March, 2014
MARCH 2014
1.All construction drawings must be submitted on mylar as a record drawing upon completion of the
project. For record drawing specifications, see Construction Record Drawing Requirements section
2.The maximum plan sheet size shall be 24” x 36”.
3.The mylar shall be minimum 4 mil thickness.
4.The mylar shall be submitted in black ink, only.
1.All construction plans approved after January 1, 2006 must be submitted electronically at the time of
plan approval. The electronic version must include coordinates for all items using the City point
code list as follows:
101Curb Stop
102 Fire Hydrant
103Junction Box
106Water Meter Vault
109Water Valve
110 Waterline ARV (Air Relief) MH
111Waterline Bend
112 Waterline Corp
114Waterline Cross
115Waterline Curb Box
116Waterline Hydrant Valve
117 Waterline Plug
120Waterline Sleeve
121 Waterline Tee
122Waterline Wet Tap
202 Pump
204Sanitary Sewer Cleanout
206 Sanitary Sewer FM ARV MH
208Sanitary Sewer Manhole Invert
209 Sanitary Sewer Manhole Rim
210Sanitary Sewer Plug
211 Sanitary Sewer Service Bend
212Sanitary Sewer Service Tee
213 Sanitary Sewer Service Wye
301Arch Pipe - Flared End
302Arch Pipe – Invert
306Corrugated Metal Pipe (Invert)
307 Corrugated Metal Pipe (Top)
308Environmental Manhole
313 Reinforced Concrete Pipe Invert
314Reinforced Concrete Pipe Top
March, 2014
317 Storm Drop Inlet Top/Grade
319Storm Sewer Beehive
320Storm Sewer Bend
321Storm Sewer Box Culvert Invert
322 Storm Sewer Boxed Culvert Rim
323Storm Sewer CB INV
324Storm Sewer CB Rim
325Storm Sewer Flared End Section
327 Storm Sewer Manhole Invert
328Storm Sewer Manhole Rim
351Drain Tile Bend
352Drain Tile Clean out
353Drain Tile Invert
355Drain Tile Plug
356Drain Tile Wye
2.The electronic file must be in AutoCAD.DWG or *.DXF and pdf format.
3.The electronic file must have layered designations for various items and text as indicated by the table
named “Minimum Layering Requirements.”
4.The intent of the layering requirements is to separate various items of the drawing. The general
concept of the layering is to separate:
Proposed features from existing features
Proposed text labeling from existing text labeling
Different utilities of the construction project
Proposed lateral and trunk features from utility services
5.Additional layering from that indicated by the Minimum Layering Requirements is encouraged, and
can be completed according to your needs and/or company policy.
“layer description list”
6.All electronic files must be accompanied by a that identifies the elements of
each layer or level.
7.Horizontal control of the Construction Record Drawings must be on Dakota County Coordinate
8.Vertical control of Construction Record Drawings must be on the City’s Benchmark System. The
vertical control loop tying the project to the City’s benchmark must be submitted with the Record
9.Construction record drawings (As-Builts) must be submitted electronically. The as-builts must be
drawn to indicate the as-constructed locations of the utilities. The coordinates for the listed items
must be included in the drawing as-builts.
10.All x referenced drawings, linetypes, fonts etc. shall be included with drawing files and submitted on
11.See Standard Plate LV-ST-11 for MnOps requirements.
Minimum Layering Requirements
1. Legend, bar scales, north arrows, headings and sheet numbers, match lines and text, sheet
references and other general information
2. Removals, hatching, shading, etc.
3. Existing underground utilities (gas, electric, telephone, cable TV)
4. Existing property lines, right-of-way lines and easements
5. Existing sanitary sewer and services
6. Existing sanitary sewer text
7. Existing watermain and services (Format, move to above 8 and below header)
March, 2014
8. Existing watermain text
9. Existing storm sewer
10. Existing storm sewer text
11. Existing draintile and draintile service stubs
12. Existing draintile text
13. Existing curb line or edge of pavement
14. Text for miscellaneous existing items
15. Proposed sanitary sewer, sanitary sewer service and appurtenances
16. Proposed sanitary sewer, sanitary sewer service, text
17. Proposed watermain and water service and appurtenances
18. Proposed watermain text and water service
19. Proposed storm sewer and appurtenances
20. Proposed storm sewer text
21. Proposed draintile and appurtenances
22. Proposed draintile text
23. Proposed curb lines, walks, trails, etc.
24. Proposed street construction text
25. Centerline
26. Proposed vertical alignment
27. Proposed vertical alignment text
28 Proposed underground private utilities (electric, gas, telephone, cable) conduit locations
29. Points with x,y,z, Dakota County coordinates for all listed items using the City point code list
For grading plans or when applicable:
30. Existing contours
31. Existing contour text
32. Proposed contours
33. Proposed contour text
34 Garage and lowest floor elevations
35 Spot Elevations
As noted previously, additional layering is encouraged. However, placing similar items on multiple
layers is not acceptable.
A.One plan sheet shall show the overall layout of existing and proposed streets, sanitary sewer,
watermain, storm sewer and draintile.
The following items must be shown on the cover sheet:
1.North arrow and scale (1”=100’) – Maximum sheet size = 24” x 36”
2.Construction plan and profile sheet numbers
3.Street names
4.Legend with sheet numbers and description
March, 2014
A. May be shown on separate sheets or combined on one.
B. The following information shall be shown (North arrow up or to the right all sheets):
1.Scale: 1”=50’ horizontal and 1”=5’ vertical – Maximum sheet size = 24” x 36”
2.Sizes of mains
3.Types of mains, class of pipe including services
4.Lengths of mains
5.Sizes and types of manholes (if other than standard)
6.Proposed grades of sewer mains
7.Invert elevations of manholes must be from center of manhole to center of manhole. Include
rim elevations and manhole builds.
8.Elevations on inverts of all sanitary sewer stubs
9.Arrows indicating the direction of flow on the sanitary sewer plan views
10.Number of each sanitary sewer structure on both plan and profile views, stationing of
sanitary sewer structures on profile view
11.Proposed mainline pipe crossings on the profile views
12.Proposed storm sewer shown in plan views
13.Service locations and wye stationing on the plan view (from the main line to the utility
easement line) and proposed invert elevations 15’ past the right-of-way line. Risers must be
listed for each lot if needed. Elevation of the top of the water service stop box at the right-of-
way line.
14.Hydrant and valve locations on the plan view, stationing of all fittings and size, Top Nut
Hydrant Elevations
15.Existing profile over mainline pipe
16.Finished profile over mainline pipe
17.Street names
18.Lot and block numbers must be included on all As-built plans
19.Location of all existing utilities within 150 l.f. of project
20.Existing and proposed easements
21.Proposed street widths of curb and gutter
A. May be shown on separate sheets or combined on one.
B. The following information shall be shown (North arrow up or to the right on sheets):
1.Scale: 1”=50’ horizontal and 1”=5’ vertical – Maximum sheet size 24” x 36”
2.Sizes of storm sewer pipe
3.Types of storm sewer pipe, class of pipe
4.Lengths of storm sewer pipe
5.Sizes and types of manholes and catch basins (if other than standard)
6.Proposed grades of storm sewer pipe
7.Proposed drainage swale locations, elevations and typical section
8.Elevations on all inverts and elevations of castings of all storm sewer structures
9.Arrows indicating the direction of flow on the storm sewer plan views
10.Number of each storm sewer structure on both plan and profile views
11.Proposed watermain and sanitary sewer shown in plan views
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12.Proposed storm sewer pipe crossings on the storm sewer profile views
13.Existing profile over storm sewer pipe
14.Finished profile over storm sewer pipe
15.Show concrete walks and bituminous paths
16.Typical street sections
17.Finished centerline street elevations every 50 feet, vertical curve data and stationing
18.Top of curb elevations at the beginning, mid-point and end of all radii at all street
19.Street names
20.Lot and block numbers must be included on all As-built plans
21.Existing and proposed easements/right-of-ways
22.All conduit crossings for private utility installation to be completed by contractor
C. Draintile information to be shown:
1.Size, type and location of pipe
2.Length and stationing of service wyes and clean-outs. Clean-outs to be installed every 150
l.f. and at all dead ends of tile. Draintile street crossing to be installed every 400 l.f. of street,
at intersections and at low points. Clean-outs installed at the ends of crossings 3-feet behind
the curb only if not connected to a structure, and at the end of all draintile services.
3.If depth of draintile is other than City Standard (Detail Plate LV-STM-9), show top and
invert elevations of clean-outs and invert elevations of service stubs at their terminus.
Identify slope of the draintile.
4.6-inch PVC perforated draintile will be required for all mainline applications with 4-inch
service stubs provided to back edge of easement line.
5.Public rear yard draintile systems are not permitted. Any necessary rear-year draintile
services shall extend from manholes or tees connecting to RC pipe.
6.Arrows indicating the direction of flow on the draintile
A. Residential streets shall be 32 feet back-to-back when surmountable curb is used, unless
approved otherwise during the platting process.
B. Minor collector streets shall be 40 feet face-to-face when surmountable curb is used, unless
approved otherwise during the platting process.
C. A 15 foot radius (typical) to back of curb shall be used at residential street intersections and 25
foot radius on collector streets
D. A 45 foot radius (typical) to back of curb shall be used for cul-de-sacs
E. A soils report shall accompany all street and underground construction plans submitted for
F. A flexible pavement design must be submitted for all public streets to be constructed. The
pavement design shall meet the minimum street section requirements show in City Detail Plate
LV-ST-8, or as recommended by the geotechnical reports, whichever is greater.
G. Show the locations of existing underground public and private facility crossings on both the
utility and street construction plan and profile views
H. Stormwater drainage calculations including a map of stormwater sub-districts within the project
area shall accompany all plans submitted for review
March, 2014
I. The approved final grading, drainage and erosion control plan and the approved tree preservation
plan must be included with the construction plans. Maximum sheet size 24” x 36”. A
reproducible mylar will be required to be submitted with the construction plan record drawings.
J. An itemized bid tabulation is required for all costs associated with utility and street construction.
This information is required at the time of plan approval.
March, 2014
March, 2014
1.00 SCOPE
March, 2014
1.00 SCOPE: This work shall consist of excavation and embankment construction, maintaining
traffic and restoration of all areas and structures disturbed during construction. All areas shall be
restored in original condition or better unless specified otherwise.
2.00 SPECIFICATION REFERENCE: All references to Mn/DOT specifications shall mean the latest
edition of the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) “Standard Specifications for
Construction.” The Mn/DOT “Standard Specifications for Construction” shall govern except as
modified or altered herein by these specifications.
Method of measurement for payment of work performed shall be in accordance with Mn/DOT
specifications or C.E.A.M. specifications, unless modified by Special Provision Specifications.
In the above-referenced state specifications, any words referring to the State of Minnesota or the
Department of Transportation shall mean the Owner.
3.00 RESTORATION OF FENCES AND SIGNS: Any fences, signs, mailboxes or other structures
disrupted as a result of the construction shall be restored to existing or better condition. This
work shall include relocation of existing signs where required.
4.00 MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION: All required maintenance of contract
construction items shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 1404, 1514 and 1515
with the added stipulations:
Maintenance of streets and any detours, by-passes, equipment, stockpile or storage areas
provided in conjunction with the project shall be required and shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor. Said maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, keeping the street free of
obstacles, parked equipment, unused barricades, blading the traveled ways, controlling the dust
in the construction area and on detours, and maintenance of all barricades, flashers, and other
traffic control devices.
The contractor shall maintain essential services during the course of the project. Essential
services shall include mail delivery, garbage pickup, school bus service, drainage and public
utility services. The Contractor shall coordinate his work with utility companies during
5.00 REMOVING MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES (MN/DOT 2104): Removing, salvaging and
relocating existing features shall be accomplished in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT
Specification 2104, except as modified below:
5.01 All castings shall be salvaged and delivered to a site designated by the owner. All other items
removed from the project shall be disposed of by the Contractor at his own disposal site. All
bituminous material and concrete curbing or pavement excavated shall become the property of
the Contractor.
5.02 Removal of culvert pipes including pipe aprons, where indicated on the drawings, shall be in a
manner and at the stage of construction so that drainage will be maintained.
March, 2014
5.03 Removing curb and bituminous pavement where directed shall be accompanied by full depth
sawing so as to provide a neat, vertical straight edge from which to extend the proposed
5.04 Removal of catch basins shall include restoration of existing pipe and structures as specified.
5.05 Existing traffic control signs that are essential to the safe passage of traffic during construction
shall be relocated immediately adjacent to the existing sign location and in accordance with the
“Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.”
5.06 Existing mailboxes and newspaper boxes shall be relocated promptly so as to not interrupt
delivery services. Final placement shall be in accordance with the Standard plates and in a
manner equal to or better than the installation that existed prior to construction.
5.07 All excess materials and debris to be disposed of by the Contractor off site shall be in accordance
with Mn/DOT 2104.3D3 and Dakota County policies and procedures.
6.01 Embankment: This work shall consist of the construction of the embankments required to shape
the roadway, walkways, building areas and inslopes to the design elevations as indicated on the
drawings. Embankment materials shall be suitable material obtained from the common
excavation as indicated on the drawings or directed by the Engineer.
6.02 Excess Excavation Material: Excess common, subgrade and common channel excavation
material not required or suitable for street or embankment construction shall be disposed of by
the Contractor off of the project site in accordance with Mn/DOT 2104.3D3 unless otherwise
shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer.
6.03 Common Excavation: Common excavation shall include all types of excavation and shall
include removal of any existing concrete curb, sidewalk, pavement, brush and debris unless
separate bid items are provided for. Common excavation shall include all topsoil stripping in
controlled fill areas (1 foot maximum if a separate bid item is provided for subgrade excavation)
and all borrow material from on-site borrow pits made for obtaining suitable embankment or
topsoil material.
6.04 Subgrade Excavation: This work shall include topsoil stripping in excess of one foot below
subgrade and removal of all other unsuitable material below plan subgrade as directed by the
6.05 Muck Excavation: This work shall include removal of all saturated unsuitable material which
cannot be removed by conventional scraper and dozer methods and requires use of other
equipment such as a dragline or backhoe.
March, 2014
6.06 Compaction Requirements: Compaction requirements for all embankments and trench backfill
constructed under this contract shall be in accordance to Mn/DOT 2105.3F except modified as
A…Areas outside street right-of-way: Areas outside of the street right-of-way shall be
compacted to 95% of Standard Proctor Density (T-99) ASTM D-698 or 90% Modified Proctor
Density (T-180) ASTM D-1557. Side yards shall be compacted to 100% of Standard Proctor
Density (T-99) ASTM D-698.
B…Areas within street right-of-way: Trench backfilling or embankment construction shall meet
the following requirements:
1…Below upper 3 feet: The zone from the bottom of embankment or trench to within 3 feet of
top of subgrade, except adjacent to structures, shall be compacted to 95% of Standard Proctor
Density (T-99) ASTM D-698 or 90% Modified Proctor Density (T-180) ASTM D-1557.
