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Item 06.g
Date: 28 March 2013 Item No. RESOLUTION AWARDING CON'T'RACT FOR 2013 MISCELLANEOUS ROADWAY REPAIRS April 1, 2013 City Council Meeting Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to award the contract for 2013 Miscellaneous Roadway Re airs City Project 13 -01 to McNamara Contracting, Inc. with a bid in the amount of $601.878.40 Overview At its March 4, 2013 meeting, the Lakeville City Council approved plans and specifications for City Project 13 -01. On Thursday, March 21, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. the City received four bids for City Project 13 -01. The bids ranged from a low bid of $601,878.40 submitted by McNamara Contracting, Inc. to a high bid of $795,361.50. The Engineer's Estimate for the construction cost was $724,865.26. Primary Issues to Consider Could the City postpone the roadway repairs? Delay in maintenance of the roadways will accelerate the deterioration and possibly result in increased repair costs in the future. Supporting Information ® Bid Tabulation Bid Abstract March 4, 2013 City Council Agenda Memo Zac �Joh-nso City Financial Impact: $ 601,8 78.40 Budgeted: Yes Source: Pavement Management F und Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): 2013 -2017 Capital Imp Plan _ Notes: The Trail improvement Fund budget provides for the traii improvements CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 2013 MISCELLANEOUS ROADWAY REPAIRS City Improvement Project 13 -01 WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville received sealed bids on Thursday, March 21, 2013 for 2013 Miscellaneous Roadway Repairs, City Improvement Project No. 13 -01; and WHEREAS, the lowest responsible bid was from. McNamara Contracting, Inc. NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT RE RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota hereby awards the contract to the lowest responsible bidder that meets all the bid requirements, McNamara Contracting, Inc., with a bid in the amount of $601,878.40. The construction is proposed to be completed as specified in the contract documents. DATED this I" day of April, 2013. CITE' OF LAKEVILLE Matt Little, Mayor A'T'TEST: Charlene Friedges, City Cleric 2013 Miscellaneous Roadway Repairs City Improvement Project 93 -01 CONTRACTOR 1 BID B6N D (5° /a) ' TOTAL BASE BID i MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION $796,361.50 VALLEY PAVING, INC. ! $716,958.07 McNAMARA CONTRACTING, INC. $601,878.40 NORTHWEST ASPHALT, INC. E $678,777.00 *Corrected amount ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: $724,865.26 EL w III O a < Z w ul 0 2 N't w LU fA to LL C2 0 0 (If LU LL, 0 > LU Y O to 10 I fl I .c b o tl n n 0 0 R 0 o 00 Lrl q m man 6L Ili O cG O 4f1 G O p 6 I S n o li � o n o I:i . . . . . . . . . . 6 9 ui g 6 L,; Z 8 �6 - - - - - - - - - - - lo o - - In - - - - - 99198--9 --Igo o c ol r, -wr ------------ SEE- - C� -- - -o o 6 o 6 ID O q oL or�q Bol oo oo OOOOO C� C� V: R� c� o� c� - - - - 1 - - - - - Q 7- 7. 9 -ld I.c <> >< �z 5 cG 7 5 Rd m t� ;L < J UUUa U ca Q t r U z u m W Ni a C E E o o ow. u to 10 I fl I .c b o tl n n 0 m man Ili O cG O 4f1 G O p 6 n o li � o n o I:i p lzi tl ro > > ti II I ro .2 rn ar C cli O O C C O U a Q — �+ C W C G C b C G C C C C tl d C u Q d V C V 0 c � C C en E u c C C C m A O r M W e N N n N +A Q a w A � ar .r" Vd izaaoc�aza�� a r �wv��cn rnJ w p � N a a wr�Fu,o � fm„z OOOSOa a, v�� u.0 a -= c Gz cxc.