HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.pProposed Action
April 2, 2012 City Council Meeting
Item No.
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to submit the DEED Innovative BDPI
grant application and pass the supporting resolution committing a local match.
Passage of this motion will result in submittal of a Minnesota Department of Employment and
Economic Development (DEED) Innovative Business Development Public Infrastructure (BDPI)
grant application.
Airlake Development is requesting the City of Lakeville apply for an Innovative BDPI grant from
DEED to help fund the extension of 215 Street/future County Road 70 to their property for a
new industrial park development. A graphic illustrating the proposed development is attached
in the application.
The Innovative BDPI grant program has a 1:1 match requirement which requires that for every
dollar of grant funding requested, there needs to be a match of an equal amount of outside
funding. The total cost for the eligible public improvement costs of the project is $1,171,887
thus the request is seeking grant funding in the amount of $585,943. It is also important to note
that Dakota County has committed to fund $206,090 in intersection and traffic signal
improvements at County Road 70 and Cedar Avenue for the project. The remainder of the
costs will be the responsibility of the developer and the adjacent benefiting property
owner /developer when it develops in the future.
If approved for funding by DEED, the City will enter into a development agreement with Airlake
Development to begin road construction this summer and complete the project this fall. The
County is also prepared to construct the necessary intersection and signal improvements this
The EDC discussed and recommended at their March 27 2012 meeting that the City Council
approve submitting the Innovative BDPI grant application to DEED.
Primary Issues to Consider
• How will the local match amount of $585,944 be funded? Dakota County has
committed $206,090 for intersection and traffic signal improvements, and the
remainder of $379,854 will be paid by the developer(s).
Supporting Information
• Copy of V ' EED Ionovgive BDPI grant application and supporting resolution
David L. Olson
Community and Economic Development Director
Financial Impact: $ 0 Budgeted: Y/N Source:
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville acts as the legal sponsor for project(s) contained in
the Business Development Infrastructure Application to be submitted on April 3, 2012.
WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville has the legal authority to apply for financial
assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure matching
funds, adequate construction, operation, maintenance and replacement of the
proposed project for its design life.
WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville has not violated any Federal, State, or local laws
pertaining to fraud, bribery, kickbacks, collusion, conflict of interest or other unlawful or
corrupt practice.
WHEREAS, upon approval of its application by the state, the City of Lakeville may enter
into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above - referenced project(s), and
will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in all contract agreements.
WHEREAS, upon approval of its application by the state, the City of Lakeville will
commit $585,944 towards the local match requirement.
WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville will repay the grant if milestones are not realized by
the completion date identified in the application.
WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and
rules of the Business Development Infrastructure Application.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville that
a Business Development Public Infrastructure grant application shall be submitted to
the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development for the Airlake
70 Industrial Development project.
DATED this 2 day of April 2012.
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
Mark Bellows, Mayor
Economic Development epartment of Employment
Business Development
Public Infrastructure
Application Packet
Funding provided by 2010 Bonding Bill Allotment for:
• The Greater Minnesota Business Development Public Infrastructure (BDPI) Grant
• The Innovative Business Development Public Infrastructure Program (formerly the
Bioscience BDPI Program)
Revised 9/23/10
Business Development Public Infrastructure
Program Concept
The Business Development Public Infrastructure (BDPI) Application allows Eligible Applicants to apply
for two programs:
• The Greater Minnesota Business Development Public Infrastructure (BDPI) Grant Program
• The Innovative Business Development Public Infrastructure (BDPI) Grant Program (formerly
Bioscience BDPI)
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) has the authority to
award funds to assist Eligible Applicants with the development of costly public infrastructure and in
some instances provide funding for the acquisition of land, the acquisition/construction of buildings
and/or the purchasing of equipment.
The goal of the Programs is to stimulate economic development activity by assisting local units of
government to provide infrastructure required to assist Minnesota's private sector in the creation or
retention of the highest quality jobs possible with a focus on industrial, manufacturing and technology
related industries and to keep or enhance jobs in a specific location while increasing a city's tax base.
