HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 08May 1, 2014 item No. APPROVE CITY OF LAKEVILLE UTILITY AND STREET CONSTRUCTION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS —2014 UPDATE May 5, 2014 City Council Meeting Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Approval of the City of Lakeville „Utility and Street Construction Standard Stlecifications 2014,Update.., Passage of this motion will result in amended construction standard specifications that will be used in all municipal improvement and developer -installed public improvement projects. Overview The City Council previously approved the City's current Utility and Street Construction Standard Specifications on April 7, 2oo8. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) and the City Engineers Association of Minnesota (CEAM) recently updated their standard specifications for construction, both of which are referenced in the City's Utility and Street Construction Standard Specifications. Changes to the City's construction standard specifications reflect MnDOT and CEAM updates, in addition to City -specific revisions to local design standards. Staff shared a summary of the draft 203.4 Update with the City Council at its March 24, 2014 Work Session, and also distributed copies to local developers for comment. Three written comments were received from the development community and were discussed at an April 25, 203.4 meeting hosted by Staff. All comments received were considered and changes to the draft 2014 Update were made to reflect some of the comments received. A copy of the Utility and Street Construction Standard Specifications — 2014 Update is available for review in the Engineering Division, Monica Heil with WSB & Associates will provide a presentation summarizing the changes. Primary _Issues to Consider (see attac� • What notable changes are included in the City of Lakeville Utility and Street Construction Standard Specifications - 2014 Update? Supporting Information • Staff analysis of primary issues 0 Written correspondence from developers regarding the proposed changes r' Za C i �olm s ty Financial impact: $C Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc,): Notes: Budgeted: N/A Source: Staff Analysis of Prinlary, Issues ® What notable changes are included in the City of Lakeville Utility and Street Construction Standard Specifications -20-14 Update? Notable changes to the City of Lakeville Utility and Street Construction Standard Specifications - 201.4 Update are listed below. The City has implemented many of the changes, including those listed below, on recent municipal improvement projects. 1. The bituminous pavement mix design has been updated to reflect current MnDOT mix designs and standards. 2. Standard Plate LV -ST -8 has been updated to include a note requiring that a minimum 3 -inch aggregate base be installed under all new curb. 3, PVC watermain will now be permitted within all areas of the City, not just in those areas where soil testing results identified the soils as corrosive. 4. Draintile information has been updated to indicate all mainline draintile (behind the back -of -curb, excluding service connections) will be 6 -inch in size to ensure Public Works Staff can access, televise, clean and maintain the draintile. Previously, mainline draintile lengths of 400 feet or less could be 4 -inch in size. 5, Standard Plates LV -SS --i through LV -SS -6 have been updated to include a note that external chimney seals must be installed on all new sanitary sewer manholes to limit the potential for inflow and infiltration (M) issues. 6. Standards have been added for new lift station installations. April 16, 2014 Mr. Zach Johnson, City Engineer City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 RE: City of Lakeville Spec Book Update Zach: Thank you for the opportunity to review the proposed updates to the City's spec book. After reviewing the proposed updated, we have the following comments: 1. Street Sections: The City is proposing to both increase the CL5 section in streets from 6" to 8" and also prohibit the use of recycled concrete C15. The result of this change would be a 33% increase in Cis quantities ($1.60/SY increase) and the need to use 100% crushed limestone ($0.50/SY increase. Looking at our Legacy site alone, this change increases our costs a minimum of $75,000. Our soils engineer has determined that 6" of CLS is adequate thickness for the soil types in Lakeville and that recycled concrete performs as well as crushed limestone. Goes the City have information from a different soils engineer that disputes that determination? If so, we'd appreciate the opportunity to review. 2. Street Draintile: The City is proposed to increase street draintile size from 4" to 6". This is a 15% material cast increase. Most street draintile seldom has flow. What draintile does have flow is usually a trickle. And 4" draintile likely never runs at full capacity. So why the need for additional flow capacity? 3. PVC Watermain: We appreciate the City's decision to allow the use of PVC watermain in privately -constructed developments, as opposed to just street reconstruction projects. 