MARCH 20, 2000
Mayor Zaun called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance to
the flag was given.
Roll call was taken. Present: Council Members Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick and
Mayor Zaun. Also present: R. Knutson, City Attorney; B. Erickson, City
Administrator; K. Nelson, City Engineer; D. Feller, Finance Director;. S. Michaud,
Parks & Recreation Director; D. Martens, Chief of Police; D. Volk, Director of
Operations & Maintenance; J. Hennen, Administrative Assistant; C. Friedges,
City Clerk.
The minutes of the March 6, 2000 City Council meeting were approved as
ATTORNEY: Mr. Knutson provided copies of a memorandum regarding the
• November 2000 Council elections and filling the vacancy on the Council created
by the resignation of Tom Ryan. Mayor Zaun stated the City Council would
consider this matter under Unfinished Business.
ENGINEER: Mr. Nelson asked the City Council to consider Item 9 on the
agenda prior to Item 8, as one of the presenters for Item 8 has not yet arrived.
ADMINISTRATOR::Mr. Erickson asked the City Council to consider, under
New Business, setting a work session for the purpose of interviewing applicants
for the Parks & Recreation and Arts Center advisory committees.
PARKS & RECREATION DIRECTOR: Mr. Michaud presented the February
Parks & Recreation Department monthly report.
CHIEF OF POLICE: Chief Martens presented the February Police Department
monthly report,
Chief Martens presented a memorialized badge to Lieutenant Clint Anderson,
who recently retired from the Lakeville Police Department.
MARCH 20, 2000
• Chief Martens then introduced three new police officers, Holen VanDoren, Jeff
Ehrich and Ross Johnson. Mayor Zaun administered the oath of office to the new
.police officers.
GFOA Representative and Eagan Assistant Finance Director Tom Pepper
presented to the City of Lakeville the 1998 Certificate of Achievement for
Excellence in Financial Reporting. Accepting the award on behalf of the City of
Lakeville were Finance Director Dennis Feller and Accountants Brian Kempa and
Dave Lang.
Mr. Michaud presented a proclamation establishing May 6, 2000 as Arbor Day in
Lakeville. Mayor Zaun read the proclamation.
00.46 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Luick to proclaim May 6, 2000 as Arbor
Day in Lakeville.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick.
00.47 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Mulvihill to approve the consent agenda
items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
b. February Investment Report.
c. Receive minutes of the following advisory committee meetings:
Planning Commission, March 2, 2000
Parks & Recreation Committee, March 1, .2000
d. Authorize the installation. of Safe and Sober signs at various park
e. Ordinance No. 665 amending Title 7, Chapter 5 of the Lakeville City
Code concerning water meter regulations.
f. Resolution No. 2000-50 amending the 2000 Schedule of Fees.
g. Resolution. No. 2000-51 authorizing the sale of assets.
MARCH 20, 2000
h. HVAC Maintenance Agreement with Fredrickson Heating and Air
i. HVAC Maintenance Agreement with Yale, Incorporated.
j. HVAC Maintenance Agreement with Cramer Building Services.
k. Resolutions No. 2000-52, 53, 54 and 55 accepting donations to the Police
Department from Airlake Ford Mercury, Marquette Bank Lakeville,
Wensmann Brothers Construction, Inc. and Paul Wagner Homes, Inc.
1. Resolution No. 2000-56 approving feasibility report and calling a public
hearing for Districts 5 and 6 sealcoating, Improvement Project 00-1.
m. Professional services proposal with Parsons Transportation Group, Inc.
(f/d/b/a Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc.) for landscape architectural
services related to site improvements for Greenridge Park, Kensington
Park and Valley Lake Park, Improvement Project 00-8.
n. Resolution No. 2000-57 designating municipal state aid streets.
o. Resolution No. 2000-58 approving a gambling permit for the VFW
Auxiliary to Oscar & John Soberg Post 210.
p. Resolution No. 2000-59 relating to a joint and cooperative agreement with
the Municipal Legislative Commission.
q. Resolution No. 2000-60 accepting a donation from the Lakeville Jaycees
to the Parks & Recreation Department.
Receive the 1999 Lakeville Fire Relief Association Financial Report.
Resolution No. 2000-61 appointing members to the Employee Position
Evaluation Committee.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Zaun.
Don Theisen, Dakota County Engineer, presented an agreement for the
reconstruction and widening of 185th Street (CSAH b0) from 1,000 feet west of
Knollwood Circle to the west ramp of Interstate 35. The project includes the
realignment of Kenyon Avenue approximately one-quarter mile to the west to
Knollwood Circle and the installation of a temporary traffic control signal system
with street lights and emergency vehicle preemption at 185th Street. The proposed
MARCH 20, 2000
realignment is being pursued as a temporary solution to the traffic congestion in
this area caused by the increased traffic from the west accessing Interstate 35.
