HomeMy WebLinkAbout14-040CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 14-40 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY AND DISPENSING WITH STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR REVIEW BY PLANNING COMMISSION OF DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY WHEREAS, the City is proposing to acquire certain property ("Property"), legally described in the attached Exhibit "A," under the terms of the proposed purchase agreement between Sean P. McMenomy and Jessica A. McMenomy ("Sellers") and the City of Lakeville ("Purchase Agreement"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B," and; WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 462.356, subd. 2 requires that the Planning Commission review the City's proposed acquisitions and dispositions of property, and; WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. § 462.356, subd. 2 provides for an exception from the Planning Commission review requirement upon 2/3 vote of the City Council dispensing with the requirement and finding that the acquisition or disposal of the property has no relationship to the comprehensive municipal plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville: 1. The City Council finds that the acquisition of the Property under the Purchase Agreement has no relationship to the comprehensive municipal plan. 2. Review by the Planning Commission of the acquisition of the Property is hereby dispensed with, the proposed transaction is hereby approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents, and take all appropriate measures to convey the Property under the terms of the Purchase Agreement. ADOPTED this 19th day of May, 2014, by a 2/3 vote of the City Council of the City of Lakeville. CITY OF LAKEVILLE BY: /// Matt Little, Ma or rAYTEST: Charlene Friedges, 011clerk 175847v1 EXHIBIT "A" Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4), Block Three (3), in Lenihan's Lots, Antlers Park and the same description Antlers Park EXCEPT that part show as Parcel 62 on the Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat Number 19-120 175847v1 EXHIBIT "B" PURCHASE AGREEMENT 175847v1 2014-04-10 20:11 service 9529301929 >> 1 952 435 2935 P 1/1 .. 'Y AMENDMENTTO PURCHASE AGREEMENT IWO loan eft w*vd by t w Mlnnoeota Pmocialan of W&TOW. which diadohns any paWft adsin0 ow of we or nasuee of Ods form, 1�T O 2000 Minnesota Awoc[adon of AEAU DRS! Edina, MN NET T. Date 4/10/14 2, The undersigned parties to a Purchase Agreement, dated March 18 20 14 � pertaining to S. the pundlase and sale of the propertyet 19920 Xenwood Trail. Lakeville, MN 55044 4. 6. hereby mutually agree to amend said Purchase Agreement as Mows: 0. 7 Purchase price on lines 34 and 35 to be $157,000 (one hundred fifty seven thousand dollars), All other terms to remain the same. 9. 10, 11. 12. 18. 14. 15. 16. 17, 18. 19. 20. 21, 9e. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. All other rms oondMons of the Purchase Agreement to rama)n the same. (s J ' a McMenomy i°Ne1 MOM Steven C. Micikc, City Administrator ) 32. ( 1 McMeno Vim) 101"d tDoNt 33. S A 4EGAL Y BINDING CONTRACT 89TWIIEN BUYERS AND SELLERS, 34. IF DESIRE LEGAL R TAX ADVICE, CONSULT AN APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL MN -AMD OW15) 7003 0M) Owned And 0P1PM d ay NRT t1C 0 is Mar/21/20141 ,52:58 PM - - - 9529797827 9/17 COLDUlf e" 13ANKOR Ll K -k TZ AMDfAWTO PURCHM MREEUW wWahaW dMb i atm .. O sans .o�a AsumbMen ut ANALY01V. Kd % MN i. Date 3!18/14 2. 'I'hs d partlee>a a PurohaaA{Smerd. dated Maruti 18 ,1R pwrtelnl m & andWJ9afdwprqwjWst- .. IMO KOM" MALLIkMdUL MN M044- 4. 4. 8. Wft ma* to amend nm pwah a AWeWrMg as iogoMng . L 7. AH pradas agma flinta{�n��Y��t��oy[6e�+o= in thapmvhm �/y��� }��/l/��aw mLa}a�t stcftg -%Mw p�dd" and/or "pdd {1 by __" ^ hpder . d ` M V+::RW by Wq W , Idyl 9. 11�1�11 1 D. All pWo MM that ft AM ease= hadW in this tri is Wells Fart. 11. ' 12. 1S. 14. IL ' 10. ' 17. 19. R. 21. Y2. 88. 24. 36. a V. 2d. 28. W. Ad other brine and =Wftm of the Pumhno Apmmant to romain ttw s s. . 81. til i- 7at�oa I*WOBWM C. MWkk aty Adminlatrator P" Odhl PAW 38. THIS !S A ALLY MMO CONTRAOT bMWIMN 0uyM AND 81 "M. 34. rVOU DOW UMAkldRTAX AD VW% X1,Y AN APPROPRIATE PRMMONAL6 w"wp" CBR1OG j OWW Md OPOW aY 1I' LLC o ll Mar/21/2014 1:52,58 PM - - - 9529797827 2117 PURCHAGMI HORS AABUT iha forra opprnrbd Dy � 1fYMwo1R Ao�pddpb d , wMoh d8dW=mvllW ft&kit mtd em orwftm d 31M font, O8013IrAt MM AMD*M of fe<ArMW, Oft, MN 1. iNtie oiiseiu , IL Pap I of If. BUYER (I1): 4. 5. Buyer's eArnast money In the amount of 8. -- --—ailssend 1Flrw,.-.-.«._ ) 7. dudl be dared la broftcrwifhintwo (9) 8udnsp Mys aft f W A0 misnCe Dabs of to Purchase Aprasmsrlt. A. o4w And SNtnr "m mat bmim NIAN depodt eey "aflect money In the NaWfp brolm Mo lacmunt wfl M 9, three (I) &Mnem at moW d the want moW 10. Sold !meet money D part pWm" for th. puro wm of me property toMW at 11. SVW Addrem xrn3_ 12. MY d .f.7.'...--.....�— Cowx�tY of IS. � TATSM 1�rb.aae 14. p 'j H 11Li. 09' I+O"Jl'8 l '1'1litII t >AtGA $ �7E 112 > 1lf. 1Q. 80 pure 00 Mlofuds dt impf+gre M* fbcturaar and on the pmpw4& # ovA IrmW lnp but not 17. N MM % the Yrkip (Wlki ailr Mm ` m"rWi-- shnalmo6 tense,, Acrd Mown vratrtind rJown; IL shed; sum each, storm door!, iareene and fwrrriflps; VN*lw o1fAdM, Meda; 4nmree, ourli fn, #red drapery 19. toW. wtsrrose, drAps3, amens, wMtdow oewk wtd bawal fads; attsohddAnd bodb� fen ibcttaes; E0. pf+rn�inofbdtrrefrdlepee�t:;wn�eal;artr�mslttap�;waACrha�nt)ay�ltpler.tt�sydpn!► Qi. aur eolaltcurpe fryabenr ladwi mon' ayfa3m; surrap pc rf N ictal mctmem �. ws®lo�lifa�-fnounbd ptieslfere end moanf6k oAnpMM1p; rr�r+'ore; fptreps tioa' apmt� and dl oofa�; anclas dMlaolotsx @8. 11repMioe aonrwrre, door ped hasillowM dblvwlmd R4. Conve ora;omfa:oodciopsto�ss;raosn►tNgdn�refatffafo�aavrorw;iaodtAns;ehehiMfawortcbef�clfe�btMnoofyfr; �. spsahsre; dr; oondldwft ecpOner* du onto dr fifba; htrrrddltmr�; wgdd AIM feria (end oorctncle); so. poom" sAPs� pro WW talc (wad oonbrots); aaourky system egUWM* 7Y aid M@ dishi AND the f*Wrg 97. panandpropertysiWbelrareefrrsdwNrnoadNllonalnfaneteryv,AtldUaeallddafrddlNemandarawr�ranop: se. g9. Notwi9retandMp the fbfaft. Wood Mm am not M1ok*& . 81. NdwWmdonft on brep ft. to tkwkv "a) are aoxbd from the pure horn OL �......wrw. --_ - i • ...�... M ! 84. Seller has WmW m *a to Property to ttuyerforthe arm of BIL 80. Oft Buyer awme to pry in to fONwmv mariner: W. 1. CASH of . -- ARO pane (%) of the aide price, or mors in Buy4ft sots discrelon. which bw4tdes the eemsst 96. nxnW, PLUS 39- I' MANOM of c percent (,4) co the sde prim, which wm be tfm bots) anoamt aso red og" IN@ 40. Property to *Md ft pumhess. 41. Such shall be (!hair anq ❑ e f m mmip e; ❑ O oWWW for dmW., or ❑ a first mgr4M wIjh 42. OWMmft to flnomkq, ae dasormed M the cdhOhed Adituk . 48. ❑ alorr Wf &W ❑ FWA [] DVA ❑ AawmWon�1Or1t w br Dsod clother. o,* 44. The dabs of doMV dml be WOW1 fere 0 Mar/21/2014 1:52:58 PM - - - 9529797827 3117 PURCHAW AORIMOff Cam MUTAPM 4WW "iftim, 4L POP 2 Data orAAA4 48. PmpwV loafed at so —jejous W 47. This PuMhaee Afire. mrd ( I NOT K O to an Addwxtirn to PwdmmAp mm kS*b of B*.rb Pho o* 48. GoM,bW&%7 for ab of Bttysm'a prapsrtw (if anewsr is 19, we alaOW Aftmkm) 49. (if an"*r M tS NOT,:Fre dcWV of BtgW& properly, NNW, May sts alhol Buyerls ablifly to obtain Ilnancing, if Anan ft 50. is sppeoable.) 51. This ft*1409 Agreement Q IB 10 10 NW autJeol to dencallation of a previoudy written pundrawe agtesmwd 62. dated ,, —.-. . (II answer Is 19, said dual ba dAebted rto later than OL 20 .. 11801dasnosilaWn hnotablakind bya(ddds, Ifft Purchm Agrsamd 114. IeoanoNa4.awandemershaMNratiredisl aOsnaaIIbnOMOM" --erne oonflnnihpaeddaubaldon 85. and *sAV all earner money pall herwndar b be rahtnded to Moyer.) Be. &Whas been mads atoms of the a 141101 qty Of Property irrapeolione, Buyer ❑ to haus a 57. PfflWW in.pection performed at Buysr"a upsrwo. —� 58. Thle Purdlaa Aptsanent ❑ � ® �NOI'svbjsot tb en Ildc►rr tD PfAroheal �slMurt /�a�or1 Cc►+. �. (lt anwrsr M ter, saw afiadtsd Addarldirnr.) SO. DIEED/MARKBTADLE TITLE2r Upon performance by Buyer, Boller Mall deliver a (check ens): 01. 