HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 07.fLakeville �rrr Date December 16, 2013 Item No. Resolution Adopting the Fee Schedule Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Resolution Adopting the Fee Schedule. Approval of the Resolution will result in the revisions to and approval of the schedule of fees. Overview The fee schedule is reviewed annually to ensure that rate structures accurately reflect cost of services provided. The proposed 2014 budget anticipated adjustment of certain fees. The proposed changes are consistent with the discussions conducted at the budget work sessions. Primary Issues to Consider (see attached) ❖ Which fees are proposed to be adjusted and by how much? Supporting Information Water and Sewer Rate Analysis dated November 2013 prepared by Springsted, Inc. Dennis a ler, Finance Director Financial Impact: $ varies budgeted: Yes Source: Various utility funds Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: fee changes will result in additional revenue Primary Issues to Consider •S Which fees are proposed to be adjusted and by how much? Utility Billing Fees — Water Springsted provided a Water and Sewer Fund (rate) Analysis. The water rate increases are proposed due to water main replacement costs associated with street reconstruction projects. Debt will be issued for the water main replacements in order to mitigate the adverse rate impacts to utility customers. The proposed fee adjustments areas follows: 2014 Quarterly rates Water Base fee Water tier 1 (< 30 thousand gallons) Water tier 2 (30 - 49 thousand gallons) Water tier 3 ( > 49 thousand gallons) State water testing fee Bulk water use Basis Rates Increase Account $ 3.75 $ 0.15 Gallonage $ 0.89 $ 0.04 Gallonage $ 1.40 $ 0.06 Gallonage $ 2.40 $ 0.10 Connection $ 1.59 $ - Gallonage $ 2.70 $ 0.10 Utility Billing - Sanitary Sewer The sanitary sewer rate increases are the result of MCES sanitary sewer rate increases for treatment of effluent. Debt will be issued for certain major maintenance and equipment acquisitions in order to mitigate the rate impacts to utility customers. Quarterly rates 2014 Basis Rates Increase Sanitary Sewer Base fee Usage (per thousand gallons) Non - metered accounts Utility Billing - Street lights Account $ 6.65 $ 0.40 Gallonage $ 3.29 $ 0.20 Account $ 65.87 $ 4.00 The proposed 2014 budget provides for the replacement of street lights on Kensington Boulevard from 205 Street to 210 Street ($61,600). The replacement cost is proposed to be financed with adjustments to the street light fee over a two year period. Street lights rates are therefore proposed to increase by $34 per dwelling unit per quarter ($1.36 /year) for residential accounts (from $7.80 per dwelling unit /quarter to $8.14 per dwelling unit /quarter) and $0.0095 per front foot per quarter for commercial accounts (from $0.2182 to $0.2277) as a result of the street lighting replacement program. Water Meters — radio read devices All future water meter installations or replacements will require the installation of radio read devices to improve efficiencies and reduced costs. Price of water meters therefore includes the radio -read technology. Public Safety Charges — Police officers Organizations or business will hire City police officers for security or traffic control at or near their establishments for certain events such as at weddings when alcohol is served. The rate is proposed to increase $2 per hour (from $70 to $72) to accurately reflect the cost of services provided and increased pensions. Public Works Charges — staff services and equipment use fees The City will on occasion bill customers for public services such as sign replacement due to vehicle accidents. The proposed fee schedule is adjusted by approximately 2.5% to reflect prevailing inflation. Depending on the purpose or classification, the fee adjustments range from $1 to $6 per hour. Springsted Incorporated 380 Jackson Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55101 -2887 tJ j3 r I n g S t e d Tel: 651 - 223 -3000 Fax: 651 - 223 -3002 www springsted.com MEMORANDUM TO: Dennis Feller, City of Lakeville FROM: Nick Dragisich, Springsted DATE: November25, 2013 SUBJECT: Revised Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Earlier this year, the City of Lakeville engaged Springsted to conduct an analysis and review of the financial performance of the City's Water and Sewer Funds, and to recommend rate adjustments necessary for each Fund to maintain revenues sufficient to meet operating costs, capital outlays and maintenance, debt service coverage, and cash reserves. We presented our findings and recommendations in a memorandum dated November 8, 2013 and discussed these at a City Council workshop on November 19, 2013. The City subsequently requested we evaluate some additional scenarios for the Sewer Fund. These additional scenarios include Scenario Three, Scenario Four, Scenario Five, and Scenario Six. This memorandum presents our initial findings and recommendations along with the additional scenarios we evaluated. Recent Performance Our analysis began with a look at each Fund's recent financial performance, paying particular attention to income levels and cash reserves. In the water fund income and net income have been consistently negative since 2009. Cash accumulated to a level of approximately $5.9 million in 2009 as a result of high consumption due to prevailing weather conditions. Balances have decreased in the ensuing years to approximately $3.2 million at the end of 2013 as result of investment in water main replacements and major maintenance projects. In the Sewer Fund, operating and net income have also been consistently negative, though cash levels have been more stable, varying in the range of $2.7 million to $2.8 million between 2009 and 2012. Cash levels are projected to decline slightly to $2.6 million at the end of 2013. Assumptions In our projections of future performance, we used a number of assumption based on discussions with the City, coupled with our professional experience. For the Water Fund, these assumptions included: • New residential accounts and Tier 1 consumption would grow at 2% annually. • Tier 2 and 3 consumption would grow 1% annually. City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 2 • Commercial accounts and consumption would grow at 1% annually. • Miscellaneous revenues would increase by 0.25% each year. • Personnel costs would increase 2.3% per year. • Commodities costs would rise by 3% annually. • Contractual services costs would rise by 2% per year. • Cash balances in the Fund would earn 0.73% each year. For our Sewer Fund projections, our assumptions were as follows: • Accounts and usage would grow as per Water. • Personnel and contractual service costs would increase consistent with Water. • Commodities costs for Sewer would grow at 5% annually. • Charges from MCES would increase 6.8% per year. • Interest earnings of 0.73% on fund balances. For each Fund, we assumed that capital expenditures would be made consistent with the City's capital improvement plan. Capital spending from each Fund fluctuates from year to year, as can be seen in the chart below. In general terms, over the course of the planning period, the Water Fund averages $2.1 million in annual capital outlays, and the Sewer Fund averages $578,000 per year. A detailed list of capital projects and costs for both Funds is attached as part of this memorandum. Baseline Projection Using recent performance and current budgets as a baseline, we projected the financial performance of each Fund assuming that rates remained unchanged. Without rate adjustments, both Funds would run out of cash resources between 2017 and 2021. For this reason, rate increases in future years will be required. The extent of these rate increases is based on the amount of revenue needed by each Fund to cover its operating and maintenance costs, City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 3 capital improvement and replacement costs, and debt service costs for any debt issued to finance capital improvements, while maintaining an adequate level of cash reserves. With the understanding that rate increases would be necessary, we looked at the magnitude and timing of rate increases that would be required for each of the Funds. Initially, we modeled the financial performance of the Funds if each paid for its capital improvements out of cash reserves. This would require 42.6% increase in water rates in 2014 and 2015. These increases, which would be necessary to keep the Water Fund solvent in those years, would also resulted in large cash surpluses in future years. In the Sewer Fund this would require 10.5% rate increases in 2014 through 2016. In order to smooth out the cash flows in the Water Fund, some capital expenditure will need to be financed by long -term borrowing. We looked at two basic scenarios for the Funds: one with minimal debt financing, and one with more significant borrowing. Scenario One In our first scenario, we tried to keep debt financing of capital projects to a bare minimum in each Fund. For the Water Fund, we required borrowing in four years, for a total of $6.2 million in debt financing. For the Sewer Fund, we projected no borrowing at all. The timing and amount of debt is as follows: Year Water Sewer 2014 $ 1,700,000 $ 2015 $ 2,261,794 $ 2016 $ $ 2017 $ 1,240,547 $ 2018 $ 1,000,000 $ Total $ 6,202,341 $ In order to cover operating and capital expenses, while maintaining sufficient cash reserves, we project the following rate increases would be required for each Fund: Year Water Sewer 2014 7.50% 10.50% 2015 7.50% 10.50% 2016 7.50% 10.50% 2017 7.25% 0.00% 2018 7.25% 1 0.00% 2019 7.25% 0.00% 2020 7.25% 0.00% For the Water Fund, annual rate increases of 7.5% through 2016, and 7.25% from 2017 through 2020, will allow the Fund to maintain its minimum recommended cash reserves throughout the course of the planning period. Additionally, these increases will return the Fund to positive net income by 2020. Projected cash balances in the Water Fund are shown in the chart below. City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 4 For the Sewer Fund, the rate increases are steeper, but fewer in number. Increases of 10.5% in 2014, 2015, and 2016 are required to keep the Sewer Fund from falling below the minimum recommended cash reserve. These rate increases are driven in large part by the anticipated 6.8% annual increases in the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (M.C.E.S.) Charges. The combination of these rate increases is sufficient to bring the Fund into positive net income in 2016, but it falls back into negative net income immediately thereafter, as flat rates after 2017 are not enough to keep up with expected increase in M.C.E.S charges in addition to inflation in other operating costs. Cash reserves are maintained in the medium term due to the fact that depreciation is accounted for as an operating expense, but this expense is not reflected in cash balances. The projected cash balances in the Sewer Fund are shown in the chart below. Projected Cash Balance - Sewer $5,000 ° e ^_ $4,500 H $4,000 $3,500 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 w Cash Balance — Minimum Reserve In terms of quarterly bills, the effect of the increases on water and sewer rates would cause the utility bill for an average residential customer to rise from its current level of $82.36 per quarter to a level of $108.55 per quarter in City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 5 2016. From there, the average bill would continue to rise until it reached $116.13 in 2020, at which point it would level off. Quarterly bills for other customers would rise similarly. Sample bills for a variety of users are attached as part of this memo. Residential - 18,000 gallons $140.00 $120.00 $100.00 $80.00 $60.00 $40.00 $20.00 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 u Water - Base a Water - Volume Water -Testing Fee n Sewer - Base a Sewer - Volume A comparison of Lakeville's water rates to those of neighboring communities shows that Lakeville's rates are significantly lower than its peers at present; projected rate increases would close the gap to some extent, though projections anticipate Lakeville's rates would still be the lowest of the comparison group. Our projections assume that other communities will raise water rates by 3% annually. These are shown in the chart below. $70.00 $60.00 Quarterly Bills - Residential Water 540.00 $30.00 $20.00 $10.00 —Apple