Dakota County estimates the City's share of the project cost to be $222,250. The
project is expected to start this summer, with signal installation completed by late
Dave Hutton of WSB & Associates presented the preliminary layout of the
realignment of Kenyon Avenue along the existing 184th Street (currently a gravel
road), with additional right-of--way needed for the extension to Knollwood Circle.
He explained that right and left turn lanes are proposed on 185th Street at this
intersection. Kenyon Avenue will remain atwo-lane roadway with paved
shoulders, similar to what currently exists.
Leonard Mallery spoke on behalf of his parents, who own property on 184th
Street.. He asked what would happen to the property along the old Kenyon
Avenue when the street is terminated. He asked what the speed limit will be and
how many vehicles are projected to use the proposed new road, which will be
approximately 80 feet from his parents' house. He also asked why his parents
were not notified of the proposed realignment.
Mr. Theisen stated the public property along the existing Kenyon Avenue would
remain in public ownership until another use is determined for it. The best
scenario for access to that property would be discussed with the property owner.
Traffic projections for the realigned Kenyon Avenue would be approximately
2500 cars per day, which is the current traffic count on Kenyon Avenue. He
explained that after the City Council authorizes approval of the project, County
officials will discuss the details of the project design with the affected property
Mr. Mallery asked if any additional right of way is proposed for the re-design of
185th Street. Mr. Hutton stated there is no additional right of way proposed for
185th Street at this time.
Council Member Sindt asked about lowering the speed limit on 185th Street from
the current speed limit of 50 mph. Mr. Theisen explained that consistent with past
practice, once the project is completed and signals are in place, the Council would
ask MnDOT to review the speed limit. Considering the project will be
constructed this summer, the soonest a speed study would be conducted would be
some time this winter.
Council Member Mulvihill asked how existing traffic would be routed during
construction. Mr. Theisen stated the details of the project will be discussed with
regard to construction staging with completion of the final plans.
MARCH 20, 2000
Council Member Luick asked if the speed limit on the realigned Kenyon Avenue
will be 30 mph, even though the existing Kenyon Avenue is posted at 40 mph.
Mr. Hutton stated the new alignment is designed fora 30 mph speed limit.
Mayor Zaun asked about sequencing of timing for the signals at the Kenyon
Avenue intersection and at the I-35 ramp. Mr. Theisen stated the signals would be
coordinated to minimize disruption to the public.
Mr. Erickson pointed out that an informational meeting was held in November
with regard to this project, at which time a number of residents expressed the need
for some type of safety improvement at this location. The Mallerys were present
at that meeting and expressed their concerns about the impact of this project on
their residence.
Mr. Mallery reiterated the concern of his parents that 2500 vehicles per day is a
significant amount of traffic that would be traveling next to their home.
00.48 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Dakota County
Department of Highways Agreement for Engineering, Construction and Right of
Way Acquisition and Traffic Signal Agreement No. 00-03 for City of Lakeville
Project 00-2.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Luick, Zaun, Sindt.
Dan McCarthy of Black & Veatch presented the proposed Water Treatment Plant
Expansion Study. (See Water Treatment Plant Expansion Study 2000 on file in
the City Clerk's office.) He explained that the Water Treatment Facility was
constructed based on the recommendation of the 1992 Comprehensive Water
System Plan. However, the City's population and commercial development have
exceeded earlier projections. He further explained that the City currently uses
Wells No. 2, 3, 4 and 7 to supplement peaking during summer usage. These wells
are not connected to the Water Treatment Facility due to their locations. Well No.
2 is recommended to be taken out of service, because it exceeds the new
maximum contaminate levels recently set by the EPA for radium. Wells No. 3
and 4 have been identified as being sensitive to potential surface water
contamination, and should be used for emergencies only. Black & Veatch is
recommending that the Water Treatment Facility be expanded with the
construction of four new filter cells and an additional two million gallon ground
storage reservoir.
Basam Bannat, District Engineer for the State Health Department and Lakeville
. .resident, expressed his support of the Water Treatment Facility expansion. He
indicated that, from a Health Department standpoint,. it is logical and imperative
MARCH 20, 2000
with an expanding community that the treatment plant would need to be expanded
in order to meet the demand and continue to provide quality drinking water to its
residents. He supported the recommendation that Well No. 2 be taken. out of
service and that Wells No. 3 and 4 be used only as back-up wells.
