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APRIL 7, 2003
A comp/ete video tape of the City Council proceedings
is retained for one year
Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given..
Roll call was taken. Present: Council Members Bellows, Luick, Rieb, WulfF
and Mayor Johnson.
Also present: R. Erickson, City Administrator; R. Knutson, City Attorney;
K. Nelson, City Engineer; D. Olson, Community & Economic Development
Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation
Director; D. Martens, Chief of Police; D. Morey, Planning Director; R.
Mullenbach, Associate Planner; D. Volk, Director of Operations &
Maintenance; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The minutes of the March 17, 2003. City Council meeting were approved
as presented.
Economic Development Commission member Jim Emond introduced David
Wilson, Vice President of Despatch Industries. Mr. Emond and Mr. Wilson
provided information on the business, which has been located in Lakeville
since 1951.
ENGINEER: Mr. Nelson provided an engineering project update. Recently
completed projects included pond cleaning, channel restoration,
preparation for 2002 carryover projects and 2003 new construction
projects. An open house for the County Road 60 project is planned, as
well as a wellhead protection plan public informational meeting.
APRIL 7, 2003
ADMINISTRATOR: Mr. Erickson provided. a revised resolution and list of
utility accounts for certification, agenda item #9.
March monthly report. of the Operations & Maintenance Department.
Council Member Wulff asked about the success of the pilot project in her
neighborhood whereby salt was used without sand after a snow event.
Mr. Volk stated that the clearlane salt worked well, and by not utilizing
sand in that area, there will be considerably less clean up (sweeping) this
ALF AMBULANCE ADMINISTRATOR: Director of Operations, Patti
McCauley, introduced the new ALF Ambulance Administrator, Tom Kelley.
Ms. McCauley presented the ALF Ambulance 2002 Annual Report.
Senior Coordinator Linda Walter, along with Eugene Kaufenberg, Senior
Citizens Club. President, asked the City Council to proclaim April. 27
through May 3, 2003 as Lakeville Senior Center Volunteer Recognition
Week. Mr. Kaufenberg acknowledged some of the volunteer activities that
Lakeville senior citizens are involved with. Council Member Bellows read
the proclamation.
Mr. Michaud introduced Jon Ridge, Executive Director of the Minnesota
Council of Hostelling International. Mr. Ridge provided an overview of the
2003 Ironman bike tour, scheduled to be -held on April 27, 2003. The
event will, again, be hosted by the City of Lakeville.
Mr. Kevin McCartney asked the City Council to proclaim May 1, 2003 as
National Day of Prayer in Lakeville. Council Member Luick read the
03.37 Motion was made by Rieb, seconded by Wulff to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
APRIL 7, 2003
b. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
• Telecommunications Commission, March 11, 2003
• Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee, March
19, 2003
• Planning Commission, March 20, 2003
• Economic Development Commission, March 25, 2003
c. Resolution No. 03-50 accepting donation of $500 from Dakota
Electric for Safety Camp 2003.
d. Resolution No. 03-51 accepting donation from Wells Fargo Bank for
Safety Camp 2003.
e. .Maintenance Agreement with All City Elevator, Inc. for Arts Center
elevators and stage lift.
f. Landscape Agreements with Reisinger Lawn Service and Nowack's
Lawn Service for enhanced, standard and rough-cut landscape
g. Final. payment and acceptance for 2001 sealcoating District 1,
concrete curb and gutter and miscellaneous pavement repairs,
Improvement Project No. 01-05; and Orchard Lake Park boat
launch access and parking improvements, Project No. 01-08.
h. Special home occupation permit to allow the operation of a
massage therapy business at 17187 Jordan Court.
i. Resolution No. 03-52 designating .portions of Hayes Avenue and
170' Street as Municipal State-Aid Roadways.
j. Revised contract with Ingraham and Associates for park planning
k. Letter of Understanding with Dakota County to participate in the
Criminal Justice Information Integration Network.
I. Mutual Police Assistance Agreement with Dakota County for a
County-wide special weapons and tactics (SWAT) team known as
the Mutual Aid Assistance Group (MAAG).
