HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem -2205TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231 .5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCg Plan ningCo.com MEMORANDUM TO: Daryl Morey FROM: Daniel Licht, AICP DATE: 13 August 2013 Item No. 5 RE: Lakeville — Midwest Asphalt Corp; Lake Marion IUP amendment TPC FILE: 135.01 — 13.05 BACKGROUND Midwest Asphalt Corporation holds an interim use permit approved by the City Council on 7 March 2011 to allow gravel excavation from the property located northeast of Kenrick Avenue and 195th Street adjacent to the southwest shoreline of Lake Marion. The interim use permit, which supersedes a conditional use permit originally approved in 1993, allows for excavation of the subject site in accordance with a phased removal and restoration plan subject to 23 conditions including a required termination date of 31 December 2021 (unless extended by amendment of the interim use permit). Additionally, the interim use permit stipulates that operations shall be performed only between 7:OOAM and 7:OOPM Monday through Saturday and that no rock crushing shall occur on Saturdays. Midwest Asphalt Corporation is requesting an amendment to the interim use permit allow import of fill material and loading of aggregate on a 24 hour, seven days a week basis. A public hearing to consider the proposed amendment to the interim use permit application has been noticed for 22 August 2013. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Interim Use Permit No. 11-01 C. Applicant Narrative D. Mining, Excavation and Restoration Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided by the 2030 Comprehensive Land Use Plan for future Medium to High Density Residential and Low Density Residential uses. The subject site is also included within MUSA Expansion Area "B" (Not Before 2015) meaning that sanitary sewer and water utilities are not currently available to the property to allow for development of the planned urban land uses. The 2030 Comprehensive Land Use Plan acknowledges that aggregate deposits are identified by the Metropolitan Council as a regional resource to be protected for extraction in support of anticipated regional growth and establishes a goal that mining of gravel resources is to be done in a manner that protects the environment, is compatible with adjoining land uses, and is consistent with the City's long range planning. The adopted policy further states that the City will consider compatibility with surrounding land uses and mitigation measures in the location and operation of gravel mining operations to reduce nuisance concerns such as noise, dust, traffic, etc., along with continued compliance with the Lakeville Gravel Mining Ordinance. Zoning. The subject site is zoned RM -1, Medium Density Residential District and RS -3, Single Family Residential District consistent with the future land use designations established by the 2030 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. As the subject site is outside of the current MUSA, the RAO, Rural Agriculture Overlay District is also in place for the subject site allowing for rural uses until such time as sanitary sewer (and water) utilities are extended to allow development of the urban land uses guided by Comprehensive Plan. Excavation operations are allowed within the RAO District as an interim use. Gravel Mining Ordinance. The City has adopted Title 7, Chapter 14 of the City Code establishing requirements and performance standards for gravel mining operations within the City where allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. The 23 stipulations included with the interim use permit approved in 2011 for the subject site are based upon these requirements and standards incorporating site specific conditions. The activity on the subject site is limited to excavation, crushing and exportation of aggregate and importation and grading of fill to restore the site in accordance with the approved Mining, Excavation and Restoration Plan approved by the City Council. Midwest Asphalt Corporation is not proposing an expansion of the excavation area within the subject site or removal of additional material beyond that allowed by the approved interim use permit. Hours. Section 7-4-15.13 of the City Code establishes that extraction and hauling operations shall be performed during only those times established by the City Council as part of the Interim Use Permit and license. The approved interim use permit for the subject site limits operations to 7:OOAM to 7:OOPM Monday through Saturday. The interim use permit further prohibits crushing operations on Saturdays. Midwest Asphalt Corporation is requesting this stipulation be modified to allow loading of aggregate and importation and placement of fill material 24 hours per day, 7 days per week throughout the calendar year. The basis of Midwest Asphalt Corporation's request is that construction projects within the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area occurring on an overnight or weekend basis require the ability to operate from the subject site at those times. The City has had experience with overnight mining operations with Aggregate Industries at 160th Street and Pilot Knob Road. That location includes 2 nearby single family homes in Apple Valley and the SBF development to the south. The approval in 2008 for Aggregate Industries allowed them