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January 8, 2015
Chair Lillehei called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City
Hall. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given.
Members Present: Chair Brooks Lillehei, Vice Chair Jason Swenson, Linda Maguire,
Paul Reuvers, Pat Kaluza, Karl Drotning, ex-officio member Nic Stevens
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Daryl Morey, Planning Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner;
Kris Jenson, Associate Planner; Alex Jordan, Civil Engineer; and Penny Brevig,
Recording Secretary
Prior to approving the December 18, 2014 Planning Commission meeting minutes, Mr.
Morey explained that a redlined version of the minutes was distributed at tonight’s
meeting making some clarifications and correcting some typos.
3. Approval of the Meeting Minutes
The December 18, 2014 Planning Commission meeting minutes were approved as
4. Announcements
Mr. Morey stated that the following items were distributed to the Planning
Commission prior to tonight’s meeting.
1. January 7, 2015 Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee draft
motion regarding the Kenyon Avenue Retail preliminary plat.
2. Amended stipulation for Agenda Item 5, Gary Ziehr Easement Vacation.
3. Amended Findings of Fact for Agenda Item 8, Argonne Senior Housing Zoning
Map Amendment.
4. Revised building exterior finish drawings for Agenda Item 9, Kenyon Avenue
5. Redlined version of the December 18, 2014 Planning Commission minutes.
5. Gary Ziehr
Chair Lillehei opened the public hearing to consider the application of Gary Ziehr for
the vacation of a public drainage and utility easement located at 16369 and 16375
Holbrook Avenue.
Mr. Ziehr presented a brief overview of his request. Mr. Ziehr indicated that this
issue came about as a result of an oversight during installation of his fence. His
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2015 Page 2
neighbor, Jeff Jenkins, is in agreement and will sell a portion of his property to
correct the error.
Associate Planner Kris Jenson presented the planning report. Ms. Jenson stated
that Mr. Ziehr has submitted an application to vacate the existing drainage and utility
easement along the shared side lot line of Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, Vermillion Springs.
His request is in conjunction with an application for an administrative subdivision to
adjust the common lot line between his property and his neighbor, Jeff Jenkins.
Mr. Jenson indicated that a fence permit was issued by the City of Lakeville in
August of 2013. During the final inspection of the fence, the Zoning Enforcement
Technician discovered that the fence was installed across the south side property
line, onto Mr. Jenkins’ property. Mr. Ziehr discussed his options with staff and after
discussions with Mr. Jenkins, he submitted an Administrative Subdivision
application. This request meets the Zoning Ordinance requirements, but before a
letter can be issued to allow the subdivision to be recorded, the existing public
drainage and utility easement along the common lot line must be vacated. The
recording of the lot line adjustment will include the dedication of new five foot wide
public drainage and utility easements on either side of the new common lot line.
Per the request of Chair Lillehei, Ms. Jenson read the definition of “easement” that is
in the Lakeville Zoning Ordinance.
Ms. Jenson indicated that an amended stipulation was distributed at tonight’s
meeting and stated that staff recommends approval of the easement vacation
subject to the stipulation listed in the December 30, 2014 planning report, as
Chair Lillehei opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
Motion was made by Drotning, seconded by Reuvers to close the public
hearing at 6:07 p.m.
Ayes: Maguire, Swenson, Lillehei, Reuvers, Kaluza, Drotning.
Nays: 0
Chair Lillehei asked for comments from the Planning Commission. There were no
comments from the Planning Commission regarding this agenda item.
Motion was made by Drotning, seconded by Reuvers to recommend to City
Council approval of the Ziehr vacation of a public drainage and utility easement
located at 16369 and 16375 Holbrook Avenue, subject to the following stipulation, as
1. The easement vacation is subject to the approval and recording of the
Administrative Subdivision and new drainage and utility easements.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2015 Page 3
Ayes: Swenson, Lillehei, Reuvers, Kaluza, Drotning, Maguire.