2…Upper 3 feet: The zone from 3 feet below top of subgrade to top of subgrade together with
those portions of embankment or trench backfill below the upper 3 feet adjacent to structures
shall be compacted to 100% of Standard Proctor Density (T-99) ASTM D-698 or 95% Modified
Proctor Density (T-180).
7.00 BOULDER/MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALLS: The payment will be based on 2’ of
buried block/stone plus the exposed face of the wall. Any wall over 4’ vertical height will
require a building permit from the City of Lakeville’s Building Department. All materials used
must meet MnDOT construction requirements. It will also require a chain link/vinyl fence
installed on top for safety, with a minimum height of 42”. If located adjacent to a trail, the fence
height may be increased. A guard rail shall be installed if the wall is adjacent to and supporting a
private drive or parking area.
8.00 PLANT INSTALLATION (MN/DOT 2571): This work may also consist of transplanting trees,
shrubs, vines and perennials existing with the project area.
After planting has been completed and the plantings maintained for 60 days, the live plantings
shall be accepted for payment in full. The contractor shall provide a one-year warranty except
for transplanted trees exceeding 6 inches in diameter measured at a point 2 feet above the
ground. Trees exceeding 6 inches in diameter shall be maintained for the 60-day maintenance
period, but shall not be subject to the one-year warranty provisions.The Contractors shall
replace any plantings which fail during the warranty period.
9.00 SEEDING AND SODDING: Turf establishment shall be accomplished in accordance with the
provisions of the Mn/DOT 2105 and 2575 except as modified below:
9.01 The contractor shall place salvaged topsoil from the common excavation to a minimum thickness
of 6”. After preparation of the subgrade, but prior to placing topsoil, the Contractor shall notify
the Engineer so that inspection may be made of the subgrade to assure compliance with the
specified topsoil thickness.
March, 2014
9.02 Topsoil to be furnished under a separate bid item shall comply with topsoil borrow (Mn/DOT
9.03 All sod shall be lawn and boulevard type sod and no peat or pasture sod will be allowed. Sod
shall be provided along and adjacent to maintained lawns, between the curb and sidewalk or
multipurpose trail ways and to a minimum of 3-feet behind the sidewalk or trail way, in areas
susceptible to erosion as determined by the Engineer during restoration and in any areas where
directed by the Engineer.
9.04 Joints between the sod and in-place improvements such as curbs, walks and existing turf shall
abut tightly and shall be such that drainage will be conducted over the surface of the sod. Where
sod meets existing turf, the edge at the point of juncture shall be prepared so that the new sod to
existing turf joint is flush and tight. A smoothly contoured transition with proposed slopes
rounded into existing or proposed contours shall be provided within the construction area and
along its perimeter. Where proposed sodding meets existing or proposed seeding areas, the sod
shall be placed and rolled, or banked flush with topsoil thoroughly placedto form a flush surface.
9.05 Sod shall be rolled in accordance with Mn/DOT 2575. If, after rolling, the surface of the sod is
not free of humps or depressions, the Contractor shall make suitable corrections to the topsoil
and/or subgrade, replace the sod and roll the sod. All rolling operations shall take place in the
presence of the project representative.
9.06 Sod placed along drainage swales or embankments steeper than 4:1 slope shall be pegged or
staked in place and shingled with bio-degradable anchors. No metal anchors shall be allowed.
9.07 The Contractor shall maintain the sod in accordance with Mn/DOT 2575.K.1.
9.08 Turf on all other areas disturbed by construction shall be restored by seeding, mulching and
fertilizing. Seed Mixture No. 250 will be placed at the rate of 70 pounds per acre on all building
lots and outlots designated for future development. Seed Mixture No. 350 will be placed at a
rate of 84.5 pounds per acre in all natural areas, greenways, and city owned outlots not
designated as active park areas. Wetland mitigation and stormwater basin must follow the
BWSR 2005 Seeding Guidelines. Dormant seeding application rate shall be doubled. Mulch
material shall be Type 1 placed at a target rate of approximately 2 tons per acre so that
approximately 10% or less of the soil surface is visible through the mulched areas. The mulch
shall be immediately disc anchored. On slopes steeper then 3:1 seeding is to be covered with an
erosion control blanket per Mn/DOT specifications. Fertilizer shall be analyzed 23-0-30 NPK
applied at the rate of 200 pounds per acre.
Temporary seeding and mulching is required on exposed soils per the MPCA NPDES
requirements. Seed Mixtures 100B (Fall Cover) and 110B (Spring/Summer) must be used at a
rate of 100 pounds per acre.
To reduce weed establishment, the contractor/developer must mow 2 to 3 times (30 days apart)
during the first year with mower deck about 6-8 inches off the ground and one time during the
second year before weeds set their seeds. Over seeding and restoration may be required during
this 2-year maintenance process and will be the responsibility of the contractor.
March, 2014
9.09 Dormant Seeding: All seed applied after September 15 shall be applied at twice the normal
9.10 Existing turf in areas outside of the roadway slopes and boulevards outside of the construction
limits that is damaged by the Contractor shall be restored at the Contractor’s expense.
The Contractor shall furnish all material, labor, tools and equipment required for the temporary
control of erosion as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer, and shall provide for the
acceptable maintenance thereof until permanent erosion prevention features have been
constructed and are effective. Temporary erosion controls shall effectively prevent erosion of
soil and sedimentation into storm sewers, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams and natural drainage
courses; and onto areas outside of the construction limits, streets, alleys, driveways, boulevards
and private property.
The contractor shall comply with all state and local erosion and sediment control requirements.
The contractor, if required, shall obtain and be responsible for requirements outlined in the
MPCA NPDES permit.
11.00 POLLUTION CONTROL: The contractor shall implement the following pollution prevention
management measures on the site:
11.01 Solid Waste: Collected sediment, asphalt and concrete millings, floating debris, paper, plastic,
fabric, construction and demolition debris and other wastes must be disposed of properly and
must comply with MPCA disposal requirements.
11.02 Hazardous Materials: Oil, gasoline, paint and any hazardous substances must be properly stored,
including secondary containment, to prevent spills, leaks or other discharge. Restricted access to
storage areas must be provided to prevent vandalism. Storage and disposal of hazardous waste
must be in compliance with MPCA NPDES permit and regulations.
11.03 External washing of trucks and other construction vehicles must be limited to a defined area of
the site. Runoff must be contained and waste properly disposed in compliance with the MPCA
NPDES permits. No engine degreasing is allowed on site.
12.01 Water must be discharged to a sedimentation basin before entering surface water, if this is not
possible, it must be treated with Best Management Practices to ensure that it does not negatively
affect property owners downstream or surface water quality downstream. The Contractor is
responsible for protecting discharge points from erosion and must ensure that discharge is
dispersed over energy dissipation measures. Discharge that contains suspended solids must have
adequate sedimentation control measures applied.
12.02. Dewatering and basin draining activities cannot result in on-site or off-site erosion, negative
impacts to downstream wetlands or nuisance conditions.
March, 2014
13.01 The Contractor is responsible for regularly inspecting the construction site. This must be done at
least once every 7 days (during active construction) as well as within 24 hours of a rain event
greater than 0.5 inches in 24 hours. Once a portion of the site has been stabilized, it only needs
to be inspected once a month. When construction is halted during the winter months, inspections
and maintenance must be resumed once runoff occurs and/or before construction resumes.
13.02 Written records of inspections and maintenance must be kept. These records must include:
inspector’s name, date and time of inspection, results of the inspection, recommendations
stemming from the inspection, actions taken as a result of the inspection’s recommendations, day
and time of any rainfall events over 0.5 inches in 24 hours.
13.03 Best Management Practices for erosion and sediment control must be inspected to ensure
effectiveness. Inspection and maintenance requirements of BMPs are as discussed in the
MPCA’s NPDES permit (see Part IV.E.4).
13.04 Infiltration areas must be protected from soil compaction due to construction equipment.
Infiltration areas must also be monitored to ensure there is no sediment being deposited from
construction activities.
March, 2014
March, 2014
1.00 SCOPE
March, 2014
1.00 SCOPE: This work shall consist of the construction of watermain, forcemain, sanitary and storm
sewer, draintile, and building service pipelines utilizing plan fabricated pipe and other
appurtenant materials installed for conveyance of potable water, sewage, industrial wastes or
storm water. The work includes the relocation or adjustment of existing facilities as may be
specified in these specifications.
2.00 SPECIFICATION REFERENCE: The Standard Utilities Specifications prepared by the City
Engineers Association of Minnesota, 2013 Edition, shall govern underground construction
except as modified or altered herein by these specifications.
Measurement for payment of work performed shall be in accordance with Mn/DOT
specifications or C.E.A.M. specifications unless modified by Special Provision Specifications.
In the above-referenced state specifications, any words referring to the State of Minnesota or the
Department of Transportation shall mean the Owner.
3.00 MATERIALS: All materials required for this work shall be new materials conforming to
requirements of the referenced specifications for the class, kind, type, size, grade and other
details indicated in the Contract Documents. Unless otherwise indicated, all required materials
shall be furnished by the Contractor. If any options are provided for, as to type, grade or design
of the material, the choice shall be limited as may be stipulated in the Contract Documents.
3.01 Shop Drawings: All manufactured products shall conform in detail to such standard design
drawings as may be referenced or furnished in the Contract Documents. Otherwise, the Owner
may require advance approval of material suppliers, product design, or other unspecified details
as it deems desirable for maintaining adopted standards.
3.02 Sanitary Sewer Poly-vinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe and Fittings: Sanitary Sewer poly-vinyl chloride
(PVC) pipe and fittings shall conform with the following specifications:
4” through 6” ASTM D3034, SDR 26 with rubber gasket joints
8” through 15” ASTM D3034, SDR 35 with rubber gasket joints
18” through 48” ASTM F679 with rubber gasket joints
PVC pipe shall conform to the following specifications for various trench depths computed from
invert of pipe to finished centerline grade.
SDR-35 Up to 18 v.f.
SDR-26 18 v.f. to 28 v.f.
SDR-18, AWWA C-900, C-905 28 v.f. to 32 v.f.
Polybond Lined DIP, ASTM A746 32 v.f. and over
Sanitary Sewer wyes and tees shall be molded SDR-26 or Schedule 40 pipe. Use only tee
connections with concrete support where depth of main is greater than 18 v.f.
March, 2014
No sanitary sewer services will be allowed over 28 v.f. in depth at the main. Alternate designs
must be submitted to the City Engineer for approval. One alternate design can be achieved by
using sanitary sewer manholes of various inside diameters with inside drops as per detail plate
No. LV-SS-11.
A…PVC – Storm Sewer: Poly-Vinyl Chloride pipe with rubber gasket joints may only be used
outside of paved area (in green areas). The pipe material and class specification for depth is the
same as for sanitary sewer. A-2000 pipe meeting ASTM F949 standards and installed in
accordance with ASTM D2321 is an acceptable alternative. The minimum allowable pipe
diameter is 12” and a manhole must be installed at the end of the line. Use of HDPE storm
sewer pipe is not permitted.
3.03 Reinforced Concrete Pipe and Fittings: All branch fittings such as tee and wye sections shall be
cast as an integral part of the pipe conforming to the same strength class as the pipe to which it is
attached. The pipe shall conform to the type, size and strength class specified. Reinforced
concrete pipe, fittings and special appurtenances shall conform to the following specifications:
A…Reinforced Circular Pipe: Reinforced circular pipe shall conform to ASTM C-76 for wall B
1…Confined Rubber O-Ring Gasket Joint: Unless otherwise specified, the confined rubber O-
ring gasket joint shall conform to the Bureau of Reclamation R-4 joint specification.
2…Rubber Gasket Joint: The alternate rubber gasket joint, when specified, shall conform to
ASTM C-361pressure watertight gasket. Use ASTM C-443 gravity watertight joint.
3…Reinforced Concrete D-Load Pipe: Reinforced concrete D-load pipe shall conform to the
requirements of ASTM C-655 and shall be furnished when the D-load is shown on the plans or
when the D-load exceeds the D-load for Class V pipe as described in ASTM C-76.
B…Reinforced Arch Pipe: Reinforced arch pipe shall conform to ASTM C-506. The joint
sealant shall conform to Federal Specification 55-5-00210. All joints shall be sealed with butyl
wrap at least 24” wide.
C…Precast Concrete Box Culvert: Precast concrete box culverts shall conform to ASTM C-789
for HS-20 live load and depth of cover as shown on the plans. The joint sealant shall conform to
Federal Specification 55-5-00210. All joints shall be sealed with butyl wrap at least 24” wide.
D…Reinforced Concrete Low-Head Pipe: Reinforced concrete low head pressure pipe
conforming to ASTM C-361 shall be furnished when specified. Unless otherwise specified, the
minimum class shall be D-125.
3.04 Precast Concrete Manhole and Catch Basin Sections: Precast concrete barrel, riser sections and
appurtenant units (grade rings, top and base slabs, special sections, etc.) used in the construction
of manhole and catch basin structures shall conform with the requirements of ASTM-C-478,
subject to the following supplementary provisions:
A…The precast sections and appurtenant units shall conform to all requirements as shown on the
plans or in the Standard Plates.
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B…Air-entrained concrete shall be used in the production of all units. Air content shall be
maintained within the range of 5 to 7 percent.
C… Doghouses and voids to be filled with concrete block or brick no sand mix block or brick
will be allowed.
D…Non-shrinking grout mix designed for underground utility construction shall be used for all
structures to provide a waterproof barrier.
E…Sanitary sewer manhole sections shall conform to the following additional requirements:
1…The base of the manhole shall be cast integral with the bottom section of the manholes unless
noted otherwise.
2…The pipes with an outside diameter of 21-inches or less, the inlet and outlet joint shall be with
a watertight joint consisting of a rubber boot with a non-magnetic, corrosion resistant steel
coupling band or equal. For pipes with an outside diameter larger than 21 inches, the bell and
spigot inlet and outlet shall be cast integral with the bottom section of the manhole unless noted
3…Sanitary sewer manholes to have Infi-shield or engineer approved equivalent external
manhole chimney seal.
4…Internal chimney seals shall be Flexseal ot approved equivalent, and shall be installed per the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
F…Press-Seal Gasket corporation’s EZ-Stik Butyl Joint Sealant (or approved equal) shall be
applied on outside edge, each joint of manhole section.
G…All exterior joints (base to cone) shall be sealed with butyl wrap at least 24 -inches wide.
3.05 Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings: The pipe and fittings furnished shall be manufactured in the U.S.
and shall be of the Ductile Iron type as specified for each particular installation. Unless as noted
otherwise in the plans and/or Special Provisions, pipe shall be Class 52.
Ductile iron pipe shall conform to the requirements of ANSI A-21.51 (AWWA C-151). In
addition, the pipe shall comply with the following supplementary provisions:
1…Fittings shall conform to the requirements of ANSI –21.10 (AWWA C-110) or ANSI A-
21.53 (AWWA C-153), and manufactured by Tyler, American Cast Iron Pipe Company, U.S.
Pipe or approved by the City Engineer. When the pay item on the contract is by the pound, C-
153 weights will be used.
2…Pressure Rating: All ductile fittings 3-inches to 12-inches shall be pressure rated at 250 psi,
14 inch and larger fittings shall be pressure rated at 150 psi.
