HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 08Date December 3, 2012 Item No. Public Hearing: Truth in Taxation Proposed Action Conduct a "Truth in Taxation" public hearing. Minnesota Statutes require a public hearing prior to adoption of the 2013 budget and tax levy. Overview The purpose of the hearing is to present the proposed 2013 budget and tax levy and provide taxpayers the opportunity to ask questions and present comments. At the hearing, a succinct overview of the budget and tax levy will be presented. After all persons have had an opportunity to speak, the City Council should close the hearing. Adoption of the budget and tax levy will be at the regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, December 17, 2012. Primary Issues to Consider (Refer to responses starting on page 2) • Adjustments to the Preliminary Tax Levy • Budget Adjustments Supporting information e Budget document. Please bring the document with you to the Council meeting. De eller, Fin e Director Tax Levy Financial Impact: $23,079,185 Budgeted: Yes Source: Various funds Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: Primary Issues to Consider Adjustments to Preliminary Tax Levy There a number of proposed adjustments to the preliminary tax levy as shown below. 2013 Property Tax Levy adjustments Prior Year (2012) Activities Building permit revenue adjustments Personnel transitions - vacancies Police (2012) 21,802 Engineering (2012) (34,320) GIS Technician (2012) 17,530 Streets Maintenance (2012) 7,925 Parks (2012) (46,329 Total personnel transitions Ice rink- Cherryview (2012) Contingency (2012) Total adjustments due to prior year (2012) Building permit revenue adjustments Original single family estimate (160)- revised (210) Major Maintenance Items financed by Building Fund General Government Facilities Police Fire Stations Central Maintenance Facility Arts Center Personnel adjustment - Administrative Services Manager Personnel transitions - vacancies Engineering GIS Technician Streets Maintenance Parks Total personnel transitions Equipment Fund Ice rink- Cherryview League of Minnesota Cities - dues Total property tax levy adjustments Preliminary Property Tax Levy Proposed Revised Property Tax Levy Increase /(decrease) compared to prior year 9,388 500 (662,448) 23,741,633 $ 23,079,185 (47,775) -0.2% An overview of the tax impact on residential and business properties follows. (184,420) (33,392) 3,129 (104,000 (318,683) (183,333) (15,600) (40,600) (42,575) (9,850) (3,800 (112,425) (14,790) (22,521) (17,850) (33,109) (26,817) 10,456 6,336 2,069 2,147 (43,105) 2014 (183,333) (2,061) (36,184) (73,955) 9,388 500 (285,645) 24,452,243 $ 24,166,598 1,087,413 4.7% 2 RESIDENTIAL HOMESTEADED PROPERTIES - $214,800 Market Value For: School District 194 - Vermillion Watershed District 2012 2013 ?r- -, - ` -= - Win" Property Property Percentage - ., A Taxes Taxes Change Increase /(decrease) Dakota County $ 692.05 $ 665.87 (26) -318% Lakeville 851.62 831.34 (20) -2.4% School District 194 1,119.81 1,132.17 12 1.1% Metro /Othe r taxi ng districts 110.17 107.49 (3 ) ' -2.4% Total $ 2,773.65 $ 2,736.87 -1.3% (37 -1.3% For: School District 192 - Vermillion Watershed District Actual Proposed 4 2012 2013 Property Property Percentage7x Taxes Taxes Change Increase/(decrease) Dakota County $ 692.05 $ 665.87 (26) -3.8% Lakeville 851.62 831.34 (20) -2.4% School District 192 1,502.72 1,484.41 (18) -1.2% Metro /Othertaxing districts 110.17 107.49 (3 ) - Total $3,156.56 $3,089.11 -2.1% 67 ) -2.1% For: School District 196 - Vermillion Watershed District Actual Proposed 2012 2013 -" Property Property Percentageui' Taxes Taxes Change Increase /(decrease) Dakota County $ 692.05 $ 665.87 (26) 3.8% Lakeville 851.62 831.34 (20) -2.4% School District 192 1,116.10 1,055.33 (61) -5.4% Metro /Other taxi ng districts 110.17 107.49 (3 ) - Total $2,769.94 $ 2,660.03 4.0% (110 -4.0% 3 Actual P Proposed - a 3 COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES For: School District 194 - Vermillion Watershed District 100,000 Market Value Dakota County Lakeville State General Tax School District 194 Metro /Other taxing districts Fiscal Disparity Tax Total Dakota County Lakeville State General Tax School District 194 Metro /Other taxing districts Fiscal Disparity Tax Total Dakota County Lakeville State General Tax School District 194 Metro /Other taxing districts Fiscal Disparity Tax Total Actual Proposed 2012 2013 Property Property Percentage Taxes Taxes Change $ 294.84 $ 306.47 359.16 382.72 766.50 795.00 477.76 523.35 46.43 49.47 852.17 911.43 $ 2,796.86 $ 2,96 8.44 6.1% $500,000 Market Value Increase/(decrease) 12 3.9% 24. 