Nays: 0
6. Berres Ridge
Chair Lillehei opened the public hearing to consider the application of Berres Ridge
Development Co., LLC for the vacation of the following, located along 202nd Street
(CSAH 50), Hamburg Avenue and Highview Avenue: A. Easement for street and
utility purposes along 202nd Street (CSAH 50) and Hamburg Avenue; B. Easement
for public roadway, drainage, and utility purposes along Highview Avenue.
John Anderson on behalf of Berres Ridge Development, LLC, presented a brief
overview of their request.
Associate Planner Kris Jenson presented the planning report. Ms. Jenson stated
that Berres Ridge Development, LLC have requested two easements to be vacated
in conjunction with the preliminary plat of Berres Ridge. She indicated that the first
is an easement along Hamburg Avenue and 202nd Street (CSAH 50). The Berres
Ridge preliminary plat proposes to replace this easement with platted right-of-way.
The second easement is located on the east half of Highview Avenue, along the
Berres Ridge plat boundary. Highview Avenue is a rural gravel section of roadway
that will be upgraded to an urban section along the plat boundary. Ms. Jenson
stated that the portion of the easement adjacent to the Paul and Sandra Anderson
property will not be vacated. The existing easement is proposed to be vacated and
will be replaced with platted right-of-way on the Berres Ridge final plat.
Ms. Jenson indicated that the utility companies were notified and none expressed an
objection to the vacation. Xcel Energy stated that the developer would be
responsible for any costs associated with the relocation of existing facilities, if
Ms. Jenson stated that staff recommends approval of the easement vacation subject
to City Council approval and recording of the Berres Ridge final plat.
Chair Lillehei opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
Motion was made by Maguire, seconded by Reuvers to close the public
hearing at 6:11 p.m.
Ayes: Lillehei, Reuvers, Kaluza, Drotning, Maguire, Swenson
Nays: 0
Chair Lillehei asked for comments from the Planning Commission. There were no
comments from the Planning Commission on this agenda item.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2015 Page 4
Motion was made by Maguire, seconded by Reuvers to recommend to City
Council approval of the easement for street and utility purposes along 202nd Street
(CSAH 50) and Hamburg Avenue and the easement for public roadway, drainage,
and utility purposes along Highview Avenue, subject to the following stipulation:
1. The easement vacations are subject to the approval and recording of the
Berres Ridge final plat.
Ayes: Reuvers, Kaluza, Drotning, Maguire, Swenson, Lillehei
Nays: 0
7. Setzer Properties
Chair Lillehei opened the public hearing to consider the application of Setzer
Properties for the vacation of 217th Street public right of way, located east of Dodd
Boulevard (CSAH 9) and south of 215th Street (CSAH 70).
Kevin Teppen, on behalf of the applicant, presented a brief overview of the request.
Mr. Teppen explained that this request will clean up some excess right-of-way in
conjunction with the final plat of FedEx Lakeville.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that Setzer Properties has submitted an application for the vacation of two
portions of 217th Street right-of-way to accommodate the road design and
connection of Humboldt Road to 217th Street as planned with the preliminary plat of
FedEx Lakeville. The right-of-way vacation is being made in conjunction with the
dedication of Humboldt Avenue right-of-way with the FedEx Lakeville final plat.
Mr. Dempsey stated that utility companies with a potential interest in the right-of-way
vacation have been notified. Dakota Electric responded with concerns about their
facilities in the right-of-way and recommended a temporary easement cover the
vacated right-of-way until the relocation work is complete.
Mr. Dempsey stated that staff recommends approval of the road right-of-way
vacation subject to the one stipulation listed in the December 31, 2014 planning
Chair Lillehei opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
Motion was made by Reuvers, seconded by Drotning to close the public
hearing at 6:17 p.m.
Ayes: Kaluza, Drotning, Maguire, Swenson, Lillehei, Reuvers
Nays: 0
Chair Lillehei asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion
points included:
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2015 Page 5
• Chair Lillehei asked how a temporary easement would be put in place. Mr.
Dempsey indicated that a separate easement document would be drafted for
approval by the City Council with the final plat.
Motion was made by Swenson, seconded by Drotning to recommend to City
Council approval of the 217th Street right-of-way vacation subject to the following
1. Approval of the vacation is subject to City Council approval of the FedEx
Lakeville final plat.