Valley — Bloomington — BornsvBle —Eagan — Farmington —laver Grove Heights Lakeville Rosemount City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 6 Sewer rates for Lakeville are currently close to the average of its peer cities; rate increases would put Lakeville higher than these other communities, though they would catch up in later years, when Lakeville's rates are projected to remain flat. For purposes of our projections, we assume that sewer rates in neighboring communities will rise by 5 %; this is higher than our projected water rate increases, due to anticipated annual increases in M.C.E.S. charges all communities will incur. These are shown in the chart below. Scenario Two �I / I I� I In our second scenario, we projected additional debt financing of capital projects in order to minimize rate increases while maintaining sufficient cash levels in each Fund. This enables the Funds to remain on schedule with their capital impro vement programs. Under this scenario, we projected four series of debt financing, with the firs t in 2014 and the last in 2022. The debt issued would total $15.8 million for the Water Fund and $2.2 million for the Sewer Fund. The specific years and amounts are shown in the following table: Year Quarterly Bias - Residential Sewer Water 5100.011 Sewer 2014 $90.00 4,210,981 $ 675,000 2016 $ 4,122,039 $ 1,052,000 $80.00 $ —Apple Valley $ — Blaomin8[on $ 3,000,000 -- Burnsville 500,000 Total $ 15,833,020 $70.00 2,227,000 —Eagan — Farmington - —lover Grove Heights Lakeville Rnselnoant $50.00 $40.00 O�� A A�' ♦b p o e oti � H N N h 'ip b Y b Scenario Two �I / I I� I In our second scenario, we projected additional debt financing of capital projects in order to minimize rate increases while maintaining sufficient cash levels in each Fund. This enables the Funds to remain on schedule with their capital impro vement programs. Under this scenario, we projected four series of debt financing, with the firs t in 2014 and the last in 2022. The debt issued would total $15.8 million for the Water Fund and $2.2 million for the Sewer Fund. The specific years and amounts are shown in the following table: Year Water Sewer 2014 $ 4,210,981 $ 675,000 2016 $ 4,122,039 $ 1,052,000 2019 $ 4,500,000 $ 2022 $ 3,000,000 $ 500,000 Total $ 15,833,020 $ 2,227,000 City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 7 In order to cover operating and capital expenses, while maintaining sufficient cash reserves, we project the following rate increases would be required for each Fund: Year Water Sewer 2014 4.25% 6.35% 2015 4.25% 6.35% 2016 4.25% 6.35% 2017 4.25% 6.00% 2018 4.25% 2.90% 2019 4.25% 2.90% 2020 4.25% 2.90% 2021 4.25% 2.90% 2022 4.25% 2.50% 2023 4.25% 2.50% The Water Fund recommended annual rate increases of 4.25% are required to maintain minimum recommended levels of cash reserves. These increases are projected to reduce the deficit in the Fund's net income from approximately ($1.2 million) in 2014 to approximately ($34,284) in 2023. Projected cash reserves for the Water Fund are shown in the chart below. We have recommended sanitary sewer rate increases of 6.35% required in 2014, 2015, and 2016, followed by a 6.0% increase in 2017. For the years 2018 -2021, our projected rate increases are 2.9 %, falling to 2.5% thereafter. These recommended rate increases, like those recommended for the Water Fund, are required to maintain minimum recommended levels of cash reserves. Projected cash reserves for the Sewer Fund are shown in the chart below. City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 8 Under this scenario, the average quarterly water and sewer bill for a residential customer would rise steadily from its current level of $82.36 per quarter to a level of $119.73 per quarter in 2022 as shown in the chart below. The average quarterly water and sewer bill in 2016 under this scenario would be $97.42, as compared to $108.55 in the earlier scenario. City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 9 Comparing Lakeville's rates to those of surrounding communities under this scenario, we see that water rates remain well below those of the other cities. Sewer rates are projected to rise to a level approximately equal to those of Inver Grove Heights, which is currently the highest of the group. These are shown in the charts below. As before, we assume for the purposes of our projections that other cities will raise water rates at 3% annually, and sewer rates at 5 %. Quarterly Bill - Residential Water $70.00 $60.00 $50.00 —Apple Valley J � $40.00 — Bloomington — Burnsville —Eagan $30.00 — Farmington —Inver Grove Heights ^ _ ^ Lakeville $20.00 Rosemount $10.00 S 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 $120.00 $110.00 $100.00 $90.00 $80.00 $70.00 $60.00 $50.00 $40.00 Quarterly Bill - Residential Sewer ^^ I I 0 — Apple Valley — Bloomington — Burnsville —Eagan — Farmington —Inver Grove Heights -- Lakeville Rosemount 2013 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 10 Scenario Three In our third scenario, we projected increases in the Sewer Fund at 2.90% each year. This scenario assumes the same capital improvements and debt financing as in Scenario Two. Cash balances in the Sewer Fund are projected to fall below the minimum recommended amounts beginning in 2015 and throughout the remaining years of the planning period. The Fund is projected to run out of cash in 2020 due to the insufficient rate increases as shown in the chart below. In addition, the debt service coverage ratio is projected to drop below 1.0 in 2017 and to go negative in 2020. Cash Balance - Sewer m $5,000 9 O W ° $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $e 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 - $1,000 — - $2,000 - $3,000 —Cash Balance — Minimum Reserve Under this scenario, the average quarterly water and sewer bill for a residential customer would rise from its current level of $82.36 per quarter to a level of $109.10 per quarter in 2022 as shown in the chart below. This is $10.63 less than the Scenario Two projected quarterly bill of $119.73. However, Scenario Two meets the minimum reserve requirements in each year. City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 11 Comparing Lakeville's sewer rates to those of surrounding communities under this scenario, shows that while sewer rates are projected to rise, they will rise more slowly than those of the surrounding communities. They are projected to be the lowest of the group in 2022. These are shown in the chart below. As in Scenario Two, we assume for the purposes of our projections that other cities will raise their sewer rates at 5% annually. Quarterly Bill - Residential Sewer $120.00 $1 MOO $100.00 $90.00 —Apple Valley — Bloomington — Burnsville $80.00 —Eagan Farmington $7U.00 Inver Grove Heights Lakeville Rosemount $60.00 $50.00 $40.00 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 12 Scenario Four In our fourth scenario, we projected increases in the Sewer Fund at 2.90% each year the same as in Scenario Three. This scenario also assumes the same capital improvements in Scenario Two and Scenario Three; however, it increases the amount and number of bonds issued to finance capital improvements in an effort to improve the cash reserves. Under this scenario, we projected four series of debt financing for the Sewer Fund, with the first in 2014 and the last in 2022. The debt issued would total $2.88 million as compared to $2.23 million in Scenario Two. A comparison of the debt under each scenario is shown in the table below: Year Sewer Scenario Two Sewer Scenario Four 2014 $ 675,000 $ 675,000 2015 $ - $ 422,000 2016 $ 1,052,000 $ 1,287,000 2019 $ - $ - 2022 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 Total $2,227,000 $ 2,884,000 Cash balances in the Sewer Fund are projected to fall below the minimum recommended amounts beginning in 2016 and throughout the remaining years of the planning period. The Fund is projected to run out of cash in 2020 due to the insufficient rate increases as shown in the chart below. In addition, the debt service coverage ratio is projected to drop below 1.0 in 2017 and to go negative in 2020. Cash Balance - sewer $4,000 e m 0 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 on $0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 - $1,000 - $2,000 - $3,000 M Cash Balance — Minimam Reserve City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 13 The average quarterly water and sewer bill for a residential customer would rise from its current level of $82.36 per quarter to a level of $109.10 per quarter in 2022 as in Scenario Three since the projected rate increases are the same. As in Scenario Three, this is $10.63 less than the Scenario Two projected quarterly bill of $119.73. However, Scenario Two meets the minimum reserve requirements in each year. Lakeville's sewer rates under this scenario compared to surrounding communities are also the same as in Scenario Three. They will rise more slowly than those of the surrounding communities and are projected to be the lowest of the group in 2022. As in Scenario Two, we assume for the purposes of our projections that other cities will raise their sewer rates at 5% annually. Scenario Five Scenario Five projects increases in the Sewer Fund each year at a rate the enables the Fund to meet the recommended minimum reserve requirements. This results in projected rate increases that vary erratically from 0% in some years to 12.553% in one year as shown in the table below. This scenario assumes the same capital improvements and debt financing as in Scenario Two. Year Sewer Scenario Two Projected Rate Increases Sewer Scenario Five Projected Rate Increases 2014 6.35% 0.00% 2015 6.35% 9.706% 2016 6.35% 12.553% 2017 6.00% 2.716% 2018 2.90% 1.117% 2019 2.90% 2.480% 2020 2.90% 8.951% 2021 2.90% 1 0.00% 2022 2.90% 0.00% 2023 2.50% 5.034% The chart on the following page shows these projected rate increases each year. Our experience is that utility customers do not like erratic utility rate increases as they are difficult to plan for and accommodate particularly for large utility customers. City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 14 Comparison of Projected Rate Increases 14.000% 12.000% 10.000 8.000% 6.000% 4.000% 2.000% 0.000 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2070 2021 2022 2023 SEWER UTILITY PROJECTIONS - SCENARIO FIVE L --SEWER UTILITY PROJECTIONS - SCENARIO TWO Cash balances in the Sewer Fund are projected to be at or above the minimum recommended amounts over the planning period as shown in the chart below. Debt service coverage ratio is projected to be above 2.0 in each year. The average quarterly water and sewer bill for a residential customer would rise from its current level of $82.36 per quarter to a level of $117.67 per quarter in 2022. This is $2.06 less than the Scenario Two projected quarterly bill of City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 15 $119.73. Lakeville's sewer rates under this scenario will rise and fall based on each year's rate increase compared to those of the surrounding communities and are projected to be the in the middle of the group in 2022. As in Scenario Two, we assume for the purposes of our projections that other cities will raise their sewer rates at 5% annually. Quarterly Bill - Residential Sewer $120.00 $110.00 $100.00 $90.00 —Apple Valley — Bloomington — Burnsville $80.00 _ _ �� —Eagan — Farmington $70.00 —Inver Grove Heights / Lakeville i � - -- Rosemount $60.00 $50.00 $40.00 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Scenario Six Scenario Six projects a 3% rate increase in the Sewer Fund for 2014 then projects future rate increases each year at a rate the enables the Fund to meet the recommended minimum reserve requirements. Like Scenario Five, this results in projected rate increases that vary erratically from 0% in some years to 15.683% in one year as shown in the table on the following page. This scenario assumes the same capital improvements and debt financing as in Scenario Two. City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 16 Year Sewer Scenario Two Projected Rate Increases Sewer Scenario Six Projected Rate Increases 2014 6.35% 3.00% 2015 6.35% 3.630% 2016 6.35% 15.683% 2017 6.00% 2.716% 2018 2.90% 1.117% 2019 2.90% 2.480% 2020 2.90% 8.951% 202 1 2.90% 0.00% 2022 2.90% 0.00% 2023 2.50% 5.034% The chart on the following page shows these projected rate increases each year. Again, our experience is that utility customers do not like erratic utility rate increases as they are difficult to plan for and accommodate particularly for large utility customers. 