HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 10� . r May 30, 2014 Item No APPROVE PROPOSAL FROM SHORT ELLIOT HENDRICKSON INC. TO DESIGN TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEMS ON IPAVA AVENUE AT 175TH STREET AND 165"" STREET .lune 2, 2014 City Council Meeting Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the proposal from Short Elliot Hendrickson Inc. SEH to design traffic control signal systems on I ava Avenue at 175th Street and 165th Street, City Project 1417. Passage of this motion will authorize SEH to provide professional engineering services according to the scope of work established in their proposal dated May 20, 2014. Overview Dakota County conducted a traffic diversion study as part of the CSAR 50/60 Roundabout and Highway Expansion project to analyze key routes and the expected impacts caused by the CSAR 50/60 closure conditions, and to recommend improvements that would safely and efficiently accommodate traffic diverted from the CSAH 50/60 project area during the CSAH 50/60 closure conditions. Staff reviewed the results of the traffic diversion study with the City Council at the March 24, 2014 work session. Traffic control changes are proposed along Ipava Avenue to improve roadway/intersection operations and provide for future traffic volumes. A permanent traffic signal at 175th Street and a temporary traffic signal at 165th Street are proposed, subject to MnDOT approval. Attached is a proposal from SEH providing the scope of work, estimated cost and schedule for completing the work on this project. Primary Issues to Consider 0 Why are traffic control changes recommended at these intersections? 0 What is the project financing? Supporting Information ® Staff analysis of primary issues ® SEH proposal dated May 20, 2014 Zach ahnsa City En Financial impact: $31,000 Budgeted: Yes Source: Municipal State Aid Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Dakota County CP 50-17 Traffic Diversion Study Notes: Additional funding provided by Dakota Countv Staff Analysis of Primary Issues • Why are traffic control changes recommended at these intersections? The Ipava Avenue/175th Street and Ipava Avenue/1651h Street intersections are anticipated to experience significant delays and back-ups in the peak hours during the CSAH 50/60 closure conditions using the current all -way stop control condition. A preliminary analysis indicates both intersections meet traffic signal warrant requirements under existing and CSAH 50/60 closure conditions. The installation of traffic signals at these intersections will improve traffic flow and can be installed prior to the beginning of the CSAH 50/60 closure. A permanent traffic signal is proposed at the Ipava Avenue/1751h Street intersection to leverage County participation in the costs associated with a temporary traffic signal based on consideration of the existing topography, existing geometric layout and future traffic volumes. A temporary traffic signal is proposed at the Ipava Avenue/165th Street intersection. A detailed evaluation of this intersection is included in SEH's scope of work to further analyze the long-term traffic operations and specific design in consideration of the existing topography, existing geometric layout, peak traffic characteristics/conditions (i.e. schools, churches) and future traffic volumes to determine whether a permanent traffic signal or a roundabout is a more viable, cost-effective long-term improvement. a What is the project financing? The City will be responsible for the design and construction of the traffic signals. Dakota County has agreed to pay 55% of the engineering and construction cost for temporary signals at the two intersections discussed above. Dakota County will operate and maintain the traffic signals during the CSAH 50/60 closure conditions. Costs for operations and maintenance of the traffic signals during the project will be shared 55% County and 45% City. If the City Council chooses to construct permanent traffic signals, the County's cost participation will be set at $55,000 per location for construction as the construction cost of a temporary signal is approximately $100,000. The City of Lakeville share of the project ($271,000) will be financed from the Municipal State Aid Fund. Municipal State Aid Estimated Cost Engineering $31,000 Construction $350,000 Total Cost $381,000 Less Dakota County Net Cost ($110,000) $271,000 May 20, 2014 Mr. Zach Johnson, PE City Engineer City of Lakeville 201.95 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 Dear Mr. Johnson: RE: Lakeville, Minnesota Traffic Signal Design Services 1pava Avenue at 165"', 175"' Streets SEH No. LAKEV 127925 As the City of Lakeville grows, it continually faces choices that will affect the level of service that the traveling public expects, including appropriate traffic control at area intersections to properly serve your local developments. The Jpava Avenue Traffic Signal project is another example of the City's commitment to maintaining a safe, convenient and coordinated transportation network that promotes orderly development and safe conditions throughout the City. Short Elliott Hendrickson. Jnc. (SEH') would like to help you snake and implement choices that will address your long-term transportation needs, We are pleased to present this revised Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for the City's 1pava Avenue Traffic Signal Project, for design of new traffic control signal systems