HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.fAugust 14, 2014 Item No. CEDAR LANDING FINAL PLAT AUGUST 18, 2014 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the final plat of Cedar Landing. Passage of this motion will allow the development of 37 single family lots and 21 detached townhome unit lots. Overview Ryland Homes representatives have submitted final plat plans for Cedar Landing, which includes 37 single family lots, 21 detached townhome unit lots, four common area (HOA) lots, and six outlots on 60 acres of land located north of 210th Street between Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) and Hamburg Avenue. This is the first development phase of the Cedar Landing preliminary plat of 98 single family lots and 45 detached townhome unit lots approved by the City Council on June 2, 2014. The Cedar Landing final plat is consistent with the approved preliminary plat. Primary Issues to Consider None Supporting Information • Resolution approving the final plat • Signed development contract, warranty deed, and temporary turnaround and drainage and utility easements • Cedar Landing final plat • R August 11, 2014 planning report and August 5, 2014 engineering report Daryl Marey, Plarf(nilig Director Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Y/N Source: Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances Notes: (Reserved for Dakota County Recording Information) CITY OF LAKEVILLE DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF CEDAR LANDING WHEREAS, the owner of the plat described as Cedar Landing has requested final plat approval; and WHEREAS, the preliminary plat was reviewed by the Planning Commission and the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee and approved by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the final plat is consistent with the approved preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, the final plat is acceptable to the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lakeville City Council: 1. The final plat of Cedar Landing is hereby approved subject to the development contract and security requirements. 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to sign the development contract and final plat mylars. 3. The City Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the Dakota County Recorder. DATED this 18th day of August 2014. CITY OF LAKEVILLE Matt Little, Mayor ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA) ( CITY OF LAKEVILLE ) I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. is a true and correct copy of the resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of the City of Lakeville at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the 18th day of August 2014, as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession. Charlene Friedges, City Clerk (SEAL) (reserved.for recording information) DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT (Developer Installed Improvements) (7,601,4R LAA0T,?,7G- C NTACTdated , 2014, by and between the CITY OF LjkKEVILLE, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and THE- RZYLAND GROUP, HNIC"., a Kliaryland corporation (the "Davelopar"). REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL. The Oevalo.par has asked the City'to approve a plat for Cedar LantJing (referred to in this Contract as the "plat"). The land is situated in the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, and is legaily described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL. The City hereby approves the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Contract, furnish the security required by it, and record the plat with the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles within 100 days after the City Council approves the final plat. 3. F-ZIGHT TC PROCEEC. VVith;n the plat or land to be platted, the Developer clay not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this agreement has been fully executed by both parties and filed wth the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, and 3) the necassarkj insurance for the Developer and its construction 177602v2 I contractors has been received by the City. In addition, the City will not issue a permit for more than one structure until the plat is filed with the office of the Dakota County Recorder or Registrar of Titles. 4. PHASED DEVELOPMENT. If the plat is a phase of a multi -phased preliminary plat, the City may refuse to approve final plats of subsequent phases if the Developer has breached this Contract and the breach has not been remedied. Development of subsequent phases may not proceed until Development Contracts for such phases are approved by the City. Park charges referred to in this Contract are not being imposed on outlots, if any, in the plat that are designated in an approved preliminary plat for future subdivision into lots and blocks. Such charges will be calculated and imposed when the outlots are final platted into lots and blocks. 6. PRELIMINARY PLAT STATUS. If the plat is a phase of a multi -phased preliminary plat, the preliminary plat approval for all phases not final platted shall lapse and be void unless final platted into lots and blocks, not outlots, within two (2) years after preliminary plat approval. 6. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For two (2) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, except an amendment placing the plat in the current metropolitan urban service area, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Contract. 7. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. With the exception of Plans A, B, C, and F the plans may be prepared, subject to the City Engineer's approval, after entering the Contract, but before commencement of any work in the plat. The City Engineer may approve minor amendments to Plan B without City Council approval. The erosion control plan may also be approved by the Dakota County Soil 1776o2v2 2 and Water Conservation District. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan B - Final Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan Plan C - Tree Preservation Plan Plan C - Plans and Specifications for Public Improvements -Plan E - Street Lighting Plan Plan F - Landscape Plan 8. IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall install and pay for the iollowing: A. Sanitary Sewer System B. Water System C. Storm Sewer System D. Streets E. Concrete Cub and GuLd8r F. Street Lights G. Site Grading, Stormwater Treatment/Infiltration Basins, and Erosion Control H. Underground Utilities I. Setting of Iron Monuments J. Surveying and Staking K. Sidewalks and Trails L. Retaining Walls The improvements shall be installed in accordance with the City subdivision ordinance; City standard specifications for utility and street construction; and any other ordinances including Section 11-16-7 of the City Code concerning erosion and drainage and Section 4-1-4-2 prohibiting grading, construction activity, and the use of power equipment bet.-jeen the hours of 10 o'clock p.m. and 7 o'clock a.m. The Developer shall submit plans and specifications which have been prepared by a competent registered professional 177602v2 3 engineer to the City for approval by the City Engineer. The Developer shall instruct its engineer to provide adequate field inspection personnel to assure an acceptable level of quality control to the extent that the Developer's engineer will be able to certify that the construction work meets the approved City standards as a condition of City acceptance. In addition, the City may, at the City's discretion and at the Developer's expense, have one or more City inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part-time basis. The Developer, its contractors and subcontractors, shall follow all instructions received from the City's inspectors. The Developer's engineer shall provide for on-site project management. The Developer's engineer is responsible for design changes and contract administration between the Developer and the Developer's contractor. The Developer or its engineer shall schedule a pre -construction meeting at a mutually agreeable time at the City with all parties concerned, including the City staff, to review the program for the construction work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before the security is released, the Developer shall supply the City with a complete set of reproducible "as constructed" plans and an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in an AutoCAD .DWG file or a .DXF file, all prepared in accordance with City standards. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.02, the final placement of iron monuments for all lot corners must be completed before the applicable security is released. The Developer's surveyor shall also submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments have been installed following site grading, utility and street construction. 9. CONTRACTORS/SUBCONTRACTORS. City Council members, City employees, and City Planning Commission members, and corporations, partnerships, and other entities in which such individuals have greater than a 25% ownership interest or in which they are an officer or director may not act as contractors or subcontractors for the public improvements identified in Paragraph 8 above. 10. PERMITS. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, which may include: A. Dakota County for County Road Access and Work in County Rights -of -Way B. MnDot for State Highway Access C. MnDot for Work in Right -of -Way 177602v2 4 D. Minnesota Department of Hea!th for Watermains E. MPCA NPIDES Permit for Construction Activity F. MPCA for SanitapY Sawer and Hazardous Material Removal and Disposal G. DNR for Deviatering H. City of Lakeville for Building Permiis I. MCES for Sanitary Sewer Connections J. City of Lakeville for Retaining Walls il. DEPINATFR11MG. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will t -a the Developer's and the Developer's contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the alevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm fbw routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all applicable county, state, and federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall also be strictly followed. TIME OF PERFORMA-NCE. The Developer shall install all required public improvernents by 'November 30, 2014, with the exception of the final weer course of asphalt on streets. The final wear course on streets shall be installed between August 15th and October 15th the first summer after the base layer of asphalt has been in place one freeze thaw cycle. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. Final wear course placement outside of this time frame must have the written approval of the City Engineer. 13. LICENSE The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the plat to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development. 14. 2ROSION C00TROL. Prior to initiating site grading, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City or Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District. The City or Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District may impose additional erosion control requirements if they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the grading 177602v2 operations shall be stabilized per the MPCA Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity. Seed shall be in accordance with the City's current seeding specification which may include temporary seed to provide ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not comply with the MPCA Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity or with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City or the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any reasonable, out of pocket cost the City incurred for such work within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from the City, the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay any such costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the approved erosion control plan. 15. GRADING. The plat shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading development and erosion control plan, Plan "B". The plan shall conform to City of Lakeville specifications. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading and before the City approves individual building permits (except five (5) model home permits on lots acceptable to the Building Official), the Developer shall provide the City with an "as constructed" grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all storm water treatment/infiltration basins and swaies, have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. The "as constructed" plan shall include field verified elevations of the following: a) cross sections of storm water treatment/infiltration basins; b) location and elevations along all swales, wetlands, wetland mitigation areas if any, locations and dimensions of borrow areasistockpiles, and installed "conservation area" posts; and c) lot corner elevations and house pads, and all other items listed in City Code Section 10- 3-5.NN. The City will withhold issuance of building permits until the approved certified grading plan is on file with the City and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. The Developer certifies to the City that all lots with house footings placed on fill have been monitored and 177602v2 6 constructed to meet or exceed FHAMLID 79G specifications. The soils observation and testing report, including referenced development phases and lot descriptions, shall be submitted to the Building Official for review prior to the issuance of bulling permits. Before a building permit is issued, a cash escrow of $1,000.00 per lot shall be furnished to the City to guarantee compliance with the erosion control and grading requirements and the submittal of an as -built cerViGate of survey. Prior to the release of the required individual lot grading and erosion control security that is submitted with the building permit, an as -built certificate of survey for single family lots must be submitted to verify that the final as -built grades and elevations cf 't'he specific lot and all building setbacks are consistent with the approved grading plan for the development, and amendments thereto as approved by the City Engineer, and that all required property monuments are in place. If the final grading, erosion control and as -built survey is not timely completed, the City may enter the lot, perform the work, and apply the cash escrow toward the cost. Upon satisfactory completion of the grading, erosion control and as -built survey, the escrow funds, without interest, less any draw made by the City, shall be returned to the person who deposited the funds with the City. ifi. CLEAN LIP. The Developer shall clean dirt and dabds from streats thai has ritasulted from construction work by the Developer, home builders, subcontractors, their agents or assigns. Prior to any construction in the plat, the Developer shall identify in writing a responsible party and schedule for erosion control, street cleaning, and street sweeping. 