HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06Item #6
To: Mayor, City Council & City Administrator
From: Brett Altergott, Parks & Recreation Director
Date: January 24, 2014
Subject: Mobile Vendors in Parks Policy
City of Lakeville
Parks & Recreation
In the fall during budget discussions, the question was raised why don't we have concession
operations at Antlers Park during the busy summer months? Up until 1986 we did run
concession operations at Antlers Park and due to staffing complications, inconsistent cash
flow due to inclement weather, product loss from theft, and cash handling concerns, to name
a few, we ceased operation. Since that time, the concession room in the building has been
used for storage. Fast - forward 28 years, the concession stand in its current condition, even if
cleaned up, would not meet the Minnesota Health Departments standards for the
preparation and sale of food.
If we would desire to offer park patrons a food and beverage service, we have a few options:
Remodel the Concession Stand
As stated above the concession stand has not been operated since 1986 and in its current
condition would not meet strict Minnesota Health Department standards. In addition, it is
staffs opinion that given the age of the building and the possibility that it could be replaced
as part of the Lake Marion /South Creek Greenway project staff would not recommend
spending significant dollars to bringing the building up to code. If and when the current
building is replaced, we could consider adding a concession stand that would meet current
health code and the City's security needs.
Vending Machines
Vending machines, one food and one beverage, could be placed against the
restroom /concession building near the beach. We could provide park patrons with water,
soft drink and dry food options at a reasonable price any and all days of the week. However,
vandalism /theft to vending machines left out in the open occurs often as they are seen as
easy cash grabs and the profits for the City would be nominal at best.
The cost to the City to operate vending machines would be limited to contract management
and electrical costs to operate the machines.
Mobile Food Unit
Mobile food units (trucks, trailers, carts, etc.) have the potential to provide our park patrons
with a service that we could not provide as efficiently or effectively. Todays modern mobile
food units provide customers with high quality cuisine at a low to moderate cost. However,
State Statute 157.22 subd. 9 states a mobile food unit cannot operate more than 21 days
annually at one place, this poses a challenge but can be overcome through negotiations with
selected vendor.
At this time, potential income to the City is unknown as this would be a new venture, yet
profits have the strong potential to be greater than vending machines. Furthermore, costs to
the City would be limited to staff time for management of the contract.
After looking into all of the options listed above, it is staffs opinion that the City strongly
consider contracting with a mobile food vendor to provide food and beverage service at
Antlers Park. Mobile food units will provide park patrons with a better quality product and
service than vending machines. In addition, revenues for the City are anticipated to be higher
and costs lower than that of vending machines.
Attached for your review is a draft RFP for Mobile Food and Beverage Vending at Antlers Park.
Included in the proposed RFP are guidelines for operations that include public safety,
cleanliness, trash /litter management, and vendor staff image /behavior.
Staff recommends contracting with a mobile food vendor for the food and beverage service
at Antlers Park for 21 mutually agreed upon days in 2014.
If Council Members have any questions prior to the work session, please feel free to contact
meat 985 -4601 or baltergottcmlakevillemn aov
City of Lakeville
January 24, 2014
The City of Lakeville is seeking proposals for Mobile Food Units to provide food /beverage concessions at
Antlers Park. Request for proposal packets may be obtained from the front desk at City Hall, 20195 Holyoke
Avenue, Lakeville, by visiting our website at www.lakevillemn.gov or by calling 952 - 985 -4600. Technical
questions regarding this Request for Proposal may be directed to Brett Altergott at 952 - 985 -4601.
Sealed responses will be received by the City of Lakeville Parks & Recreation Department until 10:00 a.m.
on Friday, April 4, 2014. Responses delivered later will not be accepted. The City of Lakeville is not
responsible for delays in delivery.
All responses to this request that are mailed through the United States Postal Service shall be addressed to
the City of Lakeville Parks and Recreation Department, 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044. Hand -
delivered responses, or responses not sent through the USPS shall be delivered to the City Hall front desk in
the City of Lakeville.
All proposals shall be placed in a sealed envelope, which is clearly marked "ANTLERS PARK MOBILE FOOD
UNIT." Responses by FAX will not be accepted.