4. Storm Sewer Ties: The City is proposing to require that all storm sewer laid at 4% slope or greater be tied form manhole to manhole. As you know, pipe manufacturers and civil engineers believe this is overkill. The likelihood of pipe separating is based on volume and velocity and that this requirement is too broad. Ties should be required in segments on a case-by- case basis as determined in the field. Exact cost implications are not known at this time, but this is alabor-intensive requirement that becomes even more problematic when the pipe sizes get smaller (which is where separation is less likely to occur), 5. Bio -filtration and Infiltration Plates: The detail plate for bio -filtration and infiltration are conflicting - one calls for 70/30 engineered soil mix with HDPE in a sock and the other calls for 60/40 engineered soil mix with PVC in rock and bag for underdrain. Was this conflict intentional? 6. General Comments: There are several instances where design or quantity has been increased, with no apparent reason other than "more is better' (i.e. street section, trait section, tack coat, chimney seals). In addition, I would like verification that all public projects will be required to follow the same specifications as privately -constructed projects. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Ron Mullenbach Land Manager D.R. Horton, Inc. -Minnesota 20860 Kenbridge Court, Suite 100 Lakeville, MN 55044 wwwA rho rton.co€n Johnson, Zachar From: Jacob Fick <Jacob.Fick@traditiondevelopment.com> Sent: Friday, April 18, 2014 4:03 PM To: Johnson, Zachary Subject: FW: Update on City of Lakeville Spec Book Update 'tach I forwarded this to our trades as there is a lot of technical info here that I don't completely understand the ramifications. The biggest one with regards to streets is the 100% crushed requirement if I read that correctly. It would be good to discuss these. As they seem to have some pretty large financial implications. I hope these are not too late as I. didn't see this item on the 21" council meeting. I'll send over the other comments shortly. Thanks Jacob H. Fick, P.E. Tradition Development j Project Manager P: 952 322-8704 1 F: (952) 322-8705 RADV" traditioncomr)anies.com Capital Bartle — Development — Homes — Goff — Mortgage — Realty — Title — Wealth Management NOTICE -CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: The information in this communication is strictly confidential. It is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, any dissemination, distribution, copying or other use of the information contained in this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please first notify the sender immediately and then delete this communication from all data storage devices and destroy all hard copies. ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS DISCLAIMER: Disclaimer Regarding Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (Minn. Stat. §§ 325L.01 --325L.19 [Minn. Session Laws 2000, Ch. 371]) ["UETA"]. If this communication concerns negotiation of a contract or agreement, UETA does not apply to this communication. Contract formation in this matter shall occur only with manually -affixed original signatures on original documents. From: Mike McNamara[mailto,m.mcnamara@mcnamaracontracting.com] Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2014 11:28 AM To. Jacob Fick Subject: RE=: Update on City of Lakeville Spec Book Update Jacob, Thank you forwarding me the proposed specifications. Please see below for my comments and feel free to forward on to whomever. My comments on the proposed changes are in regards to the Standard Specifications for Street Construction 1. Item 5.0—Aggregate Base a. The proposed specifications refer to Class 7; MnDOT's 2014 3138 Spec does not reference Class 7 L Classes 5Q and 5 have generally replaced Class 7 b. This item also references at least 80% of salvaged recycle aggregate be incorporated into the mixture; I would prefer more specifics i. Is the intent of the spec that at least 80% of the mixture be "virgin" aggregates ii. Must these aggregates be 100% crushed? 1. If they must be 100% percent crushed it basically requires the use of limestone. Lakeville is surrounded by very good sources of sand and gravel is currently crushed to meet Class 5 specifications. We have manufactured and used aggregate base containing a combination of natural sand a gravel, recycled bituminous, and recycled concrete on many projects in and around Lakeville that have shown no signs of premature failure due to the aggregate base material. I do agree that concrete content should be limited (we have never produced a product containing 100% recycled concrete) as we have reconstructed roads earlier than necessary due to, what I believe, was the use of 100% crushed concrete as aggregate base. Many cities around Lakeville that we work in have (Apple Valley, Rosemount, Eagan) have limited the amount of crushed concrete allowed, but do not require 100% crushing. They have had these specifications in affect for a few years and have been satisfied with both the product and performance. 2. 