4 ?. S OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract and final acceptance by the City, the improvements lying within public casements shall become City property without fuilhar notice or action. 118. CITY ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVAT.10N. The Developer shall pay a fee for in-house engineering administration. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation, consultation with Developer and its engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, project monitoring during the warranty period, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be 177602v2 7 three percent (3%) of construction costs identified in the Summary of Security Requirements if using a letter of credit, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's in-house engineering staff or consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full time inspection of proposed public utilities and street construction and will be billed on hourly rates estimated to be seven percent (7%) of the estimated construction cost. 19. STORM SEWER AREA CHARGE. Development of Cedar Landing includes public storm sewer construction. Storm sewer will be installed within the subdivision to collect and convey stormwater runoff generated from within the public right-of-way and lots to the public stormwater basins located within Outlots A, C, D, and E, Cedar Landing. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels of Cedar Landing and must be paid at the time of final plat approval. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge is calculated as follows: Gross Area of Cedar Landing 2,613,580 s.f. Less Area of Outlot A (Future Development) (-) 1,024,578 s.f. Less Area of Outlot B (Public Park Area) (-) 146,528 s.f. Less Area of Outlot C (Future Development) (-) 364,507 s.f. Less Area of Outlot D (Stormwater Management Basin) (-) 48,031 s.f. Less Area of Outlot E (Stormwater Management Basin (-) 59,071 s.f. Total - 970,865 s.f. 970,865 s.f. x $0.167/s.f. = $162,134.46 Net Area of Cedar Landing Area Charge Total The Developer will receive a credit to the Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge for the conveyance of Outlots D and E to the City, consistent with City policy. The $13,530.00 credit is based on the area of the outlots and is calculated at the rate of $5,500.00 per acre, and will be applied to the Cedar Landing final plat cash fees. The credit is calculated as follows: 2.46 acres x $5,500/acre $13,530.00 Total Area of Outlots D and E Per Acre Credit Total Final locations and sizes of all storm sewer facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the final construction plans. 1776o2v2 8 2U. SANITARY SENVER AVAILABIL11-Y CHARGE. Development of Cedar Landing includes public sanitary sewer construction. Eight inch sanitary sewer MH be extended within the subdivision from ex,isting manholes and stubs along 210th Street to provide sanitary sewer service to the development. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge is due for the parent parcels and is based on the rate in effect at tike time of final plat acrd is calculated as follows: 58 units x $307.00 = $17,806.00 Total Dwelling Units 2014 Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge Total Sanitary Sewer In Cedar Landing Per Unit Availability Charge The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge of $17,806.00 must be paid in cash at the time of final plat approval. 2'J. LATERAL SANITPRY SEWER ACCESS CHARGE. The Lateral Sanitary Sewer Access Charge is due for the sanitary sewer within 210th Street righ"L-of-way and must be paid at the time of final plat approval. The Lateral Sanitary Sewer Access Charge is based on the total frontage of the preliminary plat adjacent to 210th Street. The Lateral Sanitary Sewer Access Charge will be prorated fc.- the number of lots final platted with Cedar Landing. The charge is based on the rate in effect at the time of final plat and is calculated as 2436-33 f.f. x $39.00/=runt Foot = $95,016.87 Front Footage along 210'h Street Sanitary Sewer Access Charge Total $95,016.87 x 58/143 = $38,538.31 Lateral Sanitary Sewer Access Lots in Cedar Landing Total Required %vith Charge Required for the Cedar Landing Final Plat Cedar Landing Final Plat Preliminary Plat The Lateral Sanitary Sewer Access Chargo- of $38,538.31 musi: be paid in cash at the time of final plat approval. The balance of the Lateral Sanitary Sewer Access Charge will be collected when Outlots A 22. LATERAL WATERMAIN ACCESS CHARGE. Development of Cedar Landing includes public watermain construction. Eight inch watermain will be exlended within the subdivision from existing eight inch watermain that will be wet tapped along 210" Street to provide water service to the subdivision. 177602v2 9 The Lateral Watermain Access Charge is due for the watermain within 210th Street right-of-way and must be paid at the time of final plat approval. The Lateral Watermain Access Charge is based on the total frontage of the preliminary plat adjacent to 210t" Street. The Lateral Watermain Access Charge will be prorated for the number of lots final platted with Cedar Landing. The charge is based on the rate in effect at the time of final plat and is calculated as follows: 2,436.33 f.f. x $38.40/Front Foot = $93,555.07 Front Footage along 2101" Street Water Access Charge Total $93,555.07 x 58/143 = $37,945.41 Lateral Watermain Access Lots in Cedar Landing Total Required with Charge Required for the Cedar Landing Final Plat Cedar Landing Final Plat Preliminary Plat The Lateral Watermain Access Charge of $37,945.41 must be paid in cash at the time of final plat approval. The balance of the Lateral Watermain Access Charge will be collected when Outlots A and C, Cedar Landing develop. Final locations and sizes of all sanitary sewer and watermain facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the final construction plans. 23. CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. Construction traffic access and egress for grading, public utility construction, and public street construction is restricted to access the subdivision from 210th Street via Cedar Avenue. No construction traffic is permitted on the adjacent local streets. 24. PARSE DEDICATION, TRAILS AND SIDEWALKS. The City's Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan designates Cedar Landing as the location for a neighborhood park. The park dedication requirement has not been collected on the parent parcels of Cedar Landing, and will be satisfied through a combination of land dedication and cash contribution that must be paid at the time of final plat approval. The Developer will dedicate Outlot B, Cedar Landing to the City for park land and will receive park area credits for this dedication. The remainder of the park dedication requirement will be collected as a cash contribution as they are final platted in future phases. 1776022 10 Development of Cedar Landing also includes the ccnstruction of an eight foot wide 'trail on the east side of Hamburg Avenue. The Developer must submit a cash escrow for 5/8ths of the future trail construction cost. The cash escrov., %-.till be proraied for the numbe�r of lots -final platted with Cedar Larding. The ca -.-h escrow, based on an estimate provided by the Developer's engineer, must be submitted at the time of final plat approval and is calcuiated as follows: $15,035.41 x 5/8 $9,397.13 Future Trail Construction Cost Developer's Cost Share Total (excluding grading and restoration) $9,397.13 X 58/143 = $3,811A2 f=uture Trail Construciion Lots in Cedar LF--nd'Ing Total Required with F--scrow required for the Cedar Landing Final Plat Cedar Landing Final Plat Preliminary Flat. The balance of the future trail construction escrow will be collected when Outlots A and C develop. Development of Cedar Landing includes the construction of public bituminous tmlls and public concrete sidewalks. Five foot wide concrete sidewalks, with pedestrian curb ramps, shall be installed along one side of each local street. A bituminous trail shall be constructed from Greenwood Avenue between Lot 7, Slock 3 and Lot 2, Block 4 into the proposed park area in Cutlot B. The Developer is responsible for 100% of grading and restoration for the bituminous trail. A credit for the City's 3/8"' portion of the trail construction cost (excluding grading and restoration) shall be applied to the final plat cash fees. $871.00 x 3/8 = $326.63 Total Estimated Cost City's Trail Total for Trail Construction Cost Portion into Par.,,. Area 26. FUTURE UPGRADE OF HAMBURG AVENUE. A cash fee for the future upgrade of Hamburg Avenue has not been collected on the parent parcalls and shall be paid at the time of final plat approval. The cash fee will be based on the current rate in effect at the time of final platting and is calculated as follows: 1207.15 fS. x $72.001 f.f. $86,914.80 Front Footage Along Hamburg Ave. Assessment Rate Total 177602v2 11 $86,914.80 x 58/143 = $35,252.16 Future Upgrade Fee Required Lots in Cedar Landing Total Required with for the Cedar Landing Preliminary Plat Final Plat Cedar Landing Final Plat The future upgrade fee of $35,252.16 must be paid in cash at the time of final plat approval. The balance of the future upgrade fee will be collected when Outlots A and C, Cedar Landing develop. 26. TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS AND STREET LIGHT OPEf'.krION COSTS. A cash fee for traffic control signs in the amount of $3,700.00 must be paid at the time of final plat approval, which includes five stop signs with street blades at $375.00 each, two 30 MPH speed limit signs at $200.00 each, twelve 9 -button delineator signs at $100.00 each and three future thru street signs at $75.00 each. If the street signs posts are installed during frost conditions, the developer shall pay an additional $150.00 for each street sign post location. A cash fee for one-year of streetlight operating expenses shall be paid at the time of final plat approval and is calculated as follows: 58 units x $8.14/unit/qtr. x 4 qtrs. ® $1,888.48 Dwelling Units Streetlight Operating Fee Total 27. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT UTILITY FEE. A cash fee for one-year of surface water management expenses shall be paid at the time of final plat approval and is calculated as follows: 58 units x $7.00/unit/qtr. x 4 qtrs. = $1,624.00 Dwelling Units Surface Water Management Fee Total 28. LANDSCAPING. Unless the lot already has two (2) trees on it, the Developer or lot purchaser shall plant sufficient trees so that there are at least two (2) trees on every lot in the plat, one of which must be planted in the front yard. Trees that are chosen by the Developer or property owner cannot cause a public nuisance, such as cotton producing trees, or trees that may become a public hazard due to bug infestation or weak bark. The minimum deciduous tree size shall be two and one-half (2Yz) inches caliper, balled and burlapped. Evergreen trees must be at least eight feet (8) tall. The trees may not be planted in the right-of-way. The Developer or lot purchaser shall sod the front yard, boulevard, and side 177602W2 12 yards to the rear of the structure on every lot. Weather permitting, the trees, sod, and seed shall be planted within sixty (60) days after a home has received a certificate of occupancy. Before a building permit is issued, a cash escrow of $1,000.00 per lot shall be furnished the City to guarantee compliance with the landscaping requirements. If the landscaping is not completed in a timely manner, the City may enter the lot, perform the work, and apply the cash escrow toward the cost. Upon satisfactory completion of the landscaping the escrow funds, without interest, less any draw made by the City, shall be returned to the person who deposited the funds with the City. All trees shall be warranted to be alive, of good quality, and disease free for twelve (12) months after planting. Any replacements shall be warranted for twelve (12) months from the time of planting. The Developer or property owner is responsible for contacting the City when all the landscaping has been installed to set up an inspection. Fifty percent (50%) of the security will be released when all the landscaping has been installed and inspected by City staff and the remaining fifty percent (50%) will be released one year after the landscaping inspection and any warranty work has been completed. 29. SUFFER YARD SERMILANDSCAPE SCREEN, A buffer yard berm and landscaping screen with a combined height of 10 feet must be provided adjacent to Cedar Avenue, as shown on the plans. A certified grading plan of the buffer yard berms must be submitted and approved by City staff prior to the installation of any buffer yard plantings. 30. TREE PRESERVATION. There are no "save" significant trees within the plat of Cedar 31. SPE;CiAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to plat development: A. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the August 5, 2014, engineering report. B. Before the City signs the final plat, the Developer shall convey Outlots B, D and E to the City by warranty deed, free and clear of any and all encumbi-ances. C. The existing homestead, accessory building, septic system, driveway, culverts, inlet aprons, and landscaping materials shall be removed and wells shall be abandoned with the development. A $30,000.00 security is required with the final plat approval to ensure that this 177602v2 13 work is completed and certified per all applicable codes and regulations. The Developer must obtain a building demolition permit from the Buildings Inspection Department prior to the building removal. D. Pursuant to the City's Public Ways and Property Ordinance, the Developer must bury the existing overhead utility (non -transmission) lines and remove the existing utility poles adjacent to the Cedar Landing. A $1,000.00 security is required at the time of final plat approval to ensure this work is completed. E. The Developer must install a temporary turnaround at the north end of Goodhue Way. Before the City signs the final plat, the Developer shall furnish the City an appropriately executed public temporary turnaround easement in recordable form. A $5,000.00 security is required at the time of final plat approval for the future removal of the temporary cul-de-sac. F. The Developer must install future street extension signs and barricades at the north end of Glade Avenue and the west ends of Greenwood Avenue and Guthrie Drive. G. Prior to execution of the final plat, Developer shall submit for review and approval by the City the homeowner association declaration of covenants for the detached townhome area of Cedar Landing. Homeowner association formation and the approved declarations of covenants must be filed and recorded with the appropriate State and County offices prior to the sale of any lot by the Developer or issuance of a building permit (except for model homes) for any lot in the plat. H. The subdivision identification sign proposed within Outlot F must be setback 15 feet from the 210th Street right-of-way and cannot exceed 100 square feet in area and 10 feet in height. A sign permit application must be submitted by the Developer and approved by the City prior to installation of the subdivision identification sign. i. Prior to City Council approval of the final plat, the Developer shall furnish a boundary survey of the proposed property to be platted with all property corner monumentation in place and marked with lath and a flag. Any encroachments on or adjacent to the property shall be noted on the 177602v2 14 survey. The Developer shall post a $6,800.00 security for the final placement of interior subdivision iron monuments at property corners. The security was calculated as follows: 68 lots/outlots; at $100.00 per lot/outlots. The security will be held by the City until the Developer's land surveyor certifies that all irons have been set following site grading and utility and street construction. In addition, the certificate of survey must also include a certification that all irons for a specific lot have either been found or set prior to the issuance of a building permit for that lot. J. The Developer shall pay a cash fee for the preparation of record construction drawings and City base map updating. This fee is $75.00 per lot for a total charge of $5,100.00. K. The Developer shall be responsible for the cost of street light instailation consistent with a street lighting plan approved by the City. Before the City signs the final plat, the Developer shall post a security for street light installation consistent with the approved plan. The estimated amount of this security is $15,000.00 and consists of two (2) mast -arm street lights at $3,000.00 each and ten post -top street lights at $1,200.00 each. L. The Developer is required to submit the final plat in electronic format. The electronic format shall be either AutoCAD.DWG file or a DXF file. All construction record drawings (e.g., grading, utilities, streets) shall be in electronic format in accordance with standard City specifications. The Developer shall also submit one complete set of reproducible construction plans on Mylar. 