The City of Lakeville reserves the right to cancel this request or reject any and all proposals submitted or to
waive any minor formalities of this call if in the judgment of the City Council the best interest of the City
would be served.
No respondent may withdraw their proposal after the hour set for the opening thereof, unless the award of
contract is delayed for a period exceeding ninety (90) days.
�i_te ° —
Brett Altergott
Parks & Recreation Director
20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, MN 55044
952 - 985 - 4400.952- 985 -4499 fax
The City of Lakeville is issuing this request for proposal (RFP) for mobile food vendors to provide high
quality, reasonably priced and diverse food for visitors at Antlers Park.
The City of Lakeville seeks proposals from food and beverage vendors both for regular operations and for
special events. The City expects to have a vendor operating regularly in Antlers Park beginning in the
spring of 2014.
The goal of the food and beverage program is to provide limited food and beverages in the park during
peak usage days and hours. A vendor will be selected for distinctive, tasty, affordable offerings with clean,
attractive and safe operations.
Any questions concerning the RFP must be submitted to the City in writing via e-mail to Brett Altergott,
Parks & Recreation Director at baltergott@lakevillemn.gov
The successful vendor must enter into a Professional Services Agreement with the City of Lakeville.
It is the City's intent to enter into a contract approximately by April 15, 2014. The City also reserves the
right to extend this contract for an additional two (2) years, extending in 12 month increments by mutual
agreement only if all terms and conditions remain the same.
Antlers Park is the City's most popular destination from Memorial through Labor Day weekends. The park
sits on the eastern shore of Lake Marion and has many amenities such as a swimming beach, sand
volleyball courts, horseshoe pits, playground, fishing pier and picnic shelters. Park patrons include young
families and children using the beach and playground, bikers, walkers, young adults playing volleyball as
well as families and organizations renting one of three shelters.
These instructions were developed to aid in proposal development. They also provide for a structured
format so reviewers can systematically evaluate several proposals. Each copy of the proposal package
must include all of the sections in the order indicated. Attachments should be clearly referenced and
identified to facilitate the review process. Each proposal shall include:
1. Photos or drawings of equipment
2. Photos or layout drawings of equipment or set -up
Operations Plan ( <1000 words)
The City seeks a vendor that recognizes that they,ae a critical co for to the image of the parks
and the City of Lakeville. The City will enforce standards for a to
and service level, but
more importantly, the City seeks a vendor wh N e a partner in mainta 1A these high standards.
In no more than 1000 words, RFP responses
1. Hours of Operation
I. Proposed hours ,months of ration. Given the goal of serving the
public, longer ho i eived fav '" ° The exact hours and days will be
specified in the con t bet a Vend the City of Lakeville. (The park is
een 1 OP AM). Ste 157.22 subd. 9 states a
Bile ~" ` unit ca t at than 21 days annually atone
ce.. K,
2 ., i ment
he ae of fo c." mg ,critical to the park. Therefore, the City expects
Hors t %%4 tisi e equip ppremiurn quality and design. Chosen vendor must
as hat ipme spected and permitted by the necessary agencies.
. <,
ii. Propos" ust inc
ay a. `" " plete list of on -site equipment, with dimensions for any large items
' (i fart or truck).
°.,. fi <,t,'ram of proposed layout, with dimensions. Vendors should propose
s #Ie minimum necessary footprint. Recognize that the location is highly
°'visible from all angles, which means the back of the MVU must be
c. Photos or renderings of key proposed equipment (i.e. cart or truck)
3. On -site Operations
I. Cleanliness Describe what measures will be taken to reduce spills, litter, etc., and
how the park will be kept clean
ii. Utilities There is no access to utilities on -site. Proposals which rely on generator
use to supply electricity must have prior approval from the City of Lakeville.
iii. On -site delivery and restocking All equipment must be removed from the site
every day, with accommodation for safe passage by members of the public.
Describe how the equipment will be delivered, removed and restocked daily.
iv. Other Describe the number and uniform /dress of the staff that the vendor intends
to dedicate to the park daily. Indicate if credit /debit cards, or alternative payment
types will be accepted for payment.
