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DECEMBER 6, 2004
Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Council Members Bellows,. Wulff, Luick and
Mayor Johnson. Absent: Council Member Rieb.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; S. Mielke, City Administrator; K.
Nelson, City Engineer; D. Olson, Community & Economic Development
Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation
Director; S. Strachan, Police Chief; D. Morey, Planning Director; B.
Anderson, Assistant to City Administrator; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The minutes of the November 15, 2004 City Council meeting and the
November 10, 2004 Council work session were approved as presented.
Economic Development Commission member Tom Smith provided
information on Advanced Wireless Communications and introduced co-
owner Ken Coons.
The Operations & Maintenance and Fire Department reports will be
presented at a future Council meeting.
Finance Director Dennis Feller introduced Dave MacGillivray, Springsted
Chairman. Mr. MacGillivray presented a plaque to the City Council
DECEMBER 6, 2004
commemorating a recent bond rating increase. by Moody's Investor's
Service from Auto AA3 for the City of Lakeville.
Chief Strachan presented the 2004 National Night Out Award from the.
National Association of Town Watch to Crime Prevention Specialist, Lori
Clemmer. He also presented the Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety 2004
Star Award to Lori Clemmer for stellar work in the Dakota County Child
Passenger Safety Initiative.
Council members added Items 9 and 10 to the consent agenda.
..04.154 Motion was made by Wulff, seconded by Luick to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
? Planning Commission, November 18, 2004
? Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee, November 17,
? Lakeville Area Arts Center Board, November 18, 2004
? Lakeville Ames Arena Committee, November 3, 2004
c. Agreement for Professional Planning Services with Northwest
Associated Consultants.
d. Resolution No. 04-241 setting 2005 City Council meeting dates.
e. Resolution No. 04-242 accepting a $3,590 grant from the American
Heart Association for the purchase of two Automated External
Defibrillators for the Fire Department.
f. Contracts with Lakeville Area Arts Center instructors.
g. Vending services. agreement with Dakota Valley Vending.
DECEMBER 6, 2004
h. Resolution No. 04-243 accepting donation from the Lakeville
Fastpitch Softball Association for the Highview Heights Park.
i. Appointment of Jeff Klingel as the youth representative on the
.Lakeville Area Arts Center Board for the remainder of a three-year
term expiring on 12/31/06.
j. Amendments to the. Lakeville Area Arts Center Use Policies and
k. Contracts with recreation program instructors Tom Malone, Glen
Morgan, Kim Maxwell and Larry Ablin.
I. Appointment of AI Braun, Fire Department Assistant Chief.
m. Appointment of Mike Meyer, Mike Overby and Terry Nelson, Fire
Department District Chiefs.
n. Resolution No. 04-244 approving public and private stop sign
. inventory.
o. .Resolution No. 04-245 establishing 2005. rates for lateral sanitary
sewer and watermain access charges.
p. Resolution No. 04-246 establishing 2005 sanitary sewer unit and
sanitary sewer area charges.
q. Resolution No. 04-247 establishing 2005 watermain unit connection
r. Resolution No. 04-248 establishing 2005 storm sewer area charges.
s. Resolution No. 04-249 establishing 2005 street assessment policy
for collector and arterial roadways.
t. Renewal of standard engineering agreements and 2005 fee
schedules with:
? Barr Engineering
? Short. Elliott Hendrickson, Inc.
? SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
? TKDA and Associates
i ? WSB and Associates, Inc.
DECEMBER 6, 2004
u. Final acceptance of utility and street improvements for Cornerstone
Lake 3rd and 4th Additions.
v. Authorize removal of shrubs for sight distance at city hall parking
lot entrance off Heritage Drive, Improvement Project 04-11.
w. Janitorial contract addendums with.Osland Building Maintenance,
Tower Cleaning Systems and Marsden Building Maintenance.
x. Contract addendum with RMR Services,. LLC for water meter
y. Resolution No. 04-250 accepting donation. from Cub Foods to the
Police Department.
z. Resolution No. 04-251 accepting donation. from St. John's Lutheran
.Church to the Police Department.
aa. Gambling permit for the Minnesota Waterfowl Association, Dakota
Great Swamp Chapter, for an event at the Chart House on February
24, 2005.
bb. Comments on Southeast Scott County Comprehensive Plan.
cc. Set a Council work session to be held on December 13, 2004.
9. Resolution No. 04-252 approving the preliminary and final plat of
RST Addition; and Resolution No. 04-253 vacating public drainage
and utility easements.
10. .Resolution No. 04-254 approving the preliminary and final plat of
Park Terrace 5th Addition; and Resolution No. 04-255 vacating
public drainage and utility easements.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Bellows, Johnson, Wulff, Luick.