at the intersections of Ipava Avenue with 165`x' Street West and 175td' ,Street West. Professional Services required for this project are anticipated to include field survey work, up -front geometric analysis of each intersection, Signal Justification Report (SJR)-hltersection Control Evaluation (ICE) report preparation, preliminary and final design, specification and contract document preparation, bidding administration and assistance, construction staking and administration, final inspection, and record drawing plan preparation. For your information, SEH has significant experience in all aspects relating to traffic signals. This experience includes studying and analyzing the need for traffic signals, writing ICE signal justification reports, designing new traffic signal systems, modifying existing traffic signal systems, Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP) design, APS (Accessible Pedestrian Systems) design including corresponding ADA compliant pedestrian curb ramp design to accommodate pedestrian traffic, traffic signal timing and coordination, preparing bid documents, and providing construction inspection services. Since 1978, SEH staff members have designed more than 800 traffic signals and more than 300 additional EVP system designs. A number of these designs have been within Dakota County including designs in the Cities of Apple Valley, Burnsville, and Eagan. All designs are prepared to meet State Aid Standards. SEH's work is well accepted by all agencies, and the signals and EVP systems have all operated satisfactorily upon completion. This letter proposal can be the basis for an agreement for the work on this project and all subsequent services. As part of the project, we have put together the following work program to perform these services. The work program is based on anticipated cooperative efforts between SEH, the City of Lakeville, and the Dakota County Highway Department. The work program does, however, provide flexibility to make the most efficient use of SEH, City, and County staff. Short E I@iott Hendrickson inc., 3535 Vadnais Center Drive, St. Rau I, MN 551 f 0-5196 SEH is an equal opportunity employer [ www.sehinc.com 1 651,490.2000 1 800.325.2055 1 888.908.8166 fax Mr. Zach Johnson, Pp, May 20, 2014 Page 2 As development continues to occur throughout the City of Lakeville and the surrounding area of Dakota County, traffic and pedestrian usage of the Iocal roadway and trails network continues to increase significantly. In order to continue to provide safe and efficient access for area motorists and pedestrians, the City intends to have enhanced traffic controls installed at two intersections along the Ipava Avenue corridor. Ipava Avenue is a major north -south _ area roadway and is also classified as a Municipal State Aid Street (VISAS 101). Ipava Avenue extends south from the signalized intersection at County Road 46 for more than 4 miles and past the signalized intersection at County Road 50. While the surrounding area is predominantly residential, there are a significant number of schools and parks throughout the area as well as recreational development (golf course, athletic fields, etc.) that provide for significant traffic and pedestrian volumes on a daily basis. Based on MSA traffic counting data available through. the MnDOT Metro District Traffic web site, average daily traffic (ADT) volumes along Ipava Avenue were between 5,000 and 9,000 vehicles per day through the area where new traffic signal systems are proposed to be installed (based on 2011 traffic data). Sidewalks and trails also exist along both sides of Ipava Avenue through this area. All -way Stops currently control traffic at the 1.65" Street West and 175" Street West intersections. As part of future reconstruction to the west and proposed construction of a new roundabout at the signalized intersection of County Road 50 (Kenwood frail) and County Road 60 (1851h Street West), it is anticipated that area traffic will utilize Ipava Avenue as both a detour route of the reconstruction area and also as an alternative route to County Road 50 to bypass the higher volume roadway network to the west. Prior to work commencing at the above mentioned intersection area, the City has deemed it critical to have enhanced traffic controls available to traffic along the Ipava Avenue corridor to accommodate these levels of traffic without causing levels of service through the area to decrease significantly (and thus increase delays and queues for area motorists during peak traffic periods). The presence of several vertical curves along the Ipava Avenue corridor combined with existing geometries and. topography make the installation of new traffic control signal systems the likely choice for enhanced traffic control at these local intersections. The ability to construct a. roundabout at the 16511' Street West and 175'' Street West intersections is likely to be limited both cost -wise and topography -wise due to area geometries, It will be critical early in the design process to review the existing geometries and topography (as well as any proposed future geometries based on City knowledge of the corridor area) to determine the best option for enhanced traffic controls based on cost, ability to constrict, and benefit to area motorists and pedestrians. A brief analysis of each intersection area (using SynchrolSiin'rraff c modeling software) is also recommended to be completed to review existing and. projected levels of service for each option of traffic control. With that analysis completed, the City will have sufficient information available to mance a final decision on proper traffic control throughout the iznunediate area of the project. 