HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.bCITY OF LAKEVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES August 5, 2013 Mayor Little called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Members Present: Mayor Little, Council Members Davis, Swecker, Anden, LaBeau Staff Present: Steve Mielke, City Administrator; Roger Knutson, Attorney; Tom Vonhof, Police Chief; Chris Petree, Public Works Director; Dayia OI' bfs, ommunity & Economic Development Director; Dennis Feller, Finance Dir ' It r; Brett A # go > Parks & Recreation Director; Daryl Morey, Planning Director; C — .— Friedge , -, `Clerk 3. Citizen Comments: None 4. Additional Agenda Information: The City Agreement for Item 6m. 5. Presentations /Introductions Council member Swecker read the prc Chris Petree presented the July Public a revised Settlement on faf Night to Unite. Department monthly report. 6. Consent Agenda Item 6m was re f astitit agenda at the request of Council. Member LaBeau. Motion was ma� y aedker, seconded by LaBeau to approve the consent agenda items as follows: a. ,sClaims for of tie July 15, 2013 City Council meeting c. Mirl Ye9 of the July 22, 2013 Council work session d. Minutes of the July 24, 2013 Council work session e. Resolution No. 13 -67 accepting donation from Target Corporation to the Police Department City Council Meeting Minutes, August 5, 2013 Page 2 f Amendments to the City of Lakeville Policy Manual related to City Access Cable Channel, City Government Television, City Web Site, City Web Site Calendar, News Releases and the Media, Social Media, Information Systems, and Professional Development g. Contract with South Metro Storm Swim Club and Resolution No. 13 -68 authorizing street closures for a triathlon to be held at Antlers Park on August 18, 2013 h. Resolution No. 13 -69 approving the final plat of Double E CrossiRt"s 4t Addition i. Ordinance No. 910 amending Title 11 of the Lakeville conforming single family homes in the RH -1. O -R anc Ordinance No. 910 for publication Traffic Control Device Management Policy k. Overhang Electric Easement with Northern States Poc6e'r mpany, dba Xcel Energy, in Outlot A, Ridgeview 2 1d Addition 1. Set a Council work session to begin , nediately "f`o'llowing the regular City Council meeting on September 3, 2013 for thi urpose of reviewing the Envision Lakeville report ay7 x Roll call was taken on,146 mpiion. Ayes Davis, Little, Swecker, Anderson, LaBeau � ILem 6m 1 I ` Motion was made by ' "lerson, seconded by Davis to approve Settlement Agreement and Release for Hoppe Marketplace 3r Addition. the motion. Ayes - Little, Swecker, Anderson, Davis call was Rooms Conditional Use Permit Tom to all 20661 Joplin Place, requested Council approval of a conditional use permit a religious institution at 9880 - 192n Street. Mr. Chellberg stated Minneapolis Meeting Rooms, Inc. plans to establish a 40 -seat church in what is currently a single family home on a three acre parcel. He stated that the house will only be used for worship services, and the use will generate approximately 10 -12 vehicles twice per week. No one will be living in the house, and there will be no exterior amplification. Because the building is in disrepair, extensive improvements are proposed to be made to the interior and exterior of City Council Meeting Minutes, August 5, 2013 Page 3 the house. Mr. Chellberg stated they would like some flexibility with the landscape screening of the parking lot to provide a more aesthetically pleasing design. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey stated Minneapolis Meeting Rooms had initially submitted an application for a variance to the 30 foot west side yard setback requirement; however, the variance request has been withdrawn, and the applicant has agreed to modify the garage to comply with the 30 foot minimum setback. He stated that art exception from exterior building material requirements for institutional uses is also beinequested with the conditional use permit so that the church can maintain the existing residential character of the building. A parking lot is required by the Zoning Ordinance ". ious institution, and the parking requirement is based on the number of seats he asse��roorn. Fourteen parking spaces are proposed in the parking lot and 0-- handr�ap csihle o- 7w parking space will be provided in the existing driveway,'' i plan show, at four additional parking spaces could be constructed in tkt, future tcommodate additional parking needs. Vehicle parking for those occupy ch ch property is not allowed on the public street. The subject property is three acres m zoned for single family residential use, and could potentially be subdivided to crea" ee or four single