APRIL 7, 2003
m. Approve change in stock ownership of the American Golf
Corporation relating to on-sale liquor license at Crystal Lake Golf
n. Renewal of a tree service operator license for S & S Tree and
Horticultural Specialists, Inc.
o. - Revised Use Policies and Fees for the Lakeville Area Arts Center.
p. Resolution No. 03-53 repealing the resolution establishing a
Lakeville Area Arts Center Board; and Resolution No. 03-54 creating
a Lakeville Area Arts Center Board with eight members and an
q. Agreement with Monroe Crossing for the purpose of presenting a
performance at the Lakeville Area Arts Center.
r. Resolution No. 03-55 amending the Lakeville Liquors age
verification policy.
s. Appointment of David Wood, Hunting Subcommittee Alternate.
t. Resolution No. 03-56 accepting donation of a Tint Meter from the
Minnesota Department of Public Safety.
u. Trunk storm sewer oversizing credit to the developer of Dodd
Marsh Highlands.
v. Resolution No. 03-57 authorizing the sale of vehicles.
w. Resolution No. 03-58 authorizing the sale of a forfeited vehicle.
Roll call was taken on the motion, Ayes, Bellows, Johnson, WuIfF, Rieb,
Mayor Johnson opened the public hearing on the certification of
delinquent utility accounts.. The City Clerk attested that legal notices were
duly published and mailed.
APRIL 7, 2003
Mr. Feller presented the list of delinquent utility accounts being certified to
the County Treasurer/Auditor, which totals $53,446.86. This amount
includes a $25 service charge and 18% interest for the period of April 7,
2003 until December 31, 2004. No interest is charged if the entire amount
is paid within 30 days of adoption of the assessment.
Mr. Erickson explained that the. City can avoid the loss of revenue through
bankruptcy by semi-annually certifying delinquent utility accounts to
There were no questions or comments from the City Council or members
of the audience.
03.38 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Bellows to close the public
hearing on the certification of delinquent utility accounts.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Wulff, Rieb, Luick,
03.39 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Bellows to approve Resolution
No. 03-59 certifying unpaid water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and street
lighting charges to the County Treasurer/Auditor.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Wulff, Rieb, Luick, Bellows,
Dave Olson, Community & Economic Development Director, presented a
resolution regarding the proposed Lakeville/Farmington Dakota County
East/West Corridor Study. The study is intended to identify a preferred
system of east/west corridor alignments and a plan for the preservation of
these corridors. Mr. Olson explained that a joint work session of the
Lakeville and Farmington City Council was held on March 10t". Staff from
both cities presented information regarding the proposed East/Vl/est
Corridors B, C, D and E. The resolution clarifies the position of both cities
on each proposed corridor.
03.40 Motion was made by Rieb, seconded by Wulff to approve Resolution No.
03-60 regarding the Dakota County East/West Corridor Study.
APRIL 7, 2003
Roll. call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Rieb, Luick, Bellows, Johnson,
Dave Olson presented the proposed improvements for the I-35W/CSAH 50
interchange and an interim ordinance temporarily prohibiting development
in that area of the city. He explained that the original interim ordinance
for this area was adopted on April 15, 2002 and is scheduled to expire on
April 14, 2003. However, additional time is necessary to complete several
steps associated with the proposed project, including the necessary
surveys and legal descriptions, preparation and adoption of official maps
and right-of-way acquisition. The overall project schedule remains the
same, with construction of the interim improvements being completed in
the fall of 2004. The proposed ordinance would .extend the interim
ordinance temporarily prohibiting development in this area until no later
than April 14, 2004.
