HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-18-01CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING TUNE 18 2001 A complete video tape. of the City Council proceedings is retained. for one year, Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Roll call was taken. Present: Council Members Bellows, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick and Mayor Johnson. Also present: R. Knutson., City Attorney; B. Erickson, City Administrator; K. Nelson, City Engineer; A. trussing, Community & Economic Development Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director; D. Feller, Finance Director; D. Martens, Chief of Police; D. Volk, Director of Operations & Maintenance; D. Morey, Assistant Community Development Director; J. Hennen Assistant to City Administrator; F. Dempsey, Associate Planner; J. Hawkins, Deputy Clerk. MINUTES The minutes of the June 4, 2001 City Council meeting were approved as presented. STAFf ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTORNEY: City Attorney Roger Knutson updated the Council on new legislation that took effect on May 29t", which provides that in matters regarding the adoption or amendment of a zoning ordinance, a simple majority,. rather than a 2/3 vote, is now required. The exception would be for .changing from residential to commercial or industrial zoning. ENGINEER: None ADMINISTRATOR: City Administrator Bob Erickson requested that Item # 11 be moved to the end of the agenda to accommodate the developer who is attending a Council meeting in another city. • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING .JUNE 18, 2001 PAGE 2 n LJ Mr. Erickson requested the Council consider a resolution under Item #16, New Business, regarding a request for Dakota County Commissioners to consider a new Dakota County park unit in the northeast section of Lakeville. The resolution must be received by July 1, 2001 to be considered .for the Dakota County Capital Improvement Plan. PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR: Mr. Michaud presented the May Parks & Recreation Department monthly report. Highlights included Senior Safety Camp, conducted by the Police Dept.., completion of the Bunker Hill playground installation, progress on the Arts Center and trail projects, CHIEF OF POLICE: Chief Martens presented the May Police Department monthly report. Highlights included graduation of 550 DARE students, hosting of regional K-9 certifications and receipt of three grants. PRESENTATIONS/INTRODUCTIONS Chief Martens introduced new Police Reserve Officers and Mayor Johnson administered the oath of office. The eight new Reserve Officers include: Terry Pretzloff, Frank Beissel, George L. Beckman, David L. Wagner, Michael P. O'Keefe, Stacey. Hansen, Paul James Mingus and Steven B. Grewenow. Chief Martens introduced CPSO Roger Yost, and seasonal Park Rangers Andy Bellows, Nels Engstrom and. Sara Leach. 2001 Pan-O-Prog president Rob Mittelsteadt and First Vice President Chip Norkunas presented Pan-O-Prog. buttons showing the Arts Center logo to the Council members and highlighted some events for the 2001 celebration. Grand Marshal of this year's parade will be Former Mayor Duane Zaun. City Administrator Bob Erickson re-presented a plaque recognizing Dakota County's 2001 Achievement Award for. Promoting the Health of the Public, with a strong focus on the youth of the community, to Tim Bethke, Cheryl Lanigon, Sue Martin and Elyce Roberts,, for the Lakeville Building CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 18, 2001 PAGE 3 • CommUNITY Initiative. Bob Summerdorf was unable to attend. Former Mayor Duane Zaun was previously involved with this organization. Mayor Johnson commented that this is a great example of the continued involvement of Lakeville citizens in volunteer efforts for the betterment of the community. CITIZENS' COMMENTS None CONSENT AGENDA Council Member Luick noted his abstention from Item 7m. City Administrator Erickson asked Council to consider removing Item 7m from the consent agenda in order to set a special meeting to consider the TimberCrest at Lakeville Environmental Assessment Worksheet and to .determine the need for an Environment Impact Statement. Council .Members added Items #8, #10, #12 and #14 to the consent. agenda. George Neugent, was present representing All Saints Church. Jim Hayes, representing Hosanna! Lutheran Church explained the request for an extension of the preliminary and final plat and conditional use permit amendment until November. Hosanna Second Addition will include 85 additional parking stalls and additional access to 165th Street in response to a current parking shortage. 