family lots. The Planning Commission recommeifl approval of the rinditional use permit subject to 18 conditions, and staff is recommend related to removal of the } f vll WK g arage. '; _ '14 In response to a question by Council MeiOer,,Davis, Mr. Dempsey stated that any future expansion to the build" Wltyj rking lot kept for the four additional parking spaces identified on the sit plan) Suld�r�ecui an amendment to the conditional use permit and another public A Council ate;' s suggested; at the applicant consider low level lighting for the parking lot and sibly m �r n sens r lights on the house for safety and security purposes. Mr. xr , psey stated Ming is allowed but not required by the zoning ordinance. Mr. Mielke gested addin parking to the conditional use permit to address parng lot security also suggested a revision to the stipulation related to landscaping to allow of the landscape plan to improve safety. Council Member LaBeau suggested the applicant install signage in the parking lot to identify that parking is for the site purposes only. She also suggested an additional stipulation related to outdoor storage of trash containers. Mayor Little invited questions or comments from the audience. City Council Meeting Minutes, August 5, 2013 4 Monica Carlson, 9852 Iteri Lane, requested the installation of motion sensor lights on the house in addition to low level parking lot lighting and more trees on the south side of the property. Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Anderson to approve findings of fact and a conditional use permit for Minneapolis Meeting Rooms, Inc. to allow a church in the RS -2 District, with the following revisions to the conditional use permit: w Amend Condition c) to include: "Landscaping shall be installed a,cto d to the approved site plan to screen the parking lot consistent with 'Zoning Ordance regt�tnen The 11 0. s landsrane plan mac he modified, subject to the annrnval of lie 7 -'munQ A r�pY4 1 "atOr, to rr- improve safety." fr Amend Condition s) to include: "or modification ,M�.,. ,'Fof owing the removal'. Add Condition t) to read: "Lighting for the parking lot an` ch building shall be installed for security purposes in compliance with Zonmgrdinance requirements and shall minimize impacts to surrounding resic�a1' x >,.. Add Condition u) to read: "Any outdooforage of trash containers shall be screened in fr compliance with Roll call was taken,n the Swecker, Anderson, LaBeau, Davis, Little 8. 190' Street DeveloprAi&�, Jim Stan a, mrock D «z. pment, requested Council approval of the preliminary plat of IN .. 68 s' �e famil} 4 W and i ur outlots on land located north and south of 190` Street, east of dd Boulevardld west of Holyoke Avenue. ��caate Pian 'er Allyn Kuennen presented the preliminary plat, which is temporarily being name treet Development. The development will include the upgrade of 190 Street, details t�e worked out between the developer and the City. In addition, the developer is required work with the City and Dakota County for the construction of turn lanes on Dodd Boulevard at 190x' Street. The developer has included a ghost plat for Outlots B and D outlining the future platting of approximately 132 single family lots. The developer is also working on a ghost plat for the Lawrence Schweich property to the east. Mr. Schweich has requested the upgrade of 190 Street as well as an internal local street connection to his property. Future improvements to 190 Street from Holyoke Avenue to Dodd Boulevard City Council Meeting Minutes, August 5, 2013 0= will be worked out between the City, Dakota County and the developer prior to final plat approval. Mr. Mielke stated a temporary asphalt roadway is proposed to be installed from the east plat boundary line of the southern parcel to Holyoke Avenue until intersection improvements at 190" Street and Holyoke Avenue are completed in the future. Mr. Kuennen stated the City Attorney has indicated that Section 7 -6 -1 off ity Code does not give the City the express authority to require existing overhead utilities adjacent to new developments to be placed underground. Therefore, staff has remdvvi Ellis condition from the preliminary plat. Staff is recommending the City Council,, , sider rev3 >ng Chapter 7- 6-1 of the City Code to clarify that existing overhead ntilitv.�,inet'adjacePt tng'nlatg be buried or an escrow be submitted for the future burial q utilities. ; Council Member Davis requested feedback froi ordinance amendment related to underground members on a possible ttornev stated he has .tion at a future meeting. the preliminary plat of the , Davis, Little, Swecker A 19, 2013 Matt Little, Mayor drafted an amendment to the City Code for the Councils e6