HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-15-02,. ~~} CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETLNG JULY 15, 2002 A complete videotape of the City Council proceedings is retained for one year, Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance to the flag. was given. Roll call was taken. Present: Council Members Bellows, Mulvihill, Luick and Mayor Johnson. Absent: Council Member Rieb. Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; K. Nelson, City Engineer; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director;. D. Olson,. Community & Economic Development Director; D. Martens, Chief of Police; D. Morey, Planning Director; D. Volk, Director of Operations & Maintenance; J. Hennen, Assistant to City Administrator; C. Friedges, City Clerk. MINUTES The minutes of the July 1, 2002 City Council. meeting were approved as presented. STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTORNEY: None ENGINEER: None ADMINISTRATOR: Mr. Erickson provided copies of a letter from the Downtown Lakeville Business Association supporting the proposed renovation of the Ben Franklin. store building fagade, Agenda Item 8. PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR: Mr. Michaud presented the June monthly report of the Parks & .Recreation Department. • CHIEF OF POLICE: Chief Martens presented the June Police Department monthly report. Chief Martens recognized CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 15, 2002 PAGE 2 Lieutenant Tom Vonhof for successfully completing the FBI National Academy. PRESENTATIONS/INTRODUCTIONS Chief Martens introduced Brian Kluck, Communications Technician. Chief Martens also introduced Police Officers Jason Haider, Bradley Paulson and Thomas Stewart. Mayor Johnson. administered the oath of office to the three new police. officers. Mr. Michaud introduced Carla Kress, Adaptive Services Coordinator for the City of Eden Prairie. On behalf of the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association (MRPA) Awards Committee, Carta presented the MRPA Award of Excellence to the City of Lakeville for the Lakeville Area Arts Center Grand Opening project. CITIZENS' COMMENTS None • CONSENT AGENDA 02.86 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by Luick to approve. the consent agenda items as follows: a. Claims for payment. b. .June Investment Report.. c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings: - Economic Development. Commission., June 25, 2002 - Lakeville Ames Arena Committee, July 2, 2002 d. Agreement with Liesch Associates, Inc. to complete the Wellhead Protection Area 'Plan and update. the Well Siting stuay. e. Resolution No. 02-142 accepting donation from the Lakeville Lions Club to the Police Department Canine Program. ' CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 15, 2002 PAGE 3 f. Resolution No. 02-143 accepting donation from VFW Post 210 to the DARE Program. g. Resolution No. 02-144 accepting Seatbelt Challenge Grant funds from the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety. h. Resolution No. 02-145 amending the 2002 General Fund Budget relating to conference attendance by council members, police personnel changes, employee dental program and contingency account. i. Resolution No. 02-146 amending the 2002 Surface Water Management Utility Fund Budget relating to a wetland health evaluation project. j. Joint Powers Agreement with. Dakota County for the Wetland Health Evaluation Program. . k. Metropolitan Environmental Partnership Grant Agreement between the City of Lakeville and the Metropolitan Council (Timbercrest infiltration trenches).. I. Agreement with State of Minnesota, Department of Administration, for plan review anal inspection services for the new Lakeville high school. m. Oak Wilt Grant Agreement Amendment with the State of Minnesota, Department of Natural Resources. n. Easement Agreement with Northern States Power for power line relocation at County Road 60/I-35 Interchange, Improvement Project 99-12. o. Resolution No. 02-147 approving change orders No. 2 and 3 for the Lakeville Ames Arena seating project. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Bellows, Johnson, Mulvihill, Luick. • • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 15, 2002 PAGE 4 ITEM 8 Mr. Olson presented the request of John and Jerry Enggren to utilize Community Development Block Grant funds to renovate the fagade of the Ben Franklin store building. He explained that earlier this year, the City Council approved funding the Downtown Code Improvement Program with 2002 Community Development Block Grant funds. Charles Radloff of Charles Radloff Architects presented the. proposed renovation. project for the Ben Franklin store. The proposed fagade would create a design consistent with the Historic Fairfield District Guidelines,-with a second story false storefront. The design is architecturally compatible with the surrounding buildings and financially feasible for the building owners. The type and location of the building signage has not yet been determined.. Mr. Olson explained that the CDBG assistance would be in the • form of a reimbursement for the building code related improvements up to a maximum of $70,000. The owner is required to provide matching funds at least on a 1:1 basis. This is identical to terms of the grant agreement that was approved for the Smith Dental building project. Mr. Olson stated the Economic Development Commission .has reviewed the proposed fagade design for the Ben Franklin store and recommends approval.. A Fetter has been submitted by the Downtown Lakeville Business Association in support of the proposed project. 