Eligible Applicants for the Greater Minnesota BDPI Grant Program include statutory home rule charter
cities and counties located outside the metropolitan area.'
Eligible Applicants for the Innovative BDPI Grant Program include counties, cities, special districts,
public institutions, or other public political subdivisions or public corporations throughout the state
(including the metropolitan area).
DEED provides funds to Eligible Applicants for both Programs as a grant for not more than 50 percent of
public capital costs on the project.
The Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) shall accept applications on an
open application, (pipeline) basis until all funds are committed. DEED reserves the right to modify or
withdraw this Application at any time and is not responsible to reimburse an applicant for costs incurred
in the preparation or submittal of their Application.
DEED shall provide notice on their website when all funds are available and when funds have been fully
committed. Notice may be found at:
http:// www. positivelyminnesota .com/Government/Financial Assistance/Business Development Funding
/Greater Minnesota Public Infrastructure Program.aspx
Approximately $8.5 million is available for the of Greater Minnesota BDPI Grant Program and
Approximately $4 million is available for the Innovative BDPI Grant Program. Both programs are funded
with General Obligation bond funds from the 2010 Bonding Bill allotment.
' Cities located outside the metropolitan area are defined in Section 473.121, subdivision 2.
Additionally, there are a limited amount of funds still available for the 2008 Bioscience BDPI Allotment.
Call DEED if interested in those funds.
A city or county may receive no more than $1,000,000 in two years for one or more projects. Generally,
most awards are for $250,000 or less unless projects have exceptional leverage and/or job creation.
There are no funding limits for proposals requesting funds from the Innovative BDPI Program. Larger
levels of funding may be requested if there is significant leverage, job creation, tax base increase and
other factors that warrant the increased funding amount.
Based on the number of eligible applications, funding availability and award amounts shall be determined
solely by DEED.
Greater Minnesota BDPI Grant Program applicants may not receive more than $1 million in two -years for
one or more projects.
Eligible Applicants shall provide evidence of matching funds equal to or exceeding 50% of the total
project public costs. A Local Governmental Unit's resolution certifying that the required match is being
provided must be included within the application. A sample resolution is attached.
Eligible Applicants can provide the match for the remainder of the eligible costs for the project in cash or
in -kind. In -kind contributions may include the value of the Capital Costs of site preparation.
Capital Costs are defined as an expenditure associated with the improvements to the land, (land costs can
be capital costs) made as part of the activities for which application funds are being requested. Capital
Costs cannot include feasibility studies, platting, or project administration.
Grant funds are to be used to assist Eligible Applicants with complex and costly Public Infrastructure
projects when a funding gap exists and alternative sources of public and private fmancing are not
Eligible Public Infrastructure is defined as publicly owned physical infrastructure necessary to support
economic development projects, including, but not limited to, sewers, water supply systems, utility
extensions, telecommunication systems, streets, wastewater treatment systems, storm water management
systems and facilities for pretreatment of wastewater to remove phosphorus. Engineering costs associated
with these activities are an eligible expense Administration and application preparation are not eligible
The following is a listing of economic development projects that are eligible to receive fmancial
assistance through the Greater Minnesota BDPI Grant Program:
• Industrial park development or other infrastructure projects that will keep and/or enhance jobs,
increase the tax base within a city and expand or create new economic development in the
specified area described within the application;
The following is a listing of economic development projects that are eligible for financing through the
Innovative BDPI Grant Program:
• Projects that target manufacturing, technology, warehousing and distribution; research and
development; innovative business incubator; agricultural processing; or industrial, office, or
research park development that would be used by an Innovative Business. Funds from this
program can also be used for land acquisition and preparation, telecommunications, bridges,
parking ramps, demolition, hazard remediation, pre - design, construction, equipment and
• Innovative Business is defined as a business that is engaged in, or is committed to engage in
innovation in Minnesota in one of the following: using Proprietary Technology to add value
to a product, process, or service in a high technology field; researching or developing a
proprietary product, process or service in a high technology field; researching, developing, or
producing a new proprietary technology for use in the fields of tourism, forestry, mining,
transportation, or green manufacturing.
