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Item 06.x
Lak es December 11, 2013 Item No. C -STORE PARTNERS, INC. (SUPERAMERICA) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DECEMBER 16, 2013 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a conditional use permit for C -Store Partners, Inc. and adopt findings of fact. Adoption of this motion will allow the construction of a convenience store with motor fuel sales and an automatic car wash in the C -3, General Commercial District located at the northeast corner of 210th Street (CSAH 70) and Keokuk Avenue. Overview Representatives of C -Store Partners, Inc. have submitted an application for a conditional use permit to allow the development of a SuperAmerica convenience store with motor fuel sales and automatic car wash north of 210th Street (CSAH 70) and east of Keokuk Avenue within the Lakeville Commerce Center plat located west of Interstate 35. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the conditional use permit at their December 5, 2013 meeting. There was one public comment regarding the proposed street light. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval subject to nine stipulations. A revised site and landscape plan have been submitted in response to stipulations 8 and 9. Staff recommends approval of the SuperAmerica conditional use permit subject to the stipulations listed in the conditional use permit form. Primary Issues to Consider Does the proposed development of a convenience store with motor fuel sales and car wash meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance? The proposed plans meet all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and will be a compatible land use with existing and future land uses in the area subject to the stipulations outlined in the conditional use permit. Supporting Information • Conditional Use Permit form • Findings of fact • Revised site plan and landscape plan • December 5, 2013 Planning Commission draft meeting minutes • November 2,7,-4Q13 planning report and engineering report Frank Dempsey, AICP, Associate rlranner Financial Impact: $ None Budgeted: Y/N Source: Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Zoning Ordinance Notes: (Reserved for Dakota County Recording Information) CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 13- Permit Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Lakeville approves a Conditional Use Permit for C -Store Partners, Inc. to allow a SuperAmerica convenience store with motor fuel sales and automatic car wash located north of 210th Street (CSAH 70) and east of Keokuk Avenue. Property The permit is for the following described property located in the City of Lakeville, Dakota County, Minnesota and legally described as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, LAKEVILLE COMMERCE CENTER and that part taken by Dakota County Road Right -of -Way Map No. 300 & 300A. Conditions The permit is issued subject to the following conditions: 1. A building permit is required prior to commencing any site improvements. 2. A sewer access unit charge for the car wash shall be determined by the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services agency prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. The site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plan and in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 4. Landscaping shall be installed in accordance with the approved landscape plan. The property owner shall be responsible for maintenance of all landscaping, including within the boulevard. 5. Site lighting shall be installed in accordance with the approved lighting plan and shall meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance at all times. 6. All signage on the property must meet the requirements of Section 11 -23 of the Zoning Ordinance. A sign permit is required prior to the installation of any signs. 7. The convenience store shall comply with the requirements for motor fuel facilities and car washes. 8. A financial security shall be determined and submitted prior to the issuance of a building permit to guarantee installation of the landscaping. Termination of Permit The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing for violation of the terms of the permit. Lapse If within one year of the issuance of this permit construction of the car wash has not commenced, this permit shall lapse. Criminal Penalty Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. Date: December 16, 2013 M CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: Matt Little, Mayor Charlene Friedges, City Clerk The following instrument was acknowledged before me this 16 day of December, 2013 by Matt Little, Mayor and by Charlene Friedges, City Clerk of the City of Lakeville, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 2 CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA C -STORE PARTNERS, INC (SUPERAMERICA) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FINDINGS OF FACT On December 5, 2013 the Lakeville Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of C -Store Partners, Inc. for a conditional use permit to allow the development of a SuperAmerica convenience store with motor fuel sales and an automatic car wash on property located at the northeast corner of 210th Street (CSAH 70) and Keokuk Avenue. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed conditional use permit preceded by published and mailed notice. The applicant was present and the Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak. The City Council hereby adopts the following findings of fact: 1. The property is zoned C -3, General Commercial District. 2. The property is located in Planning District No. 6 of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan, which guides the property for commercial land use. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 1, Block 1, Lakeville Commerce Center 4. Section 11 -4-3E of the City of Lakeville Zoning Ordinance provides that a conditional use permit may not be issued unless certain criteria are satisfied. The criteria and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. The proposed convenience store with motor fuel sales and automatic car wash is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's designated commercial use of the property and the C-3, General Commercial Districtzoning of the property. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. The proposed convenience store with motor fuel sales and automatic car wash is consistent with present and future land uses of the area. c. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. Given compliance with the stipulations listed in the planning report, the convenience store with motor fuel sales and automatic car wash will conform to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. d. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the City's service capacity. The property is served with City sanitary sewer and water. The proposed convenience store with motor fuel sales and automatic car wash addition will not overburden the City's service capacity. e. Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. The traffic generated by the convenience store with motor fuel sales and automatic car wash will not overburden the streets serving the property. 5. The planning report, dated November 27, 2013, prepared by Associate Planner Frank Dempsey is incorporated herein. DATED: December 16, 2013 CITY OF LAKEVILLE Matt Little, Mayor M Charlene Friedges, City Clerk 2 ' � � • •- _ �fi5 1285 - - N06°02'S5'E 33973 _ 1 I . I . t Z 1 j w1 L V7_ \ 21 so I�� I I I � \ I I� m T ICI , i I 2'a m , ss $ � I N5 CF \ 1 \ m � � Jl m s F E a g a, o� X39. ..oA n c e H iam o ycn LW A n CA m . • '•� r s'9 Cc'c i 3 use g ° ^;9 m '! m T �m � r Q "� _ a m ° d g a e► 3 f IT T 8 11 3 g "� 'R O 0 r D zs s s f �� 2.a R1 V1 - t7 V 3 RRm 5.�9nr e �A� £ nmQo z z . €RS a sa ea m z 00 IS, � H �' s =� E �� � m 3 � o o l z d�T£ R, ..oA n c e H iam o ycn LW A n CA m . • '•� r s'9 Cc'c i 3 use g ° ^;9 m '! m T �m � r Q "� _ a m ° d g a e► 3 f IT T 8 11 3 g "� 'R O 0 r D zs s s f �� 2.a R1 V1 - t7 V 3 v M f1 ' v' C O C M M Z Z ' O M' D r ' i 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I , a MH ? pp g ° =` :s nosy = ea y i M F °f. 7 Foz'z a:5 5 I�8 >r3 a o = a € x sa g. °_ e n pAF> •"� fia °s x C w Ro n O z D Z M v n r �IM412'S il9St r� _ _ _. V € H ; ! 8�I ;�3 �C 5W I g'gAc �d��c�aE o F� EF sm�W� "e° g�",a e�L ^g�S m n-- M , gasF�ea =z a$ af? "l_� 4a SEX d� e�° o:o ; F ° g� �� � R S W 9 • � F ���' � ;�� 3 i - �; 2 359 �= ;�x "s� 3 � > °�li�a3g s e�ra��ea� 5 ad s TV � Fa g �" n Fo o £ g 9 t�� I.-H a° fiag�' J51 S 0 c 2 m R n T O � T 7. s �3 W; �a ='s 10 ___ to m N Z o^i �� (D Z Z 5 3z N m C 7< Z 3 ° ° 0 m D M> ^� m� ? o , a MH ? pp g ° =` :s nosy = ea y i M F °f. 7 Foz'z a:5 5 I�8 >r3 a o = a € x sa g. °_ e n pAF> •"� fia °s x C w Ro n O z D Z M v n r �IM412'S il9St r� _ _ _. V € H ; ! 