HomeMy WebLinkAboutWS Item 04City of Lakeville Community & Economic Development Memorandum To: Mayor and City Council From: David L. Olson, Community & Economic Development Director Copy: Allyn Kuennen, Interim City Administrator Dennis Feller, Finance Director Date: September 11, 2014 Subject: TIF Application for Proposed BTD Expansion The City recently received an application for Tax Increment Financing (TIF) from BTD (see attached application). BTD started their Lakeville operations in 2005 and provides custom metalwork services to some of the world's top brands including Polaris, GE, Honda, Kawasaki, 3M, John Deere, and Toro, to name a few. BTD has experienced considerable growth in recent years and currently occupies 317,000 square feet in three separate buildings in Airlake Industrial Park and has approximately 215 employees in Lakeville. BTD currently leases 193,000 SF in the former Toro Warehouse building along Cedar Avenue. The owner of this building is proposing a 200,000 square foot expansion of this building to allow BTD to consolidate two of their production and warehouse operations and would result in the company occupying a total of 412,000 square feet. BTD is estimating this proposed expansion will result in the creation of an additional 100 jobs in the first two years of operations. The total estimated cost of this proposed expansion is $14.2 million. Company President Paul Gintner will be at Monday's Work Session to describe BTD's recent as well as anticipated growth. BTD is requesting TIF assistance to offset some of the estimated $4.3 million in TIF eligible costs associated with the project. Actual wage levels of the different jobs to be created will be presented as part of the presentation on Monday. BTD representatives have indicated that all new jobs to be created will exceed the $13 per hour minimum referenced in the City's TIF Policy. Staff has determined that the proposed project is consistent with the City's TIF policy. The EDC reviewed this TIF application at their August 26th meeting and recommended unanimously that City Council authorize the preparation of a TIF Plan for the creation of a new TIF District for the proposed BTD expansion. Recommended Action: Staff is requesting authorization for the preparation of a TIF Plan by Springsted Inc. The cost of this would be covered by the Part II TIF Application. A resolution calling for a public hearing would be brought to the City Council at a future meeting. The specifics of the TIF Plan and proposed level of assistance will also be brought back to the EDC and City Council for additional review. Mr. David Olson Community and Economic Development Director City of Lakeville 20195 Holyoke Ave Lakeville, MN 55044 RE: Proposed Expansion at 21350 Cedar Ave — Request for Assistance Dear Mr. Olson, August 1, 2014 Thank you again for our earlier meeting to discuss BTD's proposed consolidation and expansion of our Lakeville facilities and operations. Since we met, our staff has been working to obtain corporate support and has been given direction to proceed with the project design, engineering, and obtaining the City of Lakeville's support. BTD's Lakeville operations began in 2005 with the purchase of Performance Tool & Die and the opening of a production and warehouse operation in the old Performance Office Papers building. In 2013, BTD also leased a large portion of the old Toro building, expanding both production and warehouse operations. BTD now occupies approximately 317,000 sq. ft. in three separate buildings within Airlake Industrial Park, employing nearly215 employees in Lakeville. BTD would like to consolidate the two Lakeville production and warehouse operations (eliminating multiple logistical moves), introduce an additional value added service (painting), and eventually consolidate manufacturing and warehousing activities presently located in Otsego, MN to the expanded "Toro" building. Included for your review and comment is supporting information and documents that explain our intended expansion at 21350 Cedar Ave. Currently, we are tenants of this