18.000% 16.000% 14.000% 12.000% 10.000% 8.000% 6.000% 4.000% 2.000% 0.000% Comparison of Rate Increases 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 SEWER UTILITY PROJECTIONS - SCENARIO SIX (SEWER UTILITY PROJECTIONS - SCENARIO TWO Cash balances in the Sewer Fund are projected to be at or above the minimum recommended amounts over the planning period as shown in the chart below. Debt service coverage ratio is projected to be above 2.0 in each year. City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 17 The average quarterly water and sewer bill for a residential customer would rise from its current level of $82.36 per quarter to a level of $117.67 per quarter in 2022 as in Scenario Five. This is $2.06 less than the Scenario Two projected quarterly bill of $119.73. Lakeville's sewer rates under this scenario will rise and fall based on each year's rate increase compared to those of the surrounding communities and are projected to be the in the middle of the group in 2022. As in Scenario Two, we assume for the purposes of our projections that other cities will raise their sewer rates at 5% annually. I I Quarterly Bill - Residential Sewer $120.00 $110.00 $100.00 —Apple Valley $90.00 — Bloomington — Burnsville $80.00 —Eagan — Farmington Inver Grove Heights $70.00 Lakeville Rosemount $60.00 $50.00 $40.00 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 I I City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 18 Recommendations Our projected future financial performance of the Water and Sewer Funds incorporating anticipating increases in operations and maintenance expenses and the City's capital improvement program shows that rate increases are need in each fund. In our memorandum of November 8, 2013 we recommended rate increases in the Water and Sewer Utility based on Scenario Two. These were recommended because they will provide sufficient revenues to adequately fund water and sewer operations and capital costs and provide an adequate level of cash reserves while minimizing the impact on rates to the greatest extent possible. Scenario Two recommended a balanced approach to financing needed capital assets incorporating both debt and cash to minimize the rate increases needed. The recommended rate increases for the Water Fund were 4.25% each year while those for the Sewer Utility were 6.35% in 2014 through 2016, 6.00% in 2017 then declining to 2.90% in the period 2018 — 2021 and further declining to 2.50% in 2022 and 2023 as shown in the table below. Year Water Sewer 2014 4.25% 6.35% 2015 4.25% 6.35% 2016 4.25% 6.35% 2017 4.25% 6.00% 2018 4.25% 2.90% 2019 4.25% 2.90% 2020 4.25% 2.90% 2021 4.25% 2.90% 2022 4.25% 2.50% 2023 4.25% 2.50% The additional Scenarios Three and Four we evaluated for the Sewer Fund showed that limiting rate increases to less than 3% each year would cause the Sewer Fund to not meet recommended cash reserve levels and to actually run out of cash. The additional Scenarios Five and Six we evaluated for the Sewer Fund would meet recommended cash reserve levels each year, but result in very erratic rate increases that are, in our experience, problematic for utility customers. Of the scenarios evaluated, it is our opinion that Scenario Two provides the best alternative for the City and its utility customers over the long -term. These recommendations are based on information provided to us by the City of Lakeville. The City will need to monitor the performance of the Water and Sewer Utilities and make any necessary adjustments based upon actual performance and on the actual construction costs of the anticipated capital improvements. We would also point out that we have not included a sensitivity analysis for projected capital improvement costs. A sensitivity analysis would evaluate the utility rate impacts of actual construction improvements costs being more or less than projected costs. However, it is important to recognize that the actual cost of capital improvements may be greater than those projected which would impact projected rate increases. This difference can arise because the capital improvement plan is generally developed based on preliminary information and current construction costs. Costs can change as the projects get more clearly defined and construction costs at the time of the actual construction vary from those at the time of planning. City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 19 Annual Capital Outlays - Water and Sewer Year Project Dept Cost 2013 Well Rehab Water 60,000 2013 Water Meter Replacement Water 64,200 2013 WTF Water 71,500 2013 Equipment Water 131,193 2013 Water Main Replace - Clays Acres Water 2,474,000 2013 Total - Water c,avgore Year Project 2013 #18 Lift Station Rehab 2013 #22 Lift Station Rehab 2013 #3 Lift Station Rehab 2013 I &1 Repairs 2013 Msc Equipment 2013 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Proj 13 -02 2013 Total - Sewer Dept Cost Sewer 35,000 Sewer 15,000 Sewer 48,000 Sewer 50,000 Sewer 94,903 Sewer 128,300 371,203 2014 Water Tower Water 10,000 2014 #11 Lift Station Rehab Sewer 40,000 2014 WTF Water 27,000 2014 #19 Lift Station Rehab Sewer 35,000 2014 Well Rehab Water 60,000 2014 #S Lift Station Rehab Sewer 48,000 2014 Equipment Water 67,740 2014 MImprovements Sewer 177,000 2014 Water Main Replacements Water 1,949,187 2014 Msc Equipment Sewer 290,609 2014 Water Meter Replacement Water 375,970 2014 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Proj l4 -02 Sewer 175,000 2014 Total - Water 2,489,897 2014 Total - Sewer 765,609 2015 Well Rebab Water 60,000 2015 #12 Lift Station Rehab Sewer 35,000 2015 Equipment Water 118,549 2015 #13 Lift Station Rehab Sewer 35,000 2015 Water Main Replacements Water 2,261,794 2015 #6 Lift Station Rehab Sewer 175,000 2015 Water Meter Replacement Water 422,090 2015 I&1 Repairs Sewer 77,000 2015 WTF Water 661,000 2015 1/1 Improvements Sewer 100,000 2015 Misc Equipment Sewer 118,549 2015 Total - Water 3,523,433 2015 Total - Sewer 540,549 2016 Equipment Water 27,107 2016 Equipment Sewer 26,116 2016 Tower and Reservoir Painting Water 45,000 2016 LR Improvements Sewer 100,000 2016 Well Rehab Water 60,000 2016 Lift Station Rehab Sewer 835,000 2016 Water Meter Replacement Water 190,907 2016 Sewer Vactor Sewer 440,000 2016 Water Main Replacements Water 1,186,934 2016 Total - Sewer 1,401,116 2016 Total - Water 1,509,948 2017 Equipment Sewer 86,777 2017 Tower and Reservoir Painting Water 40,000 2017 Grinders Sewer 60,000 2017 Equipment Water 86,777 2017 MImprovemens Sewer 100,000 2017 Well Rehab Water 120,000 2017 Lift Station Rehab Sewer 35,000 2017 Water Meter Replacement Water 199,330 2017 Water Main Replacements Water 1,440,547 2017 Total - Water 1,886,654 2017 Total - Sewer 281,777 2018 Equipment Water 86,342 2018 Fqupmera Sewer 86,342 2018 Weis Water 165,000 2018 MImprovements Sewer 100,000 2018 Water Meter Replacement Water 201,274 2018 Lift Station Rehab Sewer 50,000 2018 Water Main Replacements Water 1,494,558 2018 Total - Water 1,947,174 2018 Total - Sewer 236,342 2019 Equipment Water 61,069 2019 Equipment Sewer 61,069 2019 Wells Water 120,000 2019 111 Improvements Sewer 100,000 2019 Water Meter Replacements Water 208,711 2019 Lffi Station Rehab Sewer 15,000 2019 Water Main Replacements Water 1,500,000 2019 Total - Water 1,889,780 2019 Total - Sewer 176,069 City of Lakeville, MN Water and Sewer Fund Analysis Page 20 Annual Capital Outlays - Water and Sewer 2020 Equipment Water 49,728 2020 Equipment Sewer 317,172 2020 Wells Water 120,000 2020 1/1 Improvements Sewer 100,000 2020 Water Meter Replacements Water 210,808 2020 Lift Station Rehab Sewer 200,000 2020 Water Main Replacements Water 1,500,000 2020 Total - Water 1,880,536 2020 Total - Sewer 617,172 2021 Equipment Water 11,258 2021 Equipment Sewer 11,258 2021 Wells Water 120,000 2021 IR Improvements Sewer 100,000 2021 Water Meter Replacements Water 214,809 2021 Water Main Replacements Water 1,500,000 2021 Total - Water 1,846,067 2021 Total -Sewer 111,258 2022 Wells Water 60,000 2022 Equipment Sewer 556,003 2022 Equipment Water 179,600 2022 MImprovements Sewer 100,000 2022 Water Meter Replacements Water 218,902 2022 Water Main Replacements Water 1,500,000 2022 Total - Water 1,958,502 2022 Total - Sewer 656,003 2023 Equipment Water 10,000 2023 Equipment Sewer 10,000 2023 Wells Water 120,000 2023 Mlmprovemants Sewer 100,000 2023 Water Meter Replacements Water 219,902 2023 Water Main Replacements Water 1,500,000 2023 Total -Water 1,849,902 2023 Total - Sewer 110,000 F Annual Capital Spending 1 y $4,000 W O l'q $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 r Sewer ■ Water N N Q C Z � � LL N � m N o � y � m m i53a d O A C d U m T d d N N VI m T d T m.rNao.r O N r � N n . N N y T N Li V O H n ui vi .ti ro vi �e O N n N ei VY N VY Vf N N O O e N d � N N VI Vf N O] VI 1G NNNN VRR�N .�ui mom. cn uie V1 V1 N N N N w vi w w as ui ry N N N VV N VY a N N n W t Y Q O N 0 6 N.-i acno N N N N N Vf N H n m m C N e a o N a N .+ v ai .ti ro vi ro N pN�� ' T Y Te p 2 y� 6 n .i n is ro J S n N m ti O n W d O d N m d N o• .� M 16 ri e w o c ° ry •� em 0 N N N N N N N m $ O m MI N t0 O m M V1 N lO T p e•I T VI N tG Y1 fV N N N N C y J u V C m Q d J N W J N O m I m O I O I b M m i c ' d ' '6 . d 1' 8 8 8 8 0 0, N 0 0 d o N N N N N F K 3 ■ E E >° i 3 9. N � 3 3 Y ■ O Q� „'1 N e OIM N YI ~ N 1 N N e4 N N VF N V� N VI N M m M m 0 m.�Lne o.i N V1 N N W O H N N N N N N N N N N N M m T m 40 O m.i Li e o-i O N N N V N N N N N N N N N N N O m m m M m N d N d o 0 N N N N N N N N N VI .°. cn 'I t n °° r .nrr ad c ni N N N ti N V l N N N N N n n m T m m b e t0 N d O N r�l d . r N N N N V! N .�nN uN m q N h N N N V1 J Q n q m eI N d o N m m m uti m�cr �cN'i O M N r C N N N � N V1 V1 N V1 VI N m $ e m N d N O N m N N N m N VV V4 V1 N UI C y e LL y Op d Q d J N y 333��� N p N N O N c s � N s� � Q 3 m m O O o N p n E E m Q � v e � d o N e m `w Yi s 3 o o, 0 0, q ■ ■ 0 c; 0 6 0$ pp p C5 q N VI m T d T m.rNao.r O N r � N n . N N y T N Li V O H n ui vi .ti ro vi �e O N n N ei VY N VY Vf N N O O e N d � N N VI Vf N O] VI 1G NNNN VRR�N .�ui mom. cn uie V1 V1 N N N N w vi w w as ui ry N N N VV N VY a N N n W t Y Q O N 0 6 N.-i acno N N N N N Vf N H n m m C N e a o N a N .+ v ai .ti ro vi ro N pN�� ' T Y Te p 2 y� 6 n .i n is ro J S n N m ti O n W d O d N m d N o• .� M 16 ri e w o c ° ry •� em 0 N N N N N N N m $ O m MI N t0 O m M V1 N lO T p e•I T VI N tG Y1 fV N N N N C y J u V C m Q d J N W J N O m I m O I O I b M m i c ' d ' '6 . d 1' 8 8 8 8 0 0, N 0 0 d o N N N N N F K 3 ■ E E >° i 3 9. N � 3 3 Y ■ O Q� „'1 N e OIM N YI ~ N 1 N N e4 N N VF N V� N VI N M m M m 0 m.�Lne o.i N V1 N N W O H N N N N N N N N N N N M m T m 40 O m.i Li e o-i O N N N V N N N N N N N N N N N O m m m M m N d N d o 0 N N N N N N N N N VI .°. cn 'I t n °° r .nrr ad c ni N N N ti N V l N N N N N n n m T m m b e t0 N d O N r�l d . r N N N N V! N .�nN uN m q N h N N N V1 J Q n q m eI N d o N m m m uti m�cr �cN'i O M N r C N N N � N V1 V1 N V1 VI N m $ e m N d N O N m N N N m N VV V4 V1 N UI C y e LL y Op d Q d J N y 333��� m T Q a c g Y a J @ N d d � rn 9 O 3 C C O U d C O O C d v N I N m . d CL E N G O m CL CL a m .� C L Q V 3 1 > 3 d • 0 p K 3 3 h N C T I Q N Li N Irl Q e'1 m n m O n m n N N VL N N VL , mm Ineeb N vl Q r•I m n m N N VL VL VL VL o mm Inge In N N N N N V L V L t n g lom In o b aD n ry N N i/LNNNN ii Imo aIq m . Iri r•iron � O b m b N e'I N Vf in N N N VL O o m m IR m n m n mQ.D .y .+v o.-iro n Iri O l0 W b ry N t n i n N N N V L n mmm.a m e b ineIR n w 6 e .i ali n ro o In ro b N N t n N N N N V L b o m m m O .I n m e n [O N r'I N I N VL N N N VL r mol g 1.e . .+ m ai .ti a Ni Iri i N N t n V F N N N N I D oomb In rri lritieoi� VL VL N N N VL W i c m > f m > N W W W jD c O ■ O Q N M N N d L 8 m 1G Q N ,j N N VL N N N O N R N c N � m ` f 3 m N H E 7 w Q " 3 N H N 0 � � m N re 3 Y N m m m N m r+In Qo O n V N ry N N N N u y m m-1 a o N In m .y ao r O n V N N N V1 N VL 4 m m Lq a a nIri ni .+D6r O n V N N N I m I q N n Ln Q 0 N vi O .ti aG r O b v N N m . O V V 0 .I In ri r•i ao r o m � N N V! N VL VL V n qa Ln as O N V N N n n m m r m e e In Q D C e g fi ro f v N N L i I O Lq O f w ' N m r N N V L N t ' n n m Q m b In m e IO < D ' 'R 'g Ln N e N N VL N t i LIE I y s w i N O d N 1 i t 3 3 3 m I '1 I m � N m i m I m L N m i N I m 1 N I m I O im m 1 N I a i m L N im I m In L o N I W m I n L o N i W 1 n L N 1 m Im b L N I n i N L N i 1 q I� p 8 O O O O O H M N N H . N N N N N N N T Q a Z li N a � Y v J W N m O U � d O 3 H O V N I N m 7 a� n E N a of W W O M N N N Vf 'I Vf n N M N N m W N �hNNNNN � O M VI T N Q N Vf rl N W m 1G O N n N N ei V1 N VY N N N N n m W n M O W Q V1 b N W O ry n .y N .