- NUa¢��c O O 6 p V/ +drl� sa L ^ N tp Oi ^ W , ffW w � C a N H d co ui h N h VtI �3 V. W } LL � d C < J C r Q z° 0 h- p u > m co <tD c tD �z N U. � O a � u a C � � O w d 0 } ff � L W N O Q m 41 1 3LI � J O D Q Q N !f1 to N pP4 P P p�Pp G o m P � C €ti`pO D N h1ry h c� +5 ' W APr'f Vc # 44 b4 M £4 iR Vt W c4 pp p Nf.hO p P GO P P C} aaaa p p p 0 �L M 07 fop Gl .w N O O M 3 - iPr £4� M 64 W M � NY kfr tfr 'Np bi' G p M1 tl� L� tl� a a n a n P � p tV ^� ry h p i.f1 W 6 111 i � T Y di 5R aR�M aa V! 1� O O n ° n O C 5F d d o CJ n 3 ry ti d0000ni m+ n co 66 ui c5n +n w -ar W+ ©o ©ia Ip a n n nin c>` 0 p p P P P a P p 0� 0 o b NI n P Q lI: N C «. vrw .✓«wvr ya er i.rio � vi ci M+vriririoN N p vi P N M Q Mth tli'L4ML4 nn ©Pac ann ©c P�p © app ° ° opp c.�p m M[tR tR aR iR +h +h N iA EA b4 annno N p p 0 © h N ut C O O cep O G P M � �/i 'C A' YA' Vf tlf lR K K 1A Vt lPr � N a a wr�Fu,o � fm„z OOOSOa a, v�� u.0 a -= c Gz cxc.- NUa¢��c O O 6 p V/ +drl� sa L ^ N tp Oi ^ W , ffW w � C a N H d co ui h N h VtI �3 V. W } LL � d C < J C r Q z° 0 h- p u > m co <tD c tD �z N U. � O a � u a C � � O w d 0 } ff � L W N O Q m 41 1 3LI � J O D Q Q N !f1 to N r February 27, 2013 item No. RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND SETTING A RID DATE 2013 Miscellaneous Roadway Repairs March 4, 2013 City Council Meeting Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to aLz>12rove the final plans and specifications and setting a bid date for the 2013 Miscellaneous Roadway Repairs project, Cit Project 13 -01. Passage of this motion will result in the solicitation and receipt of bids for the 2013 Miscellaneous Roadway Repairs project. n%i4= In accordance with the City's Pavement Management Program and the 2013 -2017 Capital Improvement Plan, the Engineering Division has completed plans and specifications for the above- referenced project. City Project 13 -01 consists of miscellaneous roadway repairs, a new concrete sidewalk along Holyoke Ave. (Kenwood Tr. to Heritage Dr. - east side), and a new pedestrian crossing of Jacquard Ave. at Lakeville South High School. Also included are the reconstruction of the 175 St. trail (Ipava Ave. to Highview Ave. - south side) and the overlay of the 205 Street trail (Kensington Blvd. to Jacquard Ave. — south side). In consideration of MnDOT'S 2013 1 -35 Improvements project, staff recommends that the mill and overlay of Kenrick Ave. (205 St. —185 St.) be postponed to 2014. The estimated construction cost of the 2013 Miscellaneous Roadway Repairs project is $596,790; the 2013 Pavement Management Fund budget provides $597,960. The trail improvements are budgeted separately for by the Parks and Recreation Department; the estimated construction cost of the trail improvements is $118,400. A copy of the plans are on file and available for review in the Engineering Department. If bids are above the estimate, areas of roadway repair can be deleted from the contract to keep the project within budget. Primary Issues to Consider When can the City Council anticipate bid results for the project? The bid opening will be scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on March 21, 2013. The results are expected to be presented to the City Council at its April 1, 2013 meeting. Support Information ® None Zac John n City r Financial Impact: $597 Budgeted: Yes Source: Pavement Management f=und Related Documents (CI P, ERP, etc.): 2013 -2017 Capital Improvement Plan Notes: The 2013 Trail Improvement Fund bud et rovide 126 386 for the trail im raveme