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MAY 6, 2002
A complete video tape of the City Council proceedings
is retained for one year.
Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The
pledge of allegiance to the flag was given..
Roll call was taken. Present: Council Members Bellows,
Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick and Mayor Johnson.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City
Administrator; K. Nelson, City Engineer; D. Feller, Finance
Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director; D. Olson,
Community & Economic Development Director; D. Martens,
Police Chief; D. Morey, Planning Director; D. Volk, Director of
.Operations & Maintenance; J. Hennen, Assistant to City
Administrator; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
The minutes of the April 15, 2002, City Council meeting and
the April 8, 2002, Council work session were approved as
On behalf of the Economic Development Commission, Dick
Miller introduced Mike Muller, President and CEO of Muller
Family Theaters.
MAY 6, 2002
presented the April monthly report of the Operations &
Maintenance Department.
Don Volk introduced new Utility Department employees, Troy
Rezac and Cory Smith. He also recognized and introduced two
Utility Department employees, Nathan Grossman and Dan
McCarthy, who recently received their Water Operators'
Licenses from the Minnesota Department of Health.
Mr. Erickson introduced Ann Thomas, who will be coordinating
the Leadership Lakeville program. Ms. Thomas provided an
overview of the Leadership Program, which was created
through a collaborative effort of a number of community
organizations. The program seeks to orient a group of up to 24
individuals to community systems and issues. The program
will begin in the fall of 2002.
Senior Center Coordinator Linda Walter, along with Senior
Citizens Vice President Helen Zweber, asked the City Council to
proclaim the week of May 12-18 as Senior Center Week 'rn
Lakeville. Council Member Bellows read the proclamation.
Ms. Walter and Ms. Zweber also requested a proclamation
designating May 29, 2002, as Senior Health and Fitness Day in
Lakeville. Council Member Mulvihill read the proclamation.
Randy Peterson, 9711. - 170t" Street West, expressed concern
regarding a ponding area that is being constructed near his
property in the Lynwood Heights subdivision. He stated the
pond is being built at an elevation that is 10 feet higher than
the elevation of his basement floor. He asked for a written
statement from the City outlining the precautions that are
being put in place to assure that the pond will not adversely
impact his property.
i Mayor Johnson indicated that the Council would consider Mr.
Peterson's concerns under New Business.
MAY 6, 2002
Sandi Raines, 16775 Iredale Path, addressed the City Council
with regard to the Argonne Farms neighborhood and future
improvements to the County Road 50/I-35 area. Mayor
]ohnson stated the Council would consider Ms. Raines'
comments under Item No. 10 on the agenda.
Council members added Item 12 to the consent agenda.
02.57 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Luick to approve
the consent agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee
• Park, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee, April 17,
Planning Commission, April 18, .2002
Economic Development Commission, April 23, 2002
c. Resolution No. 02-90 accepting donations for Community
.Clean-up Day.
d. Resolution No. 02-91 authorizing the sale of a forfeited
e. Grant of Permanent Easement, Temporary Construction
Easement and Special Assessment Agreement with Vincent
and Patricia Huber, 9990-192nd Street West, Improvement
Project 98-10.
f. Resolution No. 02-92 designating forfeited property and
appropriating said funds to Police Department for canine
unit purposes.
g. Resolution No. 02-93 approving application for conveyance
• of tax-forfeited lands for Parcel 22-21177-120-05.
MAY 6, 2002
h. Ordinance No. 712 amending Title 5, Chapter 1 of the
Lakeville City Code concerning dog License tags.
i. Resolution No. 02-94 approving plans and. specifications
and setting a bid date for District 7 sealcoating and
miscellaneous street repairs, Improvement Project 02-06.
j. Resolution No. 02-95 receiving bids and awarding contract
for Improvement Projects 01-02, I-35 trunk sewer
crossing, 02-04, Antlers Park storm water treatment
facility, and 02-05, Oak Shores Park parking lot
k. Metropolitan. Environmental Partnership's Grant with
Metropolitan Council for the Springbrook Infiltration
I. Mechanical amusement device license to Theisen Vending
Company for 13 amusement devices at Babe's Sportsbar &
• Grill.
m. Resolution No. 02-96 accepting donation of $500 from
Dakota Electric for the 2002 Safety Camp.
n. Resolution No. 02-97 accepting donation of $3,500 from
Lakeville Lions for the 2002 Puppet Wagon program.
o. Resolution No. 02-98 accepting donation of $2,500 from
Lakeville Lions for the 2002 Pan-O-frog 4t" of July events.
p. Resolution No. 02-99 receiving bids and awarding contract
for Improvement Project 01-07, tennis court construction
at Bunker Hill Park and Dodd Trail Park.
q. Agreement with Independent Contractor, Scientwists -Kris
Traczyk Henry and Julie Kalina Jensen.
r. Resolution No. 02-100 accepting donation (approximate
value of $28,000) from Lakeville Baseball Association to
fence outfields on Fields 7 and 8 at King Park.
