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Item 07
August 15, 2013 Lakeville ter.. Item No. SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 12TH ADDITION AUGUST 19, 2013 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition preliminary plat and PUD development stage plans. Passage of this motion will result in the development of 52 single family lots within the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm planned unit development (SBF PUD). Overview Tradition Development (a /k/a SBF Development Corp.) representatives are requesting approval of the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm (SBF) 12th Addition preliminary plat and PUD development stage plans for 52 single family lots located east of Pilot Knob Road (CSAH 31) and south of 160' Street (CSAH 46). Robert Thomas Homes will be the builder in SBF 12' Addition. Robert Thomas Homes is also building on the east side of the SBF PUD. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the preliminary plat and development stage PUD at their August 8, 2013 meeting and unanimously recommended approval. There was public comment from a representative of the adjacent cemetery that abuts Pilot Knob Road. Planning and Engineering staff recommend approval of the SBF 12th Addition preliminary plat and PUD development stage plans. Primary Issues to Consider • What concerns were expressed by the cemetery representative at the public hearing? Supporting Information • Staff analysis of issues • August 8, 2013 draft Planning Commission meeting minutes • August 7, 2013 draft Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes • _ August 1, 2013 planning and engineering reports Daryl Mhrey, Planr(in� Director Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Y/N Source: Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and SBF PUD Notes: Staff Analysis of Primary Issues • What concerns were expressed by the cemetery representative at the public hearing? At the August 8, 2013 public hearing Father Paul Jarvis, pastor of St. Joseph's Church in Rosemount, stated that his church has perpetual maintenance responsibility for the cemetery and expressed some concern that residents in SBF 12 Addition may trespass onto the cemetery property, thus violating the sanctity of the cemetery. He asked if a protective barrier could be installed between the lots in SBF 12 Addition and the cemetery. While the Zoning Ordinance does not require a buffer between a residential use and a cemetery, Jacob Fick of Tradition Developer stated that he would work with the church to possibly enhance the landscaping that currently exists between SBF 12 Addition and the cemetery. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, August 8, 2013 Page 3 1'N,The house and site improvements shall be constructed as shown on the plans a roved by the City Council. 2. The wilding exterior shall be constructed in accordance with the building materia identified on the elevation plans. 3. No part of detached accessory building shall be used for all or a portion of a home occupat ' for commercial activities or for commercial storage, dwelling purposes, guest r or for any other overnight accommodations. 4. The detached acce ry building shall be maintained in a manner that is compatible with the adja nt residential uses and does not present a hazard to public health, safety and ge al welfare. 5. Two new trees meeting mini m Zoning Ordinance: `requirements shall be planted in another location on the roperty to replace.the significant tree to be removed. 6. A, cash escrow of 2,000 shall be submit d.. prior to tleissuanc� of a building permit to guarantee removal of the existing;-; : d, the removal „and installation of the existing and new driveway and the ins#allatio f two new es. 7. A demolition permit shall be required; rior to rem I of the 60sting detached accessory building. 8. A building permit shall be required prior -to comm6_n'cing c struction on the new building and construction and installation- 'yo #..;;:sanitary sewe nd water to the accessory building. 9. Any floor drains in the garage'.must neet building code requirements. ... Ayes: Maguire, Boerschel, Lillel ei Reuvers - Grenz,'Diotning, Swenson 6. Spirit of Brand#je Farm 12`!:' Additi Chair Llllehei opened the .pUblic.:_,hearirig ' to consider the application of SBF Developrnent f ©r.y relirriinary.:; lat and PUD development stage plan of 52 singlfarrily:lszto be`�.ltiown as Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12 Addition, located east of.j-'il©f*Knob Rood (CA. and south of 160 Street (C.R. 46). Ja 664,.. Fick, from 89P.- Development Corporation presented an overview of their requesfk;;: Mr. Fick indicated that this plat will be very similar to the east side of the Spirit of Bi- ndtjen Farr =development with lots being 65 feet in width (cottage lots) and with Robert Thomas Homes being the builder. He stated that the location of the 12 Addition' J..,crea e a new front door for the SBF development along Pilot Knob Road and will viiork around the current Aggregate Industries mining operation, which will be done in 2014. Planning Consultant Daniel Licht presented the planning report. Mr. Licht stated that the SBF 12 Addition preliminary plat includes 52 single family lots and four outlots located on 25 acres in the northwest quadrant of the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm PUD. Mr. Licht stated that there is no minimum lot area required by the SBF PUD District. He indicated that lots are regulated based on minimum width requirements, setbacks and design standards that were established by the SBF PUD Booklet in 2005. In Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, August 8, 2013 Page 4 this case, Mr. Licht stated that the 52 proposed lots are consistent with the setback requirements established for cottage lots. Mr. Licht stated that SBF 12 Addition is proposing access from Pilot Knob Road at 165 Street, which currently has full access turning movements. Given the planned access to East Community Park from 165 Street, the City has interest in seeing this intersection continue to allow for full access. Mr. Licht indicated that Streets A and B are designed with a 52 foot right -of -way and 28 foot wide street section plus bump out parking stalls only on the west side of the street. He added that this design is appropriate givers potential higher traffic volumes on these streets. Mr. L irht -stated that a landscape plan has been ci_thinitted aind is consistent with the landscape concept plan from 2005, but shall be ievised to specify, that the plantings along Pilot Knob Road be setback a minimum �of five feet from the'property line. Mr. Licht stated that the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources:- Committee reviewed the SBF 12 Addition preliminary plat at ther'August 7, 2013 meeting and unanimously recommended approval. ThereIs: : n ©;::park dedication fees as there are still credits associated with the SB,F PUD. Mr. Licht indicated that there are outlots..,proposed .with the SBF 12 Addition preliminary plat. Outlot A will be a`future deve,iobment Oase and Outlots B, C, and D will all be deeded to`t""'City. Mr. Licht indicated�'that the d"ra3nage anil utility easements at the rear of Lots 17 -19, Block 1 must`_ :. -.increased '.to a minimum width of 20 feet to accommodate the required buffer yard;;per Zop ng_flrdinance- requirements. Mr. Ubfi state #hat sfW.,recom mends ~ approval of the SBF 12 Addition preliminary plat "and PUD deaelopme-' :t.stage plans, subject to the 13 stipulations listed in the A st 1, 2013 planJiing report- Chairti<Uehei opened the hearing to the public for comment. Father PaW',J" vis, P.as#-or of the St. Joseph's Church in Rosemount Father Jarvis st6i ,c that St. Joseph's Church has a perpetual obligation to maintain the cemetery that , lies just north of SBF 12 Addition along Pilot Knob Road. Father Jarvis would like to work with SBF Development Corp. to preserve the sanctity of the cemetery and protect the cemetery from dogs and people using the cemetery as a playground. He stated the cemetery is maintained by church volunteers. He indicated that they do not have a perpetual care fund and there are no active burials taking place at this cemetery. Father Jarvis would like to discuss with the developer a protective barrier that could be installed around the cemetery. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, August 8, 2013 Page 5 Motion was made by Maguire, seconded by Boerschel to close the public hearing at 6:32 p.m. Ayes: Boerschel, Lillehei, Reuvers, Grenz, Drotning, Swenson, Maguire Nays: 0 Chair Lillehei asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points were: • Chair Lillehei asked Mr. Morey to address Father Jarvis' barrier request. Mr. Morey indicated that the Zoning Ordinance does notf. equire a buffer between a residential use and a cemetery. He did encourage 1VIr. Fick and the church to work together to address buffering between::#he single family homes and the cemetery. He indicated that the home_ow6ers`bf - seven lots that will back up to the cemetery could install .fences on the yards of their individual properties. • Commissioner Reuvers asked what Fick's thoughts, were regarding Father Jarvis' comments. Mr. Fickstated that he would be more than happy to work with the church to come u=p= ;_with a solution. Mr. Fick would prefer not to have fences on the seven lots that_ are:. to the cemetery. He indicated that looking at the grading plan: tbese' seven lots don't flow right into the cemetery. There .is:a: >:3:1 slope tie#ween the back yards and the cemetery. Mr. Fick indicated tl at;trees and/6f,'-shrubs would be the preferred solution. • The Planning Commission confirmed,"at - 't-= --there -currently are both left and right turn lanes >o,Tt .Pilot Knot ;the development at 165 Street. Motion was n3 ide by Swenson, seconded by Drotning to recommend to City Council approvaibpf Spirit of Brandtjen Pai`mi 12 Addition preliminary plat and PUD development stage _Mans f 52sia�gle_,famh lots, located east of Pilot Knob Road (C.R. 3a..and, soutli`of 1fi0 Street (C:R: . subject to the following 13 stipulations: 1,. -*:SBF 12 Addition sha1f`be developed consistent with the approved SBF Master an, the PUD _ - booklet' dated June 20, 2005 and the PUD Development Stage Plana, /Preliminary Plat. 2. The::: - Single family R ots within SBF 12 Addition are subject to the setback rangy rarninnM PQtAh1i -qhPH fnr rnttanP Ints- `= Setbacks Side Corner Rear House Garage Door Garage Interior House Garage Door Garage House Garage Pilot Knob Rd 20ft 25ft 20ft 7ft 15ft 25ft 15ft 20ft loft 50ft 3. The proposed right -of -way dedication and access to Pilot Knob Road shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and the Dakota County Plat Commission. 