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October 31, 2012 DAKOTA COUNTY 2013 LARGE COMMUNITY FUNDING APPLICATION November 5, 2012 City Council Meeting Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion:: Move to approve the Dakota County 2013 Large Community Funding Application Resolution. Passage of this motion will result in the City of Lakeville receiving up to $43,600 in funds to be used for City -wide recycling events. Overview The City Council is being asked to approve the 2013 Large Community Funding Application for up to $43,600 in 2013. These funds have historically paid for the City's annual Watershed Cleanup Day and Hazardous waste drop off event, as well as for recycling at all city facilities. In 2013, these funds will continue to pay for those community items and it will also fund promotional items, and the purchase of any bins needed in City facilities. Staff recommends approval of the Dakota County 2013 Large Community Funding Application. Primary Issues to Consider • None. Supporting Information • Dakota County 2013 Large Community Funding Application. Ann Messerschrnidt Environmental Resources Specialist item No. Financial Impact: $0 Budgeted: Yes Source: Dakota County Recycling Grant Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DAKOTA COUNTY 2013 LARGE COMMUNITY FUNDING APPLICATION WHEREAS, the Minnesota State Legislature has mandated that communities in the metropolitan area implement recycling programs in order to reduce the volume of waste being taken for burial in landfills; and WHEREAS, Dakota County has adopted a solid waste master plan which sets goals and targets for the accomplishment of solid waste recycling in each community in the County; and WHEREAS, Dakota County provides the local communities with grant funding for implementation and maintenance of local community recycling programs; and WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville has participated faithfully and successfully in the Large Community Funding Program since 1989 and will continue to participate in 2013. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville that the City Council does hereby approve the Dakota County 2013 Large Community Funding Application, seeking recycling funds in the amount of $43,600 in 2013. ATTEST: DATED this 5th day of November, 2012. Charlene Friedges, City Clerk CITY OF LAKEVILLE Mark Bellows, Mayor Lakeville 2013 Large Community Funding Application and Report Form Draft Application Due Date: October 15, 2012 Application and JPA Submittal Due Date: December 1, 2012 Funding Period: January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2013 Tammy Drummond: Application process 952- 891 -7003 or tammy.drummond @ca.dakota.mn.us Dakota County, Physical Development Division Environmental Management Department September 21, 2012 Dale Stoerzinger Dakota County Physical Development Division 14955 Galaxie Avenue Apple Valley, MN 55124 Contact Information Dale Stoerzinger: Guidelines, Application, Annual Report, and LSWS SharePoint Web Site 952 891 - 7550 or dale.stoerzinger@co.dakota.mn.us co.dakota.mn.us EXHIBIT 1 Upload completed application onto the Dakota County Local Solid Waste Staff (LSWS) SharePoint web site at http:// sharepoint. co .drkzta.mn.us /LSWS /default.aspx with your Council Resolution or minutes of the proceedings or copies may be mailed to: PART !: BASE FUNDING APPLICATION INFORMATION AND WORKPLAN Provide completed Applications and a copy of the Official Resolution or minutes of the Proceedings (an official action from the governing body requesting the funding allocation or a certified copy of the official proceedings). Community Funding Period: January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 City /RSWC Lakeville (select): Population (2011 Est.): 56,534 Number of Households (2011 Est.): 18,813 Amount of Funds Eligible For: $43,600 Date Submitted: 10/12/12 Amount of Funds Applied for: $43,600 Contact Person Ann Messerschmidt Street Address: 20195 Holyoke Ave, 55044 E -mail Address: amesserschmidt@lakevillemn.gov Phone Contact: Number: 952 -985 -4528 Fax Number; 952- 985 -4409 is your community interested in hosting a Household Hazardous Waste Event Collection in conjunction with Dakota County in 2013? Yes No . What percent of staff time (in Full Time Equivalents — F.T.E) is allocated to waste abatement activities? 