11 warranty Deal, ❑ Persensi nw%sentative's Deed, ❑ Conusot for Deed, ❑ Trusles's Deedo or O. 130"" Deed in by spaLqa It any. oor wft mw%sabie ft, atl*d to as, bulidt and Mdng hms, afto o % and sums and bdwW mp► anow, 84, M rsmallons rola ft io use or Nnprwmnm t at the Properly now d SM" tokkum FVAWOW W. (o) mervalim of any n"M Ve by the Stab of Ww&K Aa; 86. (d) uNly and dndnape easements sift do not lnbrfem with + 0Ia avm rule; 67• ........ease .... n*.......... 00. ............ r.......................................... ... .......................... s xd 00. M mmw-Owboopecallsd InwrIW:--------------------------- o.....rr...r.rr..........r..w.. 70. _............. s ...... Wr.rr�r�«�rYri.r.............. ...............0.0.0................... 71. REAL Efi7A1YE TAXIW. Beller shall pay an ft doe of dosing all real estate taros due and payable In all prior yauw 72. d pwmMn and lnbreat. 78. MW dW PIWE PRORATED FROM DAY OF C 1821m OF❑ALL ❑ NO mal astats taea due 74. and payable In the yaw 20 75. Seta' shag pall jMPIg0RATW7O DAY CF BLOSitIO © taro OF ❑ ALL ❑ NO read estate lam due and 78. payabls in ilio year 20 . if" dbft dabr Is ohanged, the rad estate taxes paid shall, 0 prorsad, be adJtated 77. to ifs new dodrtp dab.>e Vie Property tett MW M a part- or rakwiatud tdas 00dont In tris year of daft, Seller 78. [3f1MtALL rer pay Ow dilferoe between the hmsel a i and non4xv wwtead. 70. Buyer shed prrod what Uum due and psysbie In the year k4WA rg doting and timet-, the payment of which 80. Is not othe Mae herein provided. No rsprea MM ars reads conosreinp the amount of wbsequent mat atab tors. 81. DMIMIMOTAXIIIIIJSPSMIL ASESaBO1T$t 82• d IIW M BNALL PAY 10•EI.LSR RHALL PAY on date of dosing any deterred real askle taxes (e.g., Orem M. Acres) or gxWW aaesasWa te, payment of which Is required am a r+sak of the doefng of thio ale. $4. ❑ BENE: AND ELLER $HALL PRORATE AS OF THE DATE OF td.OSMiG ®fiML AR SHALL PAY ON Is M.,11111110— - - $5. DATE OF CI OWA all kwtslrrrenla of epaodd asassarnsrtta M1W for p%mmit, wbh the real estate ta>ase due and 88. payable In the year of dosing. W(Ma) Mar/21/20141,52,58 PM - - - 9529797827 4/17 PURCHASE AQRiI+EMW T ,W, 87. Pop a date cs/ssiu W. PMperty Wood at ISM 199MO4 rza" see" . SO. (I BUM SHALL AMM I SOLLuL SHALL. Pff an date of dosbg all other spaold assasamente lowled an 00. of the sate of this Put AO" w►p cement, 01. C3 BUYER ,5HMJ. AtiM11 M ULUI1L MiALL PMADE iP M PAYMM OP epsdd anoeamemb n aP. of rite dols of this Ptu+ahrtst AWow wj farA1 phis that hm aen bohtbW by suttr asessdng authorMw (Sekft SO. pmftn 84. nr pay d u shell be by pay eni�waft cif two M throe the aetlm�d wncuM of the assassmnda 95. Is not a�thetvdssOW � ptei l swesoments payable In to � ft �p � dam , to payment of 07. As of the daft of this Psxohass AW*wn d, l4eiter rep morale that $dar [:1 HM 0 GMHAr- SWT isoewed a narios OL L nPOW Any new bqpnsw Wd PVod from eny awsessitg autlprklse, #0 o*W of which pt'c d may be asesseed W. 60yyeoh4e Anoft racelved by 8alter tha dae d i is PuroApwmwd sd bem daft i0o. i�io be pro+ldad to ftW_huntdiMW t suafn notice M issued din tins dela of fila Rola sa Aposrnma surd on 101. or bobw the doter d dosing, Pan the,pargps RW ""I In wrltt an our bd m the dab of closing, to p* pa" 102. tar the payment if or iaeants till w1f eoW ahe�asenathes. In 114 sbsena of anah gpwn@K elthn pft may declare 108. Ede PuMhow AWeenpto.oeno" by wown noun 1q.tht other party, or loehuw.ntprawntlnp or asslegr6 the oohs► 104. OMyj In wht6h case ilia Pumhaie Agrssmardt,tsppioetpd. M,eilhupshly dadarssBtitPerches Agrawnutt osthosisd, 106. buyer and Bdln theft immediately eipn a Canooiritti>rt o/ Ptwafnese Apnramtff =* m" acid owwsNldlmh and 100. dkWO all aa"" money paid henunderio batthMubdto Buyer. 107. P eiM: serer shop do1W possession of 8tb Pmpseiy no later thus .a�aswr eller closing. 106. Beller to mmm ALLDEBMIB AND ALL PERSONAL PROPtlMitf NOT iNOWDED HEFMN ft* Mtn Phopnty 108. by posses" date. 1 t0. PRONA710J+1it Ail fttterast; unk ownpW aoaaoladiort dues; reeds; and doom Wally wabr, ally somr, aba4ldgr and Ill. natural goo shall be pmrded bsbmmn tins porde as al date of dosing. Buyer of d pay Ssbr fw nmrftV ga1lorn4 of 112. fuel oll or kW, ps"surm gas onto ley of closing, sl ft rale of to fact fill by ft11er. I18. MM AW flItAYM1A7IONh As quicldy es rtNsona 11 pase11 i dirt Rr dAoospfartae Dab offt Pu tom AWo nwrtf: 114. (a) Saw stall surrender any abstract of titin and'a copy of any ownsft line hwasnas ploy for fins Prow* 6 116. in 8etleft poses!tdon or c4r-h b Buyer o r &Ww% dssip wbd tttte mWn pma4dn; and 11t3. (b) t3yyor dwi .ab gin tins this services deWV& bd nsonsW or dsakabM by Buyer or Btyot's lender, lnoN t 1 i7. but not Nirilfrd to 1W nwoho% We som inNtom, MwWw ntg, a tote batmunce oorrsnib ow or an atomeyle 11 & ft opinion ad BuyW& aeleallon send cost and p w4ft a =W to Beller. 110. Bs1sr sholl use Selieelr best of la to p rAds morho is title by the dais of abs6g. Beller ghees to psy ap oasts 120. and ices naasesiry to oanvay marNobbM title khabdRg abtdntg and rtopr6rg all nquhtd doourhards, avbjsae b the 121. fokawbhg: iffi. In *m owoM Beton hu notprcnrided mwk t Me tis by gw dab of obdng. BaNer shall thaVa est addidmal a0 days to 128. mdm #b rasa kvMbkh of in tits aNer dWk tWyn n W wave Bile hY mMet nollcs to t3eln. n adMon to lK the 80 -ft eodenolm Buyer and Sdw oft by mutual ogneme nf, lurthdr ow, i i -d the dodmg date. LAoidng such 1ft smuft. shier party may tfeohre tis Pumhoss Agreement oerroeled by written notloe to the othn partyi or IN. bbwom *ownft or wels" to dine poM In whish case this Pwa hoes Awrsenent M mods& B OMW 127. party dealarsa this Puroihm Agior M cwwl4 &w and Sder thrall immediately eqn a omodkilorn of 128. PrireMm Apprsamarut wnlnft sad oam Va m and Virg dl semsat nmq paid hammier b bo rsfureled 120. to Buyer. ISO. SUBOMB ON OF LAN% BOUNDA111110, AND AOCM, d this alp corOwiss or reclines a sul dvhion of hated 181. d'� SeNn, tileMd' ehdl pay ap ehpoluhlom socpehes: end oai�rt edi mosaashry gavarrrrfertlal appratrals. BNkr 182. won aft that the regal desix"on d the red properly to be aonvayad has beet or shall be approved for moor dU Vas 18& of the drip of doing. 8sunwwmr b that the bugrAngo are or dhdl be oonbruoted on** within the boundary Nnse 1ft of the Pmpnty: Baku wamwils Boot then Is a tight d soden to tho lOmperly from a publo ilght ol- ray: r ietnsy Mar/21/20141,52:58 PM - - - 9529797827 5/17 CNAW PURCHASE AGREEMENT Awl 185. paps 4 Data of is ju 198. Pr0pertyIor,ll9datAPs70- fiwiaad frenal LRUSVLI%O or 187, MECHAMM L L4L' &Wsrwuanta oral pmbr to the d**V, pWa wg b fuN wait haw basun mads ioralf wb% mmwhk 188. mmddnamy, Rheas or tole lummttdred wltlmin the 12o daye zm y ploft 0me in mnrwaaon wim 180. oonstmu vlo mkmaliomf or mPdr of any etructUro On, Or lmpmmnwd to, to Property. 