Ayes: Drotning, Maguire, Swenson, Lillehei, Reuvers, Kaluza
Nays: 0
8. Argonne Senior Housing
Chair Lillehei opened the public hearing to consider the application of the Dakota
County CDA for the following, located northeast of Junelle Path and south of 175th
Street: A. Zoning Map amendment to rezone property from O-R, Office/Residential
Transition District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District. B. Continuation of the
public hearing for the preliminary plat of one lot to be known as Argonne Senior
Kari Gill from the Dakota County CDA presented a brief overview of their request.
Ms. Gill indicated that the CDA has withdrawn their CUP application and submitted a
Zoning Map amendment to change the zoning of the property to PUD, per the
Planning Commission’s and staff’s recommendation at the November 20, 2014
meeting. She stated that they have not made any changes to the building and the
site plans since the November 20th meeting. Ms. Gill reviewed what the senior
housing building will include and stated that the building will be independent living for
seniors. The building will be owned and managed by the CDA. Ms. Gill explained
that their plan is to acquire the property in 2015 but start construction in 2016.
Ms. Gill indicated that she had a conversation with Ron Gerk, a resident that lives at
10466 175th Street, who was unable to attend tonight’s meeting. Mr. Gerk requested
the CDA add some landscaping and change some deciduous trees to evergreen
trees at the rear of the building to help block headlight glare. The CDA does not
have any concerns with those requests. Mr. Gerk also mentioned adding a fire lane.
Ms. Gill told Mr. Gerk that she would have to check with staff to see if that is even
Associate Planner Kris Jenson presented the planning report. Ms. Jenson stated
that at the November 20, 2014 Planning Commission meeting, the Argonne Senior
Housing preliminary plat and CUP requests were tabled by the Planning
Commission to address the proposed density of the use by rezoning the property to
PUD, Planned Unit Development District. Ms. Jenson indicated that the CDA has
since withdrawn their CUP application and submitted a Zoning Map amendment
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2015 Page 6
application to rezone the property to PUD, as recommended by the Planning
Ms. Jenson reviewed the rezoning request to PUD and its purpose. Ms. Jenson
explained that the Planning Commission expressed their support for the project at
their November 20th meeting, but it was also felt that rezoning the property to PUD
was a more appropriate designation for the property. She reviewed the site plan
including the setbacks and building height with regard to the proposed PUD.
Regarding the amendments to the landscape plan, Ms. Jenson indicated that the
following stipulation can be added to staff’s recommendation:
A revised landscape plan that adds landscaping and changes deciduous
trees to evergreen trees at the rear of the building must be submitted prior to
City Council consideration of the preliminary plat and zoning map
Ms. Jenson stated that staff recommends approval of the Argonne Senior Housing
preliminary plat and zoning map amendment, subject to the stipulations listed in the
December 31, 2014 planning report, as amended.
Chair Lillehei opened the hearing to the public for comment.
Lynn Peterson, Owner of Lynn’s Auto Body Shop, 17540 Junelle Path
Mr. Peterson’s concerns are:
• His driveway access. Mr. Peterson feels his driveway access onto 175th
Street is a dangerous one. Mr. Peterson indicated that he spoke with
Community and Economic Development Director David Olson regarding the
possibility of him getting a shared driveway access onto Junelle Path with the
Argonne Senior Housing plat.
• Mr. Peterson read from the City engineering report for a previously proposed
office project on this property that never developed. The report recommended
a shared driveway access with Mr. Peterson’s property. He feels that this
access has been taken away from him.
• He feels his property could become landlocked with the Argonne Senior
Housing development and the possible development of the property to the
east of him, with no chance for developing his 1.22 acres because it is too
• Mr. Peterson also had a concern with the pond that the CDA is proposing with
this development. The pond is 90 feet from his house. He feels these ponds
are an eyesore and would like the pond moved to the east.
• Mr. Peterson asked if the property to the east of him is developing and if they
are looking at a grading permit at this time.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2015 Page 7
Motion was made by Maguire, seconded by Reuvers to close the public
hearing at 6:32 p.m.