8�I ;�3 �C 5W I g'gAc �d��c�aE o F� EF sm�W� "e° g�",a e�L ^g�S m n-- M , gasF�ea =z a$ af? "l_� 4a SEX d� e�° o:o ; F ° g� �� � R S W 9 • � F ���' � ;�� 3 i - �; 2 359 �= ;�x "s� 3 � > °�li�a3g s e�ra��ea� 5 ad s TV � Fa g �" n Fo o £ g 9 t�� I.-H a° fiag�' J51 S 0 c 2 m R n T O � T 7. s �3 W; �a ='s 5% 10 °• to m N Z o^i �� (D Z Z 5 3z N m C 7< Z 3 ° ° 0 m D M> ^� m� �� D a �1 e � A N " 2 •� e a 2 � A 3— � �� IIaa �_ qq Fyn 8 asiS cu s a m m a 3 5% 10 °• to m N Z o^i �� (D Z Z 5 3z N m C 7< Z 3 ° ° 0 m D M> ^� m� �� D a �1 e � A N 2 •� e A 3— � �� IIaa �_ asiS cu Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, December 5, 2013 Page 5 7. SuperAmerica Chair Lillehei opened the public hearing to consider the application of C -Store Partners, Incorporated for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a convenience store with motor fuel sales and an automatic car wash, located at the northeast corner of 210 Street (CSAH 70) and Keokuk Avenue. Jim Winkels from Amcon, representing C -Store Partners, presented an overview of the request. He indicated that prior to tonight's meeting staff_.had a discussion with him regarding the installation of a street light on Keokuk Avenue near the driveway entrance /exit. Mr. Winkels indicated that he agrees witli.the need for the additional street light. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented: the planning report. Mr. Dempsey stated that the SuperAmerica convenience store will be the fifth commercial property to be developed since the Lakeville Comrnerbe Center plat was approved by the City Council in 1988. Mr. Dempsey reviewed the criteria listed in the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to motor vehicle fuel facilities, including:;zoning, architectural standards, canopy, signage, dust control and drainage, landscaping;;_exterior lighting, parking, pedestrian traffic, and outdoor sales, along with the car wash; all, of whirl' h "pre described in detail in the November 27, 2013 planning report:'`:::-: - Mr. Dempsey expla'ine'd " stuff's discussion with Mr. ` Winkels prior to the start of tonight's meeting regarding the need fora street light at the SuperAmerica driveway entrance for public safety reasons. Mr. Dempsey indicated that when the Lakeville Commerce Ceni 'ir "plat was developed in the 1980's street lights were not included. He indicated that as: : development= - -:fias, occurred in Lakeville Commerce Center Har . ' Cafe; the moVie:_theatre, Walmart and the office building), street lights were installed with each individual_ building project. Mr:Dempsey stated ' that Planning Department staff recommends approval of the condifi6hal use permit , subject to the 7 stipulations listed in the November 27, 2013 plan ning:report, with the:_addition of a stipulation 8 regarding the additional city street light. Findings of Fac€were included in the planning report for review. Chair Lillehei opened the hearing to the public for comment. Robert and Colleen Powell, 11774 205 Street Mr. Powell commented that he likes the proposal but requested that the street light to be installed on Keokuk Avenue be the same type of LED lights that SuperAmerica is proposing. Motion was made by Maguire, seconded by Blee to close the public hearing at 6:33 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, December 5, 2013 Page 6 Ayes: Blee, Grenz, Swenson, Maguire, Boerschel, Lillehei Nays: 0 Chair Lillehei asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion points included: Chair Lillehei asked the Assistant City Engineer to explain the City's street light request. Mr. Hanson stated that after City staff reviewed the CUP application, it was agreed that a street light within the Keokuk Avenue right -of- way would improve public safety. Regarding Mr., P?owell's suggestion, Mr. Hanson didn't think that the City currently uses LE -D` Iighting for street lights. Mr. Morey stated that staff will review Mr. Powell's'suggestion with Operations and Maintenance Director Chris Petree. (`nmmiceinnor oeVnA %eihy the AeniSinn Iei0S`r'ri��o by CuperAmorina vv.....IlVVlvllvl vrr v11VV1� uv�wV .r UIV VVV1 _11 rVu 1flade V S 1/ \t, ienca to move the existing shared driveway;; access to the south entirely on the convenience store's property. Mf. q=-,Dempsey stated `that, because the topography on the adjacent propertyto the north. drops off very.,quickly, it was not practical to have the shared driveway at this When`the property to the north develops, the City will look into --- er it will be possible to have a shared driveway connection with a maximum 5% driveway grade. Commissioner Blee felt' an ideal :=location for a convenience store. However, as cars exit the ear he felt there., could be better screening to the north so that headlight; would : :.not into, the neighboring lot. Mr. Dempsey agreed., and suggested the Installation' , bf the additional plantings along the nortli' adjacentto the` exit. Chair LilleheF`asked Mr:_ Dempsey: #o clarify the difference between CUPs and IUPs. M "Dempsey stated that process for reviewing the applications is the same--,but an IUP;is temporary,and tied to a sunset date and a CUP is considered a more...Perm- anent .land use. Mr.: Morey`ma -.6 the following suggestions regarding the two additional stipulations thatwere suggested.,by the:'Planning Commission: :.$. The plans s all be revised to include a public street light at the driveway ;= access to Keokuk Avenue. 9. " landscao6 plan shall be revised to include additional plantings along tie'.raorth property line adjacent to the car wash exit. >:. Mr. Winkel agree to' the two additional stipulations. Motion was made by Blee, seconded by Boerschel to recommend to City Council approval of the SuperAmerica Conditional Use Permit to allow a convenience store with motor fuel sales and an automatic car wash, located at the northwest corner of 210 Street (CSAH 70) and Keokuk Avenue, subject to the following 9 stipulations, as amended: 1. A building permit is required prior to commencing any site improvements. Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, December 5, 2013 Page 7 2. A sewer access unit charge for the car wash shall be determined by the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services agency prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. The site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plan and in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 4. Landscaping shall be installed in accordance with the approved landscape plan. The property owner shall be responsible for maintenance of all landscaping, including within the boulevard. 5. Site lighting shall be installed in accordance with the approved lighting plan and shall meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance at all .times. 6. All signage on the property must meet the requirements of Section 11 -23 of the Zoning Ordinance. A sign permit is required prior to the installation of any signs. 7. The convenience store shall comply with the reqdiremerits for motor fuel facilities and rar wachac, 8. The plans shall be revised to include a public-: street light at the driveway access to Keokuk Avenue. 9. The landscape plan shall be revised:= #o include additional pla6ti along the north property line adjacent to the car exit. Ayes: Grenz, Swenson, Maguire, Boerschel Lillehei, Blee Nays: 0 - Mr. Lillehei thanked the Planning:'; Cornth,ission for a'. - successful 2013. He also thanked City staff for responding to; th, a Plan"i n'g :Commission's inquiries in a timely fashion. He expressed #b: his fellovv> Commissioners that it has been a sincere pleasure working. with" all of:them, that'they are true professionals, and that it is his expectation that,the"y will continue to work ; well together and prosper in 2014. There being no further business,. the, meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m. Respedtfufly submitted -, _ Penriy- Recording Secretary ATTEST: Brooks Lillehei, Chair No. - 7 City of Lakeville Planning Department ,7, ",* Lakeville Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: IV rank Dempsey, AICP, Associate Planner Date: November 27, 2013 Subject: Packet Material for the December 5, 2013 Planning Commission Meeting Agenda Item: Conditional Use Permit for C -Store Partners, Inc. SuperAmerica convenience store with motor fuel sales and automatic car wash. Application Action Deadline: January 4, 2014 INTRODUCTION Representatives of C -Store Partners, Inc. have submitted an application for a conditional use permit to allow the development of a SuperAmerica convenience store with motor fuel sales and automatic car wash north of 210th Street (CSAH 70) and east of Keokuk Avenue within the Lakeville Commerce Center plat located west of Interstate 35. Four properties have been developed within the Lakeville Commerce Center plat since the plat was approved by the City Council in 1988. Lakeville Family Theatre was constructed in 1997. Harry's Cafe restaurant was constructed in 1998. The office building was constructed in 2005 and Walmart was constructed in 2012. The subject property is zoned C -3, General Commercial District. Planning Department staff has reviewed the plans for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. Findings of fact are included with this report. The following exhibits are attached for your information: EXHIBITS A. Location and Zoning Map B. Aerial Photo C. ALTA Survey D. Civil Site Plan E. Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plans (4 Pages) F. Utility Plan G. Landscape Plan H. Architectural Site Plan I. Floor Plan J. Exterior Elevations Plans K. Fuel Canopy Elevations Plan (2 Pages) L. Site Lighting Plan and Light Specifications Plan (7 Pages) M. Sign Plans (7 Pages) PLANNING ANALYSIS Zoning. The property is zoned C -3, General Commercial District and is platted as Lot 1, Block 1, Lakeville Commerce Center. Convenience stores with fuel sales and automatic car washes are allowed by conditional use permit in the C -3 District. The property is 2.15 acres in area. Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning North - Undeveloped (C -3 District) South - 210th Street (CSAH 70) East - Interstate 35 West - Keokuk Avenue and Undeveloped commercial property (C -3 District) 11 -37 -3: MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL SALES, NOT INCLUDING TRUCK STOPS OR AUTOMOBILE REPAIR: A. District Application: Convenience stores with motor vehicle fuel sales and automatic car wash facilities are allowed in the C -3 District as a conditional use. The standards and requirements for motor fuel sales are in addition to those which are imposed for other uses and activities occurring on the property. VA The property is zoned C -3, General Commercial District. The Comprehensive Plan designates the property as Commercial. All applicable performance standards as stipulated within the Zoning Ordinance must be satisfied at all times. B. Motor Fuel Facilities: Motor fuel facilities shall be installed in accordance with state and city standards. Additionally, adequate space shall be provided to access fuel pumps and allow maneuverability around the pumps. Underground fuel storage tanks are to be positioned to allow adequate access by motor fuel transports and unloading operations which do not conflict with circulation, access and other activities on the site. Fuel pumps shall be installed on pump islands. The site plan provides for adequate access by motor fuel transports, delivery and customer vehicles. The underground fuel storage tanks are located near the southwest side of the property and can be easily accessed by motor fuel delivery transports and will not interfere with on -site traffic circulation. A 12 foot by 60 foot loading area is also provided on the north side of the building for deliveries to the convenience store. The fuel pumps will be constructed on raided pump islands that meet the minimum 24 foot wide curb -to -curb island separation. C. Area: A minimum lot area of one and one - fourth (1 acres and minimum lot frontage of one hundred fifty feet (150'). If the canopy is attached to the principal structure, the minimum lot size may be reduced to one acre. The city council may exempt previously developed or previously platted property from this requirement provided that the site is capable of adequately and safely handling all activities and required facilities. The property is 2.3 acres in area with a lot width of 237 feet, excluding the 55 foot wide permanent highway easement along the south side of the lot. D. Hours: Hours of operation shall be limited within the respective zoning district, unless extended by the city council as part of the conditional use permit. The C -3 District requires no limited hours of operation except as may be required by the city council. Restricted hours of operation are not proposed as part of this conditional use permit. E. Architectural Standards: 1. Asa part of the conditional use permit application, a color illustration of all building elevations must be submitted. Exhibit illustrates the proposed building elevation of the convenience store. The proposed exterior building materials include four varieties of face brick and a 3 standing seam metal roof. The materials meet the Zoning Ordinance building exterior requirements for a commercial building in the C -3 District. 2. The architectural appearance, scale, and functional plan of the building(s) and canopy shall be complementary and compatible with each other and the existing buildings in the neighborhood setting. The canopy will includes a white band with a red, four inch wide accent band along the upper edge. The canopy columns will be faced with brick. The proposed canopy is complementary and compatible with the building. 3. All sides of the principal and accessory structures are to have essentially the same or a coordinated harmonious finish treatment pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance. All sides of the convenience store and car wash building will have the some exterior building materials in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 4. Exterior wall treatments like brick, stone (natural or artificial), decorative concrete block and stucco shall be used. The exterior wall treatments will include four different varieties of face brick in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 5. Earth tone colors of exterior materials including the canopy columns shall be required. "Earth tone colors" shall be defined as any various soft colors like those found in nature in soil, vegetation, etc. Such colors are limited to brown, black, grey, tan, beige, soft green, soft blue, or white. The canopy columns will include two varieties of brown face brick in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 6. Ten percent (10 %) of the building facade may contain contrasting colors. Contrasting colors shall be those colors not defined as earth tones. The canopy may have contrasting color bands or accent lines not to exceed an accumulative width of four inches (4 "). The color bands shall not be illuminated. There are no contrasting colors or signage proposed on the convenience store and car wash building in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. F. Canopy: A protective canopy structure may be located over the pump island(s), as an accessory structure. The canopy shall meet the following performance standards: 4 1. The edge of the canopy shall be twenty feet (20') or more from the front and /or side lot line, provided that adequate visibility both on site and off site is maintained. The edge of the canopy is more than 20 feet from the front and side lot lines in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 2. The canopy shall not exceed eighteen feet (18') in height and must provide fourteen feet (14') of clearance to accommodate a semitrailer truck passing underneath. The top of the canopy will be 18 feet in height and the bottom of the canopy will be 15 feet in height, in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 3. The canopy fascia shall not exceed three feet (3') in vertical height. The vertical face of the canopy is not more than 3 feet in width in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 4. Canopy lighting shall consist of canister spotlights recessed into the canopy. No portion of the light source or fixture may extend below the bottom face of the canopy. Total canopy illumination may not exceed one hundred fifteen (115) foot - candles below the canopy at ground level. The fascia of the canopy shall not be illuminated. The canopy lighting will be recessed into the canopy with no portion of the recessed lighting extending below the bottom face of the canopy. The maximum illumination below the canopy will be at or less than 50 foot - candles in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. The fascia of the canopy shall not be illuminated. 