140. NOTIOBB: S"w mamas A@ that 8allar has not m*W any mott0e iron any pavensrmW aptlfa* MID condrmnatlon 141. pmosa ftie, or viol of any 10% adkWm or repulmlon. N to Property is subjW io mg&kove c"nar e. Sailer 142. wananto that Mer has rat repsW wW n0dcD tram any parson w aulho* 64 to a bmeam" m of the ovormnts. Any 14& arch no toes Mm ved by Sailer ohnN be provided m Buyer Inlmee k ft 144, OMII ; 91W ed0se wW d mmwiamrs, sgtnre to"" or acreage of land or imprw mer ter pmvklod 145. �iorrmt nD w. t�, or �ng Or are SIM verily the of Buives saiolwlion, N trmabsrlai, at Buyerb aOle coat and Nene. 147. A M9 Amd1IGl11EiN .. Sdw eyesore id &NOW reasOnaimte access 10 #0 Prgm mty for pw1onnanoe of any sump or 148. ho@*M varsed lb h"n. 149. RIBIC OF LOM If there Is suety loss or damage to the Properly between ttn date hared and the data of deft for ary 150. Mom bm k dq flea, vmn*hM, ibod, aar0alusW or sot Of Olod. lire 11811 Of Rea AW be on Seiler. If to Properly 151. It d aayad cremmbstant * danmagsd bsbm ** otoNmtp data, this Pufafraee Agrmremant is ossmm, st Buysft 1ft by wd bn notice to Sailer or Nosneee npresenWrp or arp*ft Seiler, N Buyer ma mb tld9 Pumohm 15L Buyer and SaNer shall Mnmedmly obn a Oroaomgadorr Of PWdlm ApnemmMmmf =blmft acid mnosN�an 154. CINSWI g ail earnest mmW pstd hommeler to he rohmftd 10 Buys. 156. Till!!! OF ORMINW1 *f G Is Of •me 81991ft In titer Purohms Apwnm t. 168. CALCULATION OIC DAYS: Any adm*O m► of dsyrs NOW on the iMs't dly (001mr4or orBmwirteas Dein v 9pAolfled) 157. foilanmrbfp 00 occurrence of the wont spso ggi w d haxiee � daye (oder Bu t" a s t)eya as 159. ending at i 1 dM P.M. on the Isom dear, specilloO 189. WS*Mft DAYS1 *13usinow Da4Nf' aro dmye whish are not &ftrdaya, SUCKINA or stale or lodwal holidays unless 180. staled ai•wAm by the pw*w b wmv. 181. DEFAMr, N Buyer dsku b In srgm of the spaesrnemds herein, Sd w m 4V canal this Pumghase Ate, wW many 102. peywom mnad8 heromWsr. Iftiv- semed moray►, shrill be m *MW by SOW as IhltkkW damnaM and Buyer 188. and tsewr shall am m 8» some by a wrl8sn cancellation moresn eft 104. N Buyer dwaulls In any of the agreements hwemurder, Seller may terminate W& Pma'tfflase Agroommp d Under the 185. Provislorts tai sltlNr MN 91stuts Sp2l or MN 8latuts 5.1' 9.217, wlflotmeverk �. Nsillher Buyesr ar 33eiler detaulH 960. h many oFltts egmmr9rmwtts hsreunderarihmare sudets ami tutArMBed oomtmllilort atirrtlts dab apeolfted IarfuNginlent, ellltar 107. party mai cancel this Purchaser AWo ms o umdsr MN Statmds OWA17, SAW. & VVI etnver it b pmmavided herein to at 10. this PurdxwAgreement Iscanosted, said Iamgusp WWbedeem9d a praNslon amrRMIXIng a MwbrftWMMdWm 109. under MN bN&M 860.917, 8ubd. 4. 170. N #6 Purchase Agm oma t Is not cam W or tsnnkwm as pmvldad hereunder, Buyer or Beller may am& =W 171. dam iqm for breach of *ft Purchase Agreement or spealtb parbmwm Of this Purahaae Apresmna * surd, as to 17'2. epsollb p9rfonna m, auch action must be commNmomd wtltfht sba (a) m xft after such Amar of am m arise. 178. (#JY1tR HAS THE RIGHT TO A WALK-THROUGH RBHfBW OF THIS PROPERTY PWR TO CLOSING TO 174. IMMOLISH TNXT THE PROPERTY IS IN WWIANTIAt.LY THE SAME OONDI= AS OF THIS 17ATE OF 175. THIS PURCHAN AaR111=ilER'i: 1y9. BUYER HAS RECEIVISO A (oilmeuYm any pat Sl *p. ® D►SCLOSURE ST iT IR: sEttElar� PAQK RTYOR A 177. [J DISCLOSURE S71�M%Wir. WLLgrR'$ DiMXOBUREA�flyRlIf1471VE8 FORAA. 178. CWJVPTM OF PROPW'W OONDf lift Bee bls*Wr* BMs►nst MOM Proparhr Or Dboloeare NOWMRc 170. Sfbrb D/sdosmamr AN*m*w tar domx"on Of dl$dOwm mpontbAi u and UrMm 1or19, 0 any 180. BUYER HAB REOWMTHE MBPWTION REFORTS, IF ROCIU ED BY NVN=%LM. 181. BUYER IS NOTRLYINQ ON ANYOFIAL,WRR8ENTATIONS REMRONGTHE CONDMON OFTHE PROPEf;R Y Ino 81.114 ere r►mLmft%i%o . MaN21/20141,52,58 PM - - - 9528797827 6117 COLOWCu PANKOR L1 PURCHABE A®Rfe MEff 188, Page 6 Oats 184. Property lao■ted at _ A1120 TmMmjd ML4&. idb2m a IN esois 1a6. (Cho* I"- $ELLER WARRANTSTHAPT HE PROPERTY 18 41 MER DIREO Y OR INDIROMY CONNEOM TO: 107. OWt R®neLQNO r CITYWATM1®1fSAONO 108. 199. SELLER ❑ 130E6 �RTY. KNOW OF A SUBSURFACE SEWAGR TREATMENT SYSTEM ON OR III& *mw1NG THE PROPEOf mmm Is DallS, end the eyemm doss not mWh a erste p■rndt am t> rs 181. � akmw w awAgo vnbnw aysmm.) 142. mWmAuL 12e. BELLER fffi DOf$$ DOEd NOT KNOW OP A WELL ON OR SERVING THE PROPERTY, 194. Of www h DM aW Wsii Is IOoabd on Els Property on Obdamw 8&bmw r ftj) 125. Twis PURCHASE AORmwr e Z11S NOT SIMEOT'f O AN ADDENDUM TO PURCHA9lt AMMWWr '1118. 81 40EBEWAQii1!<TREffAMTB WELL 7=C0N"ENCY. 127. Of Snewer M 18, m aftdwd Adldwxt n.) 128. W A WELL OR SUNUMPAC2t aWAM TREATMENT tlV&M EXWM ON THS PRORSRTYj ttn1 M H" 100 R1111311111M AQ1111MMMOUT11111111M 1011111 ANOM A 01111048M SM31111111119P 8ijWXMrA= Qi 200. 11M of M61 rsi"IrTmL Y01. Nt7iICE QI fNDSR II�ORIIAiWN! Intbmntloa rrp i 04-11" p[sd■I-- OMrisbsr RO@. r�el�►end pereotte sd rrltl+ Ihs prsdeiory ollietdir � MwMI tiMkhris .1lt8 tsp4► be obhNted 203, byeanuolihsloodlowaft osmsntoMosslathe oinw�u ►—I vmew Propsrttrtslosslsdcribs lll�trsas 204. D■partmenl of CorraoRoas at (M) Sol -?m or the DspartNuM o4 Conaotlons welt sib at M. rrsrrrootr, lei-JOLM 208. NOYS ANTY ALAN: &Wand esper ■rs sdvhsd to krvs■ % m the various home preaokW SAB. � � +end sstvkw We. Mast pkkns = m:b .00j q O 802. ❑ AMonwPlanwmtodAm edmwjwbYCi� � bb■Lmoby 210. at ■oast not fo atao■sd . 211. f J TMm vdll bs no fiomo PromaMaNNhrrstrly Plan eo pest of this Apnslnstd, OIL - 213. a�•a 2% man rAw sa■. cl , I - nNEW 915. ,wa"k a lm" a NOTIM is (:j SdWA Agent❑ Bww% A WE Duel Aomd❑ For. M [I Sdoft Agent MW Agent ❑ Fhoft0w. 219. a man ammot obd 0" am"w Now 217. THM NOTICE DOU A= SATINY MRMM CTA BTATU7i]It1f A6ilIylCY DIOLOWM RfiQM MBM& mm"Wonq Mar/21/2014 1:52:58 PM - - - 9529797827 7117 • PURCHASE AOgEEMRW e 216. POPS Date ; 819. Pmpery loaadd at sae • aao�s am DUAL AGENCY REPORSENTMM ?21. PL.EM CHEM AMOPTHE POLLANtPQ BELOCTIOM gm ❑ Ow Agenw mpresentatlon noes MOreppy in #6 traneadlon. Ao not oonpw# If w mmg 2M 19 Oual AM" mpreaente on DOM apply in Ibbs U111naarl W. OMWWV Bre dtia ftum in AVO M"W, 224. Broker represents both the Seller{a) and the Buydt(e) of the Properly Involved In ttde trummiloe, whIM crest" a 9W dual a Ttde insane that (+brotcer and Id mobqmnm owe Aducloy duYa to bcm go") And Buysr(8). Beoatme 228. the parft mw have corMaV Intereela, Ehdm and ft Odesperaorta are poNbNed from adwca*V m kmkpllr for 827. Ww paft BMw cannot ad a8 A dual OWd to ft ftnsaWm wMOR the aonmt of both Selegs) and Buysr(s). tt2t3. Oder(s) and BtWm(a) aaattwisdge ttur 220. (1) conadefd w kdnnntatlwt communicated to 8m1wr whidt r 9M% ON, benne, or wMwAon to buy or ad wM 280, retnaln cordkiar W unba 8d") or Buyer(a) m uod Broker in WMV 10 diadoea this kdmmatkwL Other bb91. Inim meticn will bre slumd; M• (9) BfWw and ke ne MGPWMa vA not rsprewnt the inlsreet of Other ptuty to the dWmwd of the anter; and tin. (8) WM the Wift of 0Od agm% Broker and iis uhgmrwm wM work day Jo bdnafAt the msohanloe of 254. Ste cele. U5. the and id On MmAedp and mplanstion abaft tdar(a) and Bute rtsiruot Broker M. nn� 927.Se B++ysr as atoll�we .r.n Q. tr ., 0: tv 2m. Satter M. Date Bob W. OLNING-MMr Iw"r O?'si w mw be m*ww to ply► owtwn do@" octad, whloh may efb*Aly Mjr, raaee the 241. 00811 outlay at daft or reduos tlta puoea b from the axle. 842 ONVIR AWAUMn This Purohaw AgreOa m and Ory addenda Or MwWmwtlt signed by to p www dW US. aormdkft the mft arm meat bstwmn Buyer wW adw.Any Odw wdon Or Orsi oonlrra+nl Ww between B14W and M4. Sear, kuk dlnp, but not 11mited tO, a -maks, tent rrwnagee, or ow els*a* oo0rnrlunkallons, are not part of We 20. Pumhase Agreement. Tttis Pumhaee Agmmem can be nwd M or ea+ w*d only In wfty slpned by Seer and 818. BuyerOr by Ope vNm of law AN monetary aw m are deem8d to be Unbd 8utea ani+ mW for p Apmm orf tills pu dvm 547. Aaeement. 248. M.BC'1 W= B18NA7 : The pug" agree the eieahgrdo @Van of Any party on any dooum d rma%d fr1 We 249. tfarANOM Oomft to va8d, binding stgnahrrea. 280. tRNAL ACCEPTANOt: Tb be bbft, tWs Purchase Adwment must be fully oxocuted by both parties and a Dopy 201. must be dsilwltad. M. BURYIVALr AN warranties speOW In thts Purohaae Agmemad dui Ou Mm the dMhwy of the deed or 0ontraot 208. far deed. 200. OM aonirin"nb On approval by Lakeville City COmacLI. M. 267. M. 2.0,8. 9,80. 2$1. MMPA4 tenet Mar121l20141,52,58 PM - - - 9529797827 8117 �iAF,iK(:Id G7 PURCHASE AGIREMENT M. PrOP" ka ted at 32026 s.MMooa JASW in 516*4 , 284. AD0111WA AND PADS NU NG., AUS ftd addbmk we a port of We PwWAWommt M. MW k*O MMnbsr at PON of tide Furalwas Aoftwo t, INAWMU addenda, an Ow bro 0 of peps on (1� M. N0M Dbetaswss and c pllo Arblbaftn Agnama are nat pMtb of this Pt dm* Aqr wmd and should 207. not I* pwt of tits pqp numbafnp. ROB. 1, awn•r of to morin aMoept this Pumha" 1 apnea to pw dan to Pmpft lorthe price and on ew M. AWmt and su a the Nelms bxoMr b wMwimwthe urrrrs and oondltlone pet farM� sb�te 270. said Fray" morn ft mv%K unW" WftwW I lases mbwsd ON P900 of d" Pumhmw 271. oftowi s In wrMW Ague" M. I haw aeda s all pages of this Purdww ApnsewnL 278. [] ff OwdwA twb Pwdmm Agm mart b n*d is M. attsdad Ad*ndw to Pm*aw A 97d. �. 