4. Required Documents
I. Copies of all necessary permits (State and County)
ii. Proof of Insurance
a. The City requires a current Certifirate of Insurance on the standard
"Acord" or comparable form with Ilowing:
✓ $1,000,000 minimum /96I liability
✓ City of Lakeville nam d� 'Ooclitional insured
(Supplier shall obtain, and keep in force, said insurani*ringe entire term of the contract)
iii. Contact information and 11 of recommeri tion from three (3) business
references. Y:
Food Service Experience (< 300 words)',
In no more than 300 words, descr,°il previous food experience of the owner and key staff,
especially outdoor and /or mobile o' Provide w ks to any relevant media (traditional or
social) about the owners or their busin '
Respondent must certi, .tt hey have n' ..�putstarid'Jim,de or " r regulatory violations with the
State of Minnesota, a y or the C .�f La fie�espo • ent must also state if they have
been cited for an ation by „of the re agencies- Ibe last five (5) years; if so, a written
explanation of the 'on(s) an utcomes m''d a included.
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Re�0dents must o Qse co M sation to is y of Lakeville. A proposal form is included in this
y *, posed pensation Proposed Operating Days
Antlers Park
Any vendor proposin4,Co q.4-electricity will be required to pay an additional monthly service charge.
Fee will be based on the ors electricity needs.
Each month's fee will be due in advance, on the first of the month. If permitting or other delays prevent
operations from beginning on the first of the month, a prorated portion of the month's fees will be due
the day prior to operations commencing.
A security deposit of $500 will be required of vendors. To accept and confirm offer, vendors will be
required to immediately pay a non - refundable $200 fee which will be applied to the security deposit.
The balance of the security deposit is due at contract signing.
Each proposal received in response to the RFP will be objectively evaluated based on:
1. Sale price of products
2. Quality and type of products and services
3. Proposed compensation
4. Days and hours of operation
5. Experience /references
Questions regarding this Request for Proposal may be directed to Brett Altergott at 952 - 985 -4601 or
The City will not reimburse Suppliers for any costs involved in the preparation and submission of responses
to this RFP or in the preparation for and attendance at subsequent interviews. Furthermore, this RFP does
not obligate the City to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services. The City reserves the right
to request any Supplier to clarify their proposal or to supply any additional material deemed necessary to
assist in the evaluation of the Supplier.
The City of Lakeville reserves the right to reject any or all responses if it determines that such action is in the
best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to modify, suspend or cancel any procurement at any
time at its sole discretion. Responses which do not meet basic requirements or those which fail to meet
minimum standards on any single evaluation criteria may be disqualified. Examples of basic requirements
that the respondent must meet:
1. submission of all information, materials and documents required by this RFP
2. demonstration of qualification and certification requirements outlined in this RFP
3. absence of financial problems
4. sufficient staff and /or vendors, facilities and a ui
q Pn'l. ,
In addition, the City of Lakeville may reject any respo fat contains , additions not called
for, omissions, errors, or irregularities of any kind; ed, howeverreserves the right to
waive any and all informalities or minor irregular' ncluding withoceipt of any omitted
materials or information subsequent to submission.The City will have no obligation to tre any informati b s proprietary or
confidential. The City's obligation wit t to protecti iscn mation will at all
times be subject to any applicable laws. ill have the to use all or portions of the proposer's
submittal and accompanying informatio ' it ers neces or desirable in connection with the
project in question. By the submission of th uire ation a aterials, the respondent grants to
the City of Lakeville an unf.; license to such i on an terials in connection with such
project. l"A
After receipt of propo11j;e City meat its disc r interview one or more respondents, during which
time such respondent wit ve the ortunity t sent its proposal and respond to questions; no
statement b f Laken such iew is binding on the City. The City of Lakeville
reserves rd find racts brbasi initial offers received, without discussions or
reques est an ffers. fiction of a ent does not imply that every element of that
propos been accepte .; resp ` `.ent's propo aI in response to this RFP will be incorporated into a
final contr etween the Ci Lake) "'` d the selected respondent(s). If a respondent is selected but
proves unab meet require s nece ` °ry for contract signing, the City reserves the right to select
another respon s a replace . Respondents not selected within this RFP process may be engaged
for future opportu that arise. x
The City f Lakeville f �:s onsible under an circumstances for an costs incurred b an
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respondents to this RFP.