Ayes: Maguire, Swenson, Lillehei, Reuvers, Kaluza, Drotning
Nays: 0
Chair Lillehei asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion
points included:
• Chair Lillehei asked Civil Engineer Alex Jordan to comment on the pond
location. Mr. Jordan stated the developer concluded that the best location for
the stormwater basin (pond) is the location they are proposing with the plans
being considered at tonight’s meeting. He indicated that ponds can be an
eyesore, but the proposed landscaping around this pond should help. Mr.
Jordan indicated that there are definite benefits to stormwater basins. They
help clean stormwater runoff, which drains to wetlands and ultimately to the
ground water system.
• Mr. Jordan explained that the pond is currently located where the driveway
access was proposed with the previous development. Staff would like to
keep the Argonne Senior Housing driveway at the proposed location so that it
lines up with the access drive to the Argonne Village development on the
other side of Junelle Path.
• Mr. Morey stated the Zoning Ordinance does not require that the CDA provide
driveway access to Mr. Peterson’s property. The previously proposed office
building was more commercial in nature and a shared driveway access with
Mr. Peterson’s property would have been more appropriate.
• Mr. Morey stated that there is potential for the existing Lynn’s Auto Body
driveway to connect to the property to the east, which is also zoned
commercial and owned by United Properties, when it develops. Mr. Peterson
could work with United Properties or the purchaser of that parcel for a shared
driveway access onto 175th Street east of his existing location.
• Commissioner Drotning indicated that he has no conflict of interest due to his
previous ownership of the parcel east of Lynn’s Auto Body, per the City
Attorney. That being said, he addressed Mr. Gerk’s comments.
Commissioner Drotning was pleased that the CDA is willing to amend the
landscaping at the rear of their building. Regarding the fire lane, not all
properties need or have a fire lane. As long as the Fire Department has
access to the building he was not concerned about adding a fire lane at the
rear of the building.
• Commissioner Drotning commented on the grade difference from the pond to
the edge of Mr. Peterson’s property. He noted that there will be landscaping
planted adjacent to the pond. He indicated that there is benefit for Mr.
Peterson to work with United Properties when the property to the east of
Lynn’s Auto Body develops. He indicated that the size of Mr. Peterson’s lot
meets Zoning Ordinance requirements and he has a lot of options for the
future redevelopment of his property.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2015 Page 8
Motion was made by Swenson, seconded by Maguire to recommend to City
Council approval of the Argonne Senior Housing preliminary plat and zoning map
amendment to rezone property from O-R, Office/Residential Transition District to
PUD, Planned Unit Development District subject to the following 6 stipulations, as
1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the November 13, 2014
engineering report.
2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Parks, Recreation and Natural
Resources Committee.
3. The site and buildings shall be developed in compliance with the plans as
approved by the City Council and in accordance with Zoning Ordinance
4. A sign permit shall be issued by the Planning Department prior to the
installation of any signs. The proposed monument sign must be set back 15
feet from the Junelle Path right-of-way.
5. Snow storage shall not take place in required parking spaces. If there is not
adequate space to store snow on site, snow must be hauled from the site.
6. The transformer unit and any other exterior mechanical equipment must be
screened with an opaque fence.
7. A revised landscape plan that adds landscaping and changes deciduous
trees to evergreen trees at the rear of the building must be submitted prior to
City Council consideration of the preliminary plat and zoning map
Commissioner Drotning stated this project will be an advantage to the majority of the
property owners to the east of the Argonne Senior Housing plat because it provides
a residential use buffer between the existing single family homes and the
commercial development along CSAH 50.
Ayes: Swenson, Lillehei, Reuvers, Kaluza, Drotning, Maguire
Nays: 0
Chair Lillehei stated this is a wonderful project that is in the right location.
9. Kenyon Avenue Retail
Chair Lillehei opened the public hearing to consider the application of Diversified
Equity Investment, LLC for the following, located south of 162nd Street (CSAH 46)
and north and east of Kenyon Avenue: A. Preliminary plat of one commercial lot and
one outlot to be known as Kenyon Avenue Retail. B. Conditional Use Permit to
allow: 1. More than one principal building on a commercial lot. 2. Impervious surface
area greater than 25% in the Shoreland Overlay District of Lee Lake. 3. A drive-in
and convenience food establishment in the C-3 District.