facility and lease 193,000 sq. ft.; we would like to expand the existing building by approximately 200,000 sq. ft. Our total leased area would be approximately 412,000 sq. ft. Thank you, David, and the entire City of Lakeville, for your support over the years. We are extremely satisfied with our choice to locate in Lakeville and continue to look for ways to expand our operations here. We are anxious to move forward with this project and are prepared to answer any questions you may have. Res ectfully submitted, Paul Gintner Dave Welte President and President Vice President of Finance Cc: James Fulford, Fulford Group, LLC Jack Matasosky, APPRO Development, Inc. CITY OF LAKEVILLE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING APPLICATION PROD ECT: BTD Manufacturing, Inc./Fulford Group LLC. — 21350 Cedar Ave Expansion 1. Business Name: BTD Manufacturing, Inc. Address: 1111 13th Ave SE, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 Telephone: 218-846-2836 Contact: Dave Welte, Vice President of Finance 2. Brief description of the business: BTD first located operations in Lakeville in 2005 by acquiring Performance Tool and Die Company. Throughout the years manufacturing operations and warehouse space have increased to 96,000 sq. ft. In 2013 BTD leased an additional 193,000 sq. ft. in the former Toro facility and desires that this building be expanded to consolidate some of the operations 3. Present ownership of the site: Airlake Development, Inc., Daniel Regan. A purchase agreement is in place to acquire the additional land that the facility will be built on. 4. Proposed project: Building square footage, size of property, description of buildings — materials, etc.: • Additional land — approx. 14 acres. • Total building expansion(s) — approx. 199,615 sq. ft. • Building area to accommodate company's — painting, manufacturing and warehousing/distribution activities. • Wall materials to be architectural precast concrete wall panels with pre -colored finishes. 5. Total Estimated Project Costs: a. Land Acquisition b. Site Development c. Building Cost d. Soft Costs 1 $ 1,800,000.00 $ 2,349,147.00 $ 8,007,142.00 $ 1,438,723.00 12.Type of Assistance Requested (Upfront or Pay -as -you -Go): Pay -as -you -Go 13. Name & Address of architect, engineer, and general contractor: Civil Engineer — Jacobson Engineers & Surveyors 21029 Heron Way, Lakeville, MN 55044 Architect/G.C. - APPRO Development, Inc. Jack Matasosky 21476 Grenada Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044 14. Project construction schedule: a. Construction Start Date October 2014 b. Construction Completion Date July 2015 c. If phased project: 2014 Year 30% Complete 2015 Year 100% Complete 15. State specific reasons why assistance is necessary for the project (the '"but for" test). The Project, without tax increment assistance, is not feasible as rental rates would far exceed "Market rates". 16. Please indicate how the project would meet one or more of the following: Economic Development goals; creation of jobs that pay wages adequate to support households, job retention, or tax base expansion. Existing Lakeville jobs Retained) 215 Projected new jobs (First two years of operation) 100 Real Estate Tax Impacts - Present (2014) $239,466.14 Projected (Future) $599,280.14 17. Municipal Reference (if applicable). Please name any other municipalities wherein the applicant, or other corporations the applicant has been involved with, has completed developments within the last five years. BTD Manufacturing has a large presence in Detroit Lakes MN: 254,000 sq. ft., 480 employees. BTD also has facilities in Washington, Illinois and Otsego, MN 3 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION AND CHECKLIST Applicants will also be required to provide the following documentation. All personal financial information will be kept private and confidential. ❑ 1. Written business plan or a description of the business, ownership/ management, date established, products and services, and future plans. ❑ 2. Two year financial projections, or if housing project, or leased