277. x ��..._. , ar..�.r► tiotf.ns�r �,_ 1w'wr ■ Femm 978. 2a 280. M. x xr . .r fA.w wwl x teuysr�el�nw.r► � X ow""�Mmo x oll"W" 282. ANAL AOOWAMM DAi M The F kW Atiasptsnas dabs 288. b the esu an whish the My easaAad Purchase Avow" d b ddwrsd. 584. TM N A UNkALLY 911ldiNtt, CONMACT 11RTWM AND tN:LL11R(N}. 288. IF YOU D8B1RS LIM" ONTAX AWAM ala' AN APINROP111AT8t �tA1.. 988. 1 AOIpiiONVMUTHAT 1 HAM MOO= AND MVI HAOT4 OPPORTUNTYTO IDlWRiA1THL DOOLOV" 987. 8'fATEAMMAR&7RA70A OINCLC�BANDANSMAWYYAL REAL PW0PWWANW=TWAWNMWWr, 288. WI 0H N AN . WHAL,11OLitN7%1RY AOT ANO N Wt t'd W OFTHM PU WHAM AOR IT. ga. Si mmw t s 290. SNtJ.1tf1( -- RUY6A(Di W W T MMAQ Mar/21/2014 1:52:58 PM - - - 9529797827 16117 Short Sale Affidavit Loin Number: z & relates 0 a an un real estate parchase contract tiered � /� / � concanairag tiro aibldorraina Mortgaged PreEaieea; Propsrtyaddrew.. 2.4 R.. &W umlar which wells Fare Hama Mortgagainayagres to ACCWIM than Coil payoff of the debt woad In aadraange for rda:e of the Mord Prenalsw (a:iwrt sale), eadh of the sigttataorlse ltaret4 heresy �q and egdrm under pecetty of pevjury, IbOt tw do best of their knowledge and bdieh (p) The este of tits Mortg * Premises is an "arm's IwW tra nction, between the p uta who ars unrelated and unatIltiated by family, mard W orcommardat go"wprisw (b) There am no agreamooM undetrstandings or conducts between the peruse duet the Seller WM remain in the Mortgaged Premises as a tenant or later obtain title or ownership of the Mortgaged Premisw; CO Neitlter the Borrower(so nor the purchaaer(s) will receive or funds or commlivions fm the sale of the Mom Preanfsea- The Bonvmr may receive a rdomtian Inmdva psymatt if t far offwrad by Ovalis Fate Home Mortgage, approved by Freddie Mac and reflected on tate 01)-1 Settlement Surfactant and on the Stott Sale Approval latter; (d) Thera aro no ag moment% uw -r nou or conUvets relating to the currant sale or subaeguent sale of the Mortgnged aw Pr+emfthat Nave not been disdosed to Wells Fargo Home (e) All amounts to be paid to way panty, kwk tug holders of otter Herts on the Matgged Premie, in cornu c ion with the shat sale tr anatcdon have been disdosed to and approved by Wells Pargrt Nome Mortgage and will be reflected on aha HUD -1 Settlement Staimrth (f3 Bach 90ramy tea, agr+ew and intends that Wella PargQ !•tome MortgsM Freddie NWK and any applfealrle Mortgage Insurer or Guuubr are retying upon the statements made in the affidavit as consideration tar tin reduction of the payoffamount of the Mortgage and sawnie tt to Na sale of the Mortgaged Premises; (9) A signatory who metro s ftWlgant or inteattio W misropraseratatiart agnm to indmn* Watts P&W Home Mortgage NO Freddle Mac for ad► and all low resulting Mom the motion includi% batt not limited to, repayment of the amountafthe reduced payoff ofthe Mortow; (h) The certification will survive tie closing of the transaction; Bach signatory understands that a misrepresentation may subject the party making the misrepresentation to civil and/or crimhW liabfllty; and (D None of the edam rtes have knowledge of any offer to puethaaa the Mortgaged Premises for a higher purnhase prices duan the purchase price contained In the certain real estate purchase contract referenced above that has not beau presented to the Lnder(s} Buyar(s) finther certify and of m under penalty of perjury. that: (k) The paropaiy will not be sold within 3.20 days of the closing date without having been subatentially reAublahad or value having bow Added to the Mortgaged Pramims; and (1) The pmpwW wgll not be vented to the Seller after tate closinpf the subJfact real estaoe purchase contract. 12 l ✓ �^ I S r Date seer Date Print Name Print Name Page 1 of 21 Freddle Mac VwWon 1.0 w.e� r�o+coa sso aj a dsebn arose. ryupQ a.nk, w�. swift w.ae Fi�po Wrile. AN atelia newvrd. tensa ro9k Mar/21/20141,52,58 PM - - - 9529797827 17/17 .,, I 'k I a 8 late w6viBrokw Date 0&@u&%& k4� wq.� kid tb Print Ne r print Name and Company Name Date Elate Pflat Name print Nsom beWemsatAput PAK Now and Company New Date Tranap�ton Fadltielvt� (ifaa�►) Date Print Name and cotstpany Name print Compwt w Address Print Company Addreae Nobs b e®t Apab if Oe 4&v=ddtortauk qW%*Waved by fth &W Hans Awa, U* * mterttmwrbe newly execatpd and nottt tdat orbi&* theshwtstgeaksM The AoWad ~Loopy►mwtbs esntbyawrW* asap for Web FWp Vase MoR M Aunt >ctbua� tyna iiane Campus PeeMUln IAS All elenamM cruse be ttobmrd&W belbre s nutety public wd dometu try nwismce etWtched bwvW to acmrdanoe with the rsgWremme o[your state laws, STATR OF MUit'!'4 of On brtbfe ma P (kmtname of NotwFablto) who Paved to me on the boo of soWmawy evWl@= to be the perean(a) whose tt=e(t:) is/are wed to the wlihm ] In nw the W be/dw du lite s=e fn hie/her1dw* bred ), ead that bypano�sb w the sn ft upatt behdf of wbbkpeta m" acted, -- dkehmninleft I corft =der PW&TY OF MmIURY minder the /ewe of the State of dmttbo hnpft Pu larwh is Esme and OXTeet. WI'i'NSSS my hw d ed oiiYdd set,/. NOTARY FUMUC MY 0mun salou RRpiress ow Pane 2 of 2l Preddis Mat: VerNon 1.0 Wdf ftW H" MWM lSe *MM d Wade F4W 86nk, N.A.O M t Wd5 F0F W k At ftft teamwd. WM 10 9eoeot AGENCY RELATIONSHIPS IN REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS 1. Page 1 2. MINNESOTAeW REQUIRES that early in any relationship, real estate brokers or salespersons discuss with 3. consumers what We of agency representation or relationship they doWm.s'eThe avallable options arefisted below Thos 4. is not a Contract. This is an agency disdosure form only. K you desire representation you horst eater Into a 5. written contract, according to state law (a listing contract or a buyerAenant representation contract). UrhtiI such time 6. as you choose to enter krto a written contract for representation. you will be treated as a oustorner and will not receive S. 7. any rePragon from the broker or salesperson. The broker or salesperson willbe acting as a Facilitator (see Paragraph V on page two (2)), unless the broker or salesperson Is representing another party, as described below. 9. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Wye acknowledge that Ywe have been presented with the below described options. 10. Wye understand that until Uwe have Signed a npreserntatfon contract, V we amiare not represented by the 11. brokeMsslsspareon. Wye understand that written consent is required for a dud agency relationship. 12. THIS IS A DISCLOSURE ONLY, NOT A CONTRACT FOR REPRESENTATION. x3-20-1_ t st...a city Adows tout [";L -'j= 14. 1. SeHer's/Landlord'e Broker: A broker who Oafs a property, or a salesperson who is Ord to the Rating broker, 15. represents the Sellerll.andlord and ado on behalf of the Seller/Landlord. A Sellaft mWIord's broker owes to 16. the Seller/Landlord the fiduciary dudes described on page two (2).m The broker must also disclose to the Buyer 17. material facts as defined kn MN Statute 132.68, Subd. 3, of which the broker Is aware isnot could adversely and 19. slgrdn a WM the BuVer's use or enjoyment of the property. (MN Statute SEW Subd. 3 does not apply to transactions.) If a broker or salesperson working with a Buyer/Tenant as a customer Is representing 20. Sethe RerAsndiord, he or she must act le the Selle's/Landlod'a best interest and rrurst tell the Seger/LandbM any 21. Iniomsadon disclosed m him or her, eNDW confidential hlbrmadon acquired In a la or reletionstdp (we paragraph 22. V an page two (2)). In that case, the Buyer/Tenant will not be represented and will not receive advice and counsel 23. from the broker or salesperson. 