-I N p N N Vy� pN1 N W 10 40 IIq d O M N m N V 1 N N N M d M O n Q W Q W VI N m O N VV N N V� O N N O m m m W n O N ei N N N h N N W M W N O Q N b O M m N OI N Q N W m y� N I h O m A N N N N h N e `u nm In IIR 6 M M Vf N b m n C N w M W A m O O W Y1 N IO p IO T N N W M S . M Yf e-1 IO N N w N N N N N V4 o u E J Y a 333A A't N n Y1 e W n O Y1 Oi .-1 W N n N Q H N N m m m MI y o nIn mom N VY N N N V1 N W m W M N O W W m 4G VI m N d� ti W d d N N N N N N N g m Q W W b O m Q N N V�NNNNN m O m O N n W em uirvmv, N Q . r NNNNNI/� b N m n M W n N W M m W N W N V1 N V1 V1 N b O O I N W O o mro N N N N N V f .-I IIf m n N d m m O VI O W W .•I I+i IG .-i n N d N T . e N N h N N N M n m m o b Q n m W b m N • O T C e1 b i b N H V 1 N V! N VI b N N N N N N N N N a LL m >° m >° m m m 3 3 i N N 0 N LL N LL N O C N W N O N V N N m N ■ a m W m „ � . ffi 0 32 O N $ & O ■ ■ C ■ ■ d ry C n $ w C N $ m T m m W O QM 1 O O O Q O H ■■ O O O O ■ ■ o p pG p c; C O N II L . H e G 1 tO Ip N N N Q O VI N N N N N V1 V! N T Q a Z li N a � Y v J W N m O U � d O 3 H O V N I N m 7 a� n E N a of W W O M N N N Vf 'I Vf n N M N N m W N �hNNNNN � O M VI T N Q N Vf rl N W m 1G O N n N N ei V1 N VY N N N N n m W n M O W Q V1 b N W O ry n .y N .-I N p N N Vy� pN1 N W 10 40 IIq d O M N m N V 1 N N N M d M O n Q W Q W VI N m O N VV N N V� O N N O m m m W n O N ei N N N h N N W M W N O Q N b O M m N OI N Q N W m y� N I h O m A N N N N h N e `u nm In IIR 6 M M Vf N b m n C N w M W A m O O W Y1 N IO p IO T N N W M S . M Yf e-1 IO N N w N N N N N V4 o u E J Y a 333A A't N n Y1 e W n O Y1 Oi .-1 W N n N Q H N N m m m MI y o nIn mom N VY N N N V1 N W m W M N O W W m 4G VI m N d� ti W d d N N N N N N N g m Q W W b O m Q N N V�NNNNN m O m O N n W em uirvmv, N Q . r NNNNNI/� b N m n M W n N W M m W N W N V1 N V1 V1 N b O O I N W O o mro N N N N N V f .-I IIf m n N d m m O VI O W W .•I I+i IG .-i n N d N T . e N N h N N N M n m m o b Q n m W b m N • O T C e1 b i b N H V 1 N V! N VI b N N N N N N N N N a LL m >° m >° m m m 3 3 c 0 N LL u N YO N C N N � C ✓ C N r p .Mi G . A C r � fo 0 y 'a >■ ■ r • ■ ■ N d N C N C U N � v u m si n M m m e'1 m m 3 8 3 8 p 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ° o ■ ■ O o 0 p 6 p 0 0 "� ■ ■ N O D 8 Q N N N i h i n N N I n N T Q C Z I L Y J M N m °l U � d d C O U O 3 H O C d fn H m >> L' _d d E N N N T VI fl n O N Vf In 'I m NI 10 o In ° as N N N ti o l lnnm n m N In T N M W 1� N � e N N V1 V� N VV V1 M ° m IA N O . N Q 'I 'I AI IY1 M O lO AI ID N fl N Me In n m .le ac .-1 acno N H N N h N ap IT m ry Q ro N N N N V� V1 N N N N (O I M N Ol n VV N N N N V1 N N V1 N OJ IO M N b eli b O IO N Ill N C A In m n n o M In m o N Q A N ei N 9 h V! N V1 N Vf a M Q m m oo .y M N T n 'I 10 n n C N Q e N O h N N V� VI N A m O O m N M O IO In M '4 O O p O T V ei IO T M V! N Vf VV N N C a L W E E n a 2 a 3 3 3 3 M M Q N M 1D N N N N n VI '1 N T N Vf 'i .i Of ei W N N l0 M N N H H h N N Vf fl .4 CJ m of o m m Q N N VI M N V1 H N N N O m a I a v o N N I M VY V� Vl V1 V1 N w v Iriti cum.. N N In n VF N N V� N N Q ID M N I n -I w v 6 .-i ro ri e N N I n V1 N V4 N N V� In .-I 01 n of OI n N M VI 01 W 01 14 Q 10 ei n ei ei N N I n an N h N V4 VY O M In Ill n N w V ac .ti n 'i ni N N I N N N h N N VY rl M Ol n r'I e'1 min Ino mo ! . m o .ti ri .ti vi 'n 00 i a I $ I I n In M m V m � n N Ill ID ID W ! N e Q t 1 Vl V1 N V1 N N e 0 o M m M m I IO N M N r'I n N N H N h N { d E= E m > r m > 1 333AA C . C Z I L d y N N � N O N N D M rn v 3 a LL CD C A d L O A N I N m d d E m N N N l O N -i-I N O N N N O n O N w ry mm Inca m , minmmn N of .ti rl n Of VI O N lD O N ei N V1 N h N V1 o m a v e � a N Q O .-i Ih Ih Pi n ro e� LI! a o m . ai .+ne ai NtnNNNY� m$m.-1 nQ o Q In N N N " N n N O 1(1 O m N M Q m e'I n N M n N e m N N N N N N ,■ omu m�a h H N N N N M m N m Q N or to m Id OR to c norm mm to `d nmin Q N N O M v " N N W C N A d O O m V N N 4 1? m Ln N lu m . m.n .y eMn N � u 5 A s u r d E ■ z 333NA i N N d 111 W 00 N C s s s � o � 0 3 � 0 3 N ■ m W R d O C cc n N N IS s 3 � 3 e M ■ N ■ s �N Q Tn Q OC n $ d M m 1p m � d 6 8 0 0 0 O O H ■ ■ n °o O O y'� N v'1 N V1 N N N N N N N N l O N -i-I N O N N N O n O N w ry mm Inca m , minmmn N of .ti rl n Of VI O N lD O N ei N V1 N h N V1 o m a v e � a N Q O .-i Ih Ih Pi n ro e� LI! a o m . ai .+ne ai NtnNNNY� m$m.-1 nQ o Q In N N N " N n N O 1(1 O m N M Q m e'I n N M n N e m N N N N N N ,■ omu m�a h H N N N N M m N m Q N or to m Id OR to c norm mm to `d nmin Q N N O M v " N N W C N A d O O m V N N 4 1? m Ln N lu m . m.n .y eMn N � u 5 A s u r d E ■ z 333NA Q m m ro w N N n m O 0 v e'I N Nm mlo Nm y on n w m f o O rl N Q M s V1 N VY N N N o ro ro v e m m N Q a .A n or m N N N N i/1 N VY V! Vl N m m N m Q m u o M e o n wl V M e1 n N m N Q N N V l N n N V! V l e a m v n or m ° a m N " N n N l N O n N o ° m' {n ry n N N ei N N N N N V1 O vl W N w Q m 1"I 10 " '1 N M I N in N V1 N VL N '1 VI m N m IO mQ Into nor � VY N N N N V1 c n .q n or of Q a N A m O Q m h Q N p t0 m VI N N N G o M m " 1O . v 1p N ti e.l IIII N an V1 N V! N c d a sl V d 00 d E N N d LL N C s s � 0 3 N ■ m p� 1 y � 3 e M ■ N ■ v s Tn Q OC n $ d M m 1p m � d 6 8 H C O p O O ■ ■ C O O O y'� N s yO� '1 e N N N N N Q m m ro w N N n m O 0 v e'I N Nm mlo Nm y on n w m f o O rl N Q M s V1 N VY N N N o ro ro v e m m N Q a .A n or m N N N N i/1 N VY V! Vl N m m N m Q m u o M e o n wl V M e1 n N m N Q N N V l N n N V! V l e a m v n or m ° a m N " N n N l N O n N o ° m' {n ry n N N ei N N N N N V1 O vl W N w Q m 1"I 10 " '1 N M I N in N V1 N VL N '1 VI m N m IO mQ Into nor � VY N N N N V1 c n .q n or of Q a N A m O Q m h Q N p t0 m VI N N N G o M m " 1O . v 1p N ti e.l IIII N an V1 N V! N c d a sl V d 00 d E m Q C Z LL g 3 > in Y a J m N O `y m T m U � d a d C O U 7 O LL a C W d t O . C d N N m A d d E N m f0 E E V N N d LL N OO N C O N m 0 3 •i ■ M d p n J ry > > H � d N N m • ■ O s N •�i v m m m N y d 3 ■ " 8:3 o ro o I e m m N V4 N N i/1 N ry Q m ro n m ro b VI Vf Q O N rl Q o0 [+ n vi n N T [ N H N N N H 1I! oQ Nlin �N N •-I N V1 N V1 VI N N n N m v O m IO ei Q m [1 n 1!1 N N b • N N N V1 V� N N o e In ao b Ge N'ie �tri N •-I N N N N N V1 N e'I 10 m N m rl b m b In b ry m �o ['iO I N N N N H N r : u Ir m N Q • N N N N N V! N I � O O m N 1Il m b b N N O O w m Iri 'i a ai .e I N N VT iIF N [R Y� N I � d J N d J m > H m > a r r d d t0 N N r 0 O u N Iff N rl O] C O Q N N N N N VY 4 N n m b [ ty O N h DJ n N v1 eel N n s o m N N i/eN NN4 o N O Q 0 N u O N G N N N N N N 4 p Lq O C N N O Q b V N e O a N ro n N m V O V 6 e n r O m V N r [ m b ao N •y m m N G y y ro b In b r � N p N N N N[ 4 n N t Q f O ry R N V l N N 4 m g m t ry lLn N O T b r N N N N N N [ C d 9 y y LL a d E n H J « m > H m w r r s 333�� i b in 1 N I b In In 1 N I O I Q In � N i N I N n � N I N I Q1 1 � � N ao In � N Im � N 1 � � N 1 V r Q � N 1 N . b l N in 1 N m l N i 1 1 F p 8 8 8 8 8 ° o, ti fYl N N • v N N N h iM1 N N N d LL N N pp � N F N O N C d Q q « •NY m ■ C O R N N � b N • d . d m N 3 b E' d E O NN m at n u r1 m m N W W 8 • ■ 8 p 8 8 0 Q N N N N r 0 O u N Iff N rl O] C O Q N N N N N VY 4 N n m b [ ty O N h DJ n N v1 eel N n s o m N N i/eN NN4 o N O Q 0 N u O N G N N N N N N 4 p Lq O C N N O Q b V N e O a N ro n N m V O V 6 e n r O m V N r [ m b ao N •y m m N G y y ro b In b r � N p N N N N[ 4 n N t Q f O ry R N V l N N 4 m g m t ry lLn N O T b r N N N N N N [ C d 9 y y LL a d E n H J « m > H m w r r s 333�� i b in 1 N I b In In 1 N I O I Q In � N i N I N n � N I N I Q1 1 � � N ao In � N Im � N 1 � � N 1 V r Q � N 1 N . b l N in 1 N m l N i 1 1 F p 8 8 8 8 8 ° o, ti fYl N N • v N N N h iM1 N m Q a Z � � LL Y � J O N o y m T O i53 a LL C U N O] T N G E H C 0 m co 0 0 N m C N d 888 °QQQ V N N S Q N N N N m 3 ■ G ? 1 � 3 N. n am 3 N N N I O 1p t N m N N E 01 n O N n N N N VL VL N N i 4L v m Ip . N N ei ei N pi Ip N N n ei p W a In m N N n w N VL VL V1 N Vf N m N o n m 40 Ill N N ei N N V1 N N N V. VL a m In o m ry N VYN NtILNV. n n m M a ee N o In m m m N < aG e+ n O ry N ei N VL VL N V! N o m I n IR °a T m b N N m b m m o 0 I r V V m N N b n m M N b 14 Ll L N T VI eY b Ill m i N e'I N m N N N N N N I n o o m m ry b T M m N b T N I-I Y1 W I VL N N N v/L VL y w E w E m > r m > N s N OO N C s C m m 0 3 N M s � 1 R s m C p M ■ ■ 9 N N y m m C O G s « C pO V C f O p N N e1 O Ill N N N N Q b m m m a N N n VI m N O m C b v N N M N N V. N th Vl VI ry m m m m O m O m I N N ei N N N VL N N N N O] m m m M p ae O] m m N .n No ° °° N i N ei N N V. VF N V. Vl N Mm.+ob N Vf V. N N V1 e ° M I o N V. VL N VI. N r ry b b m a o d m " r a N e1 N V. N N N Vf 1I. b o$.mrlmm� .16 ae .in nae s M .Ti m m a u m g m y.�+m ao rlcrvo 0 m r m Vl Q O y d r m Yf N N OJ N O M M b N N C N N ei VL N N V. N N M p b VI N N N N M N w M N N W V. VL N e p u m m > r m > '■ `� m m 3 T Q a c Z ti =_ 3 Y m � N v � a O) C C O U d 7 LL O C d U N I VI m T d c a C N d N m v . N N M u1 m N N ry m b~ b m N N h V! N VF N ff3�x_w N ry m VI N m o , o Om mN e N d N W m h N b m N N d m m m b m vl N n n O d u `{ CO m v' N N N O ti v O M I . v �o .i c6 od cd O b n d ry N N b m m b m N N OJ vl m m m N O 1.1 e4 I� b IV1 o In n d N N N Vf M N N V� N O b V n � n O m n M N N N Vf h N N N N m b m b M b m V1 ro vl d o m v w to „Qi W N N P u d m M m m n Ill 1l1 N O N d O M � .i l0 e m O N N lD vl N O O w m vi .ti d ai b Ill N d . m c W u li D q W J W J E 3 f 333 N VI Q N m V m N N n N m M m N b N N b V W V1 N N N Vf VY o m I m m n '1 y O b M N m m d N N Y1 m VI N N N N N W V Imll (Ii m . N Q N 'i CC n m O N m M N N iIl M N m m N m 1p M N Yf N N O H N n N N N M N m N O b Y O T m N R V1 n ^ N M V O O rl Nv le .-in m Wi n m I n N h N Vf V! V1 O M I n O � H d cC .� Ih m lD N m I n N N N VF N N y m b m W b gomo�.+lcrid P N N i I1 w N N 4 V b m m N N n N I!I N N O C N M M r'I tG 1� p N 0 N . C IO W V1 V1 N N 4f N m 4 0 o m In m m b N Y1 N N n m ti n . a I N N V� N VT N c W J LL V a" q W J r N E 3 3 3 3 A A° N H O N 00 R � N C L o R N N C p ?' m R m "' m ■ m o N H � R au o ai u M m m M m m p � � N H H H 8 8 ■ O 0 H g R m N N N N N N M T Q a c Z ti =_ 3 Y m � N v � a O) C C O U d 7 LL O C d U N I VI m T d c a C N d N m v . N N M u1 m N N ry m b~ b m N N h V! N VF N ff3�x_w N ry m VI N m o , o Om mN e N d N W m h N b m N N d m m m b m vl N n n O d u `{ CO m v' N N N O ti v O M I . v �o .i c6 od cd O b n d ry N N b m m b m N N OJ vl m m m N O 1.1 e4 I� b IV1 o In n d N N N Vf M N N V� N O b V n � n O m n M N N N Vf h N N N N m b m b M b m V1 ro vl d o m v w to „Qi W N N P u d m M m m n Ill 1l1 N O N d O M � .i l0 e m O N N lD vl N O O w m vi .ti d ai b Ill N d . m c W u li D q W J W J E 3 f 333 N VI Q N m V m N N n N m M m N b N N b V W V1 N N N Vf VY o m I m m n '1 y O b M N m m d N N Y1 m VI N N N N N W V Imll (Ii m . N Q N 'i CC n m O N m M N N iIl M N m m N m 1p M N Yf N N O H N n N N N M N m N O b Y O T m N R V1 n ^ N M V O O rl Nv le .-in m Wi n m I n N h N Vf V! V1 O M I n O � H d cC .� Ih m lD N m I n N N N VF N N y m b m W b gomo�.+lcrid P N N i I1 w N N 4 V b m m N N n N I!I N N O C N M M r'I tG 1� p N 0 N . C IO W V1 V1 N N 4f N m 4 0 o m In m m b N Y1 N N n m ti n . a I N N V� N VT N c W J LL V a" q W J r N E 3 3 3 3 A A° N T Q C 2 LL d N s -O J T N a U � d x N 0 d U fn I N m T d d E N O m m O O W H R e w 8888 , 0 0. 0 0. 0 0, h � � IsNNNN N N N d m d 3 v `w v 3 � • m" m d d 3 � N N N , cn b b N T N M l0 Ol 1� N N N N N N N N , o m v m u N N N N N N N W V N T 1 Q O d N N b n . N w N N N N N N N ei N Q N N N N N b C W m O T N S e �.-i aung N N N N N N N N n T M d b n N O i!1 m m m � O ti •'1 n C N O n o N ei N N N N N N b O MV n N < .+a ri'i rime. N N 10 m NNNNN N N M m n n n m n M b m y w m1e .: lc ai ci C N ei m [O m m m m m N C m O O T m N b •j l0 M N N 1G T i N m N � b v o 4 N N N N N N d a v � LL j d 00 d C � y � •H y j e 3 3 3 O m ho O O M 1■ e v v c 71 m a d 3 ■ EE � u 3 m m `w `w 3 � N N n Lq m N CO N e e N NNNNN N ry m m m m O m d e4 W V N N ti N N N N N N N N b m N m M O CO OJ m m N V1 06�.+a6 ai ai N .+ N ei N NNNNN N N N m. O M m 19 O m N N b N e ti N NNNNN N m O m ry b g m am molo M d H e+ ap N ep o e a m N 'I ei N N N N N N m N m M m n n N b m m O e o e m' "n em N ei ei NNNNN N b o e u m m � .+a ae .in nae O m m b N N ei NNNNN N N N m n a 1D and �n nm NNNNN N d o mu �u m • .-� m 6 .i 1e a .i o m w b N N ei NNNNN N O e m v d ry b m Vf N N N N ei e1 NNNNN N v d yp W C � N W 8 8 8 8 N N N N N T Q a c 2 ti = 3 d a m M `v m 'O d C C U x (n O �L V N I N m d d N N N M u O '1 N O 1D O� N N fl N Vf V1 V1 Vf L1 N �aasx -w m ov m.