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HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.hMay 29, 2012 Item No.
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the issuance of a
temporary on -sale liquor license to Lakeville VFW Post 210
Passage of this motion will result in the ability of Lakeville VFW to sell alcohol to the
general public on July 5 -7, 2012.
The Lakeville VFW is a private, fraternal club and holds a club liquor license. The VFW
has requested a temporary on -sale liquor license to allow the sale of alcohol to the
general public during their annual Pan- O -Prog events. These events include the
Lakeville Lions Beer, Brats & Bingo on July 5 and live music, inside, on July 6 and 7.
The VFW, in cooperation with the Lakeville Lions, will have a controlled access fence
immediately to the south of the VFW building and on a portion of their parking lot. The
fenced -in area includes four separate parcels of property. All four parcels are listed on
the license application and certificate of liability insurance.
The Police Department has reviewed the application and recommends approval subject
to the attached stipulations.
Primary Issues to Consider
See attached stipulations.
Supporting Information
➢ Stipulations
➢ Letter from VFW Post 210 dated May 21, 2012
Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Y/N Source:
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
Council Report
Page 2
1. All live or recorded music must cease by midnight on July 6 and 7.
2. All alcohol service must cease by midnight on July 6 and 7.
3. VFW staff will assist the Lakeville Police Department in clearing the
establishment after midnight on July 6 and 7.
4. The closing time should be prominently displayed throughout so there is no
confusion at the end of the evening when patrons are asked to leave.
5. The VFW will hire off -duty police officers to supplement their security staff as
directed by the Police Department (for 2012, four officers will be hired on both
July 6 and July 7).
6. The Police Chief or Fire Chief, or designee, has the ability to direct the event
manager to control the level of noise and /or terminate the event at any time.
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 210
8790 Upper 208th Street
Lakeville, MN 55044 -0308
May21 st, 2012
City of Lakeville
Lakeville Police Department
Lakeville, MN 55044
SUBJECT: Request for Temporary On -Sale Liquor License
1_ The purpose of this letter is to request a Temporary On -Sale Liquor License to include:
a. Sale to the public and consumption of beer, wine and liquor inside our building during the period of
July 5"'," 6" and 7"', 2012.
b. Sale to the public of beer outside of our building during the period of July 5" 6`" and 7th, 2012.
c. Lakeville Lions will request a temporary license to sell 3.2% beer outside our facility on July 5th. We
have given them permission to do this providing they acquire the license.
2. The specifics regarding place, dates, times and security are listed below.
a. PLACE: The outside location of the requested sale and consumption is the fenced lawn immediately
to the south of our building and a portion of our parking lot which will be fenced in such a manner as to preclude
entry or exit without passing through the controlled access points. No sales or consumption would be allowed
in any other part of our parking lot or any other outside area under our control.
Thursday, July 5th, 2012 5 PM 12 PM Lions Beer, Brats & Bingo
Friday, July 6th, 2012 5 PM 12 PM VFW Cruise Night Event including a
Band inside building, 8:30 -11:30 PM
Saturday, July 7th, 2012 4 PM 12 PM VFW Parade Events including a
Band inside building, 830 -11:30 PM
May 21 st, 2012
SUBJECT: Request for Temporary On -Sale Liquor License
1) The door to the tap wagon would remain locked at all times except when needed to change kegs. The
key to this door will remain in the possession of either the Club Manager or the authorized seller at all
2) A temporary extended height fence erected by the VFW would remain intact during the entire
period of this request. This fence completes the enclosure of their specified outside sale /consumption area.
Additionally The Lakeville Lions will erect temporary fence in the VFW Parking Lot for the purpose of
conducting their Bingo event_ All other VFW events will be conducted inside the fenced area of the VFW's yard
with outside access controlled at the east entrance to the yard and building.
3) All sales will be conducted only by authorized and designated members of the Lions, the Post
or appropriate employees of the VFW Club. Other Lion members, Post members or club employees, in
cooperation with the Lakeville Police Department, will provide securely controlled access to this area at all times
during sales and consumption. There will always be at least one seller and enough security personnel on duty to
control all access points at all times during outside sales. All sellers and security personnel will be instructed to
observe the laws regarding sales /consumption by underage persons and service to obviously intoxicated
customers. No one would be allowed to leave the controlled area in possession of any type of alcoholic
beverage. The VFW will also arrange to hire off -duty police officers to assist with security during the above
3. By allowing this temporary On -Sale Liquor License you would be providing us with the means to better serve
our customers in a safe, secure manner during this very busy time. Any questions or concerns can be directed to
the undersigned at (952) 469 - 571.7. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
VFW Post 210