Aaron & Adam Wakefield requested Council approval of the preliminary
and final. plat of one lot and two outlots to be known as Kenrick Pond.
DECEMBER 6, 2004
Mr. Dempsey. explained that the developer, Wakefield Properties, LLC, is
proposing to construct a 14,827 square foot multi-tenant retail building
on property located south of County Road 46 and north of the Lakeville
.Town Office commercial development. The development includes the
vacation of excess 164th Street and Jewel Avenue right of way, as well.
as the existing drainage and utility easements located within the subject
property.. All required underlying drainage and utility easements that
are vacated will be re-established with the Kenrick Pond final plat.
Kenrick Pond is proposed to have road frontage and access on 164tH
Street. There will be no direct access to any adjacent residential areas.
Landscape screening wi11 be installed on a two to five foot tall berm
.between the parking lot and the residential area to the east. The
existing trees and proposed landscaping will adequately screen the
residential area from the Kenrick Pond development.
Mr. Dempsey stated the. Planning Commission held a public hearing on
the proposed development, and one resident questioned whether there
would be a road connection between the Crystal Ridge Estates single-
family homes and the Kenrick Pond development. The Planning
Commission and staff verified that there would be no road connection to
Crystal Ridge Estates. The Planning Commission recommended approval
of the preliminary and final plat and easement vacation subject to it
Council Member Wulff was concerned with commercial development
next to a residential area and whether the proposed landscape screening
would be adequate. She suggested that staff field verify the need for
additional trees if there are gaps in .the landscape screening after
grading is completed. Mr. Dempsey stated staff would work with the
developer to address this issue.
Mayor Johnson asked what. types of businesses are expected to be
located in this building. The developers stated they expect a
coffee/sandwich shop, and .possibly another food establishment.
Council Member Wulff asked if there would be sufficient parking if the
entire building were to be leased to establishments serving food. Mr.
Dempsey stated staff will. review the proposed tenant users to ensure
adequate parking is provided. Staff will also work with the developer to
manage the types of uses and limit the number of high intense uses to
ensure adequate parking is provided.
DECEMBER 6, 2004
Council Member Luick asked if the developers concur with Council
Member Wulff's recommendation for the field verification of trees to fill
in any landscape gaps. The developers concurred.
04.155 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Wulff to approve Resolution Noy
04-256 approving. the preliminary and final plat of Kenrick Pond; and
Resolution No. 04-257 vacating public road right-of-way, drainage and
utility easements.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Wulff, Luick, Bellows.
Mr. Mielke provided an update on the King Park Athletic Complex and
clarified recent information concerning amulti-rink ice facility. He
explained that a development agreement and ground lease agreement
has been approved for the King Park Athletic Complex, contingent upon
an agreement by the City, with or without a partner, to build an ice
arena. A feasibility study showed a need for an additional sheet of ice in
Lakeville. Building that sheet of ice with the King Park Athletic Complex
maximizes the public's investment for the private dollars being invested
in that facility. The additional rink would help serve the needs of the
Lakeville Hockey Association, both Lakeville high schools and could
provide ice time for figure skating and. learn to skate programs, which
are not currently offered in Lakeville.
Mr. Mielke clarified the misconception that the King Park ice facility is
inadequately designed, stating the facility has not yet been designed,. as
the partners have not yet. been identified. He explained that all three
sheets of ice should be managed together in order to maximize
efficiency of the operations. The feasibility study does not justify a
fourth sheet of ice at this time; however, the King Park Complex has the
ability to add a fourth sheet of ice in the future. Because of the
public/private venture, the King Park Athletic Complex would also
include a competitive swimming facility with locker rooms and necessary
equipment. The developer has also agreed, through the public/private
venture, to construct and maintain the parking lot for the complex.
There is also the potential for a covered dome as part of the complex to
serve soccer, lacrosse and football teams, providing benefits to a greater
percentage of the community.
DECEMBER 6, 2004
Mr. Mielke clarified that a proposed super-rink complex containing four
to five sheets of ice, which is currently being proposed in Cudahy,
Wisconsin, would not be justified in Lakeville. The Wisconsin facility
would be supported by more than $28 million in tax increment financing,
a public financing tool that is not legal in Minnesota for this use. The
developers for this super-rink proposal have not yet identified funding
sources for such a facility in Lakeville..
Mr. Mielke stated that a decision as to whether the King Park Athletic
Complex will proceed, which is contingent upon an agreement for an ice
rink, will need to be made by the end of December so that construction
can begin next year.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Next regular Council .meeting December 20, 2004
Special Council meeting, December 13, 2004
Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
harlene Friedges, City CI rk
Robert D. Joh on, Mayor