HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem -2503Item No. —3—
June 20, 2013
Chair Lillehei called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City
Hall. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.
Members Present: Linda Maguire, Bob Boerschel, Chair Brooks Lillehei, Paul
Reuvers, Gerry Grenz, Joe Blee
Members Absent: Karl Drotning, Jason Swenson, Ex -officio member Shawn Fitzhenry
Others Present: Daryl Morey, Planninq Director; Frank Dempsey; Associate Planner;
and Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary
3. Approval of the Meeting Minutes
The May 23, 2013 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as
4. Announcements
Mr. Morey stated that --:--the following item_ s were distributed to the Planning
Commission at tonigh#'smeeting:
1. Letter from''Rollin Lau dated June 20, 2013.
Mr. Morey reminded, the Planning Commission that there will be no meeting on July
4th due= to: it,_.being a'_` -=holiday. Heindicated that the next Planning Commission
meeting is scheduled for July 18th, but staff is considering rescheduling that meeting
td -July 25th and also to rescheduling the August meetings from August 1St and 15th to
August 8th and 22"- to align,. with the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee and City Council meeting dates.
5. Rollin Lau:-:-
au_:Chair Lillehei opened the public hearing to consider the application of Rollin Lau for
a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a detached accessory building
resulting in the total accessory building area on the property greater than 2% of the
lot area as allowed in the RA, Rural/Agricultural District, located at 16218 Laigle
Mr. Lau was not in attendance yet, so Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented
the planning report. Mr. Dempsey stated that Mr. Lau has submitted an application
for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a detached accessory
building on his property that will exceed the maximum allowable accessory building
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, June 20, 2013 Page 2
square footage in the RA, Rural/Agricultural District. He stated that Mr. Lau's
property is two acres in size and the Zoning Ordinance allows a maximum accessory
building area of two percent of the total lot area, or 1,742 square feet in Mr. Lau's
case, without a conditional use permit. Mr. Dempsey stated that Mr. Lau is
proposing a 2,224 square foot detached accessory building.
Mr. Dempsey identified the non -conformities on the property which must be brought
into compliance as a stipulation of the conditional use permit. He indicated that staff
is recommending that the proposed location of the accessory, building be shifted 12
feet to the east in order to meet a 30 foot setback from a potential street right-of-way
dedication if Laigle Avenue is upgraded in the future.
Mr. Dempsey stated that staff recommends approval of the, Lau Conditional Use
Permit subject to the A -,tiniilatinng lifted inthe June 14, 2413 planning report,
The Planning Commission took a short recess until Mr. Lau arrived.","'
Recess at 6:11
Reconvened at 6:26
Mr. Lau presented an overview'of his::request. Mr. _tau distributed a revised survey
of his property to the Planning Commission and staff. =,The revised survey addresses
stipulation 2 of the June 14th planning report by shifting the proposed detached
accessory building approximately one, foot `to: th9, Qwest Jn order to meet the ten foot
setback requirement -6`t he .house. He; explained that he would prefer to not have
the proposed accessory building set back an additional 12 feet from the front
property line as_ stated by stipulation 1 `of; the June 14th planning report. Mr. Lau
stated that if he -did this, there would not*, enough room to access the accessory
building as intended from the south/front..of the building. Mr. Lau explained that he
has alreedji ,removed the two metal sheds and the tarp building from the property,
which are identified as non -conforming in the June 14th planning report. He
requested that the storage .pod that is currently on his property be allowed to stay
until'September 15'; 2013 because the items in the pod will be put into the new
proposed accessory building after construction is completed.
Chair Lillehei opened, th;e hearing to the public for comment.
Cliff Thom, 12145: 1,62" d Street
Mr. Thom's concern was what the proposed accessory building will look like. He
stated that there have been other large accessory buildings built in the area and he
wanted to be sure that this would be a nice looking building.
Motion was made by Blee, seconded by Boerschel to close the public hearing
at 6:32 p.m.
Ayes: Maguire, Boerschel, Lillehei, Reuvers, Grenz, Blee
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, June 20, 2013
Nays: 0
Page 3
Chair Lillehei asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion
points were:
• Commissioner Reuvers expressed his appreciation for stipulation 1 of the
June 14th planning report, but asked Mr. Lau if he understood that the
detached accessory building could become non -conforming in the future if
Laigle Avenue is widened. Mr. Lau was not concerned about this issue
because he feels that Laigle Avenue will probably"not be upgraded for
another 50 years. He stated the proposed location meets all the current
setback requirements.
• Chair Lillehei asked what the building will look like. Mr. Lau indicated that it
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the bottom of the building. The end of the building will face Laigle Avenue
with one window. It is not as large- as his neighbor's accessory building,
which did not require a conditional use permit because that property is five
acres in size.