• Proprietary Technology is defined as the technical innovations that are unique and legally
owned or licensed by a business and includes, without limitation, those innovations that are
patented, patent pending, a subject of trade secrets, or copyrighted.
Note: If your application does not meet one of the above criteria, but you still feel it is a viable grant
program project, please contact DEED for clarification prior to submission of an application.
Retail development and/or office space development, except as incidental to an eligible project.
Retail is defined as a business that is primarily engaged in selling goods or services directly to consumers
at the site. Additionally, projects whose primary purpose for assistance are for working capital,
refmancing of existing debt, casinos and sports facilities are ineligible for funds.
Greater Minnesota BDPI Grant Program and the Innovative BDPI Grant Program applications will be
evaluated on the following criteria:
1. The project has well documented interest by businesses to justify the need for the infrastructure.
2. The project will have substantial economic benefit to the Local Governmental Unit in which the
project will be located.
3. The project is not relocating substantially the same operation from another location in the state,
unless DEED determines the project cannot be reasonably accommodated within the city or
county in which the business is currently located, or the business would otherwise relocate to
another state. Such evidence must be included in the Application.
4. The number of and salaries of full -time jobs created and/or retained.
5. The amount of tax base increase expected from the project and the businesses started in the
6. The amount of committed leverage to the public project.
7. The timeliness of project completion and businesses opening.
Additionally, the Innovative BDPI Grant Program shall prioritize projects that provide the highest return
in public benefits for public costs incurred. "Public Benefits" include job creation, environmental benefits
to the state and region, efficient use of existing infrastructure, provision of affordable housing, multiuse
development that constitutes community rebuilding rather than single -use development, crime reduction,
blight reduction, community stabilization, and property tax maintenance or improvement. In making this
judgment, DEED shall give priority to eligible projects with the following additional criteria:
• Potential of the local government to attract viable innovative businesses
• Proximity to public transit if located in a metropolitan county
• Multijurisdictional eligible projects that take into account the need for affordable housing,
transportation, and environmental impact
2 As defined in section 473.121, subdivision 4.
Eligible Applicants can only request BDPI funds up to 50% of the incurred eligible capital costs.
Supporting documentation (including invoices and canceled checks) for the entire incurred costs must be
included with each pay request in order for DEED to process payment.
Projects should be completed within three (3) years of execution of the funding agreement, unless an
extension is requested by the awarded community in writing and approved by DEED. All projects must
be completed within five (5) years. If the project has not proceeded in a timely manner (i.e. within six (6)
months of scheduled construction start date), DEED has the authority to cancel the award. On Innovative
BDPI projects, the project must be occupied by an Innovative Business within 5 years of the last grant
payment or the grant recipient must repay the amount of the grant received.
Please submit one original and one copy of the application to DEED, the approving authority.
Applications will be accepted on an open application basis (pipeline) until all funds are committed.
DEED will provide notice on their website when all funds have been committed.
DEED will provide each awarded keep awarded local governmental unit with the necessary reporting
documents. Reports must be provided to DEED upon project completion.
Eligible applicants must submit one original and one copy of the application to be considered for
funding to the address listed below.
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
1" National Bank Building
332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 -1351
Att: Gloria Stiehl
For your regional contact person visit DEED's website at:
http:// www. positivelyminnesota .com/Government/Financial Assistance/Business Development Funding
/Greater Minnesota Public Infrastructure Program 2.aspx
Reed Erickson, reed.erickson @,state.mn.us, 651- 259 -7456
Congressional District: _ 2nd
Minnesota Tax Identification Number:
Federal Tax Identification Number:
The Cover Sheet must be completed by all applicants requesting financial assistance.