5. The architectural design, colors, and character of the canopy shall be consistent with the principal building on the site. The canopy will include a white band with a red, four inch wide accent band along the upper edge. The canopy columns will be faced with brick. The proposed canopy is complementary and compatible with the building and designed in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 6. Signage may be allowed on a detached canopy in lieu of wall signage on the principal structure, provided that: a. The individual canopy sign does not exceed more than twenty percent (20 %) of the canopy facade facing a public right of way. 5 The signs are proposed on the west and south sides of the fuel canopy and not on the building wall. The proposed sign area on the south canopy fascia is 67 square feet which exceeds to the maximum allowable canopy sign area of 2096, or 29 square feet allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. The plans must be revised to comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements. b. The canopy fascia shall not be illuminated, except for permitted canopy signage. The canopy will not be lighted except for the proposed canopy signage which will include individual illuminated letters. 7. Canopy posts /signposts shall not obstruct traffic or the safe operation of the gas pumps. This will be a stipulation of the conditional use permit. G. Pump Islands: Pump islands must comply with the following performance standards: 1. Pump islands must be elevated six inches (6 ") above the traveled surface of the site. Pump islands will be constructed on raised curbs at least six inches above the traveled surface of the site. 2. All pump islands must beset at least thirty feet (30') back from any property line. Additionally, the setback between the pump islands curb face must be at least twenty four feet (24'). The pumps islands will be set back greater than 30 to feet to any property line and each pump island will be separated by more than 24 feet.. H. Dust Control and Drainage: The entire site other than taken up by a building, structure, or plantings shall be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, cobblestone or paving brick. Plans for surfacing and drainage shall be subject to approval of the city engineer. Drainage from all fueling areas shall be directed to an oil /grit separator. Minimum design standards for the oil /grit separator shall include the following: 1. A minimum of four hundred (400) cubic feet of permanent pool storage capacity per acre of drainage area. 2. A minimum pool depth of four feet (4'). 0 3. A minimum oil containment capacity of eight hundred (800) gallons. 4. Minimum maintenance /inspection of two (2) times per year and /or after measurable spill events. A measurable spill shall be defined by the Minnesota pollution control agency (MPCA). Any measurable spill event must be reported to the MPCA. The proposed oil /grit separator meets the design and containment requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Landscaping: At least twenty five percent (25 %) of the lot, parcel or tract of land used exclusively for the gas sales facility shall remain as a grass plot, including trees, shrubbery, plantings or fencing and shall be landscaped. Required minimum green area should be emphasized in the front and side yards abutting streets or residential property. The landscaped area of the property will be 46.9 9 , 6 6 of the 2.15 acre site in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 2. At the boundaries of the lot, the following landscape area shall be required: a. From side and rear property lines, an area of not less than five feet (5') wide shall be landscaped in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. All property boundaries include not less than five feet width of landscaped area. b. From all road rights of way, an area of not less than fifteen feet (15') wide shall be landscaped in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. Not less than 15 feet of landscaped area is located next to all public rights -of -way. C. Where lots abut residentially zoned property, a buffer yard of not less than twenty feet (20') wide shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. There are no residentially zoned properties that abut the subject property. d. The property owner shall be responsible for maintenance of all landscaping, including within the boulevard. This requirement will be a stipulation of the conditional use permit. 7 J. Exterior Lighting: The lighting shall be accomplished in such a way as to have no direct source of light visible from adjacent land in residential use or from the public right of way and shall be in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. A comprehensive lighting plan shall be submitted as part of the conditional use permit application, and shall be subject to the following performance standards: 1. Canopy Lighting: Canopy lighting shall only be permitted under the canopy structure, and consist of canister spotlights recessed into the canopy. No portion of the light source or fixture may extend below the bottom face of the canopy. Total canopy illumination below the canopy may not exceed one hundred fifteen (115) foot - candles at ground level. The canopy fascia will not be illuminated. The area below the canopy will be less than the allowable maximum illumination of 115 foot - candles. No portion of the canopy lighting will extend below the bottom face of the canopy. 2. Perimeter Lighting: Lighting at the periphery of the site and building shall be directed downward, and individual lights shall not exceed fifteen (15) foot - candles at ground level. Six post lights will be installed around the perimeter of the site. The photometric plan shows that no portion of the site will exceed 15 foot candles. 3. Illumination: Maximum site illumination shall not exceed one foot - candle at ground level when measured at any boundary line with an adjoining residential property or any public property. No portion of the site will exceed one foot - candle at the property line as required by the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Exception: Except for permitted wall signage the building and /or canopy fascia shall not be illuminated. No portion of the canopy fascia shall be illuminated. This will be stipulation of the conditional use permit. 5. Access: Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement and shall comply with chapter 19 of the Zoning Ordinance. The plans propose to move the existing shared driveway access to the south 17 feet from the current location so the access is entirely on the convenience store property. The proposed access to and from Keokuk Avenue meets the location requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 1 K. Circulation and Loading: The site design must accommodate adequate turning radius and vertical clearance for a semitrailer truck. Designated loading areas must be exclusive of off street parking stalls and drive aisles. A site plan must be provided to illustrate adequate turning radius, using appropriate engineering templates. The site is designed to accommodate a WB -50 semi- trailer truck which is the truck typically used for the delivery of motor fuels. The site plan illustrates the truck turning radius template used to demonstrate the vehicle movement within the property. L. Parking: 1. Parking spaces shall be calculated solely based upon the use and the square footage of the principal building. The 3,300 square foot building plus the proposed 165 square foot outdoor sales area requires a minimum of 16 parking spaces at the required one space per 200 square feet of floor area. A total of 20 spaces are proposed on site. All spaces and drive aisles meet the size and dimension requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. Parking spaces shall be screened from abutting residential properties in compliance with chapter 21 of this title. (Ord. 674, sec. 1, 7 -17 -2000) There are no residential properties that abut this subject property. M. Pedestrian Traffic: An internal site pedestrian circulation system shall be defined and appropriate provisions made to protect such areas from encroachments by parked cars or moving vehicles. In front of the principal structure, the pedestrian sidewalk must be a minimum of five feet (5') wide and clear of any obstacle or impediment. The pedestrian sidewalk may be reduced to a minimum of three feet (3') wide and clear of any obstacle or impediment when segregated from parking or drive aisles by a physical barrier that prevents vehicles from overhanging the pedestrian sidewalk. (Ord. 743, sec. 1, 9 -2 -2003) The site plan proposes a raised concrete sidewalk between nine feet and 10 feet in width in front of the building. The proposed outdoor display area in front of the building will include a minimum sidewalk clear area of three feet in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 2. A continuous and permanent concrete curb not less than six inches (6 ") above grade shall separate internal sidewalks for pedestrian traffic from motor vehicle areas, pursuant to the provisions of subsection 11 -19 -71 of the Zoning Ordinance. z A six inch tall concrete curb will separate the pedestrian sidewalk from the vehicle parking lot. N. Noise: Public address system shall not be audible at any property line. Play of music or advertisement from the public address system is prohibited. Noise control shall be required as regulated in section 11 -16 -25 of the Zoning Ordinance. This requirement will be a stipulation of the conditional use permit. 