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3…All fittings shall be installed utilizing Stainless steel bolts.
1…Slip-on and Mechanical Joint Fittings: The rubber gasket shall conform to ANSI A-21.11
(AWWA C-111).
2…Flange Fittings: Flange fittings shall conform with ANSI A-21.15 (AWWA C-115). Flange
fittings shall not be used below ground except with the approval of the Engineer. Flange fittings
may be used within wet walls, manholes and other appurtenances.
a…Appropriate means for electrical conductivity shall be provided at each gasket joint.
b…Conductivity straps shall bridge epoxy fittings.
C…Anchoring of Watermain Fittings: Restrained joints shall be provided on all bends having a
deflection of 11.25 degrees or greater, tees, crosses, plugs, caps and hydrants. Hydrants shall be
restrained to the lateral watermain tee. Plugs shall also have poured concrete thrust blocking in
accordance with Lakeville Detail Plate No. LV-WM-6. In addition to restraining joints at fittings
with mechanical joint restraints, the pipes in each direction from fittings shall be restrained
for a length equal to or greater than that shown in the table below:
90 Degree Bends, 22.5 and 11.25
Pipe Diameter 45 Degree Bends Dead Ends
Tees and Crosses Degree Bends
6inch 40 feet
8inch 40 feet
12 inch 27 feet 12 feet 10 feet 66 feet
16 inch 35 feet 15 feet 10 feet 86 feet
20 inch 42 feet 18 feet 10 feet 101 feet
24 inch/30 inch 50 feet 21 feet 10 feet 119 feet
1…Mechanical Joint Restraints: Mechanical joint restraints for ductile iron pipe shall be
manufactured in the U.S. by Ebba iron-megalugs, or as approved by the City Engineer. On PVC
pipe, the joint restraints shall be manufactured in the U.S. by Ebba iron-megalugs or approved
2…Mechanical Restrained Joints: Mechanical restrained joints for 16 inch and larger watermain
shall be restrained with rods and Ebba iron-megalugs or as approved by Engineer.
3…Restrained Joint Gaskets: Gaskets for 6 inch, 8 inch and 12 inch watermain shall be “Fast
Grip” by American Cast Iron Pipe Company, “Field Lock” by Griffon Pipe and “Field Lock” by
U.S. Pipe.
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4…Restrained Joints may be installed using the following method: Place D.I.P Flange behind
the bell end of the pipe, place a mechanical joint restraint on the spigot end and install ¾ inch
threaded rod between flanges.Apply corrosion protection material.
6” D.I.P. Watermain 2 Rods
8” D.I.P. Watermain 4 Rods
12” D.I.P. Watermain 6 Rods
16” D.I.P. Watermain 8 Rods
20” D.I.P. Watermain 10 Rods
24” D.I.P. Watermain 12 Rods
30” D.I.P. Watermain 15 Rods
This method of restrained joints must also be approved by the pipe manufacturer.
D…DIP: All pipe and fittings used for watermain shall be furnished with cement mortar lining
meeting the requirements of ANSI A-21.4 (AWWA C-104) for standard thickness lining. All
pipe and fittings used with sanitary sewer shall be furnished with an Interior Lining Protecto 401
by U.S. Pipe, Protecto 401 by American Pipe, Sewper Coat by Griffin Pipe, or an approved
equal. All interior and exterior surfaces of the pipe and fittings shall have a tar or bituminous seal
coating at least one mil thick. Spotty or thin seal coating or poor coating adhesion shall be cause
for rejection.
Ductile Iron Fittings: All fittings shall be ductile iron Class 350 compact fittings in accordance
with ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53-84. All fittings shall be fusion-bonded epoxy coated,
conforming to ANSI/AWWA C550 and C116/A21.16 requirements. The thickness of the
coating shall be 6-8 mils.
All restraints shall be fusion bonded epoxy coated on the inside and outside according to
ANSI/AWWA C550 and C116/A21.16. The thickness of the coating shall be 6-8 mils. All bolts
and fasteners are to be stainless steel.
All water main bolts are to be stainless steel.
Retainer Glands: Retainer glands shall be ductile iron designed to withstand pressures shown in
Table No. 9-6 of American Cast Iron Pipe Company’s catalog. Retainer glands shall be by
American, US Pipe or Mega-Lug type and shall be used at all changes in direction and at all
fittings and valves in addition to reaction blocking. This shall be considered incidental to water
main pipe.
All pipe shall be cast and lined at the same manufacturing plant before shipping of the finished
3.06 Water Main Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe: All PVC water main pipe shall conform to AWWA
Standard C-900-97 (DR 18). The bell shall consist of an integral wall section with a factory-
installed, solid cross-section elastomeric ring that meets the requirements of ASTM F-477.
Tracer wire shall be laid with all PVC water mains. Tracer wire shall be included in the unit
price bid per lineal foot of pipe. The tracer wire shall also be connected to all fire hydrants, gate
valve boxes and water services, terminating at the ground surface . The tracer wire shall be
connected to the water service with a bronze ground clamp. The bronze ground clamp and any
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nuts required to install the tracer wire, shall also be in the unit price bid per lineal foot of pipe.
Water service taps shall not be made directly to PVC water main pipe. Service taps shall
be made only to epoxy coated ductile iron fittings (saddles).
All hydrant lead piping (hydrant assembly) shall be ductile iron pipe in accordance with AWWA
C-151 of the class shown on the plans. All hydrant lead pipe shall have polyethylene
encasement in accordance with AWWA C-105 furnished with standard thickness cement mortar
lining conforming to AWWA C-104. All pipes shall have push-on joints as specified in AWWA
Fitting: All fittings used with PVC water main pipe shall be epoxy coated ductile iron, meeting
the requirements outlined in Section 3.05.D.
Tracer Wire: Tracer Wire shall be 8-gauge Copper-Clad Steel (CCS) Wire designed for use in
directional drilling/pipe bursting applications such as “Copperhead SoloShot Burst Extra High
Strength Reinforced Tracer Wire”, or approved equivalent of multi-strand 304 stainless steel
wire. Tracer wire shall have a 45 mil, blue, high molecular weight – high-density polyethylene
jacket. The tracer wire manufacturer shall warrant that the tracer wire and insulation will be free
from defects for a period of five (5) years.
3.07 Polyethylene Encasement Material: Polyethylene encasement material shall conform to the
requirements of ANSI A-21.5 (AWWA C-105) for tube type installation and a minimum 8-mil
nominal film thickness, and shall be used on all watermain.
3.08 Fire Hydrants: All fire hydrants shall be American Flow Control Model Pacer Fire Hydrant as
manufactured by the Waterous Company, South St. Paul, MN. All hydrants shall conform to
AWWA C-502 latest revision unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. Hydrants
shall be furnished in compliance with the following supplementary requirements:
A…Hydrants shall be dry barrel compression fire hydrants that opens against the water pressure
and shall have a five and a quarter inch (nominal diameter) main valve opening.
B…Hydrant traffic section and lower barrel shall be ductile iron. The traffic section shall be 16
inches to allow for a nozzle elevation of 24 inches from the centerline of the steamer connection
to the final grade. The allowable distance between the ground flange and the final grade shall be
2 to 4-inches. All hydrant extensions, if required, shall be furnished by the Contractor and be
manufactured by American Flow Control. No after market hydrant extensions will be accepted.
C…Hydrant nozzle section shall have two 2-1/2 inch (I.D.) hoze nozzles and one 4-1/2 inch
(I.D.) steam nozzle. All nozzles shall be National Standard Threads.
D…Hydrant bury depth shall be as shown in the Standard Plate.
E…Hydrant operating nut shall be two piece 1-1/2 inch pentagon. Operating nuts with
weathershield will not be accepted. Hydrant operating threads shall be factory lubricated and o-
ring sealed from water, moisture and foreign debris.
F…No drain hydrants shall be provided in areas where the hydrant is installed below the water
table. Hydrant drains shall be plugged by the manufacturer. A bronze tag shall be attached to
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hydrant with “NO DRAIN, PUMP AFTER USE” embossed on the plate and the hydrant steamer
nozzle cap shall be painted black.
G…The hydrant bottom shall be ductile iron, 6” mechanical joint, epoxy coated unless otherwise
noted. The bottom bolts shall be grade 304 stainless steel.
H…Epoxy coated hydrant bottom shall be bridged with a conductivity strap.
I…If a hydrant extension is allowed, the Contractor will be required to remove the lower
operating rod and install a new rod to the vertical height to include the extension being used.
J…All hydrant leads shall be wrapped DIP.
3.09 Hydrant Locator and Out of Service Sign: Each hydrant shall be provided with a 60”
Hydrafinder Marker (no ball on top), as manufactured by Rodon Corporation, or approved equal.
One marker replacement shall be provided to the Owner for every six hydrants installed or a
minimum of one per project.
A hydrant out of service sign tag shall be installed on all hydrants when not in service as
manufactured by Hydra-Schield, HSGN-4.5 or equal, at the contractor’s expense.
3.10 Hydrant Wrenches: One hydrant wrench shall be supplied to the Owner for every six hydrants
installed or a minimum of one per project.
3.11 Hydrant Extensions: One 6-inch hydrant extension shall be supplied to the Owner for every six
hydrants installed or a minimum of one per project. The hydrant extensions shall be Waterous
3.12 Gate Valves: Valves shall be ductile iron resilient-wedge gate valves as manufactured by the
Clow Corporation, Mueller, Waterous or approved equal. The valves shall meet all applicable
requirements of AWWA C509 with mechanical joint ends and the following supplementary
A…Buried service gate valves shall have a 2 inch operating nut opening counter-clockwise.
B…All gate valves shall be furnished with O-ring stem seals.
C…Bolts used for connection shall be Stainless steel bolts.
D…Epoxy-coated valves shall be bridged with a conductivity strap.
E…16” and larger gate valves to be furnished with beveled gears for easier operation.
F…No butterfly gate valves shall be allowed.
3.13 Valve Boxes: Valve boxes shall be manufactured in the U.S., screw-type, three piece Tyler
6860, Bingham & Taylor V-626, Size “G” or equal and adjust to 8 ½ feet fully extended and to
provide 6” of adjustment above and below finished grade. Valve box shall have a 3 ½ inch drop
lid with the word “WATER” on the lid.
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A…Provide valve box extensions as required to meet finished grades. Valve box extensions
shall be screw type.
B…Provide valve box aligner Power Seal Model 5000 or approved equal per each gate valve
C…Valve box adapters shall be installed on all gate valves as manufactured by Adapter, Inc. or
approved equal. Payment for said adapter shall be considered incidental to the price of gate
3.14 Water Service Pipe and Fittings: Water service pipe of 3 inches or larger inside diameter shall
conform to the requirements specified in Section 3.05 of these specifications.
3.15 Copper Water Service Pipe: Water service pipe of 2 ½ inches or less in inside diameter shall
conform to the requirements of ASTM B-88 for seamless copper water tube, Type K, soft
annealed temper. Unless specified otherwise, all service pipe shall be copper water service pipe.
No compression fittings except Ford will be allowed. Flare type joints or silver solder methods
must be approved by the City Engineer..
3.16 Water Service Pipe Fittings: All fittings for copper tubing shall be cast brass, having uniformity
in wall thickness and strength and shall be free of defects affecting serviceability. All copper
pipe fittings 1 inch and smaller shall be flared. All threaded service line fittings shall conform to
the requirements of AWWA C-800. Each fitting shall be permanently and plainly marked with
the name or trademark of the manufacturer.
3.17 Corporation Stop: Corporation stop shall be the ball valve type in accordance with the following
Manufacturer and Model Number
1 inch through 2 inches
Mueller B-2500, Ford 1” FB600-4, 1-1/2” FB600-6, 2” FB600-7 or A.Y. McDonald 4704-B
1 inch corporations shall be 1 inch by 1 inch
Saddles shall be used for all connections to 6-inch or smaller watermains, on all PVC watermain
and for all other connections where the watermain cannot support 3 full threads for the size of
corporation stop installed. Saddles shall be Smith-Blair Type 313 or Ford F-202 with double
zinc-plated straps.
All services are to be tapped with the watermain under working pressure.
3.18 Curb Stop: Curb stop shall be Minneapolis pattern for copper service pipe inlet and outlet in
accordance with the following schedule:
1 inch Mueller (Oriseal Mark II) H-15154, Ford B22-444M or A.Y. McDonald 6104
1 ½ inches Mueller (Oriseal Mark II) H-15154, Ford B22-666M or A.Y. McDonald 6104
2 inches Mueller (Oriseal Mark II) H-15154, Ford B22-777M or A.Y. McDonald 6104
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3.19 Curb Box:
A…Curb stop service boxes shall be gray iron castings conforming to the requirements of ASTM
A-48 for Class 20 or higher tensile strength. The curb stop service assembly shall have a one
foot adjustment range and shall extend to 8 feet when fully extended.
B…Curb box shall be an extension type with stationary rod, Minneapolis pattern base and 1 ¼
inch upper section.
C…Pig tails shall be plugged with copper plug and pressure tested to the plug.
D…Curb stops installed in paved areas shall have a meter box cover as manufactured by Ford or
approved equal. The meter box cover shall be incidental to the curb stop unit price.
E…Curb boxes shall be ball valve type in accordance with the following schedule:
1 inch Mueller H-10300, Ford EM2-80-46-72Ror A.Y. McDonald 5614L
1 ½ to 2 inches Mueller H-10300 with H-10344 Adapter, Ford EM2-80-47-72R or A.Y. McDonald
3.20 Piling: Piling shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of Mn/DOT 2452. Piles for
pipelines shall be treated timber unless specified otherwise.
3.21 Insulation: Wrap around insulation shall conform to ASTM C-552-91 and cover the entire pipe,
pipe joints and bends for those areas designated on the plans or directed by the Engineer. The
insulation shall be installed with bands as per the manufacturer’s specification and four inches in
Sheet insulation board (polystyrene) shall conform to ASTM C-578-92. Sheets shall be installed
above the pipe a minimum of 2 feet each way of pipe centerline. The insulation shall be of a
waterproof type and installed to four inch thickness.
3.22 Manhole Steps: Manhole steps shall be made with an approved plastic such as copolymer
polypropylene meeting with the requirements of ASTM 2146, Type II, Grade 49108, reinforced
with a deformed 3/8 inch diameter reinforcing bar which conforms to the requirements of ASTM
A-615, Grade 60. All manhole steps shall conform to the dimensions shown in the Standard
Plate(s). Manholes less than 4’ deep shall have one step located 16” down from top of casting.
4.01 Establishing Line and Grade: The primary line and grade will be established by the Engineer in
accordance with the General Conditions and the Supplementary Conditions and with the
following. For trench installation, line and grade stakes will be set parallel to the proposed
pipeline at an appropriate offset therefrom as will best serve the Contractor’s operations
wherever practical.
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The Contractor shall arrange his operation to avoid unnecessary interference with the
establishment of the primary line and grade stakes, and shall render whatever assistance may be
required by the Engineer to accomplish the staking.
The Contractor shall be responsible for preservation of the primary stakes, and shall bear the full
cost of any re-staking necessitated by his negligence.
