SEPTEMBER 20, 2004
Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order. at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the. flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Council Members Wulff, Bellows and Mayor
Johnson. Absent: Council Members Rieb and Luick.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; S. Mielke, City Administrator; K.
Nelson, City Engineer; D. Olson, Community & Economic Development
Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation
.Director; S. Strachan, Police Chief; D. Morey, Planning Director;. B.
Anderson, Assistant to City Administrator; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The minutes of the September 7,2004 City Council meeting and the
September 13, 2004 special Council meeting were approved as
PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR: Mr. Michaud presented the August
monthly report of the Parks & Recreation Department.
POLICE CHIEF:. Chief Strachan presented the August Police Department
monthly report.
FIRE CHIEF: Chief Nelson presented the eight-month report of the
Lakeville Fire Department..
Assistant Fire Chief Jim Kill and District Chief Mike Meyer accompanied
Chief Nelson in introducing 14 firefighters who recently completed their.
SEPTEMBER 20, 2004
two-year probationary period. The new firefighters were given their
helmet shields and badges.
Chief Strachan introduced Rachael Bond, Police Department
04.120 Motion was made by Wulff, seconded by Bellows. to approve the consent
agenda items as follows.:
a. Claims for payment.
b. August Investment Report.
c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee. meetings:
• ? Planning Commission, September 9, 2004
? Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee, September
8, 2004
? Lakeville Area Arts Center Board, September 9, 2004
? Ames Ice Arena Committee, August 10 artd September 7,
d. .City of Lakeville Emergency Operations Plana
e. Easement settlement with Joel Frank, 210th Street and Jacquard
f. Resolution No, 04-197 supporting the .Dakota .County 2005-2009
Capital Improvement Plan.
g. Grant of Permanent Easement and Temporary Construction
Easement with ISD 194.
h. Resolutions No. 04-187, 188, 189, 190 and 191 accepting
donations for National Night Out.
i. Tree Trimming and Removal licenses for Hendrickson Tree Care
and Tree Masters.
SEPTEMBER 20, 2004
j. Contract for Sale of Trees with Richard and Judith Tonak.
k. Gambling permit. for VFW Auxiliary to Post 210 for gambling events
at the Lakeville VFW on October 23 and November 20, 2004.
L Snowmobile Trail Performance Based Maintenance Grant
Agreement with Minnesota Department of Natural .Resources..
m. Minnesota ReLeaf Grant Agreement with the Minnesota Department
of Natural Resources, Forestry Division.
n. .Receive August 2004 Lakeville Arena Study.
o. Resolution No. 04-192 acknowledging receipt of proposed 2005 ice
arena budget and mandating additional reasonable actions.
p. Resolution No. 04-193 accepting donation from the Lakeville
Hockey Association for Rink 2 seating.
q. Resolution No. 04-194 calling a public hearing for Special Service
District No. 1.
r. Rental agreement with Ziegler, Inc. for a motor grader.
s. Merchant Processing Application with Heartland Payment Systems
for the Liquor Stores and Park & Recreation Department.
t. Temporary on-sale Liquor license for All Saints Church for an event
being held on Saturday, September 25, 2004.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Bellows, Johnson, Wulff.
Mr. Feller introduced Mr. Dan Etling from the firm of Eide Bailly LLP. Mr.
Etling provided an overview of the City of Lakeville Comprehensive
Annual Financial Report for fiscal year ended December 31, 2003. He
reported that, in their opinion, the financial statements as presented
fairly represent the financial position of the City of Lakeville as of
December 31, 2003.
SEPTEMBER 20, 2004
04.121 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by Wulff to acknowledge receipt
of the City of Lakeville Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for fiscal
year ended December 31, 2003,
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Wulff, Bellows.
Jim Connelly of Appro Development, representing Richard. and. Mary Ann
Clemmer, requested Council approval of the Dick's Sanitation expansion
project at 8984- 215' Street West.
Mr. Morey explained that the project includes .the preliminary and final
plat of Clemmer First Addition, rezoning of approximately one acre of
land from I-1, Limited Industrial District, to PUD, Planned Unit
Development District, development and final stage Planned Unit
Development and the vacation of a public drainage and utility easement.
He explained that on May 3, 2004, the City Council approved an
amendment to the Lot 1, Block. 1, Airlake Development Fifth Addition
Planned Unit Development to allow the expansion of an existing building
on the site. Since that time, the applicant decided to modify the master
plan of the Dick's Sanitation site to includethe addition of one acre of
land to the east, which requires the preliminary and final plat of
Clemmer First Addition. The development and final stage Planned Unit
Development is required to modify the Airlake Development Fifth.
Addition Planned Unit Development to include the additional one acre of
land from the property to the east. The developer is vacating the
existing easterly boundary drainage and utility easement in conjunction
with the preliminary and final. plat. Anew boundary. drainage and utility
easement is being dedicated with Clemmer First Addition.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing and unanimously
.recommended approval. There was no public comment at the hearing.
Staff recommends approval.
04.122 Motion was made by Wulff, seconded by Bellows to approve Resolution
No. 04-195 approving the preliminary and final plat of Clemmer First
Addition; Ordinance No. 770 rezoning property from I-1, Limited
Industrial District, to PUD, Planned Unit Development District; and
Resolution No. 04-196 vacating a public drainage and utility easement.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Wulff, Bellows, Johnson.