to operate 24 hours per day, seven days per week but they have only been operating with the hours of 5:OOAM to 1:OOAM, Monday through Friday and 7:OOAM to 5:OOPM on Saturdays. To ensure that the expanded hours not cause a nuisance to surrounding land uses, it is recommended that operations between 7:OOPM and 7:OOAM be limited to loading of stockpiled aggregate material and that importation of fill material be stockpiled for placement and grading outside of night-time hours. Excavation and crushing of aggregate and grading of the restoration areas is recommended to be allowed only during the current hours specified by the approved interim use permit. In that the extent and duration of the mining operations within the subject site is defined by the finite amount of aggregate allowed to be removed under the approved interim use permit, expanding the hours of operation has the potential to expedite completion of the excavation plan and restoration of the site prior to the termination of the interim use permit on 31 December 2021, although this is obviously subject to market demand for the aggregate. This would be consistent with the regional and City goal to allow extraction of aggregate resources prior to planned urban development. Allowance of the expanded hours would be subject to other considerations such as screening and limits on the noise, lighting and haul routes discussed in subsequent paragraphs. Screening. The approved interim use permit allowed for excavation of the subject site in three phases. The applicant indicates that they have mostly completed the excavation within Phases 1 and 2 and expect operations to continue in 2013 and beyond within Phase 3 at the northwest corner of the subject site along with restoration of Phase 2. The Phase 3 area is visually screened and noise buffered from Lake Marion and the surrounding residential uses by the ridgeline created by the Xcel Energy pipeline crossing from north to south through the subject site as well as this area of the site being largely depressed below 195th Street, Kenrick Avenue and Lake Marion to the east. There is no rise in topography between the mining and fill area and the lake on the north side of the property. The approved excavation plan also utilizes the overburden and aggregate stockpiles as a screening measure. Noise. The approved interim use permit requires that the maximum noise level at the perimeter of the subject site be within the limits established by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Federal Environmental Protection Agency. Midwest Asphalt Corporation has implemented use of "swoosh" or flashing back up alarms on their trucks hauling at the subject site to minimize impulse noise from these required devices. The applicant will further implement internal circulation that provides for one-way haul truck pattern into, within and out of the subject site to avoid the use of the backup alarms. Midwest Asphalt Corporation has also stated that the loader used for overnight operations will not utilize a warning horn. Given the request for expanded hours and days of operation on the subject site, these noise mitigation measures are recommended to be included as stipulations of the amended interim use permit. Lighting. The expanded hours of operation including overnight activity may create the need for Midwest Asphalt Corporation to utilize temporary site lighting. In order to mitigate any potential effects to surrounding properties, use of such lighting should be limited to areas where excavation, loading or restoration operations are actively occurring. A condition regarding the use of temporary lighting should also be included that the lighting equipment be screened from surrounding residential properties by placement behind stockpiles or using the existing slopes over the gas pipeline transecting the subject site east of the Phase 3 mining area as a buffer. Haul Routes. The existing interim use permit limits haul routes to and from the subject site only to Kenrick Avenue or other County or State roadways. No change to this condition is recommended. Annual Mining Permit. Midwest Asphalt Corporation is required to obtain approval for an annual permit to operate on the subject site in accordance with the approved interim use permit. The licensing process allows the City the opportunity to review each year that the site operations are being conducted in accordance with the interim use permit and all of the stipulations incorporated therein. The approved interim use permit requires Midwest Asphalt to provide a security in an amount necessary to complete the restoration plan. This security may be reviewed annually and reduced if ongoing excavation and restoration of the subject site has progressed to warrant such action as determined by the City Engineer. Midwest Asphalt Corporation is proposing that there be a site manager available 24 hours per day by telephone to answer any complaints regarding the operations at the subject site, in the event they occur. The same management technique is provided by Aggregate Industries at their site in northeast Lakeville and has been successful in providing for necessary and timely response to resident complaints regarding that operation in the past. CONCLUSION The City acknowledges that aggregate deposits are a regional resource to be extracted in support of anticipated regional growth and establishes