HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-04-00CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 4, 2000 In the absence of Mayor Zaun and Acting Mayor Sindt, Council Member Mulvihill called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Roll call was taken. Present: Council Members Bellows, Mulvihill. and Luick. Absent: Mayor Zaun and Council Member Sindt. Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, .City Administrator; K. Nelson, City Engineer; A. trussing, Community 8v Economic Development Director; Rich Pelletier, Assistant Parks 8v Recreation Director; Dennis Feller, Finance Director;. D. Martens, Chief of Police; D. Volk, Director of Operations 8y Maintenance; J. Hennen, Administrative Assistant; C. Friedges, City Clerk. MINUTES The minutes of the November 20, 2000 City Council meeting and the November 13, 2000 Council work session were approved as presented. STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTORNEY: None ENGINEER: None ADMINISTRATOR: Mr. Erickson asked the Council to consider, under New Business, setting a work .session to interview applicants for the Planning Commission. DIRECTOR OF OPERATONS 8s MAINTENANCE: Mr. Volk presented the .November monthly activities report of the Operations 8v Maintenance Department. PRESENTATIONS/INTRODUCTIONS None CITIZENS' COMMENTS None CONSENT AGENDA CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 4, 2000 PAGE 2 00.200 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Bellows to approve the consent agenda items as follows: a. Claims for payment. b. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings: Park 8v Recreation Committee, November 22, 2000 Planning Commission, November 16, 2000 Joint City Council/Telecommunications Commission, November 28, 2000 c. Standard Engineering Agreements and 2001 fee schedules with the following: • Barr Engineering • Short Elliott Hendrickson, Inca • SRF Consulting Group, Inc. • Tolz, King, Duvall, Anderson 8s Associates • WSB 8v Associates, Inc. d. Resolution No. 00-286 establishing 2001 lateral sanitary sewer and watermain access charges. e. Resolution No. 00-287 establishing 2001 sanitary sewer unit and sanitary sewer area charges. f. Resolution No. 00-288 establishing 2001 watermain unit connection charges. g. Resolution No. 00-289 establishing 2001 street assessment policy (rates) for collector and arterial roadways. h. Resolution No. 00-290 establishing 2001 storm sewer area charges. i. Final acceptance of street improvements in Greenridge Second Addition. j. Agreement with CAP Agency, Inc. for the purpose of providing Meals on Wheels. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 4, 2000 PAGE 3 k. Agreement with Michelle Volk for coordination of the Meals on Wheels program. L Resolution No. 00-291 accepting donation from Lakeville Knights of Columbus to the Meals on Wheels program. m. Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County Drug Task Force for the year 2001. n. Resolution No. 00-292 accepting donation from Charter Pipeline to the Lakeville Senior Center. o. Resolution No. 00-293 appointing depositories for the City of Lakeville. p. City Hall HVAC Maintenance Agreement with Cramer Building Services. q. Fire Fighting Service Agreement with Eureka Township r. Contract for Professional Planning Services with Northwest Associated Consultants for the year 2001. s. Agreement for Legal Services between the City of Lakeville and Campbell Knutson, Professional Association. t. Maintenance Agreement with Southtown Refrigeration. u. Receive renewal applications for liquor, wine and 3.2% malt liquor licenses and set a public hearing to be held on Monday, December 18, 2000. v. HVAC maintenance agreement with Yale Mechanical for the Police Department. w. HVAC maintenance agreement with Alliant Mechanical for various city facilities. x. Resolution No. 00-294 awarding bid packages for Improvement project 00-19, Lakeville Area Arts Center. y. Resolution No. 00-295 adopting non-exempt Liquor Store position salary structure. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 4, 2000 PAGE 4 z. Resolution No. 00-296 designating employee health insurance rates for 2001. aa. Special Assessment Agreement with Robert and JoAnn Berres for property located. east of Highview Avenue and north of 202nd Street. bb. Resolution No. 00-297 accepting sealed bids and awarding a contract for the purchase of water treatment chemicals; and Resolution No. 00-298 accepting sealed bids and awarding a contract for the purchase of corrosion inhibitor. Roll call was taken on .the motion. Ayes, Bellows, Mulvihill, Luick. ITEM 8 Council Member Mulvihill opened the public hearing on proposed assessments for. weed and grass removal. Mr. Feller explained that eleven parcels are proposed to be assessed .for collection with 2001 real estate taxes. The total amount being assessed is $1,593.50. There were no questions or comments from the audience. 00.201 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Bellows to close the public hearing on assessments for weed and grass removal. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Luick, Bellows. 00.202 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by Luick to approve Resolution No. 00-299 .adopting assessments for weed and grass removal. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Luick, Bellows, Mulvihill. ITEM 9 Alan Brixius, Northwest Associated Consultants, presented an analysis of the new zoning ordinance and map in relation to CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 4, 2000 PAGE 5 Chapter 34, sexually oriented uses. The analysis, dated September 28, 2000, is based on a Supreme Court case, which established that 5% of a community's total land area should be eligible for adult use activities. The analysis finds that Lakeville meets the 5% adult use opportunity area established by the Supreme Court decision. As such, staff is recommending no changes be made to the existing Zoning Ordinance as it relates to adult uses. In addition, staff recommends that the current moratorium placing temporary restrictions on the siting of sexually oriented uses be allowed to expire on January 1, 2001. Council members concurred with the recommendation. No action was taken. ITEM 10 Environmental Resources Coordinator Tim Brown presented the Orchard Lake Management Plan prepared by Blue Water Science. He explained that the Orchard Lake Diagnostic and Feasibility Study, which was prepared by Barr Engineering in 1999, evaluated existing conditions and made recommendations to protect and improve the water quality of Orchard Lake. A neighborhood meeting was held, and the Environmental Affairs Committee unanimously recommended approval of the Orchard Lake Management Plan. Mr. Steve McComas of Blue Water Science provided a detailed overview of the .proposed projects, with implementation projected over athree-year period. The projects, he explained, are designed primarily to measurably improve water quality and help reduce nuisance weed