Keith Nelson presented a proposal. from SRF Consulting Group, Inc. for
professional engineering services associated with the I-35/CSAH 50
interim improvements. He explained that SRF has developed a preliminary
design layout for both ultimate and interim improvements, .The interim
improvements include the reconstruction of Highway 50 to its ultimate 4=
lane divided cross section between 176' Street and Jure! Way, the
realignment of 175t" Street to 176"' Street, the realignment of Kenrick
Avenue to Junelle Path, the widening of the southbound I-35 exit ramp
and interim construction of Highway 50 from 172"d Street to 176t" Street,
including a fourth lane .under the I-35 bridge. State aid funds, if
approved, would be utilized for this project. City staff has met. with the
businesses that would be impacted by the project to discuss relocation
Dave Olson. presented a resolution authorizing the acquisition of five
commercial properties that need to be acquired for this project. They are
Friendly Host Inn, Sinclair Marketing, Vernon Kelley (SuperAmerica), BFI
Real Estate Holdings (Taco Bell), and Midway National Bank of St. Paul
(an undeveloped lot). He explained that the County Attorney's office has
agreed to complete these acquisitions on behalf of the City. The City will
be working with the owners of SuperAmerica and Taco Bell to facilitate
• their relocation to new. commercial sites along CSAH 50. The acquisitions
will be funded from the proceeds of the recent issuance of Street.
APRIL 7, 2003
Reconstruction Bonds. Dakota County will reimburse the .City for its
normal share of right-of-way costs.
03.41 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Rieb to approve the following
items associated with the I-35W/CSAH 50 Interchange Improvements:
a. Ordinance No. 734, an interim ordinance temporarily prohibiting
development in a designated area of the City;
b. Proposal from SRF Consulting Group, Inc. for professional engineering
services for the I-35/CSAH 50 interim improvements, Improvement
Project 02-07;
c. Resolution No. 03-61 authorizing acquisition of certain real property
.interests in connection with Improvement Project 02-07.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Luick, Bellows, Johnson, Wulff,
Trent Johnson of M.W. Johnson Construction requested Council approval
of Creekside Village.
Mr. Mullenbach presented the staff report for Creekside Village, which
consists of 17 single-family lots on four blocks and two outlots. The,
subject property, which consists of 13.07 acres, lies north of Dodd
Boulevard and west of Foliage Avenue. In conjunction with the
preliminary and final plat, the developer is requesting approval of an
ordinance rezoning the portion of the property currently zoned RST-2,
single and two family residential district, to RS-3, single family residential
district, a variance to allow cul-de-sac length in excess of 600 feet and a
resolution vacating public easements. The Planning Commission held a
public hearing on Creekside Village and unanimously recommended
approval. Staff recommends approval subject to the Planning
Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation.
Mayor Johnson asked about the width of the temporary cul-de-sac. Mr.
Mullenbach stated the turning radius would be sufficient for a snowplow
Council Member Wulff thanked M.W. Johnson Construction for developing
. this property as a single family, rather than a multi family, development.
APRIL 7, 2003
03.42 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by Wulff to receive the planning
Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation and approve the
following for Creekside Village:
a. Resolution No. 03-62 approving the preliminary and final plat
b. Resolution No. 03-63 vacating a public roadway easement and
public drainage and utility easements
c. Variance for. cul-de-sac length in excess of 600 feet
d. Ordinance No. 735 rezoning property from RST-2, single and two
family residential district, to RS-3, single family residential district
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Bellows, Johnson, Wulff, Rieb,
Kari Gill, representing the Dakota County Community Development
Agency, requested Council approval of Lakeville Family Housing Third
Associate Planner Janice Waataja presented the planning report for
Lakeville Family Housing Third Addition, which consists of one. lot on one
block. The development will include 40 attached rental townhouse units
on 6.34 acres of land located west of Iberia Avenue, east of UBC and
south of 203rd Street. In conjunction with the preliminary and final plat,
the developer is also requesting rezoning of the plat area to Planned Unit
Development and vacation of public utility easements. The access will line
up with the access to the New Horizon Daycare on the north. side of 203rd
Street. Ms. Waataja explained that the site plan is consistent with the
sketch plan approved by the Planning Commission and City Council in
September of 2001. The project includes a private looped street system.
The streets will be 28 feet in width constructed to City standards. There
is one identification sign proposed. The Parks, Recreation & Natural
Resources Committee recommended approval subject to a cash
contribution to meet the park dedication requirements. The Planning
Commission recommended approval
03.43 Motion was made by Wulff, seconded by Bellows to approve the following
for Lakeville Family Housing Third Addition:
• a. Resolution No. 03-64 approving the preliminary and final plat
APRIL 7, 2003
b. Ordinance No. 736 rezoning property from RST-1, single and two
family residential district, and RM-1, medium density residential
district, to PUD, Planned. Unit Development
c. Resolution No. 03-65 vacating a public utility easement
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Wulff, Rieb, Luick,
Mr. Erickson stated staff requests the City Council table consideration of
Crossroads 1St Addition to allow completion of several unresolved issues.