a goal that mining of gravel resources is to be done in a manner that protects the environment, is compatible with adjoining land uses, and is consistent with the City's long range planning. The expansion of the allowed hours of operation requested by Midwest Asphalt Corporation for the subject site can be reasonably accommodated with the proposed additional measures implemented to mitigate noise and other effects from the overnight material loading and import operations. Our office recommends approval of the requested interim use permit amendment subject to the following stipulations: 1. The provisions of Interim Use Permit No. 11-01 approved by the City Council on 7 March 2011 and recorded 22 March 2011 as Document No. 2792516 shall remain in full force and effect except as specifically modified herein. 4 2. Noise mitigation measures between the hours of 7:OOPM and 7:OOAM shall be implemented according to the interim use permit amendment application narrative approved by the City Council, including but not limited to: a. An internal circulation pattern shall be established within the subject site allowing for one-way traffic of haul vehicles to minimize the need for reverse maneuvers, subject to approval by City staff. b. All equipment shall utilize white -noise alarms between the hours of 7:OOPM and 7:OOAM, seven days a week. C. Impulse noise from sources such as dump gate slamming or engine braking shall be minimized to maintain compatibility with surrounding land uses. 3. Use of site lighting between the hours of 7:OOPM and 7:OOAM, seven days a week shall comply with Section 11-16-17.A of the Zoning Ordinance and be screened from view of surrounding residential properties by placement behind stockpiles or using the existing slopes of the gas pipeline transecting the subject site east of the Phase 3 mining area, subject to approval of City staff. 3. No excavation, rock crushing or site grading shall occur between the hours of 7:OOPM and 7:OOAM, seven days a week. 4. The operator shall maintain with the City a procedure for responding to issues or complaints related to the gravel mining operation, which is to include the name, address and telephone number of a responsible individual accessible between the hour of 7:OOPM and 7:OOAM, seven days a week. 5. The hours of operation may be restricted if the City Council determines that the extended hours of operation become incompatible with surrounding uses. The 24 hours of operation per day shall be subject to annual review and approved in conjunction with the existing annual mining permit for excavation and restoration of the subject site. C. Steven Mielke, City Administrator Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner Zachary Johnson, City Engineer Roger Knutson, City Attorney Dakota County, MN Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not Map Scale a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning 1 inch = 1008 feet verification. Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. 8/15/2013 111— Z'j Dakota County, MN MIDWEST ASPHALT COMPANY V-. 5 A'. t fr" 4 Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a Map Scale legal document and should not be substituted for a title search, appraisal, survey, or for zoning 1 inch = 536 feet verification. Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. 8/15/2013 Receipt#: 142986 2792316 ABSTRACT FEE $46.00 Recorded on: 3/22/2011 09:00:01AM By. DDW, Deputy Retum to: CITY OF LAKEVILLE 20195 HOLYOKE AVE LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 Joel T. Beckman County Recorder Dakota County, MN (Reserved for Dakota County Recording Information) . �'Z CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA INTERIM USE PERMIT NO. 11- 0 f 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Lakeville approves an interim use permit for Midwest Asphalt Corporation to allow mining and excavating at the northeast quadrant of Kenrick Avenue and 195th Street. 2. Prone . The permit is for the following described property located in the City of Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota: That part of Government Lots 6 and 7, Section 24, Township 114, Range 21, lying Py East of the Easterly right of way line of Trunk Highway No. 35, northerly of the east — J west quarter line of said Section 24 and southerly and westerly of the shore line of Lake Marion. Subject to a street or road easement for 195th Street West. Except the 9 following described property: That part of Government Lot 7 of Section 24, Township 114, Range 21, Dakota County, Minnesota lying Easterly of the Easterly right' of way line of Trunk Highway Number 35 (as now located and established) including the accretions and relictions and all other riparian. rights thereto; which lies Westerly of a line run parallel with and distant 135 feet Easterly of line 1 described below: Line 1: 1 Beginning at a point on the West and East quarter line of Section 13, Township 114, Range 21, distant 1421 feet East of the West quarter corner thereof; thence run Southerly at an angle of 92 degrees 6 minutes 00 seconds from said East and West quarter line (measured from East to South) for 3707.3. feet and there terminating. 