4. All street section designs are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, August 8, 2013 Page 6 5. The developer shall construct a trail through Outlot B between Street B and East Community Park and Outlot D between Pilot Knob Road and East Community Park. 6. The landscaping plan shall be revised to specify that the plantings along Pilot Knob Road be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from the property line. 7. Outlots B, C and D shall be deeded to the City. 8. The drainage and utility easements at the rear of Lots 17 -19, Block 1 shall be increased to a minimum width of twenty (20) feet to accommodate the required buffer yard in accordance with Section 11- 21 -9.E.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. 9. All drainage and utility easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer.'' 10. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans shallbe subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. All utility plans shall be subject to review and,ap .. val of-tf b.City Engineer. 12. Park dedication requirements shall be satis - fied at the time :o - -final plat approval as a cash fee in lieu of land based on thej.formula established`=byIhe SBF Master PUD Development Agreement minus;:anVoutstanding credits d .:from previous additions, subject to the recommend6 tions of the.PaTks, Recreation;_ =and Natural Resources Committee. ; .4. 13. The developer shall submit application forf�naf plat approval within one (1) year of City Council approval of:- ttie:..PUD Development Stage Plan and Preliminary Plat as required by Section 164. the Subdivision Ordinance. Ayes: Reuvers, Grenz, Drotning-.SawensonTMagu Boerschel, Lillehei Nays: 0 ...; ::;.. Chair Lillehei recognized Mr�sfick and Tradition Development for their cooperation and continued "Ibexibility thro dbiout the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm PUD project. There fu g was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Brooks Lillehei, Chair CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS, RECREATION & NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES August 7, 2013 Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall. Members sent: Lori Bovitz, Tom Goodwin, Scott Kelly, Howard Lovelace, Jeanne Peterso erry Zell Members Absent: Bob Swan Staff Present: Parks & �Hayes, ation Director Brett Altergott, Environmental Resources Manager Mac Cafferty, Records ecretary Patty Ruedy 2. Approval of July 24, 2013 minutes Minutes were approved as presented. 3. Citizen comments There were no citizen comments. 4. Staff report Construction has begun on the Kenrick Avenue Trail. Sta + ff updated 5. SBF 12 Addition preliminary plat Staff reviewed the SBF 12 Addition preliminary plat which has 52 single family lots. Sidewalks will be installed on both sides of the street. No park dedication fees will be collected as there are still credits associated with this plat. One small wetland will be filled in. There will be removal of some trees along the slope. Motion made by Goodwin, seconded by Lovelace to recommend City Council consider approval of SBF 12 Addition preliminary plat as presented by City staff. Ayes: unanimous Par Committee members were given committee guidelines in their packet previous d this item will be discussed at the next meeting. 7. Announcements The next Parks, Recrea i& Natural Resources meeting scheduled for August 21. Pedal the Parks event will be ' Saturday. 9. Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Patty Ruedy, Recording Secretary TPC 3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231.5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPC@PlanningCo.com MEMORANDUM TO: Daryl Morey FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 1 August 2013 RE: Lakeville — SBF; 12 Addition TPC FILE: 135.01 BACKGROUND SBF Development Corporation (aka Tradition Development) has submitted plans for Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12 Addition. The proposed SBF 12 Addition preliminary plat includes 52 single family lots and four outlots located on 25 acres in the northwest quadrant of the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm PUD. The applications to be considered with the request include a PUD Development Stage Plan and Preliminary Plat. The subject site is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District as approved by the City Council on 20 June 2005. Exhibits A. Location Map B. SBF 12 Addition Sheet Preliminary Plat Exhibits (20 sheets) ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The 2008 Comprehensive Land Use Plan guides the subject site for high density residential uses dwelling units at more than 9.0 dwelling units per acre. The net density (lots / gross area — Pilot Knob ROW — Outlots A -D) of the SBF 12 Addition preliminary plat is 2.8 dwelling units per acre. The City's Comprehensive Plan is required to maintain an average 3.0 dwelling units per acre for residential development within the MUSA, which must also be considered. The high density land uses planned as part of SBF make possible development of low density residential uses within SBF and other areas of the City as guided on the 2030 Land Use Plan while maintaining compliance with the 3.0 dwelling unit per acre benchmark. The change in land use is discussed further in the following paragraphs relative to the SBF Land Use Plan. SBF Land Use Plan. The SBF Land Use Plan (Page 3.4 of the SBF PUD Booklet) designates the area of the 12 Addition for Multi - Family land uses. Based on the maximum allowed development density the following calculation applies: High Density = 24.94ac. x 12du /ac. = 299du. The 52 lots shown on the preliminary plat will be deducted from the total of 2,109 dwelling units allowed for the entire SBF PUD District enabling the remaining dwelling units to potentially be developed elsewhere within SBF. With changes to the SBF Master Land Use Plan occurring here and in the southeast corner of the development that have resulted in development of single family lots where medium or high density residential land uses were originally planned, the ability to develop up to the 2,109 is potentially reduced. Although the SBF PUD District allows the transfer of dwelling units within the overall development, such transfer must be consistent with the overall objectives of the flexibilities outlined on pages 3.6 and 3.7 of the SBF PUD Booklet dated 20 June 2005 and compliance with the performance standards of the SBF PUD District. The implications of the proposed land use change noted above are raised in the broader context of the overall SBF development. These issues will be more significant factors in evaluating future PUD development stage plan and preliminary plat applications within SBF than the current request. City staff believes that the change in land use proposed for the 12 Addition is acceptable given the small area within SBF involved in the current application and also the location of the proposed preliminary plat being surrounded by the cemetery and East Community Park. Outlot A, which is for future development, will remain guided for multiple family uses subject to application for PUD Development Stage Plan and preliminary plat approval. Surrounding Land Use. The subject site is surrounded by the following land uses. The proposed single family lots will be compatible with existing and planned uses in the area. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Existing Use North High Density Residential PUD Cemetery Undeveloped East Park PUD East Community Park South Park PUD East Community Park West Medium -High Density Residential RM -1 Pilot Knob Road Townhouse dwellings MUSA. The subject site is within the MUSA and sanitary sewer and water utilities are available to the property to accommodate the proposed preliminary plat. 2 Zoning. The subject site is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District subject to the provisions of Ordinance Number 787 approved by the City Council on 20 June 2005. Lot Requirements. There is no minimum lot area required by the SBF PUD District. Rather, lots are regulated based on minimum width requirements, setbacks and design standards established by the SBF PUD Booklet dated 20 June 2005. The lots within SBF 12 Addition are proposed with a minimum 65 feet in width and otherwise subject to cottage lot standards as set forth in Section 7 of the SBF PUD Booklet dated 20 June 2005. Designation of all lots as the more compact cottage lots is acceptable given the SBF Land Use Plan designation for the subject site. While Sheet 7.1 of the SBF PUD Booklet dated 20 June 2005 allows cottage lots at a minimum width of 60 feet, Sheet 7.2 identifies that cottage lots less than 70 feet wide must have the garage behind the house accessed by a carriageway due to the narrower width. The developer has previously submitted housing designs for lots less than 70 feet wide that demonstrate appropriate scale relative to the lot area and width to maintain a high standard of architectural character as intended within SBF. Approval of the proposed 65 foot minimum lot widths may therefore be approved as part of the PUD Development Stage Plan for SBF 12 Addition. Setbacks. All of the proposed single family lots are subject to and are consistent with the setback requirements established for cottage lots: Setbacks Front Side Rear House Garage Door Garage Interior Corner House Gara a Door Garage House Garage Pilot Knob Rd. 20ft. 25% 20ft. 1 7ft. 15ft 1 25ft 15ft 1 20ft. 10ft. 50ft. Access. The proposed preliminary plat is to have access from Pilot Knob Road at 165 Street. This intersection currently has full access turning movements. The CSAH 31 corridor study recommends that this intersection be considered as either a three - quarter or full intersection. Given the planned access to East Community Park from 165 Street, the City has interest in seeing this intersection continue to allow for maximum turning movements. The preliminary plat provides for dedication of a triangular parcel for additional right -of -way for Pilot Know Road along the west plat line. The proposed right -of -way dedication and access to Pilot Knob Road is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and the Dakota County Plat Commission. Streets. Street B, which extends east from Pilot Knob Road