32. SUMMARY OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Contract, paymont of real estate taxes including interest and penalties, payment of special assessments, payment of the costs of all public improvements, and construction of all public improvements, the Developer small furnish the City with a cash escroA,,, letter of credit or alternate security, ir the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $1,912.568.91, plus a cash fee of $48,582.72 for City engineering administration. If an alternate security is furnished, the Developer shall also furnish a letter 17760M 15 of credit for twenty-five percent (25%) of the alternate security amount to cover any contract increases. The amount of the security was calculated as follows: CONSTRUCTION COSTS: Developer's Design (6.0%) A. Sanitary Sewer $195,931.60 B. Watermain 268,948.00 C. Storm Sewer 331,010.00 D. Street Construction 643,534.35 E. Erosion Control, Stormwater and Infiltration Basins, 180.000.00 30,000.00 Restoration, Grading and Grading Certification Bury Overhead Utility Lines and Remove Poles 1,000.00 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION COSTS $1,619,423.95 5,000.00 SUBTOTAL -CONSTRUCTION COSTS REQUIRED $1,439,423.95 (The Developer has already provided the security for Erosion Control, Stormwater and Infiltration Basins, Restoration, Grading and Grading Certification in the form of a Letter of Credit in the amount of $180,000.00 to grade with preliminary plat approval.) OTHER COSTS: A. Developer's Design (6.0%) $ 97,165.44 B. Developer's Construction Survey (2.5%) 40,485.60 C. City Legal Expenses (Est. 0.5%) 8,097.12 D. City Construction Observation (Est. 7.0%) 113,359.68 E. Developer's Record Drawings (0.5%) 8,097.12 F. Remove Existing Homestead, Buildings, etc. 30,000.00 G. Bury Overhead Utility Lines and Remove Poles 1,000.00 H. Future Removal of Temporary Cul -de -Sac 5,000.00 I. Landscaping 148,140.00 J. Street Lights 15,000.00 K. Lot Comers/Iron Monuments 6,800.00 OTHER COSTS SUB -TOTAL $ 473,144.96 TOTAL SECURITIES: $1,912,568.91 This breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use of the security. The bank shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The City may draw down the security, on five (5) business days written notice to the Developer, for any violation of the terms of this Contract or without notice if the 177602v2 16 security is allowed to lapse prior to the end of the required term. If the required public improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the security, the City may also draw it down without notice. If the security is dravin down, the proceeds shall be used to cure the default. Upon iaceipt of proof satisfactory to the City that wont has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval the secupty may be reduced from time to time by ninety percent (60%) of the financial obligations that have been satisfied. Ton percent (10%) of the amounts certified by the Developers engineer shall be retaine6 as security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, tha raquired "as constructed" plans have been received by ft My, a warranty security is provided, and the public improvements are accepted by the City Council. The City's standard specii-flications for utility and street construction outline procedures for security reductions. 33. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash requirements under this Contract which must be furnished to the City prior to the City Council signing the final plat: A. Future Upgrade of Hamburg Avenue $35,252.16 B. Hamburg Avenue Future 1 -rail Improvements 3,811.42 C. Lateral Sanliary Sewer Access Charge 38,538.31 D. Sanitary Seli�ier Availability Charge 17,806,00 E. Lateral Watermain Access Charge 37,945.41 F. Trunk Storm Sewar Area Charge 162,134.46 G. Traffic Control Signs 3,700.00 H. Street Light Operating Fee 1,888.48 I. Surface Water Management Utility Fee 1,624.00 J. City Base Map Updating 5"100.00 K. City Engineering Administration .48,582.72 (3% for letters of credit or 3.25% for alternate disbursement) SUBTOTAL CAS4 REQuIREMENTS $356,382.96 CREDITS TO THE CASH REQUIREMENTS Trail Construction into Park Area in Outlot B (Park Dedication) $ 326.63 Outlots D and E (Deeded to the City) (Trunk Storm Sewer) +13,530.00 SUBTOTAL CREDN S TO YHE CASH REQUIREMENTS $ 13,356.63 177602v2 17 TOTAL CASH REQUIREMENTS $342,526.33 34. WARRANTY. The Developer warrants all improvements required to be constructed by it pursuant to this Contract against poor material and faulty workmanship. The warranty period for streets is one year. The warranty period for underground utilities is two years and shall commence following completion and acceptance by City Council. The one year warranty period on streets shall commence after the final wear course has been installed and accepted by the City Council. The Developer shall post maintenance bonds in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of final certified construction costs to secure the warranties. The City shall retain ten percent (10%) of the security posted by the Developer until the maintenance bonds are furnished to the City or until the warranty period expires, whichever first occurs. The retainage may be used to pay for warranty work. The City's standard specifications for utility and street construction identify the procedures for final acceptance of streets and utilities. 35. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all costs reasonably incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development of the plat, including but not limited to Soil and Water Conservation District charges, legal, planning, engineering and construction observation inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the plat, the preparation of this Contract, review of construction plans and documents, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the plat. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorneys' fees. C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees. 177602v2 18 D. The Developer shall pay in cull all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt plat development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per year. E. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges ("SAC"), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. 36. OF.1VE_L0PF-.R`S DEFAU,.`,f. In the avent of dafault by the Daveloper as to any of the work to be per by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer. Except in the case of an emergency, however, as determined in the sole discretion of the City, the Developer is given not less than five (5) days advanced written notice in connection therewith. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be nacessany for the C4 to serf: a Couri order for permission to enter tila 'band. Mien the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 37. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developer represents to the City that the plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the City determines that the plat does not comply, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under -this Coniract. C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. 177602v2 19 D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. E. Grading, curbing, and one lift of asphalt shall be installed on all public and private streets prior to issuance of any building permits, except five (5) model homes on lots acceptable to the Building Official. Approval of an administrative permit in compliance with Chapter 27 of the City's zoning ordinance is required prior to the construction of any model homes. F If building permits are issued prior to the acceptance of public improvements, the Developer assumes all liability and costs resulting in delays in completion of public improvements and damage to public improvements caused by the City, Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, material men, employees, agents, or third parties. No sewer and water connections or inspections may be conducted and no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. G. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. H. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being final platted; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. I. The Developer and contractor shall acquire public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out 177602v2 20 of the Developer's work or the work of their subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. The insurance must be maintained until six (6) months after the City has accepted the public improvements. Limits for bodily injury and death shall be not less than $500,000 for one person and $1,000,000 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $200,000 for each occurrence; or a combination single limit policy of $1,000,000 or more. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy on a primary and noncontributory basis, and the Developer and contractor shall file with the City a certificate evidencing coverage prior to the City signing the plat. The certificate shall provide that the City must be given ten (10) days advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance. The Developer must provide a Certificate of insurance which meets the following requirements: 1. The Description section of the Accord form needs to read "City of Lakeville is named as Additional Insured with respect to the General Liability and Auto Liability policies on a Primary and Mon -Contributory Basis." Each policy shall provide 30 days notice of cancellation to Cibj of Lakeville. 2. Certificate Holder must be City of Lakeville. 3. Provide copy of policy endorsement showing City of Lakeville named as Additional Insured on a Primary and Non -Contributory Basis. J. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. K. The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council. The Developers obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells one or more lots, the entire plat, or any part of it. 177602v2 21 L. Retaining walls that require a building permit shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a structural or geotechnical engineer licensed by the State of Minnesota. Following construction, a certification signed by the design engineer shall be filed with the Building Official evidencing that the retaining wall was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All retaining walls identified on the development plans and by special conditions referred to in this Contract shall be constructed before any other building permit is issued for a lot on which a retaining wall is required to be built. M. Upon completion and approval by the City of the improvements to be constructed by the Developer hereunder and the performance of all other obligations hereunder (including warranty obligations) the City shall, upon written request from the Developer, execute and deliver to the Developer a release of this Agreement in recordable form. 38. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: Michael W. Devoe, The Ryland Group, Inc., 7599 Anagram Drive, Eden Prairie MN 55344. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Lakeville City Hall, 20195 Holyoke Avenue, Lakeville, Minnesota 55044. IThe remainder of this page has been intentionally left blank. Signature pages follow.] 177602v2 22 �C OFLAKEV|LLE AND STATE OFMINNESOTA \ )ss. COUNTY C)FDAKOTA \ att Little, Mayor Charlene Friedges, City Clerk The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before mo this _______day of 2014. by Matt Little and by Charlene Fr�d* �gen. the Mayor �Ckark of the City of LahsmU|e. o Minnesota municipal oorporaton, on behalf ofthe corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its 1776021,2 23 DEVELOPER: THE RYLAND GRO 'P INC s BY: Its V L10 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF��TSA" ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this E �3 day of Au Cz , 2014, by 0 j aICL, 4 LO i,Q \j y the 0 v c UI�U I rr04r r., f of The Ryland Group, Inc., a Maryland corporation, on behalf of said corporation. w n'W 1 Lx al-a2�aa= NO r PUBLIC �TH6°u> JODI L. PEARSON .i Fo Notary Public State of Minnesota My Commission Expires January 31. 2015 DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 RNK:cjh 177602v2 24 'EE OWNER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT S. M. HENTGES & SONS, INC., a Minnesota corporation, fee owner of all or part of the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, affirms and consents to the provisions thereof and agrees to be bound by the provisions as the same may apply to that portion of the subject property owned by it. Dated this day of �n.b .,t�x�� , 2014. J S. M. HENTGES &- SONS, INC. By: Its: V STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTYOF 5cv6t ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this i day of 2014, by PO'C412 /I 144n � the VP of S. M. He tges & Sons, Inc., a Minnesota corporatio , on behalf of said?TAR ration. PUBL1_c— DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 (651) 452-5000 RNK:cjh 177602v2 25 �t.AN G. SCfiNEIDER IVOTARY PUBLIC MINNESOTA ;rs ibfy CO-16si®n Expires Jan. 31. 