JULY 17, 2000
Mayor Zaun called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance to the
flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Council Members Johnson, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick and
Mayor Zaun.
Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; R. Erickson, City Administrator; K. Nelson,
City Engineer; T.-Brown, Assistant Ciry Engineer; D. Morey, Acting Community and
Economic Development Director; F. Dempsey, Planner.; R. Mullenbach, Associate
Planner; D. Feller, Finance Director; S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director; D.
Martens, Chief of Police; D. Barth, Fire Chief; J. Hennen, Administrative Assistant;
D. Licht, NAC; J. Hawkins, Deputy Clerk.
The City Council amended the agenda by adding the following items:
Item 19.a. Approve agreement, grant of permanent easement, temporary construction
easement and special assessment agreement with Tom and Carol Bricko.
Item 19.b. Approve resolution accepting grant of permanent easement for trail,
retaining wall and public square purposes and accepting tort liability for
the use of the easement property from Winslow Green Association
regarding Heritage Square.
Council member Luick asked that an update on the design process for the 185th Street
and Kenyon realignment project be provided under Unfinished Business..
The minutes of the July 5, 2000 City Council meeting were approved as presented.
ATTORNEY: Roger Knutson stated that the Planned Unit Development Agreement
for Item #13 has been signed.
ADMINISTRATOR: Mr. Erickson stated that Mr. Feller had been contacted by a
representative of the LCC who informed him he would be unavailable for tonight's
presentation and. asked City Council to consider tabling Item #8.
JULY 17, 2000
PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR: Steve Michaud presented the 1999 Parks
and Recreation Department Annual Report and highlighted several of the department's
accomplishments throughout the year. The Parks and Recreation Department's
Monthly Report for June, 2000 was also received by City Council.
FIRE CHIEF: Fire Chief Danny Barth presented the Fire Department's Second
Quarter Report for 2000. Fire calls were up slightly from the same quarterlast year.
April 5`'' has been the busiest day this year, with nine calls in 24 hours.
CHIEF. OF POLICE: Police Chief Dave Martens presented the June,. 2000 Police
Report... The trend of low personal injury reports is continuing. Notable events
included a Chief's Award presentation, along with Farmington Chief Dan Siebenaler;
promotion of Tim Knutson to Sergeant, and a fatal plane crash in Airlake, the first in
five years.
• Police Chief Dave Martens introduced Dispatcher Jennifer Thompson and Police
.Officer .Ben Archambault. Officer Archambault was sworn in by Mayor Zaun.
Community Service Officer Patrick Gilligan had a work conflict and will be
introduced at a later date.
• Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud introduced Rich Pelletier, Assistant
Parks and Recreation Director. Mr. Pelletier stated that he is excited for this
opportunity to be part of Lakeville's growth.
• A presentation was made to Jon Lloyd, former reporter for the Sun Current
Newspaper. Mayor Zaun stated that Mr. Lloyd possesses a special ability to see
both sides of issues and is able to broaden readers' perspectives with his fair and
accurate reporting. Mr. Lloyd has joined. WCCO Channel 4000 as news. editor.
Mr. Lloyd expressed his appreciation to City staff for the time spent with him over
the years and. prompt responses to his request for information.. He also thanked the
residents for welcoming him into their homes and the community.
00.117 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Luick to add Items 19a. and 19b. as
presented by staff to the consent agenda.
Rolf call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson,-Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick.
JULY 17, 2000
00.118 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Luick to approve he amended consent
agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. June Investment Report.
c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Planning Commission, June 29, 2000
Environmental Affairs Committee, June 27, 2000
d. Resolution No. 2000-158 amending the 2000 General Fund Budget.
e. Resolution No. 2000-159 receiving bids and awarding contract for Well No. 14,
Improvement Project 00-4A.
f. .Resolution No. 2000-160 approving plans and specifications and setting a bid date
for Well No. 15, Improvement Project 00-11.
g. Real Estate Purchase Agreement with Henry and Monica Rgnonti for a remnant
parcel located along 205th Street between Judicial Road and Laredo Avenue.
h. Trunk storm sewer credits for Empire Builder Investments First Addition.
i. Resolution No. 2000-161 accepting donation from Walser Burnsville Motors, Inc.
to the Police Department fitness program.
j. Resolution 2000-162 accepting donation from the Chris and Missi Priest family to
the Police Department D.A.R.E. program.
k. Resolution No. 2000-163 accepting donations to the Parks & Recreation
Department for the Pan-O-Prog Teen Dance.