165' Street West (also designated as MSAS 1.12) is a two-lane undivided area collector roadway (widening to include separate left turn lanes at Ipava Avenue) with bituminous trails along both sides of the roadway. It extends east from near Interstate 35 and winds its way through residential development to Cedar Avenue (County Road 23), becoming Griffon Trail prior to accessing Cedar Avenue. Average daily traffic volumes through the portion of 165`' Street West near Ipava Avenue range from 2,500 to 4,000 vehicles per day based. on 2011 MSA traffic volume data. The roadway serves as a critical and continuous link between the commercial area along the Interstate 35 corridor and the commercial area to the east along Cedar Avenue. Mr. Lach Johnson, PE May 20, 2014 Page 3 Over time, traffic volumes along this roadway are anticipated to range from steady to increasing as development increases throughout the entire local area. 175`' Street West (also designated as MSAS '110) is also a two lane undivided area collector roadway, widening at Ipava Avenue on each approach to include separate left turn and right turn lanes. Bituminous trails exist along both sides of the roadway and also directly to Christina Huddleston Elementary School Iocated on the northwest quadrant of the intersection with Ipava Avenue. 175`1 Street West extends east from the area of County Road 50 near interstate 35 east to Dodd Boulevard (County Road 9). Average daily traffic volumes through this area of 175111 Street West (near Ipava Avenue) ranges from 5,700 to 6,300 vehicles per day based on 201.1 MSA traffic volume data. As with 165", Street West, 17511 Street West serves as an imporlant and continuous link between mayor area roadways such as County Road 50 and County Road 9, and traffic volumes through this area are anticipated to range from steady to increasing over the next several years. Given all of the above traffic and area information, the City of Lakeville has deemed intersection control improvements at the intersections of Ipava Avenue with 165i1' Street West and 175'11 Street West important to the overall mobility and level. of service that the City strives to provide area motorists and pedestrians. In addition, the City desires to have enhanced traffic controls in-place at each intersection by the spring of 2015, prior to when the intersection of County Road 50 -County Road 60 closes to traffic in the spring of 2015 for roundabout construction. Given the work and the short time frame needed to accomplish this work, the City has determined that a signal design consultant be retained to work with the City and Dakota County on up- front traffic control and traffic signal design services, preparation of frill bid documents (plans and specifications) needed to obtain bids from area electrical signal contractors for construction of each system, and construction observation services necessary to allow for each new signal. system to be placed in operation by the early spring of 2015. The final traffic signal design and construction project will include either span wire or mast arm mounted vehicle signal indications, Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP), full pedestrian provisions with "countdown timer" pedestrian indications, optional "Accessible Pedestrian Systems" (APS) audible pedestrian push buttons, full LIED for both signals and street lighting, and provisions for battery back-up operation of each signal system; and consideration of existing signing, striping, sidewalk, pedestrian curb ramps, and other amenities in-place at each intersection. Signal system construction components are likely to include: ® Consideration of additional EVP detection for those approaches impacted by significant vertical curves throughout the area. Re -striping and signing modifications at each intersection as necessary in order to provide each intersection approach with appropriate lanes for traffic and proper location of pedestrian provisions (crosswalks) at each intersection. Any changes to the striping and/or signing of an intersection approach are anticipated to be completed without having to reconstruct any of the intersection approaches as part of this project. ® It is anticipated that Dakota County traffic and signal staff will be significantly involved in providing input on the overall design of each signal system/ (as it is anticipated that the County will operate each signal system on behalf of the City of Lakeville), as well as being involved in the constriction observation and turn. on of each signal systern. Thus, the signal design consultant and the County will need to work together to Mr. Lach Johnson, PE May 20, 2014 Page 4 obtain the proper electrical equipment to operate each signal system as well as perforin all timing and operational services to place each signal system into operation. ® Careful coordination with local utility companies with respect to their overhead and underground facilities and to ensure proper placement of the traffic signal poles on each corner of both signal systems. From a recent site visit, numerous above ground (at 165" Street West) and at -ground level/underground utilities (at 17511 Street West) were voted and thus continued cominu.nications with