Finance Director Dennis Feller presented the proposed financing for the project.
The proposed design and expansion of the Water Treatment Facility has been
identified in the City's five-year Capital Improvement Plan and will be financed
from cash on hand in the Water Trunk Fund. New wells and collection pipe, such
as Well No. 15 in 2000 and Well No. 16 in 2004, would also be financed from
cash on hand in the Water Trunk Fund. Well No. 14 will replace Well No. 2 and
is, therefore, proposed to be financed from the City's Water Operating Fund.
In response to Council Member Sindt's question, Mr. Nelson explained that the
plant currently has two one-million-gallon underground reservoirs. An additional
two-million-gallon reservoir is proposed to be built with the proposed expansion.
Ultimately, at final built-out, he Water Treatment Plant will include one
additional two-million-gallon reservoir for a total of six million gallons.
It was pointed out that the earliest the expansion would be on line would be after
the summer of 2001.
00.49 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Luick to receive the Water
Treatment Plant Expansion Study and authorize the City Attorney to negotiate an
agreement with Black & Veatch for final design.
Roll call was taken on the motion.. Ayes, Luick, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill.
00.50 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to approve Resolution No.
2000-62 appointing Council Member Luick to the City Council Personnel
Committee, filling the vacancy created by the resignation of Tom Ryan.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick.
Mr. Feller presented an ordinance amending Title 7, Chapter 13 of the Lakeville
City Code concerning surface water management utility. The surface water
management utility ordinance was enacted by the City Council based on the Barr
Engineering report, Feasibility of a Stormwater Utility dated May 5,.1994. The
report states, "Townhomes occupy less area than single-family homes because
• townhomes typically are .tightly clustered". Townhomes are currently charged at
the rate of one-fourth the residential rate. City staff recently reviewed the 31
MARCH 20, 2000
townhome additions, most of which have been built since the initial 1994 Barr
Engineering report. The objective was to validate the surface water management
fee structure for townhomes based on their surface area in relationship to the
average single-family residential. lot. The average area per dwelling unit of a
townhome development is approximately one-half the size of the average single-
family residential lot. The proposed ordinance would, therefore, increase the
utility fee for a townhome from one-fourth the single-family rate to one-half the
single-family rate. The proposed surface water management fee structure would,
therefore, increase from $.1.19 to $2.38 per quarter.
The surface water management ordinance currently states that Federal, County,
State and City properties are exempt from the surface water management fees.
Since these properties contribute surface water runoff to the system, it was
recommended the exemption be deleted for these types of parcels. The ordinance.
change would become effective for all utility accounts billed after January 1,
00.51 Motion was made by Luick, seconded by Sindt to adopt Ordinance No. 666
amending Title 7, Chapter 13 of the Lakeville City Code concerning surface water
management utility.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Sindt, Mulvihill, Luick, Zaun.
City Attorney Roger Knutson explained there would be three Council positions up
for election this November. The person who fills the vacancy created by the
resignation of Tom Ryan would take office almost immediately following the
election, as this portion of the ballot would be considered a special election for the
purpose of filling a vacancy. The other two Council members and the Mayor
would take office on January 2, 2001.
Mayor Zaun expressed the importance in filling the Council vacancy as quickly as
possible, given the fact that several important issues will need to be dealt with in
the coming months, some of which require afour-fifths vote of the City Council.
Mayor Zaun stated he contacted Planning Commission members who had
previously expressed interest in serving on the City Council. However, as
discussed at the March 18~` Council retreat, it was felt that keeping the Planning
Commission together at this time is crucial, given the complexity of issues
coming forward this year. In an attempt to find an individual who could make a
meaningful contribution immediately, Mayor Zaun contacted former Council
Member Bob Johnson, who expressed a willingness to fill the Council vacancy
until the November 7~' election.
MARCH 20, 2000
.00.52 Motion was made by Sindt, seconded by Mulvihill to appoint Bob Johnson to the
Lakeville City Council until the vacancy is filled immediately following the
November 7, 2000 General Election.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Mulvihill, Luick, Zaun, Sindt.
At the request of Council Member Luick, Keith Nelson provided a status update
on the Vermillion River WMO with regard to a new Joint Powers Agreement.
00.53 Motion was made by Mulvihill, seconded by Sindt to interview applicants for the
Parks & Recreation Committee at a Work Session on Monday, April 3ra~
beginning at 4:45 p.m.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Luick, Zaun, Sindt, Mulvihill.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Next regular Council meeting, Apri13, 2000
Mayor Zaun adjourned the meeting at 9:21 p.m.
Respectfully .submitted,
Duane Zaun, May r