Project Name: Air lake 70 Industrial Development
House District: 36
Project Contact Person:
E -Mail Address:
Business Development Public Infrastructure
Application Cover Sheet
Contact Person:
Person Completing Application
or Project Director:
Telephone Number:
_City of Lakeville
David Olson
_20195 Holyoke Avenue
_952 -985 -4421
Name of responsible entity who is responsible for submission of payment request forms to
DEED (Complete only if different from above)
Mailing Address: _same as above
Check all of the activities listed below that relate to your Project
_ New Industrial Park Development
_ Business Expansion
_X_ Innovative BDPI Project -as defined in Program Concept
MN Zip
952 - 985 -4409
Business Development Public Infrastructure (BDPI)
Application Instructions
Eligible Applicants may apply for assistance from the Greater Minnesota Business Development Public
Infrastructure (BDPI) Grant Program or the Innovative BDPI Grant Program using the BDPI Application
if their projects address the following needs within their community:
• Industrial park development or other infrastructure projects that will keep and/or enhance jobs,
increase the tax base within a city and expand or create new economic development in the
specified area described within the application;
• Land or building acquisition, construction, and/or the purchasing of equipment to support
business expansion.
• Innovative projects that target manufacturing, technology, warehousing and distribution; research
and development; innovative business incubator; agricultural processing; or industrial, office, or
research park development that would be used by an innovative business. (See Program Concept
for definitions of Innovative Business and Proprietary Technology
DEED shall analyze all Applications and base their funding decision on the information provided within
each Application. There may be instances when staff will require additional information prior to making
a funding decision.
The most competitive Applications are those that can demonstrate within their request the following:
• A strong, well documented need and an effective solution This would include documented
financial costs, reasonable budgets, secured leverage resources;
• How the proposal addresses the goal of the application;
• A list of committed businesses, number of full -time jobs created and their salaries
• Project Readiness — will the project be started within 6 months after DEED approval;
• Evidence that the Eligible Applicant and/or their partner are able to perform and complete the
tasks stated within the application.
If the proposal submitted is not eligible for DEED 's funding, DEED may recommend alternative funding
Business Development Public Infrastructure (BDPI)
Project Summary
Provide a brief Project Summary that, at a minimum, includes the following:
• Describe the proposed project and justification for the need for funding. If you are applying for
the Innovative BDPI Program, please indicate how your project meets the Innovative Business
definition and requirements;
o The City of Lakeville is seeking Innovative Business Development Public
Infrastructure funds to assist Airlake Development in readying approximately 60
acres for large -scale distribution and manufacturing development. Funding is
needed to construct road access to the development in the form of extending 215
Street/future County Road 70 to the development site.
The City of Lakeville has secured the right -of -way necessary to construct the
extension of 215 Street/future County Road 70/ east to the Airlake 70 development
and is working with Dakota County and Airlake Development to fund the necessary
infrastructure costs to grant access to the site. It is not financially feasible for
Airlake Development to solely fund the approximately $1.1 million dollar road
extension to their site and still attract large -scale end users to Lakeville.
The Airlake 70 Development will be able to offer 20+ acre sites for large businesses
that meet the criteria set forth in this grant application defined as "Innovative
Businesses ". Multiple prospects are currently working with Airlake Development
(see attached prospects list) and several other Innovative Businesses we have recently
been working with have located outside of Minnesota due to the lack of large,
infrastructure ready development parcels in the Twin Cities metro area.
Development of Airlake 70 will help the State of Minnesota be able to both retain
and attract large Innovative Businesses seeking 20+ acre sites in the Twin Cities
market. The existing Airlake Industrial Park in Lakeville is one of the largest
industrial parks in the State of Minnesota and only has one site left available to meet
the demand for a 250.000 square foot and up user (an existing Airlake Insdustrial
Park map is attached). Prospects often consider Airlake Industrial Park due to its
diversity and collaboration with existing packaging, fabrication, and distribution
chain businesses.
