JULY 30, 200.1
A complete video tape of the City Council proceedings
is retained for one year.
Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The
pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.
Roll call was. taken. Present: Council Members Bellows,
Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick and Mayor Johnson.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; R. Erickson, City
Administrator; K. Nelson, City Engineer; A. trussing,
Community & Economic Development Director; R. Mullenbach,
Planner; C. Friedges, City Clerk.
Mr. Knutson provided an overview of the process involving an
Environmental Assessment Worksheet for the TimberCrest at
Lakeville project. He explained that because. the proposed
project contains more than 300,000 square feet of retail space,
an EAW is mandatory. The EAW is designed to set out the
basic facts necessary to determine whether an Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) is required. An EIS is only required if
the project, as proposed, has the potential for significant
environmental affect. On June 18; 2001, the City Council
authorized distribution of the EAW. The document was
distributed to numerous local state and federal agencies for
comment and was made available to the public. The formal
comment process closed on July 25, 2001. The purpose of
tonight's meeting is to determine whether or not the proposed
TimberCrest project has the potential for significant
environmental effect. Based on the comments received and
the recommendations of the Planning Commission and
Environmental Affairs Committee, a draft resolution has been
prepared concluding that the project does not have the
potential for significant environmental effect.
Mr. Erickson stated the Metropolitan Council met on
Wednesday, July 25t", to consider the request for a
• comprehensive plan amendment for this project. The two-hour.
JULY 30, 2001
discussion included comments from City representatives,
Lakeville residents and Metropolitan Council staff. Metropolitan
Council representatives were very complimentary of the project
design and presentation, including specific comments regarding
the storm water management techniques and planned roadway
improvements. They felt that the proposed project exhibited
smart growth principles and excellent cooperation between the
developer, the City of Lakeville and Dakota County. The
Metropolitan Council unanimously recommended approval of
the comprehensive plan amendment.
Mr. Erickson stated the EAW was forwarded to all required
governmental agencies and surrounding communities.
Comments were received from only eight of these agencies.
They are Dakota County-Division of Physical Development;
Lake Marion Association; Minnesota Department of Natural
Resources; Dakota County. Soil & Water Conservation District;
Minnesota Department of Transportation; Metropolitan Council;
Dakota County-Office of Planning; Minnesota Pollution. Control
Mayor Johnson stated the. City's Environmental Affairs.
Committee and Planning Commission also reviewed the EAW
and unanimously concluded that the proposed project will not
have potential for significant environmental effect and
recommended the City Council determine that an EIS is not
Council Member Rieb referenced a concern by the Lake Marion
Homeowners Association that over 52 acres of impervious
surface is being built in an area that drains into Lake Marion.
They are concerned that the lake will be damaged each time
there is a rainfall over three inches .and every year when. the
snow melts.
Brett Weiss of WSB & Associates explained that the drainage
plan for this area is going to involve skimmer devices. There
will also be a mechanical settling device to settle out any
sediment and debris. He explained that there will be storm
water ponding for-the 100-year event. He stated the drainage
plan for this area does include not increasing the downstream
JULY 30, 2001
runoff from what exists today. He feels that there will not only
be less water downstream, but also cleaner water. He also
pointed out that the City of Lakeville will be responsible for
maintaining the ponds and drainage system..
Mayor Johnson referenced a comment in the July 23rd letter
from the Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District,
which reads, "The Dakota SWCD commends the City and
developer for planning to maintain pre-development runoff
volumes in apost-development scenario. If this goal is
attained, the project may be a model of Low Impact
Development for other commercial projects thought the state
and nation." Mayor Johnson asked if this is achievable.
Mr. Weiss explained that this area has been analyzed from the
standpoint of total water volume over aone-year period to
show that it can be managed using infiltration basins and other
mechanical devices.
Council Member Luick stated he would abstain from voting on
this matter due to a potential conflict of interest.
Tim Watts, 20210 Judicial Road, asked about the proposed
time line for the road construction in relation to the opening of
the Target store. He stated that according. to information he
received from Dakota County and Scott County officials, the
road will not be constructed until 2005, while the City has
stated it would be constructed in 2003.
Mr. Erickson explained that the Scott County Capital
Improvement Plan shows CSAH 21 from CSAH 91 to Dakota
County (Judicial Road) being improved to a four-lane urban
roadway in 2003/2004. This is being coordinated with Dakota
County's plans to upgrade County Road 60 (185th Street) to
four lanes.
Jim Dvorak of SRF traffic consultants, representing Dakota
County, explained that Dakota County, the City of Lakeville and
MnrtDOT are in the process of upgrading the CSAH 60
interchange area. The first phase is scheduled for construction
in 2002. He explained that. the City of Lakeville, Scott County
JUtY 30, 2001
and Dakota County are working together on a very large
project that will cost somewhere .between $18 million and $20
million. The project needs to be phased, as it cannot be done.
in one year. Total reconstruction of CSAH 60 east of I-35 -will
be constructed in 2002, along with relocated frontage roads
and ramps to the south. The second phase will involve CSAH
60 to the west of the interstate, along with some additional
interchange improvements and replacement of the bridge over
CSAH 60. The entire project is expected to be completed by
the end of 2005. Mr. Dvorak explained that a public
informational meeting on this project will be held on July 31St
from 4-7 p.m. at the Family of Christ Lutheran Church, located
just east of Interstate 35.
Council Member Bellows asked about the proposed timeline for
motorists traveling east. Mr. Dvorak stated the work is
proposed to be done without closing the road or detouring
traffic.. A fourth lane will be added underneath the bridge to
help increase capacity and add flexibility when the bridge is
being reconstructed. The improvements being completed in
2002 are being designed to handle traffic projected until the
year 2010.
Mr. Erickson stated the Target store can not open without these
improvements being in place. The developer has agreed to
that scenario.
Jean Baudhuin, 18625 Kanabec Trail, stated she feels the
Target project wi11 not be good for traffic in this area.. She also
stated she feels the property associated with the interstate
ramp construction was not incorporated in the EAW and should
have been.
Mr, Erickson explained that the EAW does include the bridge
scenario. That is the reason that the Metropolitan Council and
MnDOT are so comfortable with the transportation plan
associated with this project, as stated in their comments which
are before the City Council this evening. MnDOT, he pointed
out, recommended adding the hook loop to the project.
JULY 30, 2001
01.93 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Rieb to approve
Resolution No. 01-111 adopting Record of Decision, Response
to Comments, and Decision on the Environmental Assessment
Worksheet for the proposed Timbercrest Project.
Council Member Bellows commended the efforts of the City to
preserve the water quality of Lake. Marion and to address the.
traffic safety issues in this area.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Bellows,. Johnson,
Mulvihill, Rieb. Luick abstained.
There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the
meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
yUL,~I.~°~'UC ~J l,~
Charlene Friedges,
Robert D. ]oh~'~on, Mayor