1 would estimate that if limestone must be used the owner of the project can expect to pay an additional $2.50 per ton for the material and $2.00 per ton for additional trucking for a total of $4.50 per ton unnecessary cost for aggregate base. c. 5.01 refers to 100% crushed limestone d. As a steward of the environment I believe it is in the communities best interest to use products that are local, readily available, and recyclable whenever given the opportunity, especially when performance is not compromised. Requiring the use of limestone would not demonstrate any of these attributes. 2. Item 6.0 Plant Mixed Bituminous Pavement a. The proposed spec does not allow RAS (Recycled Asphalt Shingles) i. The 2014 Mn©OT spec defines how much virgin oil must be incorporated into mixes to ensure the owner gets the mix properties they are looking for 1. These specifications basically limit the amount of RAS that can be incorporated into mix to 5% a. While 5% is not written in the spec; we have never been able to design a mix that incorporates more than 5% without other properties required falling out of spec. ii. We have incorporated RAS into many of our mixes since 2009 and have seen no adverse effects in the pavement for any of the mixes we have paved containing RAS iii. With liquid asphalt prices at all-time highs, and continuing to rise every year, adding 5% RAS has an economic benefit currently of approximately $3.00 per ton for project owners iv. As a steward of the environment 1 believe we must limit our dependence on oil (both foreign and domestic) and use readily available recyclable products to replace the oil dependence whenever possible (especially when performance is not compromised). The allowance of RAS in bituminous mixtures is one way we can achieve this. Thanks, Mike McNamara McNamara Contracting, Inc. 1.6700 Chippendale Ave. Rosemount, MN 55068 651-322-5500 (office) 612-363-8191 {cell) z From: Jacob Fick [mailto:Jacob.Fick(&traditionde.veloDmen.com1 Seat: Wednesday, April 16, 2014 4;11 PM To. 3oe Retka; aim Dockstader; 3osh Ferris; Mike McNamara Subject: FW: Update on City of Lakeville Spec Book Update Gentlemen Lakeville is updating their spec Kook and I'd like your input on this. I've got some comments but would. like to incorporate your thoughts into our response. Do you hind taking a quick look and let me know your thoughts on how impactful the revisions are. Some of the revisions seem to be out of line to me but it nhay be what the other Cities already do. Thanks! Jacob H. Fick, P.E. Tradition Development I Project Manager P: 952 322-8704 F: (952) 322-8705 T R A D ITI w w.traditionccm qnm��= Capital Bank - Developmont - Homes - Golf - Mortgage - Realty - TWO - Wealth Management NOTICE -CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: The information in this communication is strictly confidential, it is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, any dissemination, distribution, copying or other use of the information contained in this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please first notify the sender immediately and then delete this communication from all data storage devices and destroy all hard copies. ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS DISCLAIMER. Disclaimer Regarding Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (Minn. Stat. §§ 325L.01 --325L.19 [Minn. Session Laws 2000, Ch. 3711) [ UETA"]. If this communication concerns negotiation of a contractor agreement, UETA does not apply to this communication. Contract formation in this matter shall occur only with manually -affixed original signatures on original documents. Johnson, Zachaa___ vmowm�vvr From: Luke israelson duke@kjwalk.com> Sent: Friday, April 25, 2014 2:21 PM To: Johnson, .Zachary Subject: Re: Update on City of Lakeville Spec Book Update Zach, I'm not going to be able to make it to the meeting on these this afternoon. However I did notice that you called out DI saddles for the C900, I would recommend including stainless steel band clamp saddles as that is typically what we use when making service connections to 0900. Thanks Luke Israelson President KJ Walk, Inc, 6001 T-,gan Drive, Suite 100 Savage, MN 55378 While: 952.826.9068 Electronic Privacy Notice. "Phis e-mail, and any attachments, contains information that is, or may be, covered by the laectronic Communications Privacy Act 18 U.S.C. 2610- 2521 aml is also confidential and proprietary in nature. if you are not the intended recipient, ))lease be advised that you are legally prohibited from retaining, using, copying, distributing, or otherwise disclosing this information in any manner. Instead please reply to the sender that you have received this com3munication in eIT02', and then immediately delete it. Tbank you in advance for your cooperation. On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Johnson, Zachary <Lz ohnson ,lakevillgmn.� v> wrote: Luke — Attached is a draft update of the City of Lakeville Utility and Street Construction Standard Specifications. Included are redlines of the text (docx), as well as updated standard plates (.pdfi). We are planning on bringing this to the City Council at either the April 21, 2014 or May 5, 2014 meeting. Please email ire to confirm receipt of this email and contact me if you have any questions or comments. Respectfully, Zach