2015 EXHIBIT "A" TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT Legal Description of Property Being Final Platted as CEDAR LANDING That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 21 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the south line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 375.25 feet to the southwest comer of Dakota County Road Right of Way Map No. 228A, according to the recorded map thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota, the Point of Beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 89 degrees 57 minutes 21 seconds West, a distance of 740.02 feet; thence North 00 degrees 26 minutes 35 seconds East, a distance of 1023.51 feet to the south line of the North 1616.00 feet of said Southeast Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 58 minutes 28 seconds East, along said south line of the North 1616.00 feet, a distance of 895.97 feet to a point on the westerly right of way line of said Dakota County Road Right of Way Map No. 228A; thence South 17 degrees 48 minutes 40 seconds West, along said westerly right of way line, a distance of 61.11 feet; thence continuing along said westerly right of way line, along a tangential curve, concave to the east, having a radius of 1223.29 feet, a central angle of 34 degrees 44 minutes 15 seconds and an are length of 741.66 feet; thence continuing along said westerly right of way line, South 16 degrees 55 minutes 35 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 182.83 feet; thence continuing along said westerly right of way line, South 77 degrees 13 minutes 23 seconds West, a distance of 17.99 feet; thence continuing along said westerly right of way line, along a tangential curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 951.25 feet, a central angle of 10 degrees 39 minutes 39 seconds and an arc length of 177.00 feet; thence continuing along said westerly right of way line, South 00 degrees 02 minutes 39 seconds East, not tangent to last described curve, a distance of 33.00 feet to the point of beginning. Together with: That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 21 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the south line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1115.27 feet, to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 89 degrees 57 minutes 21 seconds West, along said south line, a distance of 851.11 feet; thence North 00 degrees 26 minutes 35 seconds East, a distance of 1023.79 feet; thence North 89 degrees 58 minutes 28 seconds East, a distance of 851.10 feet; thence South 00 degrees 26 minutes 35 seconds West, a distance of 1023.51 feet to the point of beginning. Together with: That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 28, Township 114, Range 20, Dakota County. Minnesota, described as follows: 177602v2 26 Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 21 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the south line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1966.38 feet to the actual Point of Beginning of the land to be described; thenca continuing South 80, degreas 57 minutes 21 seconds West, along said south line, a distance of 668.20 feet to the southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter, thence I-,!orth 00 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds East, along said west line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1207J5 feet; thence worth 89 degrees 58 minutes 28 seconds East, a distance of 1019.37 feet to a point on the west line of the East 1616.00 feet of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 26 minutes 35 seconds West, along said wrest line of the East 1616.00 feet of the Southeast Quarter, a distance of 183.16 feet to a point on the south line of the North 1616.00 feet of said Southeast Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes 28 seconds West, along said south line of the North 1616.00 feet of the Southeast Quarter, a distance of 350.31 feet; thence South 00 degrees 26 minutes 35 seconds West, a distance of 1023.79 feet to the point of beginning. 177602v2 2"! (Reserved for Recording Data) WARRANTY DEED STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $1.65 Dated:u�pc FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE RYLAND GROUP, INC., a Maryland corporation, Grantor, hereby conveys and warrants to the CITY OF LAKEVILLE, a Minnesota municipal corporation, Grantee, real property in Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Outlots B, D, and E, Cedar Landing, according to the recorded plat thereof, together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to the following exceptions: A. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, declarations and easements of record, if any; B. Reservations of minerals or mineral rights by the State of Minnesota, if any; C. Building and zoning laws, ordinances, state and federal regulations. THE GRANTOR CERTIFIES THAT THE GRANTOR DOES NOT KNOW OF ANY WELLS ON THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY. 177614v1 The consideration for this transfer was less than $500.00. THE RYLAND GROUP, INC. BY: jA"-"Lk& It STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF D�1� �, �p �C-►=FAu­' ))ss. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this , 41-r-1 day of f- , 2014, by J E Q ,., A "I iAkkd the Q,�Ay f? of The R land Group, Inc., a Maryland corporation, on behalf of said corporation. nm NO' Y PUBLIC 'ODI L. PEARSON E Notary Public State of Minnesota My Commission Expires January 31, 2015 Check here if part or all of the land is Registered (Torrens) Tax Statements for the real property described in this instrument should be sent to (Include name and address of Grantee): City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, Minnesota 55044 DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 AMP/cjh 177614v1 (reserved for recording information) GRANT OF TEMPORARY TURNAROUND EASEMENTS THIS AGREEMENT made this day of Gid 5�- , 2014, by and between THE RYLAND GROUP, INC., a Maryland corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto the CITY OF LAKEVILLE, a Minnesota municipal corporation, the Grantee, hereinafter referred to as "City", its successors and assigns, temporary easements for public roadway, drainage, utility and construction purposes, over, on, across, under, and through the land situated within the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, legally described on the attached Exhibit "A" and depicted on the attached Exhibit "B" TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, unto the City, its successors and assigns, commencing upon execution of this easement and automatically expiring when Goodhue Way is extended to the north through the cul-de-sac, together with the right of ingress to and egress from the property, for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, repairing, and maintaining 177624v1 the property of the City, at the will of the City, its successors and assigns; it being the intention hereto that the Grantor hereby grants the uses herein specified without divesting itself of the right to use and enjoy the above described temporary easement premises, subject only to the right of the City to use the same for the purposes herein expressed. It is understood by the Grantor that the City shall not be responsible for any restoration or replacement costs or damages resulting from the construction and maintenance of the easement premises. It is further understood that vegetation may be removed and that excavation will occur on the easement premises. The above named Grantor, its successors and assigns, does covenant with the City, its successors and assigns, that it is well seized in fee title of the above described easement premises; that it has the sole right to grant and convey the easements to the City; that there are no unrecorded interests in the easement premises; and that it will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor hereto has signed this agreement the day and year first above written. [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank] 2 177624v1 GRANTOR: THE RYLAND GROUP, INC. BY; STATE OF MINNE S O TA ) COUNTY OF D7MIOTA) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this J k day o 2014, by Q� Wjj the "Ay � of The R and Group, Inc., a Maryland corporation, on behalf of said corporation. ON a M E �, W 17 N 1, • — _ �a'NLep�,, JODI L. PEARSON * ; Notary Public u State of Minnesota My Commission Expires ,.„ = January 31 , 2015 DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 AMPlcjh 177624vl EXHIBIT "A" TO TEMPORARY TURNAROUND EASEMENT A 100.00 foot wide temporary easement for public roadway, drainage, utility and construction purposes lying over, under, and across Outlot C, CEDAR LANDING, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota the centerline of said easement is described as follows; Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 2, Block 4, said CEDAR LANDING; thence on an assumed bearing of South 82 degrees 41 minutes 50 seconds East along the north line of said Lot 2, a distance of 115.42 feet; thence South 89 degrees 32 minutes 45 seconds East along said north line, a distance of 25.11 feet; thence North 82 degrees 16 minutes 22 seconds East along the south line of Outlot C, said CEDAR LANDING, a distance of 30.00 feet to the point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence North 07 degrees 43 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 100.00 feet and there terminating. The sidelines of said easement shall be prolonged or shortened to tenninate on the north line of said Lot 2 and the north line of Lot 9, Block 5, said CEDAR LANDING. 4 1776241 OUTLOT C N LINE LOT 2, BLK 4 "'-------- r'' .'v '— v - 1 y� N LINE LOT 9, BLK 5 i I o ON 1 � J Na 4 W�1 Z w, �I0 of o� c5 9 5 2 LEGA[ DESCRIPTION FOR A TEMPORARY TURNAROUND EASEMENT A 100.00 foot wide temporary easement for turnaround purposes lying over, under, and across Outlot C, CEDAR LANDING, according to the recorded plot thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota the centerline of sold easement is described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 2, Block 4, sold CEDAR LANDING; thence on an assumed becring of South 82 degrees 41 minutes 50 seconds East along the north line of sold Lot 2, a distance of 115.42 feet; thence South 89 degrees 32 minutes 45 seconds East along sold north line, a distance of 25.11 feet; thence North 82 degrees 16 minutes 22 seoncds East along the south line of Gullet C. sold CEDAR LANDING, a distance of 30.00 feel to the point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence North 07 degrees 43 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 100,00 feet and there terminating. The sidelines of sold easement shall be prolonged or shortened to terminale on the north line of sold Lot 2 and the north line of Lot 9, Block 5, sold CEDAR LANDING. (This legal description shall become valid upon recording the plat of CEDAR LANDING) x THIS SKETCH DOES RIOT PURPORT TO SHOW THE EXISTENCE OR NONEXISTENCE OF ANY ENCROACHMENTS FROM OR ON70 THE HEREON DESCRIBED LAND, EASEMENTS OF RECORD OR UNRECORDED EASEMENTS WHICH AFFECT SAID LAND OR ANY IMPROVEMENTS TO SAID LAND. 2014 Pioneer Ensineerina. P.A Not to Scale DENOTES PROPOSED EASEMENT Description Sketch for: Ryland Homes neerin P.A, PIONEEReno g Cad Pile: ,..� , 11Lmarouei Turom ed (D CNILPN0LYrA5 rAND TLV\NF95 IANDSURV5Y0x5 LlNDSCAlFARCimECi3 Folder#: 7588 ..� (651)681-1914 2422 En[erprise Drive F-681-9483 Drawn by: mdp Mendota heights, MN 55120 wwnv.pioneercng,com 2014 Pioneer Ensineerina. P.A Not to Scale DENOTES PROPOSED EASEMENT Description Sketch for: Ryland Homes (reserved or recording information) GRANT OF TEMPORARY DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT THE RYLAND GROUP, INC., a Maryland corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto the CITY OF LAKEVILLE, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, the Grantee, hereinafter referred to as the "City", its successors and assigns, a temporary easement for public drainage and utility purposes over, on, across, under and through the land situated within the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, legally described on the attached Exhibit A and depicted on the attached Exhibit B (the "Easement Premises"). TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, unto the City, its successors and assigns, commencing upon execution of this easement and expiring when the property subject to this easement is final platted into lots and blocks or deeded to the City, together with the right of ingress to and egress from the Easement Premises, for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, repairing, and maintaining the property of the City, at the will of the City, its successors and assigns; it being the intention of the parties hereto that the Grantor hereby grants the uses herein 177639v1 specified without divesting itself of the right to use and enjoy the above described temporary Easement Premises, subject only to the right of the City to use the same for the purposes herein expressed. It is understood by the Grantor that the City shall not be responsible for any restoration or replacement costs or damages resulting from the construction and maintenance of the Easement Premises. It is further understood that vegetation will be removed and that excavation will occur on the Easement Premises. The above named Grantor, its successors and assigns, does covenant with the City, its successors and assigns, that it is well seized in fee title of the above described Easement Premises; that it has the sole right to grant and convey the easement to the City; that there are no unrecorded interests in the Easement Premises; and that it will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Grantor hereto has signed this easement the day and year first above written. GRANTOR: THE RYL D GROUP, INC. By:. 177639v1 2 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF tku-) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2014, by _Vj, ���_ the of The Ryland Group, Inc., a Maryland corporation, on behalf of said corporation. 