Cut sheets will be required for all staking operations. Stationing will be required to show exact
locations of all service wyes, fitting locations, and laterals. See Section 4.07 for locating
4.02 Staking Notice: The Contractor shall give the Engineer 48 hour notice of a need for stakes on
the project.
4.03 Tunnel Installation: For tunnel installation, line and grade stakes will be set directly above the
proposed pipeline setting. Grade and line stakes will be set at 25 foot intervals along the
pipeline, at each change in line or grade and as needed for pipeline appurtenances and service
4.04 Laser Beam Grade Control: When the Contractor uses laser beam control for grade and
alignment, the Contractor shall check into the grade stakes provided.Any discrepancies found
between the laser beam elevation and grade stake elevation shall be immediately brought to the
Engineer’s attention before continuing pipe installation. Failure to check into grade stakes
provided or to notify the Engineer of discrepancies shall put the full responsibility on the
Contractor for any removal and reinstallation of pipe necessary to conform to the line and grade
shown on the plans.
4.05 Contractor’s Responsibility: The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the correct transfer of
the primary line and grade to all working points and for construction of the work to the
prescribed lines and grades as established by the Engineer.
4.06 Location of Underground Utilities: The location of underground utilities is based on available
information. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for investigating and locating the
existing underground utilities (such as electric, telephone, gas, water and sewer service mains,
cable, etc.). Relocation of existing utilities shall be coordinated with the Owner of the specific
utility by the Contractor. Where the utility owner elects to perform the utility relocation work,
the Contractor shall schedule his work to comply with the utilities schedule. No additional
compensation shall be allowed for delays caused by the utility company’s schedule, nor for
delays caused by the utilities relocation efforts. It shall be a construction priority for the
Contractor to contact Gopher State One Call 651-454-0002 for utility locations before doing any
underground excavation.
4.07 Field Location of Newly Constructed Utilities. The contractor shall assist the inspector/engineer
in locating all horizontal bends, corporation stops, wyes, curb stops, valves, fittings and all other
appurtenances required for MNOPS requirements. This may require leaving areas open to allow
for survey location or for assisting in gathering swing ties for these items to an above grade
permanent structure prior to backfilling the trench. If items are backfilled prior to the field
information being documented, the contractor has the sole responsibility of exposing the item
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and assisting in its location. No additional compensation will be given to contractor for this
4.08 Extra Work: Wherever alterations are required as a result of unforeseen underground
interferences not due to any fault or negligence of the Contractor, the Engineer will issue a
written order covering any additional or extra work involved and specifying the revised basis of
payment, if any. Any alterations made strictly for the convenience of the Contractor shall be at
the Contractor’s expense. No additional compensation shall be allowed for notification and
relocation of gas, electric, etc. utilities.
No extra compensation will be allowed for delays caused by the interference of underground
4.09 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Crossing Conflicts: Watermains crossing sanitary sewers shall
be laid to provide a vertical separation of at least 18 inches between the outside of the watermain
and the outside of the sewer. When conditions prevent a vertical separation as described, the
following construction shall be used:
Sewers passing over or under watermain shall be constructed of materials equal to watermain
standards of construction for a distance of 10 feet from the watermain as measured perpendicular
to the watermain.
A length of the watermain pipe shall be centered at the point of crossing so that the joints will be
equidistant and as far as possible from the sewer.
4.10 Removal of Surface Improvements: Removal of surface improvements in connection with
trench excavation shall be limited to actual needs for installation of the pipeline and
appurtenances, based on the trench widths and any other controls imposed in connection with the
work. Removal operations shall be coordinated with the excavation and installation operations
in such a manner as will cause the least practical disruption of traffic or inconvenience to the
public. Removed debris shall not be deposited at locations that will block access to fire hydrants,
private driveways or other essential service areas. Removal and final disposal of debris shall be
accomplished as a single operation wherever possible, and in any event, the debris shall be
removed from the site before starting the excavating operations.
4.11 Interruption of Water Service: The Contractor shall be responsible for providing water to
affected homes and businesses during the course of the project.
The Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing a temporary water supply to areas affected by
the Contractor’s construction process.
The Contractor shall supply temporary water service by furnishing and delivering bottled water
for cooking and drinking, and bulk water by temporary hosed connections for other uses. Plans
for providing temporary water service shall be submitted by the Contractor to the City Engineer
for review and approval.
All items related to furnishing, installing, operating, maintaining and removal of temporary water
service shall be considered incidental to the project.
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4.12 Reinforced Concrete Pipe: Storm sewer pipe exceeding 4% slopes shall be reinforced concrete
(RC). All pipe joints shall be tied from structure-to-structure in pipe runs exceeding 4%.
4.13 Jacking Steel Casing Pipe: The Contractor shall jack-bore steel casing pipe in place as shown on
the plans.
The 2014 Mn/DOT Specifications for Construction shall govern except as modified herein.
The steel casing shall have a minimum wall thickness of 0.50”. The casing may consist of
salvaged material, but deviation from plan diameter and plan wall thickness will not be allowed.
The casing may also be comprised of both salvaged and new materials. The casing shall have
two coats of copper bismastic and two 17-pound anode packs attached for corrosion protection.
Jacking requirements:
A 1 ½ inch pipe shall be forced along the top of the casing pipe. Bentonite grout under pressure
shall be forced through this pipe at times during the jacking operation to fill any voids that
might develop above the casing. The 1 ½ inch pipe shall be 18 inches back from the lead edge of
the jacking pipe.
There shall be a shield, with a method to control the flow of materials.
No jacking of pipe will be allowed below water table until it has been dewatered.
If a void develops, the jacking shall stop until the void has been filled by an approved
Any dewatering shall have prior approval in writing by the office of the City Engineer.
Shields shall conform to the size and shape of the pipe.
The lead cutting edge of the machine shall be approved by the Engineer.
When augers are used, the type of head shall be approved by the Engineer, and the auger
shall be located 6 inches back from the lead edge of the jacking pipe.
The machine shall be capable of controlling line and grade, and the flow of materials.
The machine shall conform to the size and shape of the pipe.
The Contractor shall provide skids and blocking as necessary to install gravity flow pipe to
proper grade and alignment within the casing pipe.
Upon completion of the carrier pipe installation, the annular space between the carrier and casing
shall be densely filled with sand and the ends sealed with cement grout. The sand shall be blown
into the annular space or installed by other approved methods.
Backfilling of jacking pit excavation shall be in accordance with Mn/DOT 2105, and be
completed without undue delay.
The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all permits, bonds, etc. required.
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4.14 Jacking Concrete Pipe: The Contractor shall jack-bore concrete pipe in place as shown on the
The 2014 Mn/DOT Specifications for Construction shall govern except as modified herein.
RCP Pipe requirements: The RCP pipe shall consist of Class V jacking pipe with R-4 joints.
Pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM C-76 specifications.
Jacking Requirements:
A 1 ½ inch pipe shall be forced along the top of the casing pipe. Bentonite grout under pressure
shall be forced through this pipe at times during the jacking operation to fill any voids that
might develop above the casing. The 1 ½ inch pipe shall be 18 inches back from the lead edge of
the jacking pipe.
There shall be a shield, with a method to control the flow of materials.
No jacking of pipe will be allowed below water table until it has been dewatered.
If a void develops, the jacking shall stop until the void has been filled by an approved
Any dewatering shall have prior approval in writing by the office of the City Engineer.
Shields shall conform to the size and shape of the pipe.
The lead cutting edge of the machine shall be approved by the Engineer.
When augers are used, the type of head shall be approved by the Engineer, and the auger
shall be located 6 inches back from the lead edge of the jacking pipe.
The machine shall be capable of controlling line and grade, and the flow of materials.
The machine shall conform to the size and shape of the pipe.
Backfilling of jacking pit excavation shall be in accordance with Mn/DOT 2105, and be
completed without undue delay.
The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all permits, bonds, etc. required.
4.15 Classification and Disposition of Materials: Excavated material will be classified for payment
only to the extent that the removal of materials classified by the Engineer as rock will be paid for
separately from other unclassified materials, either as a separate contract item or as an extra work
item when no bid price is applicable. All other materials encountered in the excavations, with
the exception of items classified for payment as structure removals, will be considered as
unclassified excavation unless specified otherwise. Unclassified materials shall include muck,
rubble, wood debris and boulder, stone, masonry or concrete fragments less than 1 cubic yard in
volume, together with miscellaneous matter than can be removed effectively with power-
operated excavators without resorting to drilling and blasting.
4.16 Rock Excavation Defined: Rock excavation shall be defined to include all hard, solid rock in
ledge formation, bedded deposits and unstratified masses; all natural conglomerate deposits so
firmly cemented as to present all the characteristics of solid rock; and any boulder, stone,
masonry or concrete fragments exceeding 1 cubic yard in volume. Materials such as shale, hard
pan, soft or disintegrated rock which can be dislodged with a hand pick or removed with a
power-operated excavator will not be classified as rock excavation.
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4.17 Rock Excavation: When rock foundation materials are encountered at the established grade,
additional materials shall be removed as directed by the Engineer to produce an acceptable
foundation. Unless directed otherwise, rock shall be removed to an elevation 12 inches below
the lowest projection of pipe bells. Excavation below grade shall be to a minimum width equal
to the outside pipe diameter plus 2 feet. Rock shall be removed to such additional horizontal
dimensions that will provide a clearance of 12 inches on all sides of appurtenant structures such
as valves, housings, manholes, access structures, etc.
4.18 Excavation for Granular Foundation: When unstable foundation materials are encountered at the
established grade, additional materials shall be removed as directed by the Engineer to produce
an acceptable foundation.
4.19 Pipe Bedding Requirements: Pipe bedding shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations for the type of pipe installed. Concrete pipe must be bedded to a minimum of
the Class B bedding requirements. D.I.P. and Thermoplastic Pipe for sewers and watermains
must follow the requirements of the CEAM Specification 2600.2A1 under bedding and
encasement materials. Sanitary sewer and water services shall be bedded from a point 6” below
the bottom of the pipe to 12” above and around the sides of the pipe being installed. Extreme
care must be taken in the bedding and the backfilling of individual services. Compaction of this
material shall be to 95 percent of maximum density (ASTMN698). Furnishing, installing and
compaction of granular materials around pipe shall be considered incidental to the installation of
the pipe with no additional compensation allowed therefore. The trench shall be excavated and
prepared to allow placement of the bedding materials specified. The trench width at ground level
shall be kept as narrow as practicable without causing sluffing or cave in accordance with OSHA
4.20 Over-Excavation: Care shall be taken during final subgrade shaping to prevent any over-
excavation. Should any low spots develop, they shall only be filled with suitable material which
shall have optimum moisture content and be thoroughly compacted. The finished subgrade shall
be maintained free of water, and shall not be disturbed during pipe lowering operations except as
necessary to remove pipe slings. The discharge of trench dewatering pumps shall be directed to
natural drainage channels or storm water drains.
4.21 Extra Work: All costs of excavating below grade and placing foundation or bedding aggregates
shall be included in bid prices for pipe items to the extent that the need for such work is indicated
in the Contract Documents, and the Proposal does not provide for payment under separate
contract items. Any excavation below grade and any foundation or bedding aggregates required
by order of the Engineer in the absence of contract requirements in the Contract’s Documents
will be compensated for separately as extra work items.
5.01 Sanitary Sewer Stub Markers: The Contractor shall furnish and set vertically 4” x 4” x 10’
wooden markers extending 18 inches above the ground to mark the exact ends of all mainline
sanitary sewer stubs which are installed for future connection, and a 4’ min. steel post or rebar at
invert of service. Actual Horizontal Location and invert elevations at the end of the stub shall be
taken and recorded prior to trench backfill.
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5.02 Watermain Stub Markers: The Contractor shall furnish and set vertically 4” x 4” x8’ wooden
markers extending 18 inches above the ground to mark the exact ends of all watermain stubs
which are installed for future connections. The stubs must be field located both horizontally and
vertically prior to backfill.
5.03 Storm Sewer and Draintile Stub Markers: The Contractor shall furnish and set vertically 4” x 4”
wooden markers extending from the invert of the stub to 18 inches above the ground to mark the
exact ends of all storm sewer stubs which are installed for future connection, and a clean out
installed on the end of all draintile services per LV-STM-10. Actual Horizontal Location and
invert elevations at the end of the stub shall be taken and recorded prior to trench backfill.
5.04 Connection to Existing Sanitary and Storm Sewer: The Contractor will be required to core drill
any connection to an existing sanitary sewer manhole which does not have an existing stub. See
Spec. 3.04 for pipe connection to manhole. Service connections to existing concrete sanitary and
storm sewer pipes shall be with an Inserta Tee or approved equal meeting ASTM D3034 and
F477 standards.
5.05 Connection to Existing Watermain: The Contractor will be required to schedule shutdown of the
watermain with the Owner 48 hours in advance of interruption of water service.
The Contractor shall arrange his work for a minimum number of shutdowns to the existing water
service, and shall schedule the shutdowns so that the present water customers will have water
service from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. everyday. When this is not possible,
temporary service supplies may be ordered by the Engineer as per Section 4.11, Interruption of
Water Service.
5.06 Pressure Connection to Existing Watermain: The Contractor may, at his option (unless
specifically stated in the Contract Documents), make a pressure connection to existing
watermain(s). The tapping of the watermain shall be made under pressure in accordance with the
tapping equipment manufacturer’s recommendations. The pressure tap shall expel cuttings from
the existing watermain. The tap shall be completed through a valve to allow the tap to be shut
off. After completion of the tapping operation, the system shall be inspected for leaks. The tap
and tapping valve shall be the same nominal size as the planned watermain extension. A tapping
saddle shall be used, of a size recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer.
5.07 Bulkheading Open Storm Sewer Pipe Ends: All pipe and fitting ends left open for future
connection shall be bulkheaded with prefabricated plugs or caps.
Prefabricated plugs and caps shall be of the same material as the pipe material or an equivalent
alternate material, and they shall be installed with watertight seal as required for the pipeline
At all times when pipe laying is not in progress, including noon hour and overnight periods, all
open ends of the pipeline shall be closed by watertight plugs or equivalent means. If water is
present in the trench, the seals shall remain in place until the trench is pumped completely dry.
5.08 Sewer Service Location Record: The Contractor, with the assistance of the Project
Representative, shall keep accurate records of all service installations as to the type, location,
elevation, point of connection and termination, to the level required to meet MNOPS locating
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requirements, etc. This service record shall be maintained jointly by the Contractor and Project
Representative on forms provided by the Engineer. The service installations shall not be
backfilled until all required information has been obtained and recorded.
5.09 Bends: Building service pipelines shall generally be kept as deep as required to serve the
building elevation and maintain the specified minimum pipe grades. Pipe bends shall be
provided as necessary to bring the service lines to proper location and grade. Pipe bends shall
not exceed 45 degrees without approval of the Engineer.
5.10 Sanitary Sewer Service Markers: Unless indicated otherwise, sanitary sewer services shall
terminate at the utility easement line, at which point the Contractor shall furnish and set
vertically a 2” x 2” x 12’ wooden marker extending 18 inches above the ground to mark the
exact end of the sewer service pipe, and a 4’ minimum #6 steel post rebar at the invert of service.