through the preliminary plat and will connect with future Dodd Boulevard, is designed with a 52 foot right -of -way and 28 foot wide street section plus bump out parking stalls only on the west side of the street consistent with the SC.3 section design in the SBF PUD Booklet dated 20 June 2005. This street section design is appropriate given potential higher traffic volumes on this street from the intersection with Pilot Knob Road and connection to future Dodd Boulevard. The use of the 52 foot right -of- way /28 foot street section design with the bump out parking stalls on the east side of Street A is also appropriate. The names of Streets A and B will be determined by the City at the time of final plat approval. All street section designs are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Sidewalks/Trails. Concrete sidewalks are provided along both sides of interior streets. There is an existing public Multi- Purpose Trail along Pilot Knob Road. The submitted plans include construction of a trail through Outlot B between Street B and East Community Park and Outlot D between Pilot Knob Road and East Community Park. These trail corridors allowing improved access to East Community Park are provided in lieu of an internal neighborhood green shown on the SBF Land Use Plan within this phase of the development, which is acceptable given the low density residential land use that is proposed and available open space within the City park. Landscape Plan. A landscape plan for the internal boulevard streets has been submitted and is required to be consistent with the landscape concept plan included in the SBF PUD Booklet dated 20 June 2005. The landscaping plan also includes plantings for the required buffer yard adjacent to Pilot Knob Road. The proposed plantings provide a double row of deciduous trees, coniferous trees and tall shrubs within the buffer yard that will meet the minimum 10 foot screening height required by Section 11- 21- 9.E.6.a of the Zoning Ordinance and consistent with the other buffer yard landscaping installed within SBF. The landscaping plan must also specify that the plantings along Pilot Knob Road be setback a minimum of five feet from the property line. Park Dedication. No public park land will be dedicated to the City as part of SBF 12 Addition. Outlot B is a trail corridor between Street B and East Community Park in lieu of privately maintained publicly accessible open space. Outlot C abuts East Community Park but is provided as a required stormwater basin. Outlot D on the southeast corner of Pilot Knob Road and 165 Street is a remnant parcel that abuts East Community Park and will be required to be deeded to the City. However, as it is an unusable parcel, no credit towards park dedication requirements will be given. Park dedication requirements will be met based on the formula established by the SBF Master PUD Development Agreement minus any outstanding credits due from previous additions. Outlots. The PUD Development Stage Plan /preliminary plat includes four outlots: outlot Purpose A Future phase B Trail corridor deeded to the Cit C Stormwater basin deeded to Cit D Remnant parcel /trail deeded to Cit Easements. The preliminary plat illustrates drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of the single family lots as required by Section 10 -4 -4 of the Subdivision Ordinance. The drainage and utility easements at the rear of Lots 17 -19, Block 1 must be increased to a minimum width of 20 feet to accommodate the required buffer yard in accordance with Section 11- 21 -9.E.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. n Grading Plan. The applicant has submitted a preliminary grading plan for the subject site. All grading and drainage issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Utility Plan. A preliminary utility plan has been submitted to illustrate extension of sanitary sewer and water services to the subject site. All utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Final Plat. If the PUD Development Stage Plan and Preliminary Plat applications are approved by the City Council, the developer must submit application for final plat approval within one year as required by Section 10- 2 -2.D.6 of the Subdivision Ordinance. CONCLUSION The Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12 Addition PUD Development Stage Plan and Preliminary Plat are consistent with the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and the approved SBF PUD. Our office recommends approval subject to the conditions outlined below: 1. SBF 12 Addition shall be developed consistent with the approved SBF Master Plan, the PUD booklet dated 20 June 2005 and the PUD Development Stage Plan /Preliminary Plat. 2. The single family lots within SBF 12 Addition are subject to the setback requirements established for cottage lots: Setbacks Front Side Rear House Garage Door Garage Interior Comer House Garage Door Garage House Garage Pilot Knob Rd. 20ft. 25ft. 20ft. 7ft. 15ft 1 25ft 15ft 1 20ft. 1 1Oft. 1 50ft. 3. The proposed right -of -way dedication and access to Pilot Knob Road shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and the Dakota County Plat Commission. 4. All street section designs are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. The developer shall construct a trail through Outlot B between Street B and East Community Park and Outlot D between Pilot Knob Road and East Community Park. 6. The landscaping plan shall be revised to specify that the plantings along Pilot Knob Road be setback a minimum of five (5) feet from the property line. 5 7. Outlots B, C and D shall be deeded to the City. 8. The drainage and utility easements at the rear of Lots 17 -19, Block 1 shall be increased to a minimum width of twenty (20) feet to accommodate the required buffer yard in accordance with Section 11- 21 -9.E.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. 9. All drainage and utility easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. All grading, drainage and erosion control plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11. All utility plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. Park dedication requirements shall be satisfied at the time of final plat approval as a cash fee in lieu of land based on the formula established by the SBF Master PUD Development Agreement minus any outstanding credits due from previous additions, subject to the recommendations of the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee. 13. The developer shall submit application for final plat approval within one (1) year of City Council approval of the PUD Development Stage Plan and Preliminary Plat as required by Section 10- 2 -2.D.6 of the Subdivision Ordinance. C. Steven Mielke, City Administrator Zachary Johnson, City Engineer Brett Altergott, Parks and Recreation Director Jacob Fick, Tradition Development 2 I ONE IN NO County Road 46 Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition 1 4 t O fIll & 4W is 11 o Location Map City of Lakeville Spirit of Brandtjen Farm L I 12th Addition Exhibit A ZZ 0 % N Z rrI 1/) v rrI - u — M > oo In Oz Tl rlZ ro A 01 � �z�" zx� Z o vo N D Iz p0 JQOW DZC 0z�m��C zpA0. °{ m� A ; � ° ^ 9 0 A r'�DD ° 1I77 vo..ov� Dv rDp - D 2 y't1 -I noz 2 �o L r°*)g 1oN j r °y z dR.M � 0 H V) A o � m om~ o ; N ;u 1 D o � GGD'yy r z N 00 M -n -n In O N V N O 1 1 ° N z m ° y r c \ N N D ro .T O G M N -I Nv O D r O" C=�rOWO a0 �I I CG OOmO N ND C IO In ov�F 5 N�zNmm� Z VI =D VI y 2 p O N o 2 2 Iz p0 JQOW DZC 0z�m��C zpA0. °{ �C r c C � 9 0 A NNT mT2Z4 t0 Dv rDp y't1 -I noz 2 y z x s r z O O A L" I J " W" to A .' cDNA 0 A rn N AOtDNP. D DDDDD n 0000 Z) .l1 A Al) :0'O m K r m r 1 r ow F* 0 moo D Z ti ° Z Z a- C , O = Z m2 Z rS M y� II Oo D ,p > W R.D tn�D Z WZ2 , ,F > myti r� ti ti z tiOO ti A W� I p of v ° �c D , Y a O O C C D D z A D D 2 2 O O � m o� m p � � � np9 m y z M m �A.. Z n n m Fi m N) I.� D zon " P m i o r x� W a adz Z A O 1 I 0 v m z z A m 0o r � r D n z mrnto � rn,o UJ u7 U N W U to W N O V N W N co W O I I I I 11 0 N N J O O A A O O m P J A S p p A l +J z 0 y o� S � II o � o 2 p v ro T ro R' z N t 0 x t �. MEN a E np ®tt � ro m 4 'p v Y a I j o o f 02, M A m a O N A O O m A B z c-, A A A A A A A Le Si Si Z X Q X X X M � x 2 A 0 y 0 D O ��r�j �i�{ N O Z �O{ 0 0 0 0j � 0 { � } O� O O z z z 4z z z z z z z z z z ! O m0 z o y O n t7 O O O o ° C: Gl O O C Gl C1 G1 G1 n p O L) W ai r m Q p m D 2 c F' ^ v? z D p g i A O D v� A b K' z O C Z z D m D O Z gg m ;' W W � p p o ft S D Q �� n 3 ty � ; A m c N n m tH ,t , D n $ D° 0 O I m CC W � Z y 11 W O $ D < ^� z N Z V r fn Z A r m ! O O z r O { r O n z £ fy1 z m y r m O M D M m m � y= n z° mo = A M m �Ai M m D Do V L e C _ 0 M r O m � D `n - e" ~ d �M� r r N o 7\ , � ~d < "_ 4� F� <� -I��� M y z > L z O �- 7 Ln � <_ D� I ,_ .r - 1 I r W r,, o JJJ N` N � 00z� o C� F� 0 O O H V 3 � n x x l v J i ro ti En � o 7 O 9 v O o y m O r W D W m 0 20 m -1 m D y r r r r l0 -4 A N z a m m 0 o I I I I I I O Oy m m A O { N N Co M N W N W O W 0 Z u O y .. O hereby certif lhol lhl9 plan, A A o o SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 12TH ADDI'T'ION pep ° ma r�p� tle; ° m y James R Hill i n c N N O O O Z!3 to �' X LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA m.e°t . °p" mn and mot I om ' . 0 c rn D �,,, "o D ° duly Licensed Prof —i—I � N ° a (n D TITLE SHEET of Min Stcle M�nnes °[c. En °In ° °t `h.' °"° °f ` "° PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS W F z NO FOR JOEL G, P.ECPER. P.E. (A Z I m m 2500 W Crr. Ro. 42, Surf 120, BURNSNLLE, MN 55337 o (A w SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 44 PHONE: (952890 -6044 FAX: (952890 -6244 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 Date: o6 /tt /2ota Raq.na CAD D C Q l z 0 y o� S � II o � o 2 p v ro T ro R' z N t 0 x t �. MEN a E np ®tt � ro m 4 'p v Y a I j o o f 02, M A m a O N A O O m A B z c-, A A A A A A A Le Si Si Z X Q X X X M � x 2 A 0 y 0 D O ��r�j �i�{ N O Z �O{ 0 0 0 0j � 0 { � } O� O O z z z 4z z z z z z z z z z ! O m0 z o y O n t7 O O O o ° C: Gl O O C Gl C1 G1 G1 n p O L) W ai r m Q p m D 2 c F' ^ v? z D p g i A O D v� A b K' z O C Z z D m D O Z gg m ;' W W � p p o ft S D Q �� n 3 ty � ; A m c N n m tH ,t , D n $ D° 0 O I m CC W � Z y 11 W O $ D < ^� z N Z V r fn Z A r m ! O O z r O { r O n z £ fy1 z m y r m O M D M m m � y= n z° mo = A M m �Ai M m D Do V L e C _ 0 M r O m � D `n - e" ~ d �M� r r N o 7\ , � ~d < "_ 4� F� <� -I��� M y z > L z O �- 7 Ln � <_ D� I ,_ .r - 1 I r W r,, o JJJ N` N � 00z� o C� F� 0 O O H V 3 � n x x l v J i ro ti En � o 7 O 9 v O o y m O r W D W m 0 20 m -1 m D y r r r r l0 -4 A N z a m m 0 o I I I I I I O Oy m m A O { N N Co M N W N W O W 0 Z u O y .. O hereby certif lhol lhl9 plan, A A o o SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 12TH ADDI'T'ION pep ° ma r�p� tle; ° m y James R Hill i n c N N O O O Z!3 to �' X LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA m.e°t . °p" mn and mot I om ' . 