24. If. Subagent: A broker or salesperson who is working with a Buyer/Tenant but represents the Seller/Landlord. In this 25. case, the Buyer/Tenant is the broker's customer and is not represented by that broker. If a broker or salesperson 26. working with a Buyer/Tenant as a customer Is representing the SdadLandord, he or she must act in the 27. Seleeakandord's best interest and must tell the SeNrAAndord arty Information that Is dsdosed to him or her. 28. in that case, the Buyer/Tenant will not be represented and will not receive advice and counsel from the broker or 29. salesperson. 30. III. Buye'alrwwd's Broker. A Buyer/renant may enter into an agreement for the broker or salesperson to represent 31. and act on behalf of the Buyer/renanLThe broker may represent the Buyer/Tenant ordy, and not the SellerAlandiord, 32. even If he or she Is being paid in whole or In part by the Seger/Landlord. A BuyeesJTe uWs broker owes to the 33. Bwyer/Tenant the fiduciary duties described on page two (2). o The broker must disclose to the Buyer material fads 34. as defined in MN Statute 62.66, Subd. 3, of which the broker Is aware that could adversely and significantly affect 81. 35. t e r or salesperson uYers use erwent of the property. (MN Statute 68, Subd. 3 does not appy to rentaNesse transactions.) 37. she must act In working with a Seller/Landlord as a customer Is representing the Buyerlrenant, he or Buyees/Tenanft best interest and must tell the Buyernbnant any Information disclosed to him 38. or her, except confidential Information acquired in a facilitator itator relationship (see paragraph V on page two (2)). In 39. that case, the SegerA andord will not be represented and will not receive advice and counsel from the broker or 40. salesperson. 41. I have had the to � oivporhrnily r+evtew the 'Notice Regarding Predatory Offender lnlfarmat/on" on 42. �� hva (2) MN AWYMS-1(11/10) AGENCY RELATIONSHIPS IN MM TIEW REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS 43. Page 2 44. IV Dual Agency - Broker Representing ShcerA =Nlwd and BuyerfTenant Dual agency occurs when one 45. broker or salesperson represents both as to a treneakdi m% or when two salespersons licensed to the same 46. broker each represent a party to . Dual agency requires the Informed consent of all parties, and that the broker neon owe the same &11108 to the SelleM andbrd and the Buyernienant. This 48. of representation the broker and salesperson can provide, and prohibits them from acting 49. exclusively for other party. In a dual agency, oonfidenth d kdormation about price, terms and motivation for pursuing 50. a transaction will be kept confidential unless one party instructs the broker or salesperson In writing to disclose 51. specific information about him or her. Other Information will be shared. Dud agents may not advocate for one party 52. to the detriment of the otherw 53. Within the limitations described above, dual agents owe to both Seller/Landlord and Buyer/renant the fiduciary 54. duties described below OQ Dual agents must disclose to Buyers material facts as defined In MN Statute 82.68, Sub& 55. 3, of which the broker is aware that could adversely and significantly affect the Buyer's use or enjoyment of the 56• PrOPSIV. (MN Statute 82.66, Subd. 3 does not appy to rentaUlesse transactions.) 57. V. Facilitator: A broker or salesperson who performs services for a BuyedTonaM, a Seller/Landlord or both but 68. does not represent either In a fiduciary capacity as a Buyer's/Tenant's Broker, SdorslLandlord's Broker or Dual 59. Agerr1.TH E FACILITATOR BROKER OR SALESPERSON DOES NOT OWL ANY PARTY ANY OFTHE FIDUCIARY 60. DUTIES LISTED BELOW, EXCEPT CONFIDENTIALITY, UNLESS THOSE 'DUTIES ARE INCLUDED IN A 61. WRITTEN FACILITATOR SERVICES AGREEMENT: The facilitator broker or salesperson owes the duty of 62. confidentiality to the party but ovine no other duty to the party eoccept threose duties required by law or oontained in 63. a wMa n facilitator services agreement, 0 any. In the event a fsc lWor broker or salesperson working with a Buyer/ 64. Tenant shows a property listed by the facilitator broker or salesperson, then the facilitator broker or salesperson 85. must act as a SeilersAmAlord's Broker (see paragraph I on page one (1)). In the si6nt a°faoBtator broker or 66. salesperson, workingwith a SelleHLandkxd, accepts a showing of the properly by a Buyerntsnant being represented 67. by the fadlItator broker or salesperson, then the feditwor broker or salesperson must ad as a Buyses/Tenant's 68. Broker (see paragraph III on page one (1)). 69• 10 osoiosure is required by law in any transaction involving property occupied or intended to be occupied by 70. one to families as their residence. 71 The duties mentioned above are dieted below and have the following meardngs: 7 1.flltltulY - neon will ad only In cdent(s)' best kftresL Obedience b r/sabspenson will carry out all dent(s)' lawful instructions. 4 - rson will disuse io cilent(S) all material fads of which brolaer/salespersom has knowledge 5. which nmiglf affect the cllent(s)' use and enjoyment of the property. 76. - b /salesperson will keep dWd(sr cordidences unless required by law to disclose specific 77. irtfornmation (such disclosure of material fads to Buyers). 78. Reasnne6le Care broker/salesperson will use reasonable care In perbffnhg dudes as an agent. 79• AGOMNIft - r/salesperson will account to cdient(s) for ant c ient(ey money and property received as agent. po.ff Seiler(s s) decides) not to agree to a dual agency relationship, Sefier(s)✓Lsndlord(s) may olive up the Toeporlcrrdiy Samoan the property to Buyer(s)/Tensnt(s) represented by the brokedsalesperson. if Buyer(s)/ (a) not to agree to a dual agency relationship, Buyer(ey1bruint(s) may give up the opportunity to 83• properties listed by the broker. 84. NOTICE REGARDING PREDATORY OFFENDER IWORMATION: Innfornsat iOn regarding the predatory offender 85. registry and persons registered with the predatory offender registry under MN Statute 243.166 may be 88. obtained by oordecting the local law enforcement offices In the c omnrc ky whore the property Is loreted, 87. or the Minnesota Doperhnont of Corrections at (651) 3617200, or from the Departrnennt of Corrections Web alts at 88. www.nerr sh te.mn.us. MNAGCmrsc-2 (1ino) .; e I AFFILIATED BUSINESS ARRANGEMENT DISCLOSURE STATEMENT From: CMweT Bs Branst 'Hank you for aontaaf4g us, York" CddwNl Banker Burrat Sate pwWnm0ar Bfd", In aonnwilon wllh the purdrese or eab da hang arc otltar 17i.l Mft 1 YWrrolbevu'Sn*erhuafwW"sralatiar OwIMVWmnrpaNaadadhMraSt WMBKintlateachdlhe Prof�y Tlt rfabphre by HRT LLC or by CWP=Abm RemkW Capotaaao kd r%* whdY Owm NRT LLC, a parwft Compwry lm* Bin mr wW � alloaa� the rayon. ReddW Caporation also Owra Ma kartdtw Of IN COLOM LL SANKEM, COLDWELL BANKER COMM ERCIALt CENnW 21! ERM, BETTER HOMES 6OARDENSOwWSOTHEBYSWTERNATK)NALREALTY•sy$WMBacasrwdtmomktiomtdps,twnft dofbushmmic haswWmnIwmoyMyWdaus,CurwWoyan, or o$tar mWAd poMu naked hwdn a *wr4W or oMar bwo t. In COwAclon wah PmvMft real palats Wdwapp aerW=, Bldw may reodve a cornrdaalon Ora cooperative brokarapa IN, Ne fora raft, b ancilw rad estate brolwapa compmrd Nft Is typial in Ma rad esbb Wdwep kxkmM. W b here eat fbO blow the swAm Mart $ase oonrpwu provids, dmq wkh an estirnafad U5. nuW of darpea gwmn* rinds for bm wvtms, You aro NOT raquked louse the Wad atmlpanWs as a aorrdl R of the pudwas or sale of your properly, THERE ARE FREQUENTLY OTHER SUMEMENT SERVICE PROVIDERS AVAILABLE WITH 81AMLARSERVICESYOUAREFIiEE708HOPAROIJIdIT0DETEflMpNETHATYOUARE IOTHEBESTSERVIMANDTHEBEsTRATEFoRTHEsESErnw-viii COMPANIES SETTLEMENT SEtVICE8 BBIBIATEOFCfY�O�OBt8W1YMADEBYPROYtOQt' -- PHN Nona Lam LLC Providaa a fire raw of rWdential Met toot ftapa ban S r s. Prorkftand awvi=L 'Lan dlacotai fie J pokrls e 0 - ti9i d loan arrant ` U.B. NATIONAL 1001 LWAIANEE LLC Ouafllbd Inlarrnsdlary foe $000 - $3.000.00 Ade ss equaBlad inannednybr m 1001 TW Oil i g, �IlltTlasnamonce_�y � PFOv � IMIL11I0ap_-I"9 � hunsa tient _ T'7 .