6.6% 29 3.7% 46 9.5% 3 6.5% 59 '7.0% Actual 2012 Property Taxes Proposed 2013 Property Taxes Percentage Change mI ffis , 6 , '�'": mw Increase /(decrease) $ 1,793.26 $ 1,889.88 Taxes 97 5.4% 2,205.69 2,350.26 4,887.67 145 6.6% 4,726.75 4,902.50 6,150.93 176 3.7% 2,725.30 2,994.52 269 9.9% 286.32 305.07 19 6.5% 5,255.03 5,620.52 365 7.0 $ 16,9 92.35 $ 18,06 6.3% 1,070 6.3% 111 1'11 Actual Proposed 2012 2013 Property Property Taxes Taxes $ 3,729.69 $ 3,932.99 4,587.04 4,887.67 9,836.75 10,202.50 5,594.81 6,150.93 595.86 634.87 10,936.14 11,696.75 $ 35,280.29 $ 37,505.71 Percentage Change 6.3% Increase/ /decrease) 203 5.5% 301 6.6% 366 3.7% 556 9.9% 39 6.5% 761 7.0% 2,125 6.3% 4 The following is a discussion of budget proposed adjustments to the preliminary budget and tax levy which were approved on September 4`h General Fund A summary of proposed General Fund expenditure adjustments are as follows: 5 2012 2013 2014 ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE EXPENDITURES MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Increase MLC dues 500 500 CITY ADMINISTRATION Administrative Services Manager position transition 1,113 7,939 PLANNING Associate Planner transition (5,903) GENERAL GOVERNMENT FACILITIES Remove vacant senior facility 2013 operating costs (4,813) Major maintenance financed by Building Fund (15,600) POLICE Major maintenance financed by Building Fund (40,600) Patrol Sergant transition 21,802 FIRE Major maintenance financed by Building Fund (42,575) ENGINEERING Assistant City Engineer transition (34,320) (22,521) (17,850) GIS transition - Effective 12/1/12 17,530 (33,109) (26,817) STREETS Major maintenance financed by Building Fund (9,850) Street Maintenance transition 7,925 10,456 6,336 ART CENTER Major maintenance financed by Building Fund (3,800) PARKS AND RECREATION Parks and Recreation Director transition (46,329) 2,069 2,147 Open Cherryview rink effective November 2012 3,129 9,388 9,388 CONTINGENCY Remove 2012 contingency (104,000) Total expenditure adjustments (134,263 (155,245 (18,357 5 A discussion of the proposed expenditure details follows: a) The estimated 2012 expenditures are anticipated to be reduced by $134,263 as a result of personnel transitions (i.e. Police Sergeant, Engineering and Parks and Recreation Director), elimination of the contingency and the addition of the Cherryview ice rink. b) 2013 expenditures are proposed to be reduced by $155,245 as a result of: • Employee transitions • Transfer major maintenance projects to the Building Fund • Addition of the Cherryview ice rink • The expenditure reductions for the maintenance and utilities at the old senior center ($4,813) result in a corresponding reduction in fund raising revenues. The revised fundraising commitments by user groups is as follows: A summary of proposed General Fund revenue adjustments is as follows: REVENUES GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES Prior year adjustments - building permits Prior year adjustments - expenditures Building permit revenues Reduce levy for major maintenance items - financed by Building Fund Personnel adjustments Other Total Tax levy adjustment LICENSES AND PERMITS Increase Building permit revenue Orginal estimate =221 S.f.