conditions. He explained that a questionnaire was developed and sent to 200 homeowners living around the lake to survey their ideas about the use and quality of Orchard Lake. A total of 106 surveys were returned. Over 85% of respondents indicated some type of plant .management program. would be appropriate. Respondents indicated the City should be responsible first for protecting and .improving the lake, followed by Dakota County. Lake property owners came in third. Over 70% thought a realistic goal for Orchard Lake would be to control nuisance weeds, and over 60% said algae could be controlled. Over 75% of the respondents said they were interested in participating in a lake management program at some personal CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 4, 2000 PAGE 6 level, and 39% said they would volunteer to cut curlyleaf pondweed. Tom Goodwin, Environmental Affairs Committee member and Orchard Lake resident, stated the committee has been discussing this issue for nearly 10 years, and the lake homeowners are interested in proceeding with the proposed projects. Council Member Luick asked about the involvement of the homeowners association in some of these projects and whether there is a partnership between the residents and City. Mr. Goodwin stated several residents have indicated a willingness to be directly involved in the removal of curlyleaf pondweed. 00.203 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Bellows to receive and approve the Orchard Lake Management Plan dated March 2000. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Bellows, Mulvihill, Luick ITEM 11 Mr. Brown introduced Dennis Palmer of Barr Engineering, who presented the draft Black Dog Watershed Management Organization Water Quality Plan. The Black Dog Watershed Management Organization (BDWMO) consists of the cities of Eagan, Savage, Burnsville, Lakeville, Apple Valley and covers approximately 26 square miles. The Credit River WMO recently dissolved, and Scott County took responsibility for the watershed in Scott County, and the portion of the Credit River watershed in Lakeville was added to the BDWMO. The portions of Lakeville currently included in the BDWMO are the Orchard Lake, Lee Lake and Crystal Lake watersheds. Mr. Palmer explained that State Statute requires that organizations within the metropolitan area develop watershed management plans. The current draft plan is asecond-generation watershed plan with a predecessor in place since 1989. The primary goals are aimed at water quality improvement and protection of the overall hydrologic system. The draft plan has been submitted to state review agencies, cities and others for its first formal (60-day) review. The final plan will be completed following public and agency review and comment. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 4, 2000 PAGE 7 Council Member Luick, .who serves as Lakeville's commissioner on the BDWMO, acknowledged the work of the organization and cooperation between the member communities in developing this draft plan. ITEM 12 Jim Urie, Arts Center Coordinator, presented the Lakeville Area Arts Center Strategic Plan and introduced Arts Center Board members Fete Martin, Rhonda Berg, Harriet Lund, Wally Potter, Julie Speiker and Dana Sullivan. (Two Board members, Tonete Jensen and Alyssa Heimkes, were not present.) Mr. Urie informed the Council that prior to the strategic planning retreat, Bob Vogel, Strategic Plan Facilitator,. had attended three board meetings preparing board members. The all-day retreat took place on Saturday, September 30, 2000 and was considered very successful. Mr. Vogel then provided an overview of the process, priority issues, analysis, mission/purpose statement, emerging issues and recommended actions. Pete Martin, Arts Center Board Chair, outlined the objectives of the plan and Mission Statement, which reads, "The Lakeville Area Arts Center promotes cultural enrichment and artistic experiences for the community." The board also prepared a Purpose statement, which reads, "The Lakeville Area Arts Center provides and environment that fosters creative expression and offers a myriad of artistic and educational opportunities for the community" . Subcommittees were established to begin addressing three issues that need immediate attention: Operating Guidelines: Rhonda Berg provided an overview of the Operating Guidelines Subcommittee. Capital Equipment Needs: Wally Potter identified the capital equipment needs. Fund-raisin: Dana Sullivan spoke about fund-raising plans. • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 4, 2000 PAGE 8 Council Member Luick asked about a policy for determining appropriateness of broadcasting/ televising performances on the cable access channels.. Mr. Urie stated the Operations Guidelines Committee will be addressing this matter in terms of content and copyright issues for certain performances. Council Member Bellows asked about projections/goals for long term funding. Mr. Urie stated he anticipates the Arts Center programs to grow and become established within the first two to three years. It is a goal to establish self-supporting programs and, hopefully, to create a revenue stream to assist with long-term maintenance and overhead costs. Staff is presently looking at many long-term funding sources that will assist with a variety of costs associated with the Center. They include grants, Arts Center memberships, special event fundraisers., donations, etc. 00.204 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Bellows to receive and • approve the Strategic Plan for the Lakeville Area Arts Center, 2000-2001. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Luick, Bellows. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Mr. Erickson recommended the City Council set a work session for the. purpose of interviewing Planning Commission applicants. 00.205 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Bellows to interview Planning Commission applicants starting at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 11, 2000. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Luick, Bellows, Mulvihill. 00.206 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Bellows to appoint Dale Detjen to the Planning Commission for the remainder of a term expiring on January 1, 2002. • CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 4, 2000 PAGE 9 Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Bellows, Mulvihill, Luick. 00.207 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Bellows to appoint Jim Puncochar to the Planning Commission as the ex-officio Police Department representative for aone-year term expiring on January 1, 2002. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Luick, Bellows. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Next regular Council meeting, December 18, 2000 Special Council meeting, December 11, 2000 Council Member Mulvihill adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, • ~ `~ Charlene Friedges, Clerk Council Member Lynette Mulvihill •