HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 08• April 2, 2012 Item No. RESOLUTION APPROVING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AND FINANCING FOR THE HERITAGE CENTER Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Resolution Approving Construction Contracts and Financing for the Heritage Center. Approval of the motion will result in the approval of construction contracts and financing for the Heritage Center. Overview The City Council, at its February 21 meeting adopted a resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing the taking of bids for the Heritage Center Project. Bids were opened on March 20. Contegrity Group has reviewed the bids and is recommending the awarding of contracts. The financing for the Heritage Center proposed in August 2011 anticipated the availability of CDBG funds for the project. However, the CDBG funds have since been determined not to be a viable revenue source. Therefore, the fund raising activities will be increased and the budget adjusted accordingly. Concerns were expressed at the February 21 meeting regarding the use of Park Dedication Funds for interim financing until such time as the existing senior center is sold and the fund raising objectives are achieved. Based on the discussions at the March 26 City Council work session, the proposed Resolution provides for the interim financing from the Liquor Fund. The construction and financing budget are now recommended to be $1,094,474, a reduction of $25,526. Primary Issues to Consider (see responses attached hereto) • Construction Contracts • Estimated Project Budget • Project Financing • Recognition of Donations and Contributions • Estimated operational costs and financing Sui vortim! Imformation 1 .. Stev Michaud, Director of Parks and Recreation Financial Impact: $ 1,094,474 Budgeted: Yes. Source: Heritage Center Project Fund Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: Primary Issues to Consider Construction Contracts The staff and the construction manager, Contegrity Group, are recommending awarding the bids to the lowest responsible bidders as shown below. The low bid for concrete (A &L Construction) has requested to withdraw their bid because of inaccurately calculating the quantities. The list of bids received for the Heritage Center Project is attached to Exhibit A of the Resolution. Estimated Project Budget As a result of the City Council's action taken on February 21, bids were opened on Tuesday March 20, 2012 for the Heritage Center Project. Based on the prices submitted by the apparent low bidders, the estimated budget for the Heritage Center project as of April 2, 2012 is $1,094,474 which is approximately $25,526 less than the previous budget estimates. There were no substantive changes in the overall project design from what was provided to the City Council at the January 23 work session and the February 21 meeting. However, bid documents (categories) were structured in such a manner as to achieve the best possible pricing. The budget for the bid categories (bid packages) is equal to the division line items ($1.12 million) provided to the City Council at the January 23 work session. The January 23, 2012 estimate shown on the following page is based on the bid categories — not divisions. The overall January 23 estimated budget ($1.12 million) did not change. 2 Budget Proposed Estimate Contract As of Description of Work Contractor Total Jan. 23, 2012 Earthwork/Utilities Max Steininger 98,892 107,207 Concrete Thompson Construction 61,750 63,536 Carpentry and Gypsum Friedges Drywall 92,300 65,192 Roofing Kato Roofing 86,000 107,236 Doors /frames Kendell Doors & Hardware 27,143 10,850 Tile MCI, Inc 4,000 5,775 Acoustical Treatments Twin Cities Acoustics Inc 22,795 17,864 Flooring MCI, Inc 38,840 60,401 Painting Full Specturm 11,890 21,861 Fire protection Quality Design and Fire P. 41,003 34,978 Mechanical/plumbing Westman Plumbing 29,900 15,500 Heating, vent and air SCR, Inc. 111,900 64,500 Electrical VINCO Inc. 56,600 87,155 Total contracts 683,013 662,055 The low bid for concrete (A &L Construction) has requested to withdraw their bid because of inaccurately calculating the quantities. The list of bids received for the Heritage Center Project is attached to Exhibit A of the Resolution. Estimated Project Budget As a result of the City Council's action taken on February 21, bids were opened on Tuesday March 20, 2012 for the Heritage Center Project. Based on the prices submitted by the apparent low bidders, the estimated