HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.oDate: 4 June 2012 Item No. APPROVAL OF AN ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH BLACK & VEATCH FOR THE COMPLETION OF AN UPDATE TO THE WATER TREATMENT FACILITY EXPANSION STUDY Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve an engineering services agreement with Black & Veatch for the completion of an update to Water Treatment Facility Expansion Study. Overview In 2000, shortly after the Water Treatment Facility was completed, Black & Veatch finalized a study to guide the City's capital planning for expansion of the facility to meet expected population increases. Proposed expansions of the Water Treatment Facility were planned for 2005 and 2011. However, population and water use demands brought the first expansion ahead in 2001. Changes in population growth and an increased focus on water conservation delayed the need for a second expansion. However, those same changes have left the City without a path to planned expansion. This study will review projects completed since the first expansion and update population and water use data to provide a more accurate assessment for future expansion needs for capital planning and budgeting. With new population data received from the 2010 Census and more than 10 years of water use data, conducting an expansion study at this time will provide a valuable tool for the continued viability of the water system. Originally proposed and budgeted at $33,000, refinement of City needs and the scope of the expansion study resulted in a reduced cost of $25,000. Primary Issues to Consider • Is an expansion study necessary? Yes. The City conducts a variety of similar, recurring studies for comprehensive water use and transportation planning. This study is integral to the continued expansion of the water system to meet population growth and water use demands. Supporting Information Christopher J. "'tree Public Works Director Financial Impact: $25,000.00 Budgeted: Yes Source: 7601.6280 Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: eatment Facility expansion study is attached. BLACK &VEATCH Building a world of difference.= May 14, 2012 Chris Petree Operations & Maintenance Director City of Lakeville 18400 Ipava Ave Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 Dear Mr. Petree: SCOTT FRONEK Project Manager, Water Division 5500 WAYZA1A BLVD, SUITE 675 MINNEAPOLIS, MN (952) 545 -6695 1 FROM KSD @BV.COM Re: Proposal for Water Treatment Facility Expansion Study In accordance with recent discussions that Black & Veatch has had with you, enclosed for the City's consideration is a proposal for engineering services to update the City's Water Treatment Facility Expansion Study. Project Understanding In 2000, Black & Veatch submitted to the City a Water Treatment Facility Expansion Study. The purpose of that report was the following: • Update water use characteristics • Develop water use projections from population forecasts • Prepare an implementation schedule for new wells • Identify facilities to expand the Water Treatment Facility (WTF) In that report, it was anticipated that an expansion of the WTF may be required in 2010 due to increased population growth. In recent years, residential growth in the Twin Cities metropolitan area has receded, which has slowed down water use for the City. With the recent US Census released for 2010, it is a prudent time to revisit the WTF Expansion Study in light of current and projected population projections to allow the City to plan for future water demands. The updated study will identify the following: • Projected date when an expansion to 30 mgd of the WTF is required • Budget level opinion of probable cost for the expansion Scope of Services Task 101 Update Population and Water Use Projections The 2000 WTF Expansion Study identified four timeframes for evaluation and flow projections: www.bv.corn Fif PROPOSAI FOR WA1 ER 1 RLA1 MI NT FACIt I1Y f XPANSION S1 UDY 1 PAGE 2 MAY 14, 2012 • Current (2000) • 10 years (2010) • 20 years (2020) • 40 years (2040) This task would utilize the 2010 census data, along with current Metropolitan Council and City of Lakeville population projections, to develop water demand projections for the next 10, 20, and 40 years. In addition, water use characteristics will be evaluated including gallons per capita per day and peaking factor numbers. An analysis and review will also be completed to determine how water conservation measures implemented in the 2000's have impacted the water demand. Task 102 — Update Flow and Well Production Projections This task would update the historical flow data from 2000 through 2010 and compare current versus projected flows outlined in the 2000 WTF Expansion study. Additionally, the City began actively promoting water conservation in the early 2000's and an evaluation will be performed to validate those practices. A revised peaking factor, if necessary, will be used to update the associated required design flows (average day, maximum day, and maximum hour). A well water production update will also be performed to account for post -2000 well addition and operational changes to groundwater supply. Task 103 — Update Water Infrastructure Schedules The 2000 WTF Expansion Study outlined future projects to be completed as water demand increased. This task would review projects completed from 2000 to 2010 and compare against updated flow and well production as discussed in Task 102. The Facility Improvement and High Service Pumping Schedules would be updated for a more accurate needs assessment for future expansion projects and Capital Improvement Plan budgeting. Task 104 — Opinion of Probable Costs Using a similar level of detail, update the budget level opinion of probable project cost to increase the capacity of the Water Treatment Facility from 20 mgd to 30 mgd. Compensation For the engineering services summarized above, the City would pay Black & Veatch a lump sum amount of $25,000 for the Water Treatment Facility Expansion Study. www.bv.com Please contact us if you have any questions, or wish to discuss any proposed task in greater detail. We appreciate the opportunity to provide engineering services to the City. If there any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (952) 545 -6695. Very truly yours, BLACK & VEATCH S t . 1-y0-kW Scott D. Fronek, P.E. Project Manager cc: Jim Winger (Black & Veatch) PROPOSAL I-OR W A I L R 1REAI ME N1 EACH LI1Y EXPANSION Si UDY 1 PAGE 3 MAY 14, 2012 www.bv.com