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Meeting Minutes for July 18, 2012
ITEM 1 Call to order
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
ITEM 2 Roll call of members
Present: Matt Dinslage, Tom Goodwin, Judy Hayes, Scott Kelly, Howard Lovelace,
Jeanne Peterson, Bob Swan
Absent: Jerry Zell
Staff Present: Interim Parks & Recreation Director John Hennen, Environmental Resources Manager
Mac Cafferty, Recording Secretary Patty Ruedy
ITEM 3 Introduction of John Hennen, Interim Parks & Recreation Director
John gave a brief introduction to the committee.
ITEM 4 Approval of June 20, 2012 meeting minutes
The Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes were approved.
ITEM 5 Citizen Comments
There were no citizen comments.
ITEM 6 Staff Report
Staff gave an update on Heritage Center construction and upcoming Summer Splash fundraiser,
Kenrick trail, North Park, 165th St. and 175th Street trail improvements. Announced at Steve Michaud’s
retirement was the renaming of North Park to Steve Michaud Park. Staff has been working with family
of Bob Jensen; unveiling of the plaque at Pioneer Plaza will be held August 20 at 6 p.m.
ITEM 7 Commercial/Industrial park dedication discussion
Dan Licht from The Planning Company reviewed the information in the packet. City Council previously
reviewed the report and sent it back to the Parks Committee for a final review and recommendation.
Staff is supporting and recommending obtaining an appraiser to establish the average fair market
property value for commercial and industrial properties for the purpose of calculating park dedication
fees in lieu of land which is also the desire of the City Council. Goodwin inquired about the parcels
listed in the report. Licht replied the statute states “average fair market value” and that these 48
parcels will be appraised. Hayes inquired about the percentage of land taken. Licht replied that there
are generally no parks designated in commercial/industrial areas and that the City usually takes the
park dedication fee in lieu of land. They will also be examining how employees in these areas are
using trails and parks. Goodwin inquired how often this process will be done. Licht replied that small
adjustments may be made yearly based on data from the county assessor’s office and that perhaps
appraisals could be conducted every 5-10 years or when the system plan is updated.
(12.12) Motion made by Kelly, seconded by Dinslage to recommend City Council consider
approval of obtaining an appraiser to establish the average fair market property value for commercial
and industrial properties for the purpose of calculating park dedication fees in lieu of land as indicated
in the June 25, 2012 TPC report and as presented to the City Council at their June 25, 2012 work
Ayes-7 Nays-0 Motion passed.
Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, July 18, 2012 Page 2
ITEM 8 Parks, Trails & Open Space Plan review
Liz Stockman from TPC reviewed the draft document and sought feedback. She referred to page 81,
commenting on net acres needed for each park classification. She noted use was calculated according
to national standards and city characteristics. After a short discussion, TPC agreed to look at the
numbers a little more closely. Swan shared that he has been reading lately about how important trails
are and the national trend to utilize trail systems. He also inquired about the growth of the
population. Licht replied that the growth has been slow, but is building. The document takes the
average growth over time into account. Stockman then highlighted pages 84-85 and the information
on descriptions as well as some of the maps. Goodwin commented on the nice job TPC had done on
the document; committee members agreed. TPC will present the document at a City Council work
session on Monday, July 23 for review.
ITEM 9 The Haven at Highview preliminary plat and rezoning
The plat is located west of Highview Avenue and north of Homestead Trail and consists of 33 single-
family homes. The North Park (Steve Michaud Park) Greenway trail is adjacent to the south side of
this property and intersects with Highview Avenue. Staff reviewed wetland banking credits with the
committee. Dinslage inquired about the flood plain. Staff replied that the three lots on the edge of the
floodplain will be raised on the final plat and the wetland will be extended. Draintiling will be included
as well. 45 trees will be saved along the trail.
(12.13) Motion made by Peterson, seconded by Goodwin to recommend City Council consider
approval of The Haven at Highview preliminary plat and rezoning. Proposed trails for the plat include
an 8’ bituminous trail along west side of Highview Ave. from the existing Steve Michaud Park trail
located along the south boundary of the preliminary plat to 172nd St. The developer shall rough grade
the trail base and pay their 5/8ths share of the trail cost for future construction of the trail on the
west side of Highview Ave., north of 172nd St., adjacent to the Haven at Highview Plat. The Parks,
Trails and Open Space Plan does not identify future parks in this area, therefore staff is
recommending a cash contribution that will be paid with the final plat based on park dedication fee in
effect at time of final plat.
The developer is required to follow other recommendations outlined in the Planning and Engineering
reports as they pertain to this plat. The developer is also required to follow the natural resources
requirement detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation,
grading, drainage, and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and
Water Conservation District, if applicable.
Ayes-7 Nays-0 Motion passed.
ITEM 10 Other business
Staff presented proposed change to 2012-2013 hunting map as a result of development in areas,
existing homes and close proximity to King Park.
(12.14) Motion made by Goodwin, seconded by Hayes to recommend City Council consider
approval of the 2012-2013 hunting map with the proposed change as presented by City staff.
Ayes-7 Nays-0 Motion passed.
ITEM 11 Announcements
Next Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting, August 1.
ITEM 12 Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 6:59 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Patty Ruedy, Recording Secretary