If sanitary sewer service only is to be provided to a property (i.e., no water service to be
installed), an 8 foot galvanized steel post weighing not less than 2.75 pounds per foot, extending
4’ above the ground, shall be set next to the 2” x 2” x 10’ wooden marker. The horizontal and
vertical location must be recorded prior to backfill (4.07).
5.11 Plugging Service Lines: All pipe and fitting openings at temporary terminal points shall be fitted
with suitable plugs or shall be bulkheaded as required for air testing.
5.11A Abandoning Service Lines: All abandoned services shall be removed to the main unless
otherwise approved by the engineer.
1…Sanitary sewer shall be removed to main and the wye shall be plugged with the appropriate
size cap and be constructed with the same material type as the mainline sanitary sewer.
2…Water services shall be removed to the main, and shall include removal of the corporation
stop and plugging main with a brass plug.
5.12 Water Service Location Record: The Contractor, with the assistance of the Engineer, shall keep
an accurate record of the location, depth and size of each service connection and other pertinent
data such as the location of curb stops and pipe endings. Tap locations shall be recorded in
reference to survey line stationing. Curb stops shall be tied to definable landmarks such as
building corners, hydrants, manhole covers, and have x,y,z coordinates on the As-built plan. The
service installations shall not be backfilled until all required information has been obtained and
the inspector had visually seen water flowing from the end of the curb stop.
5.13 Water Service Markers: Water service shall terminate 15 feet past the right-of-way line, at
which point the Contractor shall furnish and set vertically a 2” x 2” x 8’ wooden marker
extending 18 inches above the ground to mark the exact end of the water service pipe. Water
service curb boxes shall be located within one foot of the utility easement line and marked with
an 8 foot galvanized steel fence post weighing not less than 2.75 pounds per foot, extending 4
feet above the ground.
5.14 Depth of Cover: Unless specified otherwise, installation of water mainline and service lines
shall be such as to provide for not less than 7 ½ feet of cover over the top of the pipe, and for not
less than 18 inches of clearance between pipelines. Also, at least 18" inches of clearance shall be
maintained in crossing over or under other structures. Where the service pipe may be exposed to
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freezing due to insufficient cover or exposure from other underground facilities, the water pipe
shall be insulated.
6.00 TESTING: All testing shall be incidental unless specific bid items appear on the proposal form.
6.01 Cleaning Sanitary Sewer Lines: Sanitary sewer lines and manholes shall be cleaned prior to the
performance of the air, deflection, and televising testing, and as needed prior to final acceptance
for service hookups. The Contractor shall give the Project Representative a minimum of 24
hours notice prior to flushing. The Contractor shall flush a ball, sized for the full inside diameter
of the pipe, through each section of the sewer line. All dirt and debris shall be prevented from
entering the existing sewer system by means of watertight plugs and pumping of the flushing
water from the existing sanitary sewer manhole into the storm sewer system, or by the use of 90
degree elbows in the downstream lines at the existing manholes. The invert of the sewer pipe
and manholes shall be left clean and free from obstructions throughout the entire line.
6.02 Cleaning Storm Sewer Lines: Prior to final inspection of each section of the storm sewer, the
Contractor shall clean and flush all dirt and debris from the lines, manholes and catchbasins.
6.03 Sanitary Sewer Air Test: A low pressure air test shall be performed on all PVC sanitary sewer
pipe. The test shall be conducted in the presence of the Project Representative. The Contractor
shall give the Project Representative a minimum of 48 hours notice prior to testing. Sanitary
sewer testing shall conform to the procedures outlined in the 2013 CEAM Specifications.
6.04 Disinfection of Watermains: Before being placed in service, the completed watermain
installation shall be disinfected and flushed. After the final flushing, the water shall be tested for
bacteriological quality and for conformance with the standards prescribed by the State
Department of Health. Disinfection materials and procedures and the collection and testing of
water samples shall be in accordance with the provisions of AWWA C-651, and as will meet the
health regulation requirements. The flushing operations shall be conducted in the presence of the
Project Representative. Flushing of the hydrant should also consist of flushing through the
pumper nozzle. Each hydrant needs flushing through all nozzle openings.
Only the tablet method of chlorination shall be used, with placement of the tablets and filling of
the watermain to be accomplished in accordance with Sections 5.1.2 and 5.1.3 of AWWA C-651.
Unless otherwise indicated in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall furnish all materials
and perform the disinfecting, flushing and testing as necessary for meeting the water quality
requirements. The flushing operations shall be subject to review by the Engineer.
6.05 Electrical Conductivity Test: The Contractor shall perform a conductivity test within 1 week
after completion of pressure testing of the main on all iron pipe watermains to establish that
electrical thawing may be carried out in the future. The Contractor shall give the Project
Representative a minimum of 48 hours notice prior to testing. The test shall be conducted in the
presence of the Project Representative. For testing procedure, refer to C.E.A.M. specifications,
2013Edition, Section 2611.3F.
6.06 Hydrostatic Testing of Watermains: Each valved section shall be subjected to the pressure
and/or leakage tests prescribed herein. The Contractor shall pre-test the watermain prior to
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scheduling the record test. The record test shall be conducted in the presence of the Project
The Contractor shall give the Project Representative a minimum of 48 hours notice prior to
testing. The Contractor shall furnish the pump, pipe connections, gauges and measuring
equipment, and shall perform the testing under the observation of the Engineer. Where
permanent air vents are not provided, the Contractor shall provide and install corporation stops at
the high points as needed for release of air as the line is filled with water.
A….Blocking Curing Time: Where concrete reaction blocking is placed, the water main shall
not be subjected to hydrostatic pressure until at least 5 days have elapsed after the concrete
casting, with the exception that this period may be reduced to 2 days where high early strength
concrete is used.
B….Closed Trench Hydrostatic Test: Only closed trench hydrostatic testing shall be allowed.
The closed trench test shall be performed with the piping completely backfilled. Hydrants shall
be in the closed position.
1…Pressure Test: A hydrostatic pressure test of 150 pounds per square inch shall be applied to
each consecutive valved section of pipe. The test shall be applied by means of a suitable
pumping apparatus connected to a service line or testing tap on the water main test section.
The pressure gauge for the test shall be an Ashcroft Model 1082 with a 4 ½ inch dial face with 1
psi increment or equal. The test shall be applied for a period of two hours, and the pressure drop
at the end of that period shall be recorded. A four pound drop in pressure will be allowed.
6.07 Hydrostatic Testing of Forcemains: Testing of forcemains shall conform to the 2013 CEAM
Specifications be the same as testing of watermains except that the maximum test pressure shall
be equal to twice the maximum design pressure or a minimum hydrostatic pressure of 100 psi for
1-hour, whichever is greater. (See also Section 6.06 of these specifications)
6.08 Television Inspection: After completion of all utility construction and base bituminous has been
completed, the Contractor shall clean and televise the sanitary and storm sewers.
The television camera shall be mounted on a skid so that it is centered in the pipe. The camera
shall have a cross-hair to maintain a constant reference on the image. The camera shall be
equipped with sufficient lights to completely illuminate the interior of the pipe with the range of
the camera.
A monitor shall be provided with seating facilities to allow three or more persons to view the
picture continuously. The television camera, transmitting equipment and monitoring equipment
shall combine to provide a picture on the monitor screen which is free from distortion and clear
enough to distinguish between hairline cracks, “pipe marks”, etc. The exact distance to each wye
must be recorded from downstream manhole.
A DVD or CD-Rom shall be made of the entire footage of pipe televised. The linear footage of
pipe televised shall be integrated into the video tape for ease of identification of pipe being
viewed. A diagram of the project with all televising indexed on it shall be provided in triplicate
within five working days following the last day of televising on the project. If televising is
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interrupted for more than five days, an interim index diagram shall be furnished. The owner will
be given a copy of the DVD or CD-Rom upon completion of the televising.
6.9 Flexible Pipe Deflection Test: A deflection test shall be performed on all flexible pipe. The test
shall be conducted in the presence of the Project Representative a minimum of 30 days after final
backfilling of the pipe trench. The Contractor shall give the Project Representative a minimum
of 48 hours notice prior to testing.
The deflection test shall be run using a rigid ball or mandrel with a diameter equal to 95 percent
of the inside diameter of the pipe, allowing for manufacturing tolerances. The test shall be
performed without mechanical pulling devices.
Sections failing the test shall be repaired and re-tested a minimum of 30 days after the repairs are
made and prior to acceptance.
6.10 Lamping and Final Inspection of Sanitary Sewer: If conditions permit, the sanitary sewer lines
and manholes will be lamped and inspected by the Project Representative on the same day(s) that
the mandrel testing is performed. If not, the lamping and inspection will be done as soon as
possible thereafter. All sewers and appurtenances will be carefully inspected. Any
unsatisfactory work shall be removed and replaced in a proper manner. The invert of the sewer
lines and manholes shall be left clean and free from dirt, sand, gravel or other obstructions
throughout the entire line.
In the event that the lamping and inspection are performed prior to construction of the first lift of
bituminous pavement, all manholes and, if necessary, all sewer lines will be reinspected by the
Project Representative after construction of the bituminous pavement. Any unsatisfactory work
shall be removed and replaced in a proper manner. The invert of the sewer lines and manholes
shall be left clean and free from dirt, sand, gravel or other obstructions throughout the entire line.
6.11 Lamping and Final Inspection of Storm Sewer: Upon completion of all street construction and
restoration of boulevards, stormwater ponding areas and drainage swales, the Project
Representative will carefully lamp and inspect all storm sewer lines and appurtenances. Any
unsatisfactory work will be removed and replaced in a proper manner. The invert of the storm
sewer lines, manholes and catch basins shall be left clean and free from dirt, sand, gravel or other
obstructions throughout the entire line.
Compaction Requirements: Compaction requirements for all embankments and trench backfill
constructed under this contract shall be in accordance to MnDOT 2015.3F except modified as
A…Areas Outside Street Right-of-Way: Areas outside the street right-of-way shall be
compacted to 95% of Standard Proctor Density (T-99) ASTM D-698 or 90% Modified Proctor
Density (T-180) ASTM D-1557. Side yards shall be compacted to 100% of Standard Proctor
Density (T-99) ASTM D-698.
B…Areas Within Street Right-of-Way: Trench backfilling or embankment construction shall
meet the following requirements:
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1…Below Upper 3 Feet: The zone from bottom of embankment or trench to within 3 feet of top
of subgrade shall be compacted to 95% of Standard Proctor Density (T-99) ASTM D 698 or 90%
Modified Proctor Density (T-180).
2…Upper 3 Feet: The zone from 3 feet below top of subgrade to top of subgrade together with
those portions of embankment or trench backfill below the upper 3 feet adjacent to structures
shall be compacted to 100% of Standard Proctor Density (T-99) ASTM D-698 or 95% Modified
Proctor Density (T-180).
C…Pipeline Backfilling Operations: Refer to Standard Utilities Specifications (C.E.A.M.) 2013
Edition, Section 2600.3E.
D…Compact area in pipe bedding and encasement zone (generally known as that area from the
bottom of the trench to 1 foot above the top of pipe) shall be mechanically tamped in accordance
to the pipe manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations for the various soil types. The
contractor shall not utilize any frozen backfill materials. The contractor shall make a special
effort to compact around manholes and gate valves during construction and adjustment.
E…Maximum lift thickness of backfill for all trench compaction shall be as follows:
1…Cohesive Soils: 1 foot maximum
2…Cohesionless Soils: 2 foot maximum
F…When the sanitary sewer services and water services have a separation exceeding 18 inches,
the sanitary service will have to be compacted first prior to installing the water service, or the
water service may be lowered under the roadway to within 1 foot separation to the sanitary
service to insure proper compaction requirements as listed above.
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1.00 SCOPE
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1.00 SCOPE: This work shall consist of the construction of streets, roads, bridges and all appurtenant
miscellaneous construction. The work includes the relocation or adjustment of existing facilities
as may be specified in the contract.
2.00 SPECIFICATION REFERENCE: All references to Mn/DOT specifications shall mean the latest
edition of the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) “Standard Specifications for
Construction.” The Mn/DOT “Standard Specifications for Construction” shall govern unless
modified or altered herein by these specifications.
Method of measurement for payment of work performed shall be in accordance with Mn/DOT
Specifications or C.E.A.M. Specifications unless modified by Special Provisions Specifications.
In the above-referenced state specifications, any words referring to the State of Minnesota or the
Department of Transportation shall mean the Owner.
3.00 SUBGRADE PREPARATION (MN/DOT 2112): The Contractor shall have a suitable scarifier
and a suitable water truck on the job at all times during subgrade preparation and base, binder
and wearing course placement. Water needed for compaction shall be considered incidental to
the project. Subgrade preparation shall be considered incidental to other items of work, and no
direct compensation will be made unless a separate bid item is provided for in the proposal.
4.00 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW – MODIFIED: Mn/DOT Specification 3149.2 B2 shall be
modified so that the ratio of the portion passing the #200 sieve divided by the portion passing the
1-inch sieve may not exceed 8% maximum percent by mass.
5.00 AGGREGATE BASE (MN/DOT 2211): Material for Class 5 base course shall be 100% crushed
limestone and shall meet the gradation requirements of Mn/DOT 3138 for Class 5 aggregate.
Class 7 aggregate is acceptable provided the salvaged/recycled aggregate has a minimum 80%
by mass (weight) of salvaged recycle aggregate material incorporated into the mixture.
However, the bitumen content of the composite mixture shall not exceed 3.0 percent by mass
(weight) and recycled concrete will not be permitted within the recycled aggregate product.
5.01 Aggregate Base – Class 5 Modified (Mn/DOT 2211): When specified, the aggregate base shall
conform to the following gradation and to Mn/DOT 2211. The material shall be 100% crushed
2” 100%
1 ½” 95-100%
1” 65-90%
¾” 40-75%
3/8” 35-55%
#4 20-40%
#10 15-30%
#40 10-25%
#200 3-10%
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Plasticity Index (PI) – 0-3
Liquid Limit (LL) – Maximum 25
5.02 Compaction: Compaction shall be by the Penetration Index Method per Mn/DOT 2211.3D.2.c
for recycle aggregate. Specified Density Method shall be used on virgin aggregate only.
5.03 Test Rolling: Prior to and following placement of the select granular borrow and aggregate base,
the Engineer will require the completion of a test roll on the street. The Contractor shall provide
a fully loaded tandem axle truck. The Contractor shall provide a weight ticket for the test roll
vehicle to the Engineer prior to the test roll.
A representative from the Engineer, Contractor and Soils Engineer company shall be present
during the operation.
The test rolling shall be at the direction of the Engineer, and shall be completed in areas as
directed by the Engineer. The Engineer shall determine what sections of the roadway are
unstable. Normally, a .05’ maximum deflection will be acceptable.
5.04Street Design: The design of the aggregate base and bituminous surface may vary depending on
residential, minor, major or arterial street designation. See standard plate number LV-ST-8.