Sheldon Berg with DJR Architects presented a brief overview of their request. Mr.
Berg indicated that he has been working with staff for approximately six months
regarding platting, site design and access issues. It’s a challenging piece of
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2015 Page 9
property. He stated they are looking to develop this property with a couple of retail
buildings, one with a drive through convenience food use.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented the planning report. Mr. Dempsey
stated that the preliminary plat proposes one lot and one outlot for the subject
property, which consists of four metes and bounds described parcels totaling 4.58
acres. Lot 1 proposes the development of two buildings totaling 12,000 square feet
which would include multi-tenant retail and restaurant uses as allowed by the C-3,
General Commercial District. The two principal buildings on a single parcel, the
proposed drive-through and convenience food establishment, and the impervious
surface area greater than 25% in the Shoreland Overlay District of Lee Lake require
approval of a CUP. Mr. Dempsey stated that portions of the existing parcels
included in the preliminary plat were acquired by Dakota County in conjunction with
the Interstate 35/CSAH 46 interchange construction project in the mid 1990’s
resulting in the current configuration of the developable area of the property.
Mr. Dempsey stated the developer will construct a right-turn lane on Kenyon Avenue
at the proposed driveway access as well as restripe Kenyon Avenue to allow for left
turn lanes as recommended by the traffic study conducted by the City’s
transportation consultant, SRF. Mr. Dempsey indicated that a traffic signal is
anticipated at the intersection of Kenyon Avenue and 162nd Street (CSAH 46), which
the developer will be required to pay one-third of the City’s 45% share of the cost of
the traffic signal.
Mr. Dempsey reviewed the specific performance standards for the Kenyon Avenue
Retail CUP, which are listed in detail in the December 31, 2014 planning report.
Mr. Dempsey reviewed the site plan submitted with the preliminary plat based on
Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance requirements, which include
landscaping/screening, parking/circulation, building design and height, roof-top
mechanical equipment screening, trash enclosure, snow storage, and lighting. Mr.
Dempsey stated that cross driveway access between the uses on Lot 1 and the
future use on Outlot A was designed into the development of this property.
A revised building exterior elevation plan was handed out at tonight’s meeting. The
plan was revised to meet the minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Dempsey also commented that the DNR had been notified of the CUP for
impervious surface area greater than 25% and indicated that the DNR decided to not
provide any comments.
Mr. Dempsey stated that staff recommends approval of the Kenyon Avenue Retail
preliminary plat and conditional use permit subject to the 19 stipulations listed in the
December 31, 2014 planning report.
Chair Lillehei opened the hearing to the public for comment.
There were no comments from the audience.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2015 Page 10
Motion was made by Drotning, seconded by Maguire to close the public
hearing at 6:59 p.m.
Ayes: Lillehei, Reuvers, Kaluza, Drotning, Maguire, Swenson
Nays: 0
Chair Lillehei asked for comments from the Planning Commission. Discussion
points included:
• Commissioner Drotning asked if the ponding requirement for this property
was met with the ponds constructed with freeway interchange. Alex Jordan
indicated that this development must provide ponding on-site. Commissioner
Drotning agreed that this is a very challenging site to develop. He
commented that the developer may want to install a pavement heating
system for the convenience food drive-thru lane since it is proposed to be
located on the north side of the building.
• Commissioner Swenson expressed appreciation for the turning movement
• Commissioner Reuvers asked whether a stipulation should be added to
address the truck turning movement conflicts shown on Exhibit G. Mr.
Dempsey stated that the developer is proposing to construct 102 parking
spaces. Only 68 parking stalls are required so staff believes that adjustments
can be made to the parking lot design to accommodate delivery truck turning
• Chair Lillehei asked for the developer’s thoughts on the truck turning radius
issue. The developer indicated that the critical issue will be the type of
vehicles maneuvering through the space: delivery trucks, fire trucks, SUV’s,
etc. They are open to looking at adjustments to the site design.