3. Conditions. The permit is issued subject to the following conditions: a) The Conditional Use Permit approved for this property in 1993 shall terminate upon City Council approval of this Interim Use Permit. r b) The boundaries of the excavation and mining area shall be limited to the area identified in the approved plans. Snow or silt fence shall be installed at the boundary of the bluff impact zone and shore impact zone to ensure that the boundaries are not breached during excavation and rehabilitation. c) Mining and rehabilitation including extraction and grading, proposed drainage, erosion and sedimentation control, and finished grades shall occur consistent with the Mining and Excavation plan developed by Sathre Berquist, Inc., dated January 7, 2011, revised February 9, 2011. d) Perimeter side slopes may be mined to a maximum slope of 1.5:1 and shall be back-filled to a maximum of 3:1 (33%) slope or perimeter fencing of the mining area shall be installed by the operator. No Trespassing signs shall be installed at regular intervals at the perimeter of the mine adjacent to Kenrick Avenue and 195th Street. e) Vegetation shall be reestablished as an ongoing part of the site rehabilitation. Ground vegetation shall consist of grass seed mixture. f) ' To achieve and maintain a continual earth balance of the entire property, Midwest Asphalt Corporation shall not mine more than 244,000 cubic yards* of aggregate material from the west side of the gas pipeline until it can be demonstrated and documented to the City that a greater quantity of engineered fill material has previously been imported to the property to allow additional mined aggregate to be removed. g)* Blasting shall not occur on the property unless approved by an amendment to the interim use permit and confirmation by CenterPoint Energy or their successors. h) The plans are implemented according to the recommendations- outlined in the Engineering memorandum dated January 28, 2011. i) A site improvement performance agreement and annual mining permits shall be submitted by the applicant along with security as required by Title 7, Chapter 4 of the City Code and Section 11-5-13 of the Zoning Ordinance. A security deposit shall be submitted by the operator in an amount approved by the City Council to complete approved rehabilitation plan. The annual permit application shall include figures stating the amount of aggregate material exported from the property and fill material imported to the property. j) Abandoned or inoperable machinery or equipment and rubbish shall not be _ stored on the site. 2 k) The maximum noise level at the perimeter of the site shall be within the limits set by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency. 1) Operations shall be performed between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Rock crushing shall not occur on Saturdays. m) Operators shall comply with all applicable city, -county, state and federal regulations for the protection of water quality, including the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Federal Environmental Protection Agency. regulations for the protection of water quality. No waste products or processed. residue shall be deposited in any lake, stream or natural drainage system. n) Asphalt or concrete production is not permitted on the property unless approved by an amendment to the interim use permit. o) Rehabilitation shall be a continuing operation occurring as quickly as possible after the extraction operation has moved sufficiently into another part of the extraction site. p) All topsoil shall be retained at the site until complete rehabilitation of the site has taken place according to the rehabilitation plan. Slopes, graded areas and backfill areas shall be surfaced with adequate topsoil to secure and hold ground cover. Such ground cover sha!Il be tended as necessary until it is self - sustained. q) Earthen screening berms along Kenrick ,Avenue and 195th Street shall remain in place during the life of the mining operation. Earthen berms a minimum of four feet tall shall be extended along Kenrick Avenue and 195th Street to maximize visual screening during the operation of the mine. Earthen berms shall not be located within 50 feet of 195th Street and Kenrick Avenue. r) With the exception of Kenrick Avenue, truck haul routes are not permitted on City owned streets unless approved by the City. s) Any flammable liquids stored on the site shall be in above ground storage containers and shall meet Minnesota Pollution Control and Fire Code requirements. Q All mining and excavation and rehabilitation of the site shall be completed by December 31, 2021 unless approved by an amendment to the interim use permit. 3 u) Excavation is prohibited below an elevation of 1004 (sea level) except for the construction of the settling ponds. - v) The first 400 feet of the access road shall remain paved with bituminous and shall be swept regularly to keep gravel off of Kenrick Avenue, Kenrick Avenue shall be swept regularly as needed. Any water used by the operator that is acquired from a City water hydrant will require a permit from the City. w) Confirmation from the property owner must be provided to the City that the well and septic system were abandoned according to state and local requirements. 4. Termination of Permit.' The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing for violation 11 of the terms of the permit. 