611 A N Y PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: 651-452-5000 AMP/cjh 177639v1 a JODI L. PEARSON Notary Public State of Minnesota My Commission Expires January 31 , 2015 EXHIBIT A TO GRANT OF TEMPORARY DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT A temporary easement for drainage and utility purposes lying over, under, and across that part of Outlot C, CEDAR LANDING, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Outlot C; thence on an assumed bearing of South 17 degrees 48 minutes 39 seconds West along the east line of said Outlot C, a distance of 61.11 feet; thence continuing southwesterly along said east line a distance of 96.94 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the southeast, having a radius of 1223.29 and a central angle of 04 degrees 32 minutes 26 seconds; thence North 81 degrees 36 minutes 23 seconds West not tangent to said curve, a distance of 228.84 feet; thence northerly a distance of 93.24 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the west, having a radius of 3 80.00 feet, a central angle of 14 degrees 03 minutes 32 seconds, and a chord bearing of North 05 degrees 07 minutes 41 seconds West; thence North 12 degrees 09 minutes 27 seconds West tangent to said curve, a distance of 25.96 feet to the north line of said Outlot C; thence North 89 degrees 58 minutes 28 seconds East along said north line, a distance of 284.83 feet to the point of beginning. MUD A temporary easement for drainage and utility purposes lying over, under, and across that part of Outlot A, CEDAR LANDING, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Outlot A; thence on an assumed bearing of North 89 degrees 58 minutes 28 seconds East along the north line of said Outlot A, a distance of 409.60 feet; thence South 71 degrees 13 minutes 14 seconds West, a distance of 92.08 feet; thence South 61 degrees 29 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 49 degrees 12 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 36 degrees 54 minutes 34 seconds West, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 24 degrees 36 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 15 degrees 15 minutes 03 seconds West, a distance of 92.17 feet; thence South 00 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 305.92 feet; thence South 14 degrees 45 minutes 08 seconds East, a distance of 121.43 feet; thence South 27 degrees 02 minutes 43 seconds East, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 39 degrees 20 minutes 19 seconds East, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 51 degrees 37 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 63 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds East, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 76 degrees 13 minutes 06 seconds East, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 88 degrees 35 minutes 47 seconds East, a distance of 149.59 feet; thence South 84 degrees 33 minutes 17 seconds East, a distance of 68.21 feet; thence South 79 degrees 43 minutes 35 seconds East, a distance of 68.18 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, said CEDAR LANDING; thence South 79 degrees 26 minutes 02 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 1, a distance of 95.26 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 1 and east line of said Outlot A; thence southerly, a distance of 13.31 feet; along said east line, along a non-tangential curve 1776390 4 concave to the east having a radius of 730.00 feet, a central angle of 01 degrees 02 minutes 39 seconds, and a chord bearing of South 00 degrees 28 minutes 40 seconds West; thence South 00 degrees 02 minutes 39 seconds East, a distance of 40.59 feet to the southeast corner of said Outlot A; thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 21 seconds West along the south line of said Outlot A, a distance of 812.96 feet to the southwest corner of said Outlot A; thence North 00 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds East along the west line of said Outlot A, a distance of 1167.14 feet to the point of beginning. 177639v1 5 EXHIBIT B NE CORNER OUTLOT C- ;-: NSg?5r828 !; 7W 5 06 ,��r b_l gUTLQT C; OD CR J08 r Y 1� cr AAaN �. y (jam l N81-.315 , 32 - -' C� ( 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR A TFMpORARY DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASE T A temporary easement for drainage and utility purposes lying over, under, and across that port of Outlot C, CEDAR LANDING, according to the recorded plat thereof Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of sold Outlot C; thence on on assumed bearing of South 17 degrees 48 minutes 39 seconds West along the cost line of sold Outat C, o distance of 61.11 feet; thence continuing southwesterly along said east line a distance of 96.94 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the southeast, having a radius of 1223.29 and o central angle of 04 degrees 32 minutes 26 seconds; thence North 81 degrees 36 minutes 23 seconds West not tangent to said curve, a distance of 228.84 feet; thence northerly a distance of 93.24 feet along a non—tongentlal curve concave to the west, having a radius of 380.00 feet, a central angle of 14 degrees 03 minutes 32 seconds, and o chord bearing of North 05 degrees 07 minutes 41 seconds Wast; thence North 12 degrees 09 minutes 27 seconds West tangent to said curve, a distance of 25.96 feet to the north tine of sold Outlot C; thence North 89 degrees 58 minutes 2B seconds East along sold north line, o distance of 284.83 feel to the point of beginning, (THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHALL BECOME VALID UPON RECORDING THE PLAT OF CEDAR LANDING) * THIS SKETCH DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW THE EXISTENCE OR NONEXISTENCE OF ANY ENCROACHMENTS FROM OR ONTO THE HEREON DESCRIBED LAND, EASEMENTS OF RECORD OR UNRECORDED EASEMENTS WHICH AFFECT SAID LAND OR ANY IMPROVEMENTS TO SAID LAND. .. PI NEEReno yyng r� A 'noel e,p Cad File: 113228 -Temp 113228ure OutlnLc , r.A, y� CIVIL@:e We!➢.e UND PL1Ma!xY U1:aStlaV eYORi rAM12CU'¢ARCIIa'e:19 Folder #: 7588 2422 8nte dee Drive (651)681-1914 rn Foca 681-9498 Drawn by: lndp Mmdow lieighte, MN 55120 w .pinnetreng.corn 14 I N ---O'''T TO SCALE DENOTES PROPOSED L EASEMENT Description Sketch for: Ryland Homes i .NW CORNER OUTLOT A a �h� 10 m LIJ L LIJ I o. o N z P� 3 �^ �8�P �_- SW CORNER DOW A LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR A TEMPCFARY.-Q3AINA.G.E.-AN0 UTILITY EASEMENT Atemporary easement for drainage and utility purposes lying over, under, and across that part of OuVol A, CEDAR LANDING, according to the recorded plot thereof Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows; Beginning at the northwest corner of sold Outlet A; thence on an assumed bearing of North 89 degrees 58 minutes 28 seconds East along the north line of sold Outlet A, o distance of 409.60 feet; thence South 71 degrees 13 minutes 14 seconds West, a distance of 92.08 feet; thence South 61 degrees 29 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 49 degrees 12 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 36 degrees 54 minutes 34 seconds West, a distance of 91.54 feel; thence South 24 degrees 36 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 91,54 feet; thence South 15 degrees 15 minutes 03 seconds West, a distance of 92.17 feet; thence South 00 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 3D5,92 feel; thence South 14 degrees 45 minutes 08 seconds East, o distance of 121.43 feet; thence South 27 degrees 02 minutes 43 seconds East, o distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 39 degrees 20 minutes 19 seconds East, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 51 degrees 37 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 91.64 feet; thence South 83 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds East, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 75 degrees 13 minutes 06 seconds East, a distance of 91,54 feet; thence South 88 degrees 35 minutes 47 seconds East, a distance of 149.59 feet thence South 84 degrees 33 minutes 17 seconds East, a distance of 68.21 feel; thence South 79 degrees 43 minutes 35 seconds Eost, a distance of 68.18 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, sold CEDAR LANDING; thence South 79 degrees 26 minutes 02 seconds East along the south line of sold Lot 1, a distance of 95.25 feet to the southeast corner of sold Lot 1 and east line of said Outlet A; thence southerly, a distance of 13.31 feet, olong said east line, along o non-tongenilal curve concave to the east having a radius of 730.00 feet, a central angle of 01 degrees 02 minutes 39 seconds, and a chord bearing of South 00 degrees 2B minutes 40 seconds West; thence South 00 degrees 02 minutes 39 seconds East, a distance of 40,59 feel to the southeast corner of sold Outlet A; thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 21 seconds West along the south line of sold Outlot A, a distance of 812.96 feet to the southwest corner of sold Outlet A; thence North 00 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds East along the west line of sold Outlet A, a distance of 1167.14 feet to the point of beginning. ' N \7 1 IN 1� /\I I­1_IL_r, �- A VU I e` J i !1 �IL- N11 I ,r- I Ntp 1 9 3 �� X53 v wow INoI '1 �_ ef308 I�� ISs ,l o —. � 138'3 47"E 149 59 ��ti.. SE CORNER E ONE OU,AA" t` L1,IBLK 1 y - spa L — W 812.961 SE CORNER OUTLOT A- �0z"9 2`?S, P (THIS LECAI. DESCRIPTION SHALL BECOME VALID UPON RECORDING THE PLAT OF CEDAR LANDING) + THIS SKETCH DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW THE EXISTENCE OR NONEXISTENCE OF ANY ENCROACHMENTS FROM OR ONTO THE HEREON DESCRIBED LAND, EASEMENTS OF RECORD OR UNRECORDED EASEMENTS WHICH AFFECT SAID LAND OR ANY IMPROVEMENTS 70 SAID LAND. 1 DENOTES PROPOSED EASEMENT NOT TO SCALE NEER engineeringEA, Cad Fllc; 113228 -Temp DU -FUN e0allots Description Sketch for: LPI usonnvsvass Iwrrosc•renlomr�is (651)691-1914 TDlder#: 7588 Ryland Homes 2422 Er,rpd.e Drive Paz: 681.9488 Drawls by: mdp Mesd.w Heii his, NIN 55120 www.pianeasng.com Z 2014 Pioneer V.eineerie¢. RA. �_- SW CORNER DOW A LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR A TEMPCFARY.-Q3AINA.G.E.-AN0 UTILITY EASEMENT Atemporary easement for drainage and utility purposes lying over, under, and across that part of OuVol A, CEDAR LANDING, according to the recorded plot thereof Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows; Beginning at the northwest corner of sold Outlet A; thence on an assumed bearing of North 89 degrees 58 minutes 28 seconds East along the north line of sold Outlet A, o distance of 409.60 feet; thence South 71 degrees 13 minutes 14 seconds West, a distance of 92.08 feet; thence South 61 degrees 29 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 49 degrees 12 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 36 degrees 54 minutes 34 seconds West, a distance of 91.54 feel; thence South 24 degrees 36 minutes 58 seconds West, a distance of 91,54 feet; thence South 15 degrees 15 minutes 03 seconds West, a distance of 92.17 feet; thence South 00 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds West, a distance of 3D5,92 feel; thence South 14 degrees 45 minutes 08 seconds East, o distance of 121.43 feet; thence South 27 degrees 02 minutes 43 seconds East, o distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 39 degrees 20 minutes 19 seconds East, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 51 degrees 37 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 91.64 feet; thence South 83 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds East, a distance of 91.54 feet; thence South 75 degrees 13 minutes 06 seconds East, a distance of 91,54 feet; thence South 88 degrees 35 minutes 47 seconds East, a distance of 149.59 feet thence South 84 degrees 33 minutes 17 seconds East, a distance of 68.21 feel; thence South 79 degrees 43 minutes 35 seconds Eost, a distance of 68.18 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1, sold CEDAR LANDING; thence South 79 degrees 26 minutes 02 seconds East along the south line of sold Lot 1, a distance of 95.25 feet to the southeast corner of sold Lot 1 and east line of said Outlet A; thence southerly, a distance of 13.31 feet, olong said east line, along o non-tongenilal curve concave to the east having a radius of 730.00 feet, a central angle of 01 degrees 02 minutes 39 seconds, and a chord bearing of South 00 degrees 2B minutes 40 seconds West; thence South 00 degrees 02 minutes 39 seconds East, a distance of 40,59 feel to the southeast corner of sold Outlet A; thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 21 seconds West along the south line of sold Outlot A, a distance of 812.96 feet to the southwest corner of sold Outlet A; thence North 00 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds East along the west line of sold Outlet A, a distance of 1167.14 feet to the point of beginning. ' N \7 1 IN 1� /\I I­1_IL_r, �- A VU I e` J i !1 �IL- N11 I ,r- I Ntp 1 9 3 �� X53 v wow INoI '1 �_ ef308 I�� ISs ,l o —. � 138'3 47"E 149 59 ��ti.. SE CORNER E ONE OU,AA" t` L1,IBLK 1 y - spa L — W 812.961 SE CORNER OUTLOT A- �0z"9 2`?S, P (THIS LECAI. DESCRIPTION SHALL BECOME VALID UPON RECORDING THE PLAT OF CEDAR LANDING) + THIS SKETCH DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW THE EXISTENCE OR NONEXISTENCE OF ANY ENCROACHMENTS FROM OR ONTO THE HEREON DESCRIBED LAND, EASEMENTS OF RECORD OR UNRECORDED EASEMENTS WHICH AFFECT SAID LAND OR ANY IMPROVEMENTS 70 SAID LAND. 1 DENOTES PROPOSED EASEMENT NOT TO SCALE NEER engineeringEA, Cad Fllc; 113228 -Temp DU -FUN e0allots Description Sketch for: LPI usonnvsvass Iwrrosc•renlomr�is (651)691-1914 TDlder#: 7588 Ryland Homes 2422 Er,rpd.e Drive Paz: 681.9488 Drawls by: mdp Mesd.w Heii his, NIN 55120 www.pianeasng.com Z 2014 Pioneer V.eineerie¢. RA. % + 8 + .  ' 0 ) + 0 ' ' 4 5 . # 0 &  2 . # 0 0 ' 4 5 . # 0 &  5 7 4 8 ' ; 1 4 5 . # 0 & 5 % # 2 '  # 4 % * + 6 ' % 6 5 % + 8 + .  ' 0 ) + 0 ' ' 4 5 . # 0 &  2 . # 0 0 ' 4 5 . # 0 &  5 7 4 8 ' ; 1 4 5 . # 0 & 5 % # 2 '  # 4 % * + 6 ' % 6 5 City of Lakeville Planning Department Memorandum To: Mayor and City Council From: Daryl Morey, Planning Director Date: August 11, 2014 Subject: Cedar Landing Final Plat INTRODUCTION Ryland Homes representatives have submitted a final plat application and plans for Cedar Landing, which consists of 37 single family lots, 21 detached townhome lots, four common area (HOA) lots, and six outlots on 60 acres of land located north of 210th Street, west of Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23), and east of Hamburg Avenue (Exhibit A). This is the first development phase of the Cedar Landing preliminary plat of 98 single family lots and 45 detached townhome units approved by the City Council on June 2, 2014. In conjunction with the preliminary plat, the easterly portion of the property was rezoned from RM-1 to RST-2 in order to have consistent zoning for the entire preliminary plat. Single family homes and detached townhomes are permitted uses within the RST-2 District. The Cedar Landing final plat is consistent with the approved preliminary plat. The Cedar Landing final plat plans have been distributed to Engineering and Parks and Recreation staff for review and comment. EXHIBITS Exhibit A – Aerial Location Map Exhibit B – Zoning Map Exhibit C – Approved Preliminary Plat Exhibit D – Final Plat (2 pages) Exhibit E – Area Sketch Exhibit F – Civil Plan Cover Sheet Exhibit G – Site Plan (2 pages) Exhibit H – Overall Utility Plan Exhibit I – Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan (3 pages) Exhibit J – Storm Sewer and Draintile Plan (5 pages) Exhibit K – Grading and Drainage Plan (3 sheets) Exhibit L – Erosion Control Plan Exhibit M – Landscape/Tree Preservation Plan (2 sheets) Exhibit N – Dakota County Plat Commission Letter Cedar Landing Final Plat August 18, 2014 City Council Meeting PLANNING ANALYSIS Existing Conditions. The subject property includes an existing farmhouse, outbuilding, well and septic system. These buildings will be removed and the well and septic system will be abandoned in compliance with local regulations. Soil remediation has been completed in the area around the farmhouse and outbuilding. The site is currently being graded as allowed by a grading permit that was approved following City Council approval of the preliminary plat. Density. The Cedar Landing final plat proposes 58 dwellings on 24.75 acres, excluding the future development phases and park in outlots A, B and C, resulting in a gross density of 2.34 dwelling units/acre. The net density, excluding all outlots, is 2.61 dwelling units/acre. Single Family Lots. The Cedar Landing final plat consists of 37 single family lots and 21 detached townhome lots. The RST-2 District lot requirements for the 37 single family lots are as follows: Lot Area (Interior) Lot Area (Corner) Lot Width (Interior) Lot Width (Corner) 8,400 s.f. 10,200 s.f. 70 feet 85 feet All 37 single family lots in the final plat meet the lot area and width requirements of the RS-4 District. In addition, a maximum building coverage of 40% is allowed in the RS-4 District. Single Family Setbacks. The RST-2 District single family building setback requirements are as follows: Front Side (Interior) Side (Corner) Rear 20 feet (house) 25 feet (garage) 7 feet 20 feet 30 feet Proposed house pads are shown on the grading and drainage plan and comply with the building setback requirements. Lookout and walkout lots that may have single family homes with decks with a height greater than 30 inches above grade should be identified. Decks with a height greater than 30 inches above grade must be set back 30 feet from the rear lot line as required by the Section 11-17-11.A.2.b of the Zoning Ordinance. A reduced rear yard setback is allowed under Section 11-17-11.B of the Zoning Ordinance for those lots abutting Outlots B and E. 2 Cedar Landing Final Plat August 18, 2014 City Council Meeting Detached Townhome Setbacks. The RST-2 District detached townhome building setback requirements are as follows: Base Lot 30 feet ROW 30 feet Between Bldgs. 