6.00 PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT(MnDOT 2360): The bituminous mixture for:
local street construction shall be MnDOT TYPE SP 12.5 SPNWB230C for base and binder
courses along local residential streets and TYPE SP 12.5 SPNWB330C for base and binder
courses along collector roadways. MnDOT TYPE SP 12.5 SPWE240C shall be used for wear
courses along local residential streets, and MnDOT type TYPE SP 12.5 SPWE230C shall be
used for collector roadway wear courses. MnDOT TYPE SP 9.5 SPWEA230B for trails.
At least 5 days prior to the beginning of any base course mixture production operations, the
Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a job-mix formula prepared by an approved testing
laboratory for each type of mix. The job-mix formula shall establish a single percentage of
aggregate passing each required sieve size and a single percentage of bituminous material to be
incorporated in the mixture.
The bituminous material for mixture shall be Binder Grade PG58-34.
RAS shall not be allowed in any job-mix formula unless approved by the Engineer.
6.01 Bituminous Curb: Where specified, a bituminous curb shall be left on both sides of the
travelway. This bituminous berm shall be formed by a shoe attached to the paver and
constructed integrally with the pavement.
6.02 Compaction: Compaction shall be by the Ordinary Compaction Method.
6.03 Method of Rolling: When using ordinary compaction method to evaluate density, use a control
strip to establish a rolling pattern following the requirements of MNDOT 2360.3.D.2a.The
rolling of the base, binder and wear courses shall follow the accepted procedure of a steel wheel
roller with the drive wheel forward directly behind the paver, rolling form the gutter edge of the
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mat towards the center seam. Following as close behind the steel wheel as is practical shall be
pneumatic-tired roller operating in the same pattern as the steel wheel roller, followed by steel
wheel roller providing a static finish to eliminate any wheel tracks left by the pneumatic tired
roller. The same procedure shall be followed for additional passes.
7.00 Job Mix Formula: At least 5 days prior to the beginning of any base course or wearing course
mixture production operations, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a job-mix formula
prepared by an approved testing laboratory for each type of mix. The job-mix formula shall
establish a single percentage of aggregate passing each required sieve size, a single percentage of
additional bituminous material and a single percentage of total bituminous materials to be
incorporated into the mixture.
The new bituminous material for mixture shall be asphalt Binder Grade PG58-34.
RAS shall not be allowed in any job-mix formula unless approved by the Engineer.
7.02 Recycled Concrete Aggregate: The Contractor, at his option, may incorporate recycled concrete
aggregate as an ingredient or blend with salvaged bituminous surfacing or virgin aggregates in
accordance with these specifications. Acceptable blends shall be determined by laboratory
testing of trial mixtures. These results shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval in
accordance with the job-mix formula requirements above.
7.03 Aggregates: Regardless of the source of the aggregate materials, the aggregate materials shall
meet the requirements of Mn/DOT 3139 for the type aggregate specified.
7.04 Percentage Recycled Materials: The maximum allowable percentage of recycled material
incorporated into the mix shall not exceed 50 percent by weight of recycled material to final
production mix material used on the job.
8.00 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT (MN/DOT 2357): Bituminous tack coat shall be used between all
courses of bituminous pavement constructed by the Contractor. Tack coat material shall be CSS-
1H or CSS-1, or equal emulsified asphalt and spread at the rate of 0.05 to 0.07 gallons per
square yard.
9.00 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE (MN/DOT 2461): Prior to placing any concrete, the Contractor
shall submit to the Engineer a job-mix formula from an approved testing laboratory for each mix
number. The job-mix formula shall establish the proportion of the aggregates, cement-void ratio,
minimum cement factor, water, cement and any admixtures.
9.01 WALKS (Mn/DOT 2521): Concrete mix shall be 3A32 where forms are placed and 3A22 where
slip form machine placement is used. The application rate of the membrane curing for concrete
walks shall be one gallon of compound to 125 square feet of surface. All concrete sidewalks
shall be constructed atop 4-inches of select granular material.
9.02 Concrete Curbing (Mn/DOT 2531): Concrete mix shall be 3A32 where forms are placed and
3A22 where slip form machine placement is used. The application rate of the membrane curing
for concrete curbs and gutters shall be one gallon of compound to 125 square feet of surface.
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Where the longitudinal grade of the curb and gutter is 0.07% or less, the concrete edges and
surfaces designed to straight lines or grades will be checked with a 10 foot straight edge, and any
deviation there-from in excess of 3/16 inch will be considered to be unacceptable work.
9.03 Concrete Curb Crack Repair: Saw concrete crack 1 to 1 ½ inches in depth and caulk with Dow
Silicone-888 sealant or approved equal. The City will decide whether or not the defective curb
will be repaired or replaced on a case to case basis.
Contraction joints for curb and gutter will not require joint sealing.
10.00 DRIVEWAYS: Driveways and aprons shall be constructed in accordance with the Standard
10.01 Bituminous Driveways: Bituminous surfacing used in driveway construction shall meet the
applicable provisions of Mn/DOT 2360. The aggregate gradation shall provide for 100 percent
passing the 5/8 inch sieve.
The Contractor shall submit a job-mix formula.
10.02 Concrete Driveways: Concrete driveways shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable
provisions of Mn/DOT 2301 and 2531.
The Contractor shall submit a job-mix formula.
The application rate of the membrane curing shall be one gallon of compound to 125 square feet
of surface.
11.00 UTILITIES: The contractor shall adjust all castings located within the street section.
Adjustments shall be as follows:
Non-Inlet Castings .05’ below finished grade
Inlet Castings .12’ below gutterline grade
Valve Boxes .05’ below finished grade
Castings and valve boxes located in the bituminous section shall be coated with a material which
allows removal of bituminous material applied to the casting lid. Castings and valve boxes shall
have a wooden cutout or other approved material placed over the structure during the paving
operation. The cutout shall allow pavement to be placed around the structure, causing a uniform
lip after rolling conforming to the information given above. The top of the castings shall be
adjusted to the finished elevation just prior to paving.
Ductile Iron Adjusting Rings: Ductile iron manhole adjustment rings as manufactured by Ess
Brothers & Sons, Inc., Neenah Foundry Company, or approved equal, shall be used on all
sanitary and storm sewer manholes prior to final wear course placement. The height of the cast
iron adjustment ring shall be determined so as to set the top of casting one-half (1/2) inch below
finish wear grade at each manhole and still maintain the required wear course thickness. A one-
quarter (1/4) inch bead of EBS Super Glue adhesive, or approval equal, shall be placed around
the entire rim of the existing casting prior to placement of the adjustment ring. The existing
casting shall be cleaned according to the adhesive manufacturer’s recommendations.
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The rims shall be set to final grade by utilizing a manhole riser ring installation. The manhole
riser ring installation shall be as per manufacturer’s recommendations.
12.00 TRAFFIC SIGNS AND DEVICES (MN/DOT 2564): Sign posts shall be installed in accordance
with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways.
Street Identification Signs shall be 9-inch aluminum with 6-inch letters for street names and 6-
inch letter for street suffixes (Ex. Ave., Ct., Blvd). The font shall be Clearview One (1) VC35.
The first letter of the street name or suffix shall be capitalized and all other letter shall be
lowercase. Public street identification signs shall be green with white lettering and private street
signs shall be brown with white lettering. The back of the street identification signs will be
secured together using a cherry mate and PVC spacer.
All signs shall be a 0.08” aluminum, have Diamond Grade DG# sheeting and be pre-punched
longitudinal midpoint of sign with holes 7/16-inch in diameter to fit the standard Telspar quick-
punch post. Two (2) 5/16-inch holes shall be punched at the vertical midpoint of the sign spaced
½-inch on center from the edge of the blank.
All signs will be attached with drive rivets and nylon washers between the rivet and the sign
All anchors/anchor stabilizers will be flush with each other and erected straight to a point 2-
inches above the ground. The post shall be placed 6-inches inside of the anchor and be
connected with a corner bolt and nut.
Regulatory signs shall have an anchor, stabilizer sleeve, a 10-foot post and a pyramid rain cap.
Stop signs shall have an anchor, an omni-directional sleeve, a 12-foot post and a pyramid rain
Street identification signs will have an anchor, an omni-directional sleeve, 10-foot post and a
pyramid rain cap.
Stop and street sign identification signs shall have an anchor, an omni-directional sleeve, a 12-
foot post with the stop sign mounted 3-inches under the street identification sign and a pyramind
rain cap.
All other signage shall meet the minimum requirements contained within the Minnesota Manual
on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways
12.01 Existing Sign Replacement: Existing signs shall be replaced in accordance with the “Minnesota
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways.”
12.02 Pavement Marking and Striping: The Contractor shall paint traffic control stripes in accordance
with Mn/DOT specifications. Application equipment shall be approved by the Engineer prior to
commencing striping operations.
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12.03 Future Street Extensions: Four (4) nine-button delineators shall be installed at the terminus of all
future street extensions. The nine-button delineators shall be red on black in accordance with the
Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways.
13.00 TRAILS: Trail subgrade shall be compacted to 100% density as specified by the Ordinary
Compaction Method. The subgrade shall be proof rolled in the presence of a City Representative
and unstable areas shall be corrected as directed by the City Engineer.
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(2013 C.E.A.M.)
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B1a Push-On Joints
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B1b Mechanical Joints
B1c Flanged Joints
B2a Push-On Joints
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E1a Gravity Sewers
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E2a Gravity Sewers
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March, 2014
March, 2014
1.00 GENERAL: To provide for standardization of all sanitary lift stations in the City, the City of
Lakeville, Minnesota, has adopted the following general standards for the rehabilitation of
existing sanitary lift stations and the design and construction of future sanitary lift stations within
the City of Lakeville.
The standardization of lift stations within the City will simplify operation and maintenance of the
stations and will reduce the spare parts inventory that will be necessary to keep on hand.
In order to provide uniformity and standardization, the City of Lakeville will obtain the
following items for inclusion in the construction of new, and rehabilitation of existing, lift
Pump Discharge Elbows
CAS (Control and Status) Monitoring Unit (Pump Safe Modules)
Pump Control Panel including SCADA Equipment
2.00 LIFT STATION TYPES: The City has defined different levels of sophistication that may be
required for any one lift station installation. Depending on the size of the lift station, a separate
valve manhole may or may not be required and permanent standby power may or may not be
required. The City of Lakeville shall determine the level of sophistication required for existing
and proposed lift stations within the city.
Lift stations with pumps and discharge piping large enough to pass a three inch solid shall be
provided with non-clog submersible pumps (non-grinder). Lift stations with pumps and
discharge piping that cannot pass a three inch solid shall be provided with grinder pumps.
3.01 General: Each lift station will be provided with two or three pumps at the City’s discretion, a
pump control panel, submersible level transducer, a backup controller, back-up floats, and
SCADA equipment within the control panel. The control panel shall be located next to the lift
station a minimum of 4’ from the wet well and protected by bollards.
New, non-grinder lift stations with discharge piping larger than three inches in diameter shall
be required to have a separate valve manhole. Existing non-grinder lift stations currently
without separate valve manholes will be upgraded with separate valve manholes where site and
flow conditions permit. The minimum wet well and valve manhole size for non-grinder lift
stations will be 72” in diameter.
Small grinder lift stations will not require a separate valve manhole structure. The minimum wet
well size for grinder lift stations will be 60” in diameter.
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Permanent standby power may or may not be required at the lift station site. Standby power
requirements will be based upon the service area of the lift station and emergency response times
as well as the availability of the City’s existing portable standby power. Standby power
requirements shall be at the sole discretion of the City of Lakeville for each lift station.
A vent pipe shall be provided for each lift station either cast integral with the slab or located off
to the side of the station depending upon specific site conditions. Vent pipe location will be at
the City’s sole discretion.
A concrete slab shall be provided for the lift station control panel and around the lift station. A
concrete driveway shall be provided as the site permits. Control panel access shall be protected
by bollards. Additional landscaping measures may be necessary, final site improvements shall
be at the discretion of the City.
Drawings have been provided in Appendix A to detail the general lift station requirements.
Sheet No. 1 and 2 are for larger non-grinder pump lift stations. Sheet No. 3 is for smaller grinder
pump lift stations. Sheet No. 4 provides standard details for both the non-grinder and grinder lift
stations. Sheet No. 5 indicates the standard control panel layout. Sheet No. 6 shows the bill of
materials for a typical lift station panel.
3.02 Wet Well and Valve Manhole:
A…Materials of Construction: Main structure shall be reinforced precast concrete manhole
and/or reinforced concrete. All wet well hardware and fasteners shall be in stainless steel.
B…Buoyancy: Without justification using site specific soils and groundwater information, the
wet well, wet well base slab, and wet well cover shall be designed to overcome the buoyant
forces on the lift station assuming a ground water elevation at the surface, no soil interaction
with the structures, and a minimum safety factor of 1.10 based on the dead loads on the concrete
structure, excluding all equipment, hatches, piping, etc.
C…Structure Reinforcement: The concrete structure, including base slab and wet well shall be
designed and constructed to overcome the pressure associated with minimum and maximum
ground water elevations and a structural safety factor which meets current industry standards.
The top slab shall be designed to handle AASHTO HS20 vehicle loads regardless of location. (It
is the City’s intent to not construct lift stations or valve manholes within roadways.)
D…Hatch: A heavy duty aluminum access hatch shall be cast into the top slab of the lift station
and valve manhole. The hatch assembly shall include a recessed padlock locking device, flush
stainless steel drop handle which does not protrude above the cover, and an automatic hold open
arm or release handle. Hatches shall be equipped with a compression spring assist so that the
cover will require no more than 30 pounds of force to open using the lift handle. Hatches shall
have a removable “T” handle operated slam lock system with a slam lock plug. A thick coated
bitumastic coal-tar epoxy shall be applied to the exterior of the hatch frame that will be in
contact with the concrete. The hatches shall be sized to allow removal of the pumps and valves.
The hatch or hatches shall provide a clear opening for easy removal of pump(s) and all
equipment, valves, and piping to be located in the wet well or valve manhole. A minimum of 2
inches of clearance will be provided between the sides of the pumps and the hatch and a
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minimum of 6 inches clearance will be provided between the front of the pump (side of pump
away from guide rails) and the hatch, assuming the pumps are brought straight up through the
hatch following the guide rails which are set to meet manufacturer’s standards. Hatches in non-
traffic areas shall withstand 300 lbs./sq ft loads, at a minimum. Hatches in traffic areas shall
withstand AASHTO HS20 loads, at a minimum. (The City of Lakeville shall make a case-by-
case determination of minimum needs. It is the City’s intent to not construct lift stations or valve
manholes within roadways.) A “master” lock shall be provided for each hasp on the access
hatches keyed to City of Lakeville specifications.
Each hatch shall be provided with safety grating.
E…Wet Well Size and Dimensions: The wet well dimensions and size shall follow the
recommendations of the most recent standards of the Hydraulics Institute. The minimum sizes
for grinder and non-grinder lift stations are indicated above.
Wet well sizing shall maintain pump cycling at or below 10 starts per hour.
The lower portion of the wet well shall be sloped to reduce solids residence times within the
station to reduce the potential for odors.