each utility company will be needed to ensure that their facilities are protected during any signal construction work. • Existing pedestrian crossings of all approaches at each intersection are anticipated to be maintained as part of this project (no pedestrian crossings are anticipated to be eliminated). Existing pedestrian curb ramps and adjacent bituminous trails will likely require modifications to bring these up to current ADA, and PROWAG standards. Placement of APS push buttons to address these standards will be key in providing proper design and construction of new pedestrian curb ramps. ® Area topography, including accounting for a deep drainage pond on the southwest quadrant at 175"' Street West and a large retaining wall structure on the northeast quadrant at 175`1' Street West, will be critical to include in any design services performed at each 'intersection. SEH will provide the City of Lakeville with all plans and design specification services, bidding services, and construction services needed- to deliver the proposed traffic signal project. All improvements will be completed to meet local, County and Municipal State Aid requirements for traffic signals, and all plans and specifications will be compiled in an approved format to meet these requirements to the City's satisfaction. Scope of r It is anticipated that a. full Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) report will be required to be prepared for the 16511, Street West intersection to review all options for appropriate traffic control at this intersection (maintenance of All -Way Stop, roundabout control, and signalization). While it is likely that a traffic signal installation will be deemed the appropriate option for traffic control, full review of the intersection is desired to analyze this intersection in detail. Both Dakota County and MnDOT Metro District State Aid will require that at least a full Signal Justification Report (SJR) be compiled. for the 17511' Street West intersection to ensure that this intersection meets criteria for warranting and justifying a signal system installation. State Aid will not approve a signal installation at this location without prober justification documentation. Directional turning movement traffic count data is available for each intersection and will be utilized for both analysis and justification of each signal system as well as for fixture use with the timing of each signal. system. Using City/County provided count information and crash data to be obtained by SEH from the City and State, SEH will compile and compare intersection traffic volurnes and crash history against Minnesota Manual on Unifonn Traffic Control Devices (MnMU'FCD) traffic signal warrants for compliance and justification of a signal system at each intersection. SEH will then prepare a draft ICE/SJR for each intersection for City (and. County) review and comments. The full ICE document for the 165"' Street West intersection will briefly analyze the types of improvements that could be made to address traffic control at this intersection and will provide a recommendation. for Mr. Zach Johnson, PE May 20, 2014 Page 5 construction. A brief evaluation of the current all -way stop condition, a roundabout, and a traffic signal system will be provided. All evaluation of the intersection will maintain the existing intersection geometries. Upon receipt of all conlrnents, SEH will finalize each document, provide six (6) bound copies of the frill ICE - SJR report for each intersection to the City for signatures, and assist the City in submittal of each document to the County (as applicable) and MnDOT Metro District State Aid for their review and processing. Any comments on each document from the above mentioned agencies will be addressed by SEH as needed, and revised copies of each. document will be resubmitted by SEH to each agency for approval and signatures. Using traffic counts (approach counts and turning movement counts) noted above for each intersection area, a detailed site review of each intersection to confirm area geometries and topography, and analysis of estimated future traffic volumes, SEH will utilize SynchrolSimTraffe to complete a detailed geometric analysis of each intersection area. This will include analysis of traffic counts and recommendation of appropriate lane assignments and turn lane lengths to best handle intersection needs both now and in the future. Existing striping, will be reviewed and. recommendations made to the City with regards to any proposed changes to the striping on each intersection approach. SEH will also review potential phasing of the proposed new signal systems and provide a recommendation as to how each new signal system should be operated (including potential use of flashing yellow arrow operation for Borne or all of the intersection approaches). SEH will summarize our findings in a memorandum to the City along with recommendations for any other geometric modifications as applicable to provide recorninended traffic control and geometries for design of the project. If needed, we would be available to meet with the City to go over our findings if farther evaluation by the City is requested. 