budget for the Heritage Center project as of April 2, 2012 is $1,094,474 which is approximately $25,526 less than the previous budget estimates. There were no substantive changes in the overall project design from what was provided to the City Council at the January 23 work session and the February 21 meeting. However, bid documents (categories) were structured in such a manner as to achieve the best possible pricing. The budget for the bid categories (bid packages) is equal to the division line items ($1.12 million) provided to the City Council at the January 23 work session. The January 23, 2012 estimate shown on the following page is based on the bid categories — not divisions. The overall January 23 estimated budget ($1.12 million) did not change. 2 The revised Heritage Center Project budget as of April 2 compared to the January 23 budget estimate is as follows: The following are comments and observations regarding the April 2 budget estimates compared to the January 23 budget estimates. • The Architect and Construction Manager were retained by the City Council in September and October 2011 respectively. During the ensuing months, the Construction Manager refined the line item budget estimates based on the plans developed by the Architect. The overall January 23, 2012 budget ($1.12 million) remained unchanged from the August 1, 2011 budget estimate. 3 As of As of Description of Work April 2, 2012 Jan. 23, 2012 Variance Earthwork/Utilities 98,892 107,207 (8,315) Concrete 61,750 63,536 (1,786) Carpentry and Gypsum 92,300 65,192 27,108 Roofing 86,000 107,236 (21,236) Doors /frames 27,143 10,850 16,293 Tile 4,000 5,77.5 (1,775) Acoustical Treatments 22,795 17,864 4,931 Flooring 38,840 60,401 (21,561) Painting 11,890 21,861 (9,971) Fire protection 41,003 34,978 6,025 Mechanical/plumbing 29,900 15,500 14,400 Heating, vent and air 111,900 64,500 47,400 Electrical 56,600 87,155 (30,555 Total contracts 683,013 662,055 20,958 Masonry - materials 9,184 9,184 - Bituminous and trucking 5,000 34,452 (29,452) Aluminum entrances 21,945 23,545 (1,600) Fireplace - materials 6,921 6,000 921 General requirements 76,318 76,318 - Construction Manager 39,900 39,900 - Architect/engineer 60,750 60,750 - Furniture 29,785 29,785 - Kitchen equipment 19,660 20,100 (440) Technology 12,000 12,000 - Automated temperature controls 20,000 20,000 - Miscellaneous 41,210 42,245 (1,035) Contingency 68,788 83,666 (14,878 Total budget estimate $ 1,094,474 $ 1,120,000 $ (25,526 The following are comments and observations regarding the April 2 budget estimates compared to the January 23 budget estimates. • The Architect and Construction Manager were retained by the City Council in September and October 2011 respectively. During the ensuing months, the Construction Manager refined the line item budget estimates based on the plans developed by the Architect. The overall January 23, 2012 budget ($1.12 million) remained unchanged from the August 1, 2011 budget estimate. 3 • Subsequent to review of plans with the City Council at the January 23 work session, the Architect and Construction Manager commenced preparation of the contract drawings and specifications. During the preparation of drawings and specifications, a number of constructability details as well as the facility systems functions were addressed. Although there were no substantive changes in the overall layout design of the end use spaces, attending to and developing the construction details in compliance to various codes along with the further inventory of existing conditions, affected costs in some disciplines such as HVAC, mechanical /plumbing and carpentry. • Earthwork and Utilities. The earthwork and utilities contract is a combination of elements from various divisions such as "Existing Conditions ", "Earthwork ", Exterior Improvements" and "Utilities ". Also, the concrete provisions previous contained in the "Exterior Improvements" division is included in the Concrete contract. The City has also received a significant in -kind donation from Valley Paving. • Carpentry and Gypsum. The carpentry and gypsum exceeded budget for an assortment of reasons and not necessarily one or two items. The carpentry and gypsum bid package is a catch all category designed to acquire a "jack of all trades" contractor of sorts, to fill all the incidental gaps of a remodeling project. The more than anticipated structural steel component pieces, more area of wall patching, installation of new door hardware in lieu of leaving existing hardware on