:03.44 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by Rieb' to table consideration of
Crossroads 1St Addition.
Roll call. was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Wulff, Rieb, Luick, Bellows,
Steven Albrecht of Bolton & Menk, Inc. requested Council approval of the
preliminary plat of Lone Tree Point. He presented a project site plan and
explained that this .project is located in an environmentally sensitive area
on the north side of Lake Marion. Tree preservation will. include a natural
buffer between the residential lots and I-35. The island will remain in its
natural state as an outlot.
Mr. Morey presented the planning report for Lone Tree Point, which
consists of eight single-family residential lots on approximately 16 acres of
land. The developer is also requesting a variance for cul-de-sac street
length, given the wetlands, topography and Lakeshore features of the
property, which prevent a through street connection. He explained that
there is an existing house located within the preliminary plat boundaries,
which is considered legal non-conforming, because it does not meet the
75-foot building setback from the ordinary high water level of Lake
Marion. The preliminary grading plan identifies a house pad that meets
the ordinary high water level and all other setback requirements in the
event the current owner or a subsequent owner removes the house and
constructs a new one. The developer will preserve over 560 trees (62%)
• on the property. Mr. Morey explained that the trail will be connected from
the cul-de-sac street in Great Oak Shores Point (Kanabec Trail) westerly
APRIL 7, 2003
through Outlot A to Kenrick Avenue
for a future trail along Kenrick Avei
public hearing and recommended
variance subject to 14 stipulations.
03.45 Motion was made by Rieb, secondE
Commission's Findings of Fact and
preliminary plat of Lone Tree Point
Roll call was taken on the motion.
Mr. Morey presented an amendmer
residential fences. He explained th
to the zoning, subdivision and sign
two of the proposed zoning ordinar
Planning Commission for reconsider
landscaping requirements for singeE
major collector or arterial streets. ,
Commission reviewed. draft languac
by the City Council. The Planning C
language with a further modificatio
setback in order to provide space fi
fence without impacting public utiiii
Planning Commission's recommend
Concern was raised that the 15-foo
single family lots approved prior to
depth/width requirements .that wer
be too restrictive. City staff modifiE
exempt lots of record approved prig
setback requirement adjacent to a
Planning Department staff recomm
amendment as presented.
The developer will also rough grade
e. The Planning Commission held a
~roval of the preliminary .plat and
by Luick to receive the Planning
'commendation approve the
id a variance for cul-de-sac street
Rieb, Luick, Bellows, Johnson,
to the zoning ordinance related to
;City Council approved amendments
ordinances on March 17th, .However,
:e sections were referred back to the
~tion of the fence setback and
family buffer yard lots adjacent to
t a recent work session, the Planning
~, which reflects the concerns raised
~mmission concurred with the draft
~ to require a 15-foot buffer yard fence
r landscaping on the street side of the
es. The City Council reviewed the
~tions at a work session on March 31~t.
fence setback requirement for those
he additional buffer yard lot
into effect on January 1, 1994 would
J the zoning ordinance amendment to
r to January 1, 1994 from the fence
Major collector or arterial street.
nds approval of the zoning ordinance
03.46 Motion was made by Luick, second d by Wulff to adopt Ordinance No.
.737, an ordinance amending Title 1 of the Lakeville City Code.
• Roll call was taken on the motion. ~4yes, Luick, Bellows, Johnson, Wulff,
APRIL 7, 2003
`PAG 11
03.47 Motion was made by Rieb, seconde by Luick to appoint Steven Pattee to
the Planning Commission for the re cinder of a three-year term expiring
on December 31, 2003.
Roll call was taken on the motion. yes, Bellows, Johnson, Wulff, Rieb,
ANNOUNCEMENTS Next regular ouncil meeting, April 21, 2003
Mayor Johnson adjourned the mee ing at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
n /~
Charlene Friedges,
Robert D. )o son, Mayor