20 feet Cedar Ave. 50 feet Proposed detached townhome building pads are shown on the grading and drainage plan and comply with the building setback requirements. The detached townhome unit lots have sufficient area to accommodate decks or three season porches. Detached Townhome Design and Construction Standards. The detached townhomes must meet the RST-2 District design and construction standards of Section 11-57-19 of the Zoning Ordinance. Outlots. The Cedar Landing final plat proposes six outlots as follows: Outlot A: Future single family development phase (23.52 acres). Will be retained by the developer. Outlot B: Future City park (3.36 acres). Will be deeded to the City. Outlot C: Future detached townhome development phase (8.37 acres). Will be retained by the developer. Outlot D: Stormwater management basin (1.10 acres). To be deeded to the City. Outlot E: Stormwater management basin (1.36 acres). To be deeded to the City. Outlot F: Subdivision identification monument sign (0.04 acres). Will be retained by the developer. The developer will receive a $5,500/acre credit to the trunk storm sewer area charge for deeding Outlots D and E to the City. Streets. The Cedar Landing final plat is located adjacent to Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23), Hamburg Avenue, and 210th Street. Cedar Avenue is designated as a minor arterial in the City’s Transportation Plan. Cedar Avenue is a four-lane divided urban roadway adjacent to the final plat. There is a trail on the west side of Cedar Avenue adjacent to Cedar Landing. No additional right-of-way dedication or street improvements are required for Cedar Avenue. Because the final plat abuts Cedar Avenue, it was reviewed by the Dakota County Plat Commission at their July 28, 2014 meeting. The Plat Commission approved the final plat and noted that the existing 210th Street full access at Cedar Avenue will be restricted to right-in, right-out only access in the future. 3 Cedar Landing Final Plat August 18, 2014 City Council Meeting Hamburg Avenue is designated as a minor collector in the City’s Transportation Plan. The final plat includes a 40 foot east half right-of-way dedication for Hamburg Avenue in compliance with Subdivision Ordinance requirements. A cash escrow for the future upgrade of Hamburg Avenue to an urban section, including a trail on the east side, must be submitted with the Cedar Landing final plat as described in the August 5, 2014 engineering report. 210th Street is designated as a local street in the City’s Transportation Plan but it will function more like a minor collector with the development of Cedar Landing and the future development/redevelopment of the properties to the south. The final plat includes a 40 foot north half right-of-way dedication for 210th Street consistent with a minor collector. In addition, the developer will upgrade the north side of 210th Street to an urban section, including a sidewalk on the north side. The Cedar Landing final plat proposes the construction of the following streets: Glade Avenue is a local street that will provide access to 210th Street and will serve the detached townhome area of Cedar Landing. The Glade Avenue intersection with 210th Street aligns with existing Glade Avenue to the south. A 60 foot right-of-way width and 32 foot street width is identified for Glade Avenue in compliance with Subdivision Ordinance requirements. A five foot concrete sidewalk will be constructed by the developer on the east side. A street barricade must be installed at the north end of Glade Avenue until it is extended with a future phase of the Cedar Landing development. Goodhue Way is a local street that will serve the detached townhome area of Cedar Landing. A 60 foot right-of-way width and 32 foot street width is identified for Goodhue Way in compliance with Subdivision Ordinance requirements. A five foot concrete sidewalk will be constructed by the developer on the south/west side. A temporary turnaround is required on the north end of Goodhue Way until it is extended with a future phase of the Cedar Landing development. A temporary turnaround easement and a $5,000 security for the future removal of the temporary turnaround must be submitted by the developer in conjunction with the Cedar Landing final plat. Grommet Avenue is a local street that will provide access to 210th Street and will serve the single family area of Cedar Landing. The Grommet Avenue intersection with 210th Street aligns with an existing driveway access to the Dakota County CDA’s Lakeville Family Housing development to the south. A 60 foot right-of-way width and 32 foot street width is identified for Grommet Avenue in compliance with Subdivision Ordinance requirements. A five foot concrete sidewalk will be constructed by the developer on the west side. Guthrie Drive is a local street that will serve the single family area of Cedar Landing. A 60 foot right-of-way width and 32 foot street width is identified for Guthrie Drive in compliance with Subdivision Ordinance requirements. A five foot concrete sidewalk will be constructed by the developer on the south side. A street barricade must be installed at the west end of Guthrie Drive until it is extended with a future phase of the Cedar Landing development. 4 Cedar Landing Final Plat August 18, 2014 City Council Meeting Greenwood Avenue is a local street that will provide access for both the single family and detached townhome areas of Cedar Landing. A 60 foot right-of-way width and 32 foot street width is identified for Greenwood Avenue in compliance with Subdivision Ordinance requirements. A five foot concrete sidewalk will be constructed by the developer on the north side. A street barricade must be installed at the west end of Greenwood Avenue until it is extended with a future phase of the Cedar Landing development. Greenwood Court is a local cul-de-sac street that will serve the single family area of Cedar Landing. A 60 foot right-of-way width and 32 foot street width, along with a 60 foot right-of-way and 45 foot turnaround radius is identified for Greenwood Court in compliance with Subdivision Ordinance requirements. The length of the cul-de-sac also meets Subdivision Ordinance requirements. Landscaping. A landscape plan (Exhibit M) has been submitted with the final plat. Proposed landscaping includes buffer yard screening adjacent to Cedar Avenue, perimeter landscaping along 210th Street, landscaping between the detached townhomes and the single family lots, landscaping around the proposed stormwater ponds within outlots A, C, D and E, and foundation plantings for the detached townhomes. A $148,140 security is required with the final plat to guarantee installation of the approved landscaping based on the estimate provided by the developer. Subdivision Identification Sign. A subdivision identification sign is proposed within Outlot F. The sign must be setback 15 feet from the 210th Street right-of-way and cannot exceed 100 square feet in area and 10 feet in height. A sign permit application must be submitted by the developer and approved by the City prior to installation of the subdivision identification sign. Parks and Trails. The Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan identifies a neighborhood park in the area of the Cedar Landing development. The developer will deed Outlot B to the City for approximately half of this future neighborhood park. Additional park land will be deeded to the City for this neighborhood park when the property to the north of Cedar Landing is subdivided. A 25 foot wide strip of Outlot B will provide a public trail connection to the future neighborhood park from Greenwood Avenue. Outlot B is 3.36 acres in area. As identified in the August 5, 2014 engineering report, 7.2 acres of park land dedication is required for the Cedar Landing development given the density of the project (less than 3.0 units/acre). The 3.36 acres being deeded to the City with Outlot B satisfies 46.67% of the land dedication requirement, or 66.74 lots of the 143 lots in the approved preliminary plat. The remainder of the park dedication requirement (76.26 lots) will be met with a cash contribution based upon the rates in effect at the time of final platting the subsequent development phases. 5 Cedar Landing Final Plat August 18, 2014 City Council Meeting Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control, and Utilities. Grading, drainage, erosion control, and utilities plans have been submitted for the Cedar Landing final plat and the plans have been forwarded to engineering staff for review. A copy of the August 5, 2014 engineering report is attached. Engineering recommends approval of the Cedar Landing final plat. Tree Preservation. A tree preservation plan was submitted with the Cedar Landing preliminary plat. The tree preservation plan identified 67 significant trees that provided a wind break for the farm house. All 67 significant trees were designated to be removed with the development of the site. Wetlands. There are no wetlands located within the Cedar Landing development. RECOMMENDATION Planning Department staff recommends approval of the Cedar Landing final plat subject to the following stipulations: 1. The recommendations listed in the August 5, 2014 engineering report. 2. The developer must contact the Lakeville Post Office to discuss mail receptacle locations within the development. 3. Outlots B, D and E shall be deeded to the City. 4. Lookout and walkout lots that may have single family homes with decks with a height greater than 30 inches above grade should be identified. Decks with a height greater than 30 inches above grade must be set back 30 feet from the rear yard lot line as required by the Section 11-17-11.A.2.b of the Zoning Ordinance. A reduced rear yard setback is allowed under Section 11-17-11.B of the Zoning Ordinance for those lots abutting Outlots B and E. 5. Landscaping shall be installed consistent with the approved landscape plan. A $148,140 security is required with the final plat to guarantee installation of the approved landscaping. 6. The existing farmhouse, outbuilding, overhead utility lines, and septic system must be removed, the existing well must be abandoned, and hazardous soils or materials must be disposed of in compliance with state and local regulations. 7. The detached townhomes must meet the RST-2 District design and construction standards of Section 11-57-19 of the Zoning Ordinance. 6 Cedar Landing Final Plat August 18, 2014 City Council Meeting 8. A homeowners association must be established and maintained for the detached townhome area of the Cedar Landing development. 9. The subdivision identification sign proposed within Outlot F must be setback 15 feet from the 210th Street right-of-way and cannot exceed 100 square feet in area and 10 feet in height. A sign permit application must be submitted by the developer and approved by the City prior to installation of the subdivision identification sign. 10. The developer must submit a cash escrow for the future upgrade of Hamburg Avenue to an urban section, including construction of an eight foot bituminous trail on the east side. 11. The developer must upgrade the north side of 210th Street to an urban section, including construction of a five foot concrete sidewalk on the north side. 12. A temporary turnaround must be constructed by the developer within a temporary turnaround easement at the north end of Goodhue Way. 13. Street barricades must be installed by the developer at the north end of Glade Avenue and the west ends of Greenwood Avenue and Guthrie Drive. 7 ± Ceda r Landing 210th St C e d a r A v e (C S A H 2 3 ) City of LakevilleAerial Map Cedar LandingFinal Plat EXHIBIT A H a m b u r g A v e Lakeville Blvd RM-2 RM-1 C-1 RM-2 RST-2 RM-2 RM-2RST-2 P/OS RSMH C-2 C-2 I-2 I-1 RS-3 H A M B U R G A V E BRUTUS DR HARTFORD WAY S H A K E S P E ARE B LV D H E L E N A L N LAKEVILLE BLVD G A T E W A Y D R GEMINI TRL G L A D E A V E CAESAR ST C L E O P ATR A D R H E R O N W A Y C E D A R A V E C E D A R A V E A N THONYDR ± Cedar Landing Final Plat EXHIBIT B City of Lakeville Location and Zoning Map Cedar Landing Final Plat E X H I B I T C % + 8 + .  ' 0 ) + 0 ' ' 4 5 . # 0 &  2 . # 0 0 ' 4 5 . # 0 &  5 7 4 8 ' ; 1 4 5 . # 0 & 5 % # 2 '  # 4 % * + 6 ' % 6 5 % + 8 + .  ' 0 ) + 0 ' ' 4 5 . # 0 &  2 . # 0 0 ' 4 5 . # 0 &  5 7 4 8 ' ; 1 4 5 . # 0 & 5 % # 2 '  # 4 % * + 6 ' % 6 5 % + 8 + .  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&GUKIPGF &TCYP 2KQPGGT'PIKPGGTKPI2# /GPFQVC*GKIJVU/0 'PVGTRTKUG&TKXG  Ä (CZÄYYYRKQPGGTGPIEQO .#0&5%#2'#4%*+6'%65.#0&5748';145.#0&2.