�ie N V .+ n aG Oi ui O b m n N N N V1 N 1/1 V1 N N ry d N.+ m b N N N n n o d u '" CO m i N N N V1 N V1 V1 N N va N m ry 1n N yp d .1 ui o m N o N n d N N N N N V1 N b m m b m �rvN Inm mm wem.ti n�um N N 1 R V! N N H N b ae��NN .i d .ti w is w vi o N n m N � N V1 V1 N N N N b m n ry N 1 6 6 � o m v .1 1c � C A N N P V1 N V4 N N N nd n. " M M n e1 40 m N C N d ' N � V1 V1 V1 V1 a? N Y m N N m N N O O o `{ tD m m aI1 N V1 V1 Vf N c A o LL V E , E � A � p N N N N N CO N 'G pp N C N N N � C q p � « m � 3 ■ m « O � v Ct ° N O of > f0 O q N b d N d N d N C d C � m m m N ~ H H H H H H O H ■ ■ 0 0 0 0 0 d H H H H H 3 N N N N N °N ■ N N M u O '1 N O 1D O� N N fl N Vf V1 V1 Vf L1 N �aasx -w m ov m.�ie N V .+ n aG Oi ui O b m n N N N V1 N 1/1 V1 N N ry d N.+ m b N N N n n o d u '" CO m i N N N V1 N V1 V1 N N va N m ry 1n N yp d .1 ui o m N o N n d N N N N N V1 N b m m b m �rvN Inm mm wem.ti n�um N N 1 R V! N N H N b ae��NN .i d .ti w is w vi o N n m N � N V1 V1 N N N N b m n ry N 1 6 6 � o m v .1 1c � C A N N P V1 N V4 N N N nd n. " M M n e1 40 m N C N d ' N � V1 V1 V1 V1 a? N Y m N N m N N O O o `{ tD m m aI1 N V1 V1 Vf N c A o LL V E , E � A N N n V 01 M M o a" N N N M V1 N N V1 N V1 N n 01 N m b ti oN1n mm n N N N W V1 V1 V1 V1 N N w a v m m . N d N N N W N N V1 N V1 V1 4D m N N N O . rri.-i od �10 N N N n iIf N N N V1 VI a e 0 o m Iq N N N n V1 N Vf iI! 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N M P p N P^ O • b � I� O b _ d O d b vi Z g T c a e b W Vj V < d V r N O P P n O < Y Y N R P an W d - - b p ( L pry ry p Y t� h W ° O n 1 N W W V n m b ' V • S v r t C W M ,p ' 'r ' • O °! N N f r O O p N N N b v 4 O _ T C n - d � O N • O N O N _ W ^ N N 0 ! _ ^ ,i P N T 9 g�a �s� ddd sass rin rid m ��8r ae�8 e�8 N B s e 'g o z gazn oBF eF�g z 0 d_ C 0 U O d U N W N T � N � C Q V � d C '�1 Z � o m � � d IL CL 'I N W N I O O N O P O O W N m^ N r P1 r m N q O W V N N m O O p N C N V N O r O e N M e �O M W ti Q S e p O M. vNi ry r m + m N N N p N h O b� N� O W d N m ry M O O W e r ry n W O m O P O ti Q V d n N za N f M W N , r g O Q O p^ O �p 4 r N q C v r O O b Q O H n W C M W ti M r O O W M N V1 N N^ ��pp n N b t� O P O d b Oj b b P P b N r m N H Ip ti r N r N N e d N e ti �p d N r M g N W N r P N O� N N� O m i O e . y N y - - O O Q r r N C M P M T O Q O N O O S P m P1 b< N V O N N P m N N- M d N rym� N N M d N L m p � e p N 0 O � " E V O N 6 e S M N F G Q V E M l a z � yPgg� V W w Z. Q1 N O w y y L� ✓� � O u Q Y q y 4 y6 O�O m Z f-1 Q N N C d U N i h N T N � Q U a � C p y N — Y 'Q d m m r °e r nn r' p v .d L �� N •'i N < e w e a .e V N w � m y O H O O r P r N N r b q Q O . b r N � ' H •Y h ^ Q ♦ N O V N P 1 N n O 6 M _ w O ac N N - r w n C Q^ P O' N P� _ Q O •p o 9 n �ssssms g�a eo n a ;C e e d ° m ° o ° o ^ ri000 «e boo ice 8 `a B Al N U . L 8 Z. O 4 P7 F ) / /k/ k §2 §$<#'. )k \\ } \ 7 V ) \!§! ! ll9En'. § ■' ('!r \ \/\ ) |f� kff!!{i ) m_!))(!§ / ■l�:�� z w��; z a 0 3 r 0 d U N N N T C � o a � d z LL Q. Y a � v. — e N n r o V N M N O e O O o m y M N Is. n ' � o m Q= o a ry _ . r � _ fl N O Q I� P _ P� Q a N 1 n P O N N n H O N' P_ N N< O L m N P y O n $ i s q M O M O k c;C50; N N O .V eil W OO s : y a t i 9 IL 3 L� 3 b g Cwu�Eu'IZ g YEn g IL Uac� o f F g z�.z_omP��F z f z d_ C C O U O H O V N I N y T @ 0 C Q U m 'o r v � J � � � d � a N n 7 ^ W W b M m O P N M g N g N M O n M aKN d , O q O g H v < m � vi m C q C 11rr11 �Pp d vi eV � to qq ry °0a V, °° g r q W E b y ' Y N& F q N vi y N N u v q Ay of r V+ r W N f1 M d V M d N d V m W N r g b b P q N b W d^ b O C K .n dri M < N M O ry d Q U W p p 6i m a` o gg ' � age E 8 �. ¢ ol D 6 w 4�'k as �"w �a A- 1Q O O • L R d N rn N T = l0 � � U ¢ N � • O 6 i C O M d 1 fV b O W N $g 3 pC ' 1 p M r V ' M C y r 'ri P N O r 6 n O �� M� ✓ r 1 p N < Y b ..� •O <' N b N M P V � r _ ry W ti N •� b W r b C N � N e F N O� P O W b M X C ^� r ^ m < r • O p W � N V 2 C C • O^ m rer m r't q P O N N b y p� V T W b b r M O • � n P m r„ M$ O W d 1� e N W r r A YS C V N N N N r r 6 d K _ _ R O m C C M e a e e e g Hasse O N V1 rV b C O n a p rr1 O O O N 'S N V O 8 8 s °� r r 1 m C E s: o •� p 3 g ,� z E c pg Y. y v U a 4 U V 0 z 8 O y . E r 'Z gg 5 0 m S Z a d 3 C C O U O r 0 C d U fn wr N m C T Q m Q V a d Z � O a_ Ya 3 a N e s 1 ss M � dP pp qq b„m P P m 0 C� M v 1 N P Q C O N 4 r m q o ^ < r i m G V N N Y1 G ° • YI S q N P V N O M NO I �O YI MI P V M N v IV C N O. ti N r N b N N v N v N eJ N GO b n& M V N � M v h G, m y O v N W v �Op u q r o O �Vpl C m d C P_ q e gaa oe af�6 MC A ggg d d 0 m d N IA T C � O c J Q � � 3 LL a N _ Y Q T � � 3 1 • • • ry � e O e M o b .O pp �O � P Q P •O v M V N e1 R V V C O C • ' S N o] W •O N r m M O N N N r m iY � 1 b p � m n) N= v .O b lit 1 .O b P d N N OJ N �• V< P P O .O O r O T d O O N n O N • ' 1 • � ' 8 N P b O N - �b �D q a P q � a •�+ d P m p h N O N 1� b O TI a s ••1 C r n < N N b • N . M N _ v o P m C Po m� 'D Q_ O m y N y r P N h O N $ a H N ry O a e b N m ro �N oN� r _ mrn$i c N •�-' Vyp ea a S N I f•� O n ' N • V S r W O 0 T O „ In O ry M n N pJ vi P N _ e a O • W h q � N b _ Y �n � 1� N 1rx d - it N vi n N N O 0' O O N PI Qg � e X p e e r p �o e•1 O O O �g� .V 0' �O � G V O y � .Y y y g 0 } CL \k/ k lk9 # - §; - -% &r ;! !! ; # ■ke ~ \ yk$& !rk# a - ;E� :!`'� EE!!@§ ; ; !$!!'('■ ;(!\ !!;§!!B ■ _; "� _ {�\ �\ ! f!`' ■. ; , �! ! ;�,| },!! �£!. 7 li O C C Q� V w N a C � O c V Q d c Z L � LL 0. T m P . q ... r• a N V V •�Y• b P •O 4yyF�� ° 1V ' C p a 1 •„ ryry r p e b b r V P ° . O � V r q m M W Y r N p N m b e a r ry K a ri d 4 N O N b h d °�° n O a • M N p ya p P�� N �= 0^ r P N r O N• p ap G •l m m m m y q N w O p O W m r b � P N m N r r O O � P r �p °O°� y�� ' ° ry • N ° a I� h w• r ° � r4 v a o _ e m � e Y d N p a . m r - � N .� N .O N • 0 q _O v� '-' b � m 1� N m •. � N m � d _ _ m �p • . b •p m n • N P r• N� v. i ry n W N P� r P r O V g^ " •y C O P P V M f•� •p N O _ 9 m g� Issas r m 5�d T,$88 �h „w8 Q G p e� O O O N •C an �L O 8 $ 8 r a � 9 i e ggg as _� ag U U .T. g d o f o zzoSmF d 3 C . U 3 0 LL 0 c d v N P+ N T C m � c v a y �LL a y 3 T s a � O p P Im O m M N Q N� P M N N b C O < M O O N P N S d v M Y O M P! M r p M r O C M r H O M N O O C N r O m N Q m N N b p ryry p n r a M N b N r M m° it Po ' � a P m rr 8 e v 1 0 V O ry r ? 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C ^ Vj N• - � r r N V O a ` q• • P r r r �• P W'�' T V W r N N N < d � � b W N P n O P y • W d O O z pp M r a a� e s ° e O W $s it x e s a w � yy K e e g y Jl Y C 'E 2 C st e 9 d E 9 g of F o F z° d C O U d LL O C d U H I M N m C >' O m •_ Q v a d c •^ Z LL d y 3 T � C � a N n r ryry ' m r- ri r' r N r r � •D M N N W N r N T V m W r N N e � S v � � O N • ap O N r N N r� N •+ S N V r l •r0 r O 1� O b N b n p DJ v l� r M N M N •O `D M = � N _ ° M O v v O r 1� M O • N b v m a N ' • q y a N v N N � 4 b •D [O PPM vi v N N P r ' b _ O r O O Q r 9 �e es ga e a Q e `e s CS a � z a � o � � 2 � • � � � o o x O d V N H N .T C � O Q U 6; d0 Y p � 3 m 3 a N NN ��pp p y v1 r o; O e N r O w r P o •O b Y _ ` ° O ' O �p b O '� b ' O N P N S �p [1 N e� b M • O v d �o - •� QQ y qq$ � N n ry K o O O • • � ' , • , n • � N ' � O m � 4 �p Y C P P & � P v — O �Op ' N A vi „ O P � N T • W ^ � S � P m N ` a K 9 r ' gI'O e a g e a � V V N K �p O VI VI O L i O ^ M �°� e a a qq T ° e p gPO S O S S ^ S w • � � • � m N S W S S O y [j O O O N O °n O V O O O N B � d d C O U_ X (n O C V w N T C @ O Q u a N Z i O Zol 3 Y p D m m y iv 3 a N •- N V -i O b P M M V N n r w r ri r w m 9 N C M eJ 11rr�� CC YI N pp b ��N TI - N O •C N . h P f1 O M � w n . O y N y � W N v fS N N N b r+ N • p q w g r O P N O O• P N .'-+' o C �O O 1� • y O b N_ V N • y� N P u p b O O O ' P N p n P v O r v P O v N 1� N M P O N S � N V vi n y y P O N N gus S$ M `gp o ads N & a y L� py u �0 9 U �J C W O a U UB O p Y $Sa$ S ® O w a 2 1 2 REDLINE VERSION CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FEE SCHEDULE NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following schedule of fees is hereby approved effective for all revenues received after January 1, 2014. 2014 SCHEDULE OF FEES I. LICENSES A. Massage Therapist $ 25.00 (ord. 3 -16) B. Massage Therapy Center $ 25.00 C. Parades and Outdoor Entertainment $ 25.00 (ord.3 -5 -5) D. Pawn Brokers and Precious Metal Dealers $8,000.00 (ord. 3 -15) E. Sexually Oriented Business $ 300.00 (ord. 3 -10) F. Solid Waste /Recyclable Material Collection (ord. 3 -8) 1. Class A $ 75.00 2. Class B $ 75.00 3. Recycling Fee $ 300.00 G. Taxicab $ 25.00 (ord. 3 -9) H. Peddlers and transient merchants $ 25.00 (ord.3 -13) I. Tree Trimming and Removal $ 25.00 (ord. 3 -14) J. Fireworks 1. Sales - in -store $ 100.00 (ord. 3 -20) 2. Sales -temporary facility $ 350.00 K. Tobacco Licenses $ 300.00 /yr. (ord. 3 -6) L. Alcoholic Beverages (ord. 3-1) 1. On Sale- Annual sales of $375,000 or less of alcoholic beverages $ 5,500.00 2. On Sale -Annual sales of more than $375,000 of alcoholic beverages $6,500.00 3. Special Club: i. For a club with under 200 members $300.00 ii. For a club with between 201 and 500 members $500.00 iii. For a club with between 501 and 1000 members $650.00 iv. For a club with between 1001 and 2000 members $800.00 v. For a club with between 2001 and 4000 members $1,000.00 vi. For a club with between 4001 and 6000 members $2,000.00 vii. For a club with over 6000 members $3,000.00 Schedule of Fees (continued) 4. Sunday Liquor 5. On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor 6. Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor 7. Temporary 3.2 Malt Liquor 8. Wine 9. Consumption and Display 10. Temporary Consumption and Display 11. Investigation fee: I. Intoxicating liquor, special club, consumption and display ii. 3.2 percent malt liquor and wine II. PERMITS A. Excavating and Mining • 10,000 cubic yards or less • 10,001 to 250,000 cubic yards plus annual fee of $1,000.00 (including first year) 250,001 to 500,000 cubic yards plus annual fee of $1,650.00 (including first year) • 500,001 or more cubic yards plus annual fee of $2,250.00 (including first year) B. Burning Permit (no charge for recreational fires) C. Explosives Permits D. Outdoor Fireworks Display Permit E. Right of way permit fees (ord. 7 -15) 1. Excavation Permit Fee 2. Obstruction Permit Fee 3. Registration Filing Fee 4. Delay Penalty Note: Security required pursuant to ordinance 7- 15- 13.8.2 F. Construction -related permit fees (ord. 7 -15) 1. Residential Driveway /Curb -cut Application Fee 2. Filling /Grading Permit Application Fee III. PLANNING AND ZONING A. Publications 1. Comprehensive Plan Update $225.00 plus $0.21 per lineal foot for each excavation foot over 2,640 feet $ 55.00 $ 45.00 $ 80.00 $ 50.00 $ 75.00 (sales tax included) $ 40.00 $200.00 $300.00 $ 75.00 $ 50.00 $500.00 $300.00 $25.00 $ 500.00 $ 300.00 (ord. 7 -14) $ 750.00 $1,025.00 $1,100.00 $1,400.00 $ 35.00 (ord.4 -3) $ 50.00 (ord. 8 -2) $ 100.00 VA Schedule of Fees (continued) 2. Zoning Ordinance (sales tax included) 3. Subdivision Ordinance (sales tax included) 4. Sign Ordinance (sales tax included) 5. Zoning Map (sales tax included) 6. 2020 Land Use Map (sales tax included) 7. Publications listed above available in CD format (tax included) IV. GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES A. Antenna Tower Rental Tenant's Leasing Space Rates $ 35.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 10.00 Lease agreements are negotiated pursuant to rates, but subject to circumstances, technology, available space, etc. Tenant's leasing space on City elevated tower or monopole. 1. One to three PCS or Cellular, Community, Repeater, Multi -User, RCC, or Single User Antennas at same elevation. 