0. Outside Sales and Service: Outside sales and service shall be allowed on a limited basis, provided that: 1. Site Plan: a. Areas Designated: Areas for outdoor sales and services shall be clearly indicated on the site plan and reviewed at the time of application for a conditional use permit. No outdoor sales or services shall be allowed outside of those areas so designated on the approved site plan without approval of an amended conditional use permit. The proposed outdoor sales area is located at the building's main entrance and exit doors in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. The area will be 165 square feet, which equals five percent of the gross floor area of the building. b. Nonconformance: Outdoor sales and services that do not conform to the specific performance standards of this subsection O shall be defined as nonconforming uses regulated by chapter 15 of this title. This requirement does not apply to this site. c. Conditional Use Permit: Outdoor sales and services maybe further restricted or prohibited as a term in a conditional use permit. Outdoor sales are services shall remain in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements at all times. 2. Location: Except as regulated by subsection O4a of this section, outdoor sales and services shall be located upon a concrete or asphalt surface adjacent to the principal building and shall not encroach into any required principal building setback, required parking stall, drive aisle, or pedestrian sidewalk required by subsection M of this section, or otherwise impede vehicle and pedestrian circulation. 10 The proposed outdoor sales area will be located on a raised concrete surface adjacent to the principal building in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 3. Outdoor Sales: a. Area: The area devoted to outdoor sales shall not exceed five percent (5 %) of the gross floor area of the principal building or two hundred (200) square feet, whichever is less. The area of the site to be devoted to outdoor sales is 5% of the 3,300 square foot building which equals 165 square feet. b. Height: The height of sales displays shall not obstruct any window or otherwise impair a clear view of the pump islands from the cashier station within the building. In no case shall the sales display exceed five feet (5') in height. This requirement will be a stipulation of the conditional use permit. c. Required Parking: The outdoor sales area shall be included in the calculations for parking spaces required for the use by chapter 19 of the Zoning Ordinance. A minimum of 16 parking spaces is required which takes into account the proposed 165 square foot outdoor sales area. Twenty (20) parking spaces will be provided on -site. 4. Uses: Outdoor services shall be limited to the following uses: a. Public phones, compressed air service or automobile vacuum areas may encroach into a required yard as long as they do not interrupt on site traffic circulation, do not occupy required parking stalls, and are not located in a yard abutting residentially zoned property. The only outdoor services will be an air and vacuum station located south of the building. The outdoor service area does not encroach into any travel areas or the vehicle queuing area for the car wash. b. Propane sales limited to twenty (20) pound capacity tanks maybe located outside provided the propane tanks are secured in a locker and meet all state uniform building and fire codes. This will be a stipulation of the conditional use permit. 11 e. Freezers for ice products may only be located at the front of the building subject to the area and location requirements of subsections 02 and 03 of this section, or when used for storage purposes only shall be located in a side or rear yard and screened from view from adjacent properties or the public right of way with materials consistent with the principal building. This will be a stipulation of the conditional use permit. P. Litter Control: The operation shall be responsible for litter control on the subject property, which is to occur on a daily basis. Trash receptacles must be provided at a convenient location on site to facilitate litter control. This will be a stipulation of the conditional use permit. Q. Signs: A comprehensive sign plan must be submitted as part of a conditional use permit application. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be minimized and shall be in compliance with chapter 23 of this title. A comprehensive sign plan has been submitted. An advertising monument sign with gas prices and a dynamic display sign will be installed near the southwest corner of the site in compliance with design and setback requirements. Canopy signs are also proposed on the south and west fascia of the canopy. Prior to City Council consideration of the conditional use permit, the south face canopy sign must be reduced in size to not more than 20% of the canopy fascia as required by the Zoning Ordinance. All signage shall meet Zoning Ordinance requirements. Sign permits are required prior to installation of any signage. R. Additional Stipulations: All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change when the council, upon investigation in relation to a formal request finds that the general welfare and public betterment can be served as well or better by modifying or expanding the conditions set forth herein. 11- 73 -7D. Commercial car washes (drive- through, mechanical and self- service) provided that: 1. A car wash that is accessory to a convenience store /motor fuel facility shall be included as part of the principal building. The car wash will be attached to the principal building as identified on the plans. 2.Magazine or stacking space is constructed to accommodate six (6) vehicles per wash stall and shall be subject to the approval of the city engineer. 12 The vehicle stacking area is designed to accommodate the minimum stacking of six vehicles along the south side of the building. 3. Magazine or stacking space must not interfere with on site circulation patterns or required on -site parking or loading areas. Stacking space will not interfere with on -site circulation patterns or loading areas. The convenience store uses the north side of the building as the loading area. The proposed site improvements will not interfere with the loading area or other on site vehicle or pedestrian circulation. The site plan also proposes pavement striping and marking at the car wash exit to prevent vehicles from parking in front of the car wash door. 4. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with section 11 -21 -9 of the Zoning Ordinance. There is no residential zoned property in proximity to the subject property. 5. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise and special precautions shall be taken to limit the effects of noise associated with the car wash operation, dryer and vacuum machines. a. Where the car wash operation is within five hundred feet (500') of a residential district, the exterior vehicle doors of the car wash must remain closed during the entire operation cycle. This requirement does not apply since the site is not located within 500 feet of a residential zoned property. 6. The location and operation of vacuum machines must not interfere with magazines or stacking areas, on site circulation or on site parking and loading areas, and may not be located in a yard abutting residentially zoned property. The outdoor vacuum station is located south of the building outside any drive aisle, vehicle queuing area or loading area. The vacuum station is also not abutting a residential zoned property. 7. Untreated water from the car wash shall not be discharged into the storm sewer. If the water is to be pretreated and discharged into the storm sewer, the pretreatment plans shall be subject to review and approval of the city engineer and building official, and subject to applicable requirements of metropolitan council environmental services and MPCA. The car wash wastewater will be discharged directly into the sanitary sewer system. 13 RECOMMENDATION Planning Department staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit for S- Store Partners, Inc. (SuperAmerica) for a convenience store with motor fuel sales, an automatic car wash and outdoor sales area subject to the following stipulations: 1. A building permit is required prior to commencing any site improvements. 