1. Appointment of Judi Hawkins as Deputy City Clerk.
m. Resolution No. 2000-164 amending the 2000 Schedule of Fees.
Item 19.a. Approve agreement, grant of permanent easement, temporary construction
easement and special assessment agreement with Thomas and Carol Bricko.
Item 19.b. Approve Resolution No. 2000-165 accepting grant of permanent easement
for trail, retaining wall and public square purposes with Winslow: Green Association
regarding Heritage Square.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick.
JULY 17, 2000
ITEM 8. Receive a letter from Lakeville Community Corporation relating to
operations and management of Lakeville Ames Arena.
00.119 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill, to table Item 8 since the presenter
was unable to attend the meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Johnson
ITEMS 9, 10 & 11. Issuance and Sale of General Obligation Improvement Bonds,
General Obligation Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness and General Obligation
State-Aid Street Bonds.
Finance Director Dennis Feller stated that the City's fiscal agent, Springstead, Inc. and
City staff are recommending City Council consider three proposed resolutions which
would allow. the issuance and -sale of General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Equipment
Certificates of Indebtedness and State-Aid Street Bonds for the City of Lakeville. Mr.
Feller explained the purpose of each bond issue and how the bonds would be repaid.
The certificates of indebtedness are short-term debt issued to finance police, fire, street
and park maintenance equipment and are consistent with the approved 2000 budget. The
general obligation improvement and state-aid street bonds are consistent with the
2000/2004 Capital Improvement Plan previously adopted by the City Council. The
General Obligation State Aid Street Bonds will be used for 2000 City Improvement
project on Cedar Avenue and will be repaid out of Municipal State Aid funds. Bids
would be opened and presented to the City Council on Monday, August 21,.2000. Mr.
Feller informed the Council that Mr. Jonathan North of Moody's Investor Services
recently toured the community with Mr. Feller and City Administrator Bob Erickson in
anticipation of this upcoming sale.
Al Erickson, Executive Vice President of Springstead, Inc., also discussed details of the
proposed bond issues.
Council Member Johnson asked how recent Federal Reserve interest rate increases might
affect the sale of the bonds. Mr. Al Erickson responded that the interest rate has already
been factored into the repayment formula. Mayor Zaun asked about the effect that
lifting the levy .limits might have on repayment. Mr. Feller stated that equipment
certificates of indebtedness are exempt from levy limits.
00.120 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Johnson, to adopt the following resolutions:
a. Resolution No. 2000-166 authorizing issuance and sale of $9,460.00 General
.Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2000A.
b, Resolution No. 2000-167 authorizing issuance and sale of $725,000 General
Obligation Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness, Series 2000B.
JULY 17, 2000
c. Resolution No. 2000-168 authorizing issuance and sale of $4,290,000 General
Obligation State-Aid Street Bonds,.Series 2000C.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Johnson, Zaun
ITEM 12. Consideration of the South Creek Management Plan.
Tim Brown, Environmental Resources Coordinator, presented the South Creek
Management Plan to the City Council and stated that the plan shows a high quality of
stewardship on the part of the City of Lakeville. South Creek is a branch of the
Vermillion River and runs through a large part of southern Lakeville, including Airlake
Industrial Park. The joint EAC/EDC South Creek subcommittee and Ciry staff have
spent many hours working toward the development of a management plan that would
help to protect the designated trout stream. The subcommittee and agency
representatives attempted to answer questions regarding whether South Creek is a
healthy fishery habitat; whether there are trout in the stream; if so, is it possible to save
the. habitat; and how that can be done. The goals of the Management Plan were to
maintain or improve the trout habitat, facilitate commercial/industrial development,
create a guide for surface water design aspects of development, provide a technical basis
for design criteria and integrate the stream corridor area with the Ciry's greenway plans.