0 c rn D �,,, "o D ° duly Licensed Prof —i—I � N ° a (n D TITLE SHEET of Min Stcle M�nnes °[c. En °In ° °t `h.' °"° °f ` "° PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS W F z NO FOR JOEL G, P.ECPER. P.E. (A Z I m m 2500 W Crr. Ro. 42, Surf 120, BURNSNLLE, MN 55337 o (A w SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 44 PHONE: (952890 -6044 FAX: (952890 -6244 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 Date: o6 /tt /2ota Raq.na V L e C _ 0 M r O m � D `n - e" ~ d �M� r r N o 7\ , � ~d < "_ 4� F� <� -I��� M y z > L z O �- 7 Ln � <_ D� I ,_ .r - 1 I r W r,, o JJJ N` N � 00z� o C� F� 0 O O H V 3 � n x x l v J i ro ti En � o 7 O 9 v O o y m O r W D W m 0 20 m -1 m D y r r r r l0 -4 A N z a m m 0 o I I I I I I O Oy m m A O { N N Co M N W N W O W 0 Z u O y .. O hereby certif lhol lhl9 plan, A A o o SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 12TH ADDI'T'ION pep ° ma r�p� tle; ° m y James R Hill i n c N N O O O Z!3 to �' X LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA m.e°t . °p" mn and mot I om ' . 0 c rn D �,,, "o D ° duly Licensed Prof —i—I � N ° a (n D TITLE SHEET of Min Stcle M�nnes °[c. En °In ° °t `h.' °"° °f ` "° PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS W F z NO FOR JOEL G, P.ECPER. P.E. (A Z I m m 2500 W Crr. Ro. 42, Surf 120, BURNSNLLE, MN 55337 o (A w SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 44 PHONE: (952890 -6044 FAX: (952890 -6244 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 Date: o6 /tt /2ota Raq.na hereby certif lhol lhl9 plan, A A o o SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 12TH ADDI'T'ION pep ° ma r�p� tle; ° m y James R Hill i n c N N O O O Z!3 to �' X LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA m.e°t . °p" mn and mot I om ' . 0 c rn D �,,, "o D ° duly Licensed Prof —i—I � N ° a (n D TITLE SHEET of Min Stcle M�nnes °[c. En °In ° °t `h.' °"° °f ` "° PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS W F z NO FOR JOEL G, P.ECPER. P.E. (A Z I m m 2500 W Crr. Ro. 42, Surf 120, BURNSNLLE, MN 55337 o (A w SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 44 PHONE: (952890 -6044 FAX: (952890 -6244 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 Date: o6 /tt /2ota Raq.na 0 C a Cf) N 25 r'r1 � m 8 ~ O O D p iq po l l MC w HI P 12e -m Qr�o zrg�N � 0 6.8 1 y °a J :> m z Ci o c / 0 F oN II o z m 0 g C V D F (n O (A f J f t o 0 co D / (n O O / f / O ,- S01 L A MN 55337 hm that ihle aan James R Hill l n c w SPIRIT OF BRANDT= FARM 12TH ADDITION pr•° a rya w °� E ,� pnpand by me nder my to A LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA dweat ..P—Won and that I am ' u a duly Lkensed Pro /eeslonal (1) �> r SITE INFORMATION tats ands the Iowa of the PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS 44 Stale of Minnesota. O N FOR J00. G. COOPER. P.E. Op 2500 W CTt. RD. 42, SLATE 120, BUNSwE, 45 � SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION W �yul 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE. MN 55044 ate 06 /tt /2 Reg NO IB195 PHONE: (952)890 6044 FAX: (952 90 -6244 UA 9 G • —. o t i.. ovow C H D ,0 D M N 0 > °ic m,w m Z tiZ i i t 1 p O r �0 00 l4 )' X OD X "l 1 t t \ / Z / 3 A y O am° I W .( a � N'.1 " � ` y f k D , O y D A SOf*tZ A A Z C N N to .Zl N fTl _ L _______________________ _______________ _ Co Z / > / ! n J y N Y/ C p —� m -u > 0 T A A 5 M N A O1 0 _ p 0 Ol O J-0 e MC 0 n n N O N N m u O Z 8 U) e ~ r+1 � DDAIA C 8 � A C m _ 1 — — _ ;- -- - - -- _ I — ao w O X , .,..,,. -- -- -- -• - -- -- -•- � TiN —�--_ NV3 0 0V011 Y0101 �,� .,..,. , ' n l n I, o m Q ;0 z \-- O U1 W U i� I _ 1 3F Ln N m D 's O n n° m 1 i. PD ly R 'r 1 I f t 1 6 b by 0' II I D V J T I t a I D � , V I ' � I j I v 120, Bt 12TH ADD ZIT OF BRANDTJEN FAR![ ITION h.r °by <arhrr th at this plan. . ° <I ° ° ° tlon a rw�� ° James R Hill Inc rep°ratl by ma der e my p O O A ;D LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA do-ect prNSion o d that I «n R . ' On D \ dmr u<.n.w Pror ecuanol r N� N O Q fl LA \ D N D ngneer under the 1°Ne or the SITE INFORMATION 5t °t. or Ninn.. °t° PLANNERS /ENGINEERS /SURVEYORS O N � � FOR dcEL c COOPER. P E tt RD. 42, $UlE xlNSwu. MN 55337 L4 Z �� � � w < SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 2500 W C P F2 � 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, IAKEVILLE. MN 55044 dta •��t 1 � 2 O 13 Reg NO IB495 PHONE: (952)890 -6044 FAX: (95290 -6244 -- --- - - - --- 0 ` ! i f € ti / w . O / r Si /��'A A1ET f - ) \/ I / J I 69 N89' '40 "W Q6 'CQ) S ,F n 6)� (% ' •. r .. A a —_ a —�" r N r C E ' C n r a o� � �Z W z 2 Z N V � rn O � '0H q I �ZC ~0 m S N N O O C C b b D D Z Z 1 ti O O ` o N o� D F1 M _ N = O O / 9'52'40 "W N 2 N Cy. n 01 D v m O 0) \ ° ° D SP OF BR IRIT ANDTdEN FARM 12TH ADDITION LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA W aeby im thot lhb plan, ■ Dr Dared by ma der my It cation or r g h.i James R Hill, I n c atreot mverN"lon ana thot I am R. ■ a duly Lloeneed Profeealonat J °' m n N ° I - rw 5 O D EXISTING CONDITIONS tote f Mire th. laws of th. PLANNERS /ENGINEERS /SURVEYORS Stale of Minnseota. N FOR JOEL G. COOPER, P.E. U Z X m Z 1n - W m c SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 2500 W. C TY. RD. 42 Sena 120, Bt>A AWLF, MN 55337 o X 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE. LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 ate• OB/ 11 / 2013 ReQNO 18495 PHONE: (95290 -6044 FAX: (952)890 -6244 / 9'52'40 "W I III I I { k 1 ' it I III II i j t \ \ i I III { � •, II ;II ;m l ;I III; 1 ;1 I II III � 1 it it i II I I . i� i y ; il it It ( I''' I I' it it I, Ill it I 11 i. f I I, z I I 0 itl; I; I j tilt It i jl I I it 11 t I I '� I I it it it it II II I'i t I t 1 it II II I it 1 I it I I it II 1 t 1 111 11 I it I 1. t t it I I Iit 1 1 it I I I I ii 1 `i 11 1 I I 1 1 ; 1 tti 1 I I i t 11 1 it , I i I I it I 1 I I iI I I I ti t I I it I I I N it 1 I I D II I it I = I ti it 11 1 I it I p', I I I o it I Ii I ; I I I " I Wi Cl 1 I I pl 1 —; it I 1 AOD I it i t it I I WD I I Oi 't I I I i rl ji I I • N Oi it I 1 N I I -�; I I ON it I it 1'. I I i l t Z'. I I; OI It I I N� i ii I I it I t t I I '; ' I l O I it II 0 '� it, I ft0 D;; .p f I i 0 I ii I I i I I U it I I O I !t I I 1 II I Ii I 1 I II I I I 11 ,I I I I i;l E% 12" DIP t it 1 1 I G� I I 30 03 I I i I I N89'41'45 "W E% 12" DIP I I M y 9' 1 T 9r 1 E% 33" RCP O O 115 j1 � � {� W ti it I EJt i \ a \ \ 3 I I I \ \ 1 II V \\ I \ t • Z r t _ ON W . IV }L- I L -r, I $� I i 3A,69 N89X40 "W i m�ti rn0, F10$ Fi° ° v 0 O � O Z�8 Z� w wzg ~ ZC U m� :E ,.rp rl� y l*1 � A Z Z 0 0 0 0 N R ` o i 00 E t 7 r \ I 71 "W'. i J N ' 0 p N A go Si m D c i N ' 0 p N A go Si m D w ' M 0 Ot \ o � D SPIRIT OF BRANDUEN FARM 12TH ADDITION LAKEVILLE. MINNESOTA o .Pw. o. tuy shpt th p ion. .p.cltkutlon er r�per� re. James i I nc. deed " ' Y and thot I am ' duly licensed Prore.slonol L I r „ 5 O 0 N E)WTING CONDITIONS n9Me. undr th. Inw. C1 the PLANNERS � ENGINEERS � SURVEYORS Stels o JDEL I� W x In a m w W FOR SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ( PE 2500 w cTy RD. 42, w>E 120 BuRNSruc MN 55337 o vim 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 Dote• / 2013 Re9NO. 18 495 PHONE: (952 90 -6044 FAX: (952)890 -6244 2066 -13 .d - 7 0 1 09 25AM >p c {) r C7 I �i 1 1� I C -1 C> 559.01 N89 0 52'40 "W / Ar EI\/ ' C7 L -IVIL- I nI \ I JJ \� x 705.69 N89 °5240 "W - t` q 9D ,n I z fl I p En � fl I 3 ^ -� ? g 284.08 (5 i N88 °17'52 "E / N75 358 _ \ 011 f Il L C col -� > � r A 1 w fll i g I n z ODI Al 00 C I I CA C I rI W.) n O C 7 C fl N - 1 _i I A (A C� , I C7 w� m C7 OI C7 C7 � I p C> I S RE. E- N89 ° 4145 9 W j r uIC ^T l _ —r u. Jl _ _ , x 711.42 N89 41 45 IN EDGE OF ;.. (A 1 I p , 1 1 SOUTH LINE OF WiLOT BB. SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN fA ' RM'" - _WETLAND C _ O♦ O V) � 1 1 n 1,:1�'e r,C'�FP� I V V I L. V 1 L ���� ZO� RSA CUs mwo��� n11A1 r n nr TI 1r ^1A1 / n o- w_' � £ 1 N v v I `r L/ I I r� L_ .i v v I `r 9 0 H 19 INN 11 11 o • w ��� • w � Q yy Q I " d � w ry V) C $ A H. NO J (PILOT KNOB ROAD) C) o ZO °x > I R 1 y _ �O 4. tv y °° I sF I ti n N o° x� KIN g $ • p p I ' I �y > n° gi �> ° g 8 � o E m� � _� x po En PI) xo ± x o _ x ro Nx o SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 12TH ADDITION p � N y m � � A LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA • James R Hill • !r N 0 D � > CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PLANNERS /ENGINEERS /SURV Inc w frl � ED FoR 2500 W Cm RD. 42, SutE 120, Buraswu, MN 55337 W o � � U) � SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION .0 PHONE: (952)890 -6044 FAX: 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAHEVILLE, MN 55044 (952)890 -6244 CJ C� C� C; \1 I I I I l I I - CJ - C7 U C7 (; [A I - jr z C7 - n cC) 0.'1 0 0 I I I CJ - CJ C� C� C; \1 I I I I l I I - - 559.01 N89 °52'40 11 W ik N o 0 N m [A I !1 - J z f 0 0 0 O James R. Hill, Inc. N 0 0 N 0 N D ° I — I r� VIL_ 1 L_ /VI L_rll\ I CJ _u D orn O 'r w z � X70 Vi m �1W mp - zl T7Dr r 0 (�00 D 1 �D (n Z J Z rn / N;751.3 49:,w li 2� 1W m� C� C: C� C= C_ CJ C CJ C7 C7 C: I C� C1 1 L- nl 0 M ik N o 0 N m [A 705.69 N89 °52'40 "W r - J C � 0 0 O James R. Hill, Inc. N 0 0 N 0 N D ° — I �� M m zW 0 0 \> _u D LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA PRELIMINARY PLAT PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS w z � X70 Vi m �1W mp - zl T7Dr r 0 (�00 D 1 �D (n Z nom In cm m ()T -Ph. CA N SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 ,, Z ZN-11 D C: O� O ON Z K OZ , O m 0_1 1n M 00 m- i /,> � � o< <S/>J 0 'A I (O N N 0 �C] pO�G ;0 D� H 00 ..00 ?