MAY 6, 2002
s. Resolution No. 02-101 accepting donation of 22 bluebird
houses from Bob Alexander to the Parks Department.
t. Vermillion River Storm Water Management Memorandum
of Understanding (revised).
u. Resolution No. 02-102 authorizing the disposal of assets.
v. Resolution No. 02-103 amending the General Fund Budget.
w. Special Assessment Agreement with Ronald and Carol
Weishaar, 9360 Bluebill Bay Road.
12. Resolution No. 02-105 approving the final plat of Spring
Hill Second Addition.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Bellows, Johnson,
Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick.
• ITEM 9
Environmental Resources Coordinator Barb Moeller presented
the 2001 Environmental Resources Annual Report. A summary
of work completed in 2001 includes the following:.
Wetland Management Plan (70% completed)
South Creek Maintenance/Restoration
Stormceptor Cleaning
Street Sweeping
South Creek Monitoring
Storm Sewer Stenciling
Wetland Health Evaluation Program (WHEP)
Riverwatch Volunteer Stream Monitoring
Citizen Assisted Monitoring Program (CAMP)
Ms. Moeller then presented the proposed 2002 Work Plan,
which includes:
Wetland Management Plan (complete)
South Creek Maintenance
• Environmental Resources City Web Site
Stormwater Pond Cleaning
MAY 6, 2002
Stormceptor Cleaning
Stormceptor Installation
Street Sweeping
South Creek Monitoring
Storm Sewer Stenciling Program
Adopt A Pond Stewardship Program
Wetland Health Evaluation Program (WHEP)
Riverwatch Volunteer Stream Monitoring
Citizen Assisted Monitoring Program (CAMP)
Steve McComas of Blue Water Science then presented results
of lake management projects that were completed in 2001 on
Lake Marion, Orchard Lake and Valley Lake. He reported the
- Lake Marion -.Eurasian water milfoil is not as great a
threat as once thought on Lake Marion. Milfoil, however,
continues to be present in several locations. Monitoring
will continue in 2002.
• - Orchard Lake -Curly leaf pond weed is a recreational
nuisance present on Orchard Lake, which dies back in
early summer and enhances algae blooms.
- Valley Lake -Barley straw has been used at Valley Lake
to inhibit algae growth. Measurable improvement was
apparent in 2001.
Mr. McComas-then provided an overview of 2002 lake
management projects on Valley Lake, Orchard Lake, Lee Lake
and Lake Marion.
02.58. Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Luick receive the
Environmental Resources 2001 Annual Report and 2002 Work
Plan and approve an Agreement for Engineering Services with
Blue Water Science for 20.02 lake management and shoreland
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Mulvihill,
Rieb, Luick, Bellows.
MAY 6, 2002
Mr. Nelson presented a proposal by SRF Consulting Group for a
preliminary design and. layout for the I-35/County Road 5/50
interchange area.. He explained, that this is the first step in
officially mapping the east area interchange right-of-way
alignments. Mr. Nelson pointed out some of the different
roadway alternatives, including the realignment of Kenrick
Avenue with Junelle Path to help alleviate some of the
congestion at Highway 50 and I-35. He explained that the City
applied for Federal transportation funds in 1999 and 2001 for
the interchange but did not qualify to receive those funds. He
further explained that Dakota County has not performed a
detailed analysis for the ultimate design of Highway 50. After
the final layout and design is approved, the City can proceed
with surveying and right of way mapping required to
accommodate these roadway improvements.
Dennis Eyler of SRF Consulting Group presented the Proposal
• and Scope of Services for Development of a Preliminary Design
Layout, Traffic Forecast and Traffic Operations Evaluation for
CSAH 5/50 in the Vicinity of the I-35 Interchange in Lakeville.
He provided a brief overview of the 21 work tasks necessary to
complete this project. (See development proposal by SRF
Consulting Group dated May 1, 2002, on file in the City Clerk's
office.) The estimated cost to perform all services listed in
Tasks 1-21 would not exceed $225,000.. He explained .that the
project schedule includes. several public meetings, individual
meetings with property owners and joint City Council/Planning
Commission meetings.
Mr. Erickson read an a-mail from the County Assessor to
County Commissioner Krause regarding market impacts and
adjustments in land. valuations in the I-35/County Road 50
area due to the moratorium that was. recently adopted by the
City Council. Mr. Erickson referenced a January 2002
legislative study of state funding for local road improvements,
which indicated that Dakota County has the greatest annual
funding shortfall of any. county. Dakota County controls County
Road 50; however, the County. does not have this project in its
capital improvement plan. City staff recently pointed out to
MAY 6, 2002
Dakota County the need to acquire right-of-way in this
interchange area, which may cost as much as $5 million.