A study. by Barr Engineering,. authorized by Ciry Council, found the hydrology could be
maintained by incorporating best management practices and that Airlake Industrial Park
has excellent soils for this .purpose. Protective measures will include infiltration
ponding, planting and landscaping, establishment of buffer areas on both sides of the
stream, stabilization. of banks,. etc. Existing businesses within Airlake will be
encouraged to add infiltration but will not be required to do so. The Department of
Natural Resources and Trout Unlimited were also extensively involved with preparation
of the South Creek Management Plan.
Tim Brown introduced Bill. Rosselit of the Environmental Affairs Committee who
thanked City Council Members on behalf of the subcommittee for the confidence they
have shown and their encouragement to develop this plan. The plan will assist future
development within the South Creek Stormwater District.. With vigilance and good
monitoring it can be adjusted as further information is gathered. The Environmental
Affairs Committee and the Economic Development Commission are both recommending .
that City Council approve the resolution receiving and adopting the South Creek
Management Plan.
Barry Pogatchnik gave a brief history of the EAC/EDC subcommittee and the purpose
for it being created and thanked the many organizations and governmental agencies that
were involved. He stated that a unique natural resource within the City of Lakeville will
be protected while protecting interests of the property owners.
JULY 17, 2000
Council Member Sindt thanked the subcommittee for their time and effort in the
development of this important document.
Mayor Zaun asked for clarification on whether the entire plan or just specific sections
regarding water quality ponding would be adopted into ordinance. Mr. Brown stated
that the plan would impact future development in that infiltration ponding specifications
are part. of the subdivision ordinance and will need to be considered with new plats.
Ownership of a 50-foot buffer would be transferred to the City of Lakeville to be
considered with new plats only. Although it might be possible to work with existing
property owners, modification of existing plats will not be required.
Mayor Zaun asked about the City of Lakeville's fiscal responsibility. Mr. Brown stated
that the Department of Natural Resources, the Dakota County Soil and Water
Conservation District and the Metropolitan Council have all indicated that grants will be
available to assist with funding projects resulting from the plan. Mr. Pogatchnik added
that various agencies continue to offer funding opportunities to assist businesses with
pilot programs also.
City Administrator Robert Erickson stated that several neighboring. communities and
counties have been reactive to the designation of this trout stream, costing the
communities and the State of Minnesota several million dollars. Lakeville has been pro-
active and is fortunate to have well-educated and trained committee volunteers to work
together on this project. Lakeville is also fortunate to have the skills and abilities of Mr.
Brown on staff. The Dept. of Natural Resources, the Dakota County Soil and Water
Conservation District and firout Unlimited will be using this plan as a model in the state
of Minnesota for communities with similar management issues.
Council Member Johnson asked if there were examples of other areas where infiltration
ponding has been successful. Mr. Brown stated that studies of other areas indicated that
characteristics of the streams have been maintained using these methods.
00.121 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Mulvihill, to adopt Resolution No. 2000-169
receiving the South Creek Management Plan.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Mulvihill, Luick, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt.
ITEM 13. .Consider Planned Unit Development Agreement with Nordic Square
Limited Partnership and Model Stone Company.
City Attorney Roger Knutson stated Nordic Square is currently operating under a
PUD/CUP and is zoned industrial. When the City of Lakeville adopted its new
Comprehensive Plan, zoning of the property was divided. In order for zoning to be
• consistent ..with the comprehensive plan and current ordinances, the property needs to be
JULY 17, 2000
zoned as a PUD district, which requires a PUD Agreement. Mr. Knutson advised
Council to consider this agenda item in conjunction with the. proposed Zoning
Ordinance. In the proposed Zoning Ordinance Section 11-96-25, N.2., the date of this
Council meeting should be inserted in reference to Nordic Square PUD Agreement.
