HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-07-15CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS, RECREATION & NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES January 7, 2015 Chair Kelly called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall. Members Present: Lori Bovitz, Tom Goodwin, Judy Hayes (arrived at 6:02 p.m.), Scott Kelly, Howard Lovelace, Jeanne Peterson, Bob Swan Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Brett Altergott, Environmental Resources Manager Mac Cafferty, Recording Secretary Tamara Wallace 2. Approval of December 17 minutes Minutes were approved as presented. 3. Citizen comments There were no citizen comments. 4. Staff report Staff was able to get the ice rinks up and running in four days after a delay due to warmer temperatures. An extension until 2016 has been filed on the North Creek Greenway project as more time is needed to negotiate an easement. Going forward, the committee will receive the department’s weekly updates with their packets. 5. Kenyon Avenue Retail Preliminary Plat Staff reviewed the Kenyon Avenue Retail preliminary plat and discussed storm water drainage, sidewalks, tree preservation, and wetland impact. Motion made by Tom Goodwin, seconded by Judy Hayes to recommend to City Council approval of the Kenyon Avenue Retail preliminary plat, subject to the recommendations as presented by City staff. Ayes: unanimous 6. 2015 PRNRC Work Plan Parks and Recreation director, Brett Altergott, presented an outline of the 2015 work plan for the committee, as well as five goals and points of discussion: 1. Create a process for playground replacement, refurbishment or removal 2. Establish guidelines for park development and redevelopment 3. Study the effects of social changes on parks & recreation facilities and programs 4. Conduct neighborhood meetings to discuss proposed neighborhood parks Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, January 7, 2015 Page 2 5. Identify destination parks in the current parks system, and the amenities that will drive residents there The committee was then asked to provide any additions, suggestions, or corrections to the work plan. All members agreed a discussion with the developers, athletic associations, and other stakeholders to discuss park placement and the park system would be beneficial to get a well-rounded perspective. Other topics in the future included Emerald Ash Borer, the cost of playground replacement, and clarification on what parks are budgeted each year. Ultimately the committee agreed the first step would be creating a template for specifically what items would be addressed at each meeting, and the order they would occur. After compiling all ideas and thoughts, a revised work plan will be available at the next parks and recreation committee meeting. 7. Other Business Environmental Resource Manager, Mac Cafferty, provided a brief update on various projects that were completed in 2014 on the lakes by Blue Water Science. The draft reports covered lake improvement projects, water quality reports, bacterial levels at beach locations, and aquatic plants surveys. 7. Announcements None. 8. Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tamara Wallace, Recording Secretary