= z 00 C� OD ODD 9xx�p 9to 0 0 IU G 1 0 = c sum <� J� p o ro / 0 O V I mom C 7 (:) O 52 _ 00 I Sz O a T e O C � 9[ty t2� CA - --65.0- " �mDNv 284.08 m >>, T' _L t"'7 M, ) � z M O1 F J AI Mme. N88 ° 17'5' A ,gy d x z[� O O M � Z ��m °z° O P. `tl ° a'z on w ➢ w U 0� O� rr Cn b -3 z N Y ✓A N A M to = 0 CD 0 ae C DDDDD [IM m 5r > O O G r- w (n fV �� u ' m LnmIinul CA y N(n N(n _ (n cn C J -H m 1 X —+ M N 0� 0 0 v a' � J m a; c3) rT1 w = a; m rn 00 W M N -o (n . o� I I co p CA U1 z ° D p N i W J o r_ T I Zcn O _ _- y 52 N I O N eW O ` _ 00 ( 0 J(J �> CJ O � y Ay . � _�6 a m I I W+_ ____ 0 D , I s P O oll 00 N 0 i C 7 I C7 I 52 O -+ I o s� 5 S O C7 C I \ ° W O I 5T 30.03 �% 1e -P Ric lI N89 °41'45 "W ° " . C) - - - ' "" ► �-^` 711.42 N89 ° 41'45 "W -' F >;- m II II W SW T11 LINE OF IX1ROT RB, SPIRIT Of BRANDTJEN FARM --� _EDGE \ WETLAND >( - ;13 (0 $��A` =��� + �s�°s OUTLOT D o u! I C7 g Z o oin O �„ � o° n11A� -I i n nr TI Ir ^1ni 1 i n IV vv I r1 L_ vv I `r Z rn / N;751.3 49:,w li 2� 1W m� C� C: C� C= C_ CJ C CJ C7 C7 C: I C� C1 1 L- nl e C r c� n tz �t IV �2j o C7 w 0 M ik N o 0 N m [A �? z r � 0 0 O James R. Hill, Inc. N 0 0 N 0 N D ° N�3 m zz �� M m zW 0 0 \> _u D LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA PRELIMINARY PLAT PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS w z � X70 Vi m �1W mp - zl T7Dr r 0 (�00 -1 0�ur0 O I I C• O�7 1 O �D (n Z nom In cm Z N W f*1 L7ro0 pl O G SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 ,, Z ZN-11 D C: O� O ON Z K OZ , O m 0_1 1n M m a m- i /,> � � o< <S/>J 0 z N 0 �C] pO�G ;0 D� H 00 ..00 ?= z 00 C� OD ODD 9xx�p 9to 0 0 IU G 1 0 = c sum <� :3 p o ro O 0 O I mom t�c C�x..� [x�J�m °In OODO(�/1 °D Oy0 D O C � 9[ty t2� CA " �mDNv m >>, T' _L t"'7 M, ) � z M O1 F J AI Mme. A ,gy d x z[� , [rr7 z �9 O M � Z ��m °z° O P. `tl ° a'z on w ➢ C , r 0z[+] 0� O� rr Cn b -3 z z > ✓A N A M to = 0 CD DDDDD [IM m 5r > O O 0 o nnn In A A ;0 m ;o ;a C D m LnmIinul CA y N(n N(n (n O N JCP O y ti M N 0� r M N -o (n . e C r c� n tz �t IV �2j o C7 w N A o SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 12TH ADDITION James R. Hill, Inc. N 0 0 N 0 N D ° to O 0 0 \> _u D LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA PRELIMINARY PLAT PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS w z � ° m F I La Z N W f*1 { SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 2500 W. Cn. Ro. 42, SUITE 120, BuxxsHU AN 55337 PHONE: (952)890 - 6044 FAX: (952)890 - 6244 COL IJppL.pWq / /JI /Ll I ° a • o o c C • 7 /'rt Ac EF v LIVIL_ I I_I I IF 705.69 N ( i (i I ( 1 ' v O �5 1) I TI C7 I I E z Q N _ W .P O O m 559.01 N89 °52'40 "I AND UTILITY EASEMENT,-- I 176.69 \ 119.03 65.00 65.00 69.35 92.75 111.53 i io DRAINAGE AND - -• UTILITY EASEMENT �' S87.44'11 °E �i i •.. � - - - - - -- 1' - I F r --- --1r -- 83.82_ - -� _ u of �80 o f la o 0 la of ie u CY) I I� °1 1`! W I $ N o J a \$ a $I to °01 10 °01 to ^ p u1 I' N/ I I q \ \ \ 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 { I 1 I 0/ \ \ \\ \ \\ it \ \ \ ' -65.0 __ - -'0 ^ --- - - -- -- ---- --- - - ;4 I N \\ a5z L - - -- 1 L - - -- 1 - - -- 6 _ 00 I e \ \ \ \ \ G L A, `G Ly . 11 85.00 65.00 54.28 6 1.08 J L Zva 40 � 0 o` / 5 89 . 52 '40'E _ i_ ? 0 199.65 -- -l 56 -40 pazg. s:0 V _ ZO'OSL ' J^' J r - el 3.tS,L0.9BN N j �O q 18 + L - u ''nom " (• - ais.LO.e9e - - - - az - F -yi m� ', I Ao gUl' p °' =N I h U i O I V ' 1 ±, f s - f st I ,N ?-00 I'-- r- 3.1,90-get" - - 1 q O 1 1 0 @(\ _ I oN •-9Y r 3 \ 1 U • oN I lAl I -- 3,59,L0.9811 (- d b NIs n j iv mod (n N. 1 "9B'.Lt 111 I J m� 0 rD = $ I � d •I!� D I 00 ( Z I tj IIZ t I , q I Q - ,vt.£Z t0 m _Ti 28- 28 .BO.L49 - oW r W 00'Sf o BZ'£St N ° O 3 ° tS,L0.9 9 N i g rQ o (/ Q II 16 ,a 9Z•L0 -7 d -. Z I 26 26 o l "'- t lw Q O IU Q ;0 3.tS,L0.99N- U O D UIN N� 4 IN m� L----- YO'OSl__ -- 1 J 26 26 35S,L0.99N %�� p w ( C ) °\ eIN � 'Y L 6y Z Sy / i t L589'41_45_E I by 6 \\ \ .03 50.00 T - - -- 30.03 - 45.00 N89 °41'45 "W ,/ t.•j0 .LS 6 � 1" '\ K~ 3007 S.F. 40.04'•- N8942'52'W •0£9t .SL� / R-99 0.50 R =9970.50 BRG. OU TLOT D -'/ C. =N01'44'35W I .y f0% Io, - _-Sal • � • 11'r T I -,,.7; �Iml 22 °414 F - -1 Ie I 4 °•y W � I I V !" 28 .: I 589 4729•E T 177.52 - - -� - 4 O ( + / S89 q6 - - -- 44.93- - 1 ---- -- - - - - -- - 1 I 164.82 1 m lg I .I P� R N > . o 01 N INI a I L ' - -- S89'47'29'E 52.53 - 152.53 1 wlgl m � I I �1 C m 1 w. 26 26 ml •i '^ I 589147 -29 -E -- -J -40.70 - �gm F I - - -- 150 -Do -j l u m / J m O .i X00 N M Cn 7 l C� O N C N O u 4.08 7'52 "E 28 26 - +_ • - - - 387.33 '55.72 - W IQj � m / Imo r�Y / L \ T 'IC 0 L S1 0 Ile mn I / I 170 =n O17) ZI, S CC a I y �o v \D o _0 D o SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 12TH ADDITION LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA PRELIMINARY PLAT > AI cA Z N m I m a I-to I m I 2 O ,\ � _ p , 28 26 - +_ • - - - 387.33 '55.72 - W IQj � m / Imo r�Y / L \ T 'IC 0 L S1 0 Ile 711.42 N89 °41'45 "W SOUTH LINE OF OUTLOT BB, SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN �� (D C_ NA N N u11 / U%6 6 Ol .L Ot IIZ ZI, 00 2 yZ 8pl fTl N v \D o _0 D o SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 12TH ADDITION LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA PRELIMINARY PLAT > AI cA Z N m L ' O ,\ � _ p , FOR SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 2500 W. CTY. RD. 42, SUITE 120, BURNS9uF, MN 55337 f C i L CAD 711.42 N89 °41'45 "W SOUTH LINE OF OUTLOT BB, SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN zoo�zM;u = ZD A N >. r - z m D D. CA 11 Z MOO WOWA,M a MOO In' R' l . lm m A In R m Dpm O�I O2 �O H C mD z mD =1 p 0_'O „ x *� Z MO w ' �OZN 9 > 0 1 M •1 >o mzm � K 1+1 Vl �' '1Z- uC c f z' L 4 Fo q - o � m n z o C e o N �� (D C_ NA N N u11 / / 2 fTl N v \D o _0 D o SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 12TH ADDITION LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA PRELIMINARY PLAT James R Hill Inc. ■ ' PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS AI cA Z N m L ' O -D ED FOR SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 2500 W. CTY. RD. 42, SUITE 120, BURNS9uF, MN 55337 f C CAD a O 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 PHONE: 952 890 -6044 FAX 952 890 -6244 r w r 1 WETLAND zoo�zM;u = ZD A N >. r - z m D D. CA 11 Z MOO WOWA,M a MOO In' R' l . lm m A In R m Dpm O�I O2 �O H C mD z mD =1 p 0_'O „ x *� Z MO w ' �OZN 9 > 0 1 M •1 >o mzm � K 1+1 Vl �' '1Z- uC c f z' L 4 Fo q - o � m n z o C e o N �� (D C_ NA N N u11 fTl N v \D o _0 D o SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 12TH ADDITION LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA PRELIMINARY PLAT James R Hill Inc. ■ ' PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS AI cA Z N m o Z rn �� u -D ED FOR SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 2500 W. CTY. RD. 42, SUITE 120, BURNS9uF, MN 55337 o f , 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 PHONE: 952 890 -6044 FAX 952 890 -6244 }, / 5)52 26.1 4 6 28 ti Q °y.� a N e=24 °47'1 YY 57 ` O• TO, 8 t QQ7 0 4 8 69 1 E 4y G , 7 C SF 6vZe • `" /m ��� STSy�( " ------ - _ --" t t \ ) 938 ' / w eas , Af L ER I L_IVI LE T I L_�\ 1 ! j TW /8W TW 9940 .9 0 RW 950,0 �a 949.0 948.5 — 6 847.5 948 955.5 640 42 01 938 w -- - - - - -- u of - - - - - - =w CJ1 940 I m — m! I (,r 0) �' I I \ 9 40,6 I I 941.9 I 942.1 942.1 Lo 941 6 I I L 0 942.4 LO 942 6 I I L 0. 942 8 9388 L. FE 9394 LFE 9396 I I LFE 9396 I all WI r0 C1 1 ' )E2' r, e � N RN$ mo$ 0 0 � h n 1103 p A OX> z ' i W Z N � J0D D O --1 A ~ =g 1 ti g D D c c O O AM D D Z 2 � o OZfe� %\ 44 1 6 �b6 \ �� C 9. t \ \ N OUTLOT D \ 6 6�\oti63 920.6228 8 � 624 624 ` N O a N = o o SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 12TH ADDITION o�d a,hmafh.f Izae., we °aten o r.P art wa. James R Hill Inc p O n o m % LAKEVILLE. MINNESOTA dsect supervision and that I om ' , C— DO �, s \ D duly Licensed Prolesalonol L4 m En9s+esr under the Iowa of the N r) N N PRELIMINARY GRADING &DRAINAGE PLAN W. A11nn.eata. PLANNERS /ENGINEERS /SURVEYORS I "'I 11 O 1) M FOR JOEL G COOPER. P.E. W W Z O 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 D 06/11/4013 Reg No 16495 PHONE: (952)890-6044 FAX: FAX: (952)8 0- 6244 55337 o 0 � N w SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION t r E OUTLOT A \ ' E A 932.L' ++ + I 3 I \ 40.7 t, 469 \ DII \ N ` 3 948.9 II�II E s \ ) 938 / w eas 9 932.L' ++ + I 3 I \ 40.7 t, 469 \ DII \ N ` 3 948.9 II�II E li� I1'j , 1 E t it it it it OUTLOT A • /vf - L lf - [)\/ i I , \ L_IVIL_ I L_1 \ I J it I \ r 3 Ii \ b # •�.� G TW/ 954 0 TW 954 p 6 0 R. 946it .0 to 949.0 _948.5 947.5 • 'c 955.5 ro c c - -c 944 948 944 m 1 938 940 it s `u,�r-- -- -- - --J 6 -� --- -L � - m $ - - -- r - `, -- , IN e •� _- -J m\ o 'IO:u I • rn I W q. d m\ 6 \ g I I 41.9 I rn 9 R, \ 9F �!� • \ 9�' 1 I L o 942.9 I L o ei 8 I j - - 14 - 941.8 I I LFE 8 939 4 I .L f E 9 939 8 Li.E 939 8 I�0 8J 938 942.1 945. 1 946.7 ` I 946.9 RLO c c RLO c RLO I 8� �� .33 1 OD 945.5 9 45.7 ~ 945.0 L _ -944.4 m ! L ' 100' VC 2434.08 �9 3 2450 9485 / ';� ! ♦ t0 0� o \ \ ..,/ L4 6 - 2 Z y 1.08= 436 J /,I 1 u m ��e 0 \ 941.84 9418 '�- 945.31 9 1 l ( IJ lO w 4 G. �A 4 4.se pJ O i m 944.5 94 5.8 -, 945.4 \ 0 S it it i it iI I ; _9j2 r �p 3�N cl RWO of X RWO S I to / RWO/RLO 946.9 I 946.9 I y1 "� N � O �tiN UO y e II II I O QI I LFE 939.8 I I L F.E. 939.8 _ /fy it, I I LF 939 s 1 939.1 I I 939.1 { to _ _ - _ o J w °\ u w n � n ,V it L _ 041.4 + 1 941.0 938.01 I I I 932.1 930 8 (- _ o b ° y ' it li ji, m 1 - --- -- I o10 1 I it 1 11I Wt^ m� 9I w�l w 6 - 9 3�. I (Q \I! Jm� � r I r !c L !� -- - J N__ - -- L -- J 00 I I �Oi ,�o� ` I I11 �Y„ io I� w m N _ 3 ! 0 '1i1 q I NS - -- - -, r - - N- _ J it 11 t it it II mw 1 N,I f0g i 4 f r r ♦ l a _ J moto 1 V -948.o r - .o - -- tro1D � T N : �� 4 ��' tomes 1 40 ,..• Im Om to N "' m 946.9 �uN �m 2(� w`�W 1 m u O)Z' P IN NO 1 D mO � �m 11 t it t it it 1 SAN rr ��Q 3 t ' J�jp Tr to II -4 t0 n° 1 N iw°r � 1 1 1 U1 Oou �+�bl c�i° it ,Io � w Lsn \ m1 t it" ti i 4? I• m I W Y -� II + ;� 11 1 11 to • ;w as i it w -- a -939• _ h _- -� r - - -- -0439 I NI O� - m- - - -- = rr ^wQ x S r �Q I i5r� r n -- - -- 1 - ♦I O�o s ... Tr tp" tOA ter- 013.1- -947.6 i i 10 11 I I 7� �i+ Z m I 1 to �e� W pr it D i i >ip u i Ar m+iG I - O)v JJe Im I I m w Ov N I L $. I• I to p L-' - -- - -- w l - J - - m ; N n - -- - -- __. -�. -�I NL 9N.7 ' - -- m•-. - - - - - -- _941.3- I y P. i it zi t0" P � °° tom I S2 r 11411.9- - - 4 Ct 94 .0 01 ' +'` C w �ou �� 1 I Sx r rto N� Ib ml Jm � 0; 1 N O)i' ' N pjP CA I o \ Ok N �� c9 I I . � dye II � o ZB b 1 I � i �' to \ \ � � 951.4 \ id xi il, Z, I L "A O, e \ c� 1omiw 1 0 ; I U1y J �e NA I I b \ \\ \� 6y4g l� << \R4o $ / .ti•b . Di I $ k loo I T ' 0 I r41 1 29 �i� - 11150 ��0 .13 �j I - o L _ - 1111 ."'11 y e / - 9 •�p.8 ,� o \�% ,�\ .. \ \ \ qq+� ` !� 00 .o a e i 28.1_ _ � c�• / �9, � \ •4 \ r l i M° i it i it II I E 12' Ile I (0 ► , gti r r q L J 1-- - - - --- \ V >Q 0 1 E %12 DIP i <o i \ e '3 ° � \ \ \ \ -- I . I N• e ,. y, �� I E% 33" RCP ° „� •'; • OUTLOT D \�" \ etitig a5 \oZe 920_922 e I\ z •\ .:.;a.'