-f ;., [ '^•h�• "i- Bumat TiBet LLC dAft Buttal TBftt Buttal Twe of :./''�4T.:� -i: qi� _ fan•: t $Saar t b ft Adn*** w Fea : $300 - $750 PmWdas ha x*"•V of d ddelk IInineefsulnp preparpr in _ _ w•Yt Mienal esum oonkact. =• i i.i-. - Wil -.'.tea...:-~. t - •-�. . .. v - .. a n Service Fos .$200 - $300 PMWMGIKdMof_ arty known Pmbisms � pop*Ws fitie (kw eon Sala Optload lthtrteaoN 8dw LblNrp- RvW WA Pmparly (Mf+k -MM VV«aooeobsd TftSearchwWPawn Inclu lnpmmkrm NW In Burnet'fitla, LLC dlbh BWlat TNM, Bllrllat TUN d TiROIITMN Reaata0a 11Tlatarraln ilk) OMoup CwrrlwaW N •_ .. 'i+„' 4' f TIN, ll,f t'^�.' We Spent and TNN Reaatase Timm* CornQany "TROC"t rf,+' 2, _r r, . •.; ^' i L mill �';-.';� •+,.i,:. _�'��: •.rY aaMfNlnstelnp �mpw /'apping .. _ _ fMi.....:.:.4. .i'.��-`',•'-•-'tai`s. -•-_- "S' ..�.- rr.. Mkvwsft MoilOogme PoftaTaU 4atftdropscan Poaryramwd(iIBO,a00upbitmon) kallMan� r PmvWeebauauoe-_ ddea_ boa due tocertan Wsdaficts. nctbaoasdtR3lritcm OppppO) ._. (RaryeMtytdsforpofyamart>ti1 _ 1 YYhoonekr Owrw's Poky of Taft VirNbla da►pe daPendrg on poky anwunt. $376 pranhan for kwavincethe Mat 15.000 of covwape and no more ttran 11af$t0o6 of amiss ' 1 AlaigApi 5.e af't1Mk. 5.1 4 ItlA'VMIA�rrWy"gwriiiyi'I Not Y ! ' +�lp��lM krtirr�r TIriablAk�TrJft',offIWO. tVftoofth o CkmkV Praledbn I No Ciwpe �. Aad dwrya. way wn +ecarana b rM r�rsadr dmumalarora uraririla 5.r taenaelloa bciiaip eve hms tirr. eoerasa and adb, 5.W epi.a.a brew ad .rA@W wariW n a" inn N, tpaanaaaM wWbaww. PwP� broaon ane taaaro, ud aarralaNrNcbf. Rabe awf Sot b.5.w toaroal aramlM Seal oma oubtm to ebanpe. Far a taw, 5.o aMwaon aiob. 0awaad ow cam" dtnWyYlamawoweodbfalesbrKeurwn!ReWbrYruanwr5.eadadA5.wUeaoobreotabaeorpttoadaaprdnaOwn2wdmL Ww=Wasy5.gSowVwrawaboanMove. 2 ThrarooaWdwaobapaadbmwaabnwla�pwrSaaabrw Inad�orlaMndroa�rnquYamrooadalWarMaM�idr0duf hadrAie lisdioaaaeamaxaoarpaigaawclrwmds & aParabarahoawrbngeaM[rMrmdaraadraatmyo�appybwydawaomaPrdaafor•bap Tena$anedea•OoodFaN�EaAlwabarednSda�aefaralaholandyaurbanappaarenwMifiatlpaMda faa Sala dalaead aYonnaean dew oplopabd dwryn araaebbdodN yarf.r► a. 7lwbm decwwatw /adrm re aeaobd by 4w ban -www AwwO rm mmmmd busiest arrartpwM*. Pftame dw nob to bdw may have a$ar business rNatiortships, and to o6rW pno&mb or mwkn may be avditb such as Ito Coldwd Banker Hae Pmladiwr Plan CCB P60, P &AW byAnedoan Fbme Shield CoVordlon orb alldn. CAH89. as wag as Whet Products and servies. Bftw. � P�a a) m y OWO a WMAW or 00W bsnda from Mass bwlnnm rmlaMomproducts « MILdred buyMPa. Including for awvleaa you provkle. You an not � not required b buy Ilam Tram any Particular CCB er Pian or ablhome pralactlan on plan and, If YOU want to puehass any such Produde or wvfoa w. You are rAcknow Ndpsewnt of have te Aff leW Business Ananpsmsrd Disclosure Stalanrwd from Broker and uttderdand Mpt Broker may tiYa bakes;Its0_tyI1dmi rtaaw �. BUYER REPRESENTATION CONTRACT: NONEXCLUSIVE 1�Vl�.I�IL' 1 1. Date 03/1e/14 2. Page 1 of pages S. DERINITION& Buyer is cies of LakwiUe ("Buyer"). 4. Broker le couWall masker maraet ("Broker. 5. PAW 6e a comvmr NO* B. Buyer gives Broker the nonexclusive right to locate and/or to assist in negotiations for the purchase, exchange of 7. or option to purchase ("Purchase') property at a price and with terms acceptable ih) Buyer. This Contract starts on 8. xarah loth , 20 14 , and encs at 11:59 p.m. on Jhir 31st .20 14 9. This Contract may only be canceled by written mutual agreement of the parties. 10. Nonexclusive repreawde*m means that Buyer has the right to contract with other brokers for represwhtatlon 11. In the Purchase of property dueirhg the term of We Contract. 12. BROKER'S OBLIGATION: Broker shall make a reasonable effort to locate property acceptable to Buyer. Broker 13. "I use professional knowledge and skills to assist in negotiations for the Purchase of property. Broker shall 14. assist Buyer throughout the transaction. Broker shall act in Buyer's best interest at all tines, subject to any limitations 15. imposed by law or dual agency. Broker shall comply with all applicable fair housing and rwKiiscriminatkm regulations. 18. BUYER'S OBLIGATION: Buyer shall work with Broker for the Purchase of property. Buyer shall promptly furnish to 17. Broker ac nvm and relevant personal *wxM information to aacwWn BLWWa ab ft to Purdwe properly, ff requested. 18. Buyer shall cooperate with Broker in finding a property to Purchase. After a purchase agreement has been accepted 19. by serer, Buyer Is legally obligated to Purchase the property. If Buyer refuses to close the Purchase for any reason 20. other than the failure of serer to perform, subject to relevant contingenales, Buyer shall pay Broker all compensation 21. due under this Contract. 22. NOTICE: THE COMPENSATION FOR THE PURCHASE, LEASE, RENAL OR MANAGEMENT OF REAL PROPERTY 23. SHALL BE DETERMINED BETWEEN EACH VdXV DUAL BROKER AND THE BROKER'S CLE M. 24. BROKER'S COMPENSATION: (Fill In all bAwft) 25. If Buyer, or any other person acting on Buyer's behalf, agrees to Purchase any property during the term of this Contract, 25. the following compensation will appy. 27. 1. Buyer agrees to pay Broker a retainer fee of $ • oo at the connoricanot of this Contract, 28. which fee shall be kept by Broker whether or not Buyer Purchases property. The retainer fee shall appy toward 29. satisfaction of any obligation to compensate Broker. 30. 2. Buyer shell pay Broker, as Broker's compensation, sero percent (%) of the selling pt! fplus $1. ('The Commission") when Buyer closes the Prm base. If. 32. A. Buyer Purchases or agrees to Purchase a property before the expiration of this Contract, with the assistance 33. of the Broker or licensee representing or assisting Buyer, or $4. B: within go days (not to exceed sbr (6) months) after the expiration of this Contract, Buyer 35. Purchases property which either Broker or licensee representing or assisting Buyer hes physically shown 38. Buyer or In which Buyer has made an effirmative showing of interest to Broker or licensee representing or 37. assb*g Buyer before the expiration of this Contract, as long as Broker has identified this property on a 38. written Nat Broker gives to Buyer within 72 hours after the expiration of this Contract. 39. Broker is authorized to negotiate and receive compensation paid by seller, or broker representing or assisting serer, 40. If Broker informs Buyer to writing before Buyer signs an offer to Purchase the property. Any compensation accepted 41. by Broker from sefier, or broker representing or assisting seller, 0 SHALL ® SHALL NOT reduce any obligation of 42. 43. Buyer to pay the "percentage" portion of Commission, however, Buyer remains responsible to pay the "fixed" portion 44. of Commission (see line 30) at closing. 45. Buyer understands that Buyer does not have to pay Broker's compensation if Buyer signs another valid buyer 48. representation contract orfacilltalor services agreement aftsrthe expiration or cancellation of this Agreement, under which 47. Buyer is obligated to compensate another licensed real esthete broke. CBR1144 -1 W14) oahyaasdfty of air htc. f BUYER REPRESENTATION CONTRACT:NONEXCLUMVE 48. Page 2 49. CAUTION: BUYERS ACTIONS IN LOOATM A PROPEW MAY AFFECT PAYMENT OF OONPENBATION BY 50• SKLEMMbMAYUMMPOR60B1.lOATEBUVMTOPAYALLORRWORTHECOlYMP6NEVMIN 51. CAMATCLOBMPORECA PLE:IMACTOFOOR INNOUGHMOPMHODU 52. msuvwmorAMORLTMORASUBTMOUVERORBN*MAPURCHAM 58. AOFEELMTTHROU0HANOTHM CRWRHOMMIFORBALEBYMM"MAYREQtNRE 64. BUVMM FRVN MNT OF THE FULL COMPlBIBAi1ON TO BUYERS BROKER. 