salvaged doors, and along with the wood blocking around the roof edges which was previously in thermal and moisture protection line item are the major contributing factors to deviations in the budget line item. • Doors/Frames. The doors and frames exceeded budget due to the need to replace most of the frames a number of doors and a large amount of the finish hardware. Originally it was perceived that the City would be able to salvage doors frames and hardware for reuse and budgeted very little for this item. However, during the inventory of the existing conditions during the design phases it became apparent that much of the hardware functions were inappropriate in addition to a shortage of doors and frames. A total of 16 doors are being salvaged for reuse. • Roofing. Bids were significantly less than budget estimates as a result of the highly competitive environment. The midpoint between the high and low bid was $116,725 which supports the budget estimate. • Mechanical / Plumbing. The actual cost of the plumbing component of the contract will exceed budget as a result of ADA requirements and health department requirements in the kitchen area. There is no plumbing work required in the shower rooms or fitness room. • Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) / Plumbing. The project includes 5 new roof top units for more individual area control. The cost exceeds budget estimates due to ductwork changes, kitchen range hood, gas piping for rooftop units, and other prudent decisions made during the design development stage. • Electrical. Bids were significantly less than budget estimates as a result of the highly competitive environment; the low bid is $56,000. The demolition work in advance of the bidding process may have influenced the resultant bids. There were no substantive 4 changes in the overall design elements. The midpoint between the high and low bid was $88,300 which supports the January 23 budget estimate of $86,000. • Masonry. Former Steller Construction employee Roger Jacobson has volunteered to install all masonry work at no cost provided the City furnishes the materials. Mr. Jacobson's volunteer efforts will result in an approximate $1.2- 13,000 in project savings. • General Requirements. Includes site coordination and supervision, dumpsters, construction testing, plan document printing, construction site staking, barricades, temporary controls and other related costs. • Miscellaneous. Provides for expenses such as site survey, block infill materials, demolition, electrical disconnect, replacement of fire alarm panel, builders risk insurance, safety supplies, MCES SAC units, site restoration of Historical Society building site, as well as HVAC testing and balancing. • Contingency. The Contingency has been reduced ($14,878) to $68,788 which is for unknown project related expenses. After the project is completed, any remaining balance in the Contingency will be appropriated to reduce fund raising obligations and /or appropriated to any future major maintenance projects, as the Council determines appropriate. Proiect Financin The financing of the Heritage Center is provided from several sources including City non -tax revenues (Building and Park Dedication Fund), sale of the existing Senior Center, Lakeville Senior Organization, fundraising activities as well as CDBG grant funds. The volunteer effort by seniors, local businesses and residents has been outstanding and in the end will be responsible for savings of several thousands of dollars, contributing to the feasibility of this project. The financing for the Heritage Center proposed in August 2011 anticipated the availability of CDBG funds for the project. However, the CDBG grant funds have since been determined not to be a viable revenue source. At least 51% of the facility users must meet the low and moderate income qualification test. Based on the results of the voluntary senior center membership survey as well as the potential user composition of the Historical Society and Yellow Ribbon group, it will be very difficult to meet the low and moderate income qualification test. CDBG funding requires compliance with the Davis Bacon Act with respect to ensuring all contractors are meeting or exceeding the prevailing wage rates for workers. The increased cost of program compliance reduces the benefits of this funding source. The existing Senior Center was financed in 1984 with a combination of CDBG grants and City funding. The CDBG grant conditions require reimbursement to the federal government in direct proportion to the original grant and total project cost. The City staff was able to negotiate a reduction in the CDBG reimbursement obligation from $189,750 to $136,682 by providing documentation of City investment in the facility since it was initially constructed. The overall project financing required for "Future Fund Raising" has therefore been reduced by $53,068 as a result of the reduction in the CDBG reimbursement. 