Sandy Raines, 16775 Iredale Path, spoke on behalf of the.
residents who. live in the Argonne Farms development, south of
175t" Street and east of County Road 50. Sherstated these
parcels have been zoned for commercial use for the past 27
years; however, the property owners are not able to sell. their
property for commercial use due to the fact that these parcels
do not have City sewer, water or gas service. She explained
that the property owners have been tied. to purchase
agreements with a commercial developer for the past four
years. She asked why this area has been ignored over the past
four years, while other commercial sites have been allowed to
develop along County Roads 50 and 60 (i.e. Perkins
Restaurant, HOM Furniture, Target and several bank buildings).
She stated the residents have been waiting four years to sell
their property. They do not support the 12-month moratorium
that the City Council recently adopted. She begged the City
• Council to help these residents now and not force them to wait
another year.
Mr. Erickson urged Ms. Raines to address those comments to
the Dakota County Board of Commissioners. He explained that
the City of Lakeville is moving forward on this project in the
interest of the"residents who live there and because Dakota
County does not have this. project included in its five-year
Capital Improvement Plan. Mr. Erickson read a list from
Dakota County of approximately 15 issues why the County is
not ready to approve the United Properties proposal for the
County Road 50/176t" Street improvements. He pointed out
that it is the same type of list. that the City received from the
County for a project on Cedar Avenue and Dodd Boulevard.
The necessary improvements to Dodd Boulevard. for that
commercial project will be the responsibility of the developer.
Mr. Erickson explained that the City of Lakeville was pursuing
the necessary improvements to the I-35/County Road 60
interchange over a year in advance of the Target proposal
.being submitted by the Avalon Group. Target has ultimately
helped get the funding to improve the interchange. HOM
Furniture was chosen for the site over a Cub grocery store due
MAY 6, 2002
to the fact that HOM Furniture is a lower intense use. The
current traffic system would not have been able to handle a
Cub grocery store. He further explained that HOM Furniture
donated approximately 1/5 of its site for interchange
improvements recommended by SRF Consulting Group for the
west side of the interchange.
Mayor Johnson emphasized to Ms. Raines that the City Council
is taking a bold step by pursuing these improvements on
County Road 50. The City Council has been waiting for Dakota
County to take the initiative on this project. He stated he
understands the frustrations of the residents and feels that by
adopting the moratorium and pursuing the official mapping,
this project can finally move forward.
02.59 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Rieb to approve a
Proposal and Scope of Services with SRF Consulting Group, Inc.
for Development of a Preliminary Design Layout, Traffic
Forecast and Traffic Operations Evaluation for CSAH 5/50 in the
• Vicinity of the I-35 Interchange in Lakeville.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick,
Bellows, Johnson.
Mr. Morey presented the preliminary and final plat of Century
Ridge 2~d Addition, which consists of 10 townhouse lots and
one common area lot on Land located in the northwest corner of
190th Street and Dodd Boulevard. He explained that the
developer has purchased the two exception parcels in the
southeast corner of the plat ar~d has included them in the
preliminary and final plat of Century Ridge 2"d Addition. Mr.
Morey explained that there is an existing single-family home on
the property, with a driveway access to Dodd Boulevard. A
$10,000 security is required in the development contract to
guarantee removal of the house, driveway, overhead utility
lines and septic system. The Planning Commission, Parks,
Recreation & Natural Resources Committee, Dakota County Soil.
& Water Conservation District and the Dakota County Plat
Commission have reviewed the preliminary and final plat and
all recommend approval. The developer has submitted revised
MAY 6, 2002
plans that .meet two additional stipulations recommended by
the Planning Commission.
02.60 Motion was made by Rieb, seconded by Bellows to approve
Resolution No. 02-104 approving the preliminary and final plat
of Century Ridge 2nd Addition.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Rieb, Luick, Bellows,
Johnson, Mulvihill.
The City Council considered the concerns raised by Randy
Peterson under Citizens' Comments regarding the construction
of a ponding area in the Lynwood Heights development. City
Engineer Keith Nelson explained that the ponding area is being
constructed in accordance with the best management practices
promoted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, as well as
the Dakota County .Soil & Water Conservation District. He
explained that due to the fact that Mr. Peterson has had some
drainage problems in the past, staff has assured Mr. Peterson
that the pond lining would be engineered. Staff received a
copy of a letter today .from Braun Intertec to the developer,
Ryan Contracting Company, which indicates that a 2 to 2-1/2
footthick pond liner consisting of clay soils has recently been
placed in the south mitigation pond, which. meets the
permeability requirements established by the City of Lakeville.
In addition, the developer has agreed to install drain the along
the property line between Mr. Peterson's house and the pond
as an additional safeguard. The drain the will be 1 to 1-1/2
feet below the floor elevation of Mr. Peterson's basement.
Mr. Peterson asked for a written summary outlining the steps
being taken to assure that the ponding area in Lynwood
Heights. would not adversely impact his property. Mr. Nelson
will prepare a statement.
• Next regular Council meeting, May 20, 2002
MAY 6, 2002
Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
arlene Friedges, Cit Clerk
Robert D. Jo nson, Mayor