Council Member Sindt mentioned that the Nordic Square PUD agreement is nearly 30
years old, dating back to 1972.
City Administrator Robert Erickson added that the recent purchase agreement with the
Tutewohl family for a community park would ensure that 40 acres of parkland would be
added to the parkland dedication for Nordic Square,_consistent with the Development
Agreement. With the addition of the adjoining Nordic Square property reclamation, that
parkland would tota170-80 acres.
City Attorney Roger Knutson recommended the City Council not act on this agenda item
until formal consideration of the Zoning Ordinance and map occurs (Item 14.)
ITEM 14. Development Regulations .Update.
Karl Drotning, Planning Commission Chair, summarized the efforts that have gone into
the update of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Drotning stated that the document was
completed with the hard work of staff members Ron Mullenbach and Daryl Morey,
along with the global perspective of NAC and significant contributions from the
community and businesses. He stated that this will be a working document, subject to
David Licht of NAC stated .that the project which was started a year and a half ago was a
teamwork effort with many players and also recognized Mr. Mullenbach and Mr. Morey
for their efforts. David Licht provided an in-depth overview of the proposed Zoning
Ordinance by chapter. Mr. Licht stated that state law requires that the zoning ordinance
must be consistent with the comprehensive plan and highlighted several proposed
revisions that will update the ordinance. Several items that were previously considered
conditional use permits will now be processed more expeditiously as administrative
permits to assist applicants..
The proposed ordinance deals with abuse of certain situations such as continual sales,
detached accessory buildings, fencing and landscape screening. No significant changes
have been made to outside storage and signs. Temporary structures, specifically radio
antennas, have been discussed at great length in this process. The revision proposes
allowing a ham radio tower of not more than three inches in diameter and 45 feet tall.
With the passage of the revised development regulations planned unit development
applications would only be considered in medium or high density within the Central
JULY 17, 2000
Norm Plasch, 19120 Dodd Blvd., stated that he lives east of Dodd Blvd. and requested
clarification of the boundaries of the central area PUD. Staff responded that the area
east of Dodd Boulevard, including his property, is .proposed to be zoned PUD..
Committee Member Johnson expressed his compliments to Mr. Licht and other staff and
asked if there is anything in the proposed revisions that will make the. ordinance more
difficult or cumbersome. Mr. Licht gave several examples of ordinance provisions
which provide clarification while providing necessary standards to achieve a quality
Mayor Zaun stated he feels it is important to review the zoning document in the future
with certain evaluation criteria and report on how the document is working.. Council
Member Luick suggested a directive (sunset provision) for. a thorough review and
evaluation process to be completed by January or February of 2003. Mayor Zaun asked
if these evaluation criteria could be incorporated into the adoption of .the document. City
Attorney Roger Knutson. suggested that astand-alone resolution be considered at a
subsequent meeting to allow staff the opportunity to incorporate the appropriate language
into a draft resolution.
Council Member Luick stated it might be a good idea to inform residents in historic
downtown of what changes have been made, especially in the Single Family Residential
District, CBD. Council Member Johnson thought it would be difficult to single out one
district to notify. Council Member Sindt stated that the city website could be utilized to
inform residents, in addition to the Messages page.
City Administrator Robert Erickson stated that perhaps a neighborhood meeting could be
held with downtown residents, since there will be approximately 400 homeowners which
will have the opportunity to improve their properties using the new zoning standards.
There has been a tremendous turnover of homeowners since the downtown infrastructure
was renovated five years ago and residents who are generally not aware of zoning
regulations have contacted city staff to discuss property improvement options available to
Mayor Zaun directed staff to determine an appropriate plan to notify those who are most
affected. City Administrator Robert Erickson suggested a deadline of September 1,
2002 for bringing forward any recommended changes and adjustments to the document..
