HomeMy WebLinkAbout14-068CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 14-68 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 2014 GENERAL FUND BUDGET BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota that the 2014 General Fund budget is hereby approved and amended for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2014 as per Exhibit A as attached hereto. APPROVED this 4th day of August 2014 by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota. CITY OF LAKEVILLE, MINNESOTA By: att Littl ayor ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Cler 2014 GENERAL FUND BUDGET Revenues General property taxes Licenses and permits Intergovernmental Charges for services Court fines Investment income Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditures Mayor and Council Committees and Commissions City administration City Clerk Legal counsel Planning Community and econ. development Inspections General government facilities Finance Information systems Human resources Insurance Police Fire Engineering Streets Parks Recreation Heritage Center Arts Center Other Total expenditures Excess (deficiency) of revenues over expenditures Other financing sources (uses) Transfer from other funds Transfer to other funds Total other financing sources (uses) Net change in fund balance Fund balance, January 1 Committed Fund Balance Fund balance, December 31 Exhibit A 2014 2014 Adopted 2014 Amended Budget Adjustment Budget NOTES $ 16,794,367 $ - $ 16,794,367 1,947,676 - 1,947,676 608,401 - 608,401 2,156,037 - 2,156,037 274,590 - 274,590 44,413 - 44,413 61,461 - 61,461 21,886,945 - 21,886,945 97,021 - 97,021 62,794 - 62,794 403,228 6,207 409,435 (1) 184,724 1,623 186,347 (1) 82,351 - 82,351 427,787 5,747 433,534 (1) 295,953 4,068 300,021 (1) 851,202 10,056 861,258 (1) 417,452 3,009 420,461 (1) 626,703 11,093 637,796 (1) 490,633 4,555 495,188 (1) 351,013 4,166 355,179 (1) 289,075 - 289,075 8,921,850 96,424 9,018,274 (1) 1,431,615 6,553 1,438,168 (1) 904,728 7,190 911,918 (1) 2,738,702 20,837 2,759,539 (1) 2,235,675 16,105 2,251,780 (1) 584,240 5,529 589,769 (1) 78,774 537 79,311 405,068 3,322 408,390 (1) 303,497 (151,607) 151,890 (1) 22,184,085 55,414 22,239,499 Vln/ IAni /CC Al A% /']C1 [CA\ 759,814 - 759,814 462,674 (55,414) 407,260 8,634,300 1,032,260 9,666,560 (2) 45,000 - 45,000 $ 9,096,974 $ 976,846 $ 10,073,820 General Fund Schedule of Revenues and Other Financing Sources (Uses) 2014 Amended Budeet $ 14,631,396 178,840 1,904,664 14,800 45,200 19,467 16.794.367 NOTES 2014 Adopted 2014 Budget Adjustment General property taxes Ad valorem taxes - current $ 14,631,396 Ad valorem taxes - delinquent 178,840 Fiscal disparities 1,904,664 Penalties and interest 14,800 Manufactured home tax 45,200 Gravel tax 19,467 Total general property taxes 16,794,367 2014 Amended Budeet $ 14,631,396 178,840 1,904,664 14,800 45,200 19,467 16.794.367 NOTES Licenses and permits Licenses Tobacco Trash removal Dog Signs On -sale liquor Sunday liquor Club license Non -intoxicating liquor on Non -intoxicating liquor off Wine Tree removal Fireworks Massage Miscellaneous Permits Plan review fees Building Plumbing Water/sewer Mechanical Grading/filling Excavating/gravel Driveway Zoning Right-of-way Fire burning Electrical Miscellaneous General Fund Schedule of Revenues and Other Financing Sources (Uses) Total licenses Total permits Total licenses and permits 2014 2014 Adopted 2014 Amended Rudept AdiustmPnt Rud¢et $ 9,600 $ 9,600 3,750 3,750 15,487 15,487 5,100 5,100 122,200 122,200 4,200 4,200 500 500 1,550 1,550 975 975 2,000 2,000 1,275 1,275 1,550 1,550 1,875 1,875 2,550 2,550 172,612 - 172,612 399,178 399,178 1,018,205 1,018,205 78,685 78,685 36,843 36,843 84,834 84,834 450 450 1,775 1,775 700 700 3,800 3,800 44,600 44,600 1,050 1,050 104,444 104,444 500 500 1,775,064 - 1,775,064 1.947.676 - 1947.676 NOTES General Fund Schedule of Revenues and Other Financing Sources (Uses) 2014 2014 Adopted 2014 Amended Budget Adjustment Budget NOTES Intergovernmental State -aid police $ 349,747 $ 349,747 State -aid fire relief 213,067 213,067 State -aid pensions 21,303 21,303 State POST Board grant 17,604 17,604 State Police protective vests grant 2,100 2,100 State