55. GENERAL NATURE OP PROPERTY: (I ckrding 00 tbwkg properly tYPsx e)uisktg. new coratruodon or to-be-buNt.) 5& R;eckafftlWqWW 57. ®u 8 Feum Remsellon 5&Realdel godpwoonal HVelcantLand 59. CLOWNOBERVICES: GM NOTICE: THE FEALOMEBROKEFL LCENSEE REPRESENMQORASBlSTMBUYERORREALESTATEC OSING 81. AGENT HAS NOT pPRIMED AND. UNDER APPLICABLE s vE LAW, MAY NOT EXPRESS OPINION6 82. REGARDING THE LEGAL EFFECT OF THE CLOSING DOCL*AENTS OR OF THE CLOSING njW S' Aiter apurdamsagmernent for the ftpaty ie signed, urranpenrerrts must be made to does the t wamotlon. Buyer 8t uanderdwxb that rho are can require Buyerto Una pwdcular person In connection with a red estate cibkng and the Buyer 68. My arrange for a q<raWed closing egad Or Buyer"e dlomsy to eonduet the dosing. COIDWELL BANGER BURNET ah ll 86. utsngis to provide dosing servloea forks clients, trough Bu+MMt14 whichis u ndsr ommon ownom* vM COIDWELL 87. BANKER BURNET at a chugs of $SSM 0 payable at the time of doekg. AN documents related to the closing will be 88. avallable for review by my attorney, socountent or financial advisor at the dosing oc, upon request, prior to the closing. M: Pkaeis deck and k M I you wish to haw COLDWELL BANKER BURNET aruhgs to provkie the , , , , * g of your Iratssatlon 70. for the charge stated above. 71. ❑ ys% I wish to Mara COLI M ELL BANKER BURNET wrange to provide the doahg owvloe at Barest 72. Title and I wish to 1101" going Agent contact me at: ❑ Address below or :,�� � E- �( 74. 1@ N% � I shell make the naossaa y w angemand for daft the transaction, which dosing shall be r 75. performed by my s AMM om#w qusNllad draft agant. 78. DISCLOSURE RllQAR MQ FDIC COVMUMM We deposit tl:nda modved an your behalf In slab or fadarally-dharMred 77. banks that are Insured by the Federal Dapost hmrwm Oorporaation C FDIO*9 The account Is my&qy held at Bank of 78. Amwb& FDIC deposit i suanoe ooveraga to a ffmX naam amount of $250,01M per depoeltorfor deposits held in 79this sang kgs owM ft adsM at each bank. For exwnpl% frauds held an your behalf in on account rnaintakrod by us W. wil be combined with any Individual accounts held directly by you at the eels bank lfbu are responeas for nloMtoring 81. the total amount of deposits that are owned dk" or khdbeotly by you in any ams bank. If you heva questions abed 82. FDIC deposit ke nnca, contact your. 0 -old or legal advisors or go to httpJ/www.fdk:.eov 88. htntL Mb do not gumantse this solvency of any bank into whish funds are deposited and we aovurne no t dAty fir any 84. los" you incur due to this fdkm ksolvancy or suspension of opwatiors of any baht or the lnm6A *Mm7n of th9 $250,00D 85. FDIC dapoM Insum o" SWL 88. pst.1; 87.� 1 ACKNOWLEDGE THE FOREGOING DISCLOSURE AND AGREE TO YOUR DEPOSITING AND 88. ROVE87ING MY FUNDS AS DESCRIBED ABOVE Be,16 M%bfilt COST& Buyer aclumMedges that Buyer may be required to pay certain closing costs, which may 90sifscdvaly khorease the cash culley at daft. 91. PRIVATE MISPECTiO MARRANT1h Broker recommends that Buyer obtain a private home Inspection to eattsiy BE him"isftwsd with the phyelcd can Rbn of the property. FuMmumre, #mere are wamanty proarans available for soma 98. properties which warrant the perlormanoa of certain oornponenfs of a properly. which warranty programs Buyer may 94. wish to investigate prior to the Pwchase of any speclllc property. COM 14 -2PM4) fflomw oh eaMtyeasdmryaranLM • BUYER REPRESENTATION CONTRACT: NONEXCLUSIVE 95. Page 3 96. AGENCY REPRESENTATION: If the Buyer chooses to Purchase a property listed by Broker, a dual agency will be 97.created an This means that Broker will represent both the Buyer and the seller, d owe the same duties to the seller the 98.Broker owes to the Buyer. This coniNat of Interest will prohibit Broker from advoc a ing exdusk* on the Buyer's behalf. 99. Dual agency will Nrrrft the level of representation Broker can provide. If a dual agency should arise, the Buyer will need 100. to agree that confidential information about price, terms and motivation will stip be kept c onlidential unless the Buyer 101. Instructs Broker In writing to disclose specific information about the Buyer. AN other infor nedon will be shared. Broker 102. cannot act as a dual agent unless both the Buyer and the seller agree to it. By agreeing to a possible dual agency, the 103. Buyer will be giving up the right to exclusive representation an In-house trasaction. However, If the Buyer should 104. decide not to agree to a possible dual agency, and the Buyer wants Broker to represent the Buyer, the Buyer may give 105. up the opportunity to Purchase the properties listed by Broker. 108. 107. Having read and understood this Information about dual agency, Buyer now Instructs Broker as follow, 108. ® Buyer will agree to a dual agency representation and will consider properties listed by Broker. 109. ❑ Buyer will not agree to a dual agency representation and will not consider properties listed by Broker. 110. Real SLomperry Name: COLDWELL BANKER BURNET 111. ger C. McUco, City Admi 112. By: 113. Nam.p 114. Josh mmizo Buyer. 115. ADDITIONAL NOTiCES AND TERM& Buyer acknowledges that during the course of the marketing of the property they 116. are ptrchasing. Information and photos of that property may have been placed on the Internet where It may continue to 117. be available for viewing by the general public. In the event Buyer purchases a NON -MLS listed property, Buyer authorizes 118. Broker/Salesperson to enter the property as a Comp .sale In MLS records. on Buyers behalf. Buyer acknowledges the 119. passibility that the sellers or seNWs representatives may not treat the existence, terns or conditions of offers as confidential 120. unless confidentiality is required by law, regulation or by any confidentiality agreement between the parties. I authorize 121. Closing Agent to provide Broker a copy of the HUD -1 Settlement Statement at the closing. 122. OTHER POTENTIAL BUYERS: Buyer understands that other potential buyers may consider and/or make offers to 123. purchase through Broker the same or similar properties as Buyer Is seeking to Purchase. Buyer oonsents to Broker 124. represerding such other potential buyers before, during and after the expiration of this Contract. 125. PREVIOUS AGENCY RELATIONSH P& Broker or licensee representing or assisting Buyer may have had a previous 126. agency relationship with a seller of a property Buyer Is, interested in Purchasing. Buyer acknowledges that Buyers 127. Broken or licensee representing or assisting Buyer is legally required to keep Information regarding the ultimate prim 128. and tents the seller would accept and to motivation for selling confldentiai, if known. 129. NOTICE REGARDING PREDATORY OFFENDER INFORMATION: Information regarding the predatory 130offender registry and persons registered with the predatory offender registry under MN Statute 243.188 may 131. be obtained by oonlaotiumg the local law enforaemsnt chose in three community where the property is loosted or 132. the Mtnnesola Department of Corrections at (651) 361-7200, or from, the Department of Correations web she at 133. www Corrstabmrm us. 134. ELECTRONIC 81GNATURES: The parties agree the siectronic signature of any party on any document related to this 135. transaction constitute valid. binding signatures. 138. CONSENT FOR MARKEiIND: Buyer authorlm Broker to share the Buyer's personal Information, such as name, phone 137. number. email address and transaction details, with the t1owing affEated companies and marketing partners - PHH 138. Home Loans, Burnet Title, NRT Insurance Agency, and American Home Shield. 139. OTHER: All parties agree that this contract is specific to 19920 Kenwood Trail, A> Lakeville, MR 55044 -OD 141. CBR1144 -3 4M 4) Opm*d ly a aftWWyd NRT LLC fig, W x 143. ACCEPTED BY: COLDWELL BANKER BURNET 144. pw ra a 145. ACCEPTED 146. OWN) BtO"m C. Miens, City 147. 148. - 149. zew 150. 151. 9- " S-T.� 152. IOW 163. 154. R -w Addn o BUYER REPRESENTATION ONEXCLUSIVE 142. P e 4 BY: D� Joseph "nano ACCEPTED BY: V" Adftn9 155. THIS IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT BETWEEN SUVER AND BROKER 158. IF YOU DESIRE LEGAL OR TAX ADVICE, CONSULT AN APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL. CBM 144 -4 (3h4) 19 Opaemd 4y A aftdYy OFNRT LLC. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: COMPENSATION DISCLOSURE cssuaT. TO BUYERITENANT a""+k•°"" "0•• nft form W prarad by dre Idimmeota Anodedon of RE/1I.TORBW, which dukkm any Yelft misim out of res or mism of dna form. O 2013 MN wwb Anadedon d REAL7M86. Edna. NMI 1. Date 03/16/14 2. If Broker IB reoefving any oompeneation from a party other than Buyerlrenartt, relating to the property located at 3. 