space, include a 10 -year operating pro -forma. Please refer to the Ottertail Corporation annual report posted on the company web site; ottertail.com/annual.cfm . ❑ 3. Letter of commitment from other sources of financing, stating terms and conditions of their participation in the project. ❑ 4. Initial nonrefundable application fee of $500, with a $5,500 fee to follow should the request for assistance proceed. In addition to defraying the cost of staff time, the fee will be used to pay costs associated with processing this request for financial assistance such as legal, engineering and financial analysis. The City reserves the right to stop the processing of the request until additional fees are paid should the original amount be insufficient to pay such costs. That portion which remains unspent, if any, will be returned only if the project is denied approval. ❑ 5. Attach the following documentation: Part 1— Corporation/Partnership Description Part 2 — List of Shareholders/Partners Part 3 — Description of Project Part 4 — But For Analysis Part 5 — List of Prospective Lessees Part 6 — Legal Description, Property Identification Numbers, maps of the project area, and project renderings Part 7 — Public Purpose Narrative Part 8 — Sources & Uses of Funds — Additional Information The undersigned certifies that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of the undersigned's knowledge. The undersigned authorizes the City of Lakeville to check credit references, verify financial and other information, and share this information with other political subdivisions as needed. The undersigned also agrees to provide any additional information as may be requested by the City after the filing of this application. Applicant Name ') T c( l Date By Its L) i4 k (f* Q� t[S N cn.0 tU a �- p o c a cc_� a � p u 4 0 Q. 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QO Q Z .� U ON ■ N oI E O 0 CD c O cm CD U E .L N . � O U I..L O C6 LL E V-- < cu G 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 ON ■ N oI E O 0 4 C, • UN 41 • • ■ ABE M1� i C • . r: 0 N C o LL C: O ami o L N U M N c N .2 L ca 0 Od 0) C co J 2 All c .-1 O N � N N N O '= U 0) O U N >, O c 06 O m L w L I— U � Q U W J O H W U) LL. c N .2 L ca 0 Od 0) C co J 2 All 0 m o Ica c c t Q N N 0 Z Z C Q o CC m 0 >. s rn>' Y O ~ Y C LLL 70 1 X LL 4 Z 0 ill Lease Study Analysis With/Without T.I.F. Impact August 1, 2014 BTD Manufacturing — Additional space requirements: Office 14,400 sq. ft. Truck/dock/loading area 2,240 sq. ft. Warehouse/manufacturing 182,975 sq. ft. Total 199,615 sq. ft. Market Rates — "Target" Office 14,400 sq. ft. @ $8.00/sq. ft. (midpoint) $115,200.00 (range $7.50 — $8.50/sq. ft.) Truck/dock/loading area 2,240 sq. ft. @ $5.50/sq, ft. (mid point) $ 12,320.00 (range $5.00 — $6.00/sq. ft.) Warehouse/manufacturing 182,975 sq. ft. @ $4.20/sq. ft. (mid point) $768,495.00 Approx. Net Rent/Year $896,015.00 (Target rate) Actual Project Costs/lease capitalization rates: Land $ 1,800,000.00 Site Development Costs $ 2,349,147.00 Building Costs $ 9,712,550.25 Finance Costs $ 336,624.00 $14,198,321.25 (Estimated) Lease Capitalization (using actual costs): $14,198,321.00 @ 7.8% CAP rate = $1,107,469.00/year (lease rate without T.I.F.) $ 1,107,469.00 (actual lease rate) - $896,015 (target rate) _ $211,454.00 (gap) $ 211,454 - 7.8% CAP rate = $2,710,949.00 (project cost gap) Lease rate with T.I.F. impact: EMV — upon completion of project 14 acres land — rezoned to 1-2, approx. $1,800,000.00 Building Improvements - shell $8,007,142.00 Est. EMV = $9,807,142.00 Total EMV does not reflect site improvements specific to truck yard, storm ponds, etc... Estimated taxes upon completion $372,671.00/year Present land tax — Estimated (14 acres) $ 12,857.00/year Net increment/year $359,814.00/year Estimated TIF available to developer/year — Approx. $201,496.00 (year 1) Effective net rent (years 2-9) with T.I.F. impact: $1,107,469.00 - $201,496.00 (year 1) _ $905,973.00/year (Approx. $4.54/sq. ft./year) T.I.F. impact and operational efficiencies bring net rents close to industry market rate