2. A sewer access unit charge for the car wash shall be determined by the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services agency prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. The site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plan and in compliance with Zoning Ordinance requirements. 4. Landscaping shall be installed in accordance with the approved landscape plan. The property owner shall be responsible for maintenance of all landscaping, including within the boulevard. S. Site lighting shall be installed in accordance with the approved lighting plan and shall meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance at all times. 6. All signage on the property must meet the requirements of Section 11 -23 of the Zoning Ordinance. A sign permit is required prior to the installation of any signs. 7. The convenience store shall comply with the requirements of for motor fuel facilities and car washes. cc: Daryl Morey, Planning Director Alex Jordan, Civil Engineer Erik Peterson, AMCON G: F ra n k De m psey /CUP /C -St o re P a rt ne rs 14 ■ ■■u.0 .. ■.. ..... .....� B EEN ■.■ ■.■ - iii iii RA PUD RM -2 RM -1 C -3 ZONING MAP C -3 RWY; C -3 C -3 W RM -1 Lu b j ecto rty 2,1 OT H f SiTAW 2;1 [OT C -3.1 KEOKUK AVE. C -3 C -3 RWY m z C) It 3 -3 VI -3 IS3 C -3 EXHIBIT A C ! Y • ' `fir �; .a . Pq ►-A Proposed evelopment Site w { Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a Map Scale legal document and should not be substituted for a title search, appraisal, survey, or for zoning 1 inch = 347 feet verification. Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. 11/22/2013 EXHIBIT B I' IN D akota County, MN II —-- - - - -1— I� — � — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �I F II D, � O . KEOKUK AVENUE "MY omam) WIN wam POW PLAT M 300A — oe ae ea � e �— oe — w -- — 0e • .WEST UNE, OF LOT 1 ---------=-------------- EAST UNE OF DAKOTA CO. FOR Y 1 RD. ROW MAP NO. 300A `\ AIRP06E4 P NO. 2707030 1 I N a �• ,m • �o the • �v ?n m a Z ti w 990 z 0 - x qts ® . y I I I L I I I I � I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I i I I om� o C, I I r a I I �..1 P Z'�� < 0 a r. 2 a .. _ _; 7Cd m . ° O X�• nn ° m i I z o m � -4 .� n . —IAA m I d s .� r► p < P ° < r Z O m � �pM m cn m 3 I I I • ° I �i � I I O I I 1 E Z I` KEOKUK AVENUE "MY omam) WIN wam POW PLAT M 300A — oe ae ea � e �— oe — w -- — 0e • .WEST UNE, OF LOT 1 ---------=-------------- EAST UNE OF DAKOTA CO. FOR Y 1 RD. 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AWAMCON o LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA lit til r3 r r c r r r r r r t t r c k r r r r e r r r r 5 c r m X ov r P t r r r r r r r e r r r r r r r r r r e r c r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r C r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r K k r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r K K k r e k C r k r r r r r r r r r r r r r r e r k e k k t r�r r k r k r r r r C r r r r r r r r r r k K r r r r r C) r r r r r r r r r r r r K K K k C C r r r r K r r r r k k e r r r r r r r r r r r C r G r c E C G r r r r K r r r r r r r r r r r r r It e� r r r r r r r K K C C c r r r r r r G r r k r r r r r r r r r r r r e r c eir. r r r r r r e c r r t r G c G r r r C: r c g' r r c r r r r r G k C r r r r k K r �' a r° r r c r r C r r c s r r r r r r k r r e . 7 . a G r c c r t c c r e e t r r C r r r G r r C C r r IT o t r K s t e c c r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r C r r r r g K r r a m m p v X o 3 X r 3 W cn D _' v, C) gZ S rn m m v D z;o a oc r C) t � r ;► t r G m m p v X o 3 X r 3 W cn D _' v, C) gZ S rn m m v D z;o a oc r C) r r k G r r r r r r r r r r r C r G r c E C G c r r r t c r r r r r c r c c r r r r r c c G r r r r r c c r r c r r r c c r r r c r c c r C r r c c r r r r C C G r c c K r t r t -4s +JY+weAUP7 r G K r r r r r r K s t r r r c r K r r r r r r K r r r r r c r r K r r r r c cD r rl c r r r r r k r r r c c c r r r r r c r G K G r r G G r c C C s r r r G C r r G r r k C r r r C K C K K K r r C K C C G C C G r r r r r k r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r c r r K r r r r r K r r r r r c c r r r c c r r r r r r r r c r r r r K K r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r e r r r r r e r r e e e r r r c c K K K K e e r r m m p v X o 3 X r 3 W cn D _' v, C) gZ S rn m m v D z;o a oc r C) m m p v X o 3 X r 3 W cn D _' v, C) gZ S rn LED AMBIENT CANOPY LIGHT (CRS) ! • 7"7 LIGHT OUTPUT - CRS oescrili SS - Soper Saver HO - Wo Outpid I of LESS Lumens Watts Lumens I Waft CRS SC LED N 8202 75 13596 155 CRS AC LED N 7925 75 13198 155 CRS SC LED N 10747 97 14570 147 CRS AC LED N 10367 97 13959 147 CRS SC LEO 1 125 16774 145 19635 189 CRS AC LED I 126 16134 145 19399 189 ever LED LIGNTING TECHNOLOGY May be covered by the following: US patent 0574994, 7828466, 0002420 A IM4296a and MX patent 29631 acid ISRL 49679 and Aug 2005312668 and US 6 [art. patents pending SMARTTECTM ENERGY SAVING FEATURES: THERMAL CONTROL - Sensor reduces drive current when ambient temperatures exceeds rated temperature. LEOS - Choose from three array choices, 64, 84 and 128, which feature select high brightness LEDs; 5300 °K color temperature, 70 CRI (nominal). DRIVE CURRENT - Super Saver (SS) - most economlcal and highest lumens per watt or High Output (HO) - highest output per initial dollar. OPTICS / DISTRIBUTION - Available with (SC) Standard Canopy or (AC) Asymmetric Canopy distribution. OPTICAL UNIT - Featuring an ultra -slim 1" profile, housing is die - formed aluminum with a clear tempered glass lens. Unit is water- resistant, sealed to an IP67 rating. Patented integral single blade (teat sink does not trap dirt and grime, ensuring cool running performance over the life of the fixture. THE INDUSTRY'S ONLY BREATHABLE SEAL - Lumnaire assembly incorporates a pressure stabilizing vent breather to prevent seal fatigue and failure. DRIVER - State- of- the-art driver technology provides exceilent system efficiency, control and protection. Components are fully encased in potting for IP65 moisture resistance. Complies with IEC and FCC standards. DRIVER HOUSING - Wet location rated driver /electrical enclosure is elevated above canopy deck to help prevent water entry and to provide easy "knock-out" connection of primary wiring. FINISH - Standard color is white. Finished with LSI's DuraGrie polyester powder coat process. DuraGrip withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling. OPERATING TEMPERATURE - -40°C to +50nC (-40eF to +122 ELECTRICAL - Universal voltage power supply, 120-27 VAC, 50/60 Hz input Two -stage surge protection (including separate surge protection built into electronic driver) meets IEEE C62.41.2- 2002, Scenario 1, Location Category C INSTALLATION - Installs in a 12" or 16" deck pan. Deck penetration consists of 5 drilled holes simplifying installation and water sealing. Unit is designed to retrofit into existing ScottsdaldO (4 ") hole as well as openings for Encore and Encore Top Access and to reconnect wiring from the SC/ECTA without having to relocate conduit Retrofit panels are available for existing Scottsdales and Encores (see back page) as well as kits for recessed and 2x2 installations (see separate spec sheets). SHIPPING WEIGHT - 9.2 lbs. ElUTMD LIFE - Minimum 60,000 hours to 100,000 hours depending upon the ambient temperature of the installation location. See LSI web site for specific guidance. WARRANTY - Limited 5-year warranty. LISTING - ETL and UL listed to UL1598, UL8750 and other U.S. and International safety standards. Suitable for wet locations. PHOTOMETRICS - Application layouts are available upon request. Contact LSI Petroleum Lighting or petroleum .aDD @J si -induslries.com Amarina Innovation & : EIV �s IP67 RoHS Lime 0) wet location Amlfl Can Made Suitable for wet locations f/ Project Name I FlxWre Type l ,. r.,,.,.. Catalog 7 — - - - - •o.ra.q,rw. rt.:... 7 " 4 1 ffi 02012 LSI INDUSTRIES INC. LED AMBIENT C LIGH ( ceo�ss werb LED LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY LUMINAIRE ORDERING INFORMATION TYPICAL ORDEREXAAIPLE: C RS SC LED 64 SS CW UE WHT Prolix Distribution Light Soerce LEDs Drive Current Temperature Voltage Finish Option CRS I SC - Standard Canopy LED 64 SS - Super Saver CW - Cool White UE - Universal Voltage WHT - White IMS - Integral Motion Sensor' AC - Asymmetric Canopy 94 HO High Output (120-277 AC) IPC - Integral Photocell 128 Note: 1- Consult Factory A_ CCESSORY ORDERI INFORMATION (Accessories are field installed) Description — Order Number Description Or1er golly Retrofit Panel-- SC to GRS 1G Oxk Panel 4 wl Retrof 2)Q Cover Panel Blank (fie holes) 4M Retrofit Panel- EC /EMISCFIDCRS, for 18'DKkP&W 430785 Retrofit RICCrrler Panel Blank (no hot esI, 351702 Retrofit Panel - SC to CRS, lot 12' D P*M 430797 Kit - Hole Plugs and Silicone (enough for 25 Wields) 1380510 Rmt old P. ;net - C-CTA 7 SCF b CRB.li 12' Deck W 430759 Consist of ( 25) 7Ar has pk gs anu It ) 10.3 az hme of mV — DIMENSIONS '.1 1 1 'Ti'7 A IEAT 128 6- 5/16" 10 „ 160own m) 160mm 1 �rf° �I� 7.3/8" 3" (76mm) O 7"3/8" r 1) O (188 ere) (tp =1 7A1" (23 mw) I 7/9" (23 tw) 1.3116' ! 