5. Criminal Penalty. Violation of the terms of this interim use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. Date' CITY OF LAKEVILLE Mark Bellows, Mayor BY/, r Charlene Friedges,I/CY Clerk The following instrument was acknowledged before me this 7t" day of March, 2011, by Mark Bellows, Mayor and by Charlene Friedges, City Clerk of the City of Lakeville, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. l" VZ I ILI TI 111 rr_r _ rr.�rrrrJs �'i-rl ��i/�,i eJ11 Notary PbfAc J The undersigned user agrees to the conditions set forth in the permit. MIDWEST ASPHALT, INCORPORATED AN r-� M STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ,� ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 7 day of Gc-t,,—in , 20(t l , by l3 l Gt c: 9 64t ---f - the {'A,e.X of Midwest Asphalt, Incorporated, a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: NOTA PUBLIC PUB' MINNESOTA `� . ;,w My CwnmW M E*WJWL 31, 2015 City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 5 Midwest Asphalt Corporation 2013 Plan Lake Marion Location The Phase 1 sedimentation pond area was completed and seeded according to the Storm Water Design for Mining, Excavation and Restoration Plan in 2011. The vegetation is progressing nicely. A small quantity of Mining will continue and also be completed in Phase 2 in the south east corner of property in 2013. Phase 2 will continue to be restored in 2013 per the approved Restoration Plan. Note that on the Plan, we have expanded the Restoration Area in the SE corner of the property in relation to the 2012 application. Material has been imported from various projects for reclamation purposes. Import material was tested, placed and compacted. This type of reclamation process will continue in 2013, with a concentration in the south easterly area of the property. It is not anticipated that reclamation of Phase 2 will be completed in 2013. The timing of "area completion" is dependent on market conditions and import material availability. We are being aggressive in seeking import material so that Restoration can be completed as timely as possible. The Mining Operation Plan for 2013 at the Lake Marion Pit is to complete the balance of the mining on Phase 2 located in the south east corner of property and also continue on the west side of the pipeline. As Phase 2 of the mining is completed, the area east of the gas pipeline will continue to be available for imported material for restoration. Aggregate mining operations were started in the fall of 2011 on the west side of the gas pipeline. As mining operations continue in Phase 3, the Temporary Sedimentation basin planned for the northwest corner of the property will be completed according to the Storm Water Design for Mining, Excavation and Restoration Plan. Areas along the gas pipeline were marked in 2011 and approved by Excel Energy. Communication and inspection is ongoing with Xcel Energy as needed. The required silt fence was installed along Kenrick Avenue where the mining operation was started. As more overburden material is moved for mining operations, the additional required silt fence will be completed and the overburden material will be placed along Kenrick Avenue and 195` Street for the screening berm per the Mining, Excavation and Restoration Plan. The Security Bond (Bond) amount will remain the same in 2013. Currently the Bond expires midnight May 6, 2013. If for any reason a lower dollar value of the Bond would be accepted by the City of Lakeville for the 2013 renewal, a notice two weeks prior to the expiration date would be appreciated. It may be more appropriate to request a reduction in the value of the Bond next year as a greater area will be restored. Attached is the 2011 and 2012 Annual Reporting Forms. The total material imported for the two years (since mining operations started) is 133,748 CY. The total exported from the site is 159,461 CY. The difference is 25,713 CY more material exported then imported. Well below the maximum quantity allowed to be mined of 244,000 CY per paragraph 3.f) of the Interim Use Permit No. 11-01. We expect that the amounts of imported/exported material will remain fairly consistent in 2013 for this operation compared to past seasons. There are a number of projects that we are investigating that may produce a greater quantity import material for 2013, but have no confirmation as of yet. AMENDMENT TO INTERIM USE PERMIT #11-01 REQUEST: To allow import and placement of fill material and loading of aggregate products on a 24 hour basis, seven days per week. This is needed to be able to service specific projects that are required to be constructed on a night and weekend basis. No aggregate crushing or screening operations changes are requested as part of this Amendment Request. There is an increased amount of demand to operate on night and weekends to expedite construction projects, and also reduce traffic wait times and congestion while working in off peak periods of the day. This is an opportunity to service our customers as they demand products at these times of the week. By doing so, a benefit to the City of Lakeville and it's residents is a potential for a reduced period for completion of mining operations and restoration. This is completely controlled by market conditions and a true time frame cannot be predicted, only speculated. Areas of restoration are predominantly along the southern border of the property and towards the east as shown on the Restoration Plan. This location is protected from the surrounding properties and mitigates the potential for noise disturbances as it is