7 rr Following the notice to proceed, SEH will immediately set up a project kick-off meeting with you and your staff (and also with Dakota County traffic and signal staff) to determine the exact details of the coordinated effort. Ideally, this meeting will include a field review of each intersection. This will allow us to review and evaluate any geometric, signal equipment placement, and general signal operations concerns, and also helps to identify special concerns for use in each design. SEH. will perform a detailed field control survey of each intersection area, develop horizontal and vertical control points at necessary intervals throughout each intersection area, and perform a topographic survey within the project boundaries as needed to be able to prepare detailed base drawings of each intersection area. The detailed base plans to be prepared for all intersection and signal design work will include locations and elevations (as needed) of all physical features, confirmation of existing right-of-way, preparation of existing cross-sections and profiles (as needed), and detennination of alignment along each intersection approach. As part of this field survey, SEH will coordinate through Gopher State One Call to locate all underground utility facilities in the area. It is not anticipated that additional right-of-way will be needed to construct this project. However, if additional right-of-way is determined to be necessary during design, SEH will prepare a plan view drawing of the additional right-of-way area needed (and corresponding square footage of that area). This information will be Mr. Zach Jolurson., PE May 20, 2014 Page 6 turned over by SEH to the City in order for City staff to obtain the necessary right-of-way (at no cost to SEH). Using the field survey work completed by SEH as noted above, SEH will prepare a 20 scale base drawing of each intersection area for use in developing plan sheets. Base drawings will show locations of all physical features, as well as existing right -Cif -way. SEH will then prepare a preliminary signal layout and held wiring diagram for each signal system for City (and County) review. Pole and vehicle detector locations will be reviewed in the field to ensure appropriate and acceptable placement of these items. After receiving comments from the City and County, SEH will prepare a final design for each signal system. These designs will be incorporated into final plan sheets including title sheet, intersection layouts (with appropriate intersection lighting), field wiring diagrams, all required traffic signal details (including standard plates and estimated quantities tabulations), utility plan sheet, signing and striping plans, traffic control and erosion control (as needed), and all other items required to provide a complete plan set suitable for project bidding and construction. It is anticipated that the design for the signal system at 165'x' Street West will be a wood pole and span wire signal system with overhead signals mounted on span wires. however, at the request of the City, this design can be modified to be a permanent signal design during initial project kick-off and discussions on project scope, at no additional cost to the City. Modifying this design from a temporary signal system to a permanent signal system after all wood pole and span wire plans have been prepared can be completed by SEH at an additional negotiated fee between the City and SEH, should the City desire to convert the wood pole and span wire signal system to a permanent signal system later in the design process. It is anticipated that the design for the signal systean at 175"' Street West will be a pen-nanen.t signal system with. mast arm mounted signal indications and mast arm poles. It is not anticipated that interconnection between signal systems will be required as part of the scope of this project (given the distance between each system along the Ipava Avenue corridor), and thus signal interconnect design services are not included in this scope of work. Design of both signal systems will be completed such that pole and cabinet placement (as well as other underground signal facility placements including handholes and conduit) are done in order to accominodate potential future geometric modifications to each. intersection without having to relocate these facilities in the future. This will be completed given the knowledge available to SEH at the time of signal design for each intersection area and future known City plans for reconstnicti.on in the immediate area of each intersection. Final plans will include detailed signing and wiping plans needed to acconunodate the installation of a signal system at each intersection. In addition, plans for revising the existing pedestrian curb ramps at each intersection (to bring these up to current ADA and PROWAG standards) and also incorporating APS (Accessible Pedestrian ,Systems, or audible push buttons) will be completed in detail to meet these standards for construction. SEH will compile technical specifications (including specifications giving consideration to traffic control during construction) and contract documents for City and County review. This will coincide with the Mr. Tach Johnson, PE May 20, 2014 Page 7 preliminary plan submittal to the City and County, to allow ample time to review and provide input on the final proposed project documents. Allcontract documents and specifications will be compiled per current City and State Aid format and requirements. These will be provided to the City camera-ready and on -a disk upon completion and approval, In order to expedite construction, it is recommended that long lead-time signal equipment (including controller cabinets and cabinet equipment, traffic signal