61 The construction and financing budget are now recommended to be $1,094,474, a reduction of $25,526. The "Future Fund Raising" can be reduced from $337,750 to $259,156, which is a reduction of $78,594. The following is a summary of project financing revenue sources: The City Council, at its January 23, 2012 work session discussed appropriating Park Dedication Funds to the project until such time as the existing Senior Center is sold and future fund raising objectives are received. Concerns were expressed at the February 21 meeting regarding the use of Park Dedication Fund for interim financing until such time as the existing senior center is sold and the fund raising objectives are achieved. Based on the discussions at the March 26 City Council work session, the proposed Resolution provides for the interim financing from the Liquor Fund. Recognition of Donations and Contributions The City has received significant in -kind donations from a couple of businesses for the parking lot improvements. Residents have contributed hundreds of hours in volunteer efforts in demolition work and preparing the facility in advance of the construction. Numerous individuals continue to volunteer efforts with providing in -kind labor for certain aspects of the construction work such as masonry. Cash contributions have also been received from numerous individuals as well as community organizations. Staff is developing a plan to recognize the individuals; groups and businesses that have been an integral part of making this project a success. 6 Estimate April 2, 2012 Jan. 23, 2012 Aug. 1, 2011 Financial Sources City of Lakeville Building Fund 377,000 377,000 377,000 Park Dedication Fund 150,000 150,000 150,000 Total City Funds 527,000 527,000 527,000 Sale of Senior Center Market value 345,000 345,000 345,000 CDBG reimbursement (136,682) (189,750) (189,750) Net proceeds fi - om sale 208,318 155,250 155,250 CDBG grant funds 249,750 Lakeville Senior Organization 100,000 100,000 100,000 Fundraising activities Cash /pledged 70,165 Future Fund Raising 188,991 259,156 337,750 88,000 Total construction financing $ 1,094,474 $ 1,120,000 $ 1,120,000 The City Council, at its January 23, 2012 work session discussed appropriating Park Dedication Funds to the project until such time as the existing Senior Center is sold and future fund raising objectives are received. Concerns were expressed at the February 21 meeting regarding the use of Park Dedication Fund for interim financing until such time as the existing senior center is sold and the fund raising objectives are achieved. Based on the discussions at the March 26 City Council work session, the proposed Resolution provides for the interim financing from the Liquor Fund. Recognition of Donations and Contributions The City has received significant in -kind donations from a couple of businesses for the parking lot improvements. Residents have contributed hundreds of hours in volunteer efforts in demolition work and preparing the facility in advance of the construction. Numerous individuals continue to volunteer efforts with providing in -kind labor for certain aspects of the construction work such as masonry. Cash contributions have also been received from numerous individuals as well as community organizations. Staff is developing a plan to recognize the individuals; groups and businesses that have been an integral part of making this project a success. 