02.87 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Luick to approve the design concept for the Ben Franklin store fagade renovation. Roll call was taken on .the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Mulvihill, Luick, Bellows. ITEM 9 Mr. Olson presented the First Amendment to Contract for Private Redevelopment between the City of Lakeville and Coons Family LLC (Advanced Wireless Communications). Mr. Olson CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY Y 5, 2002 PAGE 5 explained that Coons Family LLC has requested several minor amendments to the original contract, which was previously approved by the City. Council on April 1, 2002. Coons Family LLC is requesting that the sale of the property be extended from July 1 to September 6, 2002, to allow additional time to obtain approval. of the necessary financing for the project. Coons Family LLC is also requesting that the completion date be extended until November 1, 2003. Mr. Olson explained that staff is working with-the City Attorney to incorporate an additional source of funding for the project. This source is the .City's Revolving Loan Fund that was created with the repayment of the DTED funded loan that was approved for the New Morning Windows project. Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendment to the Contract for .Private Redevelopment with Coons Family LLC on the basis that it allows the developer the additional time to obtain the necessary financial approvals for the project and still ensures that the City receives the same amount of captured tax increment that was assumed when the project was originally approved. 02.88 Motion was made. by Luick, seconded by Bellows to approve Resolution No. 02-148 approving the First Amendment to the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the City of .Lakeville and Coons Family, LLC. RoN call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Luick, Bellows, Johnson. ITEM 10 Steve Albrecht, Project Engineer for Morgan Square, LLC, requested Council approval of the preliminary plat of Morgan Square, which consists of 76 attached townhouse unit lots, eight common area lots and four outlots on 37.4 acres of land. Morgan Square is located south of 2D5t" Street, north of 210tH .Street and west of Keokuk Avenue and the Lakeville Theater. Mr. Morey explained that the preliminary plat initially proposed the development of 111 attached townhouse units on 17.6 acres, with the remaining 19.8 acres identified in an outlot with CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 15, 2002 PAGE 6 a ghost. plat showing a future townhouse development consistent with the RM-1 zoning district. He explained that a traffic analysis was conducted for Morgan Square, which identified Morgan Avenue as a minor collector street, being the only north-south connection between 205t" Street and County Road 70 west of Keokuk Avenue. Based on that analysis, staff recommended that Morgan. Avenue be platted with an 80-foot right of way, rather than the proposed 66-foot right of way. Staff also recommended that °no parking" signs be posted on both sides of Morgan Avenue and, based on that recommendation, the developer is required to maximize off- street guest parking spaces. Mr. Morey stated the developer requested a variance. from the guest parking setback requirement in order to avoid losing any townhouse units. The Planning Commission supported the developer's proposal; however, they preferred a rezoning to PUD rather than a variance with the Phase I final plat. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat of Morgan Square subject to stipulations recommended by the Planning Commission and the stipulations contained in the June 14t" and May lOt" planning reports. 02.89 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Mulvihill to approve the preliminary plat of Morgan Square. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Luick, Bellows.; Johnson, Mulvihill. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS None ANNOUNCEMENTS Next regular Council meeting, August`s, 2002 Council work session, July 30, 2002 .Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 15, 2002 PAGE 7 Respectfully submitted, harlene Frtedges ity Clerk Robert D. Jo son, Mayor •