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Item 06.c
April 1, 2013 Item No. Resolution Adopting Fees for Water Meters and Pressure Reducing Valves, Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve Resolution Adopting Fees for Water Meters and Pressure Reducing Valve. Passage of this motion will result in revised fees for water meters and pressure reducing valves. Overview The proposed fee structure will result in revised fee schedule for water meters and pressure reducing valves taking into consideration product cost, delivery, handling and sales tax. Primary Issues to Consider • How are the fees calculated? • What are the changes? • How do the fees compare to other cities? Supporting Information Finance Director Financial Impact: _Budgeted: N/A Source: Utility Fund Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: Primary Issues to Consider • How are the fees calculated? dio Reads MIU - Transmitter - (single port) Pressure Reducina Valves 3/4" PRV 1" PRV 1 1/2" PRV 2" PRV 3" PRV 92.86 Product 6.92 $ 104.00 60.99 4.35 Cost Handling Tax 79.80 TOTAL Disc Mete rs $ 90.00 229.13 13.58 17.29 3/4" Meter 156.53 7.76 11.71 $ 176.00 1 " Meter 262.29 13.09 19.62 $ 295.00 1 1/2" Meter 492.04 24.18 36.78 $ 553.00 2" Meter 678.79 33.46 50.75 $ 763.00 2" Compound 1,324.29 64.74 98.97 $ 1,488.00 3" Compound 1,765.71 86.33 131.96 $ 1,984.00 4" Compound 2,648.57 130.43 198.00 $ 2,977.00 1 1/2" Turbo 542.86 26.57 40.57 $ 610.00 2" Turbo 564.29 27.54 42.17 $ 634.00 3" Turbo 1,057.14 51.84 79.01 $ 1,188.00 4" Turbo 1,414.29 69.96 105.75 $ 11590.00 dio Reads MIU - Transmitter - (single port) Pressure Reducina Valves 3/4" PRV 1" PRV 1 1/2" PRV 2" PRV 3" PRV 92.86 4.22 6.92 $ 104.00 60.99 4.35 4.66 $ 70.00 79.80 4.21 5.99 $ 90.00 229.13 13.58 17.29 $ 260.00 329.81 20.25 24.94 $ 375.00 2,618.98 144.15 196.87 $ 2,960.00 • What are the changes? Price changes are the result of vendor price adjustments. The City fee changes are as fouows: INCREASE Proposed Current Total Disc Meters 3/4" Meter 176.00 145.00 31.00 1" Meter 295.00 190.00 105.00 1 1/2" Meter 553.00 350.00 203.00 2" Meter 763.00 490.00 273.00 2" Compound 1,488.00 1,550.00 (62.00) 3" Compound 1,984.00 1,950.00 34.00 4" Compound 2,977.00 3,100.00 (123.00) 1 1/2" Turbo 610.00 900.00 (290.00) 2" Turbo 634.00 11100.00 (466.00) 3" Turbo 11188.00 1,300.00 (112.00) 4" Turbo 1,590.00 2,500.00 (910.00) Radio Reads MIU - Transmitter - (single port) 104.00 130.00 (26.00) Pressure Reducing Valves 3/4" PRV 70.00 70.00 1" PRV 90.00 90.00 1 1/2" PRV 260.00 250.00 10.00 2" PRV 375.00 315.00 60.00 3" PRV 2,960.00 1,700.00 1,260.00 • How do the fees compare to other cities? Selling Price Comparison Apple Prior Lakeville Valley Burnsville Eagan Lake 3/4" Meter 1 " Meter 1 1/2" Meter 2" Meter 2" Compound 3" Compound 4" Compound 1 1/2" Turbo 2" Turbo 3" Turbo 4" Turbo Radio Reads MIU 3/4" PRV 1 PRV 1 1/2" PRV 2" PRV 3" PRV 176.00 295.00 553.00 763.00 1,488.00 1,984.00 2,977.00 610.00 634.00 1,188.00 1,590.00 01 d0l 70.00 90.00 260.00 375.00 2,960.00 199.73 259.17 515.34 750.14 1,727.83 2,362.81 766.85 122.65 78.77 96.79 294.91 395.45 3,398.33 154.79 225.79 457.79 636.79 1,891.79 2,183.79 3,425.79 791.79 836.79 945.79 1,499.79 200.00 245.00 321.00 653.00 2,035.00 2,489.00 4,008.00 1,055.00 1,575.00 1,779,00 3,43 7.00 191.41 248.37 493.87 718.89 1,655.84 2,264.36 734.90 102.21 177.00 117.54 •i EE 75.49 92.75 282.62 378.97 3,256.73 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION APPROVING FEES FOR WATER METERS AND PRESSURE REDUCING VALVES NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following schedule of fees is hereby approved effective May 1, 2013. Water Meters (sales tax included) • Meter touch pad.......... $ 12.00 /unit • 314 .. .............................. $ 176.00 a i .............................. $ 295.00 • 1- 112 .. .......................... $ 553.00 • 1-1/2" turbo ................. $ 610.00 • 2 " ppm ................... $ 763.00 * 2,, turbo ....................... $ 634.00 • 3,, turbo ....................... $ 1,188.00 • 4" turbo ....................... $ 1,590.00 • 2" compound ............... $ 1 ,488.00 • 3" compound ............... $ 1,984.00 • 4" compound ............... $ 2,977.00 Pressure Reducing Valves (sales tax included) • 314 .. .............................. $ 70.00 1 ............................... $ 90.00 • 1- 112 .. ........................... $ 260.00 • 2° .. ............................... $ 375.00 • 3 .. ............................... $ 2,960.00 MIU Transmitter - Single Port $ 104.00 (sales tax included) APPROVED by the Lakeville City Council this 1 st day of April 2013, effective May 1, 2013. CITY OF LAKEVILLE Matt Little, Mayor ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Clerk