.::• •� / X924 9 <� \ Nei �{.1 ••\ �\ V� 918 918 �rnp moo ry r \\ 920 adz a I I \ \ 922 924 O�'� I I \ 26 z� z� I I \ \+ ij R� 11 �A ?.6 j l j I I \ �� CU RO ANN N o R \ \ 'P AD qN� w Z y it 1 e. I \ O -� y -• 1 - i it it 'P \ 0 6` ' } U m N m z it t it m1� Z N � O 0 is a n 0 0 A 1 n n z z ti N O N O O N L••3 O Of D v - _ '� '�' m - \ Q ;1 D SPIRIT OF BRANDUEN FARM 12TH ADDITION LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA he is certify ihport . plan, 8 e0� ° °I��fe �w James R Hill, Inc Ire�cl ed P y me c under Yam t duly Licsneed Profesalonol N 0) N O \ D N PRELIMINARY GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN no' under the laws of the la PLANNERS /ENGINE ER lele of Mnn.w S /SURVEYORS I -1 Q N (� FOR JOEL 0 COOPER. P E. L Q O V L4 W SBF NT CORPORATION DEVELOPMENT 55337 �� 15 97 2 D ele � /11/zo/3 Rag No 1R49s PHONE: (952)890 6044 FAX: (952)890- 6244 I � } I 3 £ F � £ I OUTLOT A G G € ° 4 - I � i y•i��, I I I Eli i,l 11 Of k I I11'I b I € I I I I 938 1 i 0 wen.o pap 934 938 { l 3 € { £ c 3C 932.1 } 9346 t _ _ x•• 940 0 7 W I • I —I 946.9 I III S y 4 � m 948.9 I € I I i 1 € : ,- 948.0 p m�ti mom �Il s ! m0 Mo ° v tm i >51z D ' t ONy 9 -_ J t : II �a II OM z .ti ' { j � Z 4ZZ O y n i �nn mz� m z D Nw� o { € g o Ail g 0 A D > �N D \ Z O O M • � O i24 924 hereby ortify th this plan. James R Hill, I n c F j�' � SPIRIT OF BRANDTdEN FARM 12TH ADDITION wear °hm r report raper N O � rapored by ma r under my K) n m �' A LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA dr•Gt p•Meien a that 1 am . . S i D O y ° duty ucanew Pror•olard ngnsr under the lows of the N ° � \ � D PRELD,IINARY GRADING &DRAINAGE PLAN Set. °f Aunn.. °te PLANNERS /ENGINEERS /SURVEYORS fOR G COOPER. P E CD 16972 BRANDTJEN fARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 te. /tt /sole Req NO 1R195 PHONE: (952)890 -6044 FAX: (9520 6244 o � � � W < SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION {----- - - - - -- __ - - - -- 11 I tee I999Q+V1/m� 1.!17 11f7T r' I / / E N I yy �• 1 T*/BW, TW 954 0 TIN 954 9 OUTLOT A, F a3 930 } R'`f raa t2 -1 % ¢ 940'„ M 930 au'I�� L _ „ • I" o 940 --er- I 938 n_� � 1 Q.7' 1 �� � C l - � �\ I r N `^' 2i M S o O' - O - 18�w J � N . N n 71 Ito 1 �+' n Soo w o V) � D � PRELIMINARY GRADING WITH STORM SEWS "gineer u nder the I° °' of the PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS Stote of Minnesolo t N - -� 6113 i n� r I N,1 e COD � fO+ �, � I� �� ��' N6.6 _ __ 1• 7 low I 0 $p Io IY �y LA 1 1 W K 01 o ���� 1 V e in CS I I ^otD m LJ I 7 \ w Ol �'^ Q bi]0. �t 10 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 551344 Date / 11 / 2013 Reg NO 18495 PHONE: (952)890 - 6044 FAX: (952)890 - 6244 -946.0 , � � � • r,r INS "SIR' � (it �� lom N + 9460 -- I 6,9 Nw �OS,wm� V ' \ L" k JP O - III � � I O. - -- o t0 e tar L n t- -wso 1 - - - 948.9 I 00 i O 1 1 r w $'o +l� 1 C3- + e ' 1 m p PI stiq P �4eN !Rm _ 1 e�n�p 17 'd_ I Y� I - !RR . 1 i, CA 4 tO�m Oiu �� i l.A $ Jr- -- I ICI �S r M I I lil mo M N V 99 6Z ell po l9a ,�jt t � }N mN R��S� II It oa WZZ N�~ oz �OH ti H H D D O O D D Z Z ti 1 9 1 N N = o � T gm +6 � U O A N o O � N o a, n NOD N `^' 2i M S o O' - O O A D � �'°°y SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 12TH ADDITION ; I.h or th al or thie PI °n, Prep «.a by me oa der�my -y me LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA d�.ea PerNaon od mm I om ' James R Hill Inc o dot uoeneed wof°°°Ionol u . N n I V) � D N I PRELIMINARY GRADING WITH STORM SEWS "gineer u nder the I° °' of the PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS Stote of Minnesolo Q N PI FOR JOEL G. COOPER, P,E, L4 o I r 2 N o w m 2500 W. CTr. RD. 42, W 120, BtNSwu, MN 55337 E SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION �'^ �� 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 551344 Date / 11 / 2013 Reg NO 18495 PHONE: (952)890 - 6044 FAX: (952)890 - 6244 1 I I� i f t m „ I t mule f"gv { ti Q .'(� it mO II SO I• I � , /�rA Af - T F'L) \/ I t ) p -t .'0 Ip ~.0 Nay wzz II i r> rn I m> mpy ~ 1;,mi 14 x I zs o F D UJ \ ��' nn$ 4 I Tw/6w 1w 95+.o 1w e51 o Tw/E m 1 0 0 so.o RW 9mo R. WMIZ 916.g u i ' I '1 - a c - _948.5 947.5 e�- ��955.5 r° \ 1 949.0 c c I pia 944 946 fnJ-948 u e t u a a o f' z z 1 I I 1�IaT 938 940 o o 940 Ul S 6 I 94 9 1 942.1 942.1 I Ix) 9�• I I L o 9.z 6 I 941.8 I L.F E 1 I LF E 8 939♦ 1 L L 9 9396 LFE 9398 I , LO 939j \ \ _ 1 1 I.F,E 939 3 RCP 9 / a -,a c L5e 948.7 '946 9' 6.6 •, RLO c p l RL -• _ - 944.2 945.5 945.7 945.0 0 / 4° ;N Il i � \ \ MO1 943. 84 4.4 �• // �4 nnn H I I 1 e \ °(1, / 100 VC 24 34.06 g rm HP } 2160 945 52 Z I.oax N 944.6. T94Z.�16 045.3/ !� i'" 88�/ 5 LtiVIS 94 4se ti , ° '11 1 1 ,1 ;1 I I `\ _ 944 - -- 945.6 _ 945. _� j o z it i 11 111 (o lorr I I I 8 �en cow 1 Z m p T I LF E 939 6 I I LFE 939 6 I _ �o \ o I I I$ S I _ I L F .938 5 I 1 939.1 I 939.1 0 _ - -_ __ r 8 q {i ��•\/ Is, 9 II I I ro o 941.0 938.0 00 138 1 - 94&o o 'S /•` 'n I 940 9N °� I 11 1 1 1 1 �QQ '' r I } I I 5 � I Orom° co I, g u (w w 936 I! I o I 111 11 11111 11 11 A _ nJ - �+0.,- I , w o I �S� --- - -i �r ° 1934.6 11 I I m Ac :, w L ' - ., 1 :to 1 m m 1 xc � � Tr ° 1 °1 `v I� � mt�l � �)� (!e' cam ,c I� yet �(' 9 4a5 I � to o I I ,•Z1 n• 1 1 W ,�'� �i I Yl - W 940.7 I I v- T 1 o6 U^ rn0 Iw 1 1 I �i � i i ,� �til ° - - --- 1 I I I �Tr r0 ��� �W ��n1 �, tee 46.9 \ \ 1Q+ ll �I .I I I I', P fS' L _ - -9]7.� � 1 �'ji ���� I� • + L ---- � ��,� �5�' 1 � • ffiN�I ��� �i�,l I ; I I r - V 1 ° ,• __ _J Ln JI V 111 I I I I r ��r 1 1 �Ni�a KA< 1 1O M I � i t °�° 48. ��y1 I I 1 11 W c91?w '••O 1 1 1 iO 1 A n 'O t a, $,1 1 1 in If , 1 1 to' m r it i O1O } 1`Y' I I •�'� - - - - -91].9 1 � �1 i1 °n - � • u ° I I I loa 1 o iAI r �� 'QM 8 r 9431 -- -- -- - 947.6 it i 1 Cj ,1t 1 I I Gi w �� I• I sp ^ ?� j O in }f I Egg r,r i 1 O I I ii I I I y �g'r lo W r I � 1 K o,� O oe 1 I L - p = I I N P _ N p s .o il l i O', I 1 wm ma I 2222 rr � n � i --.j c°� I F Nis- - - ? i2 \ I (Jl Nnn �"iF� o L 1 NN m orn N N +� I I I N � �r Jj 1 5 � CI 1 1 0 } p o"3 m� N N Na'SY ��` Co N n' I �9u•�7y �� ; 1',1 I I ° • i )) V _ -_ -! 951.4 r1 11 I I I W %1 CO >•oo\ rn \ 00 �c o I 9126_ -- 01 I I 10) p N -m i N i 1\ O N\ x ei C) 41 J i it 4 b 11 m - -- y \ r « i\ \ p 1 1i I I �, 9'� u _ i �" �D ! w m n�i 1 ,00 11 ; 11 I I e ci5oo.3 N \ ii i Kuy e t 6 �A- g / o 0 &mow _142' -21' ;01 01 j j " Nw NA 1 � a ' «< io L pr,6 N - � c _:' _ -�-I �1 ��"� 6.7 � ^ \ �O� e 'y ° .o�•�" � \ \ �� I II I I I 88 - g I � r 1 I` 1 I I 00 IN f A �Ib Al AI ` m Kpp 1 °es a uRN- I) it I I Irr ffin1• A L'C nr " 8 ' a �� aM41 \� S \ \ 16 '°e7 !3 II I I ^e N $$ 0 , o \ p 4 °ti �,6 \\ \ 9// ' � I I I p nu '11 EX' 12' PIP I I I °,A¢4 / 0 V e 3i� \ A1 � \\ ° � 3 b�tib O I I �- O EX 12 DIP •.J I / N. \ �' . N�£r; \ �i ' V L �q g 4Z6 C ) `.fa1 ' I EX 33 RCP 4 0111: i\ 0 • ° o O 6�• 4pZ6 ��� 916 �•1 a' -1 0 �� f Yy C 920 _ °� ,� � x C g �\ 916 T f _ [ 4 m 20 Yw 'I �� 13 \\ 9 Ia N ICI \\ a n88 K «< _ a. 922 9z4 �gs e'\ :x�qn a 01 \\ \ n� e t2. e 8 " fv � i I� \ 0 e a \ A u ° \ . v v hereby certify that th6 plan, N u SPIRIT OF BRANDUEN FARM 12TH ADDITION ap;a lb m report a. James H I n c .'a O A O O par.E er me a Mr my K) °f t7 23 to ° A LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA ae.a perwdan oe mat I am R. ° m > - \ nan.ed Pro, ... lona FM N n NO \ D U`r) > duly L Engn.er under th. lore of the PRELIMINARY GRADING WITH STORM SEWS State Minneeata. PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS I -{ (., 0 N FOR JOEL c COOPER. P.E. W z o � m (A w m SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION z5oo W. cn. RD. 4z, su1E 1zo, BuasoxlE, MN 55337 � 1 15972 BRANDUEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE. MN 55044 t.• O6/11/2013 Reg NO 16495 PHONE: (952)890 - 6044 FAX: (952)890 - 6244 1 45,8 11 Ny l^ a �Fo"d8& o. ;A I O I B�S� N n 4• ��t � 0 v I 951.4 �\ •Y,�CO ,m\ \ W ° 00 (p o 9425— _., it 4b '00 `mss Al IT iag Bars it t A y o l �ro 2' 1 yb � :n 4 ./ 91 .99 '�� �. 0 . �. _•.e Pi q, \ fl S s^ \ \$ N �Ae ^ g�� n e 65 .02 910 \ 4 / 6 P a 5\ 920 'i 0 p \�� 922 924 918 920 yy, {{.,,, ��gggg221111 H t Ooul\\ i 1 �' g rn t 928828 924 922 M rn -i m o 1 F1 o 0 0 R R- ze g 8 S ° s2. s oz ^t^ '� 1 zz P it a �'R'Z wiz p rng> � O N \ Fn A It \ \ \ i SPIRIT OF BRANDTHN FARM 12TH ADDITION h.rm a.rufy th th. aan. James R Hill, Inc apedNoatlan r report woe ZI O ,'a O ° preparaeY per Won me a n d that I a ndar my p rn n m A LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA direct v R. ' 0 (7) D \ y o dl y taceneed Proiee.bnm c., ngineer under the low& of the u N ° s PRELIMINARY GRADING �I1TH STORM SE11E PLANNERS / ENGINEERS /SURVEYORS Q Q D f Stole of M�nneeota w Z NO FOR JOEL G. COOPER. P E I 07 16972 BRA FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 a t e . Ga�lt/1Ot3 Reg No ta495 2500 W. Ctt. RD 42, Sin 120, BuRKS\xLe, MN 55337 w o - �^ m w SBF DEV DTJEN o F NT CORPORATION PHONE: (952 )890 -6044 FAX: (952)890 -6244 �� 0 r rn ' � -� mr-OOp ppy r�IN� mOL ��C H ON-i O�y z� Z v x R b A y q q ° N EV La SKN '�^ -�' Op n � m m " ry G1 y. p p 811 J mm C] C Oi 1FZ �C ND m m�r m E ! P C' � riR > C' 1,1 SP S �� 1 � •1 v 29 7 0 E0,10 D< o g " F ; y rn rn rn g o N SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FAN 12TH ADDITION p by m° N mnootlo ` or report wa; nn, ra O Pr aA a r4 or my Iv 2 n m 0) A LAKEVILLE. MINNESOTA alr.at p Naan ana tbol I am R . H O rn D u \ D a duly u<.nwa Prof.nlonal N rn ` I ° 4 �' N PROMARY BROSION & SEDDW CONTROL PLAN E"9'" °° ` u nder L inn ` " °' ° "° of the PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS 1 -1 tats of Minn.aola. JOEL C. CALIPER. P.E. FOR W o 0� w SBF DEVEIAPMENT CORPORATION z5oo w crr RD, 4 2, Sun 120, BuuxsNUE MN 55337 Z4 u l 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 ot. • 06 /tl /2 R.yNo. PHONE: (952)890 - 6044 FAX: (952)890 -6244 SV Cm L7CN C �A �W AN OOH NSF' PP ti Ooti 8 , g 0 to w �� r7n �� nm up u (Oz A >5 _ E �H Ai c$z �_ 0 i gtj a,m> 4 88 FIB 3d cig cg v v v my av m a v mzt m Z 4 c oo s � z �p A A o o AA mA �I a� $ zA • 'Y i � A Ap Q` �Z�Z > < 2D2 0 9 V 2� V ZD >O �A g SRS �8 =Cm " m m m am nm oa m nm 1 y mm r yy z c° v v o [v Oo (7A v mo i ! N N 0 N Env v m �� o a= �a zo 1 4 z IIII 1 I °A n °n $ma om a� z Om zo m z 0 z z ° y v dxmo z� g s m �n omn OZ N �Z c P\ N D ° r AG1 O n c Cp Fib �p d ;il I n �� > p r � g y o m z Z m z z 8s m �m zzp k C; v Z C Z Z 7 C m A N m is I li :: ••:• ; r ..,t. .... '!..�' D O > my C y � A m ti �" n 12 Z K a W O =1 P :'.. VA Cr 1 il ' oEe 01 ; �F .: i :'::• ................... :::. ... ... 11 D i it i OU I I I i jl .•.j, � � � �O+ b i it m, ; J 936 j 6 940 1 . I! .�• �' O 938 N I ` I i t I I j ji .I I N •. i it O I I ,1 11 I1 j 111 • w W i it 1 j I 11 • a 1 Cn I �r i i II It N \ I T. ij N . 