10 % F.T.E. . Does your community anticipate hosting one or more community- sponsored "clean -up" days in 2013? ® Yes No Date(s): unknown * Please note that types and amounts of materials collected, including electronics, must be reported to the County (see Part IV Local Waste Collection Report Form). 4. 1 certify that this 2013 Community Funding Application was prepared under my direction or supervision, and that the information is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that a 2013 Annual Report demonstrating compliance with this application will be submitted to the County by February 15, 2014. Name of person completing document: Ann Messerschmidt, Environmental Resources Specialist (signature) Print,ri on .IF°/ nnct- once Imar rarrinlari r,n ntont nanPr 2013 RESULTS (to be completed when submitting 2013 Annual Report) PROPOSED POST - ACTIVITY MEASUREMENT (Qualitative and /or quantitative) 4,900 tons of city - generated MSW was delivered to o processing facility as required in a contract with Tom's Trash Service (expires December 20.16)and verified by invoices Continue to have someone in this position PROPOSED TIMELINE £TQZ Tb bx:, c ...,.. 0 b.o o to c "5 to c 0 PROPOSED PARTNERS - City Maintenance staff - Waste hauler for city buildings /parks City of Lakeville Staff F 5 co i, (il 1— (.) T ACTIVITY PROPOSED • - Verify disposal location is a processing facility on waste hauling invoices. • • • The City of Lakeville's Environmental Resources Specialist will run recycling eligible activities Facilities In tr /nr GOVERNMENT LEADERSHIP RESPONSIBILITY Example: Manage Public Entity Waste. 1. Identify Responsible Party — Each community must identify in its annual Application a responsible party for eligible activities and inform Dakota County within thirty days of any changes in the designated individual. 2. Ensure Recycling Programs Exist -- Ensure that recycling programs are established for facilities under its control in accordance with MN Stat. § 115A.151 must ensure program in place for recyclable materials). C D • E s--4 CC; 0 0 CD 0 ' E ...c _c 0 so cr, c 0 0 E 0_ co 0 0 = 0 0 s_ C C E c U Ct3 -0 - 0 5 7,•1 4, C LLJ 47 1 C.) CU — 0 0.3 0 0,1 • (13 as 0 0 " ro ca... cD ..._ " E 0 T C: E c >-. .,) a) c u „z ,... crl ..., al 7-• ro 0 c - 4; c._ 0 co tt C I.r) CU C s- CD- 0 0 in a_ -.-- u ro a) > • '. 0_ 4- '0 a) E (I) 0 04 0 • E (0 ro c to c - 0 CV a) co 03 L _ c c° u ro m cu mc >. 7.3 CI tx0 c C c Tir E a) co vs CD 0 :6 m rf CI) (13 D ,... ci , fl Q) 0 (1 „ = -0 0 40 1.1. u • -.A-, co 1- E CC '" ro C -0 0 ..i s■-. iv -§ a_ pi C3- trs " ril 0 as cri LLI 1 0 .„,4 ....1 - C = c tfl 111 a, cu ra —§ a) E r CCS 1.. 0 > cy = c alW vs 0 E c ul Printed on 35% post-consumef recycled content paper 100% of the MSW, that is not reduced, recycled or composted, from city buildings, is contracted to be delivered to a processing facility. Record of attendance taken at meetings Number of publications /distribution Number of hits on website / 0 0 Ongoing Ongoing — c — % § An ± E § >wE5\ / / / $ 2 City of Lakeville Staff City of Lakeville Staff 0 \ 3 2 5 E 2 2 \ \ / 0 5 c° ' /: s - ro • 5 > / / 2 Attend monthly meetings Include more information on recycling in City newsletters and webpage # - OZ 4. $ y/ \2 : to EA ® ƒw 70 /��} . � °\ - / 2 g& ix) :/ /: • £ 7 J } ] f . ƒ 2 ƒ2 : % ƒ� �c&0 42 ± 57/ C ' 2 2 f \ \ « £ - \ « u ..= w a . J-J y = % a $7 /± %a :0 < $ » • 2 ƒ \ \ ƒ . \ ƒ�ƒ - \ { $\ Q » \ u 3 » co a) ..-1 1..) 3 a L. % • \.. BINS Meetings - Actively participate in Local Solid Waste Staff meetings (one excused absence.) 5. Enhanced Government Leadership - ,Expand or enhance government leadership (see Guidelines). A TTotal Points (add .1 - 5) (= 20 points total) Printed on 35% post-consumef recycled content paper 2013 RESULTS (to be completed when submitting 2013 Annual Report) PROPOSED OUTCOME MEASUREMENT (Qualitative and /or quantitative) 'Number of participants where recycling was available. If possible, quantity of materials recovered. Number or locations of participants. If possible, quantity of materials recovered Number of participants Number of locations where recycling was available. If possible, quantity of materials recovered PROPOSED TIMELINE I / .