Draft Vendor Guidelines
The following draft information is provided for guidance for respondents composing their RFP responses.
These draft guidelines are subject to change; a final version of the guidelines will be included in each
vendor contract.
Public safety
1. Vendors must relocate if requested by the City of Lakeville Of !�Jpls.
2. All equipment and resupplies must be hand - rolled /carro the vending location, except for food
trucks or as specifically authorized by the City o, ,, i'4 e. in writing. Drop - off or pick - up of
equipment must be conducted with extreme cayti due toe,highly public nature of the parks
and the significant pedestrian traffic. Vendors.,*.,.,t employ ev neasure necessary to minimize
danger to the general public.
3. The City of Lakeville does not provide
Vendors or their employees or suppliers.
4. Security and rule enforcer
Lakeville Parks & Recreation
5. Due to special events or other circuit
their customary 1204ft W, City will
Restrictions on items
1. The sale of bevera 1n glass ". les is
2. Tla�%rene p ing for
3. selling of nonft,and - age
by" . `' City of Lakevill e sells
pro or alcohol is st ly prON
Cleanliness and tidin
re rgd parking, in either tn*;�rks or elsewhere, for
- ponsibility of Lakeville Police Department and the
inces;c not al die possible for Vendors to utilize
wide as h+ vance ice to the vendor as possible.
ntalqors is prohibited.
items is prohibited unless specifically authorized in writing
i /or advertisement of cigarettes, cigars, any other tobacco
1. All equipment m4sibe oiioved from the site daily.
2. Food trucks authorized to vend in the parks must have drip pan(s) placed under parked vehicles'
engine and transmission; additionally pans must be placed under any other mechanical
equipment that may leak. Drip pans shall be secured in place once located under vehicles to
prevent them from movement caused by external forces such as wind and shall contain all fluids
from vehicles collected during the course of a day. Vendors shall transfer collected fluids without
spilling into a sealable container and dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Drip pans
shall be 26" x 36" minimum galvanized steel and shall be nonmarking. Vendors shall remove drip
pans from the park at the end of each day.
3. Food products, beverage, ice, etc. should be stored and displayed in a neat and orderly fashion
and in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, all
health code regulations. Other storage containers must be kept out of sight or stored off site. A
diagram of the planned layout for equipment on -site must be approved by the City of Lakeville.
4. All equipment must be kept clean and in good condition and in compliance with all applicable
laws, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, all health code regulations. In no event
may any Vendor equipment leak any type of fluid onto the ground. Vendor must keep equipment
clean, free of graffiti, and free of dents /other damage. Vendor shall clean, repair or replace
equipment if deemed necessary by the City of Lakeville.
5. All vending locations shall be kept neat and clean at all times, including but not limited to
refraining from the spilling of products and cooking liquids on or around vending area. Staining or
otherwise impairing paved surfaces on which the vending location is located will not be tolerated.
The Vendor will be required to cover the cost of power washing the site if deemed necessary by
the City.
Trash and litter
1. The City will remove trash from installed trash rece tom, ^d -r "w' in the park. If a nearby trashcan is
nearly full, the Vendor should call (952) 985- 460P.tt� �felp assure ely pickup.
2. Vendors must remove daily all trash generot 'by on -site operations:`"-,-
3. Vendors are responsible for collection and trar srtpffsitel recyclables.
4. Vendors are responsible for pic d_ removing fq the site all litter within 10' of their
designated area. The City also ex s ' s to make - �Pnable efforts to assure cleanliness in
the general area.
Customer Count Inform
1. Each Vendor ma1 jiupply the ` l'y with the ber of customers served each day. These figures
must be supplied WW'
,4m on the firs f every month. (This information will help the City
of LO ss par*iae the : program and will be kept confidential.)
Vending image and beh W
a". �>
1. Vendo � � d employees rat be cleAti -and neat in appearance, and conform to all health code
v ,
2. Vendors must ag� up9 inn -site employees' planned dress /uniforms with the City.
3. No music or other amplified sounds are permitted in connection with the Services.
4. Vendors and their employees will only engage in behavior and speech conducive to good business
practice and civility. Inappropriate language and behaviors will not be tolerated. Smoking, the use
of alcohol, and /or the use of drugs are not permitted.
