HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.iDate: 4 June 2012 Item No. estop Public RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR TRANSPORTAION SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 12 -11 TO SAFETY SIGNS, INC. Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to accept bids and award the contract for City Improvement Project No. 12 -11 to Safety Signs, Inc. with a bid in the amount of $42,400.00. Overview Project 12 -11 implements safety improvements at two locations in Lakeville, the first is to install a push- button activated pedestrian flasher system at the crosswalk on Ipava Avenue near Century Middle School. The second is the installation of two driver feedback signs on Flagstaff Avenue between CSAH 46 and Dodd Boulevard. The improvements at the pedestrian crosswalk on Ipava Avenue are intended to increase the visibility of the crosswalk to motorists traveling north and south on Ipava Avenue and provide notification to motorists when pedestrians are using the crosswalk. The installation of driver feedback signs in both the north and south bound lanes of Flagstaff Avenue are intended to notify drivers of their speed as they travel along Flagstaff Avenue. This traffic calming technique is proven to reduce overall speeds. Separate from this bid, traffic lanes are being narrowed along Flagstaff Avenue as another method to reduce speeds in this area. The City solicited and received bids between $42,400.00 and $49,900.00 from three contractors for the installation of these traffic safety improvements. The lowest responsible bidder was Safety Signs, Inc. in the amount of $42,200.00. Primary Issues to Consider • Is this project necessary? The installation of driver feedback signs is in direct response to resident concerns about the speed of traffic along Flagstaff Avenue. The installation of a push- button activated pedestrian flasher system on Ipava Avenue is required to improve the safety of pedestrians using the crosswalk. Supporting Information • A revised Pavement Management budget, the bid tabulation, and a letter of rec ndati m the consulting engineer, WSB & Associates, Inc. is attached. J. Petree orks Director Financial Impact: $42,400.00 Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: Budgeted: Yes Source: 5347.6280 Capital Improvement Plan — Pavement Management DATED this 4 day of June 2012. ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Clerk CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR TRANSPORTAION SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 12 -11 TO SAFETY SIGNS, INC. WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville received sealed bids on Friday, May 25, 2012 for transportation safety improvements on Ipava Avenue at Century Middle School and along Flagstaff Avenue between CSAH 46 and Dodd Boulevard, City Improvement Project No. 12 -11, and WHEREAS, the lowest responsible bid was from Safety Signs, Inc. NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota: That the City Council hereby accepts the bids and awards the contract to the lowest responsible bidder that meets all the bid requirements, Safety Signs, Inc., with a base bid in the amount of $42,400.00. The construction is proposed to be completed as specified in the contract documents. CITY OF LAKEVILLE Mark Bellows, Mayor 2012 CIP Pavement Management Budget 2012 PM Budget Project- Maintenance & Overlays Amount Crack Seal $104,000 Seal Coat $208,000 Patching & Minor Overlays $537,000 Park Parking Lots $41,146 Parking Lot Work Plan $23,858 Velocity Patching $50,000 Concrete Curb, Sidewalk & Draintile $25,000 Pavement Management Asset Support $20,000 Guardrail $12,000 Overlays $509,990 2012 Budgeted Amount $1,530,994 2012 PM Revised Budget -March 2012 Project- Maintenance & Overlays Amount Crack Seal $15,000 Seal Coat $175,000 Patching & Minor Overlays $537,000 Park Parking Lots $41,146 Parking Lot Work Plan $23,858 Velocity Patching $88,000 Safety Improvements $86,500 Concrete Curb, Sidewalk & Draintile $25,000 Pavement Management Asset Support $17,500 Guardrail $12,000 Overlays $509,990 2012 Revised Budgeted Amount $1,530,994 2012 Safety Improvements Flagstaff DFB's & Lane Narrowing $22,000 Ipava Crosswalk $36,700 Interlachen /CSAH 46 Intersection Improvements $12,150 CSAH 50/9 Intersection Improvements $11,250 Indirect Costs & Contigency $4,400 Total $86,500 WSB :1.ccciuh•s. Engineering • Planning • Environmental ■ Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South /nr. Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541 -4800 Fax: 763 541 -1700 May 30, 2012 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Re: 2012 Transportation Safety Improvements City Project No. 12 -11 City of Lakeville, MN WSB Project No. 1715 -950 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above - referenced project on Friday, May 25, 2012, and were opened and read aloud. Three bids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. Please find enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as Safety Signs, Inc., Lakeville, MN, with a bid in the amount of $42,400.00. We recommend that the City Council consider these bids and award a contract for the Base Bid in the amount of $42,400 to Safety Signs, Inc., based on the results of the bids received. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. iwecim cA 44(1/4_, Monica Heil, PE Project Manager Enclosure cc: Chris Petree, City of Lakeville Sean Delmore, WSB & Associates, Inc. Mary Schwartz, WSB & Associates, Inc. ti: 10/ H5U'.4dininlfmraru Admiral R RF.C'.11,1111T\= lrmra.rlor. BID TABULATION SUMMARY PROJECT: 2012 Transportation Safety Improvements City Project No. 12 -11 LOCATION: City of Lakeville, MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1715 -95 BIDS OPENED: Friday, May 25, 2012, 10:00 a.m. 1 Safety Signs, Inc. 2 Killmer Electric Company, Inc. 3 Electrical Installation & Maintenance Contractor Denotes corrected figure Bid Security Addendums (5%) Received Engineer's Opinion of Cost $45,652.01 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on May 25, 2012. X X X Monica Heil, PE, Project Manager Grand Total Bid N/A $42,400.00 N/A $48,260.80 N/A $49,900.00 C: 1 U$ erslmheillAppDafalLocallMicroso ft1WindowslTemporary Internet Fil es1Confent .OutlooktBILFJZY911715 -95 Bid Tab Summary WITNESSETH: CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the Fourth day of June, 2012, by and between the City of Lakeville, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter called the "Owner ", and Safety Signs, Inc., hereinafter called the "Contractor ". That in consideration of their mutual covenants and agreements as hereinafter set forth, the Owner for itself and the Contractor for itself, its successors, and assigns, covenants and agrees as follows, to wit: 1. The Contractor agrees to furnish all the necessary materials, Tabor, use of tools, equipment, plant and every other thing necessary to perform the work designated and referred to in this Contract, including all Contractor's superintendence, and to furnish everything necessary for the completion of the improvement which is the subject of this Contract (except such things as the Owner has specifically agreed to provide, according to the Contract Documents); and agrees under penalty of a public contractor's corporate surety bond in the amount of Forty -Two Thousand Four Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($42,400.00) to perform and complete the work shown in the plans and drawings, entitled "2012 Transportation Safety Improvements," prepared by WSB & Associates, Inc. and dated April 25, 2012, and to conform in all respects with the provisions and requirements of the General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions and Specifications for said improvement, which is entitled "2012 Transportation Safety Improvements," for the Owner prepared by WSB & Associates, Inc., dated April 25, 2012. 2. The Contractor agrees that performance shall be in accordance with the terms, requirements and conditions of this instrument, and laws of the State of Minnesota, and the following documents. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS for said 2012 Transportation Safety Improvements for the Owner. PROPOSAL by the Contractor, presented to the Council of the Owner on May 25, 2012, and accepted by the Owner on June 4, 2012. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS for said 2012 Transportation Safety Improvements dated April 25, 2012, referred to in the preceding paragraph of this Agreement and made a part of the aforementioned proposal. PLANS AND DRAWINGS for said 2012 Transportation Safety Improvements as identified in a preceding paragraph of this Contract and which are dated April 25, 2012. ANY ADDENDA to the plans, drawings, general conditions and specifications for said 2012 Transportation Safety Improvements which addenda were prepared by WSB & Associates, Inc. PUBLIC CONTRACTOR'S SURETY BOND in the principal sum of the amount bid. Each and all of the aforementioned Contract Documents are hereby incorporated into this Contract by specific reference and the terms and provisions thereof are and constitute a part of this Contract as though attached hereto or fully set forth herein. 3. The Owner agrees to pay the Contractor for the performance of this Contract and the Contractor agrees to accept in full compensation therefor, the sums set forth within the aforementioned proposal of the Contractor for each unit and each type of unit of work to be performed. It is understood and agreed that the said proposal is for the construction of said 2012 Transportation Safety Improvements on a unit price basis in accordance with the said proposal, and that sum of $42,400.00 as set out in said proposal, is the sum of the unit prices, multiplied by the estimated quantities of the respective units of work listed therein. 2012 TRANSPORTATION SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF LAKEVILLE PROJECT NO. 12 -11 WSB PROJECT NO. 1715 -950 CFC IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. CONTRACTOR CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MN By By (Corporate Seal) 2012 TRANSPORTATION SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF LAKEVILLE PROJECT NO. 12 -11 WSB PROJECT NO. 1715 -950 Mayor Clerk (City Seal) By Authorized Official CFC