\ 0 \ 3 to \ ,\ f 0 tuo Ongoing PROPOSED PARTNERS ,r y 3 7 t % 3 E _ w2E In C In OJ In In City of Lakeville Staff Commercial Haulers Residents and businesses City of Lakeville Staff Commercial Haulers Multi - family residents City of Lakeville Staff Commercial Haulers Residents and 1 _businesses City of Lakeville Staff Commercial Haulers PROPOSED ACTIVITY on weibsite specifically Continue current single sort recycling through various haulers Verify haulers are collecting recycling from multi- family buildings Continue with current program Use pop bottle or other type recycling bins for recycling at special events s1ulod « # # - er 0Z OPERATIONS RESPONSIBILITY focusing efforts on new and existing 7. Curbside Recycling Materials — Continue the curbside collection program for recycling of newspaper, magazines, mixed mail, corrugated cardboard, steel /aluminum cans, glass containers, and plastics. 8. Multi- family Recycling — Ensure recycling service is available in all multi-family buildings that includes all recyclables collected through the curbside collection program. 9. Waste Collection Services — Promote implementation of policies and practices to ensure waste collection services are provided to residents and businesses per state law. (1154.941). 10. Enhanced Operations. Expand or enhance recycling or solid waste management operations (see Guidelines). B. Total Points (add £ -1U) (= 20 points total) cu co ro ed 1 L 0 co cu cu CU OD o cu PrInted on 35% post-consumer recycled content paper 2013 RESULTS (to be completed when submitting 2013 Annual Report) PROPOSED OUTCOME MEASUREMENT (Qualitative and /or quantitative) Number of articles produced Number of hits on website Number of articles produced Number of hits on website E © 2 a • 0 E / t 0 / a O 2uo5up \ 5 to 0 CI ¢ ^ 0 e / e — © »a d 2 m City of Lakeville Staff e / » ±moo J a y PROPOSED ACTIVITY New resident guide is available on website to all. Various newsletter articles regarding recycling are distributed to existing households via newsletter articles. % ƒ E 0 0 & 3 k 0) 2 k ® \ , / 7 t 2 \ / \ ƒ : \ \ k \ / / Continue educational information related to the solid waste master plan Continue to maintain web pages that relate solid waste and recycling that are consistent with the annual work plan - m m m m EDUCATION RESPONSIBILITY 11. Recycling Communication to Households - Produce at least one electronic (when applicable) and written communication and distribute to every new and existing household, including multi - family buildings. 13. Program Messages Support and promote the Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board and the Regional /County Solid Waste Master Plan's integrated solid waste management program messages. 14. Website for Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste. Management - Maintain community website with environmental information that links to http- : / /www.co. dakota. mn. us /EnvironrnentRoads /defauit.htm ra ra § / % / • $ 0 ra Cr co Printed on 35% post-consumer recycled content paper CP • - 7, 4 ▪ ta I I • •■••• • %rm. Printed on 35% post-consumer recycled content paper (to be completed when MEASUREMENT Number of participants Quantity of materials distributed Number of participants Quantity of materials recovered TIMELINE April, 2013 ETU ipdv PARTNERS j City of Lakeville Staff Local Waste Haulers Volunteers City of Lakeville Staff Local Waste Haulers Earth Day education event where participants learn about recycling and other environmental topics The Annual Roadside Watershed Clean Up is held every year as part of the city's celebration of Earth Day, .4.i ...... 0.. IA p•••••• .w.... co ...., ■••••••• ,..- 14.1 ,C •••••■4 11 VD 15: Make presentation(s) to City employees (minimum of 10) regarding a government leadership activity. Topic(s) rnust be consistent with the annual work plan. 16. Provide environmental education to community group(s) (minimum of 10 people.) Topic(s) must be consistent with the annual work plan. 17. Provide environmental education in schools or other public entities (minimum of 10 people), with schools a top priority. Topic(s) must be consistent with the annual work plan. 18. Sponsor a community event for Earth Day (if attended by over 100 people — counts as two. 19. Sponsor a community event for America Recycles Day (if attended by over 100 people - counts as two). 