- revised to 247 s.f. Orgi nal estimate= 160 S.f. - revised to 210 s.f. SERVICE CHARGES Heritage Center fund raising Planner fees Total Revenue Adjustments - Increase (Decrease) 2012 r 2013 r 2014 ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE (184,420) (134, 263) (183,333) (183,333) (112,425) (57,895) (38,245) 9,888 9,888 (662,448) (211,690) 183,333 183,333 (4,813) - 10,000 10,000 184,420 (473,928) (18,357) 29 Preliminary Revised Budget Adjust Budget Senior Citizens 4,000 (2,139) 1,861 Yellow Ribbon 2,500 (1,337) 1,163 Historical Society 2,500 (1,337 1,163 Total $ 9,000 $ (4,813 $ 4,187 A summary of proposed General Fund revenue adjustments is as follows: REVENUES GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES Prior year adjustments - building permits Prior year adjustments - expenditures Building permit revenues Reduce levy for major maintenance items - financed by Building Fund Personnel adjustments Other Total Tax levy adjustment LICENSES AND PERMITS Increase Building permit revenue Orginal estimate =221 S.f.- revised to 247 s.f. Orgi nal estimate= 160 S.f. - revised to 210 s.f. SERVICE CHARGES Heritage Center fund raising Planner fees Total Revenue Adjustments - Increase (Decrease) 2012 r 2013 r 2014 ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE (184,420) (134, 263) (183,333) (183,333) (112,425) (57,895) (38,245) 9,888 9,888 (662,448) (211,690) 183,333 183,333 (4,813) - 10,000 10,000 184,420 (473,928) (18,357) 29 A summary of the proposed revenue adjustment details are as follows: a) The 2012 budget estimated has approximately $184,420 increase in building permit revenues as a result of continued strength in single family home construction. As of October 31 permits have been issued for 215 single family units, senior housing with 101 dwelling units and 8 townhomes /duplexes. Permits are anticipated to be issued for an additional 32 units before year end. b) The 2013 General Fund Taxes are proposed to be reduced by $662,448 as a result of • increased 2012 building permit revenue, • personnel transitions in 2012 and 2013, • major maintenance expenditures to be financed from the Building Fund, • addition of Cherryview ice rink and adjustments to fund balance. c) The estimated 2014 tax levy will decrease by $211,690 due to expenditure reductions and adjustments in fund balance. The proposed adjustments to the preliminary General Fund budget will result in a balance which is within the guidelines of the Fund Balance Policy. 2013 $ 20,626,178 21,246,903 (620,725) 10,198,765 $ 9,578,040 45.7% 2014 $ 21,451,908 21,604,165 (152,257) 9,578,040 $ 9,425,783 43.6% 7 2012 Revenues as adjusted $ 21,139,920 Expenditures as adjusted 21,489,493 Net (decrease) (349,573) Beginning fund balance 10,548,338 Ending fund balance $ 10,198,765 Fund balance as a percentof expenditures 47.5% 2013 $ 20,626,178 21,246,903 (620,725) 10,198,765 $ 9,578,040 45.7% 2014 $ 21,451,908 21,604,165 (152,257) 9,578,040 $ 9,425,783 43.6% 7 Otherfunds The following is a list of expenditure adjustments in other funds. The City received approximately $73,955 from FEMA for use of City equipment during the June 19th storm cleanup. The funds from equipment use will be deposited into the Equipment Fund and appropriated to reduction of the 2014 tax levy. 8 2012 2013 2014 Special Revenue Fund - Communications Water Treatment Facility - carpet (6,000) Fire Department - Interactive white board 7,443 Trail Fund KenrickAvenue Trail: 186th to 205th Street (451,600) 957,121 Building Fund Major Maintenance - facilities 112,425 Central Maintenance Facility- generator upgrade 47,500 Arts Center irrigation system 16,023 Heritage Center irrigation system (9,000) Heritage Center Building Construction Fund Heritage Center irrigation system 13,510 Equipment Fund Police - shut -off equipment 2,500 Fire Department- Interactive white board (7,443) Liquor Arts Center irrigation system (14,000) Water Operating Fund Water Treatment Facility - carpet 6,000 Clays Acres water main 1,441,790 Utility Maintenance transistion (7,118) (8,018) (2,829) Generator - EPA compliance 71,500 Sanitary Sewer MCES disposal fee adjustment 53,077 53,077 Clays Acres sanitary sewer improvements 128,300 Utility Maintenance transistion (4,004) (4,510) (1,592) The City received approximately $73,955 from FEMA for use of City equipment during the June 19th storm cleanup. The funds from equipment use will be deposited into the Equipment Fund and appropriated to reduction of the 2014 tax levy. 8