Mayor Zaun asked if provisions of the Livable Communities Act would be met with the
adoption of the new zoning ordinance and whether the Dakota County Cluster Plan needs
to be revised to assure low to moderate housing in scattered areas. City Administrator
Erickson stated that the new Zoning Ordinance includes a provision ensuring low and
moderate income housing can be achieved in medium and high density residential
JULY 17, 2000
• 00.122 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded. by Johnson to adopt the Development
Regulations Update as described:
a. Ordinance No. 672 amending Title. 9, Chapter 3 of the Lakeville City Code, the
Sign Ordinance; and
b. Ordinance No. 673 amending Title 10 of the Lakeville City Code, the Subdivision
Ordinance;. and
c. Ordinance No. 674 amending Title 11 of the Lakeville City Code, the Zoning
Ordinance and Map; and
d. Adoption of Summary Ordinances No. 672, 673 and 674 of Title 9, Title 10 and
Title 11.
In addition, it is recommended to add the date of this Council meeting, July 17, 2000, to
Section 11-96-25, N.2. regarding the Nordic Square PUD Agreement.
Roll call was taken on the. motion: Ayes: Luick, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt, 1Vlulvihill
00.123 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Johnson, to adopt the. Ordinance No. 675
amending Title 4, Chapter 1; Title 5, Chapter l; Title 7, Chapter 5 and Title 9, Chapter
1 of the Lakeville City Code.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Johnson
00.124 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Mulvihill to direct the City Attorney to draft a
resolution setting a review timeline for the Zoning Ordinance with suggested prior
review and recommendations by the Planning Commission.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Johnson
00.125 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Mulvihill to approve the Planned Unit
Development Agreement between the City of Lakeville and Nordic Square Limited
Partnership and Model Stone Company.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Johnson, Zaun
Mayor Zaun thanked staff and consultants for their work on this document and stated
that the moratorium on new plats is now lifted. Mr. Erickson stated that with the.
adoption of the revised zoning ordinance and map, the interests of the community will be
better served..
ITEM 15. Consideration of a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a
detached accessory building at 8675 - 206` Street West.
.Applicant Daniel Laun thanked staff and Planning Commission members for the time
that has been spent on this application. Planner Frank Dempsey stated that Dan and
JULY 17, 2000
Barb Laun have requested a conditional use permit to construct a detached building to
replace a single car garage on their property. The new structure is proposed to be 19.5
feet tall, which will provide the Laun's with upper storage area in the building. An
existing chicken coop on the property does compliment the features of the house and has
historical significance. Mr. Dempsey stated that there are complex issues in historic
downtown areas and the Laun's have made valuable contributions to the amendment of
the Zoning Ordinance, especially in the RS-CBD. Mr. Laun has agreed to the
stipulations of staff and the Planning Commission however there remains a 2.5-inch
infringement from the setback requirements that Mr. Laun is also asking the City
Council to "forgive."
Council Member Mulvihill stated that. because of the extenuating circumstances in the
downtown and the fact that the existing building pad would be impossible to move, she
would not be opposed to disregarding the discrepancy. Council Member Luick pointed
out that Stipulation #7 seems to handle future situations on the property.
00.126 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Sindt to receive the Planning Commission's
Findings of Fact and Recommendations, and approve the Conditional Use Permit for
construction of a detached accessory building greater than 788 square feet and 15 feet in
height on property located at 8675 - 206"' Street and to direct staff to utilize the amended
site plan reflecting the deviation of 2.5-inches.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Mulvihill, Luick, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt
ITEM 16. Consideration of a conditional use permit to allow a 10' X 14' addition
to a .non-conforming garage located at 20854. Holiday Avenue.
Associate Planner Ron Mullenbach summarized the application of Irene Peterson for a
Conditional Use Permit in the RS-CBD to allow the expansion of an existing
nonconforming accessory building. Staff and the Planning Commission have made. an
effort to reduce the level of nonconformity on properties involved in a planning action.