2. Four to nine PCS or Cellular, Community, Repeater, Multi -User, RCC, or Single User Antennas at same elevation. a. Additional antenna 3. Additional Fees and Requirements a. Microwave or Sat. Dish <2' additional fee b. Microwave or Sat. Dish 2 -3' additional fee c. Microwave or Sat. Dish >3' additional fee $6,200.00 / yr. $18,500.00 / yr. $2,050.00 / yr. $600.00 / yr. $900.00 / yr. $1,200.00 / yr. d. Other antennas types Determined on case by case basis e. Limit one coaxial line per antenna, or $1,200.00 / yr. add per additional coaxial line. f. Lease includes 12'x 20' ground space, or add per additional ground space. g. Standard 2'x 2' floor space in City owned building. h. Tenant must install separate electrical and phone utility at tenant's expense. i. Initial consulting fee for review, mapping, inter - modulation study, etc, paid prior to review. j. Initial landscape and restoration fee paid prior to construction. B. Community Map /Brochure (single copy) C. Convenience Fees - on -line credit card payments D Copies (black and white 11 "x 17" or less single sided) (black and white greater than 11 "x 17 ") $3.00 / ft'. / yr. $45.00 / yr. $2,500.00 $1,500.00 No Charge Utilities - $3.75 /transaction Inspections - $2.50 /transaction .25 per page 3.00 per page 10 Schedule of Fees (continued) CDs /DVDs $ 10.00 each E. Copies (colored 8 1 /2" x 11" single -sided $.94 + $.06 sales tax) $ 1.00 /page F. Faxing $ .25 local $ 1.00 long distance, within Continental US G. Maps J. Recycling Container • Additional $ 10.00 • Replacement No charge K. Returned Checks $ 30.00 L. Utility Customer List (including electronic format) $ 25.00 (sales tax included) M. Finance Charges.....Computed at 1.5% per month (18.0% annual) on account balances unpaid after the date due. O. Weed Mowing - special assessment, administrative $ 90.00 /lot P. Zoning Letter $ 50.00 V. ANIMAL FEES /LICENSES A. B & W Color • 11"x17" $ 3.00 $ 5.00 • 18"x24' $ 5.00 $10.00 • 24" x 34" $ 7.00 $15.00 • 36" x 48" $15.00 $ 20.00 H. Notary $ 1.00 I. Recycling (clean -up day) 1.00 F. Appliances $ 25.00 /ea. J. Recycling Container • Additional $ 10.00 • Replacement No charge K. Returned Checks $ 30.00 L. Utility Customer List (including electronic format) $ 25.00 (sales tax included) M. Finance Charges.....Computed at 1.5% per month (18.0% annual) on account balances unpaid after the date due. O. Weed Mowing - special assessment, administrative $ 90.00 /lot P. Zoning Letter $ 50.00 V. ANIMAL FEES /LICENSES A. Dog license (bi- annual) $ 20.00 B. Dog license neutered /spayed (bi- annual) $ 20.00 C. Kennel license (annual) $ 100.00 D. Transfer - replacement $ 1.00 E. Transfer - ownership $ 1.00 F. Pickup $ 25.00 G. Boarding $ 25.00 H. Kennel license transfer $ 25.00 I. Dangerous Dog $ 100.00 VI. PUBLIC SAFETY CHARGES A. Accident photo actual cost B. Digital photos or audio recording (digital -CD) $ 10.00 C. DVD $ 25.00 M Schedule of Fees (continued) D. Police report /animal license listings $ 0.25 /per page E. Alarm System - first three calls per year No Charge - fourth call $ 50.00 - fifth call $ 100.00 - sixth and subsequent calls $ 150.00 /ea. F. Cash deposit escort service $ 25.00 G. Fingerprinting (resident) $ 10.00 Fingerprinting (non- resident) $ 25.00 H. Fire incident reports (Minnesota Statute 169.09) $ 0.25 /per page I. FEMA Emergency Incident Charges (1 hour minimum, includes personnel) 2) Non - residents • Aerial truck $ 525.00/hr. • Engine company $ 315.00/hr. • Rescue squad $ 315.00 /hr. • Tanker truck $ 210.00 /hr. • Grass rigs $ 157.50/hr. • Officer Vehicle & Utility Truck $ 105.00 /hr. J. Response Fees/ Fire • Gas line encroachment $ 315.00/hr. • Car accidents involving extrication $ 315.00/hr. • Extinguish illegal burning (includes recreational fire) $ 315.00 /hr. • Hazardous materials incidents (actual cost /time as listed above) K. Investigation • 3.2% malt liquor $ 300.00 • Intoxicating liquor $ 500.00 • Wine $ 500.00 • Massage therapist $ 100.00 • Pawn brokers & precious metal dealers $ 350.00 /listed owner A. Billable Transaction Fee a. Electronic $ 1.50 /transaction b. Manual $ 2.50 /transaction • Sexually oriented businesses $ 350.00 L. Letters of clear record (including but not limited to adoption or foreign jurisdiction request) $ 5.00 (on letterhead or notarized) M. Police Summary reports (customized) $ 20.00 /week N. Police Officers $ 70.09 7:r,(t0 /hr. O. Records check - daycare (overage 18) $ 5.00 /person P. Towing administration $ 10.00 /vehicle /incident Q. Accident Report (Minnesota Statute 169.09) $ 0.25 /per page R. Car Seat Installation 1) Residents N/C 2) Non - residents $ 10.00 S. Archive Retrieval $ 10.00+ cost /copy T. Police Administered Court Order Alcohol Breath Tests 5 Schedule of Fees (continued) Residents N/C Non - residents $ 5.00 U. Vehicle Impound Administrative Fee $ 225.00 per vehicle Vehicle Impound Storage Fee $ 5.00 per day VII. PUBLIC WORKS A. Staff Services Half Hour Full Hour Part -time seasonal $ 13.00 14.00 $ 2600 28.00 Street Maintenance II $ 29.00 30.00$ 39.06 60.00 Lead Man $ 32.00 33.00$ - 63:9966.00 Superintendent $ 42:0043.00$ 84.0086.00 Administration $ 7:9928.00$ 54.8956.00 B. Eauipment Use Fees Loader $ x1.0022.00$ 4 .0044.00 Motor Grader $- X6.0827.00 32.00 54.00 Dump Truck Tandem $ X1.0822.00$- 41.0044.00 Dump Truck Tandem w /Plow Equipment $ 37.0938.00 72.00 76.00 Dump Truck Single Axle $ 15.0016.00$ 26.0032.00 Dump Truck Single Axle w /Plow Equipment $ 32:0033.00$ 37.0066.00 Mini Dump 1- Ton $ 13:0014.00$ 26.0028.00 Mini Dump 1 -Ton w /Snow Plow $- X59919.00$- 36:0038.00 Pick -Up 3 /4- Ton $ 8:809.00 $ 15.99 18.00 Pick -Up 1 -Ton 4x4 $ 41.0812.00$ 21.0024.00 Pick -Up 1 -Ton 4x4 w /Snow Plow $- X9017.00$- 31.0034.00 Truck w /Boom $46.0017.00$- 31.0034.00 Walk Behind Striper $ 2.003.00 $ 4.006.00 Asphalt Roller $ 22.0023.00$ 44.0046.00 Bituminous Hot Box Patch Trailer $- 1E8819.00$ 36.0038.00 Skid Steer $ 11.00 12.00$ 1.9024.00 Sweeper Attachment $-- 6.007.00 $-4 9:9914.00 Landscape Planer Attachment $ x.083.00 $-- 4.096.00 Trailers $ 4.005.00 $ 8:0010.00 MT Trackless with Attachments $ X5:9919.00$ 36:0038.00 Air Compressor (185 CFS) $-- 8:999.00$ -.991 8.00 Street Sweeper Elgin $X3:0024.00$ 46.00 48.00 Sewer Camera Truck $ 93:0098.00 $490.00196.00 Tanker Truck (2,000 Gallons) $- 149920.00$- 37:0040.00 Articulating Tractor /Blower /Ditch Mower $- 23:9924.00$ 468048.00 10" Tree Chipper $ 11.0012.00$ 21.0024.00 Fork Lift (5,000 lb. capacity) $- 8.00 9.00 $- 16..8818.00 [:1 Schedule of Fees (continued) Tractor Backhoe Mini Excavator Vactor (with two operators) Hydro - Vactor Includes vactor operator and helper $ ?0913.00$- 23:A926.00 $ 11.0012.00$ -2 9924.00 116.99119.00$ 232.99238.00 $-2-�/hr. 238.00 (Minimum of 3 hours) C. Hydrant Meter Deposit • 5/8" meter ..................... $ 100.00 • 3" meter ........................ $1,000.00 D. Hydrant Meter Rental • 5/8" meter ..................... $ 1.00 /calendar day: $25 minimum /agreement • 3" meter ..................... $ 3.50 /calendar day: $25 minimum /agreement E. Water Meters - sales of all water meters must include radio read technoloav as determined by the City. • Meter teueh F2.AO;m,R on 295.00 533 0 61960 76360 pad • 31 "T 10 ....................... • 1 „ T 10 t .............................. • 1 1.. T 10 .......................... • 114'tarbe $ ................. • 2" T 10 $ $ .................. • 2" turbe t 634.00 ','z oii 6 9 ',340 99 - :1,488.90 2,977.00 285.00 ....................... • 3" tkl rbe t ......................... • * "" tarbe t ....................... • 2" eempeund $ ............... • 3 'Eempeund ............... 0 4 $98469 Eempeund ............... • 3/4" E -Coder $ $ • 1" E -Coder $ 360.00 • 1 1/2" E -Coder $ 670.00 • 2" E -Coder $ 820.00 • 1 1/2" turbo E-Coder $ 870.00 • 2" turbo E -Coder $ 925.00 • 3" turbo E -Coder $ 1,535.00 • 4" turbo E -Coder $ 1,960.00 • 2" compound E -Coder $ 1,960.00 • 3" compound E -coder $ 2,870.00 • 4" compound E -Coder $ 3,750.00 F. Pressure Reducing Valves • 3/ 4 ............................... $ 70.09 75.00 • V ............................... $ 90.00 • 1-1/2 ............................ $ 260.00 7 Schedule of Fees (continued) i 2" .. ............................... $ 300 330.00 • 3" ............................... $ 2,96900 2,200.00 G. MXd Transmitter Single Pert $104.00 (s ales tax MXLJ Tr a n s m u tteF _D ._i P $1770 ( sa l es to o �avn.nax Fi *net SingleDe•' $133 .00 (sales tax induded) Fixnet Dual Pert $160.00 (sales tax induded) Drive By Radie Single; eFt$12S5..00 (sales tax;nduded) Drive By Radie Duca P-Ft $145..00 (sales taxinduded) R900 Hybrid Radio Transmitter $104.00 H. Water Meter Credits .... A credit (equal to the original price paid) will be issued for a 5/8" water meter less than three (3) years old that is exchanged for a larger water meter. Vlll. ENGINEERING 1. Comprehensive Plans a. Comprehensive Park Plan b. Comprehensive Trail Plan c. Comprehensive Water Plan on CD d. Comprehensive Transportation Plan on CD e. Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan on CD L Water Resources Management Plan on CD g. Wetland Management Plan 2. Digital Data • Data transfer (minimum 1 hour charge) 3. Reproduced Engineering record drawings, construction plans, street, subdivision, water and sewer maps, as- builts, drainage plans, aerial photos and any copies over 11 "x 17" 4. E -mail pdf copies over 11 "x 17" 5. Special Assessment Search 6. Standard Specifications Standard Specifications on CD 7. Detail Plates 8. Topographic Maps $20.00 /copy (sales tax included) $20.00 /copy (sales tax included) $25.00 /copy (sales tax included) $25.00 /copy (sales tax included) $25.00 /copy (sales tax included) $25.00 /copy (sales tax included) $60.00 /copy (sales tax included) $ 50.00 /hr. 7.00 /copy (sales tax included) 7.00 /copy (sales tax included) $ 25.00 /parcel $ 35.00 /set (sales tax included) 25.00 /set (sales tax included) $ 25.00 /set (sales tax included) 0 Schedule of Fees (continued) Topographic maps available from Dakota County Survey and Land Information Office, X. UTILITY BILLING FEES (effective for all accounts billed on or after February 1, 2013). I. Sewer Rates A. Residential 1. Charges shall be based on actual water consumption, or the water consumed during the first quarter of the year, whichever is less. 2. When an account is newly established, the sewer maximum charge shall be set at 18,000 gallons of sewer use. Sewer charge for the remainder of the year will be at this figure, or actual usage, whichever is less. The total for 18,000 gallons is therefore $61:87- 65.87. 3. A basic sewer charge of $6-.2-5/ 6.65 dwelling unit per quarter will be charged for all accounts. 4. Cost per thousand gallons shall be $389 3.25. 5. A flat rate of $61.87/ 65.1€6 dwelling unit per quarter shall be charged to those residential customers who do not have metered water. 6. Residential customers shall be billed for a minimum of 5,000 gallons per quarter. B. Industrial, Institutional and Commercial 1. Charges shall be based on actual gallons of water consumed. 2. A basic sewer charge of $6-.23 6.65 per quarter will be charged for all accounts. 3. Cost per thousand gallons of usage shall be $389 3. ?. 4. Industrial, Institutional and Commercial customers shall be billed for a minimum of 5,000 gallons per quarter. 5. When a separate water system is installed and is limited to uses that cannot enter the sewer system, no charge shall be made for sewer on the water metered for said system. C. Manufactured home parks and multiple - family dwellings served by a single meter 0 Schedule of Fees (continued) shall be charged for the number of units each quarter at the time the meter is read. The sewer charges for each quarter shall be determined by dividing the total gallons of water by number of units. 1. Charges shall be based on actual water consumption, or the water consumed during the first quarter of the year, whichever is less. 2. A basic sewer charge of $ 6 - .23 C.6 per quarter per dwelling unit will be charged for all accounts. 3. Cost per thousand gallons of consumption shall be $3:89 4. The charges per dwelling unit shall be based on a minimum of 5,000 gallons per quarter. II. Water Rates A. Residential 1. Charges shall be based on actual metered gallons consumed each quarter. 2. A basic water charge of $3-.68 ?,`t5 per quarter will be charged for each account. a) Tier one consumption - Shall be $8$5 �.S5 per thousand gallons for the first 30 thousand gallons. b) Tier two consumption - Shall be $ 434 . .4C per thousand gallons in excess of 30 thousand gallons but less than or equal to 49 thousand gallons. c) Tier three consumption - Shall be $240 �.rO per thousand gallons consumption exceeding 49 thousand gallons. B. Commercial, Industrial and Institutional 1. Charges shall be based on actual metered gallons consumed each quarter. 2. A basic water charge of $3-.60-.'-1."1 "_' per quarter will be charged for each account. a) Tier one consumption - Shall be $8$5 W per thousand gallons for the first 30 thousand gallons. b) Tier two consumption - Shall be $ 4-.34 /P per thousand gallons in excess of 30 thousand gallons. c) Irrigation sprinkler accounts shall be billed at $2:38 7 .40 per thousand gallons. 10 Schedule of Fees (continued) C. Manufactured Home Parks and multi - family dwellings 1. Charges shall be based on actual metered gallons consumed each quarter. 