HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-22-12City of Lakeville Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes May 22, 2012 Marion Conference Room, City Hall Members Present: Comms. Matasosky, Starfield, Tushie, Smith, Brantly, Schubert, Emond, Longie, Ex- officio member Mayor Mark Bellows, Ex- officio member City Administrator Steve Mielke. Members Absent: Comm. Vlasak. Others Present: David Olson, Community & Economic Development Director; Adam Kienberger, Economic Development Specialist. 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Matasosky called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. in the Marion Conference Room of City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, Minnesota. 2. Approve April 24, 2012 Meeting Minutes Motion 09.12 Comms. Smith /Schubert moved to approve the minutes of the April 24, 2012 meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Election of Officers The EDC discussed voting in new officers for 2012 and decided to nominate the current officers for an additional year. Jack Matasosky will remain Chair, Gary Tushie will remain as Vice Chair, and Bob Brantly will remain as Secretary. It was noted that Comm. Starfield would be willing to assume the role of Chair next year. Motion 10.12 Comms. Smith / Longie moved re -elect the current officers of the EDC. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Discussion on Proposed "Open to Business" Program Mr. Olson reviewed the EDC memo outlining the Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers (MCCD) Open to Business program proposal for Dakota County. Comm. Tushie asked if MCCD provides business loans or serves as a conduit to financing partners. Mr. Olson responded that MCCD has the ability to underwrite and administer small business loans directly. Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes May 22, 2012 Chair Matasosky noted that he likes the fact that MCCD is a proven entity and that they provide success stories and data on the projects they have assisted. He added that if Lakeville proceeds with the MCCD Dakota County proposal, we'll be able to analyze the benefits on a yearly basis. Comm. Schubert asked how the program is marketed to the business community as an available resource for technical and financial assistance. Mr. Kienberger responded that both the City and Chamber would be able to market the program to the business community. The City can market the Open to Business program as an economic development tool for businesses. The EDC concurred that they would like to learn more and hear a presentation from MCCD at their June 26 meeting. 5. Update on Business Marketing Strategy Implementation Project Mr. Kienberger reviewed the EDC memo and attachment outlining an implementation timeline of the recently completed Business Marketing Strategy. A meeting with the Marketing Partners Committee was held on May 21 to discuss utilizing common marketing elements across multiple organizations. Comm. Longie added that we need to uniformly promote our organizations. At the next Marketing Partners meeting, the group will be discussing messaging and organizational attributes. Comms. Brantly and Longie both added that the Brandtender consultant may be a good fit for furthering this type of promotion and continued brand evolution. Mr. Mielke added that it was mentioned at the Marketing Partners meeting that the City should lead the community marketing charge, but noted that this process is organic and still in development. Chair Matasosky noted that his company used to use Costar, but became frustrated with Lakeville's lack of visibility on the website. Mr. Olson added that researchers from Costar call monthly to verify the City's property listing. He added that staff will continue to evaluate the Costar proposal. Chair Matasosky concluded by stating that he liked seeing the implementation steps that were presented at the meeting. 2 Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes May 22, 2012 6. Director's Report Mr. Olson reviewed the Director's Report. A handout was distributed noting the proposed changes to the residential park dedication fee structure. This item was originally discussed with the EDC at their April 24 meeting. Mr. Mielke noted that an overall reduction in the residential park dedication fee structure is being proposed to be reduced by 26% for single - family units, 42% for medium - density units, and 56% for high - density units. He added that Dan Licht from TPC is currently analyzing commercial and industrial park dedication fees. These will be discussed with the City Council and EDC in June. 7. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Adam Kienber , Recording Secretary Attested to: R. T. Brantly, Secretary C