepare Special Provisions for all items, details, designs and procedures for the project
which are not covered in the project's governing specifications (Mn /DOT's Standard
Specifications for Construction) or the current Supplemental Specifications. The provision for
each item will contain a description, materials, construction requirements, method of
measurement and basis of payment.
Alternate bid forms and documents will be included for two schedule scenarios: the first bid
alternate would be completing the project with no schedule restrictions other than normal end of
the year weather and temperature requirements. The contractor would be able to set their own
schedule including paving all or portions of the project in the fall of 2012; the second bid
alternate would be restricting the amount and nature of the work in the fall of 2012 and spring of
2013 prior to the City receiving the Federal funds in July of 2013.
Scope of Services Page 4
WSB will prepare the final bid package for distribution to prospective bidders. The bid package
will include all documents required for the Federal funding. It is assumed that the City will
provide the boiler plate information including contract documents and standard City
specifications in electronic format.
WSB will provide information necessary for the advertisement of bids and distribution of bid
packages. We will be available to address any questions including issuing any addendums if
required through the bidding process. WSB will be in attendance at the bid opening and will
verify the bids and will make a recommendation of award to the City.
Project Principal 8
Project Manager 28
Project Engineer 40
Technician 16
Total Hours 92
Phase 3 — Construction Administration
Task 10 — Construction Administration
WSB will follow the Delegated Contract Process (DCP) outlined by Mn/DOT for construction contract
administration. The WSB Project Manager will be responsible for all construction administration
activities. At the beginning of the project, a preconstruction conference will be conducted.
During the course of the project, weekly construction progress meetings will be conducted by the Project
Manager. Periodic visits to the site will be made by the Project Manager. The project Manager /Engineer
will be responsible for preparing all pay estimates, change orders, reviewing shop drawings, materials
and suppliers, and preparing the final acceptance letter. The Project Manager /Engineer will provide
coordination to all utility companies, property owners, surveyors, and all project personnel.
Prior to construction, WSB will provide staking for the construction phase. WSB will also provide day -
to -day on -site observation and record keeping of the construction and activities consistent with all
Mn/DOT Federal Aid requirements, the DCP, as well as providing coordination and record keeping for
contractor invoice approvals, change orders, and other construction coordination.
Project Principal 20
Project Manager
Project Engineer
Const Observer
Survey Crew
Total Hours 772
The above estimate of hours is based on assuming 4 to 6 weeks of construction in the fall of
2012 and 6 to 8 weeks of construction in 2013. Once the project has been bid, a contractor on
board and a construction schedule provided a more detail hourly estimated can be provided.
Scope of Services Page 5
Based on the hours outlined for each task and WSB fee schedule (attached), it is estimated that
the cost for design and construction engineering services will be as outlined below:
Currently WSB has a Consultant Engineering Services Agreement with the City. As outlined in
that agreement our engineering services should be calculated using the ASCE fee curves based
on the construction cost of the project. These fee curves are typically used for standard
construction projects with either average or above - average complexity. We are assuming that the
Lake Marion Area Trail Extension Project is an above - average complexity project because of the
additional construction plan details and requirements needed for the Federal funding. When
calculating these fees, items such as, Surveying (Task 2), Environmental Documents (Task 4),
Right of Way Plan (Task 5) and Construction Administration (Task 10) are not typically
Scope of Services Page 6
Phase 1— Project Development
Task 1—
Project Management
Task 6 —Final
Task 2 —
Data Collection / Survey / Mapping
Task 7 —
Task 3 —
Preliminary Design
Task 8 —
Task 4 —
Project Environmental Document
Task 9 —
Task 5 —
Right -of -Way Plan /Descriptions
Total Phase 1 Cost (.Authorized 8/11/2011)
Currently WSB has a Consultant Engineering Services Agreement with the City. As outlined in
that agreement our engineering services should be calculated using the ASCE fee curves based
on the construction cost of the project. These fee curves are typically used for standard
construction projects with either average or above - average complexity. We are assuming that the
Lake Marion Area Trail Extension Project is an above - average complexity project because of the
additional construction plan details and requirements needed for the Federal funding. When
calculating these fees, items such as, Surveying (Task 2), Environmental Documents (Task 4),
Right of Way Plan (Task 5) and Construction Administration (Task 10) are not typically