SEPTEMBER 20, 2004
Carl Tollefson of Tollefson Development requested Council approval of
the preliminary plat of Donnelly Farm. He also asked the City .Council to
consider allowing either side loaded or front loaded garages on the 80-
foot wide lots. He stated the Planning Commission recommended that
all lots less than 85 feet wide have side-loaded garages.
Gary Wollschlager of Tollefson Development presented photos showing
a front loaded garage on an 80-foot wide lot for this particular housing
Associate Planner Allyn Kuennen presented the planning report for
Donnelly Farm, located east of Dodd Boulevard, west of Holyoke Avenue
and north of Heritage Drive. The development is proposed to have 125
single-familylots and 135 attached town home units. The property is
zoned Planned Unit Development. Mr. Kuennen explained that the
single-family portion of the Donnelly Farm development was initially
presented by the developer with 75-foot wide lots. At their September
4, 2003 work session, the Planning Commission stated that they would.
not support 75-foot wide lots. The Planning Commission indicated they
would support 80-foot wide lots. only with unique house design features,
such as side or rear loaded garages and prominent front porches..
The developer then submitted a preliminary plat that included.75-foot
wide single-family lots. At its August 5, 2004 meeting, the Planning
Commission motion to approve the preliminary plat failed because the
preliminary plat did not reflect the Planning Commission
recommendations related to the design of the single family lots. The
developer submitted a revised preliminary plat that eliminated a majority
of the 75-foot wide lots but still included lots that did not meet the
minimum 80-foot lot width recommended by the Planning Commission.
After reviewing the revised preNminary plat, the Planning Commission
recommended approval contingent upon the developer revising the
preliminary plat to include minimum 80-foot wide lots with aseven-foot
side yard setback, provided that all 80-foot wide lots include a side
loaded garage and a front porch along the width of the home with a
minimum depth of six feet. Mr. Kuennen stated the developer has .now.
revised the preliminary plat to meet the Planning Commission's
SEPTEMBER 20, 2004
PAGE 6 -
Mayor Johnson asked staff to clarify`the Planning Commission's position
on front loaded versus side-loaded garages. Mr. Kuennen stated the
Planning Commission would only support single-family lots less than the
standard 85-foot width if they have unique design features, side loaded
garages and prominent front porches.
Council Member Wulff asked if the developer is willing to provide a 10-
foot side yard setback for the 80-foot wide lots with a front loaded
garage. Mr. Tollefson stated they would like the option of allowing
either front loaded or side. loaded garages utilizing aseven-foot side
yard setback. Council Member Wulff stated it appears the developer
wants flexibility without providing. higher design standards or other
amenities unique to the properly, which is required in a Planned Unit
Mr. Morey pointed out that a standard single-family lot size is 85 feet,
(RS-3 District), and the Planning Commission felt the RS-3 District
requirements should be followed. However, because Donnelly Farm is a
Planned Unit Development, the Planning Commission was willing to
. consider a smaller (80 foot) lot size only if side or rear loaded garages
and prominent front porches were included on these lots.
Council Member Wulff asked Mr. Tollefson if they were willing to
redesign their preliminary plat to include all 85-foot wide lots. Mr.
Tollefson stated they would agree to provide side loaded garages on all.
lots less than 85 feet wide.
04.123 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by Wulff to approve the
preliminary plat of Donnelly Farm as recommended by the Planning
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Bellows, Johnson, WuIfF.
Mayor Johnson indicated that because a conditional use permit requires
a 4/5 vote of the Council for approval, this item should be tabled until.
there is a full Council present.
04.124 Motion was made by Wulff, seconded by Bellows to table consideration
of the conditional use permit for Donnelly Farm until the final. plat is
submitted for Council consideration.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Wulff, Bellows.
SEPTEMBER 20, 2004
Mr. Morey presented the Brandtjen Farm Development Environmental
Assessment Worksheet (EAW). He asked the Council to consider
receiving the EAW for. the Brandtjen Farm mixed use development and
authorize its distribution consistent with Minnesota State Statues and
Environmental Quality Board (EQB) Rules. He explained that the
Brandtjen Farm development is located south of 160"' Street, east of
Pilot Knob Road and north of 1701h Street. The Brandtjen Farm sketch
plan was approved by the City Council on May 24, 2004. Following a
30-day comment period on the EAW, the Council would be asked to
adopt a resolution and record of decision on the. need for an
Environmental Impact Statement on the Brandtjen Farm development.
04.125 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by .Wulff to receive the
Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the Brandtjen Farm
development and authorize its distribution consistent with Minnesota
State Statutes and EQB Rules.
• Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Wulff, Bellows, Johnson.
04.126 Motion was made by Wulff, seconded by Bellows to hold a Council work
session from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on either September 29t" or September
30t", depending on which evening best fits the Council's schedules.
- Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Bellows, Johnson, Wulff.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Next regular Council meeting, October. 4, 2004
Mayor 7ohnson adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
• Charlene Fnedges, ty Clerk
SEPTEMBER 20, 2004
Robert D. Johnson ayor