mast arms and poles, vehicle and pedestrian signal heads, push buttons, etc.) be pre -ordered by the City after plans have been reviewed by the City (and prior to State Aid submittal of plans). Given that traffic signal mast arms and poles can take 16 weeks or more to obtain after shop drawing approval, and that other signal components such as signal heads can take up to 60 days to obtain, we strongly recommend that the City up -front purchase these items to expedite the overall construction schedule. SEH can assist with obtaining price quotes on behalf of the City, providing sample letters that the City can use to order these materials, and assist with all. shop drawing review in order to allow for these items to be put into the manufacturer's schedule for fabrication as soon as possible. SEH can provide these services to the City at no additional cost to the project. SEH will prepare a detailed opinion of estimated construction costs during the preliminary plan preparation stage for City review. The detailed estimate will be upgraded during the preparation of final plans to account for all City, County, and State Aid comments on the project documents. Specific items that should be included in each signal system design will be discussed with the City and County as required, and the plan sheets will be signed by alicensed civil engineer. The plans and specifications will meet all applicable requirements of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, the MnDOT State -Aid Standards, and all applicable state and local electrical codes. SEI! will assist the City with obtaining all plan signatures, and will submit the plans and specifications to the County and also to Mn.DOT State Aid on behalf of the City. Any revisions requested from the County or MnDOT State Aid will be addressed by SEH, and we will resubmit revised items to each agency on behalf of the City. Upon receiving MnDOT State Aid approval of plans and specifications, SEH will furnish up to ten ( 10) complete sets of bidding documents (plans and specifications) to the City. SEH will also submit digital copies of the plans, specifications, and estimate (in PDF and AutoCAD format) to the City for your records. Bidding documents are anticipated to be distributed to all interested parties electronically through the Qrrest system. It is not anticipated that geotechnical investigation services (soil borings) or permit application preparation will be required as part of this project and thus these items are not included as part of our project scope. However, if these services are required, SEH can coordinate these services and assist the City with any submittals related to these items. The City would submit and pay any application. fees for permit submittals, while soil boring costs can be negotiated between the City and SEI! as necessary. In the original request for proposal, the City of Lakeville requested further information regarding estimated design. costs to complete a temporary signal design for the 175"' Street West intersection (instead of a. permanent signal systern design), and also estimated construction costs for a new temporary signal systersh installation at this intersection. With regards to the engineering design costs for this work, we estimate that Mr. Zach Johnson, PE May 20, 2014 Page 8 plan preparation services for a wood pole and span wire signal system (not including any modifications to the pedestrian curb ramps or sidewalks to accommodate an APS system) can be provided for a cost not to exceed of $5,500. Given available information (no detailed survey or as -built plans available at this time), we estimate that a wood pole and span wire temporary signal system with wood pole mounted video vehicular detection (no loop detectors in the pavement) can be constructed for an estimated cost of approximately $90,000. This cost assumes that the controller and cabinet for this signal system is able to be provided by the County (and returned to the County after this signal system is removed at a later date), all pedestrian push buttons will be mounted on the wood poles (no separate free-standing push button stations), and that some sort of left turn operation is provided for each approach (protected or protected/permissive, but NOT flashing yellow arrows). Should the controller and cabinet be required to be contractor provided instead of County provided, then the cost of this temporary signal system would increase to $115,000. Information regarding how we compiled this estimate for construction. of a temporary signal systern is attached to this letter proposal for your information. At the time of bidding, SEH will submit the advertisement for bids to the appropriate publications. SEH will also make available copies of the complete bid document as requested by interested bidders during project advertisement_ Project design staff will be available to answer and clarify contractor questions, and if issues arise that need further clarification.; addenda will be prepared and distributed to all plan holders. SEH will attend the bid opening, review and tabulate bids received, review contractor references and prepare a letter of recommendation for award to the City. if the City Council's decision is to proceed with construction, SIGH will prepare the Notice of Award and Contract Documents and forward to the contractor. The Contract Documents will then be returned to SEH, and following review to check for completeness, SEH will forward