standards. - - - Yv6oiep -_ -cE SL „ trcanaacwa B "u EL LIL Ls�-L • I 3 "°"'^••'�+•�•°" NVId 3115 IIVNSA0 �anv rarxayo Y2 g YY0NU 'aIlIA3�Vl Oi0q 0-LO-LItt 55 ' 1N3110 Q g oy� 1, NVOa�OS£IL :NO -J NOISNYdXa Q3SOd0?Jd an aoLvawwn,xeaav, — _ — — IL � I I I II I F a+ao &Uua11K l R I - I o I I I I 2 z Q _ Q I li I I �� filrtfilrt � � � w oa x � IIF IIZZQ = I T Z= i -------------- 3 v 7 6 £L H -V S O,a/ anNaAV ?lYQaZ - - - rl/r0/Bo aux w-cn xva .lA3Wd(YT3.1:i(1 u I -•w-xs` ma g won Mu minravi g 3 - �•+•••+ NV'Id TJOO�d ��V213A0 anv vavxm n`rt K055 NN'3TIIA3AY� 0 b0O-LO-Ziff 1N3110 'e Q �q r �y� •� 3nv ava3o oscis :�0� NOISNVdX3 O3SO.4 >1d w W oh. /80 •••••... 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W 1, II H II F W 9 N t 1, II 3 3 J W i II 4 fl'l I y II II II II II ° II II II II II II Q W W >L� °� if s Dakota County Property Information .e, -County Home Property Information Search Page 1 of 2 http://gis.co.dakota.mn.us/maps/property.htm 5/16/2014 Dakota County Property Information ':`County Home Property Information Search Page 1 of 2 http://gis.co.dakota.mn.us/maps/property.htm 5/16/2014 Property Card Parcel ID Number 22-77001-01-013 Owner Information Fee Owner FULFORD GROUP LLC Mailing Address % TODD NOLLENBERGER 701 4TH AVE S STE 320 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55415 Property Address Address 21350 CEDAR AVE Municipality LAKEVILLE Parcel Information Last Qualiified Sale Total Acres 18.07 Sale- Value $0.00 R/W Acres 0.50888649 Uses COMMERCIAL- Water Acres PREFERRED Plat TORO AIRLAKE IND PARK 2ND ADD Lot and Block 1 1 Tax Description 2014 Building Characteristics (payable 2015)* Building Type WHS,BLKDST Year Built 1984 Bedrooms 0 Building Style Foundation Sq Ft NOT APPL Bathrooms 0.00 Frame Above Grade Sq Ft Garage Sq Ft Multiple Buildings Finished Sq Ft 304,360 Other Garage Miscellaneous Information School District Watershed District Homestead Green Acres Ag Preserve Open Space 192 VERMILLION RIVER NON HOMESTEAD Assessor Valuation Taxable Estimated 2014 Land Values (payable 2015) $2,295,500.00 $2,295,500.00 2014 Building Values (payable 2015)* $3,935,100.00 $3,935,100.00 2014 Total Values (payable 2015)* $6,230,600.00 $6,230,600.00 2013 Total Values (payable 2014)* $6,230,600.00 ' $6,230,600.00 Property Tax Information Net Tax (payable 2014) Special Assessments (2014) Total Tax & Assessments (2014) $252,323.14 $0.00 $252,323.14 * Manufactured Homes Payable the Same Year as Assessment. Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search, appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. Thursday, July 24, 2014 Dakota County, MN Page 1 of 1 Property Card Owner Information Fee Owner AIRLAKE DEVELOPMENT INC Mailing Address 1875 HWY 36 W STE 200 ROSEVILLE MN 55113 Property Address Address Municipality LAKEVILLE Parcel ID Number 22-03400-26-016 Parcel Information Last Qualified Sale Total Acres 32.22 Sale Value $0.00 RNV Acres 3.83308063 Uses AG Water Acres Plat SECTION 34 TWN 114 RANGE 20 Lot and Block 29.20 ACRES 34 114 20 ALL S OF RR OF NW 1/4 EX S 650 FT & EX N 630 Tax Description FT OF S 1280 FT OF W 1093 FT EX W 1309.70 FT LYING S OF STH 50 SUBJ TO PARCEL 3 DAKOTA COUNTY RNV MAP #166 2014 Building Characteristics (payable 2015)* Building Type Year Built 0 Bedrooms Building Style Foundation Sq Ft Bathrooms Frame Above Grade Sq Ft Garage Sq Ft Multiple Buildings Finished Sq Ft Other Garage Miscellaneous Information School District Watershed District Homestead Green Acres Ag Preserve Open Space 192 VERMILLION RIVER NON HOMESTEAD Assessor Valuation Taxable Estimated 2014 Land Values (payable 2015) $2,404,000.00 $2,404,000.00 2014 Building Values (payable 2015)" $0.00 $0.00 2014 Total Values (payable 2015)* $2,404,000.00 $2,404,000.00 2013 Total Values (payable 2014)* $2,201,800.00 $2,201,800.00 Property Tax Information_ Net Tax (payable 2014) Special Assessments (2014) Total Tax & Assessments (2014) $29,589.36 $0.00 $29,589.36 * Manufactured Homes Payable the Same Year as Assessment. Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal Friday, May 16, 2014 Dakota County, MN Page 1 of 2