HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-07-02 CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 7, 2002 A complete video tape of the City Council proceedings is retained for one year. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Roll call was taken. Present: Council Members Bellows, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick and Mayor Johnson. Also .present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; K. Nelson, City Engineer; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director; D. Olson, Community & Economic Development Director; D. Morey, Planning Director; F. Dempsey, Associate Planner; D. Volk, Director of Operations & Maintenance; C. Friedges, City Clerk. MINUTES The minutes of the September 16, 2002, City Council meeting and the August 26, 2002 Council work session were approved as presented. SPOTLIGHT ON BUSINESS Economic Development .Commission member Jack Matasosky introduced Chris King, Chief Financial Officer and Vice President of Operations for QA1 Precision Products, Inc. STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTORNEY: None ENGINEER: None ADMINISTRATOR: Mr. Erickson provided an update on the County Road 60 improvement project and opening of Super Target. 4 CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 7, 2002 PAGE 2 • DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: Mr. Volk presented the. September monthly report of the Operations & Maintenance Department. PRESENTATIONS/INTRODUCTIONS Denise Louis, representing the Dakota Citizens for our Land and Water, and Suzanne Savanick, representing the Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District, provided information regarding a Dakota County question on the November 5t" General Election ballot. The question involves the issuance of general obligation bonds for the preservation of natural areas and farmland. CITIZENS' COMMENTS None CONSENT AGENDA 02.129 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by Mulvihill to approve the consent agenda items as follows: a. Claims for payment. b. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings: Telecommunications Commission, September 10, 2002 Snowmobile Task Force, September 12, 2002 Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee, September 18, 2002 Planning Commission, September 19, 2002 c. Lakeville Convention and Visitors Bureau 2003 Budget. d. .Resolution No. 02-202 abating special assessments on City property. e. Merchant Processing Application with Wells Fargo for credit card processing. f. Resolution No. 02-203 calling a public hearing relating to the • imposition of a service charge for Special Service District No. 1. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 7, 2002 PAGE 3 g. Ordinance No. 721 amending Title 5 of the Lakeville City Code concerning animals. h. Renewal 'of the Joint Powers Agreement with the Dakota County Drug Task. Force. i. Radio Control Station Use Agreement with the Metropolitan Radio Board. j. Resolution No. 02-204 appointing election judges for the November 5, 2002 General Election. k. Agreement with Minnesota Department of Natural Resources for cross-country ski trait assistance program. I. Resolution No. 02-205 authorizing. SRF Consulting Group, Inc. to prepare detail construction plans for Klamath Trail Phase III project. m. Resolution No. 02-206 approving change order with Wold Architects and final payment to Alpha Video for Council Chambers audio-visual system, Improvement Project 02-01. n. Snowplowing contracts with Jeff Reisinger Lawn Service & Snow Plowing and Pro Turf. o. Resolution No. 02-207 approving a Comprehensive Plan Amendment bringing 0..20 acres of land located at 20182 Highview Avenue into the current Metropolitan Urban Service Area. p. Receive Planning Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation and approve a conditional use permit to allow total accessory building area greater than 1,100 square feet on property located at 8989 - 210t" Street W. q. Resolution No. 02-208 adopting record of decision, response to comments and decision on the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the proposed Crossroads development. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 7, 2002 PAGE 4 Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Bellows, Johnson, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick. ITEM 9 Mayor Johnson opened the public hearing on the certification of ~~ delinquent utility accounts. The City Clerk attested to mailing and publication of the legal notice. Mr. Feller presented the list of delinquent utility accounts being certified to the County Treasurer/Auditor, which totals $51,425.80. This amount includes a $25 service charge and 18% interest for the period of October 7, 2002 until December 31, 2003. No interest is charged if the entire amount is paid within 30 days of adoption of the assessment. There were no questions or comments from the City Council or members of the audience. 02.130 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Rieb to close the public hearing on the certification of delinquent utility accounts. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick, Bellows. 02.131 Motion was made by Rieb, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No. 02-209 certifying unpaid water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and street Fighting charges to the County Treasurer/Auditor. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick, Bellows, Johnson. ITEM 10 Lee Johnson, U.S. Home Corporation, requested Council approval of the final plat of Prairie Lake 1St Addition. Along with the final plat, the Council is also being asked to consider amendments to the Brackett's Townhomes PUD-CUP and to CUP No. 2001-14; a conditional use permit to allow a private park; vacation of public • easements; renaming of 184t" Street to Kenyon Avenue; and a Comprehensive Plan amendment. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 7, 2002 PAGE 5 • Mr. Morey presented the planning report for Prairie Lake 1St Addition. He explained that the City Council is being asked to formally approve a Comprehensive. Plan amendment reguiding Outlot X from RM-1, .medium/high density residential, to O-R, commercial, consistent with the rezoning approved with the preliminary plat. The Metropolitan Council has approved the City's Comprehensive Plan amendment request. The preliminary plat was approved by City Council on August 19, 2002. Prairie Lake 1St Addition (phase one) is consistent with the approved preliminary plat. The project will be developed in four phases, with afour- year build out .for the entire development. The Planning Commission held a public hearing and unanimously recommended approval of Prairie Lake 1St Addition, subject to 19 stipulations listed in the August 29, 2002 planning report. The dedication of Outlot K, as recommended by the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee, will meet the park dedication requirements. 