4. 19920 Kamrood ?rail, Lakeville, 30 55084 5. the Broker hereby notifies Buyer/Tenant that the amount of compensation to be paid to Broker, excluding fisting portion, S. Is (d►eck aU dnat SA*t 7. From Seller/Owner or their Broker ® 2.7 % of sale price. 8. ❑ tb 10. From BuyerlTenant % of sale price. 11. 0$ 12. 13. UM hereby admowledge that Uwe have recehod a copy of this Compensation Disclosure prior to sl Hing a lease or 14. an offer to purchase the property. 15. Coldrell Banker Burnet staym C. Iriaike, City Adwints ()M) 18. BY. J Rt+ � �I -Wq myWTww4 (0W) oweer"" (D") 17. 10450 185th 8T K tAddiaM) (mow) is. Lakeville W 55044-6696 ( w* ) 19. 20. MN:DS:CDB 18/18) Mad21/20141,52,58 PM coLDIJIC-it. �ANVvC-F? L7 A NN �T - - - 9529797827 10/17 ADDENDUM TO PURCHASE AQREENIW ; SNORT SALE CONnNWWY Thtt tam t r ft apmwoac A+ d MW0W, Wandtaaa W0V t WgvAs1 rorm%waNd6wnn. QM$ Mr FAM AU0N6do0 a RSMM". EdMs6 MN t.DMIG 03/161/34 2. Papa & Addendwnto PwobassAgro nmt between parties, domed a _,}6 , go M 4. to the Pffd* a and Date nt mho Progeny boated at- MD "9921 924 sms .....«.�„�,.... L , of 119444 0. The POOINCIM of the gale will not be X00104 10 tuNy pay off ant mor%nn and odw Naw sgaIM the Property. An a 7• MMA 8dK twd Ofth "short mtW apProwd from ones or mow - scillas. Then may be vartoue Ilenhakfam from IL whom Mauer mry need RPProt Aft k>du" but Is rot 1111 f o mniormWMft tts w tiarW. hwmmrsm%amdattons 9. of ax Nene. 10. Short 8016 APPovat In We Ad* n*lm Is de*W ea a muluatiy soasptabla moment beesean thef 11. 801* to accept Buyaft otior to purchase the Property on the proposed tw ma or any sub@@Ww* mlor(seed hm n 12. betwsat Buyer and asaw. 18. This Purchase Agnmment is contingent on the flitch Bats Approval by 89111aft and wm. 14. Sever dW ditMt the Bhort Sob Apprrttal(a) and Aopy Buyer, or ftmee wpruffft or aa"ng Buyer, in WMV IS. of the apprmati(e) no k%r t*n — - -- - „ +rVIVas . if Bslterfob to abt *the nsoesmy opprovd(e) and le. wovide Bww. orftcertses repruv tp orsa doft!'layer, with vvrlbennoMoe bythte dsedlbte, tltts Pud=mAgriasmW 17Is oanoeW. In which case wgrar and Santer aim 9rtmadtately alpn a c&j=ftftn orpmWN es Ap »f d "ftg 18. the rebaes of the am asst money to Buyer. 19. The tpkmft POVISIMM MOft and euPsremb any oo MAng term(e) In the Pcnttfum Agreowt and any Addenda 20. !hereto ONLY 1P tw oomespon t bax Is madad (Balsa OprAp►** gpwn(s) 2.4 g1. m (a) 41,00410 ar4r ww Mlan of 1Me Purohnes AVvWw t to mhs ow*wy, BuysrshaN not be mpired toprovide 2 . (S) kmI 22. mrmd money UnM MW Sift Approval has been obb*W. Buyer snail pry the ow west money wttitin !bee r m days ether Bsiler provides **an no** to Buyer, or lowwN mpmuntinp or mWednp Buyer, 24. that odd approval has been obtained from ON modgagess and Nenhoiders. P.5 ® (b) N*AuWgftWypvAftnoE ePeuahaesApresrnerttnthsaortn,aryGbtelft,akar:wmvp�eriarmkrspe�ocF(s)shefl g8. commence at the dads that Boiler WwAdsa when notice of Short Gate Appravtd from eu mortpagese and 27. knhoiden 10 Buyer, or Noanase representing or NNINti tg Buyer, ratherd an an FW Aooaptance Oft of ft 28. Purchase Agrasmmt. 29. ON Natwttttstandng any provta m of this Ptq+ hM Agreement to the contraryti SeRsr, or Nonwe mpmswftg or 90. assieyi V Beller. 0 ISHALL 13� have the right to oontNwe to oiler the Property for iota until tale a1. Cononvo cy is removed. 82. OTHE14: —_ ... 89. 84. a6. MWAMAIMM (M) Mar/21/20141,52,58 PM ---9529797827 COLUMCML BANY,el,e LI 4-1111_... 1 ,z1 n V. Propervbrmmat __930 MMIMM 21SU• .WIFIBIOs m 65444 11/17 OtW ars! BMT NkWwbdgd the faloding: • There are allemallm do short ale; • A shat sale YM have WW. *WIM or M owlesquermem, • Non-rsooAMW srghrrtese May be brourred; and • Mr and Beller ars advW to etc legal, flnenolel and tax advice prior in ear mMg this 44. 46. L � tows THIS PAS ID PAM!<i' OF A UMMLILY UMN CM SNOT MTWM NINIU 8j AND SEMMM If YOU Dl111l111 USAIL OR TAX AUMM MMMT M APPNOPp11ATME p'ROlr U Onai Mar/21/20141:52,58 PM - - - 9529797827 12/17 . . ADDENDUM TO PURCHASE ACREEMONT: SUBSURFACE SEWA13ETREATMENT SYSTEM AND YA" NdINCTION 00N7INQENCY 7191ny sr Mbnomok MNOdWon of FAM30 r, w aw SAW Owe W4 of un at mbuft of to mm. 10!0!! �Mnnnaa MOA& t d nBAt.=r. Mft MN 1. Data — oa uzu 2. Papa _ S. Aditxknn to Pumhsee Agreement between Huyar(s) and SW*), dated.. eras —Aft , pp ie , 4. p9,rW** ib Bre WON" end aahm of the pmpmrty at jon t a' mQ 6, tr atosue tar sate" 6. Pbr #m papoaa of" Addan*A%"Nuainaam Days' d" end at 11:69 pjvh end do "o9, Indma labooday% 7. 8wldfiys and acetas and fodKal hofldW& S. BWer has p wAoudy dsdosed that a aubnu bat aaweg9, inestrnent W41wn and/or privets wd a*b on, or earvea, 10. f/ t�Aptrm . "6 ohm rged Is ooMi V" upon Inapsoftr a) of ft subsuftm armWe bent oyalrm pMifft wd to dd mtln9, the condign or BMWs of the mm" checked throe, 11. N the aper *ft (al�apoagon(a) dwAnd below are not dona and l wAN provided whhin the Vme spmMod, 12. or waW M w� by 8uw. than the pwW not mgwm b iw d*kft uw teavhwowm meg► dao m vft Pw+dwae 18. Agm$mw t 00110ebd by wditn "01109, b 219, other WIK or Ilo Kow mmmoMing or s i ft the other "in whIch 14. OM 11115 Aurohame Agreement Is COMON d. N d0 peaty dgdl tlhim Pumhoms AgrmammM ca wWmd, tluyarand Saw 16. dug Immvck* atn a OanofiNfi4brt a /NI ftWff A&wX" of aWrM1r,p field cmnoskft and dm*V d w aat 1t money paid hmwrdmr to to wfu ded b Stgver. 17. (C.Ytadra# NW mppp.j 16. Q 9J1118U1ff110E BEWA= MAyMAENT SY871sMa is.AIININA a)aOmubpxMftdbBuyorMWn—MuW p%sofRnsiAooepom Dete l put e� ¢1. (JELfYEf1 9111UAftAQF1M17OOWA1N (AND PR0VMT0BUYER)-AUopwW NBpWroRSSEPTIC RL SYSTEM NW111 T10N REPORT OR NOTICE INDICATING F THE BYSSTW CGNIPUEB WITH APPI,toABLE 2L REGULATIONS WITHIN THE TIME SPECIFIED ABOVE. 24. Nan= A VAUP CERTIFICATE OF OOMPWANOIi FOR TQM BYYTI N MAY 8ATpWyTHtB OAI. QATION 26. ttihe taportindlestes thatths OUbfiurir,oa esvtrape trmetmmntetyfitam M trot In oornpNartoe with appllasbte 26. 0094910m, than the perttefi may agree In vo*ng on or bet0re the date of oloaing, to negaft an sMa don b&Wmn 27. Buyer find Sailer of awes, costs necessary to bft the atAsurhaom swags viestrnent ayst9,m btb oompitsrros with 28. apptcablm rs Wwbm. 20. In the abee m of much agremmern, dlhar Why may docia m ttds Pumhafia Agr+ *NM mnmft by wow "oft 80. to the other partly, or Nm m9, rapmesn" or sae ming the oth9,r pe ft in which mom this Purohm Agreement Im al. canoaled. if NNW Party dmolaroa this Pmdtass APWn@M oam0mled, Buyer and Sblior shell bmmm *mb* m r at a las okfbn ofPwdh Aprvi wtloorreff n tog said =Doom and dh dng sii own" wm" paid hwmmdw a8. to be nmkmded t0 Buyer. MNARUMIRWICA lid MaN21120141,52,58 PM - - - 9529797827 13117 C"OLDWUM !, BANKC''U L7 - ?u,#Lio • sa. ®tMi11mmWm..t 80. Aitr�at(af NtdpaHam rn(w) *W ba darty and rampMvMdbBuyrrW" MA _Bum DW of penalAboaplanoe 87. aata of t i Aube AWftmaiL 8B. ❑ BuY:R Aeaem TO Of" (AND PROVIDE TO BUYER) A WATUR QUALITY TEW 1MTMIN Be. THE T 9M 00651FISD ABOVE. 40. 9 I Wdw CIUMY toot souks show the winter i4 not poW* or atherwlse t* U owgft roa wkh gmmmsmw 41. WNW "ft then the Pwft MY Wm In wd", an or before tta dab of dQ*S to n*W* b an 48. tldoMm balwaarr Buyer and Baur of two oom no monry to bft the water Ute potable omMon and kdo 48. oorrrae wlfn gvMartarranht water qoY efardo. 44. in the Mosrtoa of such "nomad, Mtlar early maty doahn We Pumhoso Aprewmd oo4oeW by wrttbn no** 44. to the CdW pAft or Noarrea rapM" dh 'ar..alalia tars other pB% InWNM o thN Purdme Aprownant N 48, canasisd, d .phot p" dedares ON PumMu Apnarnsnt atrroelad. &W-aW Seftr t lninadiUNy Nen 47. a C&msirft ofpumh ue Agreerrra lt=en kp asld mid dkedno W aamast mmW poM hmwjndar 48. b be [+a ended to 8Mr. .swam o. lKS3301 OMW adow.t PW 41 • THIS 0 A LR4W:.Y IlpNDM 06NYRADT dittBOp81 � AND I�IJ.I�t(r)�. 52- IFVOU Del UMM ORTAX AWAM QONWIX AN AMMIOpgIRiB PHONAL MNAPAMffTMff-! ph%