• Mr. Jordan stated that there is room for flexibility in the parking lot design to
address truck turning movements and that the plans should be revised prior
to City Council consideration.
• Stipulation 11 was recommended to be amended to read as follows:
11. Staff is confident that minor amendments to the site plan could
accommodate vehicle and trailer turning movements. The site plan shall be
amended to accommodate delivery truck turning movements prior to City
Council consideration of the planning actions.
• Chair Lillehei asked for the trash enclosure location to be identified.
Motion was made by Maguire, seconded by Drotning to recommend to City
Council approval of the Kenyon Avenue Retail preliminary plat of one commercial lot
and a Conditional Use Permit to allow the following; 1. More than one principal
building on a commercial lot, 2. Impervious surface area greater than 25% in the
Shoreland Overlay District of Lee Lake, and 3. A drive-in and convenience food
establishment in the C-3 District, subject to the following 19 stipulations, as
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2015 Page 11
1. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the December 31, 2014
engineering report.
2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Parks, Recreation and
Natural Resources Committee.
3. The site shall be developed in compliance with the site plan and building
plans prepared by DJR Architects and the engineering plans prepared by
CivilSite Group Engineers as approved by the City Council.
4. The right turn taper lane and Kenyon Avenue striping shall be financed
and constructed by the developer according to the plans approved by the
City Council.
5. The developer shall dedicate a 15 foot wide trail, drainage and utility and
retaining wall easement along the north 15 feet of the plat adjacent to
162nd Street (CSAH 46).
6. The developer shall submit a cash fee for the future signalization of 162nd
Street (CSAH 46) and Kenyon Avenue totaling one-third of the estimated
45% City cost to fund the future signal.
7. Landscaping shall be installed according to the landscape plan approved
by the City Council. A financial security shall be submitted with the final
plat plans to guarantee installation of the landscaping.
8. All signs shall comply with Zoning Ordinance requirements. A
comprehensive sign plan shall be submitted for staff review prior to the
issuance of any sign permits. A sign permit must be issued by the City
prior to the installation of any signs.
9. Site and building lighting shall be installed consistent with the approved
lighting plan and photometric plan approved by the City Council. Parking
lot lighting shall be down-cast cut-off type fixtures only. Tilt-up light
fixtures are not permitted. Building lighting shall be down-cast only as
required by the Zoning Ordinance.
10. Prior to City Council consideration of the preliminary plat and conditional
use permit, the building exterior plans shall be amended to demonstrate
compliance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. All building
materials shall be prefinished and integrally colored. Painted masonry is
not permitted.
11. The site plan shall be amended to accommodate delivery truck turning
movements prior to City Council consideration of the planning actions.
12. All of the property including buildings and common areas shall at all times
be owned by a single entity or shall be under condominium ownership
pursuant to Minnesota statutes 515A.1-106. A copy of the property
ownership, covenants and maintenance responsibility documents shall be
submitted for City Attorney review with the final plat.
13. All exterior utility meters and fixtures shall be located in interior side or
rear yard areas when possible and shall be screened from public right-of-
14. All private sanitary sewer services and maintenance shall be the
responsibility of the property owner or association.
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2015 Page 12
15. All loading and deliveries must take place at the front door entrances of
the building during off-peak hours of operation so it will not interfere with
on-site traffic circulation.
16. A northbound right turn lane, southbound left turn lane and Kenyon
Avenue striping shall be installed on Kenyon Avenue in accordance with
the SRF traffic study recommendations.
17. The sight visibility area west of the driveway access shall at all times be
kept clear of visual obstructions, including snow storage.
18. The trash enclosure gates shall be constructed of maintenance free PVC
vinyl or pre-finished metal.
19. Snow storage shall not occur within required parking spaces and shall not
infringe upon vehicle site circulation or sight visibility.
Ayes: Reuvers, Kaluza, Drotning, Maguire, Swenson, Lillehei
Nays: 0
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:09 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Penny Brevig, Recording Secretary
Brooks Lillehei, Chair