6 Estimated operational costs and financing From project inception, it has been assumed that any increased operational costs incurred for this project would be paid for by new or additional non -tax revenue sources. The projected operating budget for the Heritage Center is approximately $230,316 which is approximately $22,296 more than if the existing facilities were operated as status quo. The following schedule summarizes the increased cost of the proposed facility compared to the status quo. Facility Operating Costs Status Quo Total Existing Senior Center $ 186,136 Existing Historical Society $ 7,090 "Former" Police Station $ 14,794 Total $ 208,020 Heritage Center $ 230,316 Estimated increased operating costs $ 22,296 Revenues to support the increased operating costs will be derived from a number of sources including, but not limited to, increased membership fees, fundraising and facility rental opportunities. The following is an overview of potential revenue sources. Annual Revenue Summary Senior membership fees Yellow Ribbon Historical Society Facility rental Fundraising Total Membership Dues Proposal $14,000418,000 $2,500 $2,500 $50041,000 $2,000 44,000 $21,500- $28,000 In recent years, the Senior Center has averaged about 1,000 members annually. Of the 1,000 members, approximately 60% are Lakeville residents and 40% are non - residents. In addition, approximately 40% of the resident members are couples. City staff recommended and plans to implement the following senior dues structure effective May 1, 2012: Membership fee Resident single member Resident couple Non - resident Current Proposed $9 $18 $15 $34 $15 $30 Staff believes it is reasonable to assume $14,000 - $18,000 of new member revenue based on the proposed fee structure and conservative estimates of membership renewals. 7 ❖ Annual Fundraising Activities Historical Society: The Historical Society will provide approximately $2,500 annually towards building operational expenses. Yellow Ribbon Organization: This organization has committed to providing $2,500 annually towards building operational expenses. Total annual fundraising to be applied to building operations: $5,000 ❖ Senior Center Annually, the Senior Center conducts 6 -8 fundraising events. The fundraising activities generate approximately $8,000- $10,000, of which $2,000 - $4,000 is appropriated to this project. Senior Center revenue from fundraising activities have been used to pay for producing the senior newsletter, postage to mail the newsletter, cost associated with special events, operational cost for fundraising activities and writing down the cost of major annual events. ❖ Facility Rental Revenue Proposal Staff anticipates that facility rentals will increase over time, but are estimating a conservative amount ($500- $1,000 per year) the first few years of the facility being open. 8 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION APPROVING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AND FINANCING FOR THE HERITAGE CENTER PROJECT WHEREAS, the City Council on August 1, 2011 approved a resolution approving the renovations of the former Police Station into a Senior Center /Historical Society Facility and directing staff to proceed with the planning and construction; and WHEREAS, the City Council on February 21, 2012 approved a resolution approving plans and specifications and setting a bid date for renovations of the former Police Station into Heritage Center; and WHEREAS, bids for the Heritage Center were opened on March 21, 2012. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota does hereby acknowledge receipt of the bids as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council does hereby acknowledge A &L Construction withdrawal of bids for Category 2 Concrete; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council does hereby approve the contracts as shown on Exhibit B attached hereto; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council does hereby approve the amendment to the Building Fund budget for the Heritage Project as shown on Exhibit C hereto; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council does hereby approve the interim financing to be provided by the Liquor Fund for the sale of the existing Senior Center (approximately $208,318) and future fundraising (approximately $188,991) until such revenues are received, at which time the funding will be restored to the Liquor Fund unless directed otherwise by the City Council. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2 nd day of April, 2012. CITY OF LAKEVILLE Mark Bellows, Mayor ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Clerk Exhibit A Bid Tabulation Bid Security Addendum BASE BID CATEGORY 1 - EARTHWORK /UTILITIES Max Steininger, Inc. x 1,2 98,892.00 A & L Construction, Inc. x 1,2 114,700.00 Friedges Excavating, Inc. X 1,2 117,935.00 New Look Contracting, Inc. X 1,2 136,845.50 MN Dirtworks, Inc. x 1,2 136,950.00 Cobalt Contracting X 1,2 159,920.00 Parkos Construction Company X 1,2 175,400.00 Leading Edge Contracting, LLC X 1,2 187,296.00 Urban Companies, LLc x 1,2 298,000.00 CATEGORY 2 - CONCRETE A & L Construction, Inc. x 1,2 44,700.00 Thompson