HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-25-14CITY OF LAKEVILLE
November 25, 2014
Chair Starfield called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. in the Marion Conference Room
at City Hall.
Members Present: Comms. Starfield, Julius, Smith, Matasosky, Emond, Collman, Ex -
officio member Lakeville Area Chamber of Commerce President Tim Roche, Mayor Matt
Members Absent: Comms. Longie , Tushie, Vlasak and Interim City Administrator Allyn
Others Present: David Olson, Community & Economic Development Director; Rick
Howden, Economic Development Specialist.
2. Approval of October 7, 2014 meeting minutes
Motion Comms. Emond/Matasosky moved to approve the minutes of the
October 7, 2014 meeting as presented. Motion carried
3. Review of Proposed Dakota County Tax Increment Policy Amendments
Mr. Olson stated Dakota County staff has recently distributed the attached
proposed revisions to the County's Policy on Tax Increment Financing (TIF). The
proposed policy revisions were discussed at the City Council Work Session on
November 24th. The proposed policy revisions were discussed at a meeting of
Community and Economic Development Directors from Dakota County cities and
Dakota County Deputy Director of Property and Records Amy Koethe on August
21 st and with the City/County Administrators group and Ms. Koethe on October 24th
The EDC also previously discussed this issue at the August EDC meeting.
The most significant policy change is the elimination of the County supporting any
TIF projects that: "Provide a net increase in livable wage jobs". This change is
contained in the Policy Statement in the first paragraph of the Policy. This policy
was the basis for resolutions being adopted by the County Board indicating that
both the Menasha Packaging and BTD Manufacturing Economic Development TIF
projects were not consistent with the County's Tax Increment Financing Policy.
The Administration Finance and Policy Committee of the County Board is
scheduled to consider the proposed TIF Policy Changes on Tuesday, December
Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes, November 25, 2014 Page 2
In addition, Commissioner -elect Holberg has previously made comments during a
candidate forum as well as in the attached Sun This Week article on the subject in
opposition to the County's current practice as well as the proposed changes.
Mayor Little stated that his approach has been to reach out to the other Mayors in
the County to explain Lakeville's position that the County is taking a step backward
in Economic Development with the proposed changes.
Mayor Little also invited all EDC members to attend the meeting on December 16th
to discuss impacts in their respective industries.
Mr. Olson requested the EDC authorize the submittal of the attached letter to the
County Board requesting that any significant changes to the County's Policy on Tax
Increment Financing be delayed until the County Strategic Plan for Economic
Development has been completed.
Motion Comms. Smith/Julius moved to authorize the submittal of the
attached letter to the County Board requesting that any significant changes to the
County's Policy on Tax Increment Financing be delayed until the County Strategic
Plan for Economic Development has been completed. Motion carried
4. Overview of 2014 Manufactures Event
Mr. Howden stated that the annual Manufacturers Appreciation Reception was held
on Tuesday, October 21St at Brackett's Crossing Country Club. This year
approximately 90 people representing 32 Lakeville businesses attended the event.
Turnout was relatively close to where it has been the last few years. The staff of
Brackett's was very accommodating and the layout of the space seemed to help the
flow of attendees navigate the vendor tables.
In addition to the Manufactures Reception and in partnership with the Lakeville Area
Chamber of Commerce and Convention and Tourism Bureau, staff visited 11
industrial park businesses, often time accompanied by members of the Economic
Development Commission, City Council and Mayor.
Mr. Howden then highlighted some of the visits and the information that was
5. Review of EDC's Role and Responsibilities
Chair Starfield stated that he asked the Community and Economic Development
Director to place an item on the agenda to discuss an item at the November 17th
City Council meeting regarding increases to fees. Chair Starfield explained that he
would like to see the EDC have input into the discussion of increasing fees for
development as was done for the Park Dedication fee previously.
Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes, November 25, 2014 Page 3
Mr. Olson stated that the Park Dedication fee was brought through the EDC due to
a change in the policy that affected the formula for determining the amount. This
change was due to the recession and the decreases in land values. Prior to that,
fees were adjusted on an annual basis without input from the EDC or other
commissions. That practice and increases were paused for 5 years during the
Chair Starfield expressed that the City Council appoints the Economic Development
Commission and when an issue arises that has an impact on economic
development that the EDC should weigh in on the issues.
Mayor Little stated that the City Council seeks advice from different commissions
when there are policy changes and that this formula was established and the
changes made were standard inflationary changes which is why the Council did not
seek advice.
Mayor Little also reiterated that if there are items before the City Council that
members of the EDC would like to comment on, that they can contact the Mayor
and Council Members to provide input.
6. Director's Report
Mr. Olson reviewed the Director's Report. He commented that Mr. Howden
attended the 2014 MNCAR Expo. Mr. Otto Schmidt, a Re -Max realtor from Edina
won the Garmin Fish Finder, donated by Lakeville Liquors. Even more importantly
is that a meeting was held recently with representatives from Duke Realty as a
result of conversations at the MNCAR Expo.
Mr. Olson noted that The City and Dakota County have retained the Planning
Consultant Hoisington Koegler Group who has partnered with SRF and Springsted
to analyze options for the reconstruction of County Road 50 between Ipava Avenue
and Dodd Blvd. The goal of this study is work with property owners to develop a
four -lane roadway design that allows the businesses to continue to operate in this
area while still providing the necessary roadway improvements. The study will also
evaluate redevelopment options in this area of the corridor. The first neighborhood
meeting on this project was held on Thursday, November 13t". Individual meetings
will be taking place during the next month.
Mr. Olson also noted that the City is currently reviewing a 62 unit Senior Housing
project from the Dakota County CDA. The project is proposed on a site behind the
Argonne Village Shopping Center where the former Rainbow (now Cub) Store is
located. The CDA is also seeking final approval of a 36 unit Workforce Housing
project in the Morgan Square Townhome Development located behind Lakeville
Mr. Olson mentioned that United Properties has submitted plans for a proposed
Allina Clinic along Keokuk Avenue, north of County Road 70.
Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes, November 25, 2014 Page 4
Mr. Olson mentioned that the Downtown Lakeville Business Association will have
their lighting ceremony on Tuesday, November 25th at 6:00 p.m. (following the EDC
meeting) at Pioneer Plaza in Downtown Lakeville. EDC members are invited and
encouraged to attend this event.
7. Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 5:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Ri Howd n, Ec nomic Development Specialist