• If an Eligible Applicant has current DEED funding, describe the program those funds are from
and the amount of funds, if any, the city will be contributing towards this project. If none, an
explanation must be provided.
o There are no existing funds from DEED
• Provide maps showing city boundaries, the location of the proposed development, the location of
the proposed public infrastructure improvements, including types of improvements, etc.;
o See the attachments illustrating the proposed development and infrastructure
improvements for the Airlake 70 project.
• Provide evidence that all permit approvals and/or status from necessary agencies (i.e. MN
Pollution Control, Department of Health, Dept. of Natural Resources, etc,) have been obtained;
• Provide status of engineering documents;
o Engineering documents and plans for both the road extension and intersection
improvements have been prepared by RLK and are available upon request.
• Construction start and end dates of the project;
o The project is scheduled to start summer of 2012 (pending DEED BDPI grant
approval) and be completed by fall of this year. The goal is to be able to offer a pad
ready site to the first end user no later than October of 2012.
• If site is not owned at time of application, provide date of acquisition or annexation. Provide
letters of commitments to acquire and/or annex the site;
o The site is owned by the Airlake Development (the developer) and is ready to begin
site improvements
For projects that are requesting funds for a new industrial park, the following must be included in
your narrative:
• Is there an existing industrial park that is not at full capacity?
o Yes
• Is there vacant space in existing industrial parks within a 20 mile radius of the proposed new
park? If yes, provide justification for additional industrial park space;
o Yes — the new industrial park space is primarily focused on large -scale distribution
and manufacturing businesses. The current space in the existing industrial park
can accommodate approximately one more large distribution project and is close to
full occupancy. There have been many inquiries in 2011 and early 2012 seeking
space that exceed the capacity of the existing industrial parks in Lakeville.
• Describe the interested business(es), their level of commitment and schedule for occupancy;
o Please see the attached list as provided by Airlake Development
• Provide commitment /development agreement letters from prospective businesses planning on
locating in the new park and schedule;
o Please see the attached list as provided by Airlake Development
• What are the number, type, and salaries of jobs per business committed to the industrial park?
o Please see the attached list as provided by Airlake Development
For projects that are expanding or improving an existing business and need public infrastructure, the
following must be included in your narrative:
• Letters of commitment from the new or expanding business;
• Contact information for the business and/or businesses: (name, title, address and phone /fax
number, etc.). If there is a parent company, provide evidence that they support the expansion.
• What is the number, type, and salaries of jobs per business committed to the industrial park?
• Information on any current operations the business has in Minnesota. Including a brief history of
the business;
• Provide existing building dimensions and/or dimension of proposed expansion of the expansion;
• Provide documentation as to the number and what type of jobs (full time employees) will be
created within 12 months of completion of the project. This would include anticipated pay scales
for each respective job category.
Provide Evidence of Community Support/Permitting
• This would include, but is not limited to, neighborhood meetings, planning commission approval
and city council approval;
o The Lakeville Economic Development Commission (EDC) supports and approved
submittal of this application at their March 27, 2012 meeting. Draft meeting
minutes are available upon request.
o Lakeville City Council approved submitting this application at their April 2, 2012
• Provide documentation indicating the project is consistent with all applicable comprehensive
plans, zoning ordinances, etc.
o The property is zoned I -2 (General Industrial District) and can accommodate
manufacturing and distribution/warehousing projects and other Innovative
Businesses as outlined in this application.
Project Financial Information
Provide a detailed budget listing, at a minimum, project activities, amount and source of funds for each
activity, total project cost, amount of BDPI funds requested for each activity. The budget should include
only eligible costs. Program funds cannot be used for previously paid costs. See Attachments for a sample
For all leveraged resources, following information must be included:
• The source of funds and signed financial commitments from the other funding partners;
• The terms and conditions of the funds being leveraged (i.e. loan, interest rate, grant, term, etc.).
The name of the contact person for each source of leveraged funding (address, phone number, email, etc.)