01.71 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Rieb to approve the consent agenda items as follows: a. Claims for payment. b. May Investment Report. c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings: Planning Commission, June 7, .2001 CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 18, 2001 PAGE 4 • Park & Recreation Committee, June 6, 2001 Environmental Affairs Committee, June 5, 2001. d. Resolution No. 01-87 authorizing the disposition of vehicles. e. Resolution No. 01-88 approving the issuance of a Tax Increment Revenue Note and Execution of a related Tax Increment Pledge Agreement for Heritage Commons. f. Tree Service Operator license for Ciardelli Tree & Landscaping. g. Tree Service Operator license for Sherwood Tree Service. h. Gambling permif for All Saints Church to hold a bingo and raffle on September 22-23, 2001. i. Resolutions No. 01-89, 90, 91 and 92 accepting donations to the Police Department Bike Safety Program from Modern Woodsmen of America, State Farm Insurance, VFW Auxiliary Post 210, and Sieben, Grose, VonHoltum & Carey, Ltd . j. Resolution No. 01-93 accepting donation from Terry Kendall to the Senior Safety Camp. k. Resolution No. 01-94 designating employee dental insurance. I. Resolution No. 01-95 authorizing the use of certain parks. for the 2001 Panorama of Progress City Celebration, and authorize an extension of park hours at Antlers Park to accommodate the annual Pan-O-frog teen- dance. m. (Removed. from consent agenda.) n. Resolution No. 01-96 ordering abatement of hazardous building at 7919 Grinnell Court West. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 18, 2001 PAGE 5 8. Approve conditional use permit: to allow fill within the floodplain overlay district of Lake Marion at 10152 Upper 196t" Way. 10. Receive Planning Commission's Findings of Fact and Recommendation and approve. a conditional use permit amendment for All Saints Catholic church, 19795 Holyoke Avenue, to allow the modification to a portion of the approved exterior building materials for the education facility expansion. 12. Approve extension of the Hosanna Second Addition preliminary and final plat and conditional use permit amendment until November 15, 2001. 14. Approve request of Downtown Lakeville Business Association to host live entertainment at Pioneer Plaza on Holyoke Avenue on June 27, 2001. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick, Bellows. ITEM 9 Mike Burton, Project Manager for Lundgren Brothers, a division of US Homes, and John Scalzo, designer, provided an overview of The Greenway project.. The Greenway preliminary plat consists of 174 single-family home sites on 116 acres of land. The plat is located east of Kenwood Trail, west of Ipava Avenue and north of 192"d Street.. The developer will be required to construct a trailway which. will follow the existing greenway within the plat. In addition to the woodland and wetland preservation, Lundgren .Brothers will also construct. a private playground area on Outlot E. Other outlots are designated for a future City well site and a monument for the subdivision. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented staff review and recommendations by various committees and agencies. All committees recommended approval. Two neighborhood meetings were held on May 31, 2.001 and June 5, 2001. Neighbors attended to discuss proposed upgrade of 192"d • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 18, 2001 PAGE 6 Street with curb and gutter, sanitary sewer and water, and trails.. The Planning Commission held a public. hearing on The Greenway plat at their June 7, 2001 meeting. There was no public comment. The DNR, DCSWCD and ISD #194 also received copies of the plat for comment. Following the neighborhood meeting and Planning Commission meeting, the developer submitted revised preliminary plat plans that accommodated the upgrade of 192"a Street to an urban section design. Staff is recommending approval of the preliminary plat subject to the stipulations of the Planning Commission and the additional stipulation as outlined in Mr. Dempsey's planning report dated June 1, 2001. Mayor Johnson asked if the neighbors' concerns have been addressed and resolved. Mr. Dempsey stated that they had, and as a result of citizen concern a 29-foot drainage .and utility easement will also be required to accommodate the expansion of 192"d Street. Mayor Johnson welcomed Lundgren Brothers to the community. • 01.72 Motion was .made by Luick, seconded Mulvihill., to receive the Planning Commission's recommendations and approve the preliminary plat of The Greenway subject to the 14 stipulations as recommended by the Planning Commission and one additional stipulation recommended by City staff. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Rieb, Luick, Bellows, Johnson. ITEM 11 Jim Stanton, representing Shamrock bevelopment, .requested approval of the preliminary and final plat of Marion. Fields Fifth Addition, which consists of 18 single-family lots on land located south of 202"d Street and east of Ipava Avenue. These 18 lots were previously removed from Marion Fields Fourth Addition preliminary plat at the request of the Planning Commission so the developer could address access issues of four existing .single family homes that currently front 202" d Street. One of these homes has been incorporated into this plat. The developer has revised the street design of Indio Path to allow CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 18, 2001 PAGE 7 three of the four existing .homes to re-orient their .garages to access their homes to Indio Path.. rather than the major collector 202nd Street. Mr. Stanton stated that the neighbors concerns have been addressed. Daryl Morey stated that a neighborhood meeting was held on April 23~d with three. of the four homeowners attending. The Planning Commission held a public hearing at their May 17, 2001 meeting. At that meeting, one of the homeowners' requested that they not be assessed for the future