HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-20CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE March 20, 2002 ITEM #1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville City Hall Council Chambers at 6:00 PM. ITEM #2. Roll call. Present were Committee Members P. Messinger, J. Berg, J. Volimas, L. Lulf, H. Lovelace, C. Skeps, T. Goodwin and K. Manias, Alternate. Also present were Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud, Environmental Resources Coordinator Barb Moeller and Recording Secretary Pat Vinje. Unable to attend was Committee Member R. Boldus. ITEM #3. Approval of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee minutes of March 6, 2002. The minutes of the March 6, 2002 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting were discussed. Committee Member Messinger requested amendment of the March 6, 2002 meeting minutes to reflect her comments concerning the Valley Lake Park reconstruction project. Messinger strongly stated that Valley Park residents had made sacrifices in the past for the benefit of other Lakeville residents. Delaying the reconstruction of Valley Lake and providing a playground is not what the residents had expected. She went on to say promises were made that the reconstruction would be in 2002 and now the project is delayed for an additional two years. Staff commented that City Council has not yet approved the Park Dedication Budget and that the playground was proposed to be reinstated in 2002. Messinger continued by stating staff cannot make promises to residents and not deliver. This results in misrepresentation. The residents have waited year after year for promised improvements and the project gets delayed and possibly will get delayed again. Messinger stated past bond referendums have passed due to the support of the Valley Park residents. She noted Steve Michaud attended a neighborhood meeting and made promises regarding park issues to the residents. Staff explained in recent years many major accomplishments and improvements have been completed in the Valley Park area, including major acquisitions around Valley Lake. Committee Member Goodwin asked for clarification of how the park dedication fund worked. Staff explained that annual estimates of park dedication revenues are made by Finance, Administration and the Parks Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 2 March 20, 2002 and Recreation Director. Estimates are based on development activity planned for the upcoming year. Following the revenue estimate, the parks and Recreation Director prepares a preliminary budget. The budget is based on system wide needs. Much effort goes into balancing expenditures to meet priorities such as developer mandated improvements like trails, planned development of new park areas, redevelopment of older park area, replacement of playgrounds and several other annual expenditures including park master planning, legal, STS projects, Tree Trust projects, etc. Staff further explained some priorities are set by geographical distribution of needs. Staff explained that revenues may exceed projections depending upon the rate of development. Certain developments such as Crossroads development may generate additional park dedication fees of which additional projects may be considered. Members of the committee asked staff questions concerning park dedication revenue. They included: 1) If an increase in park dedication revenue is received into the Park Dedication budget, does the plan for trails at Valley Lake Park accelerate forward? If the Crossroads development plan moves forward, funds will be received at each approved development phase. The issue of moving Valley Lake improvements forward would be revisited during the 2003 budget review process. Staff, the committee and ultimately the City Council will decide on the final priority projects. 2) When is the Crossroads development plan coming through the planning process? Crossroads plat is still in the planning process but moving forward. First phases of the plat could be approved in 2002. 3) Are park dedication fees due immediately if plan is approved? All park dedication fees are due prior to City Council review of each final plat. Payment is a requirement for City Council final approval. 4) Are there any additional projects planned for 2002 if an increase in revenue is received? The 2002 proposed budget, once approved by City Council, will remain the same unless adjusted by City Council. There are no contingent development plans in the current budget. 5) Have fees been received for the Timbercrest project? First phase fees have been received and accounted for in the 2002 park dedication budget. Additional fees are forthcoming upon final plat of future phases. There was no further discussion and the minutes were approved as amended. ITEM #4. Citizen comments. There were no citizens present for items not listed on the agenda. ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects. Staff had no additional comments to add. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 3 March 20, 2002 ITEM #6. Conduct public hearing on 2002/2003 park and trail development grant applications for the following projects: 1. LakeVilla Area Neighborhood Park 2. Central District/Village Creek Greenway Chair Messinger called to order the public hearing for the proposed 2002 park and trail development grant applications for the LakeVilla area neighborhood park and Central District/Village Creek greenway trail. LakeVilla area neighborhood park: Staff presented the concept master plan and discussed associated amenities and costs. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $668,663 and the requested grant amount is $100,000. The park dedication requirement for the Prairie Lake plat was a 10 acre park. This neighborhood park could be completed in two phases, depending on available funding. The goal is to complete the park in two years, with or without a grant. The project proposes to construct a new neighborhood park. The project will provide typical neighborhood park facilities that include parking lot, trails, ballfields, open play areas, restroom shelter building, basketball court, picnic areas, skating facilities, trails, lights and associated grading, seeding and landscaping. The park will be constructed on a 10 -13 acre park scheduled to be dedicated as part of the Prairie Lake plat. The proposed park is located west of 35 W and north of 185 Street. This area presently has several hundred homes and no substantial park facilities. Most of the land area west of 35W consists of heavily wooded areas, ponds, wetlands and steep slopes. As a result, the City has had difficulty in locating property conducive to active neighborhood park facilities. The proposed plat encompasses approximately 116 acres including the only flat open areas condusive to park development. The City has chosen these open areas and portions of large oak wooded areas, steep slopes and wetlands to be part of a neighborhood park being dedicated by the developer. Because there are no neighborhood park facilities west of 35W, there is a tremendous need for a park and the described proposed facilities. The proposed neighborhood park will complement the overall park and open space system plan. The proposed development is consistent with current neighborhood park development standards as identified in the 1999 Comprehensive Park and Open Space System Plan. This particular site is identified in the Comprehensive Park and Open Space System Plan as a park search area. There are no plans to increase taxes or impose assessments to fund the project. Appropriate financial planning will take place to ensure long term care and maintenance of the proposed park and associated facilities. Central District/Village Creek Greenway: The proposed trail facility will be located within an existing neighborhood linear /greenway park. The Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 4 March 20, 2002 project proposes to construct approximately 3,600 feet of lighted 10 -foot wide bituminous trail. Six park benches will be installed at strategic locations for pedestrian use. The proposed trail is the first phase of a multi -phase greenway /linear park system connecting numerous public and private facilities to hundreds of existing and future residential developments. The proposed trail facility, when complete, will provide residents access to Heritage Square, Historic Downtown, Dakota County Library, City Hall, Police and Fire headquarters, Lakeville Senior Citizen Center, Lakeville Area Arts Center and several District 194 elementary and junior high schools and the Lakeville High School. The proposed facility will complement existing trail corridors along major collector roads. The proposed trail will provide a safe cross - country aesthetic park experience and provide access to numerous natural amenities, existing within the linear park/greenway. 02.08 Motion by Skeps and seconded by Manias to close the public hearing. Ayes — 8 Nayes - 0 Motion passed. ITEM #7. Environmental resources review process by Barb Moeller, Environmental Resources Coordinator. Barb Moeller, Environmental Resources Coordinator, presented an overview of the environmental resources review process. The topics covered included: review of plans, wetlands, wetlands on site, submittal of wetland report, Wetland Conservation Act, wetland review process, tree preservation plan, erosion control, shoreland overlay district, stormwater management plan, and Southcreek management plan. The committee asked various questions and gained a better understanding of the environmental resources review process. ITEM #8. Review of 2002 Park Dedication Budget. Copies of the Park Dedication Budget/CIP which was reviewed at the City Council work session February 25, 2002 (Draft A) and a copy of a revised Park Dedication Budget/CIP (Draft B) were distributed to the committee. Differences between Draft A and Draft B were outlined in a memo prepared by Steve Michaud. Brief discussion included Valley Lake Park, community center, dog park, skate park. 02.09 Motion by Skeps, seconded by Goodwin to recommend to City Council approval of the Park Development Fund /Capital Improvement Plan as proposed in Draft B, with emphasis of reinstating Valley Lake Park reconstruction project in 2003, should additional revenue be realized due to new development in the City of Lakeville. Ayes — 8 Nayes — 0 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee Page 5 March 20, 2002 Motion passed. ITEM #9. Unfinished business. There was no unfinished business to discuss at this time. ITEM #10. New business. The Department of Natural Resources has expressed they are impressed with Valley Lake and have been responsible for restocking the lake with fish. They have asked to conduct a "Take A Kid Fishing" event on June 8th from 10 AM to 2 PM at Valley Lake. The event will be sponsored by MinnAqua and all equipment and bait will be provided. This event in other communities has drawn approximately 200 participants. The Department of Natural Resources has submitted a proposal for establishing increased buffers of 50' along North Creek through areas of Foxborough Park and Bunker Hill Park from Gerdine Path westerly. This involves stripping the sod and replacing it with natural vegetation and wildflowers. The DNR will pay all costs and are asking for volunteers to assist with installation of plant plugs. Member Messinger commented residents walk on the north side of Gerdine but the south side would be okay. She also suggested the vegetation not be planted right up to the curb. Staff handed out playground survey results and a draft replacement schedule. There was brief discussion of area parks and playgrounds. ITEM #11. Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for April 3, 2002 at 6:00 PM. ITEM #12. Ajournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:29 PM. Respectfully submitted, Patricia J. Vinje, Recording Secretary ATTEST: Pat Messinger, Chairperson