2. A basic water charge of $3:60 3.75 per quarter will be charged for each dwelling unit. a) Tier one consumption - Shall be $0:85 0.89 per thousand gallons for the first 30 thousand gallons for each unit. b) Tier two consumption - Shall be $ 1.34 1.40 per thousand gallons in excess of 30 thousand gallons but less than or equal to 49 thousand gallons for each unit. c) Tier three consumption - Shall be $2:38 2.41 per thousand gallons consumption exceeding 49 thousand gallons for each unit. D. Irrigation sprinkler accounts shall be billed at $238 2.40 per thousand gallons. E. Bulk water accounts 1. Shall be billed at $2:68 2.70 per thousand gallons 2. Account setup fee of $10.00 /account F. For those accounts whereby an accurate reading cannot be determined due to faulty meter, water consumption shall be established to be 18,000 gallons per quarter per dwelling unit. III. State water testing fee $1.59 /quarter /connection IV. Streetlights 1. Utility accounts served by water and /or sanitary sewer A. Residential $ 2:808.14 /dwellingunit /quarter B. Multiple Family $ 7-.80 8.14 /dwelling unit /quarter C. Institutional $ O-.21$20.2277 /frontfoot /quarter D. Commercial /Industrial $ 0.1820.2277 /frontfoot /quarter E. New subdivisions, as part of $ 311.20 32.56 /residential dwelling unit development contract 2. Utility accounts not served by water and or sanitary sewer shall be billed annually A. Residential $ 31.28 32.56 /dwelling unit /year B. Multiple Family $ 31.28 32.56 /dwelling unit /year C. Manufactured Homes and No charge Manufactured Home Parks 11 Schedule of Fees (continued) V. Surface Water Management Fee 1. Utility accounts served by water and /or sanitary sewer A. The single family (residential equivalent utility factor) Surface Water Management Utility Fee shall be $7.00 /dwelling unit per quarter for those utility accounts served by water and /or sanitary sewer. 2. Utility accounts not served by water and /or sanitary sewer shall be billed annually. A. The residential equivalent utility factor Surface Water Management Utility Fee shall be $28.00 /dwelling unit per year for those accounts not served by water and /or sanitary sewer. 3. New subdivisions, as part of development contracts, $28.00 /residential dwelling unit. VI. Head of households over 65 years of age or living on social security or pension income alone: 1. Enrolled on or before December 7,1998 shall be entitled to a 30% discount on water and sanitary sewer services to homesteaded residential properties as described above. Said accounts are also exempt from street light charges as described above. 2. Enrolled after December 7,1998 shall be entitled to a 30% discount on water, sanitary sewer and street light services to homesteaded residential properties as described above subject to a maximum discount based on ten thousand gallons of usage. 3. Persons qualifying for the discount must annually certify that they meet the requirements of this section prior to December 31 of each year in order to receive the benefits in the following year. VII. A monthly penalty of 1.5% of the unpaid balance or $1.00, whichever is greater will be charged on all delinquent accounts that are greater than $10.00. No penalty will be charged on closed accounts. VIII. Accounts certified to the County Treasurer /Auditor for collection with the subsequent year's taxes will be charged a $35.00 service charge plus 18% interest per year. IX. Meter Access Surcharge $75.00 per month X. Water Shut -offs a) During normal business hours $30.00 b) After normal business hours $45.00 12 Schedule of Fees (continued) XI. Water Reconnections a) During normal business hours $30.00 b) After normal business hours $45.00 XII. Water Service Call a) During normal business hours $30.00 b) After normal business hours $45.00 XIII. Replace frost bottom $40.00 XIV. Testing of Water Meters (only if meter test correct) in accordance with Ordinance 7- 5 -4 -6. a) 5/8" to 1" $45.00 b) 1 1/4 to 2" $85.00 c) All other sizes contract cost (Minneapolis) plus 10% XV. Surcharge for water service (penalties) for violation of Ordinance 7 -5 -12 relating to Emergency (water) Regulations. a) First violation Warning b) Second violation same calendar year $50.00 c) Third violation same calendar year $100.00 d) Fourth violation same calendar year $150.00 e) Fifth and subsequent violations $200.00 in same calendar year XVI. Residents with private septic systems shall be billed a private septic system fee of $2.97 /per year APPROVED by the Lakeville City Council this 16"' day of December, 2013. CITY OF LAKEVILLE Matt Little, Mayor ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Clerk 13 CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FEE SCHEDULE NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following schedule of fees is hereby approved effective for all revenues received after January 1, 2014. 2014 SCHEDULE OF FEES I. LICENSES A. Massage Therapist $ 25.00 (ord. 3 -16) B. Massage Therapy Center $ 25.00 C. Parades and Outdoor Entertainment $ 25.00 (ord.3 -5 -5) D. Pawn Brokers and Precious Metal Dealers $8,000.00 (ord. 3 -15) E. Sexually Oriented Business $ 300.00 (ord. 3 -10) F. Solid Waste /Recyclable Material Collection (ord. 3 -8) 1. Class A $ 75.00 2. Class B $ 75.00 3. Recycling Fee $ 300.00 G. Taxicab $ 25.00 (ord. 3 -9) H. Peddlers and transient merchants $ 25.00 (ord.3 -13) I. Tree Trimming and Removal $ 25.00 (ord. 3 -14) J. Fireworks 1. Sales - in -store $ 100.00 (ord. 3 -20) 2. Sales - temporary facility $ 350.00 K. Tobacco Licenses $ 300.00 /yr. (ord. 3 -6) L. Alcoholic Beverages (ord. 3-1) 1. On Sale -Annual sales of $375,000 or less of alcoholic beverages $ 5,500.00 2. On Sale -Annual sales of more than $375,000 of alcoholic beverages $6,500.00 3. Special Club: L For a club with under 200 members $300.00 ii. For a club with between 201 and 500 members $500.00 iii. For a club with between 501 and 1000 members $650.00 iv. For a club with between 1001 and 2000 members $800.00 v. For a club with between 2001 and 4000 members $1,000.00 vi. For a club with between 4001 and 6000 members $2,000.00 vii. For a club with over 6000 members $3,000.00 4. Sunday Liquor $200.00 Schedule of Fees (continued) 5. On Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor 6. Off Sale 3.2 Malt Liquor 7. Temporary 3.2 Malt Liquor 8. Wine 9. Consumption and Display 10. Temporary Consumption and Display 11. Investigation fee: i. Intoxicating liquor, special club, consumption and display ii. 3.2 percent malt liquor and wine II. PERMITS A. Excavating and Mining • 10,000 cubic yards or less • 10,001 to 250,000 cubic yards plus annual fee of $1,000.00 (including first year) • 250,001 to 500,000 cubic yards plus annual fee of $1,650.00 (including first year) • 500,001 or more cubic yards plus annual fee of $2,250.00 (including first year) B. Burning Permit (no charge for recreational fires) C. Explosives Permits D. Outdoor Fireworks Display Permit E. Right of way permit fees (ord. 7 -15) 1. Excavation Permit Fee 2. Obstruction Permit Fee 3. Registration Filing Fee 4. Delay Penalty Note: Security required pursuant to ordinance 7- 15- 13.8.2 Construction - related permit fees (ord. 7 -15) 1. Residential Driveway /Curb -cut Application Fee 2. Filling /Grading Permit Application Fee Ill. PLANNING AND ZONING A. Publications Comprehensive Plan Update 2. Zoning Ordinance (sales tax included) (sales tax included) $300.00 $ 75.00 $ 50.00 $500.00 $300.00 $25.00 500.00 300.00 (ord. 7 -14) $ 750.00 $1,025.00 $1,100.00 $1,400.00 35.00 (ord. 4 -3) 50.00 (ord. 8 -2) 100.00 $225.00 plus $0.21 per lineal foot for each excavation foot over 2,640 feet S 55.00 $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $ 40.00 $ 35.00 2 Schedule of Fees (continued) 3. Subdivision Ordinance (sales tax included) $ 10.00 4. Sign Ordinance (sales tax included) $ 10.00 5. Zoning Map (sales tax included) $ 5.00 6. 2020 Land Use Map (sales tax included) $ 5.00 7. Publications listed above available in CD format (tax included) $ 10.00 IV. GENERAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES A. Antenna Tower Rental Tenant's Leasing Space Rates Lease agreements are negotiated pursuant to rates, but subject to circumstances, technology, available space, etc. Tenant's leasing space on City elevated tower or monopole. 1. One to three PCS or Cellular, Community, $6,200.00 / yr. Repeater, Multi -User, RCC, or Single User Antennas at same elevation. 2. Four to nine PCS or Cellular, Community, $18,500.00 / yr. Repeater, Multi -User, RCC, or Single User Antennas at same elevation. a. Additional antenna $2,050.00 /yr. 3. Additional Fees and Requirements a. Microwave or Sat. Dish <2' additional fee b. Microwave or Sat. Dish 2 -3' additional fee c. Microwave or Sat. Dish >3' additional fee d. Other antennas types e. Limit one coaxial line per antenna, or add per additional coaxial line. f. Lease includes 12'x 20' ground space, or $600.00 / yr. $900.00 / yr. $1,200.00 / yr. Determined on case by case basis $1,200.00 / yr. $3.00 / ft 2 . / yr. add per additional ground space. g. Standard 2'x 2' floor space in City owned building. h. Tenant must install separate electrical and phone utility at tenant's expense. i. Initial consulting fee for review, mapping, inter - modulation study, etc. paid prior to review. j. Initial landscape and restoration fee paid prior to construction. B. Community Map /Brochure (single copy) C. Convenience Fees - on -line credit card payments D Copies (black and white 11 " x 17" or less single sided) (black and white greater than 11 "x 17 ") CDs /DVDs $45.00 / yr. $2,500.00 $1,500.00 No Charge Utilities - $3.75 /transaction Inspections - $2.50 /transaction $ .25 per page $ 3.00 per page $ 10.00 each 3 Schedule of Fees (continued) V. VI. E. Copies (colored 8 1 /2" x 11" single -sided $.94 + $.06 sales tax) $ 1.00 /page F. Faxing $ .25 local $ 1.00 long distance, within Continental US G. Maps • Additional $ 10.00 • Replacement No charge K. Returned Checks $ 30.00 L. Utility Customer List (including electronic format) $ 25.00 (sales tax included) M. Finance Charges.....Computed at 1.5% per month (18.0% annual) on account balances unpaid after the date due. 0. Weed Mowing - special assessment, administrative $ 90.00 /lot P. Zoning Letter $ 50.00 J. Recycling Container ANIMAL FEES /LICENSES A. Dog license (bi- annual) B & W Color • 11"x]7" $ 3.00 $ 5.00 • 18" x 24" $ 5.00 $10.00 • 24" x 34" $ 7.00 $15.00 • 36" x 48" $15.00 $20.00 H. Notary $ 1.00 I. Recycling (clean -up day) $ 25.00 • Appliances $ 25.00 /ea. • Additional $ 10.00 • Replacement No charge K. Returned Checks $ 30.00 L. Utility Customer List (including electronic format) $ 25.00 (sales tax included) M. Finance Charges.....Computed at 1.5% per month (18.0% annual) on account balances unpaid after the date due. 0. Weed Mowing - special assessment, administrative $ 90.00 /lot P. Zoning Letter $ 50.00 J. Recycling Container ANIMAL FEES /LICENSES A. Dog license (bi- annual) $ 20.00 B. Dog license neutered /spayed (bi- annual) $ 20.00 C. Kennel license (annual) $ 100.00 D. Transfer - replacement $ 1.00 E. Transfer - ownership $ 1.00 F. Pickup $ 25.00 G. Boarding $ 25.00 H. Kennel license transfer $ 25.00 I. Dangerous Dog $ 100.00 PUBLIC SAFETY CHARGES A. Accident photo actual cost B. Digital photos or audio recording (digital -CD) $ 10.00 C. DVD $ 25.00 D. Police report /animal license listings $ 0.25 /per page 0 Schedule of Fees (continued) E. Alarm System - first three calls per year No Charge - fourth call $ 50.00 - fifth call $ 100.00 - sixth and subsequent calls $ 150.00 /ea. F. Cash deposit escort service $ 25.00 G. Fingerprinting (resident) $ 10.00 Fingerprinting (non- resident) $ 25.00 H. Fire incident reports (Minnesota Statute 169.09) $ 0.25 /per page I. FEMA Emergency Incident Charges (1 hour minimum, includes personnel) • Aerial truck $ 525.00/hr. • Engine company $ 315.00 /hr. • Rescue squad $ 315.00/hr. • Tanker truck $ 210.00 /hr. • Grass rigs $ 157.50/hr. • Officer Vehicle & Utility Truck $ 105.00 /hr. J. Response Fees/ Fire • Gas line encroachment $ 315.00/hr. • Car accidents involving extrication $ 315.00/hr. • Extinguish illegal burning (includes recreational fire) $ 315.00/hr. • Hazardous materials incidents (actual cost /time as listed above) K. Investigation • 3.2% malt liquor $ 300.00 • Intoxicating liquor $ 500.00 • Wine $ 500.00 • Massage therapist $ 100.00 • Pawn brokers & precious metal dealers $ 350.00 /listed owner A. Billable Transaction Fee a. Electronic $ 1.50 /transaction b. Manual $ 2.50 /transaction • Sexually oriented businesses $ 350.00 