HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.bCITY OF LAKEVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 3, 2014 Mayor Little called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Members Present: Mayor Little, Council Members Davis, Swecker, Anderson and LaBeau Staff Present: Steve Mielke, City Administrator; Elliott Knetsch, City Attorney; Captain Kevin Manias; Chris Petree, Public Works Director; David Olson, Community & Economic Development Director; Dennis Feller, Finance Director; Brett Altergott, Parks & Recreation Director; Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Allyn Kuennen, Administrative Services Manager; Charlene Friedges, City Clerk 3. Citizen Comments None 4. Additional Agenda Information None S. Presentations /Introductions On behalf of the Lakeville Rotary Club, President Jim Christian recognized the efforts of Liquor Director Brenda Visnovec and Arts Center Coordinator Tom Barnard for their contributions to the community. Mr. Christian presented a Paul Harris Fellowship plaque and pin to Ms. Visnovec and Mr. Barnard. Mr. Petree presented the January Public Works Department monthly report. Mr. Olson presented the 2013 Economic Development Annual Report. 6. Consent Agenda Motion was made by LaBeau, seconded by Davis to approve the consent agenda items as follows: a. Claims for payment b. Minutes of the January 6, 2014 City Council meeting c. Minutes of the January 21, 2014 City Council meeting d. Minutes of the January 21, 2014 special Council meeting City Council Meeting Minutes, February 3, 2014 Page 2 e. Minutes of the December 9, 2013 Council work session f. Resolution No. 14 -06 appointing City Council committees g. Easement assignments and Resolution No. 14 -07 designating "no parking" for the CSAH 50/60 roundabout and highway expansion h. Release of Development Contract for Lot 1, Block 1, Lakeville Commerce Center i. Contract with Rent -N -Save Portable Services to provide and service portable restrooms j. Final acceptance of public utilities in Spirit of Brandtjen Farms 12th Addition k. Final acceptance of public streets in Jamesdale Estates 3 Addition 1. Water Treatment Facility Meeting Room Use Policies and Fees m. Contract with Rosenbauer Minnesota LLC for the purchase of a 78 -foot ladder fire truck Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Davis, Little, Swecker, Anderson, LaBeau 7. 2014 Legislative Priorities Administrative Services Manager Allyn Kuennen presented the 2014 Legislative Priorities, as reviewed and revised at the Council's January 28th work session. He explained that the adoption of legislative priorities is intended to portray the City's position on a variety of issues and to communicate to Lakeville's residents, legislators, county and state officials, lobbying organizations and other interested parties Lakeville's position on a variety of significant legislative topics. Council Members LaBeau and Anderson expressed concern with using the term "affordable" housing and felt that the term "attainable" is more appropriate. Council members agreed that the document should be clear that the City opposes any mandated housing requirements. Mr. Mielke suggested an amendment to Page 11, Paragraph IV.B. Policy, with the last sentence to read, "In addition, the City opposes any mandated housing requirements." City Council Meeting Minutes, February 3, 2014 Page 3 Council Member Anderson stated the City Council needs to ensure that the City has housing that offers the ability for businesses to develop and grow in the community. Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Anderson to adopt the City of Lakeville 2014 Legislative Priorities, as amended. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes - Little, Swecker, Anderson, LaBeau, Davis 8. Unfinished business: None 9. New business: None 10. Announcements: Next regular Council meeting, Tuesday, February 18, 2014 Mayor Little adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Charlene Friedges, City Clerk Matt Little, Mayor