Several non-conformities were identified by staff including accessory building setbacks,
driveway setbacks and home occupation. On April 1, 1999 the Planning Commission
informed Ms. Peterson that her proposal would not be supported and suggested Ms.
Peterson move the building to conform with the Zoning Ordinance. Ms. Peterson
proceeded to construct the building without a building permit, and the structure still
stands. On June 15, 2000 the Planning Commission again reviewed the proposal and
voted 6-0 to oppose the Conditional Use Permit on the grounds that such additions are
not allowed by ordinance. The revised Zoning Ordinance strictly prohibits such
structures also. Ms. Peterson was provided with several options to correct the situation,
including detaching the building .and making it a second: accessory building.
JULY 17, 2000
Mr. Geno Peterson stated that he had discussed the issue with the building department in
November,. 1998 and was told that a second accessory building would not be allowed
and claimed that he was not told that the zoning ordinance would be changed.
City Administrator Robert Erickson stated that the Peterson's were aware of the zoning
ordinance provision as they had pursued a planning action by submitting a Conditional
Use Permit application and the appropriate fee of $200.00. The Planning Commission
had informed them that they were not prepared to make a decision prior to the adoption
of the new zoning ordinance and the Peterson's were told not to proceed. Even though
the addition was constructed in a professional manner, the required permit/application
process was disregarded. The sideyard setback is less than one foot
Mayor Zaun stated that under the new ordinance, two detached structures are now
allowed in this zoning district. The project has increased the nonconformity of the
structure and the Council is now put in a very uncomfortable position.
City Administrator Robert Erickson stated that the decision of the Council regarding .this
issue could set a precedent. Although Ms. Peterson's. intentions were good and the
property has been well kept, the City of Lakeville does not wish to set this type of a
precedent in the community. Mr. Erickson suggested a mediated solution through the
City Attorney's office seems to be the only alternative, if the Peterson's would agree to
make the best of a poor situation.
Mayor Zaun wished to have clarified that the original garage is a legal nonconforming
structure. City staff stated that no original building permit for the house or garage is on
file with the Ciry. The width of the lot is 70 feet, which is a legal nonconforming lot by
the new zoning standards in that area.
Council Member Luick asked if, since it was built as aslab-on-grade, could the new
structure be moved five feet to the north. Mr. Peterson did not feel that would be a
viable solution because it is finished and it looks nice. Mr. Mullenbach stated that the
original garage also does not meet building codes. The Peterson's indicated they would
work with the attorneys to arbitrate a solution.
Council Member Mulvihill stated that the downtown is unique and this is not the first
time someone has gone ahead with a project prior to receiving approval. Tearing down
the project remains a possibility.
00.127 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to direct the Ciry Attorney to pursue
a mediated settlement with Irene Peterson.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Mulvihill, Luick, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt
JULY 17, 2000
Mr. Erickson stated that a good faith effort has been shown by the City to come to a
solution and bring closure to this matter. Mayor Zaun added that the integrity of the
process and the zoning ordinance also need to be protected.
ITEM 16. Set a Council work session.
City Council Members agreed to hold a work session prior to the next Council meeting.
00.128 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Johnson to set August 7, 2000 at 5:30 PM
for the next Council work session.
Roll call was taken on the motion:. Ayes: Luick, Johnson, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill
City Engineer Keith Nelson updated the Council on the design of the 185"' Street/
Kenyon Avenue realignment project. The project is proposed to include traffic signals
and Mr. Nelson is optimistic that it can be completed this year. Police Chief Martens
added that "Accident Reduction Area" signs have been installed which will assist
officers in enforcing speed limits with low or zero tolerance and make the Police
.Department eligible to apply for additional Safe and Sober grants.
There was no new business.
The next Council Work Session is scheduled for August 7, 2000 at 5:30 PM.
The next Council meeting is scheduled for August 7, 2000 at 7:00 PM.
Mayor Zaun adjourned the Council meeting 10:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
R. Hawkins, Deputy Clerk
Duane~Zaun, Mayor