#00'45%+8+.'0)+0''45 '&'024#4+'/+00'516# -GKVJ#9KNNGPDTKPI 0COG 4GI0Q&CVGÄÄ +JGTGD[EGTVKH[VJCVVJKURNCPYCURTGRCTGFD[ OGQTWPFGTO[FKTGEVUWRGTXKUKQPCPFVJCV+ COCFWN[.KEGPUGF2TQHGUUKQPCN'PIKPGGT WPFGTVJGNCYUQHVJG5VCVGQH/KPPGUQVC E X H I B I T K E X H I B I T L E X H I B I T M City of Lakeville Public Works – Engineering Division Memorandum To: Daryl Morey, Planning Director From: Alex Jordan, Civil Engineer McKenzie L. Cafferty, Environmental Resources Manager Brett Altergott, Parks and Recreation Director Copy: Zach Johnson, City Engineer Dennis Feller, Finance Director Gene Abbott, Building Official Date: August 5, 2014 Subject: Cedar Landing • Final Plat Review • Final Grading Plan Review • Final Utility Plan Review • Final Erosion Control Plan Review BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDD Ryland Homes has submitted a final plat named Cedar Landing. This is the first phase of the Cedar Landing Preliminary Plat approved by the City Council on June 2, 2014. The proposed subdivision is located west of and adjacent to Cedar Avenue, east of and adjacent to Hamburg Avenue, and north of and adjacent to 210th Street. The parent parcels consist of two metes and bounds parcels zoned RST-2, Single and Two Family Residential District. The final plat consists of thirty-seven (37) single-family lots and twenty-one (21) detached townhome units within seven blocks, six outlots, and four townhome common lots on 60.00 acres. The outlots created with the final plat shall have the following uses: Outlot A: Future Single Family residential development, to be retained by the Developer (23.52 acres) Outlot B: Future Park area; to be deeded to the City (3.36 acres) Outlot C: Future Multi-family residential development, to be retained by the Developer (8.37 acres) Outlot D: Stormwater management basin, to be deeded to the City (1.10 acres) Outlot E: Stormwater management basin, to be deeded to the City (1.36 acres) CCEEDDAARR LLAANNDDIINNGG AAUUGGUUSSTT 55TTHH,, 22001144 PPAAGGEE 22 OOFF 1133 Outlot F: Monument Sign, to be retained by the Developer (0.04 acres) The proposed subdivision will be completed by: Developer: Ryland Homes Engineer/Surveyor: Pioneer Engineering, P.A. SSIITTEE CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS The Cedar Landing site includes one existing homestead and one outbuilding. The remainder of the site is undeveloped cultivated agricultural land. No wetlands have been identified within the parent parcels. The land generally slopes from the north to the southwest corner of the plat. Existing buildings and site improvements are planned for removal with the Cedar Landing development. The existing homestead, accessory building, septic system, driveway, culverts, inlet aprons, and landscaping materials shall be removed and wells shall be abandoned with the development. A $30,000 security is required with the final plat to ensure that this work is completed and certified per all applicable codes and regulations. The Developer shall obtain a building demolition permit from the Buildings Inspections Department prior to the building removal. A 100-foot wide gas pipeline easement (Per Doc. No. 1726151) currently exists on easterly parent parcel (PID No. 220280075030), measured from the westerly Cedar Avenue right-of- way. SSTTRREEEETT AANNDD SSUUBBDDIIVVIISSIIOONN LLAAYYOOUUTT Hamburg Avenue Cedar Landing is located east of and adjacent to Hamburg Avenue, a minor collector as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. The City of Lakeville Transportation Plan identifies 40-foot ½ right-of-way needs along the entire length of the plat. The Developer is dedicating right-of-way, as shown on the final plat, to provide the required ½ right-of-way. Hamburg Avenue adjacent to Cedar Landing is currently constructed as a rural roadway section on the east side. Hamburg Avenue is constructed on the west side as a rural section south of Hartford Way and an urban section north of Hartford Way. A cash fee for the future upgrade of Hamburg Avenue has not been collected on the parent parcels and shall be paid with the final plat. The cash fee will be prorated for the number of lots final platted with Cedar Landing. The fee will be based on the rate in effect at the time of final plat, and is calculated as follows: CCEEDDAARR LLAANNDDIINNGG AAUUGGUUSSTT 55TTHH,, 22001144 PPAAGGEE 33 OOFF 1133 1207.15 f.f. x $72.00/ f.f. = $86,914.80 Front Footage Along Hamburg Ave Assessment Rate Total $86,914.80 x 58/143 = $35,252.16 Future Upgrade Fee Required for the Cedar Landing Preliminary Plat Lots in Cedar Landing Total Required with Cedar Landing The future upgrade fee of $35,252.16 must be paid in cash with the final plat. The balance of the future upgrade fee will be collected when Outlots A and C develop. The City’s current (2014-2018) Capital Improvement Plan programs the reconstruction and widening of Hamburg Avenue adjacent to the Cedar Landing development in 2015. 210th Street Cedar Landing is located north of and adjacent to 210th Street, a local street as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. 210th Street adjacent to Cedar Landing is currently constructed as a rural roadway section on the north side, and an urban section on the south side. The Developer shall widen the north ½ of 210th Street to the standards of a minor collector, which is the anticipated functionality of the roadway. This is consistent with the street section on the south ½ of 210th Street. The right-of-way needs for a minor collector with sidewalks on both sides is 80 feet. The Developer is dedicating right-of-way, as shown on the final plat, to provide the required ½ right-of-way. The Developer will widen 210th Street to the north to a 40-foot wide urban roadway with a 5- foot wide concrete sidewalk on the north side the entire length of the Cedar Landing plat during the first phase of construction. Cedar Avenue (CSAH 23) Cedar Landing is located west of and adjacent to Cedar Avenue, a minor arterial as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. Cedar Avenue adjacent to Cedar Landing is currently constructed as four-lane divided urban roadway in a 150-foot right-of-way section, with right and left turn lanes at the intersection with 210th Street. The right-of-way requirement for a minor arterial is 150 feet, so no additional right-of-way is required. The Cedar Landing preliminary plat was reviewed by the Dakota County Plat Commission on July 28, 2014. The Cedar Avenue Corridor Transitway study identifies the intersection of 210th Street and Cedar Avenue to be a right-in right-out restricted access in the future. An existing eight-foot wide bituminous trail exists along the west side of Cedar Avenue adjacent to Cedar Landing. The Developer will be responsible for any improvements to Cedar Avenue as required by Dakota County, through the right-of-way permitting process. Goodhue Way The development of Cedar Landing includes the construction of Goodhue Way, a local street. Goodhue Way is designed as a 32-foot wide, two-lane urban roadway with a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along one side of the street that terminates in a temporary cul-de-sac. The cul-de-sac is designed as a 45-foot radius within a temporary easement. The Developer is dedicating 60-feet of right-of-way. Goodhue Way provides a connection to the north to the CCEEDDAARR LLAANNDDIINNGG AAUUGGUUSSTT 55TTHH,, 22001144 PPAAGGEE 44 OOFF 1133 future development located in Outlot C. A $5,000 security is required with the final plat for the future removal of the temporary cul-de-sac. Grommet Avenue The development of Cedar Landing also includes the construction of Grommet Avenue, a local street. Grommet Avenue is designed as a 32-foot wide, two-lane urban roadway with a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along the west side of the street. Grommet Avenue provides access to 210th Street that aligns to the south with a private driveway for the Lakeville Family Housing 2nd Addition. The Developer is dedicating 60-feet of right-of-way. Greenwood Avenue Development of Cedar Landing includes the construction of Greenwood Avenue, a local street. Greenwood Avenue is designed as a 32-foot wide, two-lane urban roadway with a 5- foot wide concrete sidewalk along the north side of the street. Greenwood Avenue will also provide a connection to the west to the future single family development located in Outlot A. The Developer is dedicating 60-feet of right-of-way. Greenwood Court The development of Cedar Landing also includes the construction of Greenwood Court, a local street. Greenwood Court is designed as 32-foot wide, two-lane urban roadway terminating in a permanent cul-de-sac. The Developer is dedicating 60-feet of right-of-way. Glade Avenue Cedar Landing includes the construction of Glade Avenue, a local street. Glade Avenue is designed as a 32-foot wide, two-lane urban roadway with a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along the east side of the street. Glade Avenue will provide a connection to 210th Street. Glade Avenue aligns with the existing Glade Avenue to the south. The existing Glade Avenue is constructed as a 44-foot wide urban roadway with 6-foot wide concrete sidewalks on both sides in an 80-foot wide right-of-way section, due to the commercial zoning south of 210th Street. The Developer is dedicating 60-feet of right-of-way. Guthrie Drive The development of Cedar Landing includes the construction of Guthrie Drive, a local street. Guthrie Drive is designed as a 32-foot wide, two-lane urban roadway with a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk along one side of the street. The Developer is dedicating 60-feet of right-of- way. CCOONNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONN AACCCCEESSSS Construction traffic access and egress for grading, utility and street construction shall be at 210th Street, via Cedar Avenue. PPAARRKKSS,, TTRRAAIILLSS AANNDD SSIIDDEEWWAALLKKSS The City’s Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan designates the proposed plat area as the location for a neighborhood park. The Park Dedication requirement has not been collected on the CCEEDDAARR LLAANNDDIINNGG AAUUGGUUSSTT 55TTHH,, 22001144 PPAAGGEE 55 OOFF 1133 parent parcels, and will be satisfied through a combination of land dedication and cash contribution that will be paid with the final plat based on the Park Dedication Fee in effect at the time of final plat. The gross density of the Cedar Landing preliminary plat is 2.38 lots/acre (143 lots/ 60 acres). The land dedication requirement for subdivisions with a gross density less than 3.0 lots/acre is 12%. The land dedication and cash construction requirements are estimated as follows: Gross Area of Cedar Landing Preliminary Plat 60.00 Acres Total Buildable Area 60.00 Acres Land Dedication Requirement (12%) 7.20 Acres The Developer will dedicate 3.36 acres as park area in Outlot B, and shall receive park area credits for this dedication. This area satisfies 46.67% (3.36/7.20 acres) of the land dedication requirement. As a result, Park Dedication Fee is satisfied for 66.74 lots (46.67% x 143 lots). The remaining balance of the Park Dedication Fee will be collected as a cash contribution on the remaining 76.26 lots (143 lots – 66.74 lots) as they are final platted in future phases. The Developer shall be responsible for rough grading the park area. No grading shall take place in the park area until City Staff verifies the exact limits of grading in the field. The Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan also identifies an 8-foot wide trail on the east side of Hamburg Avenue. The Developer shall submit a cash escrow for 5/8ths of the future trail construction cost. The cash escrow will be prorated for the number of lots final platted with Cedar Landing. The cash escrow, based on an estimate provided by the Developer’s engineer, shall be submitted with the final plat and is calculated as follows: $15,035.41 x 5/8 = $9,397.13 Future Trail Construction Cost (excluding grading and restoration) Developer’s Cost Share Total $9,397.13 x 58/143 = $3,811.42 Future Trail Construction Escrow required for the Cedar Landing Preliminary Plat. Lots in Cedar Landing Total Required with Cedar Landing The balance of the future trail construction escrow will be collected when Outlots A and C develop. Development of Cedar Landing includes the construction of public bituminous trails and public concrete sidewalks. 5-foot wide concrete sidewalks, with pedestrian curb ramps, will be installed along one side of each local street. A bituminous trail will be constructed from Greenwood Avenue between Lot 7, Block 3 and Lot 2, Block 4 into the proposed park area in Outlot B. The Developer is responsible for 100% of grading and restoration for the bituminous trail. A credit for the City’s 3/8th portion of the trail construction cost (excluding grading and restoration) shall be applied to the final plat cash fees. CCEEDDAARR LLAANNDDIINNGG AAUUGGUUSSTT 55TTHH,, 22001144 PPAAGGEE 66 OOFF 1133 $871.00 x 3/8 = $326.63 Total Estimated Cost for Trail Construction into Park Area City’s Trail Cost Portion Total The Developer shall also replace the existing pedestrian curb ramp to meet ADA standards at the northwest corner of the intersection of 210th Street and Cedar Avenue. UUTTIILLIITTIIEESS SSAANNIITTAARRYY SSEEWWEERR Cedar Landing is located within subdistricts SC-10600, SC-10045, and SC-10010 of the South Creek sanitary sewer district as identified in the City’s Comprehensive Sewer Plan. Wastewater will be conveyed via existing trunk sanitary sewer to the MCES Farmington Interceptor and continue to the Empire Wastewater Treatment Facility. The downstream facilities have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. Development of Cedar Landing includes the extension of sanitary sewer. 8-inch sanitary sewer will be extended within the subdivision from existing manholes and stubs along 210th Street to provide sanitary sewer service to the development. The Lateral Sanitary Sewer Access Charge is due for the sanitary sewer within 210th Street right-of-way and shall be paid with the final plat. The Lateral Sanitary Sewer Access Charge is based on the total frontage of the preliminary plat adjacent to 210th Street. Front Footage Along 210th Street 2436.33 f.f. The Lateral Sanitary Sewer Access Charge will be prorated for the number of lots final platted with Cedar Landing. The charge is based on the rate in effect at the time of final plat and is calculated as follows: 2436.33 f.f. x $39.00/Front Foot = $95,016.87 Front Footage along 210th Street Sanitary Sewer Access Charge Total $95,016.87 x 58/143 = $38,538.31 Lateral Sanitary Sewer Access Charge Required for the Cedar Landing Preliminary Plat Lots in Cedar Landing Total Required with Cedar Landing The Lateral Sanitary Sewer Access Charge of $38,538.31 must be paid in cash with the final plat. The balance of the Lateral Sanitary Sewer Access Charge will be collected when Outlots A and C develop. The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge is due for the parent parcels and is based on the rate in effect at the time of final plat and is calculated as follows: 58 units x $307.00 = $17,806.00 Total Dwelling Units In Cedar Landing 2014 Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge Per Unit Total Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge CCEEDDAARR LLAANNDDIINNGG AAUUGGUUSSTT 55TTHH,, 22001144 PPAAGGEE 77 OOFF 1133 The Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge of $17,806.00 must be paid in cash with the final plat. WWAATTEERRMMAAIINN Development of Cedar Landing includes the extension of watermain. 