Increase in Tax Base
Describe how the project will increase the community's tax base. Provide evidence (letters from
city /county assessor) and amounts and comparison from previous tax year. Tax base increase should be
calculated with projected businesses in place and not with bare lots.
Relocation of an Existing Minnesota Based Business
If the primary purpose of this project is relocating an existing business currently located in the state of
Minnesota you must provide information within the application that indicates:
• The project cannot be reasonably accommodated within the city in which the business is
currently located, or;
• The business would otherwise relocate to another state.
o The site was a potential contender for the U -line project that recently relocated to
Wisconsin. The developer cites site readiness as a large hurdle for this site in
attracting large users.
Additional Required Program Information
• Resolutions: A resolution indicating city approval and the commitment of local matching funds
from the governing body of the municipality in which the site is located. (A blank resolution has
been attached for your convenience). You may choose to re- format this resolution but make sure
to include all of the statements that appear in the resolution.
NOTE: Statutory Cities must authorize the mayor and clerk to execute all contracts on the
resolution. (Attachment 1).
• Declaration: The legal description of the site where BDPI funds will be used must be provided
on the attached Declaration as the Declaration will need to be recorded if the application is
approved for funding. This is a requirement of General Obligation Bond funds (Attachment 2).
Airlake 70 Public Improvement Costs
Use the following format for the project budget. The budget should include only eligible costs. Note:
Eligible costs are Capital Costs only. See definition of Capital Costs under the Eligible Projects section
of the Program Concept. BDPI funds cannot be used for previously paid capital costs.
Source of Funds
DEED Grant $585,943
County Contribution $206,090
Developer(s) Contribution $379.854
TOTAL $1,171,887
Use of Funds
215 Street Extension approximately
1500 feet east of Cedar Avenue $544,314
Cedar Ave. / Co. Rd. 70
Intersection and Traffic
Signal Improvements
TOTAL $1,171,887
*Assumes $280,703 for signal modifications, $135,914 for west leg turn lane and $210,956 for
remaining intersection improvements at Cedar Avenue / Co. Rd. 70 Intersection.
Timetable- please feel free to include any additional activities you deem necessary.
March 28, 2012
MN Dept of Employment & Economic Development
Mr. Jeremy LaCroix
1St National Bank Building
332 Minnesota St, Suite E -200
St. Paul, MN 55101 -1351
RE: Innovative Business Development Public Infrastructure Grant
Dear Jeremy:
I appreciate the opportunity to participate in the City of Lakeville's MN DEED BDPI Grant application
The 1,500 acre Airlake Industrial Park, which we've been developing since 1994, is home to 4,500,000 square
feet of manufacturing and distribution facilities. If we can open up our 60 acre Airlake 70 phase of industrial
zoned land for development, it will help to meet the nearly 2,000,000 square feet of current build -to -suit
demand for acreage in the Twin Cities today.
As a result of a few major deals being inked recently, like Medline for 25 acres in Rogers, Uline for 60 acres in
Hudson, WI, and SanMar for 40 acres and Trystar for 25 acres in Shakopee, there are relatively few options
for companies wanting modern, high-dear warehouse spaces larger than 250,000 square feet. Users needing
innovative, functional warehouses are being forced to look to greenfield sites with the necessary acreage to
build their new facilities.
We pursed and proposed all those deals listed above. The number one objection from the users was our lack
of existing road and utility infrastructure to our site. With those pieces in place, I'm confident that we'll win a
large deal in the immediate future. The expansion of our Airlake Industrial Park will accommodate the
current wave of industrial development deals looking for space today.
On behalf of Airlake Development, Inc., we're excited about pursuing this opportunity together. We hope
that we can come to an acceptable agreement and deliver a quality industrial development site to the Twin
Cities market. On the following page, I outline the current list of prospects I'm actively negotiating with and
pursuing. I look forward to our future communications on this matter.
Daniel O. Regan
Managing Partner
Airlake Development, Inc.
1875 Highway 36 W
Roseville, MN 55113
P: (612)987 -9966
E: dan.regan(aairlakedevelopment.com
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