• Commissioner Grenz reminded Mr. Lau_ that if his property becomes non-
conforming in the future because of the setback issue, it may be difficult for
somebody buying his property:°to, get a loan from a bank. He indicated that
City staff is trying to avoid situationss.like this in the, future.
• Commissioner Maguire asked for clarification on' stipulation 1 of the June 14th
planning report :requiri;ng an additional 12 feef:of.setback from Laigle Avenue.
Mr. Dempsey responded.
• The Planning Commission concurred they are fine with the proposed location
of the`'_ accessory building and not the additional 12 foot setback
recommended by staff:_.
• Commissioner`. Bleu asked ` whether the Planning Commission could
_recorr mend that landscaping be' installed to buffer the proposed accessory
building.- IVH Lau indicated that they were planning to plant bushes between
Laigle Avenue and the" accessory building after construction was complete.
• __ Mr. Morey and Mr. Dempsey suggested adding the following stipulation in
place of current stipulation 1:
"Evergreen shrubs that will achieve a minimum height of ten feet at maturity
shall be planted between the front property line and the accessory building."
Motion was made by Reuvers, seconded by Maguire to recommend to City
Council approval of the Rollin Lau Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction
of a detached accessory building resulting in the total accessory building area on the
property to be greater than 2% of the lot area as allowed in the RA,
Rural/Agricultural District, located at 16218 Laigle Avenue, subject to the following 9
stipulations, as amended.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, June 20, 2013
Page 4
1. Evergreen shrubs that will achieve a minimum height of ten feet at maturity shall
be planted between the front property line and the accessory building.
2. The property survey shall be amended to identify the setback between the house
and the new accessory building to ensure compliance with the minimum 10 foot
separation. .
3. The detached accessory building shall be constructed in accordance with the
plans approved with the Conditional Use Permit application.
4. The detached accessory building shall be kept, used and maintained in a manner
that is compatible with the existing single family homeon the property and shall
not present a hazard to the public health, safety and general welfare.
5. A building permit must be approved by the City prier to construction of the new
detached accessory building.
6. Electric. service to the riatarheri arrecsnry bbiirdinn shall he HAA ri i inAmmrni inrd.
7. No sanitary sewer service shall be provided to the detached accessory building.
8. No commercial activity, storage of commercial equipment or use as a dwelling
shall take place within any accessory -building on the property.
9. The property owner shall remove the existing fabric storage building, the two
metal storage sheds and the storage pod from the property prior to the issuance
of a building permit for the new, accessory building or a $500 cash escrow shall
be submitted prior to the issuance" of a building permit for the new accessory
building to guarantee removal. of said` non -conforming accessory buildings prior
to final inspection approval of the -new accessory budding.
Ayes: Boerschel; Lillehei Reuvers jGe6nz, Blee, Maguire
Nays: 0
There being no further business, the.'rneeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
The Planning Commission immediately went into a work session.
Respectfully submitted,;
Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary
Brooks Lillehei, Chair
Item No. �
June 20, 2013
Chair Lillehei called the work session to order at 6:55 p.m.
Members Present: Chair Brooks Lillehei, Vice Chair Bob Bo schel, Joe Blee, Gerry
Grenz, Linda Maguire, and Paul Reuvers
Members Absent: Karl Drotning
Staff Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director
Others Present: Denny and Mary Jane
Ms. ut stated that situs is ridiculous and they should be able to do what
they wa their prope Mr. Kettelhut stated he does not like the term
"non-confo ".
The Planning C asked how long the Kettelhut property has been considered
non -conforming. rey responded that the house was built in 1915 and the property
has been zoned O -R or multiple family residential since 1969.
The Planning Commission asked about the existing detached accessory building on the
property. The Kettelhuts stated it was there when they purchased the property in 2003.
Mr. Kettelhut stated he would remove the shed if allowed to construct a new one.
Planning Commission Work Session Minutes - June 20, 2013
Page 2
Mr. Morey stated he had a conversation with City Attorney Roger Knutson prior to
tonight's meeting and Mr. Knutson clarified that the City cannot grant a variance for the
expansion of a non -conforming use.
Mr. Morey stated he also spoke with Commissioner Drotning, who is unable to attend the
work session this evening, regarding the Kettelhut's property and their proposed
accessory building. Commissioner Drotning's recommendation is to allow detached
accessory buildings up to 120 square feet for non -conforming single family uses in the
Central Business District because of the uniqueness of this dist
The Planning Commission questioned how many non -con g single family uses
there are in the Central Business District. Mr. Morey re at staff will determine
the number of non -conforming single family uses in t e ntral ess District prior to
the Planning f;Qrpmiccinn public hearing nn any 7 Orriinance ndmen±
The Planning Commission directed staff to pr an amendment to th ing
Ordinance to allow detached accessory buil
to 12 uare feet fonon-conforming single family uses in the Centrsine trict.