HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-03-01 ~~ ~; CITY.OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 3,..2001 • A complete video tape of the City Council proceedings is retained for one year... Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Roll call was taken.. Present: Counci Members Bellows, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick and Mayor Johnson. Also present: R. Knutson,. City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; l<. Nelson, City Engineer; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, .Parks & Recreation Director; D. Olson, Community & Economic Development Director;. b. Martens, Police Chief; D. Volk,. Director of Operations & Maintenance; ]. Hennen, Assistant to City Administrator; C. Friedges, City Clerk. MINUTES The minutes of the November 19, 2001'City Council meeting were approved. as .presented. STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS AT'l"ORNEY: None ENGINEER: None ADMINLSTRATOR: Mr. Erickson explained that due to a procedural :error with the public hearing notice for weed/grass removal., (agenda item 8), the public hearing will-need to be re-scheduled. He recommended the public. hearing be held on January 7, 2002. DIRECTOR-OF OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE: Don Volk presented the November monthly report of the Operations Maintenance Department.. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 3, 2001 PAGE 2 PRESENTATIONS/INTRODUCTIONS Don Volk presented an appreciation plaque to Retired Street Superintendent Carl Rice. The City .Council recognized several groups and .individuals for community service. Those in attendance were: ^ .Haunted Forest Volunteers ^ Lakeview Elementary School Students and their Guidance Counselor. Nancy Nolan ^ Valley Christian Church Youth Group ^ Eldon Johnson ^ Rhonda Berg ^ Pete Martin ^ Dakota County Deputy Coreen Kulvich ^ Larry Werner ^ Jessica Wheeler (not present) CITIZENS' COMMENTS None CONSENT AGENDA 01.146 Motion was made by Bellows., seconded by Mulvihill to approve the consent agenda items as follows: a. Claims for payment. b. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings: ^ Park & Recreation Committee, November 14, 2001 ^ Economic Development Commission, October 23, 2Q01 c. Final payment and acceptance of improvements and Change Orders 5, 6 and 7 for Ipava Avenue extension, Lakeville High School to 185th Street, .Improvement Project. 98-10. d. Standard Engineering Agreements and 2002 fee schedules with .Barr Engineering, Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inc., SRF .CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 3, 2001 PAGE 3 Consulting Group, Inc., Tolz, King, Duvall, Anderson & Associates and WSB & Associates, Inc. e. Resolution No. 01-204 establishing :2002 lateral sanitary sewer and watermain access charges. f. Resolution No. 01-205 establishing 2002. sanitary sewer unit and sanitary sewer area connection charges. g. Resolution No. 01-206 establishing 2002 watermain unit connection charges. h. Resolution No. 01-207 establishing 2002 street assessment policy (rates) for collector and arterial roadways. i. Resolution No. 01-208 establishing 2002 storm sewer area charges, j. Resolution No. 01-209 appointing depositories for the City of Lakeville. k. Contract for Professional Planning Services. with Northwest Associated Consultants for the year 2002. 1. Maintenance Agreement with Southtown Refrigeration. m. Resolution No. 01-210 establishing .car allowances. n. Resolution No. 01-211 designating employee health. insurance rates for 2002. o. Receive application of Golf. Enterprises, Inc. for an on-sale and Sunday liquor license at Crystal lake Golf Club, 16725 Innsbrook Drive, and set a public hearing to be held on December i7, 2001. p. .Receive renewal applications for liquor, wine and 3.2% - malt liquor licenses and set a public hearing to be held on December 17, 200.1. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 3, 2001 PAGE 4 q. Janitorial contracts with Marsden Building Maintenance, Osland Building Maintenance and .Tower Cleaning Systems. r. .Resolution No. 01-212 approving stop sign inventory. s. .Resolutions No. 01-213, 214 and 215 accepting donations to the DARE Program from Ole. Piper Restaurant, Airlake Ford Mercury and Miller-Hartwig Insurance. t. Resolution No. 01-216 setting City Council meeting dates for 2002. u. Resolution No. 01-217 designating exempt and non- . exempt employees in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (ELBA). v. Resolution No. 01-218 accepting donation from Enggren's Market to the .Parks & Recreation Department for the 2001 Family .Turkey Shoot. w. Resolution No. 01-219 establishin rules and rental fees 9 for athletic facilities. x. Extension of the preliminary .plat of Wilda Meadow Villas. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Bellows, Johnson, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick. ITEM 8 Mr. Erickson explained that due to the fact that the public hearing notice was not published, this hearing is considered null and void. He recommended the public hearing be called. for January 7, 2002. 0.1.147 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No. 01-220 calling. a public hearing for weed/grass removal to be held on January 7, 2002.. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick, Bellows. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 3, 2001 PAGE 5 ITEM 9 Mr. Feller presented three bond issues as follows: ^ .$1,040,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2001A, will provide .financing for the Kenyon Avenue reconstruction, Improvement Project 01-21. ^ $770,000 General Obligation Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness, .Series 20016, will finance the acquisition of police, fire, street and park maintenance equipment. ^ $1,080,000 State-Aid Street Bonds, Series 2001C, will finance the construction of Pilot Knob Road from County. Road 46 to 170t" Street; County .Road 46 from Pilot Knob Road to Rosemount; and County Road 46 from one-quarter mile .east of Pilot Knob Road to one-quarter mile west of Pilot Knob Road. Dave MacGillivray, Springsted Chairman, presented the bid results as follows: ^ $1,040.,000 G.O. Improvement Bonds: Five bids were received with the lowest bid from RBC Dain Rauscher at 4.3846% ^ $770,000 G.O. Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness: Six bids were received with the lowest bid from Cronin Company at 3.3577% ^ $1,080,000_ G.O. State-Aid Street Bonds: Five bids were received with the .lowest bid from U.S. Bancorp Piper Jaffray at 4.8756% Mr. MacGillivray recommended approval of resolutions authorizing the issuance of the three bond issues.. He also recommended approval of a .supplemental resolution. relating to the $1,080,000 state-aid street bonds. Mr. MacGillivray announced that Moody's Investors has upgraded the City's credit rating to an A-i rating. He congratulated the City for its upgraded credit rating, which has gone from A-3 to A-1 over the past 15 months. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 3, 2001 PAGE 6 Mayor Johnson asked if the City's long range planning tools, i.e. Capital Improvement Plan, Strategic Growth Management Plan. and Strategic Plan for Economic Development, are major factors when Moody's Investors considers a city's credit rating. Mr. MacGillivray explained that Moody's Investors takes a long- range view; therefore, the value of long range planning is essential. Those cities with good credit ratings have good .governance and long range. plans. Council. Member Mulvihill thanked Finance Director Dennis Feller for his prudent fiscal management. 01.148 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Rieb to approve the following: Resolution No. 01-221 authorizing issuance, awarding sale, prescribing the form and details and providing for the payment of $1,040,000.General Obligation Improvement Bonds,. Series 2001A; Resolution No. 01-22.2 authorizing .issuance, awarding sale, prescribing the form and details and providing for the payment of $770,000 General Obligation Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness, Series 20016; Resolution No. 01-.223 authorizing issuance, awarding sale, prescribing the form and details and providing for the payment of $1,080,000. General Obligation State-Aid Street Bonds, Series 2001C. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick, Bellows, Johnson. 01.149 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Rieb, to approve Resolution No. 01-224, a supplemental resolution relating to $1,080,000 General Obligation State-Aid Street Bonds, Series.. 20D1C. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Rieb, Luick, Bellows, Johnson, Mulvihill. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 3, 2001 PAGE 7 ITEM 10 Ann Flad Economic Development Coordinator, introduced Paul Steinman of Springsted, Inc. Mr. Steinman presented the Financial Tools (Incentives) Program #or the City of Lakeville. The program was recommendedas part of the Economic Development Commission's 2000 Strategic Plan#or Economic Development. The purpose of the study i to gather comprehensive information. on financial incentives available for attracting business to the community and evaluate their appropriateness for Lakeville.. He explained that the study identifies 18 different financial options/tools (see-Financial Tools Program prepared by Springsted Incorporated dated October 15, 2001). 01..150 Motion was made. by Rieb, seconded by Bellows to approve the City of Lakeville/Lakeville Economic Development Commission Financial Tools .Program dated October 15, 2001. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Luick, Bellows, Johnson, Mulvihill, Rieb. ITEM 11 Dave Olson, Community & Economic Development Director, requested Council consideration of a proposal from Springsted, Inc. for evaluation and development of a financing strategy for freeway interchange improvements along the I-35 corridor. The proposal is the result of an Economic Development Commission recommendation to engage he services of Springsted to explore creative options available to finance the necessary upgrades of interchanges at I-35 and County Roads 50,.60. and 70. Mr. MacGillivray provided an overview of Springsted's proposal for an interchange financing study. He stated Springsted has been involved with interchange construction and funding in the cities of Eagan, Eden Prairie, Plymouth, Maple Grove and Woodbury. He explained that when interchange construction:. projects are primarily funded locally, the process. is very time consuming. He pointed out that there are generally many CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 3, 2001 PAGE 8 • partnerships involved .(public. and private),.. and the participation of other jurisdictions is .essential. Mr. Erickson stated the proposal specifies that Springsted be compensated on an hourly rate basis with a general estimate of compensation .for the. first 12-month period of $15,000. He recommended that compensation during the first 12-month period be ~~not to exceed" $15,000. He explained that if the project: goes beyond that level of compensation, the City Council would be given a status update on the progress to date. and grant further authorization at that time. 01..151 Motion was made by Rieb, seconded by Mulvihill to approve a proposal from Springsted, Inc. for an Interchange Financing Study, at a cost not to exceed $15,000 for the first 12-month period. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Bellows, Johnson, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick. ITEM 12 Ms. Flad requested Council consideration of the Economic Development Commission's 2002-2004 Strategic Plan for Economic. Development. Bob Vogel, Economic Development Commission Chair,- . presented the 2002-2004 Strategic Plan. He outlined the Economic Development Commission's Vision, Mission Statement, four Strategic Work Areas and Ranking of Strategic Issues and Goals. (See Economic Development Commission Strategic Plan for Economic Development 2002-2004.) 01.152 Motion .was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Bellows to adopt .the 2002-2004 Strategic Plan for Economic Development. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,_Johnson, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick, Bellows. • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 3, 2001 PAGE 9 ITEM 13 City Attorney Jim Walston presented an Assignment of Judgment between the City of Lakeville and CIT Small Business Lending Corporation relating to the abandoned dry cleaning and car wash facility in downtown .Lakeville. He explained that CIT holds a mortgage on the subject property. On December 5, 2000, CIT obtained a judgment from Dakota County District Court, allowing CIT to foreclose its mortgage interest in the property. CIT is willing to assign its interest in the judgment to the City of Lakeville for $120,000. He pointed out that Dakota County has the property valued at $212,700. The City would, in turn, foreclose the mortgage and become owner of the property. He explained that this is a unique opportunity for the City.. Once completed, the City would be in a position to pursue transfer opportunities to interested parties for the benefit of the downtown area. .Council Member Luick asked if the City would be .assuming full responsibility of environmental issues associated with the property. Mr. Walston stated the City would assume .all obligations with the property. However, an assessment of the building interior was done in August, and the cleaning chemicals were removed from the property at that time. 01.153 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by Luick to approve an Assignment of Judgement between the City of Lakeville and CIT Small Business Lending Corporation relating to the abandoned dry cleaning and car wash facility located at 20725 Howland Avenue. Rofl 'call was taken on the motion. Bellows, Johnson. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS None Ayes, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick, ANNOUNCEMENTS Next regular Council meeting, December 17, 2001 Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:06 p.m. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 3, 2001- PAGE 10 Respectfully submitted,. 1 Charlene Friedges, ty Clerk Robert D. Jo on, Mayor i •