4N. :. it ` I 'l jI j` n I I . i it i it C it Lit W ! o LJ 1 ;{ > 0) I. = j I I Z I ' I y v Ln Q 1 S it it I 1 pj 1 I I I rI j, OI ,! I II I 1 Z! b 930 i1 1111 I j ,I 11 ."01 � / ',•. ::: II. Ii Oil J I,I I I I i D I it it it I 11 I II I I �'•. i it j l j 11 I III / �. it I j it (�D \ �' I',4 1 EX 12' DIP <'1 it 9 t E% 12" DIP . N L4 I � G4 gq4�' 1 g „�e T C I I 9�e I I E% 33` RCP O 011E f�^ — \ • � 918 I OUTLOT D `.920. � ,� I �m .;, _.,;....:: •.:.:....:.:_,:. ...:. ............._.....,:.:•• "924•• ..— °�z _ 918 918- I 9 \ 92 nes , I I \\ ....... I I --+4 :v. .............. • �9R �i I i Ii I� \ \• \\ � ��, j , � o ° SPIRIT OF BRAM EN FARM 12TH ADDITION bp�by<yUmat" °t Ply, N p ° °�° aria .°° James Hill Inc ad b t was m p O rn n m A LAKEVILLE. MINNESOTA ire<t PerJslon o u that I am t, ' L Of D \ a duty LI <woed Professional a N N ° '30 D PRELDIDiARY EROSION & SEDDM CONTROL PLAN " ° "'" " "d" ` "'' ° "' °r ` "° PLANNERS / ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS Stale °f Yinnse°la 11 W FOR O N> JOEL l: COOPER. P E w o � w SHF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 2500 W. c,r. RD 42, soI>E 120, B IIRNMIF MN 55337 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE. MN 55044 at.: 06/ 11 / 2013 Rey Ro 111425 PHONE: (952890 -6044 FAX: (952890 -6244 i iv r-a ar rrL «a L IVII. I I, i\ 1 'Ez I � D n NU ±i P„P..�°D'G' a - -cam I o c ° ° _ �c N fi S O \\ II II II I' S 9 e \ \\ \` i i Cn i i 1 1 W 1 i i r „ ) I ` \\ � II II II I N � r / ' N \ II II II I / «m x 0 «m r I I I 11 I I u ° —i / ' Nnp�, I I I I «m I I I I «mm 0 u��, // ° i "' \ I I I I mmm I I 1 mNm12 ° u '^'�' A \ \ - -� L - - - --� Le &sa _ STREET A� L_��, K / U - / \ \ Q / / / 138'-8' PVC SDR 35 O 0.{OX 150' -8" PVC SOR JS O 0.409. \ `� :u / -- - - - -� r - - - - - -, F - - -- � /' /_ I I I I I 1 � -� ' i // i i i i l i i o I / I I I I I I � / '�� IJT�O °` I i i i i I L_� � i =«gym `.\ T 9... v i i oo i co I r __ =____ - w 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 B�SM \ I I I� I I I I i t �. I A -- I � I I I I 1 1 N I u l $ ��� `'�J e E - - - - - -J - - - -J - - -- L o I - c I 1 r------- - - - - -- r - - - -- --- J e I N I rn 1 1 I r---- ---- - - - - -� 1 I 1 1 W I ' - - -, 1 _ – –' 1 I I I J $ I -- I<m W I b 1 sl Imp °----- - - - - -- v < v� DXz >0z 1 U1 ^ , 11 I r------- - - - - -- g�� o�� 1 U \ _ I �!_" 1 � - -- zv o _ _? 1 1 1 �m y �� A I �� II o� D —_� G 1 � '�' ��� 1-- —� 1 4 •°g r I GQ'D (�)i JCD c. 1 ��� __�i i�' -- — .. \NnO I z WZZ - -. _. 1 4• _ � Z - - - - --- jp J17 ' �p�ti �_ \ `----- - - - - -- o� 1 =, 1 m 1 11 1 1 \ • — — — — — — — — — — — — — — , y 1 0 ti O a 1 1 1 1 fs ;U I m 1 Ln 1 I N 1 m NNE= `� - - -__� --- - - - - -- �' ( �I I -1 88mu a r- -- ( - - - -- 1 w --------- - – -- I C o I c c 0 0 H$Ni $ I W 'N$m; I z z OO ,9 I ! 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Ro. 42, SUIIE 120, BURNSVILLE, MN 55337 �� PHONE: 952 890 -6044 FAX: 952 890 -6244 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 Deter O6 /it /20t3 Reg.No. 18495 � � � ) I I; 1 I: I I I1 I it it t it 1 I I I it t it it i I it it it it t it it 1 it i it I it it i I II i it t l it it I I I Oi I I :, I I I I I I I it I I II I I Q I I I I I I I I I I it 1 I it I I it it I I it I' I it II I it I' I i t I it I il� I If I it I j I .• I I iil I i;l I I 111 , i it it it it it it 11 it it I1, it i it t it I 1 1� i it I i it i it l it t it i it . it I N O ' wi ci 1I O11 it Z. it O, I II , EX 1 2 �IP DIP I I I — I I E% 33' RCP D.11R «<A Uuutj W W 4 aiOi ,N 9 A I I \ m 0 m� A O N LU A� « PVC SDR 35 O 0.408 150' -8' PVC SOR 35 O 0.40% � \� I . I at I 1 / 2 0T e L NU "g L--- - - - - - � o 00 I J eee I N u J L - - - - -- I L I A I S --- - - - - -- I I I L / i i J 1 I j i W - zm� W I —J `--------- - - - - -J < I L--- - - - - -- 1 — _ ug --- - - - - -- a 1 I el I —J 1 t -- = I L — — — — — — — — — — _, 1 N \ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - W 1 1 1 1 \ n 1 UT l CJ1 L---- - - - - -- w - - - - -- I 1 ----- - - - - -� °yOgo z I W f m.8c _ _ - II � I NNN L------- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- p — -- L- -_ J L N r -- 1 L / CO o --- - - - --1 J.. II ... \ \ 19 / L� I F - - -- eeti10 I \ o J / •` W / o «�� r D e // \ \\ as le i \ \ at - -- °� «C o \� (( \ \ u a > /�' de 35 O I \\ e I I I \ A °mJ m tl \ \ D \ C C - ' ,I r- - L) w L -IVI L -1 L-I\ I 0 0 \ \ \ OUTLOT C y e I� 9 O N M a 0 moo Co O Z 0 C DIpC n Oia. O . _ z mx z�x K: 1m� II SO D uSpZ wzz T � V m m � m m o m N m z ~ Z C C , A mS w LA o g z D z z O O N s a � `s li " ------- - - - - -- - - -- ;' SPIRIT OF BRANDWEN FARM 12TH ADDITION ereby `ert °r Me pier, ti p James R Hill Inc. C' 0 N ;13 o N A O ° prepared by ma der my m O O rn o o m °r A LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA diroct perwsio° one t °) t_ lT D w u ° D a duly Licensed Pro(es 1 a siond N to � ; ° z PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN Engineor " nde t he n 1 ° "' ° the PLANNERS /ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS State al Minor eat . r —t O N m FOR JOEL G. COOPER, P.E. CA Z t ' m A _ -< SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION zsoo w. cn. RD. 42, SUITE 120, BURNSVLLE, MN 55337 o 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN ssoaa Date: 06 /11/2013 Reg.NO. 18495 PHONE: (952)890 -6044 FAX: (952)890 -6244 I m em H �o C— O I TI r o CAD M i17 N C=:) p r.I r SPIRIT OF BRANDWEN FARM 12TH ADDITION ereby `ert °r Me pier, ti p James R Hill Inc. C' 0 N ;13 o N A O ° prepared by ma der my m O O rn o o m °r A LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA diroct perwsio° one t °) t_ lT D w u ° D a duly Licensed Pro(es 1 a siond N to � ; ° z PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN Engineor " nde t he n 1 ° "' ° the PLANNERS /ENGINEERS / SURVEYORS State al Minor eat . r —t O N m FOR JOEL G. COOPER, P.E. CA Z t ' m A _ -< SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION zsoo w. cn. RD. 42, SUITE 120, BURNSVLLE, MN 55337 o 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN ssoaa Date: 06 /11/2013 Reg.NO. 18495 PHONE: (952)890 -6044 FAX: (952)890 -6244 ' 1 ' R\ _ -.._.. ....- L -- - - - - -- I I �Y i1'I� I I I I I I i i it �i,l I II I l I o II e � ' I lr �I -- ------ -- — , .p. 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Landscape Archhecture Sustainable Design Planning rn m p 5 �� D '°"' w a d "'"Y°' 0 • 1583 Berkeley Avenue Saint. Paul, MN 55105 o ZA N _ PRELMNARY TREE F PRESERVATION PLAN A o telephone: 651.334.5498 o �' s Z (A w SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION internet: www.calyxdesigngroup.com 16972 BRANDUEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 Mft. 7/22J13 e-mail: infoc@calyxdesigngroup.com 20662- 13- L-.R.dw - 713012013 10:0 1PM �.- -- - -_ - -_ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- _- - -_ =__ ----- _____ -- ---------- ---------- - - ------------------------- ------- - - - - -- ----_------- — - -- - - - - -- - — Z - - - - y_______ ° °_______ - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - I A Gv08 80NN_1011d __L£__ON_:H'y 0 - - - -- ----- - - - -- - -- -- ---- - _ - - - -- - - -- - — — ----- ----- --- - - - - -- ----- --- - - - - -- -- --- - -- --- -- - -- - ---- -- -- -- -- D _ - - z - - - -- - -- - - — _ U 0 I r m< Z m / I m� I m 1 °o N lz Sa f 1 s d ° D WN Z O a a A Z Z c y n -n to m _ 2 m o C z p C W M (1) In D zm l -I M z — m cC/) m rt -� z D Z O Zff a g 2. �$ F 4 j am O $ M C r A s °� �° $ s a a ns a a a Q. F 4 6 0 pil r� Fk $ �Ft gg sRRR6s�_ �$ls qg $ Ra $ Q gg $ ty�a > ¢ 3 ��-'$ R a R R 3 °� Q ii S 8 a ¢ lk I Hill Sfa R £ e 5 � ¢ y Z � p� !!! b M 1 r 171 R3 3 m z 93 t L 4 IT! g ° g g gg g q 3 I s S i S g 0 3 c1 °1 I 8 Z • 9 as st 0 € € €6 R dais $ j g$ 3 q a q 3 a + Z 1v Q f O 3 3 d: g R 6 S rA hereby ceofy e,ai th p Z T r'1 H H fp BBB o i d an, sp:dficadon. SPIRIT OF BRANDTJEN FARM 12TH ADDITION °rePOnwaaaePaedbymeoandamy Calyx Design Group, LLC o O bact e„Pan'ision and met I duly No C_ o - m v A LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA ueensed Landscape acnueci under me Landscape Architecture- Sustainable Design- Planning (3) 0 m m Dv `" `" 5 N D waO t hasiaieutnni ""°aua. 1583 Berkeley Avenue Saint. Paul, MN 55105 '.0 N _ 0 � = Z PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN PMI Name: ae In D. H 5 A ]C 1 -1 m FOR L"' Z r- m �' S to sgnawre: inteme 6 Nnvv 3 cal xdes i n rou cum SBF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION v g s p. E 16972 BRANDTJEN FARM DRIVE, LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 Daie: 0]24!13 4oense No. 1. e-mail: info @calyxdesigngroup.com (Provide a rand°m and equal mi.cure A E the plants fisted) C H m m� 0 0= , ,n m n n m D D n � O Z O D D O A N ° up O A N N m N ^' � N 9 m D D Z n m ^ p . E' D Z m icy x xo O O m � ���n O O y y0 n 8 ~ C m n m m z w w A 3 E 3 i2 Z S Six i i r/1 � � m m Z Z Z y r r Z y ] ]1 H O O m m � �� m � : :2 t H H H H H H H H H H H H m m m n� m m n n n n n C H m m� 0 0= , ,n m n n m D D n � A O O Z O D D O A N ° up O A N N m N ^' � N 9 m D D Z n m ^ p . .. D Z m icy x xo O O m � ���n O O y y0 n n O O m n m m z w w A A 0 3 3 i2 Z S Six i i r/1 � � m m Z Z Z y r r Z y ] ]1 H O O m m � �� m � : :2 t N D Z � y� A A F F � � � m m m n� m m m� City of Lakeville Public Works - Engineering Division Memorandum To: Daryl Morey, Planning Director From: Tom Kellogg, WSB & Associates Mac Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager Copy: Mark Hansen, Assistant City Engineer Brett Altergott, Parks and Recreation Director Gene Abbott, Building Official Dennis Feller, Finance Director Date: August 1, 2013 Subject: Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12 Addition • Preliminary Plat Review • Preliminary Grading Plan Review • Preliminary Utility Plan Review BACKGROUND SBF Development Corporation has submitted a preliminary plat named Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12' Addition. The subdivision is located east of and adjacent to Pilot Knob Road (CSAH - 31) and south of the future extension of Dodd Boulevard (CSAH -9). The parent parcel is Outlot BB, Spirit of Brandtjen Farm and is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development. Development of Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition is subject to the requirements listed in the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm Planned Unit Development Booklet dated June 20, 2005. The preliminary plat consists of fifty two (52) single - family lots and four (4) outlots on 24.94 acres. The Developer is dedicating 0.44 acres of right -of -way for Pilot Knob Road (CSAH -31). The outlots created with the preliminary plat will have the following uses: Outlot A: Future residential development; to be retained by the Developer (6.63 acres) Outlot B: Trail purposes; to be dedicated to the City (0.11 acres) Outlot C: Stormwater treatment basin; to be dedicated to the City (1.02 acres) Outlot D: Trail purposes; to be dedicated to the City (0.07 acres) Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12"' Addition August 1, 2013 Page 2of5 SITE CONDITIONS The Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition site consists of vacant, undeveloped land that was previously used for agricultural purposes. STREET AND SITE LAYOUT Pilot Knob Road (CSAH -31) Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition is located east of and adjacent to Pilot Knob Road. Pilot Knob Road is under the jurisdiction of Dakota County and is identified in the City of Lakeville Comprehensive Transportation Plan as an A -Minor Arterial. Pilot Knob Road adjacent to the site is a four -lane divided urban roadway. The Dakota County Plat Review Needs Map indicates a half right -of -way requirement of 100 feet. The Developer is dedicating right -of- way, consistent with Dakota County requirements, as shown on the preliminary plat. There are no Pilot Knob Road improvements proposed with this plat. The County's current Capital Improvement Program does not include improvements to Pilot Knob Road. Dodd Boulevard Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition is south of the future easterly extension of Dodd Boulevard. Outlot A is adjacent to the future extension of Dodd Boulevard. Right -of -way for the future easterly extension of Dodd Boulevard shall be provided when Outlot A develops. Street A Development of Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition includes the construction of a local street shown on the preliminary plat as Street A. Street A will provide future access to East Community Park. A "Future Street Extension" sign and barricades must be placed at the end of Street A until the street is extended in the future. The right -of -way, street and streetscape design are consistent with the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm Planned Unit Development Booklet dated June 20, 2005. Street B Development of Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition includes the construction of a local street shown on the preliminary plat as Street B. Street B will provide access to the site from Pilot Knob Road at the intersection of 165th Street. Street B will also provide a future connection to the future easterly extension of Dodd Boulevard north of the site. A "Future Street Extension" sign and barricades must be placed at the end of Street B until the street is extended in the future. The final plat submittal must include the construction of Street B to the north line of Lot 1, Block 1. The right -of -way, street and streetscape design are consistent with the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm Planned Unit Development Booklet dated June 20, 2005. Building permits, except one model home permit, will not be issued until the concrete curb and gutter and bituminous base pavement have been installed. Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12 Addition August 1, 2013 Page 3 of 5 PARKS AND TRAILS Development of Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12 11 Addition includes the construction of 5 -foot wide concrete sidewalks along both sides of Streets A and B. The City's Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan does not designate any area within the proposed plat as future park land. The Park Dedication requirement has not been collected on the parent parcel and will be satisfied through a cash contribution that must be paid with the final plat minus any outstanding credits due from previous Spirit of Brandtjen Farm additions. UTILITIES SANITARY SEWER Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition is located within subdistrict NC -20060 of the North Creek sanitary sewer district as identified in the City's Comprehensive Sewer Plan. Wastewater will be conveyed via proposed sanitary sewer within the site to an existing MCES manhole at the intersection of Street B and Pilot Knob Road. 8 -inch sanitary sewer will be constructed in Streets A and B with stubs provided for future extension to the north, east and south. MCES will need to permit the connection to their system. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge has not been collected on the parent parcel and must be paid with the final plat. WATERMAIN Development of Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12' Addition includes public watermain construction. 8" and 12" watermain will be constructed through the site extending from an existing 12" stub at the intersection of Street B and Pilot Knob Road with stubs provided for future extension to the north, east and south. The Developer will be credited the oversizing cost between the 8" and 12" watermain. The Lateral Watermain Access Charge for the watermain along Pilot Knob Road has not been collected on the parent parcel and will be paid with the final plat. Final locations and sizes of all sanitary sewer and watermain facilities shall be reviewed by City staff with the final construction plans. In association with MnOPS requirements, utility hook- ups for buildings within Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition shall not be permitted until the electronic as -built files have been submitted and approved by City staff. DRAINAGE AND GRADING Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition is located within subdistricts NC -14 and NC -15 of the North Creek drainage district as identified in the City's Water Resources Management Plan. Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12t Addition August 1, 2013 Page 4 of 5 The southerly portion (NC -15) of Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition includes the construction of a stormwater and infiltration basin within Outlot C. The stormwater management system will provide water quality treatment, skimming and rate control of the stormwater runoff and must be designed consistent with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requirements as it ultimately discharges to East Lake which is classified by the MPCA as an impaired waterbody. A portion of the proposed stormwater management system is located within the City -owned parcel south of and adjacent to the site. The Parks Department is currently working with the Developer to review the proposed location and evaluate the impacts. The northerly portion (NC -14) of Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition includes the construction of a temporary sedimentation basin within Outlot A. The stormwater runoff from this basin will be conveyed to the east through a drainageway located in Outlot DD, Spirit of Brandtjen Farm, before ultimately discharging to East Lake. Prior to final plat consideration, the Developer must submit a temporary public drainage and utility easement across Outlot A, Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition and Outlot DD, Spirit of Brandtjen Farm, for the conveyance of the stormwater runoff. The final grading plan shall identify all fill lots in which the building footings will be placed on fill material. The grading specifications shall also indicate that all embankments meet FHA /HUD 79G specifications. The Developer shall certify to the City that all lots with footings placed on fill material are appropriately constructed. Building permits for Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition shall not be issued until a certified grading plan has been submitted and approved. STORM SEWER Development of Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition includes public storm sewer construction. Storm sewer will be installed within the subdivision to collect and convey stormwater runoff generated from within the public right -of -way and lots to the public stormwater basin in Outlot C and the temporary sedimentation basin in Outlot A. Draintile construction is required in areas of non - granular soils within Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition for street sub -cuts and lots. Any additional draintile construction, including perimeter draintile required for building footings, which is deemed necessary during construction, shall be the Developer's responsibility to install and finance. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has not been collected on the parent parcel and must be paid with the final plat minus any outstanding credits due from previous Spirit of Brandtjen Farm additions. WETLANDS Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12 Addition August 1, 2013 Page 5 of 5 A wetland delineation was received June 12, 2013 for the site. The delineation for the site identified one wetland within the project boundaries. No comments were received during the comment period. The wetland delineation was approved July 18, 2013. The development is proposing to fill the wetland. A wetland replacement plan must be submitted and approved prior to final plat. The applicant must obtain all state and Federal (Army Corps of Engineers) permits that may be required prior to impacting any wetlands. TREE PRESERVATION A tree preservation plan was completed for Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition. The plan identifies a total of 133 significant trees within the site. The site currently contains mainly elm, box elder and Cottonwood. The plan proposes to save 13 (10 %) trees on the site. EROSION CONTROL An erosion control plan has been submitted and includes the following: • A single rock construction entrance. • A seed and mulch specification that meets City requirements. • Inlet protection on all storm sewer structures. • Silt fence to protect oftsite areas from sediment transport. • All 3:1 slopes will be seeded and stabilized with fiber blanket or sod. • All streets shall be cleared of debris at the end of each day and maintained to provide safe driving conditions. Street sweeping shall be done weekly or more often as needed. • A concrete washout area must be identified in the field. • Silt fence or sod (36" minimum width) must be installed behind the curb following the installation of private utilities. Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed necessary by City staff or Dakota County Soil and Water District. All additional measures shall be installed and maintained by the Developer. RECOMMENDATION Engineering recommends approval of the preliminary plat, preliminary grading plan and preliminary utility plan for Spirit of Brandtjen Farm 12th Addition, subject to the comments within this report.