20. Sponsor a community event for Pollution Prevention Week (if attended by over 100 people — counts as two). 21. Provide recycling at community- sponsored event or festival, CP • - 7, 4 ▪ ta I I • •■••• • %rm. Printed on 35% post-consumer recycled content paper Fr L I 5 -c 0 u •F•� c 4- CU 4 6 0 0 r1 v 5 } u 0 E E O .S� w C rif O (ES Q a1 r ra CU nA c O u L v� h4 0 C3 O Lt- >4. a) E 2 E c 0 as O l� F 4A 0) - � "ZS CS. "O � L N O c av Cll E 0 O- 41 0E o 03 0 v-) a) 3 3) 03 YW i�4 .0 g S Sk U 0 0 0 U 0 O • b4 b !} • O v 0 0 O C7 In O Y y 00 it 03 0 O crl V] 0 O TOTAL POINTS (add totaI points Pr A (100 points total) 25% of net di 2ible costs reimbursed Ptinted on 35% post-consumer recycled content paper 50% of net eli2ible costs reimbu 92 Points = produced Number of hits on website produced Number of hits on website tic 13.0 0 bA 0 qA 0 >' W - co C 7- CIZ c newsletter, and in new resident information. material regarding The Recycling Zone and the Rethink Recycling campaign in newsletter and /or print article. 00 including recycling containers and recycling labels. to completing mandated education activity ##11, incorporate an additional electronic and /or printed material provided by the regional Rethink Recycling campaign into communications distributed in your community. to completing mandated education activity #12; incorporate an additional electronic and /or printed • material provided by the region's Rethink Recycling campaign into communications distributed in your cornniunity. 24. Enhanced Education: Expand or enhance education or promotional efforts (see Guidelines ). D. Total Points (add 15 to 24) (= 40 points total) Fr L I 5 -c 0 u •F•� c 4- CU 4 6 0 0 r1 v 5 } u 0 E E O .S� w C rif O (ES Q a1 r ra CU nA c O u L v� h4 0 C3 O Lt- >4. a) E 2 E c 0 as O l� F 4A 0) - � "ZS CS. "O � L N O c av Cll E 0 O- 41 0E o 03 0 v-) a) 3 3) 03 YW i�4 .0 g S Sk U 0 0 0 U 0 O • b4 b !} • O v 0 0 O C7 In O Y y 00 it 03 0 O crl V] 0 O TOTAL POINTS (add totaI points Pr A (100 points total) 25% of net di 2ible costs reimbursed Ptinted on 35% post-consumer recycled content paper 50% of net eli2ible costs reimbu 92 Points = PART H: APPLICATION and REPORT FORK! FOR PUBLIC AREA RECYCLING CONTAINERS Limited funds are available to supply public area recycling containers (City Hall, Community Centers, City Sports Arenas, etc.) for the purpose of increasing recycling in public areas. Communities should indicate the number of recycling containers anticipated for public area recycling at community buildings in the coming funding year. Environmental Management Department staff will arrange for type(s), total quantities, ordering, and distribution to communities. Communities must provide environmental education messages (e.g., labels, posters, promotions, etc.) to encourage appropriate public use of the containers, and are responsible for placement and maintenance of the container and management of its contents, 1. Is your community requesting public area containers in 2013 at community buildings? Yes ( No If yes, what type? If no, skip to PART III: APPLICATION FOR LOCAL NEGOTIATED INITIATIVE FUNDS. 2. Quantity: Number of public area recycling containers requested. 1 slim jim set WITH WHEELS for Fire Station #1 3. Location: Identify where requested containers will be used. Fire Station #1, 20190 Holyoke Ave, Lakeville, MN 4. Distribution Location: List the location and address for container delivery. Will pick up and place at indicated locations PART Ill: APPLICATION and REPORT FORM FOR LOCAL NEGOTIATED INITIATIVE FUNDS Is your community applying for Local Negotiated Initiative Funds? Yes 1 No If no, skip to PART IV: COMMUNITY FUNDING BUDGET FORM. Local Negotiated Initiative Fund (LNIF) projects and programs are negotiated with Environmental Management Department staff during the work planning process. Eligible LNIF projects include: ▪ Education, operation, and government leadership expenses supporting and promoting activities related to the community's chosen Local Negotiated Fund activity. • Develop a recognition program for businesses that implement waste reduction, reuse, recycling and /or organics diversion. Develop a waste reduction, reuse, recycling, or organics diversion education /communication program for