The high water alarm elevation shall be at least 6 inches below the invert of the deepest influent
The low water alarm shall be above the pump manufacturer’s minimum operating water level,
and above the top of the submersible pump and motor unit.
Pump and wet well settings, including high water and low water alarms and pump on and off
settings, shall be separated by at least 1 foot of elevations.
Oversize wet well to accommodate increase in flows should increases be likely. Avoid odor
production using sloped fillets and adjustable on/off elevation settings.
Single pump installations are not acceptable.
Provide a separate valve manhole for a 3 inch diameter and larger discharge piping.
Wet well dimensions shall promote the use of standard pump sizes wherever possible. Consult
the City for a list of standard pump sizes.
F…Valve Manhole Size and Dimensions: Provide a minimum of 9 inches of clear space
between the valve manhole structure and flanged or otherwise bolted fittings for ease of
construction and repair.
Provide adequate space for maintenance personnel to enter the valve vault to repair or replace
piping, valves, etc. The minimum valve manhole size shall be 72” diameter.
The valve manhole shall have a drain to the wet well with an isolation gate valve. The drain
piping shall extend to below the low water level in the wet well.
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See Standard City Detail Plate for additional requirements.
3.03 Discharge Pumping for Non-Grinder Lift Stations:
A…Location: All buried piping shall have a minimum of 7.5 feet of cover. Discharge piping
shall be spaced in accordance with pump manufacturer’s recommendations.
B…Sizing: Discharge piping velocities shall be above 2.5 feet per second and below 10 feet per
Acceptable discharge piping velocities may be lowered based on life cycle costs calculated by
the City.
C…Ductile Iron Piping and Fitting Materials: Unless otherwise stated, ductile iron pipe and
fitting shall conform to the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51 for 150 pound working
pressure with flange or mechanical joints. Flange joints shall conform to ANSI/AWWA
C115/A21.15, drilled in accordance with ANSI B16.1 Class 125. The weight, class, or nominal
thickness shall be shown on each pipe. All buried ductile iron pipe within 20 feet of lift station
and valve manhole structure shall be a minimum of Class 52.
Mechanical joint fittings shall conform to AWWA C110/ANSI A21.10 rated at 250 psi, or
AWWA C153/ANSI A21.53 rated at 350 psi. Rubber gaskets shall conform to AWWA C111.
All ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be lined with cement mortar in accordance with
ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4 unless otherwise noted.
D…Special Fittings: Flanged coupling adaptors shall be Dresser Style 227, Smith Blair 912, or
E…Check Valves: Maintenance-free, swing check valves four (4) inches and larger shall meet
the material requirements of AWWA C508.
Check valves shall be as manufactured by Val-matic, Clow Valve, Golden Anderson, or
approved equal.
F…Gate Valves: Gate valves three inches and larger shall be resilient seated gate valves
conforming to AWWA C515. Allowances shall be made for material thickness associated with
ductile iron valves.
3.04 Discharge Pumping for Grinder Lift Stations:
A…Location: All buried piping shall have a minimum of 7.5 feet of cover. Discharge piping
shall be spaced in accordance with pump manufacturer’s recommendations.
B…Sizing: Discharge piping velocities shall be above 2.5 feet per second and below 10 feet per
Acceptable discharge piping velocities may be lowered based on life cycle costs calculated by
the City.
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C…PVC Piping and Fitting Materials: Piping and fittings shall be manufactured from a PVC
compound which meets the requirements of Type 1, Grade 1 PVC in accordance with ASTM
D1784. Pipe, fittings, and valves shall be Schedule 80. Fittings shall conform to the requirements
of ASTM D2467 for socket type, and ASTM D2464 for threaded type. All socket type
connections shall be joined with PVC solvent cement conforming to ASTM D2564. Pipe,
fittings, and valves shall be installed in compliance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
D…Stainless Steel Piping and Fitting Materials: Stainless steel piping shall be Schedule 40,
threaded. Fittings shall be Class 150, threaded.
E…Ball Check Valves: Valves (3 inches and smaller) shall be true union type stainless steel ball
check valves.
F…Swing Check Valves: Small diameter swing check valves (2 inch diameter and less) shall be
stainless steel Class 200 swing disc type. Valves shall have integral seat and screwed cap with
union type fittings.
G…Metal Ball Valves: Valves two inches and smaller shall be three piece construction allowing
for maintenance without removing the valve from the pipeline. Valve body and pipe ends shall
be brass or stainless steel. Pipe ends shall be NPT screwed and bolted through the valve body.
Valve ball and stem shall be Type 316 stainless steel. Seats shall be TFE glass reinforced. Seals
shall be Buna-N or PTFE.
H…PVC Ball Valves: PVC ball valves shall be true union type. Valves shall be provided with
PTFE ball seats, double Viton or E.T. stem seals, and blow-out proof stem.
I…Operator Extension: Provide a stainless steel operator extension with a lever handle for ball
valves. Extensions shall extend to just below the lift station hatch.
3.05 Pumps and Lift Station Appurtenances:
A…Pump Type: Install KSB or equal submersible, non-clog sewage pumps and discharge
elbows capable of passing a three-inch diameter solid sphere.
IMPORTANT: Non-clog pump type only!
If properly sized pumps and piping cannot pass a three-inch diameter solid sphere, install KSB or
equal submersible grinder pumps and discharge elbows.
B…Non-grinder Pump Warranty: The pump manufacturer shall warrant the total non-grinder
submersible pumping package for 60 months from the date of shipment, on a pro-rated basis per
Exhibit A, Sheet 6. The total pumping package includes all pump components, including
bearings, power cables, etc. The major wear parts such as mechanical seals, impeller, pump
housing, wear rings, and ball bearings, are pro-rated on a linear basis over a full five (5) years
following the time period stipulated previously in this paragraph.
C…Grinder Pump Warranty: The pump manufacturer shall warrant the total grinder submersible
pumping package for twelve (12) months from the date of shipment, or for twelve (12) months
from the date of written acceptance by the City of Lakeville, based on whichever date is later.
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This total pumping package warranty will be a 100% non-pro-rated warranty. The total pumping
package includes all pump components, including bearings, power cables, etc.
D…Pumps and Motors: Pumps shall be centrifugal, non-clog, solids handling, and submersible,
explosion-proof wastewater type pumps capable of handling raw unscreened wastewater. The
entire pumping unit shall be explosion proof. The pump casing shall have a centerline discharge
equipped with an automatic pipe coupling arrangement for ease of installation and piping
alignment. The pumps shall automatically connect to the discharge piping when lowered into
position. Sealing of the pump to the discharge piping (discharge elbow) shall incorporate a
watertight seal utilizing a profile gasket between machined surfaces. The pumps shall be
equipped with stainless steel chains long enough and strong enough to raise the pump for
removal and inspection. The pumps shall be easily removable by one operator with a portable
hoist for inspection or service, requiring no bolts, nuts, or other fasteners to be removed for this
purpose, and no need for personnel to enter the wet well. No portion of the pump shall bear
directly on the sump floor.
The pump volute, motor, and seal housing shall be high quality grey cast iron, ASTM A-48,
Class 35B. All external mating surfaces shall be machined and Buna N Rubber O-ring sealed.
All fasteners exposed to the water shall be 304 stainless steel.
The pump impellers shall be single vane or vortex single shrouded (grinder pumps) non-clog
type. The impeller shall be dynamically balanced. The impeller shall be A 48 Class 35B cast
A wear ring system shall be installed to provide efficient sealing between the volute and
impeller. Replaceable metal wear rings shall have a Brinell hardness of 200 or more.
The pump shafts shall be AISI Type 431 stainless steel. Pump shaft and motor shaft shall be the
same unit. Couplings will not be allowed.
The pump bearings shall have a B10 bearing life of a minimum of 50,000 hours.
The pump shall be provided with an oil chamber for the shaft sealing system. The drain and
inspection plug, with positive anti-leak seal, shall be easily accessible from the outside.
The pump shall have an electrode probe mounted in the seal chamber. The probe shall be
connected via a submersible cable to the motor control center to alarm a seal failure when liquid
is sensed, including a light in the control panel to notify the operator of a problem.
The pump shall have two mechanical seals mounted in tandem. Each seal shall be held in contact
with its own spring. The upper tandem set of seals shall operate in an oil chamber located below
the stator housing. This set shall contain silicon or tungsten-carbide rings (for non-grinder
pumps) or carbon-ceramic rings (for grinder pumps). This set of seals shall function as an
independent secondary barrier between the pumped liquid and the stator housing. The lower of
the tandem set of seals shall function as the primary barrier between the pumped liquid and the
stator housing. This set of seals shall contain one stationary and one positively driven rotating,
corrosion resistant silicon or tungsten carbide ring (both for non-grinder and grinder pumps).
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The motor stator, rotor, and bearings shall be mounted in a sealed submersible housing. The
stator windings shall have a Class H or better insulation. Motors shall be equipped with thermal
overload protection capable of resetting automatically after cool-down. The motors shall also be
equipped with a seal leak detection warning system that will be connected to the motor control
center to alarm a seal failure when liquid is sensed, including a light in the control panel to
notify the operator of a problem.
The pump and motor shall be designed so that they may operate partially or totally submerged in
water. The pump and motor shall be rated for continuous duty.
Motors shall be sized so they are not loaded above full-load rating at any point on the impeller
operating curve. Operation in the motor “service factor” range is not acceptable.
Minimum motor efficiency shall be designated by the City.
Motors shall be suitable for City-determined voltages, phases, and hertz of operating power at a
City-specified maximum rpm.
Protect all pumping equipment metal surfaces in contact with pumpage, other than stainless steel
or brass, with a factory-applied spray coating of acrylic dispersion zinc phosphate primer with a
polyester resin paint finish.
The power cable shall be sized according to NEC and ICEA standards and shall be of sufficient
length to reach the control panel without any need for splices. The use of junction boxes will
require special consideration and written authorization from the City of Lakeville. The outer
jacket of the cable shall be oil resistant chloroprene rubber. The motor and cable shall be capable
of continuous submergence underwater without the loss of watertight integrity to a depth of 65
E…Guide Rails: Lift stations shall be equipped with dual stainless steel guide rails to guide the
pump into proper alignment with the discharge elbow. The guide rails shall extend from the
discharge elbow to the upper guide holder on the access door.
Guide rails shall be full length single piece construction between supports. Field welded guide
rails shall not be acceptable.
Guide rail supports shall be stainless steel.
The guide rail diameter and guide rail bracing spacing shall be as recommended by the pump
manufacturer. Intermediate guide rail braces shall be stainless steel.
F…Cable Holders: Four stainless steel “J” hooks shall be provided for holding pump and
control cables. “J” hooks shall be fastened at hatch opening, confirm mounting locations with
City during construction.
G…Pump Lifting Chains: Provide one 316 stainless steel lifting chain for each pump. Lifting
chain shall be strong enough and long enough to raise pump for removal and inspection.
March, 2014
H…Anchor Bolts: All bolts, washers, and nuts shall be AISI Type 304 stainless steel. Anchor
bolts shall be adhesive anchor bolts.
3.06 Force Main and Buried Piping:
A…General: All buried piping shall have a minimum of 7.5 feet of cover. Force main piping
velocities shall be above 2.5 feet per second and below 10 feet per second. Acceptable discharge
velocities may be lowered based upon life cycle costs calculated by the City.
Provide all crosses, tees, bends, caps, and other thrust points in the piping system with suitable
means of overcoming thrust. All joints for pipe sizes greater than 10 inches in diameter shall be
Force main piping shall be PVC as specified below. Force main 3 inches or smaller shall be PVC
as specified below. High points or severe changes of grade in the force main shall contain
sewage air release, air/vacuum, or combination air valves. Low points shall contain cleanout
wyes for cleaning in both directions. Air release and cleanouts shall be housed in precast
concrete manhole structures minimum 4 foot in diameter. Precast manhole structure shall be
sized adequately for servicing valves and cleanouts and the force main size.
Force main piping material, air release valve, cleanout locations, and structure sizing shall be at
the discretion of and subject to approval by the City.
B…PVC Pipe: The PVC pipe and fittings furnished shall be of the type as specified below for
each particular use or type of installation.
Force Main Piping (less than 4-inches in diameter): Pipe, fittings, and valves shall be
manufactured from a PVC compound which meets the requirements of Type I, Grade I PVC in
accordance with ASTM D1784. Compound from which pipe is produced shall have a design
stress rating of 2,000 psi at 23 C, listed by PPI.
Pipe, fittings, and valves shall be Schedule 80. Pipe, fittings, and valves shall be installed in
compliance with manufacturer’s recommendations and in accordance with ASTM D2274.
PVC Force Main Piping (4 – 12 inches in diameter): PVC pressure pipe in sizes 4 – 12 inches in
diameter shall conform to all applicable requirements of ANSI/AWWA C900 or C909.
The pipe shall meet cast iron pipe equivalent outside diameters and shall be minimum Class 150
(DR18) or Class 200 (DR14) pipe as indicated on the drawings, and shall meet the requirements
of Table 2 of AWWA C900 or C909 as applicable.
The manufacturer of each shipment of pipe may be required to supply a statement certifying that
each lot or load of pipe has been subjected to the appropriate testing for PVC pipe meeting the
requirements of AWWA C900 or C909, as applicable.
Fittings shall be mechanical joint ductile iron fitting meeting the requirements of AWWA
C110/ANSI A21.10 or AWWA C153/ANSI 21.53 rated at 350 psi. Gaskets shall conform to the
requirements of AWWA C111 and the cement lining shall conform to the requirements of
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AWWA C104. Fittings shall be wrapped in polyethylene encasement material as specified later
in this section.
All joints shall be integral, bell and spigot gasketed joints, or plain end with rubber ring
couplings. When the spigot end is to be inserted into a mechanical joint fitting, the beveled end
of the pipe shall be removed prior to insertion. Gaskets and lubricant shall be made from
materials that are compatible with the plastic material and with each other when used together.
Gaskets shall meet the requirements of ASTM F477.
Joint restraint systems shall be suitable for PVC pipe. For push on joints EBBA Iron, Inc. Series
1500 Bell Restraint Harness, or equal shall be used. At mechanical joint fittings EBAA Iron,
Inc. Megalug Series 2000PV Retainer Gland shall be used. Joint restraint systems shall be rated
for at a minimum the design pressure of the pipe with a 2-to-1 safety factor.
Provide a tracer wire with all non-metallic force main piping. Tracer wire shall be a No. 10
AWG insulated copper wire laid along the top of the pipe and held in place with tape or ties.
The tape or ties shall not be spaced more than 10 feet apart. A splice kit shall be provided with
split bolt for 1kV and 5kV and suitable for direct bury and submersible applications at each
splice location. Prove a 3/8 inch diameter, 60 inch length steel ground rod uniformly coated with
metallically bonded electrolytic copper. Tracer wire for force mains shall be terminated within
the inlet valve manhole and discharge manhole structures. Tracer wire shall be appropriately
mounted to the manhole structure, and brought up near the top for easy connection for testing.
Pipe, fittings, and valves shall be installed in compliance with manufacturer’s recommendations
and in accordance with ASTM D2274.