snowmobile trail maint. grant 200 200 Other grants 4,380 4,380 Total intergovernmental 608,401 - 608,401 General Fund Schedule of Revenues and Other Financing Sources (Uses) Public safety 2014 Police department charges Adopted 2014 SRO - ISD 194 contributions Budget Adjustment Charges for services 3,525 General government 7,738 Rezoning fees $ 1,500 Platting fees 10,000 Variance fees 1,500 PUD application fees 1,500 CUP fees 4,600 Home occupation fees 200 Planner fees 40,000 Inspection department fees 22,265 General government service charge 2,248 Tree escrow fund administration 500 Lodging tax fee 8,770 Fiscal Agent - Dakota Comm. Ctr. 64,945 Fiscal Agent - Arenas 32,000 Investment management fees 30,000 Sale of maps/copies 700 Finance charges 595 Total general government 221,323 - Public safety Police department charges 148,591 SRO - ISD 194 contributions 172,023 Animal pickup 3,525 Animal storage 7,738 Animal rabies 2,700 Restitution 200 Forfeiture - sale of assets 42,000 Fire contracts 36,250 Fire department charges 600 ALF Ambulance - admin. charge 4,691 Total public safety 418,318 2014 Amended Budeet $ 1,500 10,000 1,500 1,500 4,600 200 40,000 22,265 2,248 500 8,770 64,945 32,000 30,000 700 595 221.323 148,591 172,023 3,525 7,738 2,700 200 42,000 36,250 600 4,691 418.318 NOTES General Fund Schedule of Revenues and Other Financing Sources (Uses) Charges for services (continued) Public works Engineering platting - preliminary Engineering platting - final Engineering plan review Engineering developer insp. fees Engineering developer cont. admin. Engineering Imp. Proj. design variable Engineering Imp. Proj. const. inspect. Engineering street reconstruction projects Engineering G.I.S. fees Special assessment admin. charge Special assessment searches Document/map sales Bid plan/spec. deposits Street department charges Credit River - Judicial Road maint. Developer street signs installation Total public works Parks, recreation and arts center Brochure advertising Youth activities Youth sport surcharge Youth special events Youth special events donations Adult activities Puppet wagon donations Safety Camp Safety Camp donations Senior Center donations Senior Center excursions Ritter Farm Park ELC Excursions Tennis lessons Total recreation programs Park rental/maint./tournament fees Tree sales (net) Senior Center membership surcharge Senior Center Punchcard Senior Citizen Club Fundraising Senior/Heritage Center rentals Total parks and recreation 2014 2014 Adopted 2014 Amended Budeet Adiustment Budeet NOTES $ 20,870 8,000 7,000 18,000 352,000 112,922 127,037 160,000 24,000 66,688 1,500 250 100 14,450 2,700 14,000 929.517 8,050 115,817 34,000 14,845 1,400 71,752 3,870 2,560 1,100 1,500 20,000 8,818 7,920 7,056 298,688 $ 20,870 8,000 7,000 18,000 352,000 112,922 127,037 160,000 24,000 66,688 1,500 250 100 14,450 2,700 14,000 929.517 8,050 115,817 34,000 14,845 1,400 71,752 3,870 2,560 1,100 1,500 20,000 8,818 7,920 7,056 298,688 27,231 27,231 3,100 3,100 21,200 21,200 5,700 5,700 4,000 4,000 10,000 10,000 369.919 369.919 General Fund Schedule of Revenues and Other Financing Sources (Uses) Charges for services (continued) Parks, recreation and arts center (continued) Arts center program fees Arts center on -sale Arts center rental/event admissions Total arts center Total parks, recreation and arts center Total charges for services Court fines Investment income Miscellaneous Disposal of assets Park rental farming Donations Antenna site leases Total miscellaneous Other financing sources (uses) - Transfers Special Revenue From Communications Fund Enterprise From Liquor Fund From Utility Fund Internal Service From Municipal Reserve Fund Total other financing (net) 2014 Adopted 2014 Budget Adjustment $ 72,250 3,400 2014 Amended Budget NOTES $ 72,250 3,400 2,156,037 - 2,156,037 274,590 274,590 44,413 44,413 429,282 8,875 8,875 100 100 5,500 5,500 46,986 46,986 122,654 122,654 159,323 159,323 429,282 429,282 759,814 - 759,814 General Fund Schedule of Expenditures 2014 2014 Adopted 2014 Amended Expenditures Budget Adjustment Budget NOTES Mayor and Council Personnel services $ 49,740 $ 49,740 Commodities 50 50 Other charges and services 47,231 47,231 Total 97,021 - 97,021 Committees/Commissions Personnel services 49,884 49,884 Commodities 1,530 1,530 Other charges and services 11,380 11,380 Total 62,794 - 62,794 Citv administration Personnel services 388,671 6,207 394,878 (1) Commodities 1,052 1,052 Other charges and services 13,505 13,505 Total 403,228 6,207 409,435 City Clerk Personnel services 112,724 1,623 114,347 (1) Commodities 1,686 1,686 Other charges and services 70,314 70,314 Total 184,724 1,623 186,347 Legal counsel Other charges and services 82,351 659,283 (1) 82,351 Planning 11,901 Other charges and services 167,614 Personnel services 406,183 5,747 411,930 (1) Commodities 2,573 861,258 2,573 Other charges and services 17,086 17,086 Capital outlay 1,945 1,945 Total 427,787 5,747 433,534 Community and economic development Personnel services 261,480 4,068 265,548 (1) Commodities 192 192 Other charges and services 34,281 34,281 Total 295,953 4,068 300,021 Inspection Personnel services 649,227 10,056 659,283 (1) Commodities 11,901 11,901 Other charges and services 167,614 167,614 Capital outlay 22,460 22,460 Total 851,202 10,056 861,258 (continued) Expenditures (continued) General government facilities Personnel services Commodities Other charges and services Capital outlay Total Finance Personnel services Commodities Other charges and services Total Information systems Personnel services Commodities Other charges and services Total Human resources Personnel services Commodities Other charges and services Capital outlay Total Insurance Other charges and services Police Personnel services Commodities Other charges and services Total Fire Personnel services Commodities Other charges and services Total (continued) General Fund Schedule of Expenditures 2014 2014 Adonted 2014 Amended Budget Adjustment Budget NOTES $ 196,686 $ 3,009 $ 199,695 (1) 22,339 22,339 197,652 197,652 775 775 549,882 11,093 560,975 (1) 4,024 4,024 72.797 72.797 307,362 4,555 311,917 (1) 5,847 5,847 177.424 177.424 264,704 4,166 268,870 (1) 1,609 1,609 82,099 82,099 2,601 2,601 351,013 4,166 355,179 289,075 289,075 6,945,066 96,424 7,041,490 (1) 347,025 347,025 1.629.759 1.629759 1,044,462 6,553 1,051,015 (1) 132,484 132,484 254,669 254,669 1,431,615 6,553 1,438,168 General Fund Schedule of Expenditures 2014 2014 Adopted 2014 Amended Expenditures (continued) Budget Adjustment Budget NOTES Engineering Personnel services $ 745,746 $ 7,190 $ 752,936 (1) Commodities 10,542 10,542 Other charges and services 69,652 69,652 Capital outlay 78,788 78,788 Total 904,728 7,190 911,918 Streets Personnel services 1,672,427 20,837 1,693,264 (1) Commodities 787,830 787,830 Other charges and services 278,445 278,445 Total 2,738,702 20,837 2,759,539 Parks Personnel services 1,509,110 16,105 1,525,215 (1) Commodities 254,394 254,394 Other charges and services 470,177 470,177 Capital outlay 1,994 1,994 Total 2,235,675 16,105 2,251,780 Recreation Personnel services 335,988 5,529 341,517 (1) Commodities 26,404 26,404 Other charges and services 221,848 221,848 Total 584,240 5,529 589,769 Heritage Center Personnel services 28,055 537 28,592 (1) Commodities 1,846 1,846 Other charges and services 48,873 48,873 Total 78,774 537 79,311 Arts Center Personnel services 245,173 3,322 248,495 (1) Commodities 13,205 13,205 Other charges and services 146,690 146,690 Total 405,068 3,322 408,390 Contingency Personnel services 198,497 (151,607) 46,890 Other charges and services 105,000 - 105,000 Total 303,497 (151,607) 151,890 Exhibit A 2014 GENERAL FUND BUDGET AMENDMENT NOTES (1) Increase personnel cost for the 2014 COLA Contingency (151,607) City Administration 6,207 City Clerk 1,623 Finance 11,093 Information Systems 4,555 Human Resources 4,166 Planning 5,747 Economic Development 4,068 Inspections 10,056 General Government Facilities 3,009 Police 96,424 Fire 6,553 Engineering/GIS 7,190 Streets 20,837 Parks 16,105 Recreation 5,529 Heritage Center 537 Arts Center 3,322 Decrease in Fund Balance 55,414 (2) Adjust the budgeted (estimated) January 1, 2014 Fund Balance to reflect the actual January 1 Fund Balance Actual Fund Balance, January 1, 2014 9,666,560 Budgeted Fund Balance, January 1, 2014 8,634,300 Increase Fund Balance, January 1, 2014 1,032,260 Page 11