businesses. • Develop activities to increase residential recycling, including reaching community residents that are currently underserved with waste reduction, reuse and recycling messages/activities. • Provide reduction, reuse, recycling, or organics diversion at community - sponsored events, such as parades, community celebrations, or other short - duration events. • Facilitate and promote a community service project that promotes waste reduction, reuse and recycling (e.g., It's In the Bag Program). • OTHER activity that enhances residential or business recycling or organics diversion; or increases residential or business participation at The Recycling Zone, as negotiated with the Department during the work planning process. Work Plan and Annual Report: Please identify and describe the proposed activities that your community will undertake in the current application year in the below areas for 2013 Community Funding. Please note that LNIF project results must be included in the 2013 Annual Report and include all the below information: 1. Please identify the cost and type of LNIF project from the above list of eligible projects that your community would like to complete. Cost: Type of LNIF project: 2. Please summarize in two or three paragraphs the work that your community would like to perform in this LNIF project area. Include a brief description of why you chose the specific project area, including a discussion of the community need. 3. Briefly describe how the LNIF project will have a long -term impact for your community. How do you see this work continuing after the LNIF project is complete? 4. Local Negotiated Fund Work Plan: Please complete the below Work Plan for each selected Initiative. The 2013 results column must be completed at the end of the year. Printed on 35% post - consumer recycled content paper ACTIVITY PROPOSED PROPOSED PARTNERS AND RESOURCES PROPOSED TIMELINE BUDGET BREAKDOWN PROPOSED PRE- AND POST- MEASUREMENT 2013 RESULTS (to be completed when submitting 2013 Annual Report) Printed on 35% post- consumer recycled content paper Waste Stream Clean -up days lints Drop Off Sites Units Curbside Units Appliances Auto Batteries Electronics Used Oil Oil Filters Scrap Metal Tires Paper Cardboard HHW Computer Disks Mattresses Shredded Paper Bicycles Textiles Shoes Other: Other: Other: MI ME IIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIII , MI PART IV: Local Waste Collection Report Form City /Township City of Lakeville Household Hazardous Name of Event Waste Drop -off Day Date of Event *Please fill in the units for each entry (e.g., lbs., tons, barrels, etc.) and report each event on a separate form. Printed on 35% post - consumer recycled content paper A.2. Promotional /Educational Costs County Share Community Share Total (County /Community combined) Design /Printing Costs 75 2050 75 Distribution Costs 43600 111111111_ : 0 Advertisements 13637. 13637 Videos /Bi #Iboards Software 0 Promotional Items 15538 15538 Special Events (Displays, Performance fees) 1500 1600 .3100 Other (List & Descri be) 4200 600 4800 Promotional /Educational Costs Subtotal 3495 2200 37150 A.1. Administrative Costs County Share Community Share Total (County /Community combined) Direct S a l a r i e s 8650 2050 10700 Direct Mileage 43600 111111111_ : 0 0 Direct Membership & Training & Subscriptions Consultant Services and /or Temporary Help 0 Software 0 Other (List & Describe 0 Administrative Costs Subtotal 8650 2050 10700 B. Total Budget or Expenditure Amount (A.1 +A.2) 43600 4250 85000 C. Total LN1F Amount Requested or Expended from County 0 D. Base Funding Requested or Received from the County (can not exceed the amount approved by the County Board) 43600 85000 E. Amount to be Returned to the County (if applicable) PART V. 2013 COMMUNITY FUNDING BUDGET AND EXPENSE REPORT FORM Communities must enter esti mated costs, per line item, in appropriate sections of A.1. Administrative Costs and A.2 Promotional /Educational Costs. Please list any community contributions in the community share column. Community contributions are not mandatory. The total County share may not exceed the "amount of funds elgiblefor" in Part I of this application. Unexpended funding from budgets may not be carried over. Printed on 35% post - consumer recycled content paper