8-inch watermain will be extended within the subdivision from existing 8-inch watermain that will be wet tapped along 210th Street to provide water service to the subdivision. The City’s Comprehensive Water Plan does not identify any trunk watermain improvements within the proposed plat. The Lateral Watermain Access Charge is due for the watermain within 210th Street right-of- way and shall be paid with the final plat. The Lateral Watermain Access Charge is based on the total frontage of the preliminary plat adjacent to 210th Street. Front Footage along 210th Street 2436.33 f.f. The Lateral Watermain Access Charge will be prorated for the number of lots final platted with Cedar Landing. The charge is based on the rate in effect at the time of final plat and is calculated as follows: 2436.33 f.f. x $38.40/Front Foot = $93,555.07 Front Footage along 210th Street Water Access Charge Total $93,555.07 x 58/143 = $37,945.41 Lateral Watermain Access Charge Required for the Cedar Landing Preliminary Plat Lots in Cedar Landing Total Required with Cedar Landing The Lateral Watermain Access Charge of $37,945.41 must be paid in cash with the final plat. The balance of the Lateral Watermain Access Charge will be collected when Outlots A and C develop. The proposed sanitary sewer and watermain layout is in accordance with the City’s Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer and Water Plan. Final locations and sizes of all sanitary sewer and watermain facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the final construction plans. OOVVEERRHHEEAADD LLIINNEESS Consistent with the City’s Public Ways and Property Ordinance, the Developer shall bury the existing overhead utility (non-transmission) lines and remove the existing utility poles adjacent to the development. A $1,000 security shall be required with the final plat to ensure this work is completed. DDRRAAIINNAAGGEE AANNDD GGRRAADDIINNGG Cedar Landing is located within subdistricts SC-45, SC-73, and SC-69 of the South Creek drainage district as identified in the City’s Water Resources Management Plan. The Developer began grading the site with preliminary plat approval, and the entire area included in the Cedar Landing preliminary plat will be graded with Cedar Landing. CCEEDDAARR LLAANNDDIINNGG AAUUGGUUSSTT 55TTHH,, 22001144 PPAAGGEE 88 OOFF 1133 Development of Cedar Landing includes the construction of public stormwater management basins to collect and treat the stormwater runoff generated from the site. The stormwater management basins will be located within Outlots A, C, D, and E and an infiltration basin will be located in Outlot A. Outlots D and E will be deeded to the City with the final plat. Outlots A and C will be retained by the Developer for future development and temporary Drainage and Utility Easements will be established over the entire stormwater management basins and infiltration basin. The temporary easements over the stormwater management basins will be dedicated as outlots when Outlots A and C develop. The stormwater management basin designs include an aquatic safety bench and a skimming device designed for the 10-year event, consistent with City requirements. The infiltration basin is designed to infiltrate 1½-inches of runoff from all newly created impervious surface areas within 72 hours, therefore reducing the thermal impacts of the new impervious surface. The Developer has submitted soil borings and double ring infiltrometer (DRI) testing results that demonstrate that infiltration can be accomplished in the proposed location. The infiltration basin is consistent with the requirements of the City’s South Creek Management Plan. The majority of runoff generated from within the site will collect via storm sewer and be conveyed to the infiltration basin located within Outlot A. Pre-treatment will be obtained via wet sedimentation basins before outletting to the infiltration basin. Runoff from the stormwater management basins will be treated, and ultimately released into the North Branch of the South Creek, via a proposed culvert under Lakeville Boulevard. The final grading plan shall identify all fill lots in which the building footings will be placed on fill material. The grading specifications shall also indicate that all embankments meet FHA/HUD 79G specifications. The Developer shall certify to the City that all lots with footings placed on fill material are appropriately constructed. Building permits will not be issued until a geotechnical evaluation and an as-built certified grading plan have been submitted and approved by City staff. The Cedar Landing site contains more than one acre of site disturbance. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Stormwater Permit for construction activity is required from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for areas exceeding one acre being disturbed by grading. A copy of the Notice of Stormwater Permit Coverage must be submitted to the City upon receipt from the MPCA. SSTTOORRMM SSEEWWEERR Development of Cedar Landing includes the construction of public storm sewer systems. Storm sewer will be installed within the subdivision to collect and convey stormwater runoff generated from within the public right-of-way and lots to the public stormwater management basins located within Outlots A, C, D, and E. Draintile construction is required in areas of non-granular soils within Cedar Landing for the street sub-cuts and lots. Any additional draintile construction, including perimeter draintile CCEEDDAARR LLAANNDDIINNGG AAUUGGUUSSTT 55TTHH,, 22001144 PPAAGGEE 99 OOFF 1133 required for building footings, which is deemed necessary during construction shall be the developer’s responsibility to install and finance. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge has not been collected on the parent parcels, and shall be paid in cash with the final plat. The Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge is calculated as follows: Gross Area of Cedar Landing 2,613,580 s.f. Less Area of Outlot A (Future Development) (-) 1,024,578 s.f. Less Area of Outlot B (Public Park Area) (-) 146,528 s.f. Less Area of Outlot C (Future Development) (-) 364,507 s.f. Less Area of Outlot D (Stormwater Management Basin) (-) 48,031 s.f. Less Area of Outlot E (Stormwater Management Basin (-) 59,071 s.f. Total = 970,865 s.f. 970,865 s.f. x $0.167/s.f. = $162,134.46 Net Area of Cedar Landing Area Charge Total The Developer will receive a credit to the Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge for deeding Outlots D and E to the City, consistent with City policy. The credit is based on the area of the outlots and is calculated at the rate of $5,500.00 per acre, and will be applied to the Cedar Landing final plat cash fees. The credit is calculated as follows: 2.46 acres x $5,500/acre = $13,530.00 Total Area of Outlots D and E Per Acre Credit Total Final locations and sizes of all storm sewer facilities will be reviewed by City staff with the final construction plans. RREESSIIDDEENNTTIIAALL BBUUFFFFEERR YYAARRDD RREEQQUUIIRREEMMEENNTTSS Cedar Avenue is a minor arterial as identified in the City’s Transportation Plan. A buffer yard containing a combination of earth berms and/or plantings of a sufficient density to provide a visual screen and a reasonable buffer a minimum of ten feet in height shall be provided adjacent to Cedar Avenue. A certified as-built grading plan of the buffer yard berm must be submitted and approved by City staff prior to the installation of any buffer yard plantings. FEMA FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS Cedar Landing is shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zone X by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Based on this designation, there are no areas in the plat located within a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), as determined by FEMA. WWEETTLLAANNDDSS The property is mainly an agricultural field with a home site and miscellaneous buildings. The wetland delineation for the site was conducted on September 10, 2013. The site was CCEEDDAARR LLAANNDDIINNGG AAUUGGUUSSTT 55TTHH,, 22001144 PPAAGGEE 1100 OOFF 1133 reviewed by the Authorized Agent, Kelly Kunst of Westwood Professional Services to determine delineated boundaries if any. No wetlands were identified within the project boundaries. The Notice of Application was sent out 9/30/2013. No comments were received during the comment period. After review of the report and site visit, it has been determined that the delineated boundaries, as presented in the previously distributed wetland delineation report dated 9/20/2013, are accurate and acceptable for use in implementing the Wetland Conservation Act. TTRREEEE PPRREESSEERRVVAATTIIOONN A tree and landscape plan was submitted with the Cedar Landing preliminary plat. The plan identified 67 trees around the old home site. All trees on the site have been removed during the grading of the site. EERROOSSIIOONN CCOONNTTRROOLL The erosion control plan was reviewed and includes the following: • A gravel construction entrance is shown on the plan sheets, and included in the erosion control notes. • A seed/mulch specification that meets City requirements. • All 3:1 slopes will be seeded and stabilized with fiber blanket. • Stormwater treatment areas will be graded first. • Silt fence will be installed to protect offsite areas from sediment transport. • Installation of erosion control at street curbs after utilities are installed. • Streets must be cleared of debris at the end of each day. • Pond Maintenance: A maintenance schedule for the first 2 years must be included in the plans. This must include mowing 2 to 3 times, 30 days apart during the first year with the mower deck set about 6-8 inches off the ground. The second year, the pond areas must be mowed once before weeds set their seeds. This will reduce weed establishment, and help stimulate the desirable vegetation. This will cut down on maintenance in the long-term. • Inlet protection is identified on the plans. • Temporary checks and erosion control blanket are shown in swales and ditches. Additional erosion control measures may be required during construction as deemed necessary by City staff or the Dakota County Soil and Water District. The site discharges to South Creek (trout stream) that is identified as a Special Waters under the MPCA construction permit. The developer is responsible meeting the requirements outlined in the MPCA Construction Permit. Any additional measures required shall be installed and maintained by the developer. CCEEDDAARR LLAANNDDIINNGG AAUUGGUUSSTT 55TTHH,, 22001144 PPAAGGEE 1111 OOFF 1133 SECURITIES The Developer shall provide a Letter of Credit as security for the Developer-installed improvements relating to Cedar Landing. Construction costs are based upon estimates submitted by the Developer’s engineer on July 28, 2014. CONSTRUCTION COSTS Sanitary Sewer $ 195,931.60 Watermain 268,948.00 Storm Sewer 331,010.00 Street Construction 643,534.35 Erosion Control, Stormwater and Infiltration Basins, Restoration, Grading and Grading Certification 180,000.00 SUBTOTAL - CONSTRUCTION COSTS $ 1,619,423.95 SUBTOTAL – CONSTRUCTION COSTS REQUIRED $1,439,423.95 The Developer has already provided the security for Erosion Control, Stormwater and Infiltration Basins, Restoration, Grading and Grading Certification in the form of a Letter of Credit in the amount of $180,000.00 to grade with preliminary plat approval. OTHER COSTS Developer’s Design (6.0%) $ 97,165.44 Developer’s Construction Survey (2.5%) 40,485.60 City’s Legal Expense (0.5%) 8,097.12 City Construction Observation (7.0%) 113,359.68 Developer’s Record Drawing (0.5%) 8,097.12 Remove Existing Homestead, Buildings, etc. 30,000.00 Bury Overhead Utility Lines and Remove Poles 1,000.00 Future Removal of Temporary Cul-de-sac 5,000.00 Landscaping 148,140.00 Street Lights 15,000.00 Lot Corners/Iron Monuments 6,800.00 SUBTOTAL - OTHER COSTS $473,144.96 TOTAL PROJECT SECURITY $ 1,912,568.91 The street light security totals $15,000 which consists of two mast-arm street lights at $3,000 and ten post-top street lights at $1,200 each. The Developer shall post a security to ensure the final placement of iron monuments at property corners with the final plat. The security is $100.00 per lot and outlot for a total of $6,800.00. The City shall hold this security until the Developer’s Land Surveyor certifies that all irons have been placed following site grading, street and utility construction. CCEEDDAARR LLAANNDDIINNGG AAUUGGUUSSTT 55TTHH,, 22001144 PPAAGGEE 1122 OOFF 1133 CCAASSHH FFEEEESS The cash fee for the future upgrade of Hamburg Avenue is $35,252.16. A cash fee for traffic control signs is due with Cedar Landing. Street signing consists of five stop signs with street blades at $375.00 each, two 30 MPH speed limit signs at $200.00 each, twelve 9-button delineator signs at $100.00 each, and three future thru street signs at $75.00 each for a total of $3,700.00. If the street signs are installed during frost conditions, the developer shall pay an additional $150.00 for each street sign location. A cash fee for one-year of streetlight operating expenses shall be paid at the time of final plat approval and is calculated as follows: 58 units x $8.14/unit/qtr. x 4 qtrs. = $1,888.48 Dwelling Units Streetlight Operating Fee Total A cash fee for one-year of surface water management expenses shall be paid at the time of final plat approval and is calculated as follows: 58 units x $7.00/unit/qtr. x 4 qtrs. = $1,624.00 Dwelling Units Surface Water Management Fee Total A cash fee for the preparation of record construction drawings and for upgrading the City base map shall be paid at the time of final plat approval and is calculated as follows: 68 units x $75.00/unit = $5,100.00 Lots/Outlots City Base Map Updating Fee Total The Developer shall submit the final plat and construction drawings in an electronic format. The electronic format shall be in either .dwg (AutoCAD) or .dxf format. The Developer shall also pay a cash fee for City Engineering Administration. The Developer has elected to provide a Letter of Credit as security for the Developer-installed improvements. The fee for City Engineering Administration will be based on three percent (3.00%) of the estimated construction cost, or $48,582.72. CCEEDDAARR LLAANNDDIINNGG AAUUGGUUSSTT 55TTHH,, 22001144 PPAAGGEE 1133 OOFF 1133 CASH REQUIREMENTS Future Upgrade of Hamburg Avenue $ 35,252.16 Hamburg Avenue Future Trail Improvements North of 210th Street 3,811.42 Lateral Sanitary Sewer Access Charge 38,538.31 Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge 17,806.00 Lateral Watermain Access Charge 37,945.41 Trunk Storm Sewer Area Charge 162,134.46 Traffic Control Signs 3,700.00 Streetlight Operating Fee 1,888.48 Surface Water Management Fee 1,624.00 City Base Map Updating Fee 5,100.00 City Engineering Administration (3.00%) 48,582.72 SUBTOTAL - CASH REQUIREMENTS $356,382.96 CREDITS TO THE CASH REQUIREMENTS Trail Construction into Park Area in Outlot B (Park Dedication) $326.63 Outlots D and E (Deeded to the City) (Trunk Storm Sewer) (+) 13,530.00 SUBTOTAL - CREDITS TO THE CASH REQUIREMENTS = $13,856.63 TOTAL CASH REQUIREMENTS $342,526.33 RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDAATTIIOONN Engineering recommends approval of the final plat, grading plan, utility plan and tree preservation plan for Cedar Landing, subject to the requirements and stipulations within this report.