HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-05CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS, RECREATION & NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES September 5, 2012 Chair Kelly called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Members Present: Matt Dinslage, Tom Goodwin, Judy Hayes, Scott Kelly, Howard Lovelace, Jeanne Peterson, Bob Swan, Jerry Zell Members Absent: None Staff Present: Interim Parks & Recreation Director John Hennen, Environmental Resources Manager Mac Cafferty, Recording Secretary Patty Ruedy 2. Approval of July 18, 2012 meeting minutes Minutes were approved as presented. 3. Citizen comments There were no citizen comments. 4. Staff report Staff gave an update on Heritage Center, Kenrick Avenue Trail project and improvements to King Park infields #1, 2 and 4. Staff has had some discussions with Steve McComas regarding water quality issues at Valley Lake. Newly-planted park trees are being watered due to lack of rain. Art Festival is scheduled for September 15-16. 5. Spirit of Brandtjen Farms 10th Addition preliminary and final plat The plat consists of 22 single-family lots located west of Draft Horse Blvd. and north of 170th St. SBF Development Corporation has also submitted a final plat for approval of 48 single-family lots and 2 outlots. The developer will be required to construct 5’ concrete sidewalks on both sides of all local streets and rough-grade for future trail along the west side of Diamond Path. Park dedication was previously satisfied through a land dedication and cash contribution paid in 2005. Staff noted that grading for the site was done in the first phase. Goodwin inquired about trails and green spaces. Staff replied that trails and common areas remain intact. Motion made by Zell, seconded by Goodwin to recommend City Council consider approval of Spirit of Brandtjen Farms 10th Addition preliminary plat, PUD development stage plan and final plat subject to the TPC Planning Report dated August 30, 2012 and Engineering Report dated August 30, 2012. Ayes-Unanimous 6. Spirit of Brandtjen Farms 11th Addition preliminary and final plat This is a re-plat of the SBF 8th Addition approved by City Council on Oct. 17, 2011. The private alley platted as Outlot A to service the lots and blocks 1 and 2 has been eliminated. The developer will be required to construct 5’ concrete sidewalks on both sides of all local streets. The park dedication requirement was paid with the SBF plat in 2005; therefore no park dedication will be collected. Goodwin inquired about trails. Staff replied that the trails are taken care of by the association in this area. Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, September 5, 2012 Page 2 Motion made by Dinslage, seconded by Swan to recommend City Council consider approval of Spirit of Brandtjen Farms 11th Addition preliminary and final plat subject to the TPC Planning Report dated August 30, 2012 and Engineering Report dated August 30, 2012. Ayes-Unanimous 7. Motorcycle parking in Antlers Park Council members recently received an email from a resident requesting a motorcycle parking area at Antlers Park as a result of receiving a ticket for parking on a striped area for handicapped parking. Staff presented options: 1) striping existing stall(s) within the parking lot, 2) renovate existing stub trail located on the south side of the parking lot, remove curb and add concrete pad (high cost). Committee feels that motorcycle parking does not need to be located up front, as it is and always has been first-come, first-serve. Committee agreed to direct staff to paint two existing stalls (4 motorcycle spots). Peterson suggested adding renovation of the existing stub trail to the 2014 budget if funds can’t be found in the meantime. Committee is not in favor of adding designated motorcycle parking at other parks at this time. 8. Ritter Farm Park South Forty Archery Range Earlier this year, a resident who lives adjacent Ritter Farm Park contacted the Parks Department regarding a number of arrows he found on his property east of the South Forty Archery Range while completing significant buckthorn removal on his property. Prior to Parks & Recreation Director Steve Michaud’s retirement, Steve worked with the South Forty Archery Club, eliminating two targets and relocating six that were in proximity to the resident’s property. Staff recently met with the resident again along with the South Forty Archery Club president Shawn Bartlett as a result of resident finding a new arrow on his property. South Forty Archers have since shut down an additional target located closest to his property. Dinslage inquired as to whether there is a policy on setbacks for targets or a buffer zone. Staff replied that there is no policy and that the archery range has been in existence since 1984. Staff will continue to work with the South Forty Archery Club regarding preventing errant arrows from leaving the site. 9. Other business Committee inquired as to status of Parks, Trails & Open Space Plan. Staff replied that the revised document will be included as part of the City’s visioning plan at a yet-to-be-determined date. Goodwin inquired; what is a visioning plan? Hayes inquired as to who will is/will be on the visioning committee. Staff will follow up with committee members. 10. Announcements Next Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting, September 19. 11. Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Patty Ruedy, Recording Secretary