HomeMy WebLinkAbout14-088CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 14-88 RESOLUTION APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES FOR THE NOVEMBER 4, 2014 GENERAL ELECTION WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville wishes to execute a flawless General Election on November 4,2014; and WHEREAS„guidelines have been established for the appointment of Election Judges. Judges must be able to: • read, write, and speak English; • carry out instructions given by election administrators and Head Judges; • learn and follow current election laws as provided in the Election Judge Guidebook and by the Minnesota Secretary of State's Office; • answer questions and provide clear instructions to voters; • work well with other election judges and the general public; and WHEREAS, staff recommends appointment of election judges who are able to fulfill their duties and responsibilities as required by law. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota that the individuals listed on the attached exhibit are appointed to serve as election judges for the November 4, 2014 General Election at the hourly rate of $11.00 for Election Judges and Absentee Ballot Board and $12.00 for Head Judges. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk and/or the Deputy Clerk are authorized to appoint additional judges as needed to conduct this election. DATED this 6' day of October, 2014 CITY OF LAKEVILLE Matt Little, Mayor ATTEST - Charlene Friedges, City C k 2014 General Election Election Judge Appointments Last Name First Precinct Name Position Adams Richard Lakeville P-06 EJ Adams Mary Jo Lakeville P-06 EJ Anderson Diane Lakeville P-04 HJ Astleford Leon Lakeville P-06 EJ Barrett Karla Lakeville P-10 EJ Beckel Peter Lakeville P-07 EJ Becklund Fritzie Lakeville P-11 EJ Beihoffer Dale Lakeville P-07 EJ Benolkin Sandy Lakeville P-14 EJ Berry Gregory Lakeville P-08 HJ Biederman Edna Lakeville P-11 HJ Bjorkman Paula Lakeville P-06 EJ Bladel Holly Lakeville P-11 EJ Blake David Lakeville P-04 EJ Blee-Dilley Amy Lakeville P-12 EJ Bloomquist Mark Lakeville P-04 EJ Bockelman Sydney Lakeville P-17 EJ Borkenhagen Gonzalez Deb Lakeville P-15 EJ Braaten Kathleen Lakeville P-01 EJ Brambilla Bill Lakeville P-17 EJ Brandenburg Juanita Lakeville P-08 EJ Brown Marlene Lakeville P-14 EJ Buchanan Paul Lakeville P-03 EJ Buckingham Sandra Lakeville P-15 EJ Buckingham Robert Lakeville P-16 EJ Buckles Richard Lakeville P-04 EJ Burmeister Kenneth Lakeville P-03 EJ Buss Kelly Lakeville P-12 EJ Campbell Laurie Lakeville P-11 EJ Carbonneau Dianne Lakeville P-09 HJ Carrier Kathleen Lakeville P-11 EJ Carver Gloria Lakeville P-15 EJ Chmielewski David Lakeville P-16 EJ Christensen Mary Lakeville P-05 EJ Christianson Elaine Lakeville P-02 EJ Christianson Devon Lakeville P-13 HJ Christianson Gerald Lakeville P-15 EJ Churchill Susan Lakeville P-11 EJ Claude LaVonne Lakeville P-01 EJ Cohan Liana Lakeville P-12 EJ Dalton John Lakeville P-12 HJ Davis Marge Lakeville P-14 HJ Dinslage Kate Lakeville P-13 EJ Discenza Virginia Lakeville P-01 EJ Divine Lynda Lakeville P-04 EJ Divine Martin Lakeville P-06 EJ Drazkowski Sara Lakeville P-06 HJ Dressel Patricia Lakeville P-06 EJ Ell Judy Lakeville P-10 EJ Emerton Kathy Lakeville P-04 EJ Engen Kurt Lakeville P-17 EJ Every Steve Lakeville P-10 EJ Falls David Lakeville P-01 EJ Feist Dayna Lakeville P-13 EJ Frank Larry Lakeville P-17 EJ Fryklund Ann Lakeville P-17 EJ Funari Heather Lakeville P-17 HJ Galles John Lakeville P-07 EJ Galles Robin Lakeville P-14 EJ Ganse Lawrence Lakeville P-05 EJ Gerst Jody Lakeville P-02 HJ Glad Jason Lakeville P-07 HJ Gordhamer Marilyn Lakeville P-07 EJ Gordhamer Donald Lakeville P-09 EJ Graff Jan Lakeville P-05 EJ Graham Jackie Lakeville P-13 EJ Granneman Steve Lakeville P-14 EJ Grenz Gerald Lakeville P-15 EJ Gritche Raymond Lakeville P-14 EJ Gustafson Virginia Lakeville P-16 EJ Hames Kathleen Lakeville P-05 EJ Hansen Elizabeth Lakeville P-02 EJ Harries Chan Lakeville P-15 EJ Hartman Gloria Lakeville P-10 EJ Hawksford Marian Lakeville P-07 EJ Heckenliable Douglas Lakeville P-16 EJ Heinen