02.132 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Mulvihill to receive the Planning Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation and approve the following: a. Amendment to Bracketts Townhomes Planned Unit Development Conditional Use Permit and Conditional Use Permit No. 2001-14 to allow a portion of Outlot E, Brackett's Townhomes, to be developed for residential use in conjunction with the plat of Prairie. Lake; b. Conditional Use Permit to allow a private neighborhood park in the RS-2, Single-Family Residential District in conjunction with the plat of Prairie Lake; c. Resolution No. 02-210 vacating a public road right-of-way easement and a public drainage and utility easement; d. Resolution. No. 02-2.11 approving the final plat of Prairie Lake 1St Addition; e. Resolution No. 02-212 renaming 184th Street to Kenyon Avenue;. f. Resolution No. 02-213 approving a Comprehensive Plan amendment reguiding property from medium/high density residential to commercial. . .Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Rieb, Luick, Bellows, Johnson, Mulvihill. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 7, 2002 PAGE 6 • ITEM 11 Rod Borg, representing Perma Companies, requested Council approval of a comprehensive sign plan for amulti-tenant commercial building located at 20908 Holyoke Avenue in downtown Lakeville. Mr. Morey explained that four tenants currently occupy the building, and each of the tenants wish to install wall signage on the exterior of the building. Individual tenants located in a multi- tenant commercial building may display an exterior wall sign on the building only if the tenant's business has an exclusive exterior entrance. Each of the four tenants in the building have an exclusive exterior entrance. The City's comprehensive sign plan. indicates that the wall signs facing 209t" Street West will be .comprised of individual channel-type letters that will be internally illuminated. The wall signs facing Holyoke Avenue will be projecting signs and will be placed at right angles to the building. Mr. Morey explained that the dumpster located in the back of the building is not properly screened. The landlord has submitted plans showing a six foot high wood fence that will screen the dumpster. The fence will be located in the public alley right of way adjacent to the east side of the building. In order to allow the dumpster to be located in the alley right of way, the City and property owner will enter into an encroachment agreement before any signs are installed on the building. The landlord has submitted a $500 escrow for the dumpster enclosure. The Planning Commission reviewed the comprehensive sign plan request and recommended approval subject to two stipulations listed in the July 24t" planning report. 02.133 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by Mulvihill to approve a Comprehensive Sign Plan amendment for amulti-tenant commercial building located at 20908 Holyoke Avenue. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Luick, Bellows, Johnson, Mulvihill, Rieb. • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 7, 2002 PAGE 7 • ITEM 12 Peter Jarvis, representing Laukka -Jarvis, Inc., requested Council approval of the preliminary plat of South Creek, consisting of 146 single-family lots located north of Ardmor Village .Manufactured Home Park and east of Cedar Avenue. Mr. Dempsey presented the preliminary plat of South Creek. He explained that the RM-1 zoning district allows the construction of detached single-family homes. The project will be developed under the RS-3, single-family residential district guidelines. Mr. Dempsey explained the proposed future connection of "Street A" to the property to the north. The east-west collector street will eventually connect to Flagstaff Avenue in Farmington when the property to the east develops. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the preliminary plat of South Creek and unanimously recommended approval subject to 10 stipulations outlined in the September 13, 2002 planning report. 02.134 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Rieb to approve. the preliminary plat of South Creek. Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Bellows, Johnson, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick. ITEM 13 Mr. Olson presented a summary review of the 4t" draft of the Metropolitan Council's Blueprint 2030 dated August 28, 2002. He explained that the Metropolitan Council has held 12 public preview meetings on the proposed Blueprint 2030. Formal public hearings by the Metropolitan Council are scheduled on October 16t". A public comment period will remain open until October 28, 2002. The current schedule calls for formal adoption of the Blueprint 2030 in December. Staff is seeking input from the City Council and authorization to provide testimony and written documentation regarding the City's position on the Blueprint 2030 at the public hearing. ~. Planning Commission members Wendy Wulff and Karl Drotning addressed the City Council regarding the Planning Commissaon's CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 7, 2002 PAGE 8 concerns with respect to the 2030 Blueprint. They indicated that they plan to attend the public hearing on October 16tH. Mr. Erickson asked the City Council to authorize the mayor's signature on a letter to Metropolitan Council Chair Ted Mondale. The letter requests that metropolitan area citizens and governments be given the opportunity to review and comment on the changes to the Blueprint 2030 prior to its adoption. Included with the letter is a summary of comments and concerns with the current draft of the plan. Mayor Johnson recommended that staff work with the Planning Commission members to develop testimony for presentation at the public hearing. 02.135 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Rieb to authorize the. mayor's signature on the letter, with attachments, to Metropolitan Council Chair Ted Mondale regarding the City's concerns with the proposed Blueprint 2030. Roll call was taken. on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick, Bellows. ITEM 14 The city attorney stated the Council is being requested to schedule a work session with special legal counsel Jim Thompson to discuss Litigation strategy against the Metropolitan Council concerning the rural growth center issues. ,Because the subject of the meeting is litigation strategy, the meeting would be closed to the public. 02.136 Motion was made by Rieb, seconded by Bellows, to hold a Special Council meeting on .October 14, 2002, beginning at 4:00 p.m., with an executive session and work session to follow. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick, Bellows, Johnson. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None . NEW BUSINESS None CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 7, 2002 PAGE 9 r~ ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next regular Council meeting October 2I, 2002 Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, harlene Friedges, ty Clerk G ~~ Robert D. John n, Mayor • •