5. Vendors are not permitted to use the following offensive marketing techniques: hawking, calling
attention to products in a loud repetitive public manner, and selling products in an aggressive way.
6. Vendors must, upon the written request of the City, immediately remove from service any
employees who, in the reasonable opinion of the City, are guilty of improper conduct, are not
qualified to perform the work assigned to them or are otherwise unsatisfactory to the City of
7. Disrespect or disobedience to an identified City employee constitutes grounds for immediate
suspension of operations.
8. Owner must certify that all employees have passed criminal background check.
Causes of denial of selling privileges; disciplinary actions
2. Non - payment of Fees or
regulations detailed herein, or who fail to comply wi 'Pelevan Uws, rules or regulations (federal,
state and local), this Vendor Contract, or otheri'lles established aY City of Lakeville. At the
City's option, such actions may include, b t4ronot limited to, fines ( vided herein),
suspension of selling privileges, revocatiori"is contract, or any othe is or remedies
available to the City of Lakeville at law or in eq Wq. � ..
The City reserves the right to take action against Verb 14 0"° ,violate any of the rules and
is grounds f&#
#nediate contract termination.
u Y,
Examples of violations include, but Sknot)*4Wto, (i) mis n9 or unauthorized signage; (ii)
overcharging; (iii) �"nding; (iv) imp pr dispo�t fluids; (vi) equipment
obviously dam `or iii`p r repair; (vi raffiS entbr umbrella; (viii) unauthorized
advertising; (i *wing or ven(ag at unau ;-
improper storage; (xi) missing drip
4. If jl y a rulesw ° regulatib viols l " the vendor may be fined for each and every 2 y Z
,,OWnse. Violate ill be i� ssed a fee`etji J, o the cost to remedy the violation(s). This fee may
fia lyde labor, mat4 etc. as i'f+i:City of Lakeville sees fit to correct the violation(s).
5. If a find'" _ eceived for onk�tf the abd` ' violations, Vendor may appeal to the City of Lakeville if
Vendor fine has bon assessed in error. The steps are below:
a. If Veolor wants to meal the fine, a notice of appeal must be delivered to the City within
ten (10j•tloys alb with a statement of reasons why he or she believes the fine was
erroneous. TI* statement of reasons must be notarized. Any evidence supporting
Vendor's appeal (such as photographs, documents, and witness statements) should also
be included.
b. If no appeal is received with 10 days of the date the assessment is mailed, the fines shall
be considered final and due on the 1 st day of the following month.
All Vendors and their employees shall inform themselves about and comply with all applicable federal,
state and local laws as well as health regulations and licensing requirements governing the production,
display, distribution, sampling and sale of their products.
City, County and State permits and regulations
1. Vendors are responsible for acquiring all necessary City, County and State permits and abiding by
all relevant rules and regulations, including the Minnesota Health Department and the City Fire
2. Vendors are subject to periodic, unannounced checks by OyOepartments and are subject to their
3. All permits (Fire, Health, etc.) must be kept at +�nding IocatGnd shall be presented on
4. Vendors must follow all tax laws.`
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This form must be signed by a person authorized to make proposals and enter into contract negotiations
on behalf of your agency. To be considered for this project, the submittals must be completed in
accordance with this RFP and this cover sheet must be attached. Failure to submit this form will result in your
proposal being deemed non - responsive.
The undersigned proposer does hereby agree to furnish the City of Lakeville the items listed in
accordance with the Specifications shown by the Invitation for Propo #to be delivered to the specified site
for the price indicated.
� r
Authorized Official (Signature)
Print Name of Authorized Official
Company Name
Title 09'"horized Offs '
Y< Z
.« •.;
,y ¢ 4
Phone Number I Y om£ s
�:� Fax Number
E -mail A y ' "' Federal Tax ID#
4" ' a; a: #NANCIAL OFFER
Respondents mus�.rApose comp °ration to the City of Lakeville in the area provided below. This form
must be signed by ai , thorized p ion representing the proposer.
°aposed Compensation Proposed Operating Days
Antlers Park