L. Letters of clear record (including but not limited to adoption or foreign jurisdiction request) $ 5.00 (on letterhead or notarized) M. Police Summary reports (customized) $ 20.00 /week N. Police Officers $ 72.00 /hr. O. Records check - daycare (over age 18) $ 5.00 /person P. Towing administration $ 10.00 /vehicle /incident Q. Accident Report (Minnesota Statute 169.09) $ 0.25 /per page R. Car Seat Installation 1) Residents N/C 2) Non - residents $ 10.00 S. Archive Retrieval $ 10.00 + cost /copy T. Police Administered Court Order Alcohol Breath Tests Residents N/C 5 Schedule of Fees (continued) Non- residents $ 5.00 U. Vehicle Impound Administrative Fee $ 225.00 per vehicle Vehicle Impound Storage Fee $ 5.00 per day VII. PUBLIC WORKS A. Staff Services Half Hour Full Hour Part -time seasonal $ 14.00 $ 28.00 Street Maintenance II $ 30.00 $ 60.00 Lead Man $ 33.00 $ 66.00 Superintendent $ 43.00 $ 86.00 Administration $ 28.00 $ 56.00 B. Equipment Use Fees Loader $ 22.00 $ 44.00 Motor Grader $ 27.00 $ 54.00 Dump Truck Tandem $ 22.00 $ 44.00 Dump Truck Tandem w /Plow Equipment $ 38.00 $ 76.00 Dump Truck Single Axle $ 16.00 $ 32.00 Dump Truck Single Axle w /Plow Equipment $ 33.00 $ 66.00 Mini Dump 1 -Ton $ 14.00 $ 28.00 Mini Dump 1 -Ton w /Snow Plow $ 19.00 $ 38.00 Pick -Up 3 /4 -Ton $ 9.00 $ 18.00 Pick -Up 1 -Ton 44 $ 12.00 $ 24.00 Pick -Up 1 -Ton 4x4 w /Snow Plow $ 17.00 $ 34.00 Truck w /Boom $ 17.00 $ 34.00 Walk Behind Striper $ 3.00 $ 6.00 Asphalt Roller $ 23.00 $ 46.00 Bituminous Hot Box Patch Trailer $ 19.00 $ 38.00 Skid Steer $ 12.00 $ 24.00 Sweeper Attachment $ 7.00 $ 14.00 Landscape Planer Attachment $ 3.00 $ 6.00 Trailers $ 5.00 $ 10.00 MT Trackless with Attachments $ 19.00 $ 38.00 Air Compressor (185 CFS) $ 9.00 $ 18.00 Street Sweeper Elgin $ 24.00 $ 48.00 Sewer Camera Truck $ 98.00 $ 196.00 Tanker Truck (2,000 Gallons) $ 20.00 $ 40.00 Articulating Tractor /Blower /Ditch Mower $ 24.00 $ 48.00 10" Tree Chipper $ 12.00 $ 24.00 Fork Lift (5,000 lb. capacity) $ 9.00 $ 18.00 Tractor Backhoe $ 13.00 $ 26.00 Mini Excavator $ 12.00 $ 24.00 Schedule of Fees (continued) Vactor (with two operators) Hydro - Vactor Includes vactor operator and helper C. Hydrant Meter Deposit • 5/8" meter ..................... $ 100.00 • 3" meter ........................ $1,000.00 $ 119.00 $ 238.00 $ 238.00/hr. (Minimum of 3 hours) D. Hydrant Meter Rental • 5/8" meter ..................... $ 1.00 /calendar day: $25 minimum /agreement • 3" meter ..................... $ 3.50 /calendar day: $25 minimum /agreement E. Water Meters -sales of all water meters must include radio read technology as determined by the City. • 3/4" E -Coder $ 285.00 • 1" E -Coder $ 360.00 • 1 1/2" E -Coder $ 670.00 • 2" E -Coder $ 820.00 • 1 1/2" turbo E -Coder $ 870.00 • 2" turbo E -Coder $ 925.00 • 3" turbo E -Coder $ 1,535.00 • 4" turbo E -Coder $ 1,960.00 2" compound E -Coder $ 1,960.00 • 3" compound E -coder $ 2,870.00 4" compound E -Coder $ 3,750.00 F. Pressure Reducing Valves 3/ 4 ............................... $ 75.00 • V , ............................... 90.00 • 1-1/2 ............................ $ 260.00 2" .. ............................... $ 330.00 3" ............................... $ 2,200.00 G. R900 Hybrid Radio Transmitter $ 104.00 H. Water Meter Credits....A credit (equal to the original price paid) will be issued for a 5/8" water meter less than three (3) years old that is exchanged for a larger water meter. VIII. ENGINEERING 1. Comprehensive Plans a. Comprehensive Park Plan $20.00 /copy (sales tax included) 7 Schedule of Fees (continued) b. Comprehensive Trail Plan c. Comprehensive Water Plan on CD d. Comprehensive Transportation Plan on CD e. Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan on CD f. Water Resources Management Plan on CD g. Wetland Management Plan X. 2. Digital Data • Data transfer (minimum 1 hour charge) 3. Reproduced Engineering record drawings, construction plans, street, subdivision, water and sewer maps, as- builts, drainage plans, aerial photos and any copies over 11 "x 17" 4. E -mail pdf copies over 11 "x 17" 5. Special Assessment Search 6. Standard Specifications Standard Specifications on CD 7. Detail Plates $ 25.00 /set (sales tax included) 8. Topographic Maps • Topographic maps available from Dakota County Survey and Land Information Office. UTILITY BILLING FEES (effective for all accounts billed on or after February 1, 2013). I. Sewer Rates A. Residential 1. Charges shall be based on actual water consumption, or the water consumed during the first quarter of the year, whichever is less. 2. When an account is newly established, the sewer maximum charge shall be set at 18,000 gallons of sewer use. Sewer charge for the remainder of the year will be at this figure, or actual usage, whichever is less. The total for 18,000 gallons is therefore $65.87. 3. A basic sewer charge of $6.65 dwelling unit per quarter will be charged for all accounts. $20.00 /copy (sales tax included) $25.00 /copy (sales tax included) $25.00 /copy (sales tax included) $25.00 /copy (sales tax included) $25.00 /copy (sales tax included) $60.00 /copy (sales tax included) $ 50.00 /hr. $ 7.00 /copy (sales tax included) $ 7.00 /copy (sales tax included) $ 25.00 /parcel $ 35.00 /set (sales tax included) $ 25.00 /set (sales tax included) E Schedule of Fees (continued) 4. Cost per thousand gallons shall be $3.29. 5. A flat rate of $65.87 dwelling unit per quarter shall be charged to those residential customers who do not have metered water. 6. Residential customers shall be billed for a minimum of 5,000 gallons per quarter. B. Industrial, Institutional and Commercial 1. Charges shall be based on actual gallons of water consumed. 2. A basic sewer charge of $6.65 per quarter will be charged for all accounts. 3. Cost per thousand gallons of usage shall be $3.29. 4. Industrial, Institutional and Commercial customers shall be billed for a minimum of 5,000 gallons per quarter. 5. When a separate water system is installed and is limited to uses that cannot enter the sewer system, no charge shall be made for sewer on the water metered for said system. C. Manufactured home parks and multiple - family dwellings served by a single meter shall be charged for the number of units each quarter at the time the meter is read. The sewer charges for each quarter shall be determined by dividing the total gallons of water by number of units. 1. Charges shall be based on actual water consumption, or the water consumed during the first quarter of the year, whichever is less. 2. A basic sewer charge of $6.65 per quarter per dwelling unit will be charged for all accounts. 3. Cost per thousand gallons of consumption shall be $3.29. 4. The charges per dwelling unit shall be based on a minimum of 5,000 gallons per quarter. II. Water Rates A. Residential 0 Schedule of Fees (continued) 1. Charges shall be based on actual metered gallons consumed each quarter. 2. A basic water charge of $3.75 per quarter will be charged for each account. a) Tier one consumption - Shall be $0.89 per thousand gallons for the first 30 thousand gallons. b) Tier two consumption - Shall be $1.40 per thousand gallons in excess of 30 thousand gallons but less than or equal to 49 thousand gallons. c) Tier three consumption - Shall be $2.40 per thousand gallons consumption exceeding 49 thousand gallons. B. Commercial, Industrial and Institutional 1. Charges shall be based on actual metered gallons consumed each quarter. 2. A basic water charge of $3.75 per quarter will be charged for each account. a) Tier one consumption - Shall be $0.89 per thousand gallons for the first 30 thousand gallons. b) Tier two consumption - Shall be $1.40 per thousand gallons in excess of 30 thousand gallons. c) Irrigation sprinkler accounts shall be billed at $2.40 per thousand gallons. C. Manufactured Home Parks and multi - family dwellings 1. Charges shall be based on actual metered gallons consumed each quarter. 2. A basic water charge of $3.75 per quarter will be charged for each dwelling unit. a) Tier one consumption - Shall be $0.89 per thousand gallons for the first 30 thousand gallons for each unit. b) Tier two consumption - Shall be $1.40 per thousand gallons in excess of 30 thousand gallons but less than or equal to 49 thousand gallons for each unit. c) Tier three consumption - Shall be $2.40 per thousand gallons consumption exceeding 49 thousand gallons for each unit. D. Irrigation sprinkler accounts shall be billed at $2.40 per thousand gallons. E. Bulk water accounts 1. Shall be billed at $2.70 per thousand gallons 2. Account setup fee of $10.00 /account 10 Schedule of Fees (continued) F. For those accounts whereby an accurate reading cannot be determined due to faulty meter, water consumption shall be established to be 18,000 gallons per quarter per dwelling unit. III. State water testing fee $1.59 /quarter /connection IV. Streetlights 1. Utility accounts served by water and /or sanitary sewer A. Residential $ 8.14 /dwelling unit /quarter B. Multiple Family $ 8.14 /dwelling unit /quarter C. Institutional $ 0.2277 /frontfoot /quarter D. Commercial /Industrial $ 0.2277 /frontfoot /quarter E. New subdivisions, as part of $ 32.56 /residential dwelling unit development contract 2. Utility accounts not served by water and or sanitary sewer shall be billed annually A. Residential $ 32.56 /dwelling unit /year B. Multiple Family $ 32.56 /dwelling unit /year C. Manufactured Homes and No charge Manufactured Home Parks V. Surface Water Management Fee 1. Utility accounts served by water and /or sanitary sewer A. The single family (residential equivalent utility factor) Surface Water Management Utility Fee shall be $7.00 /dwelling unit per quarter for those utility accounts served by water and /or sanitary sewer. 2. Utility accounts not served by water and /or sanitary sewer shall be billed annually. A. The residential equivalent utility factor Surface Water Management Utility Fee shall be $28.00 /dwelling unit per year for those accounts not served by water and /or sanitary sewer. 3. New subdivisions, as part of development contracts, $28.00 /residential dwelling unit. VI. Head of households over 65 years of age or living on social security or pension income alone: 1. Enrolled on or before December 7,1998 shall be entitled to a 30% discount 11 Schedule of Fees (continued) on water and sanitary sewer services to homesteaded residential properties as described above. Said accounts are also exempt from street light charges as described above. 2. Enrolled after December 7, 1998 shall be entitled to a 30% discount on water, sanitary sewer and street light services to homesteaded residential properties as described above subject to a maximum discount based on ten thousand gallons of usage. 3. Persons qualifying for the discount must annually certify that they meet the requirements of this section prior to December 31 of each year in order to receive the benefits in the following year. VII. A monthly penalty of 1.5% of the unpaid balance or $1.00, whichever is greater will be charged on all delinquent accounts that are greater than $10.00. No penalty will be charged on closed accounts. VIII. Accounts certified to the County Treasurer /Auditor for collection with the subsequent year's taxes will be charged a $35.00 service charge plus 18% interest per year. IX. Meter Access Surcharge $75.00 per month X. Water Shut -offs a) During normal business hours $30.00 b) After normal business hours $45.00 XI. Water Reconnections a) During normal business hours $30.00 b) After normal business hours $45.00 XII. Water Service Call a) During normal business hours $30.00 b) After normal business hours $45.00 XIII. Replace frost bottom $40.00 XIV. Testing of Water Meters (only if meter test correct) in accordance with Ordinance 7- 5 -4 -6. a) 5/8" to 1" $45.00 b) 1 1/4" to 2" $85.00 c) All other sizes contract cost (Minneapolis) plus 10% XV. Surcharge for water service (penalties) for violation of Ordinance 7 -5 -12 relating to Emergency (water) Regulations. 12 Schedule of Fees (continued) a) First violation Warning b) Second violation same calendar year $50.00 c) Third violation same calendar year $100.00 d) Fourth violation same calendar year $150.00 e) Fifth and subsequent violations $200.00 in same calendar year XVI. Residents with private septic systems shall be billed a private septic system fee of $2.97 /per year APPROVED by the Lakeville City Council this 16th day of December, 2013. CITY OF LAKEVILLE Matt Little, Mayor ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Clerk 13