Scope of Services Page 6
Phase 2 and 3 — Detail Design / Bidding l Construction
Phase 2 — Detail Design / Bidding
Task 6 —Final
Task 7 —
Construction Cost Estimate
Task 8 —
Permits /Approvals
Task 9 —
Bidding / Contract Documents
Total Phase 2 Cost
Phase 3 — Construction
Task 10
— Construction Administration
Total Phase 3 Cost
Total Cost Phase 2 and 3
Currently WSB has a Consultant Engineering Services Agreement with the City. As outlined in
that agreement our engineering services should be calculated using the ASCE fee curves based
on the construction cost of the project. These fee curves are typically used for standard
construction projects with either average or above - average complexity. We are assuming that the
Lake Marion Area Trail Extension Project is an above - average complexity project because of the
additional construction plan details and requirements needed for the Federal funding. When
calculating these fees, items such as, Surveying (Task 2), Environmental Documents (Task 4),
Right of Way Plan (Task 5) and Construction Administration (Task 10) are not typically
Scope of Services Page 6
The preliminary construction cost estimate based on the preliminary plans completed with Phase
1 is $1,033,000. Using this estimated cost and assuming an above - average complexity project a
7.8% fee ($80,574) for basic engineering services can be expected. Comparing this to our
estimated fee in the table above (removing Tasks 2, 4, 5 and 10) we are estimating the fee at
$61,490 or approximately 6.0 %. We therefore feel that our estimate is reasonable and are
requesting that the above fee of $111,042 for Phase 2 and Phase 3 be approved as a cost not to
exceed. WSB will only bill for those hours actually work on the project and will not proceed
with any additional work without approval by the City. The Construction Administration fee is
based on the estimated time outlined in the scope of work. Once the project is bid and a
contractor schedule is provided a revised cost will be provided if necessary.
Scope of Services Page 7
Phase 1— Project Development — Authorized by City Council on August 1, 2011
Scone Change Renuest
• TAC Funding and Programing Committee ......................... Approved — February 16, 2012
• TAC ...................................... ............................... .......................Approved - March 7, 2012
• TAB Programming Committee ......................... .......................Approved - March 21, 2012
• TAB .................................... ............................... .......................Approved - March 21, 2012
Preliminary Design
• 30% Plan ............................................................................... ............................... Completed
• Layout Submittal to Mn/DOT and County for Approval ............................ March 30, 2012
Right of Wav Acquisition
• Initial Parcel Work and Landowner Notification (By City) ....................March /April 2012
• Construction Limits Determined ........................................... ............................... Completed
• Parcel Descriptions and Exhibits .................................... ............................... April 20, 2012
• Acquisition (By City) ........................ ............................... ..........................April / May 2012
• Title and Possession ............................................................... ............................... June 2012
• R/W Certificate #1 ................................................................. ............................... June 2012
Proiect Development and Documentation
• Draft PM Submittal ....................................................... ............................... March 30, 2012
• Final PM Submittal (pending Mn/DOT review time) ........... ............................... April 2012
• PM Approval (pending Mn/DOT review time) ..................... ............................... May 2012
Phase 2 and Phase 3 — Detail Design / Bidding / Construction Administration
Final Design and Construction
• City Council Authorize Final Design and Construction Administration
• Final Design Preparation
■ 60% Plan Submittal ...................................... ...............................
■ 95% Mn/DOT Plan Submittal ...................... ...............................
■ Mn/DOT State Aid Plan Approval .............. ...............................
• Permits ........................... ...............................
• Bidding .......................... ...............................
• Begin Construction ........ ...............................
• Complete Construction .. ...............................
April 2, 2012
.... April 27, 2012
..... May 18, 2012
........... June 2012
May / June 2012
June / July 2012
....... August 2012
..... Summer 2013
Scope of Services Page 8
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Lake Marion Trail Extension Scope Change Request
S.P. 188 -118 -004 Exhibit 1
Project Location
City of Lakeville, Minnesota January 26 2012
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Lake Marion Trail Extension Scope Change Request
S.P. 188-118-004 Exhibit 2
City of Lakeville, Minnesota Project Layout
January 26, 2012
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