19x/8" (4" erne) ' L 19.38" (483 man) l 1-3/18 4 1I1 -0UM (MI — 21- 11/18" (551 mrn} -- - (31 rsq (31 18" DECK RETROFIT PANEL - SC (1430951) <>Twm CANOPY TOP PAN 14" 1369 mm) 1.3/16" I/ - — ' 1718" (31 mm) , i (48 min) 2X2 COVER PANEL BLANK (357282) PANEL W!0 NOLES 28" sq (660 mm) i Project Name Catalog k RIC COVER PANEL (354702) 18 3/4" (476 mm) 9 229 mm) I 15" DECK RETROFIT PANELS - EMTA/SCF (/438M) 0 >7w M wryer MN CANOPY TOP tR1N (31 mm) r Itw1 04/16/12 Fixture Type 02012 LSI INDUSTRIES INC LED SOFFIT LIGHT (XSL2) < .a Crossover* LED Lighting lighting factscm A Light Output (Lumens) 4957 Watts 62.2 Lumens per Watt (Efficacr) 79 Color Accuracy 69 Color nerteerM WKW (LFtl) Light Color rr e. 2700K 300015 4500K asnoK M n k$ wa W000 "(p to IESNA LM- 79- 2008'. Approved WPW kr the rAoct di y Photon&& c Tbleng d SDA"t" LipMMp. The D.S. Depemner:t of E—gy iDOE) venfiee product Owl dda and ra mAL Prada.Ya Welled wdw the DOE ENERGY S fAR' prugan hew Ow ENERGY STAR mad on Vis heel. Welt wwwAlightinglacte com for tiro Label Reference Quids. Rel;WMion Nwbw: KGGN- EDE2GE Model NurEw. XSL2SLED50ZVV -UE Type: Surface and pendem+ fed dow qhb This "Lighting Facts Label" represents LSI's commitment, through participation in the Department of Energy's SSL Quality Advocates program, to accurately report performance criteria of our LED fixtures. This label represents a single teal of a single fixture. Input power below represents rated values for the family. Color temperature and lumen output for each variation of this Crossover® fixture can be found in the ordering information below as well as at www.lighfingfacts.com. LIGHT OUTPUT - XSL2 Fixture Distribution Lumens (Nominal) XSL2 Type S 5000 Input Power of 60 watts 02/11/11 © 2011 LSI INDUSTRIES INC. Project Name Catalog f _ oss were LED LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY US patents D574994 & 0595896 & 7828456 and US & Int'I. patents pending EXPECTED LIFE - Minimum 60,000 hours to 100,000 hours depending upon the ambient temperature of the installation location. See LSI web site for specific guidance. LEDS - Select high- brightness LEDs. 5000 °K color temperature (nominal). DISTRIBUTION/PERFORMANCE - Type S. Excellent uniformity with full cutoff. HOUSING /OPTICAL UNIT - Housing is die - formed aluminum with a gasketed clear tempered glass lens providing a water - resistant seal. Weather -tight aluminum enclosure contains factory prewired driver to ensure no water entry. Sealed optical unit containing LEDs rated IP67. MOUNTING - Direct mounts with screws through the trim frame (standard). Optional channel bar kit available to suspend assembly from ceiling joists. ELECTRICAL - Universal frequency power supply (50/60 Hz). Supply voltage must be specified for pre -wired thermal protectors. DRIVER - State -of- the -art driver technology designed specifically for LSI LED light sources provides unsurpassed system efficiency. Driver will operate with input of 120V thru 277V (50/60 Hz). Components are fully encased in potting material for moisture resistance. Driver complies with IEC and FCC standards. OPERATING TEMPERATURE - -40eC to +50 (-40°F to +1 22 FINISH - Each fixture is finished with LSI's DuraGrip® polyester powder coat finishing process. The DuraGrip finish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling, and is guaranteed for five full years. Standard color is white. WARRANTY - LSI LED fixtures carry a limited 5 -year warranty. PHOTOMETRICS - Application layouts are available upon request. Contact LSI Applications Group at lighting.apps @lsi- industries.com LISTING - Listed to U.S. and Canadian safety standards. Suitable for damp locations. This product, or selected versions of this product, meet the standards listed below. Please consult factory for your specific requirements. A Iwp.etla asied IP67 E Qus M. Ro�HS Intertek Suitable for damp locations Not all versions of this product are CE certified. Fixture Type • A Company re> LED SOFFIT LIGHT (XSL2) oss -) ver LED LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY PRODUCT ORDERING INFORMATION TYPICAL ORDER EXAMPLE: XSL2 S LED 50 CW 120 WHT CMT # of Prefix Distribution Light Source LEDs Color Temperature Input Voltage Finish Options XSL2 -Soffit Light I S - Symmetrical LED 50 CW- Cool White 120 WHT - White CMT - Channel Bar (5000' K no 208 Mounting Kit 240 DM - Direct Mount 277 DIMENSIONS 18' (457mm) —15.1/4 -15.1/' Square -- (387mm - 394mm) (Direct Mount) 8.114' (210mm) ( nce required for 1-- 42 Square 18' -- e Of InsWIIiDOn) (394mm (394mm 425mm) (457mm) (C-Channel Mounq L - 18'(457mm) SIDE VIEW (Channel Mount Shown) TOP VIEW SHIPPING WEIGHT - 14 lbs. (6.4kg) ovum Project Name I Fixture Type I © 2011 LSI INDUSTRIES INC. Catalog N I "�""r °•' A�om „gym, � �.,.,.. LED AREA LIGHTS - XG03176 LED Shown with optional decal striping c ttiaaw Lwu^%q ighting facts4l 44.•,' ";� dii#:i -w, air: T ° "+� 1F ":t t =' • e /Raab «eomdq a�uw- faaoosc,vwo�s,weeearwaKnw«s iM/llga►to 7JIagd9ei?dE�Mt;hr'Y Tl4Ud0�pm4ritdBagypOywdlM pa4a aFter4.nbwwaa vwawwwJVftgF&cft=m rm e,e Lead Reftows It 01 1 . k I KO0N*JDDN(12f12=11) U*" Mails, XON FT loo 176450 CW Ua T7FK Oaaeoranrtasa.�.y axl.. LIGHT OUTPUT - XOB3176 1 of LEDS Lumuu (Nominal) e3 e6 1 eFr I T eFTA 350 mA 176 17200 16600 18300 20600 450 mA 176 20700 20000 21600 24900 350 mA* 176 14600 14500 15800 18000 450 mA 176 17600 17400 18900 21600 ct' -)ver LED RIGHTING TECHNOLOGY US patent 0574294 8 7,828,456 and Mx patent 26631 and US A lat'l. patents pending SMARTTEC"" THERMAL CONTROL - Sensors in both optical unit and driver enclosure reduce drive current when ambient temperatures exceed 50 Current is lowered in imperceptible 5% increments every 5 minutes until safe operating temperature is reached. EXPECTED LIFE - Minimum 60,000 hours to 100,000 hours depending upon the ambient temperature of the installation location. See LSI web site for specific guidance. LEDS - Select high- brightness LEDs in Cool White (5250 nominal) or Neutral White (4100'K nominal) color temperature, 70 CRI (nominal). DISTRIBUTION/PERFORMANCE - Types 3, 5, FT and FTA available. Reflectors are field rotatable. Exceptional uniformity with full cutoff creates bright environment at lower light levels. HOUSING - Square, die - formed aluminum. Fully enclosed weather -tight housing contains factory prewired drivers and field connections. TOP- ACCESS COVER - Tethered top -access cover provides ease of installation and allows for easy driver access. Four captive stainless -steel fasteners secure the top - access cover to the housing. OPTICAL UNIT - Clear tempered optical grade flat glass lens sealed to aluminum housing creates an IP67 rated, scaled optical unit Pressure stabilizing breather allows super- tight IP67 protection while preventing temperature cycling from building up internal pressures and vacuums that can stress optical unit seals and components. FIELD ROTATABLE OPTICS - Optical unit can be easily field rotated in 90 increments. Directional arrow on optics allows alignment without the unit being energized. MOUNTING - 2-1/2" x 5-3/8" x 12" extruded aluminum arm mounting bracket shipped standard. 8" bracket available for single or D180 configurations, but must be ordered from the Options column of ordering chart. Use with 5" traditional drilling pattern on LSI steel round, square and round tapered poles. Rand Pole Plate (RPP2) required for mounting to 3 "— 5" round poles. (See Accessory Ordering Information Chad.) ELECTRICAL - Two-stage surge protection (including separate surge protection built into electronic driver) meets IEEE C62.41.2 -2002, Scenario 1, Location Category C. Available with universal voltage power supply 120 -27NAC (UE - 50/601-1z input), and 347 - 480VAC. Optional button-type photocells (PCI) are available in 120, 208, 240, 277 or 347 volt (supply voltage must be specified). Fixture Watts: 350 mA -195, 450 mA - 260 nominal. DRIVERS - Available in 35OmA and 45OmA drive currents (Drive currents are factory programmed). Components are fully encased in potting material for IP65 moisture resistance. Driver complies with FCC 47 CFR part 15 RFI/EMI standard. OPERATING TEMPERATURE - 40% to +50'C (-40'F to +1229. FINISH - Fixtures are finished with LSI's DuraGdp ® polyester powder coat finishing process. The DuraGdp finish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling, and Is guaranteed for fire full years. Standard colors include bronze, black, platinum plus, graphite, satin verde green, metallic silver and white. Meets requirements of ASTM 61171000 -hour salt fog and ASTM G1551000 -hour Xenon Arc UV tests (supersedes G53 UVB313). DECAL STRIPING - LSI offers optional color- coordinated decals in 9 standard colors to accent the fixture. Decals are guaranteed for five years against peeling, cracking, or fading. This product, or selected versions of this product, most WARRANTY - LSI LED fixtures carry a limited 5 -year warranty. the standards listed below. PHOTOMETRICS - Application layouts are available upon request Contact LSI Applications Please consult factory for your specific requirements. Group at lighting.apps®Isi- indusbies.com FC IP67 - SHIPPING WEIGHT (in carton) - Fudure - 44.5 Ibs (20 kg) r„laft Arm - 5 lbs. (2kg) arm A" "l S, C R LISTING - ETL listed to U.S. and Canadian safety standards. Suitable for wet locations. MHS AR RA Project Name i Future Type i �+ 6l ®2012 a�•'•• Catalog R I LSI INDUSTRIES INC. ,.