HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-30-14CITY OF LAKEVILLE
July 30, 2014
Chair Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.
Members Present: Lori Bovitz, Tom Goodwin, Judy Hayes, Scott Kelly, Jeanne
Peterson, Bob Swan
Members Absent: Howard Lovelace
Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Brett Altergott, Recording Secretary
Tamara Wallace
2. Approval of June 18, 2014 minutes
Minutes were approved as presented.
3. Citizen comments
There were no citizens present.
4. Staff report
The King Park volunteer build was last weekend, and the playground is nearly
done. Curbing will go in soon, and the parking lot paving is scheduled for next
week. The playground will be done by the end of August, and an official ribbon
cutting will happen after school starts.
The Environmental Resources department coordinated the removal of buckthorn in
the woods at East Community Park. Parks staff cleared about 2/3 of the total area.
The Parks & Recreation department has been extremely busy with summer
programs and events:
The first annual family campout at Casperson Park brought out 13 families,
followed by a fishing tournament held the next day.
The third annual Runner’s Gate 5K t rail run held on Tuesday, July 29 had
great registration numbers, with 130 people signed up for the event.
There have also been many efforts to highlight July as National Park & Rec
month – several videos were posted as well as Facebook updates reminding
residents to go out and explore the parks and trail system.
Jeanne Peterson mentioned her daughter recently doing a program that she really
enjoyed, and not having a space to provide feedback. Parks and Recreation
Director, Brett Altergott agreed, and has been looking into survey options.
Bob Swan brought up several conversations with neighboring residents interested
in renting canoe racks and/ or canoes at Orchard Lake. Brett Altergott indicated
there has been some discussion and preliminary research into building another
canoe rack, as well as partnering with a company that rents out canoes and kayaks.
Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, July 30, 2014 Page 2
5. Parks, Trails, and Open Space Plan
Dan Licht of The Planning Company came in to present the revised Parks, Trails,
and Open Space plan, reviewing several chapters where information was re-
organized, updated, and re-classified based on current demographics. Mr. Licht
highlighted several changes to the plan to include what will be a progressive map
showing the park trends throughout the decades; as well as another map that
shows the physical and accessibility barriers to parks in certain neighborhoods.
The committee emphasized the need for more indoor athletic facilities, as well as
the inclusion of needs from sports like lacrosse and football.
This draft version of the Parks, Trails, and Open Space plan will be reviewed at the
next Council work session held on Wednesday, August 6; after which an open
house will be conducted to get feedback from residents.
6. Other Business
7. Announcements
With Steve Mielke’s departure, Brett Altergott was appointed to serve on the Arena
Board which has meeting times that could conflict with the Parks, Recreation &
Natural Resources committee meetings. In instances where these meetings do
conflict, other staff members will step in to present and explain plats.
The Wednesday, August 6 Parks, Recreation, and Natural Resources commitee
meeting has been cancelled.
9. Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 7:09 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tamara Wallace, Recording Secretary