HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.bMa Little called the meetin to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Cit Hall.
Members Present: Ma Little, Council Members Swecker, Anderson aliA,la sue.
Staff Present: Steve Mielke, Cit Administrator; Ro Knutson', ut orne Tom
v onnoi, t-ouce unier; unrisreiree, VUDIIC vvorKS Director; David Olson U-
Economic Development Director; Dennis Feller, Finance.. Director; Brett Alter g ott, Parks
Recreation Director; All Kuennen, Associate Planner; Pen Recordin Secreta
I"t*zcn fomm,-cnts None
4 Additional A g enda Intormation Cit Administrator provi
........ . . . .
amended minutes from. the
7 for local businesses and residents
on March 28th. MnDOT is also workin to produce an interactive webinar.
Ma Little asked about water usa and whether the current s can ade handle
the demands. Mr. Petree stated the current s is ade at this time. However, staff
will be workin with the Cit Council to update the Cit water suppl plan for future
Cit Council Meetin Minutes, Februar 4, 201
6. tonsent A
Motion was made b LaBeau, seconded b Anderson to approve the consent a items as
a. Claims for pa
b. Amended minutes of the Januar 22, 2013 Cit Council meetin
c. Contract with Dakota Count for Sentence to Service Pro wo r-
d. Contract with Dakota Count Dru Task Force regarding o w'nershi-p 'and,bandlimy, of a
Dru Detection Do
C. Resolution No. 13-07 approvin Grant A 'with. Metropolitan Council
wnect -ure
Envil-o nm ent- al 01 el-vice s for the improvelment o If -pub IiC ��I �0 infrastruct
UIU -ion No. 13-01 ado-fin pi
g . Res I ut 0 IJ L
tf,e �department- officers
h. Renewal of tree work licenses for All ".'.'s a te Crane, Aspen wall Tree Service, Outdoor
Specialties and S & S Tree & Landsca SDeclaiists
Cit Council Meetin Minutes, Februar 4, 201
Mr. Kuennen clarified that this serviceabilit map allows Cit staff the abilit to look at
options for potential development, and each individual proposal would be evaluated on its
own merits.
8. Cit of Lakeville 2013 Legislative Priorities
,-ealsiative Priorities. :..He hi
eni YurMases, tiousin
40 t*
r ma ion. The Le Priorities
'ves,"i';2.--nd le!aislators for additional
: , "Jx.; d
e Council also, x staff to send a letter tot Governors orti the reinstatement
t sales tax ex`e.emption for all local g overnment purchases.
Moti'� 6�`fi�'Wa& y La Beau, seconded b Anderson to adopt the Cit of Lakeville 2013
Le Priorities.
Roll call was taken on the motion. A Anderson, LaBeau, Little, Swecker.
9. Unfinished business none
10. Nexv�usi-ness-rrone-
Next re . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . ... ruary19,2013
Cit Council Meetin Minutes, Februar 4,2013
Cit Offices will be closed on Februar 18, 2013 for Presidents Da
Ma Little ad the meetin at 8:03 p.nJ
Penn Brevi Recordin Secretar
Matt Little, Ma