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Meeting Minutes for June 6, 2012
ITEM 1 Call to order
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
ITEM 2 Roll call of members
Present: Matt Dinslage, Tom Goodwin, Judy Hayes, Scott Kelly, Howard Lovelace,
Jeanne Peterson, Bob Swan, Jerry Zell
Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Steve Michaud, Recording Secretary Patty Ruedy
ITEM 3 Approval of May 2, 2012 meeting minutes
The Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes were approved as presented.
ITEM 4 Citizen Comments
There were no citizen comments.
ITEM 5 Staff Report
Staff gave details on upcoming Eyes of Freedom event scheduled during Pan-0-Prog. Staff gave an
update on Heritage Center construction and fundraising. Kenrick Trail is progressing—planned to
begin construction late summer/early fall. The next Parks meeting on June 20 will be Steve Michaud’s
last meeting. Committee members will take a tour of the Heritage Center at 5 p.m. preceding the
meeting; details to follow.
ITEM 6 Parks, Trails & Open Space Plan review
Staff reviewed park maps from The Planning Company and sought feedback. Staff reviewed the
future park search areas that should not change from the 2006 plan update. Committee suggested
adding details in search areas, such as aerial photos. Goodwin inquired whether the maps in the plan
posted on the website could be interactive. TPC will review how the standards meet the proposed
search areas. Zell inquired as to a camping facility for boy and girl scouts in Ritter Farm Park. Staff
replied that some planning with scout representatives is underway. Scouts have camped in Ritter for
several years on the picnic area, which has caused some conflicts. A proposed new site would be
beneficial to all park users.
TPC will separate the trail plan from the park plan. TPC will work on the plan and bring revisions to
the meeting on June 20. Zell inquired as to when the plan will be complete. Staff hopes to have a
draft by the end of June.
ITEM 7 Trail Naming
Staff has received two requests concerning the naming of two different trails for individuals who have
outstanding credentials associated with trails at Ritter Farm Park. The current park naming policy
does not specifically discuss individual facilities such as trails or playgrounds or other similar
amenities. We have, however, named facilities such as the playground at Casperson Park in honor of
and in the form of a memorial. The first is a request from the Lakeville South High School track team.
They are requesting a trail loop which is used extensively by the high school track team and is known
by all track team members as the “Mader Loop,” named after their coach Milan Mader. Mr. Mader has
a very long history of teaching and coaching in the Lakeville school district. Considering Milan Mader’s
history and success in Lakeville, the naming of the outer loop in Ritter Farm Park as the Mader Loop
is a legitimate request and one which staff could support.
Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, June 6, 2012 Page 2
The second request deals with the existing bluebird trail. The trail was established several years ago
by Lance Krog, who was the commissioner of the state Bluebird Recovery Program. Unfortunately
Lance passed away one year ago. Representatives from the MN Bluebird Recovery Program and
residents of Lakeville are requesting the existing bluebird trail at Ritter Farm Park be named in
memory of Mr. Krog. Because Lance worked closely with our department to establish a very
successful bluebird trail in Ritter Farm Park, staff recommends approval of a memorial naming the
current bluebird trail as the Lance Krog Bluebird Trail. The current trail is now being cared for by
members of the Bluebird Recovery Program.
Committee agreed to significance of each request. Committee inquired as to what the costs would be.
Staff replied that there will be no cost to the City and that each group would be responsible for
purchasing a simple plaque to be displayed in the marquee at the trailhead and approved by staff.
Swan indicated that he hoped this would not open the floodgates as to this kind of request.
(12.08) Motion made by Dinslage, seconded by Hayes to recommend approval of placing two
plaques at the trailhead marquee to rename the two trail segments at Ritter Farm Park at no cost to
the City.
Ayes-8 Nays-0
ITEM 8 Other business
ITEM 9 Announcements
Next Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting, June 20.
ITEM 10 Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, ATTEST:
Patty Ruedy, Recording Secretary Scott Kelly, Chair