these Contract Documents to the City for signatures. All staring of traffic signal facilities will be completed by SEH, by an experienced traffic signal construction staking staff member. Staking of all signal pole foundations, handholes, the equipment pad. foundations, loop detectors, and all other signal, pedestrian curb ramp, signing and striping facilities will be completed to allow for these items to be properly placed by the contractor during construction. Staking requirements will be coordinated between SEH and field representatives of the Contractor (and City as needed). Any computations needed for staking of the project will be provided by SEH. As part of the construction services portion of the project, SEH will complete the following tasks: Prepare notices for, attend and. facilitate a. Preconstruction Conference. ® Review and approve shop drawings, materials lists, and review all materials to be used in the construction of each signal system in accordance with the plans and specifications. ® Perform periodic ongoing construction observation as required, including bi-weekly on-site review of the project's work and status (report progress to City). • Compile daily records of all construction activities. ® Coordinate and attend weekly progress meetings as these are deemed necessary. Coordinate and observe all major traffic signal installation work by the contractor. Mr. Zach Johnson, PE May 20, 2014 Page 9 • Coordinate and review all testing of materials as required, with the City paying.for the cost of concrete testing for traffic signal, foundations during construction of each signal systeln. • Keep a record of all quantities of each pay item used in the work, and. periodically review Contractor's progress with respect to these quantities. • Perform. held measurements for use in measuring quantities and preparing record drawings. • Prepare all pay application forms for submittal to the contractor and the City, in a format approved by the City. • Prepare any change orders or supplemental agreements (or other written directives) as necessary. • Coordinate with Dakota County signal staff for the preparation and installation of signal timing plans for each signal system. • Compile apunch list after each signal system has been made operational, for contractor use in completing all work on the project scope and sites. • Prepare final inspection letter, letter of final review and acceptance for work on the project, and conduct final warranty inspection of each signal system.. Record Drawings At the completion of construction, all field records will be collected and Record Drawings will be prepared. These record drawings will. detail the final information of the facilities actually constructed. The record drawings will be prepared by SEH and submitted to the City in paper (11 x 17) and electronic (AutoCAD dwg) format. Project Tei The proposed key project team that SEH has assigned to the Ipava Avenue Traffic Signal Project includes: John Gray, Project Manager, Signal Design, and Construction Engineer. John Gray is a Traffic Engineer with over 25 years experience at SEH, having designed. more than 700 traffic signals and over 300 separate EVP system designs. Many of these designs have been on MnDOT or State Aid. jurisdiction roadways as well as throughout the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. John also has significant experience with the design of Dakota County signals, having recently performed traffic signal design work for the Cities of Apple Valley and Burnsville. John currently coordinates all traffic signal plan preparation and is MnDOT certified. for traffic signal inspection. During construction, John will oversee the day-to-day operations of the traffic signal construction work. Other staff members fanuliar with City and County standards are available to assist on the project as needed Relative Experience In addition to the traffic signal design experience mentioned above, SEH has completed (or is in the process of completing) recent traffic signal design and construction projects for the Cities of Apple Valley, Brooklyn Park, Burnsville, Oakdale, and Shoreview, as well. as for the Anoka County Highway Department, Carver County Public Works, Ramsey County Public Works, and MnDOT Metro District. If desired, SEH. can provide references from any of the above-mentioned agencies with respect to the work completed by SEH for these Mr. Zach Johnson, PE May 20, 2014 Page 10 agencies. The City may also feel free to contact any of the above mentioned agencies to discuss SEH's work on their traffic signal related projects, SEH is familiar with the policies, procedures, and standards of the City, County, and State and will provide plans, specifications, and construction services that will incet each agency's high standards. SEH proposes to begin work upon Notice -To -Proceed, and will hold the initial project kickoff meeting shortly thereafter. All SEH staff assigned to this project will be available to adequately meet project needs. The following is a preliminary schedule of task completion for the project. This schedule takes into account our present workload, staff availability, City involvement, and requirements when these signal system are to be made operational as noted in the Request for Proposals. City Awards Contract Project Kickoff Meeting Field Survey Completed Submit Preliminary Plans to City and County Receive Comments, Complete Final Plans and Specifications SEH Solicits Price Quotes for Pre -ordering Signal Materials (Iong-lead) City Council Approves Plans; SEH Submits to State Aid State Aid Approval of Plans Bid Opening Begin Construction Place Signals into Operation Project Completion and Close-out June 2, 2014 June 10, 2014 June 20, 2014. July 22, 2014 August 8, 2014 August 18, 2014 August 18, 2014 September 15, 2014 October 9, 2014 October 27, 2014 March 17, 201.5 May 29, 2015 Note that the proposed schedule may vary depending on City and County review time, State Aid review time, and other considerations during design and construction. Up -front survey work is proposed to be completed as soon as notice to proceed is given by the City. The signal operational date may be able to be moved. back into early 2015 depending on when all materials become available and on holiday work schedules by the contractor. SEH will work with the City and keep the City informed as to our progress during design and construction, and will alert the City should the project begin to vary off the proposed design schedules significantly. The proposed work program includes project kick-off and up -front field survey work, ICE -SJR report preparation and submittals, geometric analysis, plan and specification preparation, bidding services, and construction services. We propose to be paid for actual work completed (on an hourly basis) based on direct labor costs, plus the actual cost of reimbursable expenses. All. work, as defined above, will be done on an hourly basis (plus reimbursable expenses) for an overall cost - not -to -exceed of $31,000. This cost will not be exceeded except as otherwise approved by the City. Mr. Zach Johnson, Ph May 20, 2014 Page 11 For your information, our estimated costs for each task on the project are as follows (for the overall cost not - to -exceed of $31.,000): ICE -SJR Report Preparation $3,700 Includes report preparation and submittal to the City, County, and State Aid for review and processing. Geometric Analysis of Intersection Areas $2,600 Includes detailed geometric analysis of each intersection areafor recorniriended lane assignments, striping, turn lane lengths, and signal operations; and suinaiy letter of analysis. Project Kick-off and Field Survey Work $4,800 Includes initial meeting with City and County, detailed site visits, detailed field survey and base drawing preparation, and coordination with local utility companies. Traffic Signal Design Services $8,300 Includes preparing; plans and specifications for each. signal system, and assistance with submitting final plans to the County and MnDOT State Aid for approval. w X11 Includes preparing bid documents, placing advertisement for bids in. appropriate publications, distributing plan secs to bidders, preparing bid tabulations, providing letters of recommendation to City, and circulating contract documents for City and Contractor signatures. Signal Construction Services Includes arranging and attending preconstruction conference, reviewing shop drawings, continued on-site presence to stake signal systems and intersection components and observe construction, construction documentation, preparing inspection and punch list, final inspection and project close-out, and preparing record drawings. Intersection Curb Ramp and APS Design Includes preparing plans and specifications for .ADA compliant pedestrian curb ramps at each intersection, and for APS design at each signal system. Total for all Engineering Services Task Engineer Sr. Survey/Admin. Asst. Labor/ Task Expenses Costl Task ICE -SJR Report Preparation 16 6 $3,600 $100 $3,700 Geometric Analysis 8 8 $2,600 $2,600 Project Kickoff/Survey 6 35 $4,500 $300 $4,800 Signal Design 48 $8,200 $100 $8,300 Bidding and Administration 8 10 $2,500 $300 $2,800 Mr. Zach Johnson, PE May 20, 2014 Page 12 Curb Ramp -APS Design 16 $2,700 $100 $2,500 Construction 33 $5,600 $400 $6,000 Total Flours 135 1.4 45 Cost $23,000 $2,100 $4,600 $29,700 $1,300 $31,000 Any tasks added to or deleted from this project (due to significant changes in the general scope of the project or its design including, but not limited to, changes in size, complexity of character or type of construction) must be agreed to by written amendment to the contract and signed by both parties. This Agreement for Professional Engineering Services between SEH and the City of Lakeville may be terminated by either party upon seven days written notice should the other party fail substantially to perforin in accordance with its terms through no (atilt of the party initiating the termination. In the event of termination, SEH shall be compensated for services performed to termination date, including expenses and equipment costs due and all terminal expenses. SEH will provide the City with copies of any plan, specification., or documents already completed at the tune of termination. We appreciate the opportunity to respond and look forward to being able to work with you and the City of Lakeville on this project. Feel free to contact John Gray at 651.490.2073 if you have any questions or coanments regarding any of the above-mentioned information. If you are in agreement with the terim of this proposal, please sign below and return one signed copy to us for our files. : ? Sincerely N SHORT ELLIQTT ENP K�ON NC. Miles B. Jense , . E PrincipallRegio rac e Center Leader Accepted this day of CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA By: Title: By: Title: John M. Gray, PE Project Manager 2014.