�.�,..»•,+",. S- .eta«.. LED AREA LIGHTS - XGB3176 LED TYPICAL ORDER EXAMPLE: X B3 176 Prefix Distribution Light Seem / d LEDs Drive Current Color Temperature laput Voltage Finish Options XG83' - LED Greenbrier FT - Forward Throw FTA - Forward Throw Automotive 3 Type III 5• Type V CW UE WHT PC1120 LED 350 - 350tH I CW - Cod While 450 - 450MA NW - NMArel White UE - Universal Voltage (120.277) 347 -480 Cr' _ LED LIGHTING TECHNOLOGY BILK - Black BRZ - Bronze GPF - Graphite MSV - Metallic Silver PLP - Platinum Plus SVG - Satin Verde Green WHT - White BBK -1Y Bracket IS and 0180 only) PCI 120.120v Button -Type Photocell PCI 208 - 208v Button -Type Photocell PCI 240 - 240v Button -Type Photocell PCI 277 - 277v Button -Type Photocell PCI 347 - 347v BuRon -Type Photocell TB - Tenninal Block Cola Deals 45 — Light Gold 20— Charcoal Metallic 55 — Block 94 — Blue Metallic 59 — Dark Green 51— Dark Red 21— Tomato Red 50 — White 700 —Aztec Silver Metallic LUMINAIRE EPA CHART' - X083176 LED Order Number 482002 BLK r Bmcltel 11r8m Single 2.3 2.4 aa" i D180' 4.7 4.0 � D90' 4.7 7.2 Too- 12" Bracket Required ry TN120' 7.3 090 DIMENSIONS ACCESSORY ORDERING INFORMATION (Accessories are field InataNed) Daeription XGBS -176 - HSS - House Side Shield Blade or*)* Order Number 482002 BLK X613.178 - LSS - House Side Shield Left Side Mack onlyY 482002 BLK )(GB3. 170 - RSS - Nam Side Shield Rkft Side BIKk only' 482002 BILK RPP2 - Round Pole Plate 1629148LK BKS- BO-WM- -'-CLR - Wall Mount Rate 123111 CLR BK4-O4Ac8- CLR - Radius Mm S 19 -0 - Upewep Bracket for round or square poles NOTES: 1- Use with 5" traditional draeng pattern 2- House Side Shield adds to fixture EPA. Consult factory. I-� 24" sq. (607 mm) —►I 9" (229 mm) 12' —� (305 mm) 3 15/16" (99 mm) /igC,/ 07 /13112 0201 Project Name I Fixture Type 1 j . ®2012 Catalog 4 i LSI INDUSTRIES INC. A C.wv"nn. S..rtr..... Noose Side SWeld (4M2002dLN) KEOKUKAVENUE - - - - 7 5 4 - - - - - - - I ► I I v I I — • I I O — — — — — — — — — — — — — jr I I I I I I Fl II I � I II I I 1 g � I • I I I I I I I • I I . 'I I . I . 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O 23" o m� x C sea - �� D mm D 7J 7J 0 Z n 3 O C/) r o � I'T1 ' 01 a W iv.- !'� i„ 1 Coe) Z w Z A O 3m C: a O r =ra- A N 3 rm-n r a>= f o�� oo m> -u " m II d °N o° II WW WW m 0 _ - y C o n Lakeville Memorandum To: Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner From: Alex Jordan, Civil Engineer Mac Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager Copy: Dennis Feller, Finance Director Gene Abbot, Building Official Mark Hansen, Assistant City Engineer Date: November 27, 2013 Subject: Superamerica Conditional Use Permit Plans Lot 1, Block 1 Lakeville Commerce Center Site Plan Review City of Lakeville Engineering C -Store Partners, LLC has submitted a conditional use permit application and plans to add a Superamerica convenience store with motor fuel sales, and a car wash at the northeast corner of the intersection of 210th Street (CSAH 70) and Keokuk Avenue, adjacent to Interstate 35 (1- 35) in Lakeville. SITE CONDITIONS The property is currently a vacant lot, as part of the Lakeville Commerce Center (Lot 1, Block 1) development. It is located within the General Commercial District (C -3). STREETS The property is located east of Keokuk Avenue, a major collector roadway, and north of 210th Street, an arterial roadway, as identified in the City's Comprehensive Transportation Plan. The proposed Superamerica will be accessed by a proposed driveway off of Keokuk Avenue. There will be no access from 210th Street. Keokuk Avenue is a city owned, 2 -lane urban street within an 80 -foot right -of -way section. 210th Street is a 4 -lane urban street under Dakota County jurisdiction, with a 10 -foot bituminous trail along the north side. The owner proposes to relocate the existing shared driveway entrance to Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of the Lakeville Commerce Center to the south approximately 17 feet. City staff, along with their consultant, have reviewed the existing striping along Keokuk Avenue and recommend no modifications to the existing conditions. As the area develops in the future, the existing striping will be monitored for modifications. For future developments, the minimum spacing requirement between adjacent driveways along Keokuk Avenue is 200 feet. SITE PLAN REVIEW Vehicles are proposed to enter and exit the Superamerica from the driveway entrance off of Keokuk Avenue. Two lanes (left turn, and right turn) are proposed for vehicles exiting the site onto Keokuk Avenue. The developer has included a turning template for trucks (WB -62) circulating through the site to verify the onsite circulation. The car wash vehicle queue is established on the southeast side of the proposed Superamerica. Vehicles will queue along the south side of the building and enter the car wash from the south and exit to the north and west. Turning movements were developed to indicate that the stacking of cars waiting to use the proposed car wash will not impact the proposed vehicle circulation on the property. GRADING, DRAINAGE AND STORM SEWER The site is located within the Lake Marion Stormwater District. There are no trunk facilities located on the site. The existing drainage pattern of the parcel has the runoff draining north to Lot 2, Block 1 of the Lakeville Commerce Center. The runoff eventually drains to a stream that flows under 1 -35 and discharges into Lake Marion. The proposed drainage and grading plan meets all of the MPCA regulations for permanent stormwater treatment. Minor revisions to the drainage and grading plan will be required prior to City Council consideration of the conditional use permit. Drainage from all fueling areas (19,760 square feet) has been proposed to be directed to an oil /grit separator. The oil /grit separator shall meet the requirements of Section 11 -37 -3 of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed Superamerica intends to mass grade on the adjacent parcel to the north (Lot 2, Block 1 of the Lakeville Commerce Center). Proof of a temporary grading easement from the property owner to the north shall be required from the developer prior to City Council consideration. UTILITIES The existing parcel is served by City sanitary sewer and water. A 6" PVC sanitary sewer service is stubbed at the property line, along with a 6" DIP water service. These services are proposed to be extended throughout the parcel to connect to the proposed building. The sanitary sewer service is proposed to be connected with a clean out, while the water service shall be 2 connected with a 6" gate valve. The proposed water service shall not be located under the oil /grit separator onsite. These services shall be privately owned and maintained. EROSION CONTROL An erosion control plan has been submitted with the preliminary plan set. The erosion control measures shall meet the City requirements /specifications. Streets must be cleared of debris at the end of each day, while the site is under construction. All inlet basins shall be protected from sediment deposits and shown on the final plans. Additional erosion control measures may be required during the construction process as deemed necessary by City staff. SECURITIES C -Store Partners, LLC shall be required to provide a security to be based on the estimated construction costs, provided by the engineer. The security amount will be determined prior to City Council consideration and submitted prior to issuance of the building permit. RECOMMENDATION Engineering recommends approval of the Superamerica conditional use permit plans subject to the terms listed in this report and the following: 1. Modifications to the grading and drainage plan. 2. Proof of a temporary grading easement from the property owner of Lot 2, Block 1 of the Lakeville Commerce Center. G: \CUPsISuperamerica \Engineering Review Memo - Superamerica - 131127.docx