HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-26-13CITY OF LAKEVILLE
November 26, 2013
Chair Starfield called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. in the Marion Conference Room
at City Hall.
Members Present: Comms. Matasosky, Emond, Vlasak, Akason, Starfield, Smith,
Mayor Matt Little, Ex- officio member Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce Executive
Director Todd Bomhauser, Ex- officio member City Administrator Steve Mielke.
Members Absent: Comms. Schubert, Tushie, Longie.
Others Present: David Olson, Community & Economic Development Director; Adam
Kienberger, Economic Development Specialist.
2. Approval of October 29, 2013 meeting minutes
Motion Comms. Matasosky / Emond moved to approve the minutes of the
October 29, 2013 meeting as presented. Motion carried
3. Review and Discussion of Recommended 20142016 Strategic Plan for
Economic Development
Mr. Kienberger reviewed the draft 2014 -2016 Strategic Plan for Economic
Development with the EDC.
Comm. Matasosky noted that this document is a vision for the EDC, not a strict
policy. Mr. Olson added that Craig Rapp indicated during planning sessions that
the EDC is setting goals to shoot for in this document. Mayor Little further added
that the document is a method for providing a guide for what we're trying to do.
Chair Starfield asked about the strategic priority of "High Density Housing" and how
that might move forward. Comm. Smith responded that the EDC should first
address the strategic initiative in the document by establishing "Housing Goals ". It
will be market driven, but should remain a part of the vision and awareness within
the document.
Comm. Emond stated that this document is a recommendation from the EDC to the
City Council about the City's economic development activities. Mr. Mielke added
that the City Council will likely be having a discussion about housing goals within
the City that will be supported by this document.
Comm. Matasosky added that there is an increasing market for apartments for both
seniors and transit - oriented young professionals.
Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes, November 26 2013 Page 2
Mr. Olson concluded that with a recommendation of the 2014 -2016 being accepted
by the City Council, staff will work to draft a work plan and priorities for the 2014-
2016 economic development activities.
Motion Comms. Smith /Matasosky moved to recommend forwarding the
2014 -2016 Strategic Plan for Economic Development document to
the City Council. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Update on Business Marketing Activities
Mr. Kienberger provided an update on the current marketing activities and noted
that staff will be exploring additional opportunities during the first quarter of 2014.
5. Review of Met Council Preliminary 2040 Population and Household and
Employment Forecasts
Mr. Olson reviewed the preliminary Met Council 2040 Population and Household
and Employment Forecasts for Lakeville and noted that the Met Council will be
reviewing and updating their model and forecasts.
6. Director's Report
Mr. Olson reviewed the Director's Report and provided an update on the growing
number of new residential developments.
7. Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
Ily submitted by:
Adam Kienber, Recording Secretary