Jacqueline Lakeville P-02 EJ Heinen Gary Lakeville P-02 EJ Heisel Ellen Lakeville P-08 EJ Heiman Bob Central Precinct AB Heiman Dodi Lakeville P-06 EJ Hillis Jessica Lakeville P-08 EJ Hojan Candice Lakeville P-05 HJ Hoke Terry Lakeville P-13 EJ Hoke Arinda Lakeville P-13 EJ Housenga June Lakeville P-06 EJ Housenga Tom Lakeville P-09 EJ Hughes Mary Lakeville P-14 HJ Illg Marlow Lakeville P-02 EJ Jensen James Lakeville P-09 EJ Jentzsch Michael Lakeville P-11 EJ Johnson Sandra Lakeville P-03 EJ Johnson Jodell Lakeville P-11 EJ Johnston Jacque Lakeville P-05 EJ Kerl Carole Lakeville P-10 EJ Kielas Michelle Lakeville P-12 EJ Kleiner Julie Lakeville P-08 EJ Kniefel Kay Lakeville P-04 EJ Koletar Jeremy Lakeville P-11 EJ Kroll Richard Lakeville P-07 EJ Laden Polly Lakeville P-07 EJ Lares Laurie Lakeville P-15 EJ Larkin Emy Lakeville P-06 EJ Larson Bill Lakeville P-01 EJ Laugerude Jerry Lakeville P-01 HJ Lero Betty Lakeville P-05 EJ Lero Donald Lakeville P-11 EJ Lewis Sharon Lakeville P-11 EJ Libro Teresa Lakeville P-12 EJ Linafelter Cynthia Lakeville P-08 EJ Lindberg Linda Lakeville P-07 EJ Lindroth Deb Lakeville P-13 EJ LiVecche Louis Lakeville P-16 EJ Lorsung Charles Lakeville P-08 EJ Lorsung Ruth Lakeville P-11 EJ MacDonald Stephanie Lakeville P-07 EJ Manderscheid Kathleen Reinhart Lakeville P-13 EJ Marsh Kevin Lakeville P-13 EJ Matos Rosemary Lakeville P-03 EJ Mattson Diane Central Precinct AB Mielke Susan Lakeville P-02 EJ Milne Timothy Lakeville P-09 EJ Miner Cynthia Lakeville P-09 EJ Mueller Kurt Lakeville P-03 EJ Munson Andrea Lakeville P-13 EJ Mutch Barbara Lakeville P-02 EJ Mutch James Lakeville P-04 EJ Myers Barbara Lakeville P-16 EJ Nelson Deborah Lakeville P-07 EJ Nelson Gina Lakeville P-14 EJ Niedermayr Josef Lakeville P-04 EJ Nodland Richard Lakeville P-17 EJ Oelkers Judith Lakeville P-06 EJ Olhausen Linda Lakeville P-09 EJ Oliphant Marilyn Lakeville P-05 EJ Ondov Nancy Lakeville P-05 EJ O'Neill Steve Lakeville P-16 EJ Phillips Mark Lakeville P-17 EJ Pickett Pamela Lakeville P-10 HJ Piekarski Dianne Lakeville P-01 EJ Prinsen Mark Lakeville P-11 EJ Pronschinske Linda Lakeville P-17 EJ Ramola Karen Lakeville P-02 EJ Ranch Joanne Lakeville P-05 EJ Rapley Wayne Lakeville P-17 EJ Reiners Doris Lakeville P-11 HJ Rinaldi Kris Lakeville P-12 EJ Roche Barbara Lakeville P-15 EJ Rogers Sue Lee Winans Lakeville P-14 EJ Ross Kathleen Lakeville P-03 EJ Rudrud Joanne Lakeville P-02 ALT Ruegg Joshua Lakeville P-07 EJ Rybak Sherry Lakeville P-06 EJ Schefcik Gay Lakeville P-14 EJ Schiefelbein Kelly Lakeville P-11 EJ Schmit Karen Lakeville P-09 EJ Schmitt Lana Lakeville P-06 EJ Schoenecke Vivianne Lakeville P-08 EJ Schreiner Christine Lakeville P-02 EJ Seemann Jackie Lakeville P-05 EJ Shearer Holly Lakeville P-13 EJ Sheppard Susan Lakeville P-06 EJ Simonpietri Diana Lakeville P-11 EJ Simonpietri David Lakeville P-11 EJ Smith Devera Lakeville P-10 EJ Smith -Dewey Elise Lakeville P-02 EJ Spickler Gary Lakeville P-03 EJ Stein Michael Lakeville P-07 EJ Sturlaugson Nadine Lakeville P-04 EJ Sundeen Alice Lakeville P-03 EJ Sydness Judy Lakeville P-04 EJ Syverson Sharon Lakeville P-02 EJ Templer Joan M. Central Precinct AB Templer Lyle Lakeville P-06 EJ Tetreault Michelle Lakeville P-17 EJ Thompson Brian Lakeville P-06 EJ Thompson James Lakeville P-10 EJ Thompson Janet Lakeville P-12 EJ Thyren Jeannine Lakeville P-12 EJ Tibbetts Sam Lakeville P-01 EJ Tibbetts Ann Lakeville P-12 EJ Tipka Denise Lakeville P-01 EJ Tobias Glen Lakeville P-11 EJ Townley Elizabeth Lakeville P-14 EJ Tran Brianna Linh Lakeville P-10 EJ Udell Jeffrey Lakeville P-15 HJ Uptegraft 011ie Lakeville P-02 EJ Vick Karla Lakeville P-10 EJ Wagner Jennifer Lakeville P-05 EJ Wahl Joyce Lakeville P-14 EJ Weniger Dwight Lakeville P-01 EJ Wicklund Colleen Lakeville P-03 EJ Wilde -Berry Karin Lakeville P-09 EJ Williams Connie Lakeville P-01 EJ Winderlich Sheila Lakeville P-12 EJ Winter Clarence Lakeville P-05 EJ Wood Ethan Lakeville P-01 EJ Wright Jacqueline Lakeville P-10 EJ Wulff Wendy Lakeville P-16 HJ Yohnke Christine Lakeville P-16 EJ Zach Arnold Lakeville P-01 EJ Zink Brenda Lakeville P-13 EJ