Construction of Princeton, Inc. x 1,2 61,750.00 CATEGORY 3 -MASONRY Category 3 - Masonry deleted via Addendum #2 CATEGORY 4 - CARPENTRY & GYPSUM Friedges Drywall, Inc. x 1,2 92,300.00 George F. Cook Construction Company x 1,2 114,000.00 A & L Construction, Inc. x 1,2 116,500.00 Tekton Construction x 1,2 132,000.00 Crossroads Construction, Inc. x 1,2 136,850.00 Parkos Construction Company x 1,2 149,800.00 J S Cates Construction. Inc. x 1,2 242,000.00 CATEGORY 5 - ROOFING Kato Roofing, Inc. x 1,2 86,000.00 RHR3, Inc. x 1,2 87,000.00 Lake Area Roofing & Construction, Inc. x 1,2 98,907.00 A & L Construction, Inc. x 1,2 109,800.00 Nieman Roofing Company, Inc. x 1,2 111,600.00 Palmer West Construction Company, Inc. x 1,2 113,430.00 Thelen Heating & Roofing, Inc. x 1,2 116,000.00 McPhilips Brothers Roofing Company x 1,2 123,191.00 Central Roofing Company x 1,2 125,700.00 John A Dalsin & Son, Inc. x 1,2 126,900.00 Berwald Roofing Company, Inc. x 1,2 127,670.00 Horizon Roofing, Inc. x 1,2 127,700.00 Rosenquist Construction, Inc. x 1,2 134,775.00 Roof Tech, Inc. x 1,2 137,498.00 S G 0 Roofing and Construction, LLC x 1,2 147,451.00 Bid Security Addendum BASE BID CATEGORY 6 - DOORS /FRAMES & HARDWARE Kendell Doors & Hardware, Inc. x 1,2 27,143.00 Glewwe Doors, Inc. x 1,2 31,260.00 A & L Construction, Inc. x 1,2 38,100.00 CATEGORY 7 - ALUMINUM ENTRANCES & GLAZING No Bids Received CATEGORY 8 - TILE MCI, Inc. x 1,2 4,000.00 Grazzini Brothers & Company x 1 6,400.00 WTG Terrazzo & Tile, Inc. x 1,2 8,800.00 A & L Construction, Inc. x 1,2 11,700.00 CATEGORY 9 - ACOUSTICAL TREATMENTS Twin City Acoustics, Inc. x 1,2 22,795.00 A & L Construction, Inc. x 1,2 24,700.00 Kirk Acoustics x 1 25,330.00 CATEGORY 10 - FLOORING MCI, Inc. x 1,2 38,840.00 Floors By Beckers, Inc. x 1,2 39,183.00 Grazzini Brothers & Company x 1 40,915.00 St Paul Linoleum & Carpet Company x 1 41,682.00 A & L Construction, Inc. x 1,2 47,500.00 CATEGORY 11 - PAINTING Full Spectrum Finishing, Inc. x 1,2 11,890.00 Rainmaker Paint Contracting, LLC x 1,2 17,200.00 Wasche Commercial Finishes, Inc. x 1,2 25,245.00 Steinbrecher Painting, Inc. x 1,2 26,800.00 CATEGORY 12 - FIRE PROTECTION Quality Design & Fire Protection x 1,2 41,003.00 Summit Fire Protection x 1,2 58,275.00 Coastwise Fire Guard, Inc. x 1,2 59,450.00 CATEGORY 13 - MECHANICAL /PLUMBING Westman Plumbing, Inc. x 1,2 29,900.00 Spriggs Plumbing & Heating, Inc. x 1,2 33,925.00 Northland Mechanical Contractors, Inc. x 1,2 34,300.00 Klamm Mechanical Contractors, Inc. x 1,2 36,700.00 Wenzel- Plymouth Plumbing, LLC x 1,2 43,800.00 CATEGORY 14 - HVAC SCR, Inc. x 1,2 111,900.00 Optimum Mechanical Systems, Inc. x 1,2 119,300.00 Environ - Con, Inc. x 1,2 131,400.00 Thelen Heating & Roofing, Inc. x 1,2 142,000.00 Northland Mechanical Contractors, Inc. x 1,2 154,900.00 CATEGORY 15 - ELECTRICAL VINCO, INC x 1,2 56,600.00 Helm Electric, Inc. x 1,2 57,775.00 Peoples Electric Company, Inc. x 1,2 63,390.00 Schammel Electric, Inc. x 1,2 69,883.00 Bloomington Electric Company x 1,2 82,900.00 Phasor Electric Company x 1,2 86,400.00 Claude M. Anderson Electric Company x 1,2 120,900.00 CATEGORY 16 - FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT No Bids Received CATEGORY 17- FIREPLACE Woodland Stoves & Fireplaces No Bid Bond Bid Not Read Exhibit B Award of Contracts Contract Description of Work Contractor Total Earthwork/Utilities Max Steininger 98,892 Concrete Thompson Construction 61,750 Carpentry and Gypsum Friedges Drywall 92,300 Roofing Kato Roofing 86,000 Doors /frames Kendell Doors & Hardware 27,143 Tile MCI, Inc 4,000 Acoustical Treatments Twin Cities Acoustics Inc 22,795 Flooring MCI, Inc 38,840 Painting Full Specturm 11,890 Fire protection Quality Design and Fire P. 41,003 Mechanical /plumbing Westman Plumbing 29,900 Heating, vent and air SCR, Inc. 111,900 Electrical VINCO Inc. 56,600 Total contracts 683,013 Exhibit C Budget: Building Fund — Heritage Project Building Fund Adopted Adjust Amended Revenues City of Lakeville Building Fund Park Dedication Fund Total City Funds Sale of Senior Center Market value CDBG reimbursement Net proceeds from sale CDBG grant funds Lakeville Senior Organization Fundraising activities Cash /pledged received Future Fund Raising Total Revenues Expenditures 377,000 150,000 527,000 345,000 - (189,750) 53,068 155,250 53,068 249,750 (249,750) 100,000 88,000 171,156 $ 1,120,000 $ (25,526) 377,000 150,000 527,000 345,000 (136,682) 208,318 100,000 70,165 188,991 259,156 $ 1,094,474 Total Expenditures $ 1,120,000 $ (25,526) $ 1,094,474