PVC Force Main Piping (14 inches in diameter and greater): PVC pressure pipe in sizes 14
inches in diameter and greater shall conform to all applicable requirements of ANSI/AWWA
The pipe shall meet cast iron pipe equivalent outside diameters and shall be minimum PR 165
(DR25), PR 200 (DR21), or PR 235 (DR18) pipe as indicated on the drawing, and shall meet the
requirements of Table 2 of AWWA C905 as applicable.
The manufacturer of each shipment of pipe may be required to supply a statement certifying that
each lot or load of pipe has been subjected to the appropriate testing for PVC pipe meeting the
requirements of AWWA C905, as applicable.
Fittings shall be mechanical joint ductile iron fittings meeting the requirements of AWWA
C110/ANSI A21.10 or AWWA C153/ANSI 21.53 rated at 350 psi. Gaskets shall conform to the
requirements of AWWA C111 and the cement lining shall conform to the requirements of
AWWA C111 and the cement lining shall conform to the requirements of AWWA C104.
Fittings shall be wrapped in polyethylene encasement material as specified later in this section.
All joints shall be integral, bell and spigot gasketed joints, or plain end with rubber ring
couplings. When the spigot end is to be inserted into a mechanical joint fitting, the beveled end
of the pipe shall be removed prior to insertion.
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Gaskets and lubricants shall be made from materials that are compatible with the plastic material
and with each other when used together. Gaskets shall meet the requirements of ASTM F477.
Joint restraint systems shall be suitable for PVC pipe. For push on joints EBBA Iron, Inc.
Megalug Series 2800 Bell Restraint Harness, or equal shall be used. At mechanical joint fittings
EBAA Iron, Inc. Megalug Series 2200 Retainer Gland shall be used. Joint restraint systems shall
be rated for at a minimum the design pressure of the pipe with a 2-to-1 safety factor.
Provide a tracer wire with all non-metallic force main and water main piping. Tracer wire shall
be a No. 10 AWG insulated copper wire laid along the top of the pipe and held in place with
tape or ties. The tape or ties shall not be spaced more than 10 feet apart. A splice kit shall be
provided with split bolt for 1kV and 5kV and suitable for direct bury and submersible
applications at each splice location. Provide a 3/8 inch diameter, 60 inch length steel ground rod
uniformly coated with metallically bonded electrolytic copper. Tracer wire for force mains shall
be terminated within the inlet valve manhole and discharge manhole structures and/or air release
or cleanout structures. Tracer wire for force mains shall be terminated within the inlet valve
manhole and discharge manhole structures and/or air release or cleanout structures. Tracer wire
shall be appropriately mounted to the manhole structure, and brought up near the top for easy
connection for testing.
Pipe, fittings, and valves shall be installed in compliance with manufacturer’s recommendations
and in accordance with ASTM D2274.
C…Gate Valves: Gate valves 2 inches to 48 inches in diameter shall be resilient seated wedge
type gate valves rated for 250 psi working pressure with all ferrous components ductile iron in
accordance with ASTM A536. Gate valves 3 inches to 36 inches in diameter shall be in full
compliance with the requirements of AWWA C515. Manufacturer shall furnish an affidavit
stating that the valve and all materials conform to the applicable AWWA requirements and all
tests specified under the respective standard have been performed and have been met. Valves
shall be NSF 61 certified.
Provide stem extensions for all actuators. Extension length will vary with the depth of the bury
for each valve. Provide all necessary appurtenances for complete operation of valve.
Valve boxes shall be three piece cast iron with a round base, Mueller-H-10357, or equal. The top
of the valve boxes shall be 5 ¼ inches in diameter. Valve box height shall be suitable for the
burial depth of the valve and shall have sufficient length to permit at least 6 inches of the
adjustment above and below grade when the valve is laid to the specified depth. Adjustment
shall be screw type. Covers shall have the word “Sewer” cast on top.
D…Air Release, Air/Vacuum, and Combination Air Valves: Valves shall be as manufactured by
A.R.I., or equal. Air/vacuum valves shall be model K-020, or equal. Air release valves shall be
model S-020, or equal. Combination air valves shall be model D-020 or D-025 or equal. Valves
shall be sized in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations for pipe size, location, and
flow conditions.
Air valves shall be specifically designed to operate with liquids carrying solid particles such as
sewage and provides separation of the liquid from the sealing mechanism. The air gap separation
is sustained under pressure up to 150 psi minimum by a conical body shape and under vibrations
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by a spring loaded joint. Valves shall include a quick connect coupling for back flushing of
components and a drainage outlet for easy removal of excess liquids.
3.07 Pump Control:
A…Level control shall be accomplished using a submersible pressure/level transducer and Allen
Bradley MicroLogic 1400 PLC. In addition, float back-up controller and float switches shall be
provided as a back-up system to the submersible transducer and programmable Logic controller.
The float switch back-up circuitry shall be independent of the primary level control circuitry for
redundancy. Provide two float switches with the following functions:
High Level Alarm / Start Pumps
Stop Pumps
B…Float switches shall be non-mercury type. Provide intrinsically-safe barrier relays on each
float switch circuit.
C…The control panel shall follow the bill of material and panel layout per the Appendix sheets.
3.08 Motor Starters / Variable Frequency Drives:
A…Starter shall be NEMA-style, NEMA-rated for the application. Starters shall have
replaceable contacts and solid-state type adjustable overloads that provide NEMA
Class 10 protection for submersible pump motors.
B…Approved starter manufacturers:
Square D Company
Cutler Hammer
C…Where phase conversion equipment is needed to convert single-phase utility power to three-
phase power for pump motors, provide variable frequency drives (VFDs) that are rated for
single-phase input voltage by the drive manufacturer. When VFD’s are used, the control panel
shall be located in an area that is not exposed to direct sunlight.
D…Approved VFD manufacturers:
Allen-Bradley “Power Flex”
A-C Tech “SCF Series”
3.09 Permanent Standby Power – (When Required):
A…Engine-generator set shall be a diesel-powered unit with four-cycle industrial diesel engine,
double-wall base fuel tank, weatherproof housing, silencer, battery, battery charger, alternator,
control panel, silencer, and related equipment.
B…Size the engine-generator set for continuous duty at peak flow conditions. Provide fuel
storage for 24 hours, minimum operation at continuous peak station flow. Engine generator shall
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be sized to allow starting and operating both pumps at a duplex lift station and all three pumps at
a triplex lift station.
C…Locate the unit on the project site, and provide adequate sound abatement so that the
installation complies with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) noise rules.
D…Provide automatic transfer switch in the pump control panel, so that the unit will
automatically start and transfer upon loss of utility power, or upon abnormal supply voltage
conditions. Acceptable manufacturers:
Automatic Switch Company (ASCO)
General Electric/Zenith
E…Provide generator with an “Emergency Stop” push button located inside the lockable
housing. Do not provide a shutdown switch on the outside of the housing.
F…Acceptable permanent standby power generator manufacturers:
Cummins / Onan
3.10 Portable Standby Power – (If No Permanent Standby Power):
A…Provide Crouse-Hinds connector to match available connectors on the City’s existing
portable generator sets. Select connector ampacity to match the station service entrance
amperage rating.
B…For stations where an existing connector exists, salvage and install the existing connector on
the new pump control panel if the connector is of the required type.
C…Provide main and standby circuit breakers with the circuit breaker manufacturer’s “walking-
beam interlock” to allow only one breaker to be closed at a time.
3.11 Control Panel:
A…Control panel enclosure shall be a NEMA Type 3R, constructed of Type 304 or Type 316
stainless steel of not less than 12 gauge thickness. The enclosure shall be low-profile, 2-door
design, with stainless steel hinges, stainless steel 3-point latch, and stainless steel vault handle
with padlock provisions. Control panel enclosure shall be free standing type with stainless steel
supporting legs and skirting secured with stainless steel tamperproof hardware.
B…Size the enclosure to accept all electrical equipment without overcrowding, and in
accordance with the UL 508 and UL698A requirements. The minimum panel size shall be 60”
wide by 48” high with an 18” skirted area below panel.
C…The completed panel shall bear UL labels in accordance with Minnesota Board of Electricity
requirements, UL 508 and applicable portions of UL698A and UL913.
March, 2014
D…Provide front-panel components as required by the equipment and as indicated on Sheet No.
5 located in Appendix A. The attached Sheet No. 5 shows the general control panel layout
E…All control devices including, but not limited to, selector switches, push button switches, and
indicating lights, shall be of heavy duty, oil tight type, and push-to-test. The contacts shall meet
NEMA rating designation A600.
3.12 Outside Communication:
A…Outside communication shall be through the City’s SCADA system.
B…Provide 8” wide by 8” high by 10” deep unobstructed space within the pump control panel
for installation of the Johnson/Data radio equipment by the equipment installer.
The City maintains a SCADA system at the Water Treatment Facility that monitors
Alarms listed below:
1…Wet Well Level Sensor Fail
2…Wet Well High level
3…Wet Well Low Level
4…Backup High Level
5…Power Failure / Phase Failure
6…Pump No. 1 Motor Hot
7…Pump No. 1 Seal Failure
8…Pump No. 2 Motor Hot
9…Pump No. 2 Seal Failure
10…Pump No. 3 Motor Hot (if applicable)
11…Pump No. 3 Seal Failure (if applicable)
12…Cycle Too Long
13…Pump No. 1 Running
14…Pump No. 2 Running
15…Pump No. 3 Running (if applicable)
16…Control Panel Low Temperature Alarm
17…Control Panel High Temperature Alarm
18…Engine-Generator Running (if applicable)
19…Engine-Generator Alarm (if applicable).
3.13 Spare Parts:
A…A spare parts package shall be provided for each lift station. The spare parts package shall
contain the following items:
One set each, upper and lower seals.
Spare fuses and lamps, consisting of a minimum of 10% spare each type used, or quantity (6)
of each type used, which is greater.
March, 2014
3.14 Control Panel Supplier:
A…Several existing lift stations have been reconstructed using control panels from Quality
Control & Integration, Inc. or approved equal. For consistency, ease of operations, and parts
commonality, all new lift station control panels shall match the layout, appearance ad function of
the existing Quality Control & Integration, Inc. panels.
B…Quality Control & Integration, Inc. contact person:
Quality Control & Integration, Inc.
Attn: Mr. Bill Toennes
800 6th St NW
New Prague, MN 56071
Phone (952) 758-9445
4.00 ELECTRICAL SERVICE OPTIONS: The pump station electrical requirements, available utility
voltages, and standby power requirements must be identified prior to completing the lift station
electrical design.
The City will contact the servicing electrical utility to determine which service voltages are
available. Three-phase power is preferred to avoid the use of variable frequency drives as
phase converters.
If there are utility charges to provide three-phase service, the City will obtain an estimate of the
charges from the servicing utility and prepare a cost comparison between a three-phase
installation and a single-phase installation.
Three-phase service voltage:
277/480VAC, three phase, four-wire, grounded-wye
Single phase voltage:
120/240VAC, single phase, three-wire, grounded center tap
For stations that require a connection for portable standby power, confirm the City’s ability
to provide standby power in the required capacity at the desired voltage, using the City’s
existing portable engine-generator sets.
Obtain information from the serving electric utility regarding available fault current at each
service voltage. The entire lift station electrical system and control panel shall be designed
to withstand the available fault current.
The final voltage selection shall be determined by City staff, based on a cost-benefit
comparison of available operating voltages.
March, 2014
5.00 LIFT STATION WARRANTY: The Contractor shall warrant Contractor supplied lift station
components and Contractors work for twelve (12) months from final completion and written
acceptance by the City of Lakeville.
6.01 Submittals:
A…Shop Drawings: Shop drawings shall be submitted for approval by the Engineer. Submit
the following as a minimum for review:
Detailed specifications, dimensions, and weights of pumps, hatches, valves, piping,
manholes, and other appurtenances.
Size and model number of pump and motor
Factory-certified pump curves for the specific pump to be delivered
Detailed electrical data
Control drawings and data
Typical installation guide
Access hatch drawings
Technical manuals
Parts lists
Operation and maintenance manuals and data.
Printed warranty for pumps and appurtenant equipment.
Motor performance chart including curves for torque, current, power factor, input/output
kilowatts, and efficiency. Include data on starting and no load characteristics.
Certified factory performance test curves for each pump provided shall be furnished and
approved prior to shipment of the unit to the site. Test curves shall cover the full range of
operation from shut off to maximum capacity including head capacity curve, horsepower
curve, wire to water efficiency, shut off head, and recommended operating range. Factory
testing of all pump equipment shall be made in accordance with the test code of the
Hydraulic Institute Standards. Pumping equipment that fails to meet the specified
requirements shall be replaced with pumping equipment that does not meet the specified
6.02 As-Built Documentation:
Submit a complete set of drawings, documentation, and manufacturer’s operation and
maintenance instructions for the project. Construction record drawings shall be updated to
show “as-built” conditions.
Submit complete electrical schematics showing control panel “as-built” information
including ladder logic.
Submit complete instrumentation and control “as-built” information including ladder logic.
March, 2014
All drawings shall be submitted in reproducible hard copy format and in electronic format
(Adobe .pdf)
7.00 START-UP AND TESTING: A factory trained service representative shall be present at the
time when the station is to be put into service and turned over to the Owner. The service
representative shall instruct the Owner in the proper operation and maintenance of the
equipment. The service representative shall provide a minimum of eight (8) hours for field
testing and training.
At the time of startup, the Contractor shall conduct the necessary pumping test to determine the
proper operation of the system. The Contractor shall furnish all meters, equipment, and water
required for these tests and the tests shall be so conducted as to check the operation of the
pumping system. Necessary measurements of the electrical consumption shall be made to
determine whether or not the pump is operating within the conditions recommended by the pump
manufacturer. Perform a witnessed operation test of all equipment. Confirm proper operation of
all station features and functions. Record phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground voltages during
no-load conditions and during all pump operating conditions. In the event that the tests show the
equipment does not comply with the specifications of the pump manufacturer, this shall be
sufficient cause to reject the pump. All tests therein required shall be supervised by the Engineer.
No “startups” shall be scheduled for Fridays.
March, 2014
March, 2014
1 Include provisions for boulevard restoration (6” topsoil, 3’ width of sod behind the curb, seeding
and mulching) to be done following installation of any private utilities in the boulevard area or
prior to final acceptance of street improvements. See Section 8 thru 10 in City of Lakeville
Standard Specifications For All Site Work. Contractor/Developer will be required to comply
with all NPDES regulations as outlined in the projects SWPPP.
2 If the utilities and streets are bid as two (2) separate contracts, include provisions and designate
responsibility for the following:
a. Final manhole casting and valve box adjustments prior to street paving.
b. Any required cleaning or repair of sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer systems
following street construction.
c. See procedures for final acceptance regarding required warranty period.
3. Specify normal working hours:
a. Working hours are 7:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. With prior permission
from the City Engineer, work may also be completed between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on
Saturdays. No work is permitted on Sundays or government holidays.
b. Work necessary for emergencies or for the protection of equipment may be done as
4. A Certificate of Insurance submitted by the developer’s contractor performing grading, utility
and street construction. The grading contractor shall provide insurance for one year and the
contractor for utilities and streets shall provide insurance for two years.
March, 2014