most shielded from the outside areas. The Expanded Restoration Area, as indicated on the attached Restoration Plan, is where any import material operations would take place after hours. This area is protected with foliage, existing stockpiles of material and the existing berm area that surrounds the south and east property boundaries. The west side of the area is buffered with the natural gas pipeline. With this type of topography surrounding the "work" area, we will have the best protection and noise control possible. In addition to the natural buffers and as we do so under the current Permit, quiet or "swoosh" back- up alarms or flashing light alarms will be used on all of our equipment. Trucks entering and exiting the site will be directed to the fill area and/or loading area in a manner to restrict/reduce backing up so as not to engage their required back up alarms. This has been done very effectively on our other sites during night operations. If straight dump trucks are being used, tailgate banging will be strictly prohibited and enforced. Again, this has been highly successful on our other sites. The haul roads will be maintained in order to give the trucks a smooth surface to travel on, thus reducing or eliminating the sound of trucks "bouncing down the road". Any truck engine (Jake) braking will be prohibited and strictly enforced during after hour operations. Posted speed limits within the property are below the speeds for engine brakes to be operational. In addition all drivers will be notified of the prohibited use of engine brakes, which includes their use on public streets, during after hour project time frames. Loading of aggregate material will be accomplished by positioning the loader and trucks in the most advantageous location behind the stockpile so to help eliminate any unwanted noise from leaving the site. In this manner the stockpile acts as the buffer. This also has been used successfully on other sites. On occasion, temporary lights may be used as needed for safety purposes. If used, they would be directed as to not be a nuisance to any area residents. For example, the lights may be placed and directed behind stockpiles, berms and/or behind the existing pipeline location. Electric power is available on site both with generator power and "line power" from Dakota Electric. If generators are used they will be positioned in a manner to reduce engine noise disturbances. Also, the generators will be in enclosures to insulate as much engine noise as possible. A 24 hour telephone will be available during off peak operations. The telephone number to contact is: 612-221-0428. This number will reach a person on site whom has the ability to react to the callers concerns and/or a compliment. If there is a concern it will be immediately addressed to help remedy the concern. If a compliment, it will be passed onto the appropriate personnel. It is very unlikely that "off peak" project construction operations would run all year long. Short periods during the Minnesota construction season are more the norm. It is difficult to predict as all projects vary, so the Amendment Request is for the opportunity to operate all year. Understanding that we would operate under these conditions for possibly a total of sixty to ninety days per year but do not want to be limited to a set count of days. For example, the first project we have an opportunity to contract has a need for night time loading of aggregate and would take approximately twenty days. >��Om z F R' M � M F M 8 M 0 7e ZM NXI pmo>z C>�z G) M M M 0 '0 E 77�y' F M f 4=F T 7- -4 _T Z Own J� - - - - - - -17 a 22-r! 4: ir si'o T \\4' -6,60 4, cjrol/ Ilk L- - - - - - e -=: A�V_q � �Vr U u :�:3 —vsat- �' — I W. —10,12- 10 1024, zo 2- �A - -70, W It 13 _,00,_ 3- > R-zoot— Z::! 101 M0 'm 1� '9,96— f 6 __06 0 XT M M M, M M 2, M C M Z C 0 z M I w M 0 X M M 0 M < X -0 5A :3 -4 :� z p ph4: > m 0 0 0 0 z C ;a 0 M M (n > 0 0 ;0 Tr X 2 0 �8 1 —vsat- �' — I W. —10,12- 10 1024, zo 2- �A - -70, W It 13 _,00,_ 3- > R-zoot— Z::! 101 M0 'm 1� '9,96— f 6 __06 0 XT M M M, M M 2, M C M Z C 0 z M I w M 0 X M M 0 0 # j) 1000, 01r) j 3)11 J J 0 W 0 '171 h # t000l Ktll A C 0 — - I I I 1 0 0 oo� 0 z JIL 1 0 1 7 ;p '0 '00. T "'T; 0 110 r/ 1AV 10 C' will k� /4- (P IX Ile 0\ gr — — — — — — 4f X( i at > W 0 z Qv� M < X -0 5A :3 -4 :� z p ph4: > m 0 0 0 0 C ;a 0 0 M (n > 0 0 # j) 1000, 01r) j 3)11 J J 0 W 0 '171 h # t000l Ktll A C 0 — - I I I 1 0 0 oo� 0 z JIL 1 0 1 7 ;p '0 '00. T "'T; 0 110 r/ 1AV 10 C' will k� /4- (P IX Ile 0\ gr — — — — — — 4f X( i at > W 0 z Qv� Mining, Excavation & Restoration Plan (November 2010 1 LAKE MARION PROPERTY LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION SHOW LINE LAN71EIN ---- 41 SNks Sj'1?k ,4 'p 0 M M 0 N 9 M C 0 M (A M 0 X z z 53 M < X M > 0 > 0 z 0 0 0 C ;a z M 0 M (n > 0 0 ;0 Tr X Mining, Excavation & Restoration Plan (November 2010 1 LAKE MARION PROPERTY LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA MIDWEST ASPHALT CORPORATION SHOW LINE LAN71EIN ---- 41 SNks Sj'1?k ,4 'p 0 M M 0 N 9 M C 0 M (A M 0 X z z 53 SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA, IVIN. 55391 (952) 476-6000 8 > r Eli 7.E �Mt 2 g E; 01 - pr 3' z M < X Ic 0 �5 0 z Q 9 C. M > a. M q w 0 id (n > 0 0 ;0 Tr X 0 �8 1 2 �z 0 00 z co M M SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA, IVIN. 55391 (952) 476-6000 8 > r Eli 7.E �Mt 2 g E; 01 - pr 3' z M < 0 z (n