upgrade of 202nd Street to an urban section. The proposed Development. Agreement will include wording to honor that request. Mr. Morey stated that the developer has submitted the necessary. items including the signed development contract, a Fetter of credit, a signed warranty deed and required cash payments for park dedication and other costs. The plat addresses a nonconforming setback on the Schmitt property with a slight shift to the west of Ipava Avenue right-of-way as platted with Marion Fields Fourth Addition.. Additional landscaping has also been incorporated into the plat as recommended by Planning • Commission. The developer has submitted a signed development agreement, a letter of credit and a deed to convey outlots D and E to the City of Lakeville. Staff is recommending City Council adopt a resolution approving Marion Fields Fifth Addition preliminary and final plat subject to the five stipulations in the June 1, 2001 Planning Report.. Mayor Johnson asked if the revised loop street design would meet all standards. Mr.-Morey said that it would. City Administrator Robert Erickson noted the amount of time expended by staff and neighbors of the plat to resolve several challenging situations. Mr. Erickson also commended Mr. Stanton for his sensitivity to the existing homeowners and his commitment to the community in resolving issues and getting the trails re-established while. dealing with the wet weather conditions this spring. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 18, 2001 PAGE 8 Mayor Johnson added that the outcome is a win/win situation for everyone involved. -01.73 Motion was made by .Rieb, seconded by Luick, to adopt Resolution No. 00-97 approving the Marion Fields Fifth Addition ..preliminary and final plat subject to the five stipulations as outlined in Mr. Morey's planning report dated June 1, 2001. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Rieb, Luick, Bellows, Johnson, Mulvihill. ITEM 13 Assistant to City Administrator John. Hennen presented a proposed ordinance amendment to Title 3, Chapter 8 of the Lakeville City Code concerning collection of mixed municipal solid waste and recyclable material. The ordinance currently ..limits the number of licensed haulers in the city. to no more than six. At the February 20, 2001 City Council meeting and at the February 26, 2001 Council Work Session Mr. Anders Stone . of Metro Disposal, Inc. expressed his desire to obtain a license to collect mixed municipal solid waste and recyclable. material in the City. The purpose of his request was so his company could continue to service an existing customer, McDonalds, which has two establishments in Lakeville, along with providing service to other commercial accounts. At Council's request a proposed ordinance amendment was presented to the Environmental Affairs Committee and Waste Haulers Subcommittee for review. The ordinance amendment provides for two classes of licenses. A Class "A" license holder would be allowed to collect from all locations; residential or commercial/ multiple family (apartment) accounts. No more than six Class A licenses would be in force at any time. A Class "B".license holder would be allowed to collect only from commercial establishments and multiple family (apartment) dwelling units. The Environmental Affairs Committee recommended approval ofthe ordinance amendment at their June 5, 2001 meeting, subject to limiting the number of Class B licenses to no more CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 18, 2001 PAGE 9 than three at any one time. Following the meeting. the City Attorney. recommended an additional provision requiring certain essential equipment to be owned or leased. by the licensee. Staff has retained a list of haulers requesting a license to collect waste material in the City. Staff is recommending approval of the ordinance amendment and would further recommend that the haulers on the list be offered the opportunity to apply for the Class. B licenses in the order listed, provided they meet all licensing requirements. Staff is recommending approval of the ordinance amending Title 3, Chapter 8 of the Lakeville City Code. Council Member Bellows asked what might have precipitated the sudden large number of applicants for licenses. Mr. Hennen stated that the growing community is most likely attractive to businesses. Council Member Bellows stated that Mr. Stone had made the comment that "Lakeville is a good . place to live and a good place to do business" and asked if preference could be given for Lakeville residents or Lakeville businesses to be offered the opportunity to apply fora license. City Attorney Roger Knutson stated that he would prefer to evaluate the potential issues before giving advice on the legality of providing preference to Lakeville businesses. City Administrator Robert Erickson stated that the inclusion of the equipment requirement might automatically render one of .the proposed applicants ineligible. The possibility of holding a License lottery was also suggested..If Council members feel strongly that Lakeville businesses should be given the first opportunity, it might be appropriate to table the item and .give the City Attorney an opportunity to conduct research. Mr. Erickson stated that the EAC had also addressed the same issue and left .the matter to the City Council. Mayor Johnson asked how much time the applicants would have to show proof that they have the equipment required by the proposed ordinance. City Administrator Erickson anticipated that it would not be more than 30 days.. He also CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 18, 2001 PAGE 10 stated that one of the current license holders who had testified at the EAC meeting felt the process for issuing licenses is fair and equitable. Council Member Mulvihill stated that she would be in favor of offering the opportunity for a license to the businesses on the list in chronological order instead using a preferential or lottery system, especially given the fact that several businesses have waited patiently on the list for their turn to apply for a license. This would be consistent with past practice. Mayor Johnson stated that limiting the licenses to .Lakeville businesses might result in other communities adopting the same policy, potentially excluding Lakeville businesses from doing business in their communities. 01.74 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Rieb, to accept the recommendation of the Environmental Affairs Committee. and Waste Haulers Subcommittee and approve Ordinance No. 686 amending Title 3, Chapter 8 of the Lakeville City Code • concerning mixed municipal solid waste and recyclable collectors. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Luick, Bellows, Johnson, Mulvihill, Rieb. ITEM 7m. Item 7m, .Receive the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for TimberCrest of Lakeville and authorize .distribution, was previously removed from the consent agenda. City Attorney Roger Knutson stated that City Council is not being asked to draw any conclusion at this time. With Council's approval copies of the EAW will be distributed to the Environmental Quality Board and other federal, state and local agencies for review. Following a 30-day comment period, beginning with the date of publication in the Environmental Quality Monitor, the City Council will hold a special meeting to determine if an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is needed. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 18, 2001 PAGE 11 Council Member Luick stated that he would abstain from voting on this matter due to the appearance of conflict of interest. City Administrator Robert Erickson stated that this is a City. of Lakeville document and acknowledged quality work done by consultants/staff and looks forward to review by the various agencies, including the City's Environmental Affairs Committee. City Council is being asked to approve the distribution of the document and to set a special meeting following the 30-day review period, which will be July 26, 2001. A special meeting date of Monday, July 30, 2001 is suggested.. 01.75 Motion was made by Rieb, seconded by Mulvihill, to approve the distribution of the Environment Assessment Worksheet for TimberCrest of Lakeville to various agencies. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Rieb, Bellows, Johnson. Abstain: Luick • 01.76 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Bellows, to set a Special City Council meeting for Monday, July 30, 2001 at 7:00 PM to receive public comments regarding the Environment Assessment Worksheet for TimberCrest of Lakeville and to determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Mulvihill, Rieb, Bellows, Luick. City Administrator Robert Erickson stated that Target had provided samples of the proposed exterior of the building, which were also being reviewed by Tushie .Montgomery. The City Council will have the opportunity to review the samples when they are returned. This is the first all-brick Target in the country. Mr. Erickson also informed City Council that staff was informed by the Met Council that they have received all the necessary information to proceed with the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and will place the item on an upcoming Metropolitan Council agenda for consideration ITEM 15 -Unfinished Business. None • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 18, 2001 PAGE 12 ITEM 16 Under New Business, Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud presented a resolution for City Council consideration. regarding a request of .Dakota County for acquisition and development of a new Dakota County park unit in the northeast section of Lakeville. Anew park unit would help to service the western/southern portion of Dakota County with rapidly growing population and park users. City Council had previously discussed this item at their most recent Work Session of June 11, 2001 and directed staff to prepare this resolution. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee has also reviewed this resolution and recommended approval. 01.77 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Bellows, to approve Resolution No. 00-98 requesting the Dakota County Board of Commissioners to consider acquisition and development of a new Dakota County Park Unit in the northeast section of Lakeville. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Rieb, Luick, Bellows, Johnson, Mulvihill. ANNOUNCEMENTS Next regular Council meeting